Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, April 13, 2009

Information to help you Shed Pounds Sensibly

By Matthew Roberts

Never sacrifice your health in an effort to lose weight. Many put their health at risk because they want to lose weight quick without committing to a long term weight loss plan. The only to keep your health while losing weight is to do it slowly. If you lose weight in a fast unhealthy way, you are almost certain to gain it back as quickly as you lost it.

Unfortunately one such method for rapid weight loss is practically a starvation method. This is a difficult way of losing weight and it is extremely dangerous to the body. Results of this method can cause the body to lose nutrients as well as skin disorders and a pronounced lack of energy.

Find a good diet plan that makes sense. This type of diet plan will be easier to follow and you can eat food that is nutritious as well as enjoyable to eat. Lettuce or cabbage for every meal will quickly burn you out on your diet. The hollow eyed bony look is not trendy anymore. The focus now is more about the healthy lean look of a physically fit body. A healthy body lets you exercise with ease and develop muscles to burn calories.

Exercise is seriously underrated when it comes to losing the pounds you want to lose. Exercising will actually improve energy levels while providing the activities you need to stay in good shape. This does not mean you must spend hours at the gym.

Increase your activity by walking instead of driving when you can or using the stairs more, you may even enjoy skipping rope or doing housework while listening to music and incorporating a dance into your chores. Make out a healthy diet and exercise plan and make it as interesting as possible so you will stay with it and keep the weight off once it is lost.

It is not as hard as you think to lose weight. Start exercising, get your energy levels up, and watch your intake of calories. When you begin to use more calories by exercising than what you are consuming, the weight loss will begin. Eat a nutritious diet, watch your calorie intake and get plenty of exercise to burn what you eat as well as the fat stored in your body.

It may be hard to get started on your diet plan, but it is worth the effort to follow a healthy plan as you will not be taking unnecessary risks to your health. Do not lose faith in yourself and you will have success. Once you get started, the hard part is over. You will continue to enjoy good health as you diet because you will get the proper nutrition you need for a healthy body.

You can find many products on the market that claim to make you lose weight just by taking a pill or other means. Fat binders and blockers are advertised for use in weight loss. The theory is these pills keep the fat from being used by the body and instead it passes through your system and is eliminated in the form of waste.

The fat will bind together and result in the intestines being unable to take it. It sounds like a good idea in theory but this way of removing fat has its disadvantages. This is not a healthy way to keep your body from absorbing fat; it can result in foul smelling stools and excessive diarrhea. This is neither a pleasant experience nor a healthy one for you and your body. - 17273

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How to Juice Yourself to Great Health

By Aaron Benjamin

Breville has come up with one of the most unique types of juice extractors on the market. This kind is one that offers a singular juicing cone and provides great safety features for all users. This is the Breville Die-Cast Citrus Press and it is among the best juice extractors around. Another great product to consider is the Breville JE900 Juice Fountain Professional Juice Extractor.

The Breville Die-Cast Citrus Press is a juicer that is special its unique juicing cone. This is the Quadra-Fin juicing cone. This cone is easy to tweak and can be sized to be compatible with a number of different foods for juicing, covering most things from apples to grapefruits. It is also easy for the cone to go along with the food so that it will get every bit of juice. The best part about this is that you won't have to change cones for different sorts of ingredients.

The Active-Arm press on the top of the juicer is one of the most valuable features here. This works to manage the arm's position on the handle so that it will be easier to tell when to start up the juicer. It can eject with ease through the touch of a button. What's more important about this function is that it will only run when there are no obstructions outside of the fruit, making it a safer juice extractor to utilize. The Breville JE900 is another product to look into.

The spout utilized is another neat feature of this extractor. The spout could be pushed upward once the juicing process is finished; as a result, it will be easier to cut back on dripping and will let you make juice with less of a mess.

Another great feature is that the whole juicer is made with excellent stainless steel. This material is considered durable and will remain in good condition for lengthy periods of time without suffering corrosion.

A dual switch is also included to protect users. This switch works by ensuring that the cone will not spin until the arm on the top is fully lowered and adequate pressure is being exerted on it. This prevents the juicer from starting at the wrong times.

Another great safety feature is the Assist Plug. This uses a small finger hole to work with, allowing for the electrical outlet to be unplugged with ease.

The Breville Die-Cast Citrus Press is considered one of the best juice extractors to use in the home. This extractor works in that it can manage any type of food for juicing without forcing you to switch cones for various types of foods. It is also helpful because of its safety, in that it does not operate until enough force is exerted. Due to these special functions, it can be considered one of the most notable juice extractors available. - 17273

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Can A Cellulite Diet Work For You?

By El Bilson

Are you ready to not only lose weight, but have smoother skin? A cellulite diet plan will help you get the body you keep dreaming of, but don't have yet!

Do you keep trying different cellulite diet plans in hopes of finally getting that smooth skin you are looking for? There are many different diet plans on the market today. How do you know which one will work for you without having to spend lots of time and money on different books and special food?

It isn't that are to figure out what diet is best for you. The best diet for you is the one you will stick with for your whole lifetime. If you are always craving foods on a certain diet, eventually you will give into your cravings. A good diet plan is one you can follow for life and gives your body the necessary nutrients it needs to survive.

A few of the more popular diets on the market right now include:

Low Fat Diet

A low carb diet

Glycemic Index Diet

Foods featured in the South Beach Diet

Atkins Diet

Foods from The Zone Diet

Foods featured in the Weight Watchers Diet

Low Sodium Diet

A high fiber diet

And many other diets that are based off of the same principles. Overall, you need to find something that does not totally restrict certain foods that you may enjoy but arent good for your body. A healthy diet will not only improve your skin, but it will enhance your overall health. You will have more confidence and feel better overall!

However at a certain point in your quest for perfect, cellulite free skin, you may want to consider doing a detox. Detoxing has been around for years but has recently become popular. Lots of people have seen amazing results from taking a little bit of time to rid their bodies of harmful chemicals and toxins.

Detoxing is rather easy to do, and there are many different ways you can accomplish good results. One of the most popular detox methods is a liver cleanse. If a liver cleanse doesn't appeal to you, colon and kidney cleanses have also been shown to produce healthier bodies. A break from your normal routine on a regular basis to do a detox diet should be considered part of your overall cellulite diet plan.

A different part of your cellulite diet plan should include avoiding certain foods that you may be sensitive to. Various foods can affect people differently. The results are often seen with weight gain, skin problems and decreased energy. Foods with large quantities of salt can increase the amount of cellulite you have. Pay attention to what you put in your body, and how you look and feel after eating.

Remember " the best cellulite diet plan is the one you will stick to! - 17273

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Quick Abs - Calories In, Calories Out

By Jose Loni

Calories in and calories out for quick abs. Let's keep it simple, we need to watch what we eat, with regards to the quality of foods we eat as well as how much we eat and we have to exercise to burn more calories.

Choosing healthy foods and doing away with fatty, sugary, calorie-laden foods are a sure way to getting quick abs. A food intake overloaded with calories ensures that not all calories will be used up resulting in their conversion to fat.

Choosing the right foods means our body can easily convert them to usable energy to fuel our daily activities leading to less or no conversion to and storage of fat. Because no excess fat is stored, the body is free to use up excess fat stores when it needs more fuel.

Choosing the right foods and consuming them in smaller amounts but more often during the day ensures that the smaller amount of calories that was just taken in, can now be consumed totally, allowing no excess calories to be converted to fat and stored in the stomach area. In addition, since digestion requires using up energy, excess body fat can be tapped as fuel when recent caloric intake is not enough.

Regular exercise is the other key factor of calorie watching. Having a regular exercise schedule, the body will have a way of increasing its activity level by increasing the body's exertion and overall calorie expenditure.

Add interval and weight training to the mix to push our body to its maximum capacity to work. The muscles now have to work harder which means it has to use up more energy to fix, restock and remove waste products they accumulated from the training. This effect can last awhile resulting in more calories expended.

We do have to take care not to decrease caloric intake by too much because this sends a signal to the brain to start conserving calories for an emergency situation (starvation) and leads to fat storage and a lowered metabolism. That's why small, frequent meals are better than totally not eating and better workouts are required to expend more calories than we take in.

The calorie ratio is a great way to balance our eating and exercise. Eating the right foods, avoiding high calorie foods and eating several meals throughout the day will help keep the caloric intake balanced. While at the same time, regular exercise and incorporating strength training and interval training will help not only increase the body's metabolism but also increase the overall caloric expenditure. - 17273

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Lower Ab Workouts - Better Off Just Going To The Bathroom

By Jose Loni

As you start to feel the burn while doing lower ab workouts, you're better off just going to the bathroom instead of deluding yourself into thinking that your six pack abs are on their way. Most advertisements promise you incredible six packs just by using their magic machines, but get real and start training with weights to jumpstart your metabolism. You'll be glad to actually lose belly fat and see those ripped abs revealed.

Lower ab workouts are excellent for toning and strengthening lower abs, but spot exercises can't burn a lot of excess body fat. To really see a difference, you should do full body movement exercises.

Infomercials are great at showing off the latest wonder machines invented with beautifully sculpted models working them sideways or on their backs making it look easy to entice viewers to buy and get supposedly ripped abs.

Don't get sucked in. Magic machines don't work and perfectly shaped models are just there to make you think they do work. It's all a marketing ploy because target area reduction doesn't work. You end up with stronger abs but you still have to burn the fat covering the ab muscles and magic machines don't burn fat.

Burning fat still requires you to actively use your muscles and the best way is through training with weights. The harder your muscles work, the more energy they use up so the body has to constantly source more fuel for the muscles to use. This is when the body starts to look for and use up any excess fat as a fuel supply.

Making the body work at higher intensities will create oxygen debt for the muscles. To keep the muscles working, the body must now supply them with oxygen and blood, at the same time, clearing away any waste products in the muscles.

This whole supplying, clearing and repairing processes requires a lot of energy and because this process takes awhile to complete, the body is constantly 'working' or metabolism is now raised, and the body starts burning fat.

Spot reducing focusing on lower ab exercises will not give you defined six pack abs. TV ads and ab exercises will not give you the results you want. Resistance training to jumpstart your metabolism is the key to ab workouts. Turn on your body's natural fat burner and get your killer abs fast! - 17273

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The Path to Natural Acne Treatment

By Dan Clayton

Whether you are twelve years old or forty years old, there is nothing fun about dealing with acne. With all of the products out there on the market claiming to be the very best, there is no telling which way a person should turn for a proper acne remedy. No one likes adding harsh chemicals to their face with only a chance of seeing any improvements with their blemishes. The perfect way to get rid of acne is something that many people strive to find.

You might be wondering how you can find the right treatment for you and your acne issue. You might consider seeking a cure outside the normal means that have long run on the shelves. In fact you, like many individuals, are beginning to see the benefit of organic plants in order to cure your acne issue. Black currant seed or primrose oil are two organic materials that can be used to rid yourself of unwelcome red bumps.

There are numerous flora and fauna that can be found to help reduce acne. Since there are different types of results for each person, it takes some time to find the perfect cream or mixture. Tea, nettles, cleavers tincture, and other natural ingredients of the earth have been tested and are known to solve the issue of acne. It should not surprise you there are certain causes of acne that natural ingredients can help reduce. Stress for example can excrete sweat and other chemicals of the body which can clog pores, thus increasing acne. By finding a treatment for stress, you might find a cure for your blemishes.

Try to stay as calm as possible throughout the day. On really rough days you can simply sip on some tea made from chamomile and lavender. Even if you try something completely different the herbal remedies are something that you should always keep in the back of your mind. If the Vitamin route is something that you are new to then you may want to take a little time to check into it, as it is an excellent natural acne treatment.

Zinc has been found to be a strong fighter in the battle against acne. It can be one of the most beneficial ways to gain control over acne and provide an acne cure. Taking Zinc every day can not only help clear up your acne problems, but it can also be very healing to your skin.

Chromium is another natural chemical your body has been known to produce. If you are not producing enough, you might consider adding a little to your diet. Chromium breaks down a substance called glucose. As you may know, glucose or sugar is definitely a factor in blemishes. B-6 at 50 milligrams per day is also a vitamin to add to your regimen. Vitamins are used for more than just solving a little issue with acne. They are to help you maintain a healthy existence.

When you search for an acne treatment to help reduce zits, consider a natural treatment. You do not have to deal with your problem of acne for more years than you already have. There are just too many treatments to try and find one that will be successful to give up and live with the problem. You have to keep in mind that what works for one of your friends may not work for you. Do not let a small set back keep you from finding the right solution.

Once you have found the acne remedy that is right for you make sure that you stick with it. Eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and make sure that you are doing everything you possibly can to cure acne. Before you know it your days of suffering through trying to hide your blemishes will be over as you have the perfect acne remedy. - 17273

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How To Get A Six Pack The Natural Way

By Jose Loni

You don't need to lift weights to get six pack abs, here's how you can do it. First of all, you need to watch your diet then do multi joint exercises regularly throughout the week to increase your metabolism.

A great way to prevent fat from being stored on the body is to avoid sodas, sweets and fatty fast foods. Abstaining from high calorie foods will help keep fat from being stored as it is hard for the body to use all the calories from these kinds of food.

Indulge in whole grains, salads, fruits and lean proteins instead. Space out your meals into small portions throughout the day to avoid spikes and dips in your blood sugar levels. Having more energy helps keep you active.

Go for full body activities like cycling, brisk walking, boxing, jogging, squats and lunges. These all work multiple muscles in the body, particularly the body's largest muscles, which burns more calories and results in excess body fat loss.

Perform the exercises at high intensity and continuously, resting briefly after the last exercise, then do this series of exercises 4-5 times during the exercise session. Doing this will really burn calories and kick start the metabolic activity of the body.

The multi joint exercises when done 4-5 times throughout the week trains the body to move and exercise the multiple muscles at once. The more often you do these types of exercises throughout the week, the more the body is forced to increase its metabolism to replenish, nourish and repair the muscles. This results in constant replenishment and muscle activity, which forces the body to always burn calories to keep nourishing the muscles.

The body now senses its muscles are always active so it stays energy-rich by tapping into its fat stores to always have a ready energy supply to sustain the next activity. This equates to a raised metabolism.

Body weight exercises can get you six pack abs. A simple plan of high intensity exercises to increase your metabolism will get you the results that you want. - 17273

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Rock Hard Abs - More Muscle, Less Fat

By Jose Loni

Here is a simple principle that will get you rock hard abs. Increase muscle, lose fat - get rock hard abs. The ads we see, talking about a new ab machine, or an abdominal exercise. They all promise fantastic results. If you want great rock hard abs, increase your muscle mass with resistance training and lose the fat at the same time.

Those machines and exercises we see on TV, give you the impression that by training the abs directly, you can spot reduce and have rock hard abs. They give the illusion that you will look like the heavily muscled or the super trim model that they have demonstrating the machine or exercise.

In reality, we will not look like fitness models in just a few weeks of using the product.

Approach it from another way, put on more muscle, increase your metabolism and burn fat so you will have overall less fat and rock hard abs!

When we train to build more muscles, we force our muscles to work at a harder intensity. The increased intensity causes increased metabolic activity within the muscles. With increased metabolic activity, the body must work even harder to provide energy to the muscles, which are working very hard to keep up with the intense exercise activity.

The body burns the food that we eat as fuel and when that is all gone, it takes the necessary energy from the stored fat on our body and uses that as a fuel for the muscles to burn.

During an exercise session, the body trains at a high intensity that causes the muscles to work in an environment that has less oxygen. This causes the body to frantically keep trying to get oxygen to the muscles. When the body has a moment to bring oxygen to the muscles, the muscles increase its metabolic activity by rapidly trying to repair, nourish and remove waste products from the muscles.

This increased activity of the muscles will burn more energy, and at the same time cause the body to look for more sources to fuel the muscle activity. When this happens, the body ends up burning more fat throughout the day and continues this activity even after exercising.

Then after a few days of training, the muscles increase in size, which then causes the muscles to increase its activity even more.

Increase muscle, lose fat- when you look at it this way, it seems so simple and it is. It is a simple efficient way to train. By training one, you automatically train the other. It is the fast way to get rock hard abs. - 17273

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Pre-workout Supplemental Nutrition under $20

By Glenn Falmina

Deciding the best food supplement can be difficult. Food supplements come in numerous types: meal replacements, protein powders, weight gain formulas, maltodextrin, probiotics, nutrition bars, pre-workout drinks, fat burners, creatine and glutamine.

It is suggested that before grabbing a food supplement, don't just pick whatever you delight in but keep noted of the aspartame content, the packaging, the serving per container, the gram of fat per serving, the grams of sugar per serving, the grams of protein per serving, the grams of carbs per serving and most importantly, the PRICE.

Nutritional supplements bob up in ten categories and there's always a room in picking the one right just in your finances.

1. Dextrose- This is also known as the glucose or the main energy source of the body. It speeds up muscle growth, prevents destructive metabolism and enhance muscle energy. The NOW Dextrose is probably the most cost-effective glucose supplement derived entirely from corn. If you purchase at bodybuilding.com store, two lbs of NOW Dextrose will cost $4.25.

2. Multivitamin - Everybody needs proper amount of vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy all day long. The Higher Power Once-A-Day is a famous grab and for $5.99 per sixty capsules, normal administration of metabolic functions and stronger body tissues is realized every day.

3. Whey Protein- Protein is responsible for repairing your muscles after training. In fact, a gram per pound of protein a day can't be fulfilled with eating nuts or breads; you need the help of Whey. Whey is referred to as the top-notch quality of protein derived from milk and its main role is to produce amino acids used for building muscle tissues. These days, there are two Whey products that are affordable in your budget. One is the fast acting ABB Whey Force containing 21 grams of All-Whey Protein and costing $19.99 for 12/9 Fl. Oz. The other one is the 4Ever Whey- Isolate Gainer which costs $17.99 for 2lbs. and comes in two flavors, chocolate and vanilla shake without aspartame.

4. Omega 3 Fish oil - Do you want to boost your body composition? Do you want to remove unwanted fats? The fish oil can aid you. While online, got this PRO Pure Fish Oil for only $12.79.

5. Vitamin C - For a nicer itemization of muscle proteins and fast-shield immunity, take Vitamin C. It's the vitamin that can be found near and far. Like Enzymatic True Organics Vitamin C that only cost $9.49 per ninety tablets.

6. Creatine - Known as the natural product of an athirst bodybuilder, the creatine transforms your skeletal physique into a bodybuilder. Like 4Ever Fit Creatine Monohydrate, this product gives you the overall power output at $12.99 per 500 grams.

7. For Joint Support - Do you want less agony in the joints? The non-shellfish principle of Deva Nutrition Vegan Glucosamine can help you and at for grabs at $10.95 in ninety tablets.

8. Branch-Chain Amino Acids - The BCAA is the most effective drink for athletics and they usually go for SciFit BCAA Powder 5000. It is the approved pick costing at $19.79 for 300 grams.

9. Caffeine - Known as the great product of many benefits, that's caffeine and at times, it is not recommended to take caffeine products while on other pre workout supplement. But just for the sake of super alertness to your daily schedules, the Higher Power Caffeine is recommended. Just consume less than six capsules at time intervals; your $4.19/120 is flying up high.

10. Egg Protein - The egg protein is another type of high-quality protein made just to avoid the pickle of drinking raw egg whites. Simply Whites is just stepping right on your budget at $17.99/one pound.

Important: The list of food supplements goes on and on and is not limited to the mentioned above. You know what; the key to finding good supplements is to read and to research. - 17273

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Exercise - Establishing A Routine

By Kareem F. Samhouri, DPT, CSCS, HFI

Establishing a routine with exercise is more difficult for most people than just about anything else they do. In actuality, it's not that hard once you've been doing it for a little while. Most people that struggle with finding time for exercise are doing so because they are trying to "fit in" exercise, depending on the events for the day. Establishing a routine with exercise involves planning it into your schedule, developing workouts ahead of time, and mixing things up.

In order to be effective with your exercise program, you'll need to schedule appropriately. This means that you'll be more likely to succeed with your health and fitness goals if you schedule a specific time of the day to exercise for an entire month. The time of day does not have to be the same each day (although this is recommended), but it does have to be pre-scheduled, just as you would a doctor's appointment.

Establishing an exercise routine also involves developing workouts ahead of time. My most successful clients all plan their workout routines for a week at a time, instead of day by day. The advantage of this, of course, is that you will choose a larger variety of exercise, stimulate new areas for strengthening each week, and have a targeted plan to reach all areas of your body. When you consider it, exercise selection today should affect tomorrow's workout anyway, right?

Selection of which body part to exercise today based off of yesterday's workout can be confusing at first. While this is another topic in and of itself, avoiding repetition of an exercise or muscle group for two to three days is usually only necessary in a pure strengthening program. On the other hand, sub-maximal exertion for endurance workouts allow for greater amounts of repetition throughout a week.

Finally, in order to manage your time effectively with exercise, you'll need to consider having a variety of exercises in your routine. The typical exercise program repeats once or twice a week, indefinitely. This allows your body to acclimate to the exercise demands placed upon it, thereby decreasing your results over time and leading to plateau. By selecting a larger variety of exercise, as can be done with proper workout development skills, you will be constantly stimulating your body to react to new demands, and thereby increasing fat loss and fitness results. For this reason, marathon runners are able to look relaxed while running at insane speeds. After awhile, the human body accommodates this 'abnormal' demand, and learns to burn fewer calories and conserve more energy. The same thing is true with your exercise program. Be careful not to make this mistake. - 17273

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Naturally Raise Your Metabolism with Supplements

By Thong M. Dao

The body is an amazing mechanism, and it's all natural, too. Usually we don't realize how much our body has to run around and accomplish so many jobs at once. Too often we do not take the time to value this in our lives and take it for granted.

We may be thinking about our body constantly if our health starts to go downhill. Taking care of yourself and your health on a regular basis is better and simpler than trying to get healthy again once you have actually become sick.

Staying fit and making certain that you are not carrying too much fat is a crucial thing to many people. Unfortunately, it is also something that is very tough to achieve in the busy lives that most people follow. That's not to say we can't do it.

For instance, to ensure maximum help for the body we should keep our metabolic process up at optimum levels. Your goal can be reached by eating a healthy diet, working out, or taking supplements. They work, you can try them all.

Using supplements to boost your metabolic process is a comparatively easy thing to do. To kick start your metabolic process and keep it up as the day goes on, think about taking a supplement.

The principle idea is to pick a product that is all natural so that in the course of things, you do not harm your body. Using man made supplements to change the way our body works is probably not a smart idea from the beginning.

Although there are a lot of different supplements which can increase our metabolism, one of the most recommended is green tea. You can take it either in naturally brewed form, or concentrated tablet form.

Natural components in green tea keep your metabolic process even and serve as antioxidants. Use this product regularly and you'll get rapid results you've always wanted! - 17273

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Fat Loss - What To Avoid And What To Do

By Dan Solaris

The huge demand for health products and exercise equipment is evidence that an increasing percentage of people around the world are becoming concerned with fat loss and getting in shape. Companies that sell protein pills and ab machines are making a killing because more and more folks are becoming overweight.

More and more people across the globe are becoming obese as the fast food culture reaches other shores. Drive thru burgers and dial-up pizzas are finding more fans and fattening countless bellies.

In their quest to lead healthier lives and find the fastest fat loss method, overweight people embrace the newest fad diet that comes along. The word 'fad' precedes 'diet' because that's just what they are- popular for a while then as folks realize their effects aren't sustainable, these over-hyped diet plans are quickly dropped for the next one that comes along.

Getting rid of excess fat is only a matter of burning more calories than our body takes in each day. Office work and commuting takes up most of our hours and this means we're on our butts for most of the day. Losing weight then by just cutting back on food intake won't be very successful without regular workout sessions.

The only real way to lose weight is to burn more calories than we consume each day. This lets our body access the soft, jiggly energy stores around our midsection- thereby reducing it. Constant exercise is the most effective way of burning excess body fat- giving us a more attractive physique and boosting our immune system along the way.

Trying to lose fat by depriving ourselves of the right amounts of food can result in weight loss, but it might not be all from fat. Furthermore, it can lead to binging and losing control when we're in a party with delicious food.

Experts say it's more effective to eat small portions whenever we get the munchies rather than stuffing ourselves every meal. Doing this can also keep our metabolism high and lets us burn calories more efficiently. It's been discovered that our metabolic rate slows down considerably when our body senses a shortage of food.

Having healthy eating habits and sticking to regular fat-burning exercises (cardio and strength training) will help speed-up fat loss and keep metabolism high. Raising the body's metabolic rate means less calories transformed to fat. - 17273

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