Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, July 17, 2009

ResV Pure And Resveratrol Effects

By Laura Lane

When it comes to health and anti-aging, it is hard to find better guidance than that offered by Oprah Winfrey. Several months ago, Oprah invited Dr. Mehmet Oz, a doctor originally from Turkey who specializes in cardiac problems and is known as an expert concerning reducing the problems caused by growing older, to speak on her show. What Dr. Oz presented was resveratrol; a scientific breakthrough in the fight against aging with which we all are forced to struggle.

Toxin Eliminators

Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances that protect the body from oxidants-toxins that damage the tissues of the body, causing the visually evident wrinkles on the skin, as well as the less obvious damage to the body's internal systems. Antioxidants help to defend the body, particularly its organs, brain cells, and the nervous system. Moreover, they help to remove the oxidants and even repair damage caused by the aging process.

What is Resveratrol?

Among antioxidants, resveratrol is one of the (if not the most) powerful found by our scientists and doctors. As a catalyst, resveratrol sends out a kind of "call to action" to one of the protectors of our immune systems: "Sirtuins." Sirtuins are durable genes that assist in stopping cellular decay, allowing other cells to rejuvenate themselves. An aging individual who ingests resveratrol regularly-in large enough doses of course-will therefore notice that he or she has more energy, reduced fatigue, and a healthier appearance, complete with softened wrinkles and lines.

Hence there are a multitude of benefits generated by ingesting resveratrol on a regular basis. Resveratrol has been found to both fight against, and protect the body from, cancer. It can also protect the body if it is exposed to certain types of radiation and, of course, assist in weight loss.

Nevertheless, we have only begun to skim the surface of the possibilities that resveratrol has to offer! The pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline has funded analyses of the antioxidant with close to a billion dollars, and there are no signs to indicate that we have come close to comprehending all resveratrol's beneficial aspects.

A Naturally Occurring Substance

Identified in 1963 as "ko-jo-kon," resveratrol has been used for a long time as a homeopathic remedy-derived from Japanese Knotweed-in Asia. While Japanese Knotwood would seem to be a rather obscure source of resveratrol, you might actually have some growing in your backyard! Knotwood has been identified as an invasive, virtually invincible weed in more than thirteen states. Its hardiness derives directly from the resveratrol it contains. Thus Knotwood is used by some in cooking, as a substitute for rhubarb, while companies have begun manufacturing supplements from it.

Another source of resveratrol is the peanut. Yes, the same peanut you can purchase at a supermarket has the capacity to improve your quality of life. Although peanuts have been traditionally considered to be very fatty and unhealthy, medical inquiries have demonstrated that those people who consume peanuts every day are healthier, with lower body fat than the majority of the population.

In 1992, resveratrol was discovered in both grapevines and the red wine produced by them. While the health effects derived from drinking a glass of red wine are becoming common knowledge, think about this: it takes somewhere around one thousand bottles of red wine to equal the amount of resveratrol found in a single day's dose of a resveratrol supplement! - 17273

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Do you Really need Probiotic Supplements in your Diet?

By Maxine Yottoni

Probiotics are microflora that exist in our digestive tract and help maintain a healthy balance in our digestive system. Our body is home to billions of microorganisms, both harmful and beneficial. The intestinal tract is especially bacteria dense. A healthy digestive tract has an optimum balance between the beneficial and harmful bacteria. Once this balance is upset, the body becomes prone to various digestive disorders such as excessive gas and diarrhea.

Before going ahead with the research on this area, there are a few incorrect conceptions that need to be clarified when it comes to the usage of probiotic supplements. First and foremost, we have to understand that antibiotics are way different from probiotics. They are no way connected to each other. Antibiotics just kill bacteria. They have the tendency to spoil the digestive system since they do not differentiate the good and harmful bacteria within the body. The antibiotics as such have the ability to destabilize the digestion process itself. But consuming probiotics can bring in the balance in the digestive process that has been lost due to the intake of antibiotics with ease.

Candida, a common fungal infection can also be very successfully treated with probiotics. The Candida fungus has a sworn enemy in the form of probiotic bacteria, which if present in healthy numbers in the intestines, can make it impossible for the harmful fungus to establish a stronghold in the intestinal tract, thus preventing the advent of this infection. Probiotics have also been found to be extremely good at curing yeast infections and conditions such as athlete's foot and thrush.

Miso and yoghurt are 2 food items that has probiotics in them. The only disadvantage with taking probiotics from food is the fact that we cannot measure the amount or the number of strains of bacteria that is present in such items. This would not help us in understanding the bodys requirement for probiotics in detail.

The strenuous lifestyle and the hectic schedule that we are currently into is pressurizing and has all chances of spoiling the bacterial balance in our guts. The recent inclination towards taking fast food and the popularity that the junk food has gained in the recent past can speak volumes of the imbalance that can occur in the digestive track of humans in the long run. The inability of antibiotics to distinguish between the beneficial and the deleterious bacteria adds fuel to this fire. Even worse is if you are habituated to drugs like steroids and birth control tablets. They affect the gut flora adversely. If you are addicted to drinking coffee or other carbonated beverages often, it is for sure that there would be an imbalance in your gut flora. Too much of strain, water that has chlorine added to it, unnatural coloring, addition of preservative chemicals are some factors that can wipe out the friendly bacteria and can induce the imbalance in human beings.

With as this said, it is very clear that the gut flora needs to be taken care. The imbalance in the digestive track needs to be attended to. The best solution to this problem would be to start taking a probiotic supplement right away on a regular basis. But before deciding on the supplement, make sure that it has multiple variants of bacteria in it and that they are live and active. Opt for the supplement that has a higher bacterial density and the one that is made of only natural sources. Talk to your doctor and make a proper decision regarding the probiotic supplement that you can start right away! - 17273

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Blackhead Treatment Means Made Known

By Jason Cartwright

It is very difficult to know which blackhead treatment will work thus you might notice yourself scratching any blackhead or pimple that may crop up on your skin. You constantly consciously or unknowingly, tend to fondle your blackheads. But opposite the current philosophy, the actuality is, tender extraction of your blackheads can essentially help in reducing and preventing any additional hurt to your skin.

The problem with having so many saying that their blackhead cure works the best, who do you believe? Well, here are eight simple ways to cure blackheads, starting now:

1 - Retinoid creams:

Topical retinoids for instance Retin-A facilitate in battling the blackheads successfully. It also takes away and stops the development of the blackheads. It reduces oil production and unblocks your pores by aiding typical working of the cells. However, it is a time-consuming blackhead treatment technique.

2 - Exfoliators:

You can make use of several minimal potency benzoyl peroxide exfoliating product for doing away with dead skin cells. It is extremely successful on the blackheads and is mild to your skin also. In this process you can remove even the most tenacious blackheads. Additionally, microdermabrasion can be employed as a blackhead remover.

3 - Squeezing lightly:

The gunk collected in a blackhead can also be lightly squeezed out. This can actually benefit your skin, so it a good blackhead treatment. Yes, if you squeeze too hard, it can bruise and scar the skin, so always be gentle in your approach. Also never try to over-squeeze any stubborn blackhead.

4 - Chemical peels:

Skin care products with salicylic acid and chemical peels with glycolic acid are terribly successful in taking away dead skin cells from the pores quickly. Nevertheless, you cannot utilize them as a blackhead cure if you are already employing topical retinoids.

5 - Diet/Food:

Another way is to improve you nutrition and diet. Blackheads thrive in oily and dry skin, so you need to somehow lower that oil secretion, while keeping the skin moisturized to combat acne. The solution is as simple as drinking a lot more water, and avoiding fatty foods. Nutritious, raw fruit and vegetable also help. For this natural blackhead treatment to work, you need to avoid heated or processed carbohydrates and oils, and use more fresh unsaturated oils, like olive oil in your meals.

6 - Blackhead strips:

What also helps is to use pore strips, which can either be placed over your face or nose for about 10 minutes. Once placed, they are then quickly pulled off to get rid of blackheads near the surface. This is not a long-term solution to cure blackheads, but the strips work quickly and are simple to use - as long as you use them properly.

7 - Metallic extractor:

Another way to is to use a metallic extractor with a small circular opening. Each blackhead can be sucked out, but this type of blackhead treatment must be done very cautiously to prevent skin damage.

8 - Make-up:

This tip is for all the ladies out there who use a lot of makeup. Always use products that keep your pores clear, such as non-comedogenic makeup. Some more tips for you - after sweating and before bed, it is best to completely remove your makeup with a good cleanser. And every so often clean your sponges and brushes, so that blackhead remover is never needed.

These 8 ways will definitely help you clear up your blackheads, but try to stick to a daily skin care routine as a long-term blackhead treatment plan. - 17273

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Are There Cod Liver Oil Benefits?

By Peter Bertonich

For quite some years it has been accepted wisdom that cod liver oil is good for you. Maybe it was your grandmother who first told you about the benefits of cod liver oil.

So is it really true that there are benefits to taking cod liver oil or is it just a myth, and are there risks to cod liver oil supplementation?

You grandmother got it right, and science has confirmed that there are benefits to cod liver oil supplementation.

The majority of the benefits of cod liver oil relate to the Omega 3 content, because of course cod liver oil has Omega 3 fats in it. And as you would know if you have read some of our other information there is a wide range of benefits from adding some more Omega 3 to your diet.

And there's vitamins too like vitamins D and A. Vitamin D has a role in helping prevent osteoporosis, as it helps process calcium.

But there are now cautions about taking too much vitamin A, and for this reason, as cod liver oil is quite high in vitamin A, cod liver oil is now not recommended in the UK and pregnant women in the US are warned about over consumption of vitamin A.

So whilst cod liver oil has some good Omega 3 fats vitamin A is a bit of an issue. There are risks.

And there is also another risk too. Cod liver oil is sourced, as you might expect from the name, from the livers of cod taken from the North Sea. But in these times there are issues about contamination of fish in the North Sea. They can be contaminated with toxins like mercury, PCBs and heavy metals. Not high levels, but worrying.

Whilst these contaminants werent a problem in your grandmothers time, they are now.

But you can get the benefits of cod liver oil without the risks. Take the best Omega 3 supplements which are free of contaminants and also free of vitamin A.

If you do need vitamin A or D supplementation it is quite possible to achieve this through a good vitamin supplement delivering regulated and lower levels.

And it's perfectly possible to get Omega 3 supplements that are quite clean and free of toxins, though not all are.

So yes, there are benefits to taking cod liver oil, but there may also be risks. You can get the benefits of taking cod liver oil supplements by taking the best Omega 3 supplements, without the risks.Your grandmother was right, in her day taking cod liver oil was a good idea. Nowadays theres still benefits to the Omega 3 fats, theres just better ways to get them.

I tell you on my website how to find the best Omega 3 supplements. - 17273

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Gaining Muscle Mass Without Gaining Excess Weight

By Greg Correll

The two commonly known goals to fitness is:

1) Gain muscle

2) Lose fats

In any case, you can't accomplish both the fitness goal together, because each of these goals will require you to do the exact opposite of each. Trying to accomplish both together will leave you hanging in the middle, and back to where you started.

How are you going to gain muscle mass without gaining too much fats in the process? Understand that when trying to gain muscle, you'll need more than your regular daily calories intake, simply because you can not build muscle out of nothing.

Just before you make up your mind to binge eat all day long, understand this. Your body can only absorb the nutrients goodness so much, up to a point where your body can no longer assimilate the food intake, it will be turned into stored fats for further use. Therefore nobody gets ripped by eating too much, the key is simply to eat enough for muscle growth.

You should therefore aim to eat higher than your daily calories, but not too much to the point your body cant process them fast enough. Doing so will promote muscle growth instead of fats storing, as well as getting lean tissues in the process. How much is enough? Generally speaking, over 300-500 surplus of calorie intake couple with proper training would get you there faster, leaner and easier.

But, be realistic, naturally youre going to add half a pound or a pound a week, if youre doing everything right. Dont aim too add anything beyond that too soon because then youll probably have no control of the extra fats. Always keep an eye on your body fat level and tweak it as you go, if you see youre gaining undesirable fats, start lowering your calorie intake slightly.

Slower and more consistent approach is the best way to go for gaining extra muscle mass, not overly eating but eating just enough to gain those lean tissues. Always listen to what your body is telling you, find out how those surplus of calorie intake is interacting with your own metabolism rate, and you'll get leaner, fitter and ripper in no time! - 17273

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How To Identify A Sugar Addiction

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It's impossible to get rid of arm fat while being addicted to sugar. The two just don't mix. You see, excessive sugar intakes keep insulin levels sky high. And insulin blocks fat burning throughout the body.

Perhaps you think you may be addicted, but aren't sure. After all, many people are addicted to many things they aren't even aware of. Thus, a little introspection is required. Think about the following questions to help figure out if you're addicted:

1. Have you been unable to reduce your intake no matter how hard you try? If you find sugar creeping its way back into your life every single time you want to quit, than an addiction is near. You see, high sugar intakes can alter our brains the same way drugs do.

2. Do you have symptoms of withdrawal whenever you don't consume sugar? If you get headaches, bad moods or massive cravings that are vivid, then you are presenting symptoms of withdrawal.

3. Are you creating detailed reasons as to why you are NOT addicted as you read this? This a great way to tell whether or not you are addicted. If you find yourself denying and rationalizing as to why you aren't addicted with very complex reasons, then you better think twice.

4. Have you developed the ability to ignore the risks of sugar despite having a serious health problem? If you have become desensitized or convinced yourself that there is no risk to having sugar, than you may be addicted.

5. Do you use sugar to compensate for other negative aspects of life? Are you in a bad or abusive relationship? Are you bothered by negative emotions? Do you use sugar to offset the above? If so, you may be addicted.

And rest assured that sugar addiction is real, very real. Rodents given high intakes of sugar show similar brain alterations as compared to drug use. Also, doctors routinely use sugar as a powerful pain killer when performing surgery on infants.

The main factor here is honesty. Are you addicted? If so, overcoming the addiction will be critical if you want to get rid of arm fat. Otherwise, both your arms and health will suffer. If by now you know you're addicted, then please seek professional help. There are many methods of therapy that work for a wide variety of people. Don't give up! - 17273

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What to Expect from Weekly Personal Training Sessions

By Amy Nutt

The first few weeks of a weekly exercise program is very exciting, but then many people find they are not accomplishing their goals as fast as they had hoped. Soon afterwards, the enthusiasm drops, results fade, and the confidence in acquire the goals and maintaining the end results diminishes.

The average person lasts for approximately six months before losing interest and dropping their routine. Fortunately, there are common factors and patterns to this decline in interest, so once you spot them, you can do something to keep yourself on track and motivated.

Make sure you are realistic about your goals and the time that will be needed to be committed to in order to maintain your routine. Allowing 3 workouts a week at a maximum of 60 minutes each is reasonable and be sure to factor in travel time (if working out at a gym) and shower time so that you are not finding yourself cutting corners due to running late. Get yourself into a routine /schedule when it comes to the days you workout. If a routine is set and adhered to, it will become more of an automatic action and will fit in as a regular part of your life.

There will be times you will not feel you have the energy to do your workout. Instead of skipping it, restructure that days routine by doing the exercises, but at a lower intensity or for only half the time. It may help to adjust your mealtimes as well; some find that if they are hungry or have just eaten they have too many distractions to want to exercise.

Finding an exercise buddy will help you stay motivated as well. You will offer support to each other and help the other stay on track on those days that you would rather just stay at home.

Expecting some physical discomfort is normal and common for most who workout weekly especially for the first weeks of your program. Your body is working to improve its strength and endurance so it needs time to adjust. Be sure that it is only discomfort and not actual pain. Pain tells you to stop what you are doing because something is wrong. If you are uncomfortable every time you workout try working a warm up and cool down session. A series of slow stretches and regulated breathing will help.

As your body feels as if it is leveling out and adapting to the level of effort made during the workout, increase the activity level by approximately 10% to help improve your fitness level and add variety to the routine. This will help to evade boredom.

If weight loss, as opposed to toning up, or building strength is you main goal, then being realistic is a key factor of your routine. Initially weight loss will be rapid, from not only increased activity, but from general changes in metabolism caused by changes in diet and water loss. Within a month most people level out in weight loss, and instead of achieving 5 to 8 pounds of loss in a week, they will lose 1 to 5 pounds. On average only 1 to 5 pounds a month will be accomplished after that. This occurs because the body has become use to the changes in other related habits, and also because muscle is now taking the place of some of the fat that has burned off. Muscle of course weighs more than fat and so the number of pounds being dropped will be lessened. Taking measurements may become a more effective means to calculate the success of your results from the workout if this aspect is important to you.

Ultimately, all of us are different and get various results from exercising weekly. It all depends on your current level of fitness, physical condition, receiving personal training, type of physical activity, and the time a person devotes to their workout routine. The important thing to remember is that realistic goals need to be set and if they cannot be met, then, instead of giving up, or throwing in the towel, simply revisit your workout routine and make revisions to help keep you active and motivated. - 17273

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Is It Time For A Colon Health Checkup?

By Yseult Parker

Medical doctors and health practitioners realize the important of good colon health. As toxins enter the body, they are collected within the walls of the large intestine. Over time, these toxins enter the bloodstream and become lodged in major bodily organs.

How can your body become contaminated with dangerous levels of toxins? There are a lot of environmental influences. Some stem from pollutants in the air caused by industrial plants and automobile pollutions while others originate from the food we consume.

The foods we eat are very often treated with chemical pesticides. Additionally, before when they are processed for mass distribution, they are often sprayed with chemical preservatives to keep the food fresher for longer periods of time. Consequently, we ingest these chemicals into the colon when we eat.

When the body goes without a complete cleansing, these toxins eventually clog the intestinal wall with plaque and cause poison to enter the circulatory system where they can start damaging vital organs. The liver and kidneys are especially at risk.

When the body retains toxins, the immune system, which is responsible for protecting you will eventually break down making your more susceptible to life threatening diseases. This is why it is critically important to safely clean and detoxify the colon on a regular basis.

Many have likened the colon to a waste processing plant in a major city. If something malfunctions within the plant causing it to shut down, then an entire city's population is at risk for drinking contaminated water. The colon works the same way keeping you safe.

Are there any signs or symptoms to look for? No two individuals are alike. We are all at differing levels of health. However, the most common indicator that you are in need of a full body detox is when you start feeling chronically low on energy. Other symptoms can arise as severe bloating and a bout of unexpected recurring stomach cramps.

Many people suffering with a severe level of toxicity often report that they have a hard time getting though an entire day without napping. Other symptoms can be catching more colds than usual or a rise frequent allergy attacks.

So how do you keep your colon clean? It is very simple and safe and it can be performed with a simple over-the-counter product in the comfort of your home.

When looking for a good detoxification program, there are many to choose from. The best ones contain all natural ingredients such as herbs and spices specifically design to purge your system. Other methods may include drinking lots of water and changing your diet to eating high fiber foods and fresh vegetables. This is a sure way to cleanse the colon over time. - 17273

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What Is the Link Between Easy Bruising and Acupuncture?

By Carolyn Cooper

There are numerous great benefits to acupuncture and if you are currently having sessions, you are probably very excited about the results. One side effect of the treatments that might not have you feeling positive, though, might be the fact that the treatment may leave you with some bruising. There are quite a few patients of acupuncture who complain about localized bruising after they have been to their acupuncturist appointment, and when you are trying to determine how your treatment is effecting you, these bruises might be somewhat troublesome. Take a moment to evaluate what the acupuncture treatment is doing to you and why it might be the cause for your bruising easily.

To begin with, acupuncture is a variety of a traditional Chinese medical treatment that has been growing in favor in the West over the last few years. Acupuncture relies on the theory that there are lines of energy that flow all throughout the body, and when these energy lines are broken, the result can be any number of ills, including depression, or gastrointestinal problems or even conditions of high cholesterol levels and heart disease. Very thin needles are inserted into the body at various intersecting energy lines during the treatment sessions. Although the treatments are generally not painful, there can be a very unique tingling sensation that is quite unusual for someone who has never had acupuncture treatments like this before.

The practice of acupuncture treatments becoming so widely spread that there are now several insurance policies that will defray the costs of treatment, and subsequently more people are experimenting with it and discovering that it works remarkably well for them. If you are one of the more recent experimenters, you may discover that you have been left with a collection of small bruises at every insertion point for the needles. The bruises are usually not painful, but some people are presented with a surprise when they disrobe for their bath and to find numerous dark bruises on their body.

The bruises do occur due to the process of acupuncture; as your acupuncturist inserts each needle; your skin is being broken. Think about the bruises you get when you are getting shots; there are small blood vessels being broken and the result can very easily be a bruise. These bruises are caused by trauma to the skin, but they should not last long, and they are not an indication of something going wrong with your treatment.

You certainly don't want any bruising from acupuncture to keep you from wearing your favorite swimsuit to the beach. Acupuncture, unfortunately does not provide any help in eliminating easy bruising. This is where participating in the Bruises Be Banned daily treatment program can be beneficial for you. Bruises Be Banned is a uniquely formulated, all natural supplement program that can help you overcome bruising easily and help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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Weight Problem - Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

By Moses

Many people like to give the reason for their weight problem as being medical and while it is true there are a small number of medical conditions like an under active thyroid or a hormonal imbalance which can contribute to weight gain, excess food consumption is by far the most likely reason for putting on weight. There are many weight loss foods that actively help the reduction of excess weight and anyone can learn about them. Some foods help control weight while others actively promote the burning of excess body fat. There are now quite a number of foods that help weight loss and are also enjoyable with some of these listed here.

Most people can enjoy pasta meals but other main dishes that contain certain green vegetables like cabbage, peas, boiled beans and brussels are also excellent weight loss foods. Any spaghetti meal that has tomato sauce is going to be good for you and if you want to add some meat to go with it then why not the low fat, low cholesterol veal. Many meals highlight the combination of steamed white fish and vegetables a healthy low calorie option and you can even add mashed potatoes to this mix without worrying about calories. Other foods like yogurt, porridge oats, rice (providing it is dark) and even low fat sweet cheese can be used successfully in a weight loss diet

Body building may be a favorite past time of many, but do you know what body building really is? This is done for the purposes of competition or merely to look their best. The result of this disciplined effort is the existence of solid, toned muscles that lends a charming aesthetic appeal to anyone who is willing to pay the price. Just one browse through a muscle gaining secrets review will tell you that this program maybe the work out that you have been looking for all these time to finally sculpt your body into rock hard perfection. How do you achieve the standards needed and what would be the criteria that you can use to get the best possible result? There are basically two steps to an effective body building program, the first is weight training and second through the use of proper nutrition. If you are committed to taking action daily, Tom will show you precisely how to burn body fat naturally and keep it off permanently. Burn the Fat covers almost everything you will need to know about diet and nutrition.

Fruits and Vegetables

Of course fruit and vegetables should not even have to be mentioned but almost all of them have beneficial effects on the system and are foods that help with weight loss. Strawberries are also good weight loss foods as are water melons and kiwi which is often considered a rather exotic fruit. Grapes are often the fist fruit of choice when visiting a sick friend in hospital and there is good reason for this as they are very healthy but fruits to avoid owing to their higher calorie count are bananas and figs. Most vegetables that are frequently used in salads such as tomatoes, celery, lettuce and cucumbers are also very good at helping with weight loss.

If you want to lose weight then you need to stay away from unhealthy weight gaining foods like cakes, puddings, chocolate and fast or convenient foods full of processed ingredients. Most foods are now available in 'health option' versions which are low in fat content and while this is going to be better for you it does not mean these are truly healthy foods. If you want to include such products in your weight loss food programming, it would be a good idea to read all the specifications on the packages as related to the ingredients and the amount of calories.

Diet and Nutrition Program

Following a good diet and nutrition program is important for a successful body building program. Those who do train for body building competitions will need a lot of protein introduced into their daily diet. Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for your body. If you are looking for a touchy feeling kind of program that allows you to whine and complain that you simply don't have the body type or the genetics it takes to have a cut and toned body, then Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense Body Building Program is not for you. As you will see in this No Nonsense Muscle Building Review, Vince's program is designed to get you off of your butt and get you to stop making excuses about your body. - 17273

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A Great 6 Pack Workout And What You Have To Do To Get It

By Gerald Holt

Ask anyone you know or anyone you meet out and about, what they think of the looks of a well toned body and a perfect set of 6 pack abs, and you usually will be met with an initial blank look, then the eyes glaze over, and then a small smile as the drool works its way down the chin. Yes, no doubt about it, having a good set of well developed abs is the ultimate challenge for most people that are into fitness and toning up their bodies, and that challenge can be met head-on if you have a well planned 6 pack workout that will accomplish that for you.

Taken literally, the expression "abs" is an abbreviation for the muscles that are found on the front and sides of the abdomen, and are comprised of several sets of different muscle groups that perform very different functions when it comes to body motion. These muscle groups are the rectus abdominus muscles (or more commonly known by the layman as the 6 pack); obliques which are both external and internal sets; and the transverse abdominal muscle.

In order to have a good 6 pack workout that will play up the functions of these individual muscle groups, you must understand what they all do and how your workout can incorporate that into the exercises you choose. The transverse abdominal muscle is the workhorse of the groups and circles the area much like a belt, and helps to hold in your insides; the obliques are found on the sides of the abdomen and are both internal and external because they aid in the twisting and rotation of the body; and the rectus abdominus (6 pack) is located between the ribs and the pelvic bone and is concerned with the motion of the midsection of the body.

The different types of exercises for developing a good 6 pack workout abound, but you have to be selective in which ones you choose for your own workout plan and make sure they target the midsection of the body. People usually think of situps first when thinking about exercises for the abs, but actually studies have shown that situps are quite dangerous for the average person to try and do, because they pull directly on the back muscles and can cause definite damage to a person's back if not done properly. For that reason, situps are frowned upon and crunches are recommended instead as a good choice for an abs workout. Other types of ab directed workouts are leg lifts, different kinds of twists for the obliques on your sides; and static holds, which work on the core muscles, and also a type of routine called the bicycle maneuver.

So now you have an idea of what is out there as far as exercises, but read any book or treatise on the subject of a 6 pack workout, and you will find that everyone recommends incorporating a good eating plan along with the workout regimen to get the desired results and make the entire world envious of your midsection. One works along with the other and you can't exclude either regimen from the plan or you won't succeed. The eating part of the plan has to be low fat and well balanced, because it is plain old fat that is masking those fabulous abs lying dormant there and that fat must be burned off; and you have to have the correct exercises to go along with the eating plan so you keep your metabolism running at a good pace. The exercises that have over time found to be the most effective in developing good abs are weightlifting and cardiovascular exercises practiced together. But studies have shown that the best results are obtained when the weightlifting is done first and then the cardiovascular. You wouldn't think it would matter which was done first, but it does; the weightlifting goes after carbohydrates as an energy source, and when it's time for the cardiovascular routine, your body has almost no energy reserve left, so guess what it zeroes in on to get that energy---that's right, the fat you have stored here and there, and now the fat is getting burned.

So now you have a good idea of what exercises will help you put together a good 6 pack workout, and there are just a few items to keep in the forefront of your mind when you are starting your regimen. First of all, with the exercises on a daily basis, you need to Keep your metabolism steady, Drink more water (include a lot of tea if you want-it's almost all water and is a good metabolism booster as well), Eat smaller meals and eat more often during the day, Eat more fiber-keep your system moving, and most important of all (to the chagrin of a lot of people) Eat breakfast.

Developing a 6 pack workout that will do its thing for you and get you the abs you want will be a challenge, and the workout itself will be just that, a lot of work. But you have to work hard to lose the fat and develop the muscles around the abdomen to get the look you want; so stay focused on the fact that you must have a deficit of 500 calories a day to lose 1 pound of fat every week. It won't be that long until you notice that as you stroll through public places with your defined 6 pack abs on display, that you will leave a trail of admiring, panting people in your wake. - 17273

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So Many People Are Asking - How Much Acai Berry Should I Take?

By Travis Van Slooten

Acai berry has recently become one of the most popular supplements on the American market, but many people are still asking how much acai berry they should be taking. While there is no set amount of acai which you should take, there are some things to consider which may help you decide what amount of acai is right for you. Depending upon the product you are using, the acai berry dosage may vary.

Who Should Advise Me of the Right Dosage?

It is extremely important that you understand right away that only your doctor is qualified to determine what amount of acai berry, if any, is safe for you to consume. While there are many internet 'experts' who will rush to tell you that a certain dosage is right for you, they are not qualified to make that decision. On average, people are taking between 1000 and 4000 mg of different acai berry supplements. While you will most likely fall into this category, it is always the best bet to consult with your doctor to make sure you do not have potential allergies to the product you are considering.

What Are the Consequences of Too Much Acai?

You can take too much of just about everything. Although acai poses no real danger in terms of overdose, many supplements may contain additives that could be unhealthy in large quantities. However, even something as normally harmless as acai berry could cause stomach problems or diarrhea from taking too much. Unless you have allergies or take an absurd amount, you will likely be fine. But you should still take the recommended dosage on the bottle or the amount your doctor has suggested.

Are All Acai Supplements The Same?

Not all acai berry supplements have the same composition. The high-quality supplements are those that contain nothing but pure acai harvested fresh from the rainforests of Brazil and freeze-dried immediately so as to retain all of the fruit's nutrients. When you go with these products, the odds are good that you will not experience any side effects. The problem is, there are so many products out there that are no longer made of pure acai but contain fillers. These additives are the ones that may cause adverse reactions in you so be careful when you make your choice.

While you may have heard it before, it is worth hearing again that no one except your doctor can tell you what amount of acai berry is safe for you. However, so long as you are taking a pure acai berry product and you are taking it in a reasonable amount, you will most likely be fine. When you are considering how much acai berry to take, so long as you are taking a pure product in a reasonable amount, you should be perfectly fine. - 17273

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