Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

3 Great Reasons to Switch to a Raw Food Vegan Diet

By Alistair Bedingford

Raw food is generally defined as food that has not been heated beyond 115F. Generally, people on a raw food vegan diet eat raw at least 75% of the time. There are some great reasons to consider such a diet.

Benefit 1 - Rapid Weight Loss

It is a well noted fact that people on raw food vegan diets shed weight in a surprisingly quick amount of time. Why is this? One major reason is the nature of raw food. Uncooked food has a lot of fiber in it and it takes less raw food than cooked food to feel full.

Benefit 2 - Improved Health

In addition to making you slimmer, which alone results in less chance for many diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, a raw food vegan diet has many other health benefits. Many vitamins, healthy bacteria and digestive enzymes are destroyed when food is heated over the 115F threshold. Raw food eaters benefit from such nutrients, which ease digestion, boost energy levels and improve skin. Processed food is loaded with sugars and preservatives, which can cause a low energy state.

Most of the food we eat is highly processed and laden with preservatives and simple sugars. These types of foods can disrupt bodily systems. Proponents of the raw food vegan diet have noted higher energy levels and better health and well being.

Benefit 3 -More Environmentally Friendly and Ethical

Most meat eaten in the United States comes from CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feed Operations). These mega feed lots have an atrocious environmental impact and are known for horrendous animal living conditions. In the contrary, an organic raw food vegan diet takes people out of the CAFO system and provides them with food that is ethical, healthy, and better for the earth.

Note: B12 supplements are required in a Vegan diet

So be healthier, look better and do something that great for the planet - 17273

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Your Home Gym Must Have A Dumbbell Set To Be Complete

By Ricardo d Argence

You definitely need a Dumbbell set when you are thinking about setting up a gym or exercise room in your home. Since there are different kinds to choose from you can find the perfect Dumbbell set for your home workout room.

Home gyms are becoming more popular than ever and Dumbbells are very suitable additions. Since they come in different forms, weights and sizes, they are adaptable to any exercise routine. Whether they are adjustable types or permanent weighted dumbbells, they are the most effective tools to firm and tone your muscles.

Building your own type of gym at home with these dumbbells will give you opportunity to do your fitness training anytime of the day without having to go to the gym. With your own privacy, you can move comfortably and freely while doing your movements. You can also have your own type of training equipments that you think will be helpful for your muscle building including the set of dumbbells.

If you are thinking of where to get the set of dumbbells that you want to add inn your home-based gym equipments, there are lots of options for that. First is to get it from the sports and fitness stores. You can also look for it in other stores that sell gym equipments.

One of the best options is to look online to find a dumbbell set. You can find them brand new, or you can get some great deals on used dumbbells. There are many websites, so you have more options when you purchase on the Internet and it is easier to compare.

Without having to go to the physical fitness and training stores, you can easily look for the right type and size of your dumbbell set through the internet. You will also be able to compare the prices and the brand so you can get your own set within your budget. In fact, some of the finest deals of dumbbell sets are found online.

There are a variety of different manufacturers to choose from as well when making this choice. Some of the options include Powerblock, Hamptom, Cap Barbell, and Troy. These are just a few of the manufacturers that you can check into if you want to purchase a Dumbbell set.

The dumbbell sets also come in different types. The common types are the pro sets, the chrome sets, the rubber coated sets, and a lot more. You can choose your type of dumbbell set based on your needs and personal style. In addition to that, you can also find the right dumbbell accessories that you might need for your set of dumbbells. The dumbbell bench or dumbbell racks are one of the examples.

You can find cheap priced and expensive priced Dumbbell sets on the Internet, depending on what type of set you decide to purchase. Some dumbbell sets might be $100, and other sets might cost more than $1000, so the prices can vary somewhat dramatically. Try to find the best dumbbell set to fit your budget, since it is an investment in your home gym that will get a lot of use.

Dumbells are always important to an exerciser. These are found on any fitness club since these are basic fitness tools. But there are times that you get bored of these stuffs so you look for a variation. You must also inquire beforehand on the programs and amenities that are of interest to you so as not to waste your money. You can learn more about these when you visit some web sites that are into physical fitness programs. - 17273

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Want To Know The Best Way To Lose Fat?

By Thong M. Dao

Over the years I've been asked several times what the best way to lose fat is, and whether or not it's an easy process. My usual response is that the best way to lose fat is to reduce calorie intake and increase calories burnt. Most people end up being annoyed because this is basically common sense. Unfortunately most individuals don't put it into action.

Part of the reason for this is that the average person is constantly bombarded with advertisements for fad diets and promises that you can "lose weight eating whatever you want." Honestly, these lame diet ads have done little more than undermine people's confidence in legitimate weight loss programs. So, to set the record straight, I am going to point out some practical advice on the best way to lose fat.

The first step to losing weight involves cleaning up your diet of any food sources that will pack on unwanted pounds. That means all those food items that are high in fat and refined sugar need to go! They are loaded with a ton of empty calories and do little more than make you fat. Eliminating them from your diet would be the best move you could make.

I also believe that not drinking calories falls into the category of things considered among the best way to lose fat. When you drink beverages that are loaded with calories, you are ingesting calories while providing no solid food to your system. That means you will feel hungry after drinking the calories which, in turn, means you will ingest more calories when you eat. This leads to excess calorie consumption that packs on the pounds.

Cardio exercise is definitely a reliable means of burning off unnecessary fat. Keep in mind it doesn't have to be a high intensity work-out, unless you want it to be. If you can simply exercise as much as possible (within reason), you will get your heart rate up and burn off stored fat.

Now, I realize that some may not like the idea of performing certain cardio programs even though cardio might be the best way to lose fat. Here is some advice to those looking for a good cardio program: shop around. That is, look at all the different cardio exercises and select one that appeals to you the most. The more enthusiasm you have for a particular workout, the greater your odds of success will be.

The next thing that you have to realize is that you need to build lean muscle so working out with weights is also important. Lean muscle burns fat, so having not only a cardio program but setting up a weight lifting program is essential as well. Working out whether it's by running or lifting will boost your metabolism which will help you burn stored fat. Either way you lift, with heavier weights or lighter weights and more reps will help you burn calorie.

And, finally, I have to say consistency is among the most important components to losing weight. You need to make diet and exercise a consistent part of your lifestyle, this will ensure you keep your weight down without any yo-yo effect. Yes, believe it or not, the best way to lose fat is to make healthy living your new lifestyle.

How would you like to ... - 17273

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Bid Adieu To Eating Problems Forever

By Mark Davies

Samantha used to have an allergic reaction every time she wanted to have one of her favourite foods. She had somehow made up her mind to give it up, realizing that maybe she wouldn't ever be able to have it. But now she has found out an easy way out. She can now eat anything she wants, anywhere and to her heart's content.

How exactly did she get cured? So what did she do? By coming to Cliffside Malibu, which helped her come out of her inhibitions and face her eating disorder head on. Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from a very private, two-acre estate, the exclusive Cliffside Malibu eating disorder center offers world-class treatment for debilitating conditions such as bulimia and anorexia. The expert staff is experienced in treating people suffering from eating disorders and they have prepared a treatment program that is designed specifically to give you the highest chance at a successful recovery.

If you too have such a problem, help is here. Depending upon your needs and preferences, you will get treatment that is specially made for you, by the experienced staff and doctors. Breathtaking ocean vistas from the sun deck and many of the residence rooms, wide range of recreational activities, fitness center, gym and personal trainer will take care of you and your health. But just because you are undergoing therapy doesn't mean you will have to put up with boring food that tastes bland and ordinary. The chef and his staff prepare gourmet meals that are fresh, nutritious and promote good health.

The staff is dedicated to doing everything possible to help you succeed, supporting you along the way. The eating disorder treatment program includes group and family therapy sessions, so that you can adapt to the people around, and come to terms with the improvements going on in your therapy.Bulimia, Anorexia and any other eating disorders are taken care of.

The 24-hour service (everyday of the week) will ensure that you recover and stay healthy throughout your life. Call 800-501-1988 today, and know what it can do for you. - 17273

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Six Reasons Why You Are Affected By Bruising Easily, Reason 3 - Your Diet!

By Carolyn Cooper

In your self evaluation about why you are bruising easily, you have to give a great deal of consideration to what you introducing into your body. Your body responds directly to the food that you put into it, and you will experience problems manifesting themselves from having a bad diet. If you find yourself having to deal with a lot of easy bruising lately, one of your first considerations should be whether your diet may have something to do with your bruising easily.

When you examine what you have been eating, make certain that you take into account what level of highly processed foods are in your current diet. If your diet has you eating a lot of junk food, you will find that your body will not function any where near its optimum level. Every one knows that you should reduce most fats from your diet, so add that to your consideration of your existing diet.

A lot of people have the belief that eating a lot of carbohydrates can cause a wide variety of problems, but carbohydrates are extremely important for maintaining your body's proper functioning. Carbohydrates help your body do everything from transporting and storing energy to enhancing your cellular health. They also allow your immune system to operate properly and function well.

If you want to make sure that you are consuming enough carbohydrates, remember that the source that you choose to get them from can also be quite important. Whole grains, fruits and beans are your best choices, and these choices can be instrumental in providing your body with the proper type and amounts of carbohydrates. These foods will give you a healthy amount of carbohydrates, and they will also give you important vitamins that you need as well.

Don't forget that eating too many highly processed carbohydrates can have a negative effect on your body, including making it easier for you to contract diabetes. Diabetes is partially caused by high levels of blood sugar, which is closely linked to the consumption of highly processed foods like sugared sodas and fast food.

High blood pressure is one factor that greatly contributes to easy bruising, and it is a real problem when combined with thinner capillary walls. Sodium exacerbates high blood pressure, and because of this, it is important that you consciously reduce the level of salt that is included in your diet. Taking steps to decrease your sodium intake is an exercise well worth the effort.

Solid foods are not the only components to consider in your diet. The amount of water you drink is essential to the healthy growth and maintenance of your cells. Healthy cells are less prone to breakage and injury, so you should be sure that you are consuming an adequate amount of water.

Being aware the pros and cons of your diet, you will be able take the proper steps to improve it. Your bruising easily can be greatly influenced by the type of diet that you follow, so educate yourself and consider on what options are best for you to move ahead with an improved diet.

Even if you have taken the necessary steps to improve your diet, you would be well served to consider the pluses of including a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your routine, which can greatly enhance your capability to reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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Get Better Muscle With No Nonsense Muscle Building

By Mike Blaken

In this article, I review Vince DelMonte's "No-Nonsense Muscle Building," which you can purchase on the Internet. This program is targeted mostly to "hard gainers," men who have experienced unfavorable results from their previous attempts at weight lifting. Even men who have been able to build lean muscle through weight lifting will find some helpful advice to move them beyond their perceived thresholds. Before purchasing "No-Nonsense Muscle Building," and if you're new to muscle building, you'll need to do a few things to maximize your muscle gain while on the program.

1) Wake Up Your Muscles for Fitness

Weight lifting is metabolically intensive. No matter how strong you are, your strength will increase when you're lifting weights. But if you are unfit to complete a workout of approximately one hour, even "No-Nonsense Muscle Building" will not help you gain much lean muscle at all. To "wake up" your muscles, you might consider working with bodyweight exercises, Swiss exercise balls, or light dumbbells. No program, not even "No-Nonsense Muscle Building" will magically cause you to explode with muscles. It takes work, and if your body is still "asleep," you'll be wasting your time. An alternative would be to work first with the body conditioning program, "Upside Down Training," which will wake your muscles up with stretching, core exercise, and shoulder exercises.

2. Get a full gym experience ready

I think that Vince DelMonte has carelessly ommitted this essential advice. In his rush to sell you his program, he neglects to say that you must have either a gym membership or a complete home gym in order to gain the most benefit. Vince might have left this out because he assumed it would be obvious, but a lot of men who are completely new to muscle building have requested refunds because they just don't have easy access to a gym, and didn't know that they needed it.

3) Be Prepared to Change What You Eat

The time it takes to build muscles is 1% exercise and 99% recovery. Don't even consider lifting weights to build lean muscle if you don't want to eat a little differently. I personally don't find DelMonte's meal plans offered with the standard purchase of the program to be all that helpful, because I live with my family and I don't cook much at home; however, if you live on your own, or you live with people who are flexible in their eating habits, then definitely take advantage of the meal plans that "No-Nonsense Muscle Building" offers. Be prepared, though, to eat up to 2 or 3 more meals per day than you already do; this is how you will be successful at building lean muscle. - 17273

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Health Advantages Of A Vegetarian Diet

By Wayne Truter

While many people lament the nutritional disadvantages of a poorly planned vegetarian diet, few stress the health advantages of adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. In this article, I will cover the major three nutritional advantages of becoming a vegetarian.

Consuming animal proteins might yield close to a 1:1 absorption ratio, while consuming plant proteins, such as wheat, might only yield 50% of the amino acids needed to build a "complete protein" or a protein that can readily be assimilated into the human body.

In order for vegetarians to absorb a healthy amount of protein, they must consume a variety of plant proteins to form complete amino chains. By eating vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, and whole grains, vegetarians can increase the amount of complete proteins they create by combining a number of varieties of amino acid chains.

Fruits and vegetables also contain high amounts of fiber, which helps flush toxins out of the body, further contributing to better skin health.The last health advantage vegetarians enjoy is an increased natural consumption of antioxidants.

Antioxidants are foods that help prevent cancer by destroying free radicals. Vitamin C and Vitamin E, two strong antioxidants, are commonly found in vegetarian meals.

As a result of this counter-evolutionary trait, the Merino sheep that exists today often has far more wool than it needs, which is evidenced by the high amount of sheep that die of heat exhaustion. In addition to overheating in hot temperatures, many sheep end up freezing to death after they are sheared.

Soy milk is also a good source of protein for vegetarians. Studies on isolated soy protein show that it can be absorbed nearly as well as animal proteins, yielding close to a 1:1 protein absorption ratio.

For non-vegan vegetarians, yogurt, milk, and eggs (which contain complete proteins) are all excellent sources of protein.

As a vegetarian you have a number of options to boost your protein intake - and you should consider taking advantage of all of them. You should diversify your food selections, drink more soy products, and eat "protein-fortified" breads and pasta. - 17273

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7 Fat Burning Foods that Burn Your Body Fat Inside Out

By Thong M. Dao

Specialists have found two primary categories of fat burning foods. Can you guess the first one? If you said "fiber", you're correct. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber offers a huge benefit, they fill our bottomless pits and reduce calories intake.

So, if fruits and vegetables are called the fat burning food, fiber may well be the fat burning nutrient. Protein is another best fat burning food. It's becoming more scientifically accepted that protein may help to curb appetite.

Protein also has the same power, and can slightly boost our metabolism in the process. But its imperative that we choose your proteins wisely, because like all other foods, if were eating more than the body needs, itll show up on the scale as a gain, instead of a loss.

Check out the following list of fat burning foods. These choices will help you shed the fat off pretty fast.

1. Green tea. Green tea is a great drink, hot or cold. It contains catechins which may help jump start your weight loss. Catechins are helpful phytochemicals which motivate the body to burn calories and decrease body fat.

2. Tomato- or Broth-based soups. These soups are perfect snacks between meals as they make you feel full.

3. Low-calorie green salads. Having a low-calorie salad which is not loaded with croutons, high fat dressings, and cheese as a first course can help us feel full, thereby reducing how much we eat with our main course. Wisely choose the ingredients, and its high fiber content can be the key to helping us fight cravings later in the day.

4. Low-fat yogurt. Including dairy products as part of a healthy diet may promote our weight loss efforts. Choosing a light yogurt may help fight off hunger pangs due to its combination of protein and carbohydrate.

5. Beans. A great combination of fiber and protein, beans help us feel full longer, which means they may work to curb our between-meal appetite.

6. Water. Water is the bodys lifeblood, and we should be drinking it throughout the day. Its a great no-calorie beverage, and we can get it by drinking unsweetened tea, flavored unsweetened mineral water, regular water with lime or lemon, or even in cucumbers.

Water also flushes unwanted toxins produced in the body. And when your stomach start crying out, drink a glass of water. Just think, a glass of water could save you from rummaging in that fridge and cabinets. Your body will thank you for that.

7. High-fiber, whole-grain cereal. So many folks say I do not have time for breakfast. If you drink coffee, replace it with a bowl of high-fiber whole-grain cereal. Remember fiber is a fat burning nutrient and whole grains give fiber an additional boost.

Give this fat burning foods list a try, you will be surprised. - 17273

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Are You Still Chewing The Fat

By Christopher Rom

Trying to cut back on fat, here are several tips to not chew the fat in your diet.

"Hold the Mayo!" or at least use half a tablespoon.one tablespoon of mayo packs in 80 to 100 calories and from 10 to 13 grams of fat depending on the brand!

First reduced-fat varieties of mayo have become more satisfactory in taste over the years.Other alternatives include fat-free condiments like: salsa, chutney, pickle relish, mustard, or horseradish.

"Try other foods" Trying a new ethnic food to keep things interesting and a lot of the different kinds are healthy for you? Mid-east restaurants have healthy entrees, such as: baba ghanouj, rice pilaf, dolma, lentil soup, and kufta.

"The buttertons" Top toast with a tablespoon of regular butter and you've already downed an extra 10 to 12 grams of fat before your day even starts! Switch to yogurt-based spreads, or fruit butters (like apple butter),reduced-fat margarine.

"The Bread Basket = carbs!" Watch your carb-intake. But if fat's your foe, munching a bread stick or a roll before your meal can help your weight loss efforts by curbing your hunger and possibly preventing over-eating as it may fill your stomach.

"Do you Love Salsa!" You have been told one reason people adore salsa, but it is naturally fat-free.It tops lots of foods deliciously in lieu of higher-fat condiments: baked potatoes; grilled chicken; salads; snack crackers; and of course, chips.Treat yourself to freshly-made salsa by mixing together diced tomatoes, green onions and chilies, and cilantro.

"Have half a Lunch" A normal slice of bologna has about 11 grams of fat. The reduced-fat varieties of lunch bologna have less fat content. Chicken and turkey are naturally lean and better for you also and the taste has become better over the years, But most processed lunch meats can contain around 80 percent of there calories from fat. Plus are very high in saturated fat. So in favor, you can get deli meats or poultry and yes the price might be a little higher but maybe that will help you. - 17273

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How to Increase Muscle Mass Fast

By Mark Petterson

Almost everybody wants to have some muscles with the exception of sumo wrestlers. If you want to achieve muscles the fastest way, then you need to strictly follow a very effective muscle building routine and remain faithful to it. Set your goals and really push yourself in realizing them.

In addition to the usual fitness equipment, there are some products that have surfaced that claim to help you increase your muscle mass in less time. But you need to be wary with these products if you so decide to include them in your routine. Bear in mind that not all you hear and see are true, especially if they promise quick results.

You have heard of protein bars and shakes that are supposedly designed to help you gain muscle mass, right? Well, some of them do deliver expected results. Some of them do not. The same can be said on other fitness products. When you want to try out any product to get you the muscles you desire, it is prudent that you seek expert opinion first.

But still, nothing compares to building muscles the old fashioned way.You have to carry some weights, stick to your exercise routines, and really watch what you eat. You might be in some pain but as what the old saying says, no pain, no gain.

Speaking of diet, you can help gain more muscle mass by greatly reducing or eliminating your saturated fats intake. You need to feast on essential fats since they really take good care of your body. Take out some fatty items from your menu like French fries, burgers, and hotdogs.

You can also increase your muscle mass by taking in essential vitamins and minerals. Your body will need them provide you with an energy boost when you do your workout routines. Also, give your body adequate rest. Overworking your muscles hamper the development of your muscles and making them more prone to fatigue. It would be better if you can sleep at least six hours everyday.

There is always no substitute for hard work. You have to understand that muscle building is a long process and that there are no fast and easy solutions to get what you want. You have to work for it. It might take you a lot of time, but if you persevere and stay true to your course, then all your effort will be worthwhile. - 17273

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The Many Benefits OF Muscle And Fitness Training Program

By Peter

To avoid muscle and joint injury, it is important to carry out warm up and stretching exercises prior to any muscle and fitness training program. However, there are a number of preventative practices that you should carry out as a matter of necessity if you are going to pursue any type of physical activity. Many people consider it unnecessary but people who do not perform stretching movements before and after a workout are more likely to hurt themselves. By allowing this five minute period at the end of an exercise routine will increase muscle flexibility, well beyond the physical activity period and lessen the chance of injury after the workout.

While holding a position for a mere twenty seconds is enough for a warm, to really get the benefit when you have completed your workout you need to hold that position for a good minute. Do not go into a stretching position then immediately return to the relaxed position; and, do it repeatedly which is more appropriately termed bouncing while in a position. At the point of greatest stretch, hold the position before you slowly release, this avoids any potential strain or the possibility of injury from jerking your joints. As warm up exercises can be measured in terms of difficulty, it is always a good idea to commence with the easiest first and make sure all the muscle are stretched before moving on to any training.

Another neglected area to stretch and warm up is the neck, it's amazing how many people forget even though it is not difficult to do, in fact all it requires is the palm of the hand being placed on the forehead and pushing against it; this can be repeated for the back and sides. If you carry out regular stretching prior to muscle and fitness training programyou will be surprised just how flexible your body becomes and it will increase your ability to perform certain training.

It is a common sight seeing relative newcomers try to compete with people who are far more advanced but this is never a good idea; just stick to what your body is comfortable with and you will gradually increase you abilities. There is no set standard you have to achieve each time you attend the gym, just work to your abilities each time, you will know when it does not feel right to continue so listen to your body as no-one is at their peak every time they workout.

Going to the gym every other day for muscle and fitness training program is the best way as you can rest all your muscles at the same time and give them a chance to recover and grow before you return for another workout. Aerobic exercises are the best for you because they will improve you cardiovascular system, improve your stamina, lung capacity and overall fitness; exercises like skipping running, rowing, swimming, stepping machines etc.

Music is great to workout with as a regular beat helps when you are doing cardiovascular exercises and with the range of small, lightweight mp3 players available these days you don't have to worry about damaging them. Although you will need your headphones as not everyone will necessarily appreciate you taste in music. Even if you do not intend to workout, stretching is an excellent way for the body to relax, especially if you find yourself in one position for a good deal of the day. Finally it is important to use the proper muscle and fitness training program. Any weight trainer will surely build bigger muscle using only the proper routine. - 17273

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Muscle Building Formula

By Jason Myers

If you are tired of being confronted with conflicting advice from publications, online forums, TV, etc, then recognize that there is only one really efficient formula for muscle development.

This formula exists and it has been used for many ahead of the game muscle builders that encountered success by natural ways (without steroids, chemicals or anything dangerous).

This muscle building formula relies upon a couple of things. Perseverance, which comes from your determination to improve muscles and work hard for that. And additionally from the right information, which is knowing exactly what you must do in order to make the good use of your time and effort throughout the process of building muscle mass.

When your hard work is combined with the proper knowledge, the results is incredible. See, a lot of people visit the gym and begin working out by essentially doing random exercises. They lift weights without rather learning about what they're doing, what is the objective, etc.

This is the mistake that most supposed formulas for developing muscle mass make. They never consider the right information. They just inform people to take chemicals and send them to the hard work. If hard work was the one aspect of success, then you may discharge all the engineers and let the hard workers do the task. This formula isn't only for workouts. Your diet also requires the correct information. Primarily if you're a thin guy with problems of developing muscle mass. The ideal muscle building formula consider all the factors of bodybuilding (planning, resting, working out, nutrition, scheduling, etc), but it all boils down to having the correct information and persistence to keep using it. Remember for that, it can be useful for you just as an energy drink that keeps you up whole day! - 17273

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