The Secrets To Getting Ripped Abs
There is, however, a way to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. It is achieved by structuring the workouts so that it actually increases the bodies metabolic rate which helps to burn the fat rather than losing fat by calorie deprivation.
A routine is needed that exercises and consequently stimulates the muscles into growth and, at the same time, increases and stimulates the bodies metabolic load. It is not possible to work on individual muscle groups and build muscle in the traditional bodybuilder style. An example of this is the bench press exercise which uses a number of muscle groups in the upper body but does not involve the stabilizing muscles of the abdomen and legs.
An alternative exercise would be a single dumbbell press whilst lying on an exercise or fit ball. The weights used are light, but this way will use the big stabilization muscles in the body while doing one arm presses. This is a great way for working the chest muscles whilst at the same time using nearly all the muscles in the body. Granted, you will not build Arnie sized pecs but you will increase muscle growth and mass whilst at the same time burning fat tissue.
A further workout for the upper body which will increase metabolic load would be to do press ups with the feet elevated on top of the exercise ball. As previously mentioned, all the big stabilizing muscles are used which will leaving you burning many more calories and losing fat without even making any changes to your diet.
With the increase in metabolic rate and stimulation of muscle growth it is vital to have a good nutritional plan in place. Eating at least 5-6 times a day will keep the metabolic rate surging along. Protein in the diet is important for muscle recovery and growth but the extra meals will also help you body to be flooded with fat burning enzymes.
You will be surprised to learn that it is not necessary to eat massive amounts of protein to build muscle. What is more critical is that the timing of the protein intake. The best time is to take in a fast digesting whey protein prior to exercise and immediately after the workout. This will allow you to build muscle whilst still getting ripped abs. - 17273
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