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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Why Eat An Aronia Berry?

By Larry Waltman

The chokeberry tree is also known as aronia, of which family it belongs to. Aronia comes in three different types, the red (Aronia arbutifolia), the purple, (Aronia Prunifolia) and the unbelievably healthy black. (Aronia melanocarpa). Aronia is part of the Rosaceae family. The most common place to find these shrubs and trees is in North America, where they grow wild in the eastern and northern forests. Because of its pretty appearance, many gardeners and landscapers include it in their gardens.

The bitter taste of the juices from these berries is the reason it was named 'chokeberry.' Despite this, it has been used in many different countries throughout Europe for the making of wines, jams, flavoring beverages, and yogurts. Here in the US, we have only been using it (until recently) for dyeing clothes!

The chokeberry is extremely high in flavanoids, including the following phytonutrients: Cyanide3-galactoside, anthocyanin, epicatechin, caffeic acid, quercetin, delphinidin, petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin. These chemicals are all flavanoids, which are also antioxidants. They are considered very effective in the prevention of diseases caused by oxidative stress such as colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, peptic ulcers, eye inflammation, and liver failure.

Anthocyanins, in particular, are extremely abundant in aronia melanocarpa, which is the black variety of chokeberry. You can tell simply by squeezing one, because it's pigment is so extremely thick, much like iodine... This is because anthocyanin is the pigment itself, and the more anthocyanin you find in a fruit, the darker purple it will be. -That's what makes aronia so great as a clothing dye. It's also the reason why the USDA has recognized aronia melanocarpa as the fruit with the very highest ORAC score out of any they have tested!

The chokeberry was used for health and medicinal purposes as far back as the Native American Indians and early settlers. Since then there have been many claims by other fruits that they are the healthiest. So sadly, the chokeberry became less and less popular as these other fruits gained their popularity. Now that people are eating healthier, and science has evolved enough to allow proper testing, the chokeberry is becoming more common and has reclaimed it's throne again.

Aronia berries are not only full of all kinds of antioxidants, but they contain several other vitamins that are important to a healthy body. They contain vitamin c, vitamin e, vitamin b2, vitamin b6, and folic acid. No matter where you do your research, you will see multiple lists of benefit factors on this fruit. The quantity of antioxidants, the health benefits for cardiovascular and heart problems, and its anti-inflammatory properties are not the only benefits. It also helps keep your urinary tract healthy, fights bacteria and virus, like colds and flu. It also aids in digestion, helps with blood pressure and provides oils that your body needs.

Poland, Russia and pretty much all of eastern Europe have long recognized and used the chokeberry for generations to flavor their wines. They have also used it in their jams. Oddly enough, here in the United States, despite being the native habitat for aronia, we haven't remembered how to use it for consumption until modern times. Finally, it is now beginning to pop up and get found in a few groceries stores in juice and even fresh forms. It shouldn't be long until every health food store in North America is carrying multiple brands of chokeberry juice that you can buy inexpensively. - 17273

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Which Are The Healthiest Fruits?

By Rachel Greene

Virtually all fruits are very healthy in food terms. The vitamins, minerals and related nutrients that they supply, for example, can go a long way to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body.

But, as with all other food, not all fruits are equal. Some will give specific health benefits from a vitamin perspective, some may be low in carbohydrates and some may be high in fiber, for example. So, what you get from any fruit intake may vary depending on the actual fruit that you choose to eat.

So, in no particular order, let's take a look at some of the healthiest fruits that you can eat:

#1 Bananas -- bananas are incredibly high in potassium and also contain a range of vitamins and minerals. They are also a good source of fiber and are digested easily by the body. #2 Kiwi Fruits -- kiwis are a good source of vitamin C and vitamin E. These fruits are also rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. #3 Apples -- people think that apples are primarily useful because of their vitamin C content but it also their mix of insoluble and soluble fibers that make them a really useful fruit for your system. #4 Apricots -- well known as being a good source of fiber, apricots are also a good source of vitamin A. #5 Grapefruits -- grapefruits are one of the vitamin C 'power' fruits, supplying a high amount of this particular vitamin. #6 Mango -- a mango can help with your vitamin C intake and can also supply your daily requirement of vitamin A into the bargain. #7 Red grapes -- red grapes can help protect you from heart disease as they contain high amounts of flavinoids, anthocyanins and resveratrol. #8 Blackcurrants -- blackcurrants contain high levels of antioxidants and are high in vitamin C content. #9 Oranges -- like grapefruits oranges are high in vitamin C and are also a good source of folic acid and potassium. #10 Blueberries -- viewed by many as a 'super food' nowadays blueberries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.

One of the great things about eating fruit is that you can choose to eat specific fruits that will give you an additional health benefit over and above the overall advantage that you get from eating these foods in general. They can, for example, help ward off specific diseases according to some experts or they can simply help you with a physical need or deficiency that you may have at any given time.

So, for example, if you are low in potassium then eating bananas can help. If you are having problems with your bowel movements and find that you are constipated then fruits with high fiber content such as prunes or apricots can help. And, if you suffer from certain types of digestive problems then pineapple may be an option worth looking at.

Do bear in mind, however, that eating fruit is good for you but eating different types of fruit is even better. This will give you the maximum nutrient uptake possible to help you stay fit and healthy. - 17273

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Curtailing Mistakes: Useful Tips for Building Muscle

By Brad Morgan

When you are trying to build muscle, there is a lot of conflicting advice out there. You may not know where to get started.

There is more than one way to build muscle, more than one exercise that works, but there are also many things that can hurt your efforts to build muscle. Let's take a look at some things to avoid.

1. Overspending on gym memberships

According to gyms, their equipment ? fancy, shiny computerized and hydraulic machines ? are the only way to build muscle safely and effectively. Before you buy into that line and into an expensive membership, consider that the exercise can do at home is low-cost and high-effect. Save yourself some money, and work out at home.

From working with relatively inexpensive free weights to doing squats and lunges in absolutely no equipment, you can get a great muscle building workout. The best equipment you have is your body and a few free weights.

2. Letting your body get bored.

It is easy to see results immediately after starting a muscle building program. Be careful of becoming complacent, however. It may not work as well as you progress.

Your body is a remarkably efficient machine: doing the same workout causes your body to become used to it. It is much less work to execute moves you've done over and over. Once that happens, it uses fewer calories to complete the exercises, making the workout much less effective.

When your body becomes used to doing the same workouts, it needs to use fewer calories. To avoid this problem, don't let your exercise routine become too routine. Add some variation and/or intensity into your sessions. This has two benefits: one, you continue to build muscle, and two, you don't get bored.

3. Ignoring Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of building muscle, yet it is something that many people trying to gain muscle mass usually ignore. Focusing only on weight training can halt your results.

Cardio has multiple advantages, including preventing your body from gaining fat and helping your body recover from rigorous weight training. To get the maximum benefit from your cardio, do it immediately after your weight training session when your body is primed for fat burning. Also, limit it to high intensity intervals totaling no more than twenty minutes.

4. Not resting enough.

Taking breaks from your training regimen is vital because muscle repairs itself and grows during these rest periods. Training four or five days a week is optimal, because it allows days off to recuperate.

Also, alternate which muscle groups you work on. For instance, if you work on your arms and back one day, the next day do your abs and legs. This will keep the muscles from becoming fatigued or injured and allow them to do their work.

5. Ignoring Diet

Not eating properly is a big reason why many people fail to build muscle. Food is necessary for your body's health and to put it into optimum muscle building mode.

One of the best things that you can eat when you are trying to build muscle is protein. This is found in lean meat, fish, eggs, poultry, and dairy foods. Within thirty minutes after you workout, eat a snack that is high in protein.

6. Giving Up

Everyone's body is different, and it takes some people longer to build muscle than others. Quitting because you are not seeing results fast enough is a huge mistake.

If you feel discouraged at your progress thus far, it is a good time to look at your routine. What can you do to change it? Should you add some intensity? Are you resting enough? Do you use supersets or compound moves? It may be that you simply need to stick with it a little longer in order to start seeing results.

Either way, quitting won't give you the body you want. Keep up with your efforts; if it is not working, then by all means change something. Just don't give up. - 17273

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