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Friday, January 23, 2009

Cholesterol Normal Range - What To Do To Stay There

By Adrian Fletcher

If you have worked hard over the past few months to lower your cholesterol levels, you want to ensure that you keep it within the cholesterol normal range that is considered acceptable. Simply put, in order to stay fit as you age, you will want to continue to monitor your cholesterol levels, eat a proper diet and exercise regularly.

Once you have determined which diet is helping you control your cholesterol normal range, stick to that diet with determination. Snacks now and then are not completely off limit, as long as you don't indulge excessively. Your primary problem might have been over eating the bad choice foods. So resist the temptation of falling back into unhealthy habits, and continue the good work.

As we all know bad habits are hard to break and it is harder to develop new habits. With this said, it is important to keep up with your exercise routine. Your cholesterol management must become a way of life in order for it to be truly effective. Stick with your exercise plan and you will not risk losing your momentum and fall out of cholesterol normal range levels. Exercise to lower cholesterol is much like changing your diet. You don't have overdo it, build slow and do the kinds of exercises that you enjoy. Check with your Doctor if you are just starting out.

It's important to maintain a routine of good health habits. Even though you have successfully gotten into a cholesterol normal range for the time being, there is still the possibility it can rise again. Remember how good it feels to have your health and vitality back whenever you're tempted to cheat.

For people who have problems keeping cholesterol normal range levels, a physician may be able to give them a prescription medicine. Some people have a hard time reducing their cholesterol levels more than other people. Some people naturally make an excessive amount of cholesterol and medicine is the only solution for them to decrease their cholesterol. People who have had problems with their heart and have to lower their cholesterol right away are given medicine also because they can't take the time to use the natural method of dieting and exercising.

It is very important to keep up a cholesterol normal range. Medication can lower these levels but if you don't change your diet you run the risks of canceling out the effects of the medication. Keeping your cholesterol in an acceptable range is the key to not only looking more youthful but feeling increased vitality for an extended period of time. Indeed, most doctors will make it a condition of taking the drugs that you maintain or start a healthier lifestyle.

Stick with eating healthy food and exercising daily. Once youve achieved cholesterol normal range levels, this should be a natural part of your daily routine. By doing this, you will surely feel and look much healthier, younger and at your most fit. - 17273

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Pump up Your Metabolism with Cardio Exercise

By Ricardo d Argence

When you do cardio, you get your heart rate going and increase blood circulation throughout your body. Cardio exercise is basically whole body exercise that, ideally, should make you breathe harder than usual, get your heart rate pumping, and help you work up a good sweat. It is as necessary for overall health and fitness as anaerobic exercise is.

One of the best benefits of cardiovascular exercise is that it exercises the most important muscle in your body, your heart. By getting your pulse rate up and keeping it there at a sustained rate for a period of time, you increase your overall fitness level and therefore your overall health.

You can lose weight and burn excess calories by doing cardiovascular exercise. It is one of the most commonly noted and popular benefits of this kind of exercise. It'll also give you an overall "toning" for your entire body.

With cardiovascular exercise, calorie burning doesn't stop when you bring your excercising to a halt. It is a proven fact that metabolisms retain these high levels of activity for up to 18 hours after working out. And done over a long period of time, because you are toning and making your body more fit overall, it burns calories faster just as a matter of course. A bonus to becoming more muscular and losing fat is that your body will actually continue burning calories while you rest.

Another benefit of cardiovascular exercises is that it releases the so-called "feel-good" hormones called endorphins. Endorphins are your body's natural opiates, and they can also help ease depression.

Before you start excersizing, make a visit to your doctor and make sure you're fit for vigorous physical activity. If your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, go ahead; but, don't go full steam ahead. Starting slow with a 10 minute moderately paced walk daily is a way to get going and keep going.

After about two weeks, you're going to notice that you have more energy, that you sleep better, that you have fewer cravings for "bad" foods, and that you just in general feel better. Most of all, perhaps, you are going to notice that your mood is a lot more positive. That's great; keep going.

As you continue, you're going to have to give yourself greater and greater challenges to make sure you keep your fitness level up. Of course, once you embark on a good cardio program, you're only going to help yourself if you change your diet to so that you eat right, get enough sleep, drink enough water, and all those other good health changes, too. After all, once you start with cardio, you'll never want to look back. - 17273

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Fitness - How to Find the Best Weight Loss Program for You

By Dani Maurer

Are you looking to lose weight? If you are, you may be interested in joining a weight loss program. When it comes to joining a weight loss program, you will find that you have a number of different options. If this is your first time joining a weight loss program, you may be unsure as to what you should look for in a weight loss program. If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on.

One of the best ways to go about finding the perfect weight loss program for yourself is to ask yourself a number of important questions. One of the first questions that you should ask yourself is how much time you have to devote to weight loss meetings. If you were to join a local weight loss program, you would likely be required to attend weekly meeting. Whether you are busy with your family or busy at work, you may not have the time to do so. In that case, you should look into joining an online weight loss program, as they are often designed for those with busy schedules.

Another question that you will want to ask yourself, when looking to find the perfect weight loss program is your willpower. Should you join an online weight loss program, you will be given more freedom, as you do not have to physically report to meetings and answer to group leaders. While this freedom is nice, it has allowed many hopeful individuals to go off track. If you do not think that you can stick with your online weight loss program goals and instructions, it may be better to join a local weight loss program instead.

Another one of the many questions that you will want to ask yourself, when looking for a weight loss program to join, is how much money you have to spend. While it is possible to find free weight loss programs, both locally or online, it is actually quite rare. In your search for weight loss programs, you will find that they have a wide range of membership fees. Commonly, you will find that online weight loss programs are cheaper than locally operated weight loss programs. If you are on a budget, the cost of each weight loss program that you come across should play a large role in your decision.

You should also ask yourself if you are embarrassed with your current weight or your physical appearance. Although you should have nothing to be ashamed of, you may still feel that way. If that is the case, you may be afraid of attending local weight loss meetings. Of course, you need to remember that everyone else in your meetings is likely feeling the same way, but you don't have to put yourself in an awkward situation. If you are concerned with your appearance or what others may think of you, you may want to look into joining an online weight loss program instead.

The above mentioned questions are just a few of the many that you should ask yourself if you are interested in joining a weight loss program. While there are a number of benefits to joining a locally operated weight loss program, as well as an online weight loss program, you need to make the decision that is best for you and your own needs. - 17273

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