Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Secrets To Developing A Powerful And Muscular Body

By Charles Ishihashi

More and more people today are getting involved in the fascinating and lucrative sport of bodybuilding. Beyond just getting big muscles to impress the ladies, more and more people are realizing that bodybuilding is becoming an entire industry unto itself. If you'd like to get in on the action, this article can help.

One obvious reason for getting into bodybuilding is the massive health benefits. Developing strong lean muscle is a leading way to burn dangerous body fat. With lean muscle you will supercharge your metabolism making you healthier than ever. Cardiovascular health is also greatly improved through bodybuilding.

Many people are also discovering the lucrative modeling careers that are available to the successful bodybuilder. Even advertisements that aren't based on fitness in any way are leaning more and more toward those with lean and defined physiques. And those that have been involved in this industry know that the benefits go well beyond simply receiving a substantial paycheck every week.

So how do you get started on this exciting path? The first step is to clearly establish what you are going after. What do you want to achieve in six months to a year? What exactly would you like your body to look like? How strong do you want to be?

Once you have a goal firmly established in your mind, it's time to figure out exactly how you are going to get there. How many hours will it take in the gym every week? What kind of diet will you need to eat to support the body you will be achieving in six months or so? And more importantly, what will you need to give up to make room for your plans? This important question is often overlooked by those that don't make it.

Once you set your sights clearly on where you want to be, and develop a plan to get there, the rest is automatic. The more desirable you make your goal, the easier it will be to achieve. - 17273

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Muscle and Mind, Can One Improve the Other?

By Klint Newton

Can you build up your body with your mind and muscle? The answer is a resounding yes.

Can you make improvements to your mind through your muscles? You can, indirectly

Your mind, or brain, is in control of all of your bodily functions. Your mind is also what does your thinking. Every idea, thought, or impulse comes to you from your mind. What you think about, your mind brings about, through your brain. Stay with me here.

Where is your mind? That's a million dollar question. Let's keep it simple and say that your mind is in your brain and is your brain. When you think about things, e.g. how much fun next Friday will be, what garlic smells like, or lifting a coffee cup, your mind is doing the thinking, and this thinking is affecting your brain. Your brain then sends an electrical impulse to make things happen.

So if you think about drinking coffee, you can think about drinking it from the cup in your hand. Thinking this will naturally cause your brain to tell your arm to lift, your mouth to open, your throat to swallow... The most amazing part of this everyday thing is that you thought about what you wanted to happen; you wanted a drink of coffee. Your muscle and mind came together and did exactly what you wanted.

Typing is something you do naturally, you don't even think about it. Typing is not something difficult for your brain to handle. Building muscle is a little more difficult. One reason building muscle is so tough is because your mind and muscle don't get along. Your brain is always sending a signal saying it doesn't want any more muscle and everything that occurs in the body can be controlled in the brain. Therefore, if your brain doesn't want to build more muscle, you're not gaining more muscle. There's no big, flashy, half full tub of supplement that will change what your brain thinks is best for your body.

Your brain is naturally hardwired to keep you alive. If we had to think about all of the bodily processes, we'd be dead on day one. The body, through the brain, is always trying to maintain homeostasis, meaning that it wants everything to stay the same. Your body is geared to survive, and building muscle is costly to its survival. If your brain and body had their way, you would never move or burn calories. This is where it gets sad. Your body doesn't want to build muscle, but it wants to store fat. Fat is just stored energy, your body wants to have this energy storage to guarantee survival. Muscle consumes calories, and your body wants to store fat and calories, not burn them.

So this is what we're dealing with:

Fat (wanted by brain and body) = Less used calories + More energy for emergency Muscle (brain and body doesn't want too much) = More burned calories + less calories for later use

What Can You Do?

What Can You Do?

You may be thinking that you can't control what your body does. You can't make it stop storing fat or make it grow muscle, that's true, right? It's not that black and white, you have more control than you think.

Obviously nutrition and physical activity have a huge role in how much fat is used, and how much muscle growth is stimulated, but there is more to it. Your thinking can actually change your body's amount of fat and muscle. Its really not so far fetched, if you think about it. Remember, everything that happens in your body, originates in the brain. Your brain is central command. It tells your body what to do. Sometimes you have direct control over what happens. You can move your arms and legs to play sports. You can also train yourself to move your body to play those sports better. Moving your body around is one thing, but you want to know about building muscle with your mind.

How can I build muscle with my mind? My body does it automatically, and I have no control over it!

Try this, stop breathing for five full seconds. Try it now, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You can do that, you controlled your breathing, and automatic process of the body. So things are automatic, but you do have some input with your thoughts. You just proved that by stopping your breathing just by thinking about it.

Think about it for a second. Try to stop breathing for 5 seconds. Start now. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. You can do it. You just did it. Breathing is something your brain does for you automatically, but you can actually control it. So, some things are automatic, but you can control them. You controlled your breathing by simply thinking about it.

You are either thinking that changing your breathing is no big deal, or you might have just had a Eureka moment.

Is it starting to come to you? Let me delve in a little deeper. By the way, the best and only real resource on how to build muscle with your mind is Klint Newton's Mental Edge Muscle Building Program. It details everything need to build muscle physically and mentally.

1. You learn how, and 2. You practiced and trained yourself

1. You figured out, or learned how and 2. You've trained and perfected it

Obviously, you can change your breathing rate by thinking about it, you have trained yourself to be able to do it. You can also learn and train yourself to grow muscle. It takes more practice and training, but it can happen. The first thing you have to do is learn how to do it.

The only thing that is required is that you have to make your brain want to build muscle. You change your brain by the way you think. Your muscle and mind are connected; building muscle doesn't happen by accident, It all starts with a thought. - 17273

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How Losing Weight Will Bring You Success?

By Squadoo Fatarie

OK, first of all I don't say that ladies and men that are oversized will ever become successful, what I say is that if you can set yourself a clear goal like losing pounds, and you can achieve precisely what you set out to, you're more than likely going to be ready to use the same systems to attain any accomplishment in life.

The most common difficulty with men and women wishing to shed pounds isn't WHAT TO DO or the easy way to DO IT but rather WHEN TO DO IT.

It seems that each time we wish to lose pounds it must Start on a Monday, does this sound familiar? Yes too often we use delay methods to stop our effort in regards to losing weight.

Ok, to start off I'm going to outline three methodologies which ( in my opinion ) are basic to achieving achievement in life and losing weight. Check out this turbulence training review for the best turbulence training exercises. In no definite order, here are the following methodologies

1. ACTION - Even though it's a good approach to have a clear picture on how you'll look after the weight loss, without ACTION this just becomes a day dream, you want to set a date and take action, without this initial step you may never reach that vision.

2. Want - This is extremely important because it will be your first drive in achieving your goal, without need you have nothing, each day we use this technique to get the simplest things done, like,making a cup of tea, have sex or watch television. In my view desire is exactly what WILLPOWER is, WILLPOWER only exists if you are desire will take ACTION, the stronger your DESIRE the stronger your WILLPOWER will become.

3. Endurance, OK guys, if you are the kind of person who gives up after the first hiccup you actually need to work on your endurance, because this will be KEY to your success. The most successful folk in life are those that NEVER give up, till they achieve their vision.

You need to remember that every diet is different, that means that the results will change from individual to individual, what does it for me may not work for you.

If you are serious about shedding pounds ( desire ), you need to make a start ( ACTION ), you must be prepared to gain what you set out, irrespective of what ( persistence )

If these systems work for you, use them as guidelines thru life and you'll achieve great success. - 17273

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There is More To The Vegan Vegetarian Diet Than You Know

By Alexis Martin

Who can keep up with all the diets out there? It's hard to tell one from the other, each claiming to be the best. There are just so many to choose from. There is one, however, that is making quite a stand. This is the vegan diet. Many do not fully understand what this is and we hope you'll have a better understanding after you read this.

This diet was founded by one man in particular. Those who follow this practice know him as Donald Watson. It was also co-founded by Elsie Shringley. It all began in the year 1944. They got the idea for this sort of diet once they learned that those who followed a vegetarian diet were not consuming dairy products.

It was in 1948 that they truly took on the form of helping those who wanted to choose the vegan lifestyle. Support groups were formed. Books were published. Everyone was trying to learn as much as they could about this vegan diet. It continued to grow.

While we say it was not established until 1944, that is because that was when it gained its name. The Buddhist have followed this for many years and succeeded. They do this on a belief that animals are sacred. The same might have been true for some Native Americans.

The vegan diet is quite a bit different than the vegetarian diet. Vegans do not eat the meat of any animal, nor do they consume dairy. They do, however, take it further than those who are vegetarians. While you might think there is not that much of a difference, speaking with those who follow both paths will bring forth information as to the similarities and differences.

There are people on both sides of the vegan lifestyle. There are those who avidly follow it and say it is a great idea. There are others though who say that there is no way one can be a vegan and be healthy. They say that almost all clothing is made out of animals. The debate continues to grow as more things are tested on animals and more rights are taken away.

There is not just any one subtype who practices the vegan diet. There are some who practice due to spiritual beliefs. There are those who are animal rights activists. Teenagers are very prone to becoming vegan as they can be influenced both by what is popular and what is out of the mainstream.

Due to how well this dieting choice has caught on, many places are offering salads and other vegetarian offerings, not just for those wishing to lose some calories, but in many case those who choose to be vegan as well. College campuses have made it a priority that in the cafeteria they serve one source that could be eaten by someone who has chosen to be vegan. - 17273

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The Very Low Calorie Diet, Day Three

By Amelia Handley

Alright. Yesterday was a bit rough. I broke the diet and it was only my second day on the very low calorie portion of my HCG program. But in my defense...the mall food court absolutely overwhelmed my sense of self. They arrange it in a semi-circle so it seems as if there's no way to escape. And my kids were taking FOREVER to eat their deep fried food with all the yummy (sugar filled) sauces! Alright...alright. I'll stop defending myself and just move on!

Today I got up and weighed myself. I went down even though I didn't stick to plan yesterday. I'm now down to 163. That's pretty cool. I was already mad enough that I broke and had non-approved chicken yesterday. (Panda Express and Chick-Fil-a both have amazingly tasty chicken, but none of it is HCG approved. They've GOT to learn some healthy cooking methods).

I went about my day normally. I took my HCG drops and my B-Total. Then I decided that I needed some sort of additional reminder of the protocol so I pulled up the HCG weight loss cure guide a supplemental guide to Dr. Simeons HCG cure protocol online. I read and read and read. It was good to be reminded of the basics; apparently I forget easily and quickly.

I didn't really read anything new. (I did do a lot of research prior to deciding to do the diet). But it was good to refresh my memory of the protocol after yesterday's momentary (but very thorough) lapse from HCG approved foods to deep fried chicken with Chick-Fil-a Buffalo Sauce. Anyway! I'm nowhere near a Chick-Fil-a today so that's ancient history.

So after I took my second set of HCG drops about noon I made lunch. It was turkey chili. And it was great. I think it's all the fresh tomatoes that make it so yummy. Any soup with fresh tomatoes in it seems to turn out really tasty in my experience. And one other tip for you is to try the Spicy 3 Pepper Melba Toasts. They are really, really good (especially in comparison to your other flavor choices from Melba Toast). For my fruit...I had a Gala apple for snack later in the day.

I had another dose of HCG around 5pm and for dinner I had grilled chicken (I seasoned it with that yummy Creole seasoning I mentioned in an earlier article). I served it up to the kids, too. They loved it. With the chicken we had steamed asparagus. And we all had some strawberries for dessert. I patted myself on the back for sticking to plan today and then had to drink 3 glasses of water so that I wouldn't reach for a late night snack because I had to stay up late to catch up on work. But I did it; for today I only ate HCG approved foods. - 17273

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Bruise Treatment; Methods To Cause Bruises Heal Quickly

By Jan Doan

A bruise happens when an area on the body of soft tissue has a sudden impact that causes the small blood vessels beneath the skin to break and bleed to pool under the skin. Bruises can either be painful or you might not even notice you have them until you see them. Bruise treatment is a natural way to make them heal and disappear quickly and to ease the pain of the ones that do feel uncomfortable.

Bruises respond well to cold treatment so place ice in a plastic re-closeable bag, wrap in a hand towel and apply to the area. Frozen peas are a good thing to use because the peas move around and the cold can get into the nooks and crannies of the body for ultimate cold coverage of the bruise. Wrap them in a towel too.

The bruise will be affected two different ways from the cold. It will stop any swelling that may occur. It will also stop the bleeding caused by breakage of the blood vessels and the bruise may be diminished slightly.

The best way to treat a bruise that is on the leg or foot is to elevate it for about twelve to twenty four hours. The blood will stop seeping from the capillaries if the leg is raised. If the bruise is painful take acetaminophen or you can take ibuprofen but never take aspirin. Aspirin causes the blood to stay fluid and not clot so your bruise may be come larger than you want it to if you take aspirin. Be aware if you take aspirin or blood thinners of any kind a bruise can become a big problem.

After 48 hours has elapsed soak a wash cloth in warm water and apply for about ten minutes and do this three to four times a day. Applying warmth enabled the skin to absorb the blood and the bruise will not be as noticeable. Just bare in mind that this does not always work.

You can find commercial treatments for bruises in the pharmacy or Online. Their ingredients include vitamin A and K since these particular vitamins will stop discoloration and start the healing process. Arnica is also in some of those treatments and can be found in the form of ointments or pills but is most always in the form of gel. You should follow the package instructions for each of these preparations.

The herb comfrey has been a home remedy for bruises since the renaissance. You can grow comfrey in your garden or get dried comfrey leaves from an herb store or Online. Comfrey prevents the discoloration and may ease some of the pain. The leaves of comfrey are huge and you usually get it in crushed form and looks like something you would put in your stew, but do not do that because taken internally it has been known to be a carcinogen. Just take about one tablespoon of the dried comfrey and put it in a pan. Add 1 cup boiled water and let it steep covered for 15 minutes. When it is cool enough apply the infusion with cotton balls and let dry. If you are using a leaf from the garden you will need to crush it before adding the water. Crush but keep it intact and then once you dab on the infusion wrap the actual leaf on the area with an Ace Bandage to keep it on for a few hours.

The bruise will go through the healing process and it will turn several different colors. At first it is purple then it will get a greenish tinge and when it about ready to heal it will turn yellow. There really is no cure for bruises; you just have to wait until they decide to heal. Some of the things discussed above can help them to heal much faster than normal. If the bruise sticks around longer than two to three weeks it is probably a good idea to consult a doctor. This may indicate a deficiency within the body concerned with clotting. - 17273

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A Little Known Weight Loss Secret: Fat Burning Made Easy

By Kervin Fahie

Most people go about it the wrong way when they want to lose weight or burn fat. They try to reduce their intake by taking diet pills, or by choosing "low-fat" diets. What they don't realize is that to acutally lose weight, they need to have a strategy for eating to lose weight.

Have you ever observed how fat people are who are on fat-controlled diets? They are constantly watching out for "fatty" foods, in order to avoid them -- yet they fail to lose a single pound! This alone should show you that "low-fat" and "no-fat" diets don't work.

One other type of diet that's very common and that's also quite ineffective is the low-carb diet. These diets will help you lose water-weight for a few weeks, but then the weight loss stops. Furthermore, because of how acidic the diet is, you'll feel terrible and likely have a terrible body odor as well. Worse yet, you probably won't be able to eat at a restaurant while on this diet -- the food won't fit your diet plan.

A lot of people think that the key to a successful diet is the nutritional value of what they're eating. However, they never stop to look at how what they eat affects their digestive system. If they took a closer look, they'd find that what they eat really influences how their body burns fat. If you choose the foods you eat accordingly, you'll be able to use your body's natural systems to help you burn lots of fat very fast.

The foods you eat aren't the only important factor. How you eat is quite important as well. Eating less food more often will actually help you to lose weight. In other words, even if you eat a little more, eating more often will help you to lose weight because your metabolism is more active.

You body naturally tries to burn all the calories you eat daily. Using this principle, dieting experts have discovered a very powerful technique: "calorie shifting". Calorie shifting tricks your body into burning more fat than it's actually supposed to. Using this revolutionary technique, lots of people have lost dozens of pounds in just days.

Every day, people are deciding to lose weight. Unfortunately, many of them won't succeed, because they continue to use ineffective techniques. As Einstein said, if you want to succeed, recognize what doesn't work and change it. To continue doing the same thing and hoping for a different result is insanity!

If you want to try something new, you will find that there are a lot of resources on losing fat that most people never locate. There are new and improved ways of losing weight that really work, and can work for you too! If you try one of these new methods, rather than just repeating the old ones, you will be a lot more likely to lose weight quickly. - 17273

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Low Carb Vegetarian Diet Could Be The Best Option For You

By Alexis Martin

There has been much more coverage in the media in the past few years of all the health benefits that can be gained from having a low carb vegetarian diet. Some of these positive health outcomes include lower risk of type II diabetes, less chance of many kinds of cancer, reduced chance of heart disease and cholesterol and blood pressure issues. Vegetarians also consume a diet lower in saturated fats, which means that it is unusual to see an obese vegetarian.

There are a few different types of vegetarian weight loss diets. Vegans do not consume any type of meat or animal products at all and will often not wear animal products either. Lactovegetarians still eat dairy products; ovovegetarians will eat eggs, and flexitarians refrain from red meat, but sometimes eat chicken or fish.

One of the downsides to being vegetarian is that you need to monitor your diet more closely to ensure you are getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals for healthy body function. Some of the nutrients that can be lacking in a vegetarian diet include iron, calcium, zinc and protein. Vitamins that may be low in vegetarians include B12 and vitamin D.

An alternative to animal protein is legumes. This can be kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas and so on and these should be a part of a vegetarian diet several times a week. Whole grain foods are also able to provide a certain amount of protein in the diet. Vegetarian iron sources include spinach, dried fruit and Brewer's Yeast, which can be added as a supplement in food. There are some cereals that are enriched with iron as well.

Zinc is an important mineral for maintaining a strong immune system. To ensure you are getting enough you can eat lots of nuts and wheat germ. Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal products, so you can either look for cereals that are fortified with B12, or take a vitamin B supplement.

Calcium is responsible for building strong bones and healthy teeth. You may be putting yourself at risk of osteoporosis if your diet lacks calcium and vitamin D. To make sure you are getting enough calcium in your diet you should eat calcium-enriched soy products and lots of green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli and kale.

Vitamin D can be obtained from cereals that are enriched with the vitamin and also sunlight. Most sources of vitamin D from food are found in fish products or milk. Alternatively you can easily find calcium plus vitamin D supplements at the pharmacy. - 17273

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Getting a Cardio Workout at Home

By Hanif Furqan

You'll find an amazing variety of home cardio equipment for sale in retailers or on different websites, and this equipment will offer you a long, healthy life. Many people choose to get their cardio workouts outdoors, although sometimes your environment or the season creates issues. If you find yourself in that kind of place, or if you just would rather be working out in the comfort of your own living space from time to time, then some home cardio equipment would be a reasonable investment for you. A great piece of equipment to consider is the Total Gym 1100.

Home cardio equipment includes a wide selection of equipment, so first you'll want to decide on the type of cardio workout you prefer to do. Runners and joggers would appreciate a treadmill, although a number of hikers may rather have a stair-stepper, if your hiking is more about vertical progress than horizontal meandering. Bicyclists will naturally choose exercise bicycles, and many fitness folks could discover the advantages of an elliptical trainer given the opportunity.

Each type of home cardio equipment includes its helpful and unhelpful factors, and they furthermore include individual issues you should explore before whipping out your credit card. Below are some good considerations when examining any piece of home cardio equipment. A nice piece of equipment to invest in is the Total Gym 1100.

* How much money are you looking to use? Setting your spending parameters in advance of shopping ought to limit potential purchases. You should purchase the best machine you can afford, but be certain you can afford it.

* How much space will the machine need? Will this contraption easily fit in the spot you planned, or will you be required to take over a whole bedroom to make room for it? Will the different persons in your household be able to live with storing the appliance in everyone's way? * Is that machine the appropriate size?

A treadmill should be sufficiently long for an adult to run on, and the owner must be able to reach the foot rests and the grips on a new elliptical machine. Get on a machine before you get it; returning them could be complicated. * Will the resistance controls encompass your present capabilities, and can they adjust more intensely from there? The equipment should be able to meet your needs as you become more fit. * How loud is a particular appliance? This appears to be a silly issue, but you, your family, and maybe even your neighbors have to be able to put up with you exercising on your home gym - even if it's at 2:30 a.m. A soild unit to invest in is the Total Gym 1100.

As soon as you have selected the perfect model of home cardio equipment which you can pay for, fit in, and live with, one final question is yet to be asked. Will you honestly use the equipment? Buying some home cardio equipment won't compel you to use it if you're not exercising routinely right now. However If you locate the appropriate product and are really planning to use it, this may be the best investment you've made in a long time. - 17273

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Rapid Weight Loss Diets Are They A Good Idea?

By Mima Mavington

Everyone is looking for the super quick miracle weight loss plan that will make them loose huge amounts of weight in a minimal period of time. Most people embark on this challenge because of an upcoming holiday, wedding or reunion. The one question you have to ask yourself however is, "Rapid Weight Loss Diets Are They Safe?"

If you are one of those people embarking on the search to loose weight quickly, make sure you find the right weight loss plan for your body and be sure to do all your research and consult with your doctor to ensure that whichever route you choose will be safe.

The key to finding a rapid weight loss plan is to find one that works for you body but also one that is safe. To make the change permanent and safe you need to adapt a new healthy lifestyle. This will help you shed the pounds but also maintain the weight loss.

The first steps to take are to include moderate exercise into your routine at least three times a week and make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day to cleanse your system and keep you hydrated. Get yourself eating correctly - fresh fruit and vegetable with whole grains and low fat meat options will give your body the fuels it needs to sustain the weight loss. The biggest thing that will increase the speed of you slimming plan is to cut out fast foods and fatty or fried foods. By also cutting down on sugars and white flour products you will see a major difference in your weight.

Our bodies store waste and harmful toxins which are absorbed daily. If you are looking to accelerate your weight loss you need to encourage your body to expel these toxins so that you have a fresh and healthy start to your new healthy life. Detoxification is a way of cleansing your body in preparation for dieting or simply to encourage a healthier way of living.

There are of course the weight loss pills and supplements which promise outstanding results but if you are considering these make sure that you don't just believe the marketing material. Do your own research and talk to your doctor to make sure that the product does not hold any side effects. Simple ingredients like caffeine can hold serious side effects if the dosage is incorrect.

If you loose weight too quickly there is a large chance that you will be damaging your health. Rapid weight loss can be linked to gall stones and if you loose a substantial amount of weight you may even experience unsightly loose skin.

Many people who embark on rapid weight loss plans tend to become obsessive and this could lead to serious eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia where you binge eat and then purge the food from your system.

Most doctors are aware of the health risks involved in rapid weight loss and would therefore advise against it. In most cases the diets will fail and people will not only put the weight straight back on but will put on extra on top of that. Weight loss is always more effective and sustainable if it is done slowly and correctly to give the body time to adjust.

Any form of dieting and weight loss should be done with care so that you don't neglect your health and your body and do not suffer any long term side effects. - 17273

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Eliminate Large Clogged Pores and Get Healthier Skin

By John Andrews

Healthy Pores helps you have your best face on, due to its skin care system for you to cleanse and rejuvenate your skin with. You will look better than ever by using Healthy Pores, because this takes on aggravating acne that you just knew you were stuck with. Healthy Pores knows that some people are more likely to breakout with acne than some other people are, this is most likely due to hormones being over active. This product is made to be used with all types of skin, adults and teenagers too; the percentage of teenagers that get frequent acne breakouts is around 75%, but about 54% of female adults suffer from acne into their 40s. This is a system that has 3 parts to it that together help fight the breakouts.

There are two layers of skin. The dermis is called the living layer and lays beneath the epidermis, the thin top layer that contains and sheds the dead skin cells on its surface. Any oil that collects under the epidermis or between the two layers resulting in inflammation causing an acne breakout. Suffers of acne have found that exfoliation doesnt completely eliminate dead skin cells and scrubbing roughly can only spread the bacteria and cause scarring. Using Healthy Pores cleanser with its two percent salicylic acid help to remove dead cells more completely using a gentle pressure. This acid has been used to clean skin and care of the skin experts have never changed their view of this acid. There is nothing better and it can be used with soap and water which gives you a nice clean face with that tingling refreshing feeling.

Then you apply the Health Pores cream to your skin this destroys bacteria. Your skin's naturally occurring oil, sebum, is necessary in certain amounts for the health of your skin. But for those that suffer from acne, this sebum gets caught between the epidermis and dermis which clogs the pores. Healthy Pores cream destroys the bacteria, which can spread across the skin to all areas, creating more blemishes. Similar to how salycilic acid that is used in the cleanser, the tea tree oil in the cream is a naturally-based ingredient that has been utilized for many years. It destroys the bacteria without drying the skin out, and does not cause redness due to the anti-inflammatory properties. This skin cream has other naturally-based ingredients to feed your skin nutrients.

What really puts the Healthy Pores ahead of the game is their nutritional supplements. Acne is the result of having overactive hormones, and these kind of hormones have a tendency to go into overdrive during puberty, weather fluctuating, toxins, or fertility cycles. This produces too much sebum before the epidermal layer can shed the dead skin cells, which causes the pores to clog. The nutritional supplement that Healthy Pore offers you is full of natural ingredients which help the hormones get balanced and the body detoxified, your skin getting clearer is just one of the benefits to taking the supplement. Healthy Pores understands that when you feel better you look better. The reverse goes too.

Using all the Healthy Pores products as a whole will enable you to have clear skin in a short space of time, maybe even notice a change in as little as a week. Most, however, will see a definite improvement in about three weeks from a blemish marked face to a clear beautiful clean complexion. There is no risk and Healthy Pores offers a money back guarantee. If you do not get the results you expect, then return the product and we will refund you purchase price. We are that sure of our product and acne is the only thing you will lose. Give it a try, you will not be sorry and again acne is the only lose you will sustain. - 17273

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I'm on Day 12!

By Amelia Handley

Alright...in a lot of the diet reviews I read about the HCG diet it would mention that you just need to stay home. This part of the diet reviews is absolutely true. You'll know why by the end of today's article. It's day 12 for me on my HCG diet. Just as a recap in case you're just joining in...I chose to do the 25 day homeopathic HCG diet. I'm doing it through HCG Diet Direct. I bullied a friend into being my HCG diet buddy. Her name's Lisa. And we've got a side bet to see who can lose the most weight. I want to win.

But I'm starting to doubt myself. I just might not win this one. But then I've lost a substantial amount of weight so I'm happy with that. I just need to pay attention and avoid the obvious pit falls!

Today I weighed myself. I took my HCG as necessary for breakfast and lunch and then I took my third dose in the evening. I've been noting my daily weight down as suggested on the pad of paper by my bed. I've only forgotten once so far and I think that is a fabulous track record. Today my weight went down one pound; which is great! I'm at 160 pounds officially. That makes 11 pounds of weight loss within 12 days of HCG dieting. According to the diet reviews I'm right on track to meet the weight loss averages.

I thought when I started that the weight coming off would be inspirational and make it easy for me to stick to the diet; even though I read several diet reviews that said they loved the weight loss, but still had a hard time sticking to the strict guidelines. And it's true. It's still not easy. But I'm just going to keep a running list of the places and activities that I just have GOT to avoid while I'm on the low calorie diet. One for sure "no admittance while on 500 calorie diet" area is the Mall's food court. I was absurd to imagine that would work out. It didn't. And it won't; ever.

The next place I now know I should NEVER enter while on a low calorie diet is a family party. My sweet niece's birthday party was today. They were serving lunch so I didn't eat before I left. Long story short...lunch was delayed; it because dinner. I was absolutely starving.

That in itself is a problem. But the other problem was that they barbequed sausage and turkey legs (neither of which are okay for the HCG diet). They also had potato salad (a big unh-uh) and Caesar Salad (can there BE a more fattening green salad) and cake. I don't know why I assumed they'd have some grilled chicken. So long story short. I had a turkey leg. I had some potato salad. And I had some Caesar Salad. I did stay away from the cake. But that's such a small victory in comparison to the other concessions I made. I'm dreading getting on the scale tomorrow. I do not want to go up. I want to lose more weight than Lisa so she has to buy me a pair of jeans...I feel like I should get online and add to the number of diet reviews that points out this particular issue. But I guess I'll wait until the diet is complete so I can leave a review with all information disclosed at once. - 17273

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