Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Money Is Tight, But You Still Want To Eat Right-Healthy living Part 2

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy eating is all about making sure you get the recommended amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates, as well as the right types of fats and sugars.

So what kind of foods are considered as healthy foods also consists the nutrients we need in order to stay healthy while still in my daily budget?

Vegetable and fruits are the major source of vitamins and minerals which is highly recommended to eat at least 5 portion per day to make up about a third of our daily diet.

The unique package of nutrients and plant compounds in fruits and vegetables can help to protect against cancer, obesity and various chronic diseases such as heart disease, research suggests.

As fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive, but they are also very high in nutrients. Heading to your local farmer's market is a great way to purchase these items and save money. You may learn to can or otherwise preserve these fruits and vegetables so you can have them all year round!

Having bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods at each meal to make up another third of diet. Because they provide energy and dietary fibre along with vitamins, minerals and small amounts of protein.

To get high quality protein, vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B12 (cobalamine), calcium, phosphorus, and riboflavin (vitamin B2), milk and dairy foods are very good source. As they are high in saturated fat content, they should be eaten in moderation.

You need to eat the foods like meat, fish, eggs and beans to get enough protein which the body needs to grow and develop. These foods also contain nutrients like iron, zinc, magnesium and B vitamins. But The World Cancer Research Fund recommended meat eaters limit their consumption of red meat to no more than 500g a week as they have been linked to certain forms of cancer.

Water makes up 50 to 70 per cent of an adult's total body weight and it is essential for the body's growth and maintenance. Six to eight medium glasses of fluid intake daily is necessary, don't forget that tea, coffee and juices can count, as they may bring other nutrients or benefits.

Eating well to prevent diseases, such as heart attack and stroke with a variety of different foods in a low budget is not impossible. It can be done by taking a little bit of extra time and effort to plan your meals, and you can make good and inexpensive food choice in order to provide your body with excellent nutrition. - 17273

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Eat Healthy While Keeping It Cheap-Healthy living Part 2

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy eating is all about making sure you get the recommended amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates, as well as the right types of fats and sugars.

So what kind of foods are considered as healthy foods also consists the nutrients we need in order to stay healthy while still in my daily budget?

As most of the vitamins and minerals can be found in vegetables and fruits, we are highly recommended to eat at least 5 different vegetables and fruits per day to make up about a third of our daily diet.

Studies have found that eating greater quantities of fruits and vegetables could lead to estimated reductions of up to 20% in overall deaths from chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are usually very high in nutrients, but it will be more expensive. If you are on a very tight budget, learn to can or otherwise preserve these fruits and vegetables so you can have them all year round!

Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods provide energy and dietary fibre along with vitamins, minerals and small amounts of protein. So it's important to eat them at each meal to make up another third of diet.

Milk and dairy foods contain protein, some vitamins, calcium and phosphoruswhich is necessary for strong bones and teeth. But high in saturated fat content, they should be eaten in moderation.

Meat, fish, eggs and beans includes both animal and plant sources of protein, which is a major functional and structural component of all cells. Protein provides the body with between 10 and 15 per cent of its dietary energy, and is needed for growth and repair. But limit your consumption of red meat to no more than 500g a week as they have been linked to certain forms of cancer.

Drink six to eight medium glasses of fluid daily besides the foods is necessary. As it makes up 50 to 70 per cent of an adult's total body weight and it is essential for the body's growth and maintenance. Beverages such as tea, coffee and fruit juices count towards fluid intake, and may bring with them other nutrients or benefits.

Taking a little bit of extra time and effort to plan your meals, and you can make good and inexpensive food choice in order to provide your body with excellent nutrition. Including these five food groups mentioned above on the daily basis, we can still eat healthy while keeping it cheap. - 17273

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The Affect of The Current Recession on Diets

By Simon Grant

Many people are feeling the pinch of the recession. Those that arent are hunkering down expecting the current lull to last a very long time. The fact is that there are just so many things to worry about now that sometimes people forget that their health is still something that they should be wary off. There is no point in worrying about you finances, childrens education etc while neglecting something as basic as your own health.

A recent article in a popular weight loss magazine states that the American society is the most obese in the world and has some of the highest rates of heart disease that can be directly attributed to being obese. This is even before the public knew of the pending recession. Strangely enough, with the looming recession and people cutting back on their spending for food, initial reports have indicated that even more people are graduating to the obese category and more people are suffering from heart disease. This is in sharp contrast to what normally happens to less developed nations. When suffering from financial distress they normally would suffer from malnutrition and instead start losing weight.

One of the biggest factors causing this very curious behavior is the pricing structure for foods in the USA is very different compared to other countries. The US has benefited in huge economies of scale in farming and thus is actually able to provide animal proteins and staples are prices that are often cheaper than those available for fresh green vegetables. This is certainly true in supermarkets where shoppers can often get off-cuts of meat ground-up at prices as low as 99 cents per pound. It is impossible for supermarkets to offer these prices for fresh vegetables as they simply do not have the shelf life to enable the economies of scale to happen. In normal unindustrialized nations, it would be impossible to even imagine that meats can be cheaper then normal fresh vegetables or rice.

It is this imbalance in terms of pricing foods that have made Americans so obese for so many years. The problem is now that a lot of Americans are losing their jobs and are in financial distress, they are turning to foods which are of even lower quality in the hope that they can save money. These cheaper cuts of meat are often ones with low protein and are high in fat. The cheap staples like potatoes and rice have very high G.I (glycemic index) and are generally bad for you too. Combine these cheap foods and the bargain basement price for fizzy pop and sweets and you have the recipe for one of the worst diet programs on earth.

Just to make matters worst are the huge number of fast food restaurants and diners which offer some of the cheapest meals available. Although the immediate response would be to lower ones pickiness when it comes to food, having cheap meals at the diner of at fast food restaurants are extremely unhealthy. There will be a marked deterioration of your health through eating too much fatty meats and also not eating enough fresh green vegetables to provide vital nutrients like vitamins, fiber and anti-oxidants.

Although it might be a bit hard to swallow at first, just because you are in a financial bind doesnt mean that you should stinge on your food to the point of eating unhealthily. There are actually ways in which you can get fresh clean foods without having to pay very high prices. Naturally having fresh green vegetables is very important. You should always aim for freshness, leanness and fiber for the best combination diet. The best place to source fresh greens is to visit the farmers market in the early mornings so that you can get the best quality picks at reasonable prices. As for meats, local butchers can offer cuts that arent available in supermarkets and some can even offer them at very reasonable prices.

It is never a good idea to give up year health simply for the savings of a few dollars. The moral of the story is not to accept food that is cheap but of lower quality. If you look around you will be able to find foods that are both cheap and high quality. The only problem is that you must be willing to spend some time to look for the best foods available to you and your family. - 17273

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How To Make Soup For Low Fat Diet? Healthy Living-Part 3

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Healthy diet is not only about restricting self towards food which is unhealthy but eating a balanced diet which comprises of all the necessary nutrients which also includes adequate amount of water. Soup is a really healthy habit to get into.

Soup is a prime example because it is very filling but also low in calories and rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Soups are complete meals with all the daily nutrients needed, and it is almost always eaten at both the midday and evening meals.

Making a delicious tasty low fat soup by simple remove the fat from the soup. As fat-free vegetable soups, vegetable broths, and soups made with skimmed milk are very healthy soup, there are some adept ways to turn your homemade soups fat and calorie trimmed.

1. Refrigerate or cool down the soup first: then carefully remove the fat and grease that has coated on the top with a knife, spoon, or other suitable utensil.

2. If you're in a hurry to skim the fat off a soup or stew, use bread slices by direct application to the top layer of the soup, in order to blot up or absorb the grease.

3. You also can try to drop a few leaves of lettuce in a pot of soup. When you see the fat absorbed onto the leaf or leaves, remove them. The lettuce leaf may also impart a slight flavour to the soup, helping to lend a little zest.

4. Floating one or more paper towels on the surface of the soup, drag the paper towel across the top. Discard the fat saturated paper towel, it is a greasy reminder of escape from unhealthy calories.

5. Another way you can use to get rid of the fat is to boil the meat and rinse it under the cold water before you add it into the soup. It not only can rid the fat off the soup , but also make the meat much quick to cook and more tender.

Some soup producers make canned soups that have almost a half-teaspoonful of fat per serving of soup when diluted evenly with water. So dry soup mixes are the good substitutional choice, and it rather low in fat and are very enjoyable. Vegetable and vegetable-beef canned soups, yet, are very low in fat content and are thus highly suitable for the low-fat diet. - 17273

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Advanced Wellness Special Offers

By Linda Kemp

Sometimes the little things are what make the most difference. That's certainly been true in my life when I think about the impact that adding the acai berry to my diet has had! Basically, I've always been interested in being an endurance athlete, but I could just never make everything click to make it happen. When I was younger I thought that I didn't have the physiology to be a long distance runner, but since then I've discovered ways to get around those limitations. Unfortunately though, by the time that I had what it took to be a contender I was too distracted by the obligations of family and work. Add the effects of aging to those things, and it seemed like becoming the athlete that I wanted to be just wasn't in the cards. But then I discovered the acai berry and learned that I could easily add it to my diet just by taking Pure Acai Berry! This one discovery has made all of the difference.

Before I started taking the acai berry, I was just run down all of the time and didn't have the combination of time and energy that I needed in order to put in the training that I wanted to. I would get up in the morning after a night of restless sleep, get the kids ready for school while I got ready for work, go to work and spend the whole day stressed out, and come home without the energy that I needed in order to workout! If I was lucky, I could force myself to put in a couple of mile runs two or three times a week.

Since I've been using Pure Acai Berry though, things have fallen into place. Now I sleep more soundly so it's easier to get going in the mornings. I'm more energetic and mentally sharper at work and that makes work a lot less stressful. The fact that I still have energy when I get home from work now allows me to get exercise every day! Now it isn't unusual for me to combine exercise with quality time with my kids, which makes me a better role model for them. In addition I'm able to get in a longer workout on the weekends when I would ordinarily have spent my time wrestling with work around the house and actually getting some rest!

One thing that has made a big difference- and something that the acai berry is responsible for- is a better diet. This is true for both myself and my family. The fact that the acai berry has given me more energy means that I'm a lot more likely to eat foods that are higher in quality rather than more convenient. In turn, that higher quality food gives me more energy and it's another good way to set a positive example for my kids!

The way I see it, I was in a downward spiral of poor health before I started taking Pure Acai Berry. Stress and low energy and poor diet were all reinforcing each other. Now that I've incorporated Pure Acai Berry into my diet I've gone into an upward spiral where being healthier and more energetic leads to better health and more energy! Its definitely proof that something as small as an acai berry can make a huge difference! - 17273

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What Are The Benefits of Bananas?

By Rachel Greene

To put it quite simply, bananas, like any fruit, are good for you. Fruits and vegetables should play a daily part of your everyday healthy eating routine as a whole as they are a good source of vitamins, minerals and a load of other good stuff that can help keep you fit and healthy.

Bananas, however, stand head and shoulders above many other fruits when it comes to nutritional value. The benefits of eating a banana when you need a snack are therefore varied. So what kind of benefits will a banana give you?

#1 Vitamins and minerals -- bananas are a good source of vitamins A, B and C as well as potassium and magnesium.

#2 Fiber -- bananas are also rich in fiber and as such can help boost your overall general health. They are also easily digested which can help if you are trying to start eating again after a stomach upset or if you have ulcer problems.

#3 Health benefits -- bananas are incredibly high in potassium content which is held to help with problems with blood pressure and heart disease, for example. Potassium can also help alleviate the symptoms of exercise such as muscle spasms and cramps which is one reason why many athletes choose this fruit as a snack before or after training.

#4 Calcium -- the calcium content in bananas can help to increase the chances of healthy bone growth which makes them a good choice for children which is useful given how popular they are as a fruit with most kids. #5 Sodium content -- bananas have a relatively low sodium content so cannot cause any problems here.

#6 Sugar/energy -- bananas are packed full of natural sugars and energy which is another one of the reasons why they are so popular as a snack with professional athletes. A quick snack of a banana can give you an immediate sugar rush/energy boost that is healthy. Then as the banana is absorbed by your body you will be given a slow release of energy over a consistent period of time.

#7 Diet benefits -- bananas are quite filling and, if taken with a small glass of water, can actually leave you feeling quite full for a relatively long period of time making them the ideal diet snack. The slow release of energy here can also help you avoid having sugar cravings into the bargain.

Some people prefer to eat their bananas when they are quite ripe as this is supposed to be the point when a banana gives the best health benefits however this fruit will always be a good option for you.

Some people also think that bananas can have specific positive effects on your mental health as well as the physical benefits already discussed here. These claims are based on the fact that bananas are also a source of substances such as serotonin. These substances can help reduce the symptoms of depression and can simply make you feel better. - 17273

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Heal Cancer Through Organic Food Diet

By Rita Goldman

Cancer cells are said to be aggressive unhealthy cells that attack and destroy healthy cells in the process their replication. They multiply in a surprisingly faster speed than the healthy cells and they do not care about boundaries unlike healthy cells which stop replicating when they sense other neighboring cells, whether good or bad. So how do you combat these pesky cancer cells from replicating?

Recent studies have shown a fine line between cancer cells and the artificially prepared or grown foods which are readily available in the supermarket nowadays. Non-organic foods have proven to help cancer cells grow and replicate faster while diminishing the bodys healthy cells of their natural strength. These studies have shown that cancer cells love consuming the artificial chemicals found in non-organic foods because these elements make them stronger.

Now that you know the implications of these unnatural foods, what should you do then to combat your cancer cells? Eat healthier non-organic foods, of course! What are these organic foods then? Organic foods have been grown from pesticide-free and chemical free natural soil. They do not only involve fruits, vegetables, and grain foods but also include milk and eggs from cows and chickens which didnt undergo chemical injections or any other artificial enhancements.

The realization of the great contribution of organic foods to our health has attracted the public into a more healthful diet. You can find lots organic food outlets nowadays and you can even find some of their products in your local supermarket. Theres no reason why you shouldnt join the organic food diet wagon especially if you are diagnosed with cancer.

When you get rid of the unnatural foods which the cancer cells love, they will weaken and eventually die thus making them unable to replicate and spread to other parts of your body. Organic foods will strengthen your good cells allowing them to combat your cancer cells even better. - 17273

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Understanding Weight Loss

By Jay Bonaretti

Its time to get on top of weight loss. There are so many conflicting approaches out there, so no wonder so many people (probably yourself included) is confused about how to shed that weight for good. Well, lets go through some basic ideas behind weight loss and how begin getting in shape NOW.

One word that I cringe at are diets. Why? Well, they do not offer a sustainable, long-term solution. Do you know this from first-hand experience? For example, have you dieted, then stopped, only to gain weight? I will let you in on a little secret - all diets will yield this same result! So rule number one is to avoid a diet.

Fad dieting is one thing, fad exercise machines are the next. I would be highly sceptical of any machine that is advertised on television to build a six pack, or sculpt your thighs. As a professional, I am yet to see a machine that actually delivers on these empty promises. Save your money.

Weight loss products such as pills are a definite miss without a sound plan of attack. They should not be the foundation to your weight loss endeavours. This is a short-term fix, completely unhealthy and misguided. If they are the centre of your weight loss attempts, you need to throw them away and get some professional assistance to point you in the right direction for long-term success.

Believe it or not, lifestyle is the key factor to weight loss in most individuals. So, if we make some changes here, big weight loss will be induced in the long-term!

For starters, exercise is a key ingredient to maximum weight loss. Yes, this is common sense, but many people avoid exercise like the plague.

Please do not think that I am in anyway suggesting to dedicate your life to exercise. This is definitely not a long-term solution. We need to focus on something that is sustainable. So, you could try hiking with a friend or going for a jog in the morning before work. Find something that you like doing, rather than something that is a chore.

Dietary intake, as I am sure you would be aware, is very important. So, watch what you eat. You know the drill, eat a variety of foods that are healthy. But to lose weight, you just need to take in less kilojoules than what you presently consume. So try making your portion sizes smaller as a start.

Here is the important tip - with both exercise and nutrition, do not go too extreme. Remember, you have to be able to form a routine and sustain it in the long-term. Find something enjoyable so you can actually look forward to losing weight! - 17273

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The Maori Tribe's Diet with Green Lipped Mussels

By Paul J. Easton

The green mussel is found exclusively only in New Zealand's blue waters. In New Zealand coastlines, the Maori tribe has long consumed green mussels and other seafood found off the country's coast. This serves as a primary part of their diet and the Maoris have found to have low rates of arthritic inflammation among their old people.

This realization led to research further on the diet of the Maoris and that eventually led to the discovery of superior levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their foods. It is concluded with extensive research on the topic that the omega-3s slow down the degeneration of cartilage and bones of both humans and animals. Swelling and inflammation are two of the symptoms of arthritis which seem to respond favorably with consistent dosage of green mussel extract powder on a daily basis.

Green mussels began to become popular when they were noted to contain high levels of lipids and omega-3s. Through extensive research, scientists have found that the optimal time to harvest the mussels is during the spring. After the harvesting, they must be rapidly freeze-dried in order to stabilize and retain their nutrients. The lipids are extracted, and the resulting substance is the substantial component in green mussel extract we see in the market today.

The New Zealand green mussel delights the global reputation for its valuable nutrients and the ability to slow down arthritis. Many nutraceutical companies market supplements carrying this key element but just make sure you carefully check out the seller's reputation before purchasing a bottle of what could contain only inferior lipid content.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis. - 17273

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Compounds in Acai Fruit Berry Prove Useful in Cancer Research

By Dr. Jerimiah Crossderd

A study has identified substances within acai fruit berry that has chemo preventive prospective that could assist in the possible eradication of cancer.

Researchers documented that anthocyanins which are a group of flavonoids originating in acai berry fruit, controlled enlargement and encouraged apoptosis in the gullet of rats treated with an esophageal carcinogen. The discovery provides hefty evidence that anthocyanins are vital for cancer deterrence.

The researchers fed rats an anthocyanin-rich extract of acai fruit and documented that the compound was right away efficient in relation to as successful in hindering esophageal cancer in rats and as a sum total acai fruit berry contained the same absorption of anthocyanins.

This lesson demonstrates the degree of anthocyanins as protective agents in acai fruit and validated equal answers. This study was amid the foremost to peek at the affiliation connecting anthocyanins and cancer deterrence.

The researchers conducted investigational trials by way of entire acai fruit berry powder, which has netted some promising results however required patients to obtain up to 60 grams of powder a day.

Now that it is understood anthocyanins in acai fruit berries are roughly as vigorous as whole acai fruit berry themselves, it is the anticipation of the researchers to be able to thwart cancer in humans using a standardized creation of anthocyanin.

The ultimate objective is to potentially substitute the whole acai berry fruit powder by extracting its active compounds and thus generate better ways to distribute these components to tissues, to enhance their uptake and effectiveness.

In the end, it is the expectation of the researchers to test the anthocyanins for helpfulness in several organ sites in humans.

Acai fruit is about the breadth of a robust blueberry on the other hand only the outermost layers of the fruit, the pulp bordering a large internal seed, are fit to be eaten. Similar to vitamin C, the body can only soak up so much at a occasion - 17273

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Tell Me What Are Bioflavonoids and What Can They Do For Me?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you are seeking a bruising treatment that really works, or you are seeking a method that lets you work on healing bruises in particular, you will find that bioflavonoids are mentioned repeatedly. It seems like nearly everyone is talking about them, but what do you want to know about them? It's always a good idea to try to learn more about the supplements that are you curious about, and there is a plenty of interesting information regarding bioflavonoids themselves as well as how they can provide you with an excellent bruise treatment.

Bioflavonoids are found in plants, where they guide the plant to do things like create pigmentation and protect the plant from microbes or other forms of illness and harm. They are found in almost all plants, though they will vary in amount and strength depending on what plants that you might be looking at. There is very strong research evidence that points to them as being extremely useful when it comes to helping cause our bodies tjo react appropriately against a host of things that include viruses, cancer-causing agents and allergens. They are also known to act in an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-cancer manner.

There have been more than 4000 bioflavonoids that have been cataloged, and virtually all of them can be useful to your body. Earlier they were known collectively as Vitamin P, but as we discover more about them, we are learning that there are several specific groups that all have their own strengths.

Proanthocyanidins, which are abbreviated to PCO, are very potent and can be found in things like grape seeds or the bark of the maritime pine. Similarly, quercetins are the most active of the bioflavonoids and often make up a very powerful part of the other bioflavonoids. Citrus bioflavonoids are the ones that we most commonly come in contact with, and they are the ones that are often used to treat people who bruise easily; they may also be used for things like hemorrhoids, varicose veins and capillary permeability.

What part do bioflavonoids play in our ability to try to heal bruises, and why are they such an essential bruise treatment? Firstly, taking them and making certain that you are getting enough of them is an excellent way to heal your body when there has been any sort of physical trauma at all to it, and that is in essence, what a bruise is, whether you remember it happening or not. A bruise is basically a capillary under the skin breaking and seeping blood into the surrounding tissue, and taking the proper amount of bioflavonoids can help you heal the damage much more rapidly. - 17273

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The Easy Road To Weight Loss

By Clairesweight

Welcome to this article on weight loss. It is important when losing weight to try and do it in as healthy way as possible. I am going to show you best ways to lose weight and stay healthy in this article.

When you see these celebrities you may be surprised at how quick they lose weight and want to know how they do it. Well it is likely that they are starving themselves and working out too much which is a dangerous combination and should never be copied.

So the first thing you need to do to lose weight is to make sure your eating 5 small healthy meals a day. These small healthy meals should prevent you from snacking on junk and should give you the nutrients you need.

The next important thing you need to do is to make sure you get enough vitamins in your diet. Make sure that your 5 small meals contain plenty of fruit and veg. Most people that eat healthily get enough vitamins but its also a good idea to take some extra vitamins. I recommend the all in one vitamins you can buy.

The next thing that will help you with weight loss is to make sure you drink only water. From now on cut out all fizzy drinks and you can actually cut out soft drinks too as they can contain a lot of sugar. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses a day.

Now it may surprise you to know that if your overweight then a big part of your weight could be water. This is because when you don't drink enough water your body stores it for survival, so drink plenty of water and your body will start to release your water weight.

And lastly one of the most important things you can do when to lose weight is to exercise everyday. Now I know that exercise can be a chore but its very effective. The best exercise you can do and also the easiest is swimming. Swimming everyday will help you to lose weight faster than you ever thought possible. Exercise is the best medcine for weight loss. - 17273

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