Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, March 16, 2009

What is Peptic Ulcer Disease?

By Katie A. Price

When you have peptic ulcer disease, the linings of your stomach called mucus layers are disrupted due to the increased acidity in the stomach. A peptic ulcer disease can show no symptoms in the beginning when the condition is not yet grave or the disruptions are not yet deep. Peptic ulcer disease is said to be idiopathic but a lot of experts would associate it to many predisposing factors. Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterium found in the stomach is also believed to contribute to the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease.

Peptic ulcer disease occurs when there is a significant increase in the amount of acid in the stomach. This acid is specifically hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid, if excessive in amount, will cause an irritability in the mucus layers that lines the stomach. When the mucous layer can no longer tolerate the excessive amounts of acid in the stomach, the protective layer will be destroyed causing ulcerations in the stomach lining.

A person with peptic ulcer disease will experience a sharp gnawing pain in the epigastric area of the abdomen. This pain is experienced every after eating and is not relieved by food intake, when it is gastric in origin. There are a lot of predisposing factors for the occurrence of peptic ulcer disease, and one of them is stress.

Increased gastric motility is present in people who are stressed out because the body tends to relax to compensate for the fatigue that it is experiencing. When a person is in a relaxed state, there is an increased movement of gastric contents or the food that was previously ingested. To complete the process of digestion, hydrochloric acid is secreted in the stomach so that the foods are broken down into nutrients needed by the body.

Aside from stress, people who are fond of drinking alcohol and cigarette smoking have greater chances of developing peptic ulcer. This happens because nicotine from cigarette smoking is a stimulant and vasoconstrictor. Stimulants are known to activate the parasympathetic nervous system that causes increased gastric motility. Alcohol is an irritant and causes further irritability in the linings of the stomach. Vasoconstrictors such as alcohol and nicotine cause the constriction of blood vessels that could also cause increased gastric motility.

Aside from alcohol and smoking, another factor for peptic ulcer disease is caffeine. Coffee drinkers who drink excessive amounts of coffee per day are also at risk for developing peptic ulcer. This happens because caffeine is also a stimulant and a vasoconstrictor just like nicotine in cigarettes. Coffee should also be not taken as a replacement for a meal.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer would include nausea, vomiting, and gnawing pain that is not relieved by eating. For more advanced ulcers, it can cause bleeding. Vomiting of blood is very typical and also the presence of blood in the stools. Patients with peptic ulcer are also exhibiting feelings of tiredness and weakness.

In order to prevent the chances of developing peptic ulcer disease, a person should take necessary precautions and some lifestyle modifications. If a peptic ulcer becomes progressive, it can lead to bleeding ulcers. These ulcers could cause internal hemorrhage which is very harmful if no prompt medical attention is given. Peptic ulcers can also lead to serious illnesses such as gastric cancer. - 17273

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Need More Energy? Forget Coffee, Make Fresh Green Juice Instead!

By Joanna Verdan

It's a fact: nothing is more enzyme-rich and nutrient-rich than freshly extracted vegetable juice. It is also the most easily absorbable form of nutrition available! Unfortunately, when most people think of vegetable juice, they typicaly picture canned tomatoe or V-8 juice. However,vegetable juices can be surprisingly tasty and even addictive - in a good way, of course.

If you feel you aren't getting enough nutrients, if you are feeling insatiably hungry, if you are craving junk food, if you have any physical or emotional complaints, a glass of juice can help. Grab your juicer (if you dont have one, you should seriously consider getting one!), make yourself some vegetable juice, and drink it twice daily for amazing results, daily for great results, three times a week for noticeable results, or even just once a week for improvement!

Fresh juice has all nutrients that your body needs in a form that can be easily absorbed giving you instant energy boost! Its also great for your health. If you search the Internet, you can read thousands of stories about people who cured themselves of various ailments, lost weight and improved their well-being by drinking freshly made juices.

Green Juice Cocktail Recipe

There are many recipes that you can find on the Internet and in books on the subject. Here is one versatile recipe for a Green Juice Cocktail, that is often recommended as you browse through various resources:

Simple version (few ingredients):

1 head romaine lettuce or 3 stalks of celery

5-6 leaves of kale (or other greens, e.g., 1 cup of spinach)

1-2 apples or pears

1 lemon (not peeled)

Additional/optional ingredients " pick and choose whatever you like or have on hand:

1 cucumber

1/4 to 1/2 ripe papaya (1/2 makes the juice sweeter)

1/2 cup of of cilantro (or parlsley, or both)

1 cup of fennel

You may add some beets or carrots too, but then of course it will no longer be green juice... Some people like to add a small piece of garlic or ginger.

Drink it every morning or afternoon to jumpstart your energy!

For most benefits, it is best to drink your juice on an empty stomach.

The Benefits of Drinking Fresh Juice

So why juice fruits and vegetables instead of just eating them? What's the benefit?

First of all, a juicer separates the juice from the fiber of the fruits and vegetables making them easier to digest, leaving you with organic water with all the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from the plants. And second, just imagine having to chop and then chew all the above ingredients - it sure takes a while!

Of course, everybody knows, that eating fiber is good for our health, too. However, when fiber is removed from the juice, our bodies do not have to waste energy on digestion and the nutrients are absorbed instantly. So, whenever you are experiencing low energy or any health issues - drink a glass of fresh fruit and vegetable juice. It certainly can't hurt, and will most likely help! - 17273

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How to Eat a Pomegranate; Three Different Ways

By Ralph Waterson

A pomegranate, one of the true superfruits, needs warmer climates with cooler but not icy cold winters. You will find them in some of the warmer US states, although these are only introduced in recent history... The pomegranate is native to the area of East Africa and India, and even more common in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Turkey.

The flower and the pom fruit are bright red. The fruits themselves are full of nine essential vitamins and minerals including Calcium, Vitamin C, and Potassium. The average calories per cup of fruit is usually around 100, making this a nutritious and low calorie treat.

The outside of the fruit is not edible and tends to be quite hard. To get at it effectively, cut the top off and section it in several sections from top to bottom without cutting all the way through it. Now you can place it into a deep bowl of water and let it soak for about 10 minutes. After those 10 minutes, tear the fruit apart, still in the water. The heavier seeds and fruit will drop to the bottom and the white pulp and rind will float to the top.

If you want to use the seeds later, you can dry them, then grind them up for seasoning. You can also use them whole in desert dishes, soups, and stews. Others enjoy the fruit heated up and topped with a little sugar, sour cream or yogurt. You can also put the seeds into your favorite Jello, pudding or mixed fruit dish.

Another method of how to eat a pomegranate involves cutting the fruit in halves. Cut several more segments along the rind of each half without cutting all the way through it. Turn the fruit upside down and push or tap the back with a heavy kitchen spoon or spatula. The fruit should fall right into the bowl beneath. Then you can discard the rind and eat the tasty fruit.

Historically, people used to just pull them off the tree, poke holes in the rind, peel it back and tear large pieces of the fruit apart. Once they had a big enough chunk, they would just pull the seeds out with their fingers and eat them. You can use this method in your kitchen too, and even scoop the seeds out with a spoon for more ease. Be warned though, the juice is a very dark pigment and can stain anything that it touches, including your skin and clothes! - 17273

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Online Personal Training - The New Fitness Trainer!

By Jay Bonaretti

What's that I hear? You don't have a personal trainer? Why not? Is it because you're unmotivated? Or is it because you haven't worked up the courage to step into a gym in order to seek some help? Don't worry - an online personal trainer may be exactly what you are looking for!

Have you ever wondered what an online personal trainer can do for you? Well, I don?t blame you, especially considering that it is still an emerging industry. Let?s highlight the benefits of an online personal trainer.

Motivation. Why would you hire a personal trainer in the first place? Often, it?s to get into top gear to achieving your health and fitness goals. An online personal trainer can do exactly that, by providing you with the motivation you need to achieve that ideal physique.

How do you ask - well, the difference between the old-school PT and the online personal trainer is that the latter is in constant communication with you throughout the week - not just one a week with the former!

Accountability is also a result of this high level of communication. You cannot hide from your online PT ? they will chase you down to ensure that you are working hard toward your goals!

The online nature of the online PT means that they can teach you more easily with tools and resources available instantly over the internet. This means that you can learn about food, fitness and health with the click of a button, whilst not eating into your one hour appointment.

Because you don?t book appointments with your online PT, this means that it?s far more cost effective than your conventional trainer. Whilst previously it could have set you back hundreds of dollars each week to see your trainer daily, you can now have that same level of support for a fraction of the price!

Whilst a conventional personal trainer may be quite useful with explaining exercise technique in person, an online personal trainer can provide you with detailed exercise descriptions and video?s to guide you through various movements. This is a real benefit when you are inevitably training by yourself and forget what your PT showed you!

Ultimately, we all want to achieve our goals. This must be one of the most important things with online personal training ? the combination of the motivation and accountability can really drive you to achieve your goals in no time at all. I really believe that online personal training just has that slight advantage in the industry.

So are you ready to take the next step forward? I sure hope so. There is no doubt that an online personal trainer can assist you in achieving your goals. Of course, an online PT can be of great help but YOU have to be willing to put in the effort to obtain that ideal physique! - 17273

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Vitamin Online Shops for Lowest Cost

By Jerry Turley

Healthy tips for men and women vary, but vitamin played a very important role in the physical fitness of people. Different types of vitamin tablets are available in the market. Patients must choose vitamin tablets according to the deficiencies they have. You can buy all the vitamins tablets at the moderate cost from online vitamins shops. Different types of apparels, appliances, vitamin tablets for baby, men, women and even pets are available from vitamin shops.

Food and beverages are very important for health and beauty. Everyone must consume the prescribed level of vitamin tablets for their health and beauty. Online shops offer different types of vitamin tablets and other supplements for all the people. Normally the cost of vitamin tablets and other supplements are very high. There are so many ways of decreasing the price of vitamin tablets while buying vitamins online. Regular online customers will be familiar with the term vitamin shoppedcoupon codes.

One can reduce the cost of vitamin tablets to a larger extend with the online discount coupons. Nothing to do more, just enter the Vitamin coupon code in the concerned fields of online vitamins shops. All the details about the discount amount, due date, coupon code and all other details regarding discount coupons are available in the website. Before buying vitamin products, read terms and conditions carefully.

Lots of articles about health tips and ways of gaining wellness are available at the online vitamin Shoppe. Detailed description of the vitamin capsules is also included in the websites. Anyone can sign up and buy vitamin tablets from the online vitamin shops around the world.

Vitamin Sites has a wide collection of 20,000 vitamin tablets. All the world class brands of vitamin tablets and other accessories are available with the online shops. Novice in the field may not be familiar with selecting vitamin tablets. It is better to consult a physician before confirming the vitamin product for you. They can help you in selecting vitamin capsules suitable to your body condition. Some of the well known vitamin capsules are Burt's Bees, Twinlab, Jason, Nature's Way, Met-Rx, Cytosport, Source Naturals, Natrol, Solaray, etc.

Sports personalities include lots of nutrition like vitamins and protein in their food. Best solutions for them are included in the online shops. Different types of vitamin tablets for them are available with them. - 17273

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Why Your Biceps Aren't Getting Bigger

By Jason King

Almost all body builders that start a body building regime want bigger biceps. Biceps are the main part of the body that shows strength, and body builders like their shirts fitting tightly at the top of their arms. Because the biceps get a lot of attention they become the most over trained muscle which means for a lot of gym users their progress actually goes in reverse.

The first reason that most body builders train their biceps too much is because they pay too much attention to body building magazines. Nearly all magazines have an article that will help you get bigger biceps within 6 weeks. In the article you'll see a massive weight lifter, and he'll tell you his biceps routine.

A typical arm workout in a magazine will normally be a workout of about 20 sets of exercises. This is way too many sets to encourage growth in your biceps. You can give your back, cheat and shoulders a good workout with 20 sets, and your biceps don't require no where near this many sets. At the end of the article you'll normally see a photo of the body builder sitting their with his favorite protein shake in his hand. The article you read is an ad for the supplement he's holding, and is in no way intended to help you get bigger biceps. They want you to purchase the supplement.

When you exercise your back and shoulders, all the pulling exercises that you do will have already given your biceps a decent workout so giving them another 20 sets will definitely train them too much. Weight lifters in magazines can blast their biceps with 20 sets because they're normally on steroids and growth hormones. This type of routine is impossible if you're not taking any enhancement drugs.

After all the training you give your back and shoulders all you need to do to get your biceps to grow is about 4 sets a week. You don't need to punish your arms to make them bigger, your main requirement is to make sure you gain strength.

All you need to do is add extra weight to the bar every week, and as you gain more strength then your arms will get bigger. Getting bigger doesn't come with adding more sets to your workout. If you don't add extra weight or extra reps every week then your muscles won't have any reason to get bigger.

If you don't gain the strength to add extra weight or extra reps every workout then you need to look at what you're eating. To get stronger you need to eat enough carbs, protein and healthy fats to repair your muscles. Without the right balance of macro nutrients, and an adequate amount of them you won't get bigger. Consuming enough small meals spread out through the day will cause a natural anabolic effect in your body that will encourage extra growth.

Keeping a journal of hop your getting on will help you discover what is working best for you. When you get all of the little things right you'll start getting the gains you're after. - 17273

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Key Muscle Building Supplements

By Allen Brian

How can you define which body building supplement is the best? While choosing the supplements for maximizing your muscle building working out. It would be a confusing work, since so many supplements on the market claim that they are the best. Picking the "right" or "best" muscle building supplements to achieve the best results are what we talking about here.

The most useful muscle building supplement for your working out is protein. And many bodybuilder experts agree with this point. Protein helps bring all the necessary muscle building enzymes to where they need to be. You need protein to have a higher energy stage for more exercise while building muscle.

While execute your muscle building program, whey protein is one of the supplement you should not skip. Intaking correct dosages and correct amounts of whey protein can bring your the best results.

For muscle building, you can also consider creatine supplement. Fighting fatigue and for better working outs are two main benefits of creatine supplement. Creatine is a kind of nutrient already in your body. But intake creatine from supplement will bring you the better results in your body building process.

When you are doing exercises in your muscle building workout, your muscle will be at a stage of stress. Nitric oxide is a chemical made by your body to fight with this pressure or stress. Nitric oxide needs to be filled again with muscle building supplement while performing particularly stressful exercises. Nitric oxide would also have some side effects with sexual health; so if you think this is the best body building supplement for you, by all means, choose it.

Achieving the best outcome of working out, you can also check out another bodybuilding supplement - glutamine. Glutamine helps to transfer the bodybuilding nutrients to muscle and make it growth faster and bigger.

It is up to you to choose what kind of muscle building supplement to use. Set up a realistic goal and pick one supplement that can accomplish your desired goals. Muscle building supplements work differently and lead to different results. Picking the right one can help you achieve more effective working outs.

There are many brands and companies produce supplements. Select one with verified results. The exaggeration usually occurs in many supplement companies. So before buying supplement, remember to check the affiance of the supplement. Before buying any supplement, it is vital to check the users' reviews. Selecting a right supplement become vital for enhancing your weight training exercise as well as accomplishing the results you want. - 17273

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Detailed Notes on Nutrition In Step by Step Order

By James Redder

You would think that given the proliferation of information about health and wellness available today that you and everyone else for that matter would have found a way of remaining healthy and in shape. We all know that this is of course not the case. So why aren't we in better shape? The truth is most of us know very little about how the body actually works. If people were aware of how to put all of this information about health into practice effectively, we'd all be healthier.

Studies Indicate

All the research indicates that we as a nation are largely ignorant about health and fitness. Medicine, nutrition and the entire general subject of health are something of a terra incognita for most Americans. This is largely because much of the information out there about health is presented in such a way that it is difficult for the average person to grasp and retain. What we don't know about health is quite literally killing us; a great deal of the illnesses afflicting people are due to unhealthy behavior or the failure to manage emotional and mental health. If more information could be given to people in away that made sense to them immediately, a lot of lives could be saved and better health achieved overall.

Simply not engaging in these harmful behavior patterns would go a long way towards improving general health amongst the populace, but of course many are unaware of what habits are healthy versus which are unhealthy. In the absence of information being readily available to the public in a way that they can understand, this is likely to continue. So what conclusion can we draw from this premise? Simply, there needs to be more health information out there.

World Wide Web Research

The hundred dollar question is "Do we really attempt to get Health information? With the advent of the World Wide Web it is really difficult to find a good reason for having a lack of good health information facts. The latest research states that over half of the American adults have access to the World Wide Web. Having access to the Internet means access to the myriad of of websites that have good health information on human anatomy and health.

Some of these websites even provide animated sequences that illustrate the human anatomy and it's functioning. This makes it a lot easier to grasp the information and is more interesting then other more basic ways of presenting the information. If you think about it since these are some of the same health information vehicles that medical students use then shouldn't we be doing the same? Having access to animations that graphically illustrate how different systems of the body work will of course lead to a better grasp of the systems involved and allow one to modify the associated behavior. This will lead to more consistent health and fitness.

The central idea behind the endocrine system of the body and the hormones they release influence almost every cell, organ, and function of the body. An illustration of some of the basic concepts about how this system works and how it interacts with some of the other major systems of the body would only lead to a greater understanding of the body's operations. In today's rising rates of illness such an understanding would lead to better stress management and having a basic understanding of the endocrine system will assist in maintaining a healthy body.

In Closing

A greater understanding of this system, such as could be gained through an animated demonstration could well lead to a better understanding of the relation between stress and health on the part of the public. - 17273

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How To Raise Hdl Cholesterol

By Adrian Fletcher

When your doctor hands you the result that you have high cholesterol levels, you must change your lifestyle to reduce your cholesterol, you should also be striving to raise HDL cholesterol levels in your blood. When cholesterol is elevated, the HDL cholesterol has been proven to decrease the LDL cholesterol that is bad and help you prevent the problems that come with having a high cholesterol number.

Patients with an inadequate level of HDL cholesterol have a greater chance of getting heart disease since it is believed that the HDL cholesterol takes away cholesterol transported to the arteries by LDL cholesterol and brings it to the liver. When the good cholesterol levels are insufficient the bad cholesterol will increase excessively and could cause hardened arteries or even a blockage. To eliminate this risk, you would need to raise HDL cholesterol levels.

The first thing the doctor will do when you consult him about your high cholesterol is monitor your diet. A nutritionist can help you decide your diet, so that your LDL levels are lowered and to allow you to raise HDL cholesterol levels. This will include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet, and reduced amount of fat.

Exercising is also significant when you are attempting to lower your chances of heart disease. You need to begin a routine of exercising every day and this will cause you to lose weight and allow your body to raise HDL cholesterol and get rid of the harmful cholesterol that is clogging up your arteries.

Include your whole family in your plans for a low fat diet and exercise regimen. If everyone participates, you will get used to eating healthy food and you will have an easier time staying on this diet. If everyone eats the same way as you do they will become healthier in the long run. It is significant that your children learn that their health depends on how they eat and they should have nutritious food. If we instruct our children about this we can prevent problems that they could have in the future.

Plenty of information is available to help you modify your lifestyle so as to address the major issues related to health. Pick out a few cookbooks and earn to cook using healthy foods. You will be able to find many excellent recipes that will give you delicious and healthy meals. You can raise HDL cholesterol and contemporaneously lower LDL cholesterol by making a conscious effort to eat properly.

It is possible to raise HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol through diet and exercise alone but keep in mind that depending on the extent of your cholesterol levels and related issues, medications may be needed. Doctors are normally resistant to prescribing medication because it is better for the body to sort it's problems out naturally however you should discuss this with your doctor for the best results. - 17273

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Benefits of Acai Berry Juice

By Carter Sinclair

The Acai Berry is a fruit that originates from South America. Deep in the rain forest, this long, reddish purple fruit has long been known for its healing properties with the natives. Since its introduction to the United States, it has quickly gained status as one of the "super foods". With this increase in popularity, this product has been used in a host of different products, such as health drinks, an ingredient in weight loss supplements, and as an energy enhancer.

If you are wondering why this berry is so special, there's an easy answer. This once unknown fruit has one of the highest antioxidant contents available. Surpassing the popular grapes by 10 times, and blueberries by twice the antioxidant content, the acai berry is nearly unsurpassed. The popularity of this berry was made common knowledge by a doctor, Nicholas Perricone, when he appeared on Oprah discussing the acai fruit as a super food.

The list of health benefits are impressive. While still being studied, the acai berry is believed to increase energy, improve stamina, and improve mental focus. It also helps improve sleep, which will in turn contribute to increased energy. This overall well-being may be an incentive enough to try products containing the acai berry.

The antioxidant content is also believed to lead to better heart health. The antioxidants have been shown to regulate cholesterol levels in research. High cholesterol is proven to be a leading cause in heart disease. This may mean that acai berry will be proven in preventing heart disease and extending life expectancy.

Another important role antioxidants play is in the maintenance of blood circulation. Having strong circulation can lead to increased sexual performance, since blood will be able to get to the sexual organs. It also affects heart health, since the heart works to pump the blood.

Heart health and blood circulation aren't the only things that the acai berry aids. People suffering with digestive complaints have also found relief with the acai berry. This is believed to be due to the high fiber content, and it's definitely better than eating bran flakes.

Perhaps the most exciting benefits of the acai berry have been the potential for fighting cancer. Studies have shown that the antioxidants found in these berries may be effective in not only treating, but destroying cancer cells. This cure has been sought after for years, and the potential that acai berries hold is promising.

When taking acai berries, how long do you have to wait until you experience benefits? Depending on which product you are taking, most people say there are visible results within two weeks to one month. Word of mouth from the tremendous health benefits have increased the sales of acai berry products. This well kept secret from the Amazon Rain Forrest may be the answer that the natives have known for years now: nature is the best medicine. - 17273

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