Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Vegetarianism and Bruising, Can You Tell Me What I Need to Know?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are currently a vegetarian or if you are considering becoming one, you may be somewhat concerned about the effects that vegetarianism may have on your body's systems, with some additional attention to bruising easily. The fact of the matter is that while there is an old wives' tale that says that people who are vegetarians are subject to bruising, there is no reason that a little careful scrutiny of your diet can overcome it.

The first thing that we need to tackle is why the theory of vegetarians being prone to bruising exists at all. Typically, if a vegetarian, particularly a young one, suffers from bruising, this is seen as a sign of a vitamin deficiency. This can, and in some cases does, happen, but if you pay close attention to your diet and make sure that you are getting all of the foods and nutrients that you need, this should not be a problem. There are a host of problems that can result if you are shorting yourself a vitamin or mineral that you need, but there is nothing about a vegetarian diet that promotes bruising any more than any other diet.

If you are eating as a vegan and have discerned that you seem to tend toward increased bruising, you'll discover that one thing that should be examined is the amount of iron available from your diet. Iron is a beneficial mineral when it comes to enhancing your immune system and promoting a healthier circulatory system. Iron can be found in much higher quantities in animal products than in vegetables, but vegetables also contain iron, just not as abundantly.

If you are following a vegan diet, are you aware of the best ways to increase iron in your diet? Start off by looking for dark green vegetables that are available at a local produce stand or farmers' market. Vegetables that include spinach and broccoli are going to be heavy in iron, as will soy products, molasses, prunes and any cereals and breads that have been fortified with iron. Another clever way to be assured that you are going to increase iron in your diet is to start cooking with cast iron pots and pans.

Another excellent way to augment the rate of iron that is absorbed into your body is by upping your intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is very important for a variety of different reasons, so there is no excuse to not take a lot of it. Naturally fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C, but so are more dinner and meal targeted vegetables, like sweet potatoes.

If you are eating a vegetarian's diet, it is critical that you are certain that you are going to be able to eat from a balanced menu, and your easy bruising may be telling you that you need to focus more attention to your diet. Always be aware of what information your body is trying to give you, and then make certain that your diet is providing you with what you need to eat to maintain a healthy lifestyle. - 17273

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Organic Vegetable Gardening ? Giving You and Other People Healthier Food

By John Dean

Engaging yourself in organic vegetable gardening is something worthwhile. This will make healthy foods available for you and your family all of the time. Nowadays, the alarming news about dangerous chemical being used on plants has scared of many vegetable users. At least, there is a safer alternative that you can go for --- and that is to simply go organic.

Since we value the health of the family, it is a must that we give them nutritious and healthy food all the time. Aside from the fact that ?pure? vegetables are good for the health, they are more delicious. For this reason, many people from different parts of the world switch to them.

Foods from the organic vegetable garden are more expensive than the usual ones that we can find in the market. For this reason, it will better to put up your own to save on the cost. This however is applicable only if you have a green thumb, or someone in the home does. What?s good about this is that there?s food around your home.

In organic vegetable gardening, you will not use any chemicals and other substances that can be harmful to the plant and to the environment. You must only use materials that are intended for organic soil conditioning. Such materials can be composed of organic fertilizers, animal manure, composts and so on.

First timers can get guides from the internet. There are downloadable eBooks that were written by various organic vegetable garden experts. You will learn from them the step by step procedure on how to create and maintain a garden such as this. If ever you?ve done this before but did not get enough success, it will be good for you to read these materials too because you would be able to identify where you fell short.

If you have a spacious area in your home; it may be in your backyard, front yard or it can be an unused lot beside your house, you can use it to plant the vegetables of your choice. Just make sure that the area is exposed to direct sunlight for at least 6 hours. There should also be a quick access to water.

Aside from the fact that you can get healthy foods anytime that you want, organic vegetable gardening within your reach will give you extra income. You can sell some of the produce that it will yield to your neighbors or to other people who will be interested. That way, not just you and your family will be healthier --- you will share the health benefits to others.

For more information about organic vegetable gardening, take a look at my blog. - 17273

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The Acai Berries Nutritional Value

By Carter Sinclair

You may have been hearing a lot lately about acai berries and how they're used in news reports, from friends, or in your health magazine. There are commercials on TV and the radio, and you may even see them on the shelves of your favorite health food store. But you may also be wondering about what the berries are, and why you should eat them.

Acai berries are the fruit that grow on palm trees, found in Central and South America. They look similar to grapes, but have less pulp, and are significantly darker in color (almost black). The juice and pulp are available in smoothies, sodas, juices, and other beverages.

In addition to the versatility of using acai berries, they have great nutritional value. The fruit contains oleic acid (omega-9) and fatty enzymes (omega-3 and omega-6). These are beneficial in lowering Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels in the body. They also contain lots of calcium, vitamin E, and polyphenols, which makes it a powerful antioxidant.

However not only does the pulp contain nutritional benefits so does the skin. The acai skin contains anthocyanins, which is the antioxidant found in red wine. This berry has made up a large portion of many people in the Amazons because of its nutritional benefits.

The acai berry is being used in so many ways. It is used as an anti-bacterial, anti-mutagenic, anti-inflammatory, dyeing agent for MRI scans, and even as energy boosters and supplements to weight loss. There really isn't anything this berry can't do. In the United States everyday scientists and researchers are finding more uses for the acai berry.

The acai berry has been developed and sold as powder, juices, smoothies, acai berry bars, and even capsules and supplements. You can have acai berry in litterly any way you choose. The health industry has made it clear to the public that this tiny fruit is very beneficial to our health and well-being. - 17273

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Do You Know about Natural Metabolism Boosters?

By Thong M. Dao

Your body is an astounding mechanism. Nearly all of the time, we are not even conscious of the fact that our body is functioning and doing as many tasks as it is at one time. It is certainly something we take for granted all too often in our lives.

If our health starts to go downhill, however, our body may be on our mind on a constant basis. It's preferable that we take good care of our bodies prior to anything going awry rather than trying to fix things when they go wrong.

Lots of people think of the excess weight they carry around and worry about how much extra weight they have. With the busy lives many people lead today, it is hard to keep fit. However, this does not mean it is too tough for us to accomplish.

Keeping our metabolism running well is a great way to help our body as often as possible. Your goal can be reached by eating a healthy diet, exercising, or taking supplements. Any one of these will work or you can try a combination.

It is easy to take supplements to boost your metabolism. There are plenty of supplements out there which help in firing up our metabolism and to keep it running well for us throughout the day.

The principle idea is to pick a product that is all natural so that in the course of things, you do not hurt this crucial part of your body. Using man-made chemicals in order to change the way that our body functions is simply a bad idea from the start.

Many different supplements can increase our metabolism and one of the safest and most effective is green tea. This may be consumed in the form of brewed tea or in a more concentrated capsule.

The contents of green tea are all natural substances, which act as antioxidants in your body and hence, help in a smooth metabolic process. If you make the decision to take this natural supplement on a regular basis, you should begin to see results relatively quickly. - 17273

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Synergy Of Nutrients With Acai Berries

By Dorothy Taylor

The acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) has been touted as the world's greatest "superfood" and it has been credited with many amazing claims from weight loss to cancer prevention and even anti-aging.

Many of these claims may be somewhat exaggerated as there is not one "miracle" food that supercedes all others but the fact is that there are actually many, many "miraculous" foods and the acai berry is just one of them.

This little berry that is found only in the Amazon rainforest does have some of the highest antioxidant qualities ever found on the planet. It has twice as many antioxidants as blueberries and even 10 times as many as red grapes. It also has monounsaturated fats in the form of Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 and oleic acid. Plus it is rich with phytosterols and healthy dietary fiber.

The main thing is that the acai berry is one of the healthiest and highest antioxidant laden foods found in the world. Our bodies need these healthy nutrients to function at optimal levels. But this little berry is not the only answer to all of your nutritional needs and it is not the only thing that can aid you when it comes to anti-aging, fat-fighting and disease prevention. The acai berry is only a part of the quest of fantastic health.

It has been confirmed by science that while it is possible to get antioxidants and other nutrients from supplements it is by far better to obtain your nutrients from the consumption of a wholesome diet. Every one of the nutrients that we need as well as the outstanding nutrients that are found in the acai berry work at their optimal levels when combined with other nutrients. In nutrition the synergy of the whole beats a single nutrient every time.

So if you want to get the highest benefit from the acai berry you need to include it as part of a balanced, highly nutritious diet that includes many other high antioxidant foods including blueberries, pomegranates, pumpkin, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes and the list goes on and on. And of course, the best advice for diet and for the consumption of all foods including highly nutritious foods is "all things in moderation".

The acai berry is a very healthy addition to a well-balanced and nutritious diet. The antioxidant qualities and high nutritional value can help you to reduce the effects of aging, lose weight, prevent serious disease, improve your energy and more, but not alone and by itself, but only as a part of a healthy and nutritious diet plan.

When it comes to high nutrition the synergy of a whole spectrum of nutrients is by far greater to the nutritional value of just one food, regardless of how nutritious that food may be. And when it comes to diet, self-control is always the key. - 17273

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It's Time to Follow a Raw Foods Diet

By Thong M. Dao

Many individuals are interested in caring for their well-being. This isn't really a bad thing, as many of us could use a little bit of effort on ourselves, as far as our well-being is concerned. Alas, some may liken some very poor habits with healthy practices.

For instance, the weight control industry is full of fast and easy ways to drop some weight but they will leave your body unwell and potentially with some problems that will show up in the future. That is why numerous people have adopted a simple, sound way of eating.

Among the best eating plans is a diet consisting mainly of raw foods. Feeding on uncooked fruits and vegetables always has made many people become healthy in surprising ways.

The trouble with this type of diet is that it's difficult to stick to as we're perpetually around cooked food which both looks and smells delicious. Most of us just like to eat food that is cooked on occasion. How can someone have fun with the benefits of eating in this way but not go over the top?

A common diet you may want to try out is the high raw one. It's when a person will consume uncooked food much of the time but will keep to eat cooked food periodically, sometimes as frequent as everyday. This provides you with the best of both worlds.

You are having more than just the benefits from the raw food - you're also allowing yourself to live in today's world by consuming cooked foods from time to time. Your life could be reflected on the benefits of the food you eat.

Once you abide by this eating style, you'll be astonished at how rapidly you see positive changes. In fact, many people have enjoyed switching to this form of eating so much they would continue to do so even if the weight loss advantages were not there.

That is because they are experiencing the outcome on their general health. Therefore, a high raw eating style can assist you in the pursuit to be healthy while slimming down in the modern world. - 17273

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Keep Your Immune System Strong

By Dave Field

Keeping your intestinal system healthy leads to a healthy immune system and a healthy digestive system, as well.

The normal, healthy microbes that inhabit your intestine usually have to fight with disease-causing bugs that also get into your system.

ProBiotic ImmuneBoost is a supplement that can help you to make sure you win this fight against disease-causing bugs to insure you are heatlhy.

The immune system is your defense line against the millions of bacteria that you consume each and every day.

Probiotic ImmuneBoost can make sure that you stay healthy and strong by insuring that your intestinal flora are kept in check and making sure the positive microbes flourish there.

Bad bacteria and viruses, also called pathogens, have their entrance path of about 70% through your nose and mouth. Eventually these pathogens end up in your GI tract.

Having these bad bacteria in your system can cause a variety of problems including dehydration, diarrhea, upset stomach, fever and other, more serious problems.

The immune system makes about 5 grams of immune proteins that go into the GI tract and kill the harmful pathogens. They are a large part of the body's defense system against harmful outside forces.

ProBiotic ImmuneBoost can help you make sure you are winning this battle against harmful pathogens and that you stay healthy and strong.

If you want to protect yourself and stay healthy, try looking into ProBiotic ImmuneBoost. For a limited time, you can even order a free trial so that you can check it out for yourself before paying any money at all. - 17273

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Malibu Pilates Chair Guide

By Steve Estes

The Malibu Pilates Chair is one of the newest models of Pilates machines. Like most other pieces of exercise equipment, the MPC is being marketed chiefly to the weight loss crowd. And with good reason. While most people think about technology as a way to do less and get more done, it has also brought us things like this excellent Pilates machine. And this is a good thing because losing weight isn't just about hard work, it is also about using a particular strategy to get what you need to do done.

If you compare this device to the Pilates Reformer, the king of the exercise machine universe, you'll find the Malibu Pilates Chair is so compact and easy to use. It's lightweight and folds right up when not in use. And like the Reformer it gives you a whole body workout but at a fraction of the cost. Book this one at about three hundred and fifty clams, it is very cost effective. A PR is going to set you back 2-3 thousand dollars. The savings are obvious.

The Chair is a great place to enter into the world of Pilates machines. If you are just starting out you may want to start slowly. But you will find yourself getting quickly up to speed. And don't worry about it taking up all your room.

With a machine like the Pilates Chair, you'll think that it is doing all the work. It won't obviously, but with its patented design you'll be working at such a high level that it will seem like the pounds are dropping away as if by magic. The effect is that profound.

Back when I was heavy I had to do things the old fashioned way, through hours and hours of pain and struggle. If something like this had been available to me I'm fairly certain I could have easily lost at least 20 pounds in a month or so.

Just so I don't give the impression that this is perfect I'll mention a couple of the down sides: The one I used at the local health club seemed to offer a greater range of functional motion, but I suppose that comes down to additional cost as well. I like a longer workout that the basic 20 minute one that comes on the free DVD. But that is fie because there is the full hour long Body Sculpting session on there as well. And don't forget that it comes with a wall chart and custom diet program. - 17273

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What Acne Remedy Will Suit You Best?

By Clayton D.

Definition- Acne is defined as a skin condition caused by over active oil glands, blocking, clogging and plugging pores with skin, dirt and hair instead of evenly distributing oil over the skin surface. The exact cause of the acne must be established before a suitable acne remedy can be identified.

Identifying acne- Acne is often wrongfully diagnosed because of the conditions' resemblance to other skin problems. Features such as excessive oily skin, white and black head break-outs and large bumps on and under the skin will be present when the patient suffers from acne.

Types of acne- Acne can be classified as either inflammatory and non-inflammatory. The two most common types of non inflammatory acne are white- and blackheads. Whiteheads are formed when sebum and bacteria is trapped just below the skin surface. These lesions take the form of tiny white spots requiring a very close look before you will be able to notice them. Blackheads are formed when pores are open and sebum and dirty blocks the pore just as with the case of white heads. However the melanin and oxidizes contained in the sebum discolours to black or brown. Blackheads are very stubborn, they will not wash away easily and the black contents takes a very long time to drain. There two types on inflammatory acne namely papule's and pustules. Papules form when the follicle wall is broken, white blood cells rush into the area and pores become painful and terribly inflamed. Pustules form when white blood cells surface after a couple of days. These inflamed areas can become even more inflamed, turning into nodules when follicles totally collapse causing very painful bumps or Cysts.

Triggers- Acne can be triggered by bad hygiene, unhealthy diet, insomnia, vitamin deficiency, stress or hormonal changes.

Treatment options- An endless range of acne treatment options are available from natural and herbal remedies to prescription medication in the form of antibiotics, ointments and topical creams.

Home remedies- Apple Cider Vinegar is a very effective acne remedy clearing both spots and acne scars. The vinegar should be dabbed on the spots and left overnight. Calamine Lotion is not just great for treating chicken pox but also acne by merely dotting the lotion onto the spots. Aloe Vera gel or sap will clear the skin condition within a couple of month as well as improve skins' overall health.

Water- Water, water and more water. Water is the most natural and safest way of detoxing your body from harmful and poisonous build-up in the blood stream and liver. You will definitely see the difference in your skins' appearance after only a couple of days of hydration. You skin will be soft and glowing.

Nutrients- A lack of vitamins or minerals in your dietary programme can cause severe acne break-outs. Various vit and mineral supplements are available at your local health store.

Medical advice- It is imperative to seek medical advice before and during acne treatment. Your health care professional is trained to identify your acne and skin type as well as the treatment that will suit your personal profile best. - 17273

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A Tiny Little Berry with Super Powers: The Acai Berry

By Kari Gambale

The Acai Berry is a tiny purple berry that has been harvested and eaten for hundreds of years by the people of Brazil. An excellent diet staple, the berries were harvested by a person shinnying up the very tall palm-like trees upon which they grew and filling baskets with the berries.

Even though only 10% of the Acai berry, which is about the size of grape, is edible fruit. The rest is seed. But the Brazilians understood the health benefits and harvested them, even though it took a substantial amount of berries to create the edible puree.

Although Acai berries have been eaten for centuries in Brazil, it has only been recently that it has come to the fore in this country. American doctors and nutritionists are now discovering the incredible health benefits of these berries. Their findings have been truly amazing.

Whenever their highly acclaimed soccer players frequently make the Acai berry the majority of their meals prior to a match, it is obviously evident that they are acknowledging the immense energy and stamina that the Acai berry can bring them! In fact, the Acai berries have an exceptionally high amount of antioxidants, which delivers a fascinating amount of greater energy to the human body!

Another major nutrient in Acai berry is carbohydrates. It is carbohydrates in the diet that helps store and deliver energy throughout the body. They also work to help the body process food and keep the body, tissue and immune system functioning well. It has been shown that a 40 to 65% of our energy source should come from carbohydrates.

As you may have heard, free radicals that come from pollutants such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, herbicides and a litany of other harmful pollutants have been found to be the cause of a tremendous amount of diseases, not the least of which is cancer. Free radicals take over empty or weak electrons in your body to create havoc with your cells. Antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E help protect your body against free radicals, however, there are also unknown factors over and above those two vitamins that also work against free radicals. Other chemicals and substances in more natural sources are thought to perhaps contain factors that mix with both Vitamin C and E to ward off these free radicals.

The Acai berry is just one of those natural sources that apparently have been helping the Brazilians remain relatively free from many of the illnesses plaguing the Western World. It is thought that this is directly attributable to the Acai berry. The Acai contains essential fatty acids, iron, proteins, fiber, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B1. Most importantly though, it also contains Omega 6 and Omega 9, which have been found to be strong antioxidants!

The antioxidants contained in the Acai berry and the amino acids help lower the risk of heart attack and heart disease. The phytosterols which are naturally occurring plant phytochemicals help the body burn fat more efficiently and process food more effectively. These elements make Acai berry a powerful addition to any weight loss program. In addition it can lower a persons cholesterol by up to 15%.

The essential fatty acids and antioxidants work together to lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good cholesterol (HDL) in the body. The essential fatty acids also help you body absorb the important vitamins A, E, D and K.

The health benefits of the Acai berry extend to include anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents which will help your body resist disease and illness. The anthocyanins that help accomplish this also assist in maintaining good eyesight and ward off such conditions as glaucoma and macular degeneration.

If you suffer from digestive problems, such as acid reflux, the Acai berry contains enzymes that effectively enhance the digestive system helping to eliminate digestive issues. Other such problems related to digestion, irritable bowel and constipation, excess gas are likely to improve as well.

Acai berry pulp also contains elements such as Vitamin B the helps regulate the body's level of dopamine and serotonin, the very things that help you sleep well and restore and relax your muscles. A good nights sleep on a regular basis is essential to good health.

Acai berries have been shown to have such amazing health benefits, that they are an exceptionally good thing to add to your diet. - 17273

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Wu Long Tea for Weight Loss and a Healthy Life

By Zak Hunter

Wu Long Tea is such an incredible product and well worthwhile implementing in your daily routine.This well known Chinese Tea made a famous appearance on Oprah with Dr Oz. Wu Long Tea (also called Oolong Tea) is partially oxidized; in taste it is more like green tea than black tea and is usually drunk on its own without milk.You will also find that the quality of Wu Long loose leaf tea is superior to tea bags.

In recent times there have been some incredible claims for the properties of Wu long tea and not just about weight loss. According to some it lessens signs of aging, increases energy levels, improves your teeth, even reduces hair loss, is beneficial to improves the immune system...the list continues.

This is a truly amazing product and well worth sourcing to bring into your life's every day routine. Find some on the net or simply go to your local Asian speciality store. Research so far has indicated that Oolong Tea boosts the metabolic rate and definitely assists with weight-loss.

A Japanese journal claims that this tea can increase the body's ability to burn fat. This declaration has increased the demand of Oolong Tea, and it is meant to be scarce in supply. Green tea and black tea come from the same plant, Camelia sinensis; the differences in taste and colour are due to the way the leaves from the plant are processed.

Wu Long Tea tends to be an in between colour...more brown with the higher quality teas showing tinges of green. Oolong Tea also has less caffine than green tea but both teas have similar, incredible properties.They are both full of anti-oxidants. This remarkable product can be easily found at most Asian supermarkets.

Despite the rumours, WuLong Tea is not overly expensive but it does vary in quality. Oolong Tea is more flavoursome and beneficial as a loose leaf tea as opposed to tea bags. To find out more please come and visit us at wulongteahouse.net

Higher quality blends are from $15 for te same quantity.That is loose leaf and I would drink around 6 cups per day. I also paid the same price for a higher quality Oolong Tea and receive 10 tea bags ! The quality was definitely noticeable. Buy a few brands and find your own way. I now drink more Wu Long Tea than I do coffee...now that can't be a bad thing..

Higher quality blends are from $15 for te same quantity.That is loose leaf and I would drink around 6 cups per day. I also paid the same price for a higher quality Oolong Tea and receive 10 tea bags ! The quality was definitely noticeable. Buy a few brands and find your own way. I now drink more Wu Long Tea than I do coffee...now that can't be a bad thing.. - 17273

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How to find the best routine for bodybuilding

By BodyBuilding Guide

"Mike was getting uglier with the body fat and decided to join a fitness / body building program and guess what Mike is now awfully confused in choosing a fitness program as there are so many out there!". This article helps you in choosing right program for you which helps in effective Body Building.

In order to join a fitness program we need to compare past results and effectiveness of the program . Unfortunately due to false feed backs lot of people are being trapped and the only way to test the effectiveness of the program is to compare and interpret the results and if satisfied we can make a decision to join or leave the program.

Know some important details like goal of the program , few points about training loads, who monitors the program and recovery period . you can also assess a program with these finer details.

Join a program which suits you age and gender and which is well suited for your age group you cannot join a program which doesn't meet you body and age. See through that you meet these requirements.

The other factors such as recovery periods and periodic monitoring are important. One of the crucial factors and the easiest one is periodic monitoring which helps you to decide whether the program is working for you or not. You can consider taking measurements which include body weight, size measurements and one-rep maximums.

If you follow the above mentioned tips you stand higher chance of joining and choosing a effective Body Building Routines - 17273

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