Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Make Fitness Training Fun

By Jason Thompkins

When you ask someone to workout with you, you will usually hear the word "no". Besides, working out is boring. Maybe even you will consider that working out is boring and rather do fun things than spending time at the gym doing some boring workout routines.

Due to the rising numbers of heart diseases and obesity, many people just put up with that same old boring workout routine. If you want to feel healthier and look stronger, you will have to make some sacrifices and get into some kind of fitness training program.

You and only you are responsible for maintaining your body's health. This is why you have to do fitness workouts in order to keep your body in top working condition. Failing to do so will result in a disease-ridden life where you and your family will suffer.

By being physically active with fitness, you can enjoy sunny days at the beach showing off that body that you worked for. You also will not have to worry as much about getting heart diseases and diabetes, as people that are overweight will have to concern themselves with that.

However, if you find regular fitness workout routines very boring, there are quite a lot of fitness workouts that you can do to make workout more fun. There are fun activities that you can do where you can definitely enjoy and at the same time, give you a great quality fitness workout experience.

First of all, most people consider that fitness workouts are only limited at the gym. However, you have to consider thinking out of the box and start being creative. Active sports such as swimming, golf, tennis, football, and basketball is a fun sport that can give you great quality fitness workout experience.

Say that these intense sports are not for you, as you just do not have fun playing them. There is also dancing, which can be a very good for your physical fitness and muscle building. There are many types of dancing you can do, and dancing is not as easy as most people think it is.

These types of dancing will work many muscles in your body, as you will be stopping and going, jumping and moving your body parts for a long time. Dancing is not only a fun form of cardiovascular, but will also increase your agility and reflexes.

A couple of other great fitness workouts that you can make fun are hiking and rock climbing. These are just some of the activities that you can do for fun and get into shape too. Just pick something out that you will like and not hate, be creative and you will achieve your fitness goals. - 17273

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The Key To Building Muscle

By Danny Gutierrez

It is absolutely phenomenal how many gym goers bust their behinds every single day in the gym only to fail to make any significant progress with their physique. It's not because they're not working hard obviously it's because they simply don't know what it actually takes to build muscle. Don't make the same mistake and read the rest of this article to discover what it actually takes to build muscle.

The biggest mistake a lot of gym goers make when working out is thinking or believing that the process of building muscle is over when you leave the gym. Folks in the know already know that in order to build muscle you have to feed your body the right nutrients and you have to allow your body to rest if you really want to build some muscle.

If you want to build muscle you have to consume protein. Without enough protein your muscles will not grow period. Most bodybuilding experts agree that you need to consume about one to two grams of protein in order to put your body in a position to grow. So if your target body weight is one hundred and fifty pounds you should be consuming anywhere between one hundred and fifty to three hundred grams of protein

You can get your protein from solid food sources like fish, chicken, lean red meat, low fat milk and cottage cheese. Another very popular source of protein for most bodybuilders are protein shakes and meal replacement shakes because of their efficiency and ease of use.

If you really want to build some muscle in a hurry then you'll take advantage of two of the most opportune times to consume protein which are when you wake up and immediately following a weight training session. If you supplement with protein at these two times you will dramatically improve your results.

Drinking a nutritional supplement type protein drink right after your workout in the gym is a great way to build muscle in a hurry. Right after your workout your muscles are starving and this is the opportune time to feed them protein because your muscles are literally like sponges. If you do anything and you want to build muscle you should really consider drinking a protein shake after your workout.

Something else that is just as critical is rest and recuperation. It is absolutely critical that you give your body and muscles ample time to recover from the workouts you force it through. If you work out too often and you don't take long enough breaks between your workouts your muscles will not grow and if anything they might shrink! Rest is a requirement for muscle growth not an option.

The truth of the matter is that the first year you start working out in the gym will be the year that you should make the most amount of progress. You can ensure that by making sure you give your body plenty of protein to keep it in a state of growth and by resting enough between workouts and outside of the gym as well. As the popular cliche goes... "it ain't rocket science" and as you can see it really doesn't have to be. Work out. Eat the right stuff. Rest. Repeat. - 17273

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6 Pack Abs - Different Opinions

By Dan Solaris

Time and again, expert studies have shown that total body cardiovascular exercises are most effective in eliminating excess body fat. There's no way to bring out the striations and contours of the abdominal muscles to show a 6 pack unless the belly fat is reduced enough.

Though there's little contest about the effectiveness of combining resistance training and aerobic exercises for developing a lean, shredded midsection, there is some debate as to which type of cardio exercises to do. Building muscle raises the metabolism and cardio exercise burn calories from body fat.

Cardiovascular exercises can be done at low intensity and high intensity. The latter is more popular as a method of losing fat and getting 6 pack abs because first, it's easier to do. The physical effort in doing low-intensity cardio exercises can actually be done by novice exercisers and people that are extremely overweight.

The second reason low intensity cardio exercisers have a larger following even in expert circles is because study after study has proven that these are most effective in targeting body fat as the sole source of caloric energy. When exercising at high intensity levels, the body starts to access glycogen stores in our muscles.

The body absorbs carbohydrates from the food we eat and stores it in muscle tissue as glycogen. Supporters of the low-intensity theory say working-out too intensely can cause the loss of muscle tissue because some glycogen is used for energy when doing hard workouts.

On the other hand, high intensity exercises burn loads of calories even if done for just 10-20 minutes. This means considerably less time can be spent in the gym and proponents say the lost glycogen can just be replaced anyway by eating carbo-rich food after working out.

Some experts argue that although they're more difficult to do, high intensity exercises in fact build more muscle tissue because of the hard effort. They also kick the metabolism up to high levels and keep it going hours after a person has stopped working-out.

Low-intensity exercises may not be for people that are on a tight schedule because aside from hour-long sessions, it takes a full 10 minutes for the fat-burning effect to kick-in after beginning the workout. Intense cardio exercises, although more potent in the calorie-burn department may not be for everyone because of its difficulty. - 17273

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Shed Off Extra Pounds Quickly with These 6 Easy Steps

By Thong M. Dao

If you're hoping to lose fat, there's a pretty good chance you've tried a lot of methods. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who are unhappy with their bodies don't succeed in their fat loss goals. That's because they're often using gimmicky weight loss plans that can actually damage their bodies! If you're in this boat, and you don't know how to get rid of the fat while staying healthy, here are a few tips that might get you on the right track.

1. Watch what you eat. Keep a watchful eye on every thing that goes in. Sometimes the garnishes can be richer than the food itself. Accompaniments too can be very rich. Remember that it is the easiest thing in the world to eat something without realizing that it was something that you should not have eaten. Selective memory you know.

2. Get a handle on the sweet tooth. It does not mean you cannot consume your confectioneries; but do not have them as a meal. Don't forget that they will end up adding to an area that you do not want them to. Do not deprive yourself either, as after that you will eat twice as many as you should.

3. Fix times to have meals and stick to it. Try to have food at fixed times of the day. You can stretch these times by half an hour, but anything more than that is going to affect your eating pattern, the result will either be a loss of appetite or that famished feeling which will make you stuff yourself with more than what is required the next time you eat.

4. Eat only when you are hungry. Be sure to drink a glass of water first to determine if you really are hungry or if you are really thirsty. Many people have the tendency to eat when they see food. It doesn't mean they are hungry; they just want to eat it. Don't eat anything you're offered unless you really are hungry. If you feel you must eat it out of being polite, just nibble, don't have a meal.

5. Try not to snack between meals, but if you must have a snack make sure it is a healthy one. If you travel a lot try to find healthy snacks and not junk food.

6. Vegetables make excellent snacks. These could get you over the hunger pangs when you're suffering them. Carrots are good since they satisfy crave and they're packed with nutrients. - 17273

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Crash Dieting Weight Loss Plans

By Cathy M

Crash weight loss plans and fad diets are an unwise alternative to permanent healthy eating habits, according to the American Heart Association.

A number of these fad diets, such as the well known but outright silly Cabbage Soup Diet, will effect your wellbeing, and possibly cause physical discomfort (abdominal discomfort and flatulence and lead to the ping-pong effect of gaining weight shortly after losing it. In simple terms the risks far outweight the rewards.

Quick-weight-loss diets generally put far too much importance on one particular food or type of food. They don't include a mixture of foods or at least a healthy balance, a violation of the first principle of good nutrition, eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods. If you are able to stay on such a diet for more than a few weeks, you may develop nutritional deficiencies, because no one type of food has all the elements a human being needs for good health.

One such diet is the Cabbage Soup Diet. The deception of this fad diet is that cabbage soup is some sort of fat dissolving potion. The diet supposedly helps heart patients lose 10 to17 pounds in seven days before surgery. Even if the weight loss claim were true, all the damage due to a lack of many essential nutrients would far outweigh the benefits of losing the weight. Pixies, elves and fairies, or even cabbages, can't create mystical weight loss programs. Planning in eating all the main food groups is the best way to go.

These crazy diets also violate a second important principle of good nutrition which is that eating should be enjoyable.. It's impossible to stay on these diets for a long time because they're so bland. Imagine eating cabbage soup, nothing but cabbage soup, for even a few days much less for a whole week. By Wednesday you'd dread meal time, and by Friday you'd never again want to smell a cabbage much less eat the soup. They'd carry you away in a straight jacket by week's end.

There are many other ways fad diets aren't good diets. Most don't include physical activity, for example, walking 30 minutes most or all days of the week. Physical activity helps maintain weight loss, while physical inactivity is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. When a diet mentions no need for a workout, run the other way.

Quick weight loss can be good. It is a realistic option and many actually succeed with it. Just don't fall for tricks or false promises that might end up destroying your health and well being. - 17273

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Drop The Fat

By Robyno Jamison

Do you want to drop that fat and leave it behind. Well there is a lot that do, I was one of them. How many people spend fortunes on fad diets that never work long term and only drain your money instead of your fat.

Then there are the different diet pills, lets face it apart from the fact that you don't really know what you are putting into your body, can you really see them being a long term solution to controlling fat.

There is the other alternative, surgery like lipo suction. A very expensive alternative that probably won't be a long term one. If those extra inches around your belly were taken away today, would you change the way you live tommorrow. If you didn't then those inches would find there way back to your belly.

Do you know what is the real way to drop the fat and keep it at bay long term.

You know the answer to that one, don't you. Well if you don't then its time to learn to stop doing crash diets and popping pills because that is not the way. You need to learn how you can drop the fat and become a lean firm fitter person.

Balance that is the secret. You will need some motivation and the right balance between your food consumption and the amount of exercise you do. If you get this right then the fat will drop far quicker then it was gained.

Look at what you are eating, could you cut out some of the more fatty foods that are putting those inches on. Forget about strict diets, you don't need them but look at what types of food you are eating. Then you will be starting the right way.

To drop that fat you can't take in more calories than you burn because if you do then you won't lose any fat. You will and up gaining more of it. There has to be a balance between the food in take and the right amount of exercise for you to shed the fat from your body - 17273

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What Foods Are In The Mediterranean Diet

By Ron C

The Mediterranean diet is a diet based on eating the foods folks who live in the Mediterranean basin eat. The Mediterranean basin is an area that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea and has mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers. This area includes areas of France, the Iberian Peninsula, the Italian peninsula, and the Balkan Peninsula. It also includes areas of the Sahara desert, and Africa.

Most people who mention the Mediterranean diet are really talking about a diet created by Walter Willett. In addition to physical activity the diet proposes eating a lot of dairy, fish, and meats along with a healthy dose of olive oil and plant food.

The diet strictly control fat so that only a total of about 35% of calories come from fat. It's considered a low-fat high dietary fiber diet. The first version of the diet was published in 1945, but the Mediterranean diet didn't become well known until the late 20th century.

The Mediterranean diet substitutes olive oil in place of animal fats used by many Americans. Olive oil is known to lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as blood sugar and blood pressure. Studies show that olive oil helps prevent ulcers and is an effective treatment for certain types of ulcers, as well as important for preventing cancer. Antioxidant elements in red wine, an important part of the Mediterranean diet, are also beneficial.

Versions of the Mediterranean diet are recommended by the American Heart Association. The association is anxious about the high amount of fat in the Mediterranean diet. They say obesity is a growing health concern in the Mediterranean basin.

The AHA does take comfort in the fact that mono saturated fats such as those found in olive oil don't raise cholesterol levels. Researchers aren't sure whether better health in the Mediterranean basin is due to diet or the fact they get a lot of exercise, mostly from walking.

A Google search is a great source of information on the Mediterranean diet. - 17273

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The Best Ab Workout Is A Full Body Workout

By Jose Loni

The best ab workout works many segments at once; it does not focus on just the abs. It is a misconception that in order to have ripped abs, we need to do ab crunches or use an ab machine. Television ads constantly sell products that are not effective at developing six pack abs. The best ab workout actually trains many segments of our body, giving an overall full body workout, which can be done by training with resistance, interval training, controlling what we eat and decreasing our stress.

Training the abs is good to help increase the strength and stability of the abdominal and lumbar area. However, spot reduction is not effective to achieve six pack abs. By training many segments at once, we force the body to burn fat, which will help expose the underlying abs in the stomach area.

Doing multi-joint exercises with resistance helps to increase the body's metabolism. Not only does our body become more defined and toned, but the increased muscle mass increases the metabolic activity of the body and helps burn excess body fat, which is stored in the belly.

Interval training has been effective in increasing the metabolism of the body to utilize the excess body fat and burn it as fuel. The quick, high intensity intervals force the body to increase its metabolic activity. It makes the muscles more efficient at burning fat, which continues to burn fat well after the training session has stopped.

Monitoring what we eat can help us control our caloric intake. By consuming foods that are higher quality, which are made up of lean protein, and complex carbohydrates, we can fuel our body for its increased physical activities. We can control the calories we take in by avoiding sodas, sugar, and fatty foods, this way we will be better able to consume the calories we eat and not have any excess calories, which inevitably is converted to fat and stored in the body.

Instead of eating 3 large meals per day, we should eat 5-6 smaller portioned meals throughout the day to help us maintain our energy level for our daily activities and to keep our blood sugar levels from fluctuating up or down.

Decreasing the stress in our lives is an effective way to prevent further fat storage in our belly area. When we experience stress, our body releases Cortisol, a hormone that causes fat to be stored in the abdominal area. This fat is stored there to be used during a time of emergency.

By training several body parts at once, we are better able to achieve results in our abs. Making changes in how we train using resistance and interval training exercises, controlling what we eat and decreasing our stress levels will get us the fastest and best results for a flat toned stomach - 17273

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Banishing Cellulite for Good

By El Bilson

Is there a real solution to banishing cellulite? The cosmetic industry seems to think so. It seems as though every year there are new lotions, creams, body wraps, ultrasonic massagers and medical treatments such as mesotherapy designed to help you get rid of cellulite. Is there any truth to the hype? Can any of these products really get rid of that frustrating cellulite?

Cellulite is the display of pockets of fat under the skin. The odds that you will get cellulite are mostly based on your genes. Most women have at least minimal cellulite but some cases are more extreme than others. If you have only a small amount of cellulite, lotions and creams can be a real solution to banishing cellulite for you.

Most over the counter cellulite treatments contain the same ingredients. Caffeine, aminophyline and collagen work towards smoothing and tightening the skin. Vigorously massaging the creams or lotions onto the effected area will increase the circulation in the area. Improved circulation helps the body get rid of unwanted toxins and loosens fluids beneath the skin.

For moderate to severe cases of cellulite, don't waste your money and energy on lotions and fancy creams. Many times, more extensive treatments are needs to get rid of cellulite. One such treatment is called endermology. This treatment involves a powerful electronic device that massages the effected areas with more pressure than you could exert with your hands. It can be slightly uncomfortable and leave minor bruising. However, most patients see results of smoother, tighter skin within a few weeks. The problem is that multiple sessions will be required and it isn't exactly cheap.

Mesotherapy is one of the best treatments for cellulite on the market. It is a minimally invasive cosmetic medical procedure that can be very helpful for women who have tried other treatments with little success. Mesotherapy involves a shot containing a special formula that is given to the patient in the effected area. The special injection formula is tailored to the patient but includes pharmaceutical and homeopathic medicines, vitamins, amino acids and minerals. This formula is designed to promote the destruction of the fat in the cells, the metabolism of that fat and the renewed appearance of the skin.

Mesotherapy treatments are performed in a doctor's office and usually take about an hour. Mesotherapy is great for working professionals as it involves very little recovery time. Patients can be back to there normal routines immediately after a treatment session. Multiple injections may be needed depending on the severity of your cellulite. However mesotherapy may be the answer to banishing cellulite.

Products that usually provide no value in treating your cellulite include over the counter vitamins, herbs and mineral wraps. However some women swear by certain products that have gotten rid of their cellulite. In general, cellulite pills are not effective and can contain herbs that interfere with your other medications. However it is important to find something that works for you.

Another tip for banishing cellulite is to lead a healthy lifestyle and follow proven healthy habits. All around us are toxins that can find their way inside our bodies. These toxins can build up in the body over time and lead to various health problems and skin disorders. By eating fresh, healthy foods and getting regular exercise, you can decrease the amount of cellulite on your body. You will also gain immense health benefits as well. - 17273

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Eat Healthy and Lose Weight Naturally

By Thong M. Dao

It's hard to find anybody these days that is not concerned about health issues and weight. The reason why that is the case is because many of us live in such a way that makes it hard to remain healthy and trim. We tend to consume food on the run and we eat out at restaurants a lot.

While at home we could be consuming bad foods and high-sugar junk foods instead of the proper healthy snacks. To become healthy and lose fat the natural way, there is a way to break the cycle. It actually is possible.

Some of the things which many folks must do if they are trying to lose weight is to stop the bad patterns that they're engaged in. This will most likely be particularly challenging for those who have been eating a certain way for an extended time period.

Aspartame, sugar, bad carbohydrates and caffeine are some of the wrong things that many individuals are addicted to. As hard as it seems, you should know that the best and only way to sustain good health always is to get rid of these unhealthy habits. If you're having trouble breaking free from the bad cycle, go cold turkey for several days.

Poor eating habits should always be avoided and must be replaced with good ones. Though it is not a must for you to eat healthily all the time, you must be sure that you stick with a nutritious eating plan for at least one month.

Why is this? This is due to the fact that it usually takes that amount of time for people to get used to a new habit. When you consume a nutritious, well-balanced diet for a month then it will be normal.

Of course there are more things to consider. You must make sure that you are feeding on the right foods. Stay low on glycemic indicator to control your sugar level.

Make certain that you're consuming plenty of raw fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Drinking water with a small portion of sea salt daily is of utmost importance to your well-being. When you see your good health and slim figure are returning, you'll realize that your effort is working. - 17273

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Should you train to failure?

By Jon Cardozo

If you spend any time in the gym or in bodybuilding forums, you have probably come across a number of terms which were initially unfamiliar to you. Often people will throw around these terms casually without really knowing what they mean.

Instead of just throwing around such terms to sound impressive in the gym, shouldn't you take a moment to truly understand them? Because it's discussed so often, let's take a moment to understand the concept of training to failure.

Are you still wondering what training to failure your exactly means? Well, you shouldn't feel too bad because you're probably not the only one who has asked this question before. The truth is that most new trainees probably don't understand these bodybuilding terms, but they pretend to just to fit in.

To put it simply, training to failure means that you lift a particular weight until you simply cannot lift any more. Your muscle gives out and you cannot lift another repetition by yourself. This, by the way has been promoted by many different so called bodybuilding gurus.

Expert fitness trainer Vincent Delmonte tells us that training to momentary failure is important, but training to absolute failure is dangerous (or at least unnecessary).

The one thing you don't want to do is to completely exhaust your body. You don't want to train and train until your body is wiped out from fatigue. It may sound obvious to some, but from observing some people in the gym it's more common than you might think. They seem to have a completely different interpretation of training to failure.

Working out in this way not only puts a heavy stress on your muscles, but your entire body will feel the effects. Remember that your nervous system, for example, is also feeling the impact and can actually take longer to recover.

You'll probably find yourself overdoing it from time to time, but be careful not to make this a habit. - 17273

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Eliminating Debt in 5 Easy Steps

By Danny Reagan

Physical fitness is important for the health of the mind and the body. With many nations reporting more and more obese people every year, the importance of good fitness choices is also growing. Building muscles is one of the key aspects of fitness that creates a better performing body and metabolism. When aiming to build muscle, there are clear rules that can be followed to maximize the outcome.

Happiness, less stress and more money are all waiting for the person who can choose debt elimination and live debt free. A debt free lifestyle and a debt elimination lifestyle is one that is marked by owning more things than you owe on. Moving from carrying large amounts of debt to being a debt free citizen is as simple as practicing these five debt elimination tips.

Ready the muscle. From the first moments of beginning a routine to build muscle, the fitness program needs to incorporate stretching. Stretching the muscle increase the blood flow to the muscle and thus increase the chances of good muscle build. Stretching also helps to prevent injuries to the muscle while cold by warming up the muscle fibers and allowing for a longer movement during the fitness routine.

Hydrate the muscle. Water is not just essential for life, it is also essential to build muscle. The muscles need hydration to build faster, recover more quickly and maintain those high levels of increased strength. The minimum amount of water per day needed for fitness programs that build muscle is 8 glasses of 8 ounces every 24 hours with many fitness magazines recommending even higher amounts per day.

Tear the muscle. During a fitness routine to build muscle, the muscles will need to be torn in order to build back stronger and bigger. This is what happens when weights are lifted to the point of failure. Failure is the time when a certain amount of weight can no longer be lifted. Once reached, the muscle has effectively been torn and will begin to repair and build muscle. Stretching after the rip stage can decrease the pain in the muscle.

Repair it. After ripping the muscle, the body will need to be given time to repair in order to build muscle. Fitness programs require a 24 hour wait time between working major muscle groups to be effective. That means once you have whaled on those chest muscles, give them a 24 break before whaling again.

Repeat. The key to fitness programs that build muscle is consistency. The careful pattern of rip and repair needs to be repeated over and over again to keep the muscle building. It can take up to a month to build one pound of muscle, but the time is well worth it. For every pound of muscle built, the body will naturally burn between 30 and 50 additional calories per day.

Our lives are so very filled with the need to have more of everything right now that we have forgotten about the debt free nature of life. We expect to live debt free when we are young, but then fall into charged and owed debt, thus making debt elimination seem like it is too far away to grasp. Our debt free lives depend on living everyday with a total cost mindset and the heart to live with what we can afford right now, thus making debt elimination a new beginning. - 17273

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