The Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice
Mouth problems, specifically gum problems can be remedied by drinking cranberry juice. Usually, bacteria that thrive in the mouth are eliminated by the acidic environment brought about by drinking cranberry juice. This prevents formation of cavities that cause infections in the mouth. Dentists often include the drinking of cranberry juice in the health teachings that they provide to their patients.
Having a good skin is one of the concerns of women. And this is what cranberry juice can provide them. A woman who is in her middle adulthood may already be experiencing some major changes in her physical appearance such as wrinkles. However, by drinking cranberry juice, you can actually maintain skin that will look young and soft. Cranberry juice eliminates the free radicals in the body that causes cells to be damaged or dead. Cranberries also promote rejuvenation by replacing the old cells with new cells.
Initially, cranberry juice is only known to remedy urinary tract infections. The effects of cranberry juice are very beneficial to patients with urinary tract infections because its acidic property helps in eliminating certain bacteria that thrives in the urethra. Doctors often inform their patients to drink cranberry juice to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Painful urination is the most common symptom associated with urinary tract infections. Sometimes, this symptom is also accompanied with fever and abdominal pains.
The beneficial effects of cranberry juice are also evident in terms of kidney and bladder functions. People who are often or regularly drinking cranberry juice can prevent having kidney and bladder infections because bacteria are eliminated even before they could cause serious harm to a person.
The healthy benefits acquired from drinking cranberry juice do not stop at preventing bacterial growth. Food researchers have found out that cranberries have anti-oxidant properties that are responsible for preventing cancer. The content is known to be a type of a photochemical that also brings positive effects to the cardiovascular system. This happens because fat deposits in the vessels are emulsified by the acidic property of cranberry juice. These fat deposits are the plaques or atheromas that cause impeding circulation leading to heart disease.
Because of the Vitamin C content found in cranberry juice, doctors recommend to drink it to boost the immune system. Children who often get sick because of poor immunity can be given at least one to three glasses of cranberry juice per day. This will help children increase their resistance against certain diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
With all the health benefits that a cranberry juice can give, it would certainly be a recommended drink for every individual, whether young or old. Drinking cranberry juice should be a habit so that various illnesses can be prevented and immune system will be improved. - 17273