Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Benefits of Drinking Cranberry Juice

By Borgon Trocepticlon

Cranberries are small red fruits from the berry family and usually a low-growing vine. These small fruits have organic acids that cause its acidic properties responsible for the disruption of bacterial membranes. Vitamin C is also found in cranberries, making them good for the immune system. Aside from that, they also contain some fibers necessary for digestion. Studies have shown that cranberry juice can bring a lot of benefits to the body, especially in preventing diseases.

Mouth problems, specifically gum problems can be remedied by drinking cranberry juice. Usually, bacteria that thrive in the mouth are eliminated by the acidic environment brought about by drinking cranberry juice. This prevents formation of cavities that cause infections in the mouth. Dentists often include the drinking of cranberry juice in the health teachings that they provide to their patients.

Having a good skin is one of the concerns of women. And this is what cranberry juice can provide them. A woman who is in her middle adulthood may already be experiencing some major changes in her physical appearance such as wrinkles. However, by drinking cranberry juice, you can actually maintain skin that will look young and soft. Cranberry juice eliminates the free radicals in the body that causes cells to be damaged or dead. Cranberries also promote rejuvenation by replacing the old cells with new cells.

Initially, cranberry juice is only known to remedy urinary tract infections. The effects of cranberry juice are very beneficial to patients with urinary tract infections because its acidic property helps in eliminating certain bacteria that thrives in the urethra. Doctors often inform their patients to drink cranberry juice to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infections. Painful urination is the most common symptom associated with urinary tract infections. Sometimes, this symptom is also accompanied with fever and abdominal pains.

The beneficial effects of cranberry juice are also evident in terms of kidney and bladder functions. People who are often or regularly drinking cranberry juice can prevent having kidney and bladder infections because bacteria are eliminated even before they could cause serious harm to a person.

The healthy benefits acquired from drinking cranberry juice do not stop at preventing bacterial growth. Food researchers have found out that cranberries have anti-oxidant properties that are responsible for preventing cancer. The content is known to be a type of a photochemical that also brings positive effects to the cardiovascular system. This happens because fat deposits in the vessels are emulsified by the acidic property of cranberry juice. These fat deposits are the plaques or atheromas that cause impeding circulation leading to heart disease.

Because of the Vitamin C content found in cranberry juice, doctors recommend to drink it to boost the immune system. Children who often get sick because of poor immunity can be given at least one to three glasses of cranberry juice per day. This will help children increase their resistance against certain diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.

With all the health benefits that a cranberry juice can give, it would certainly be a recommended drink for every individual, whether young or old. Drinking cranberry juice should be a habit so that various illnesses can be prevented and immune system will be improved. - 17273

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Burn Fat Fast with the Best Cardio Exercises

By Thong M. Dao

In order for cardio exercises to work, we need to understand how they work. A cardio exercise program allows the body to burn off fat. But we've always wondered what is the best cardio exercise that burns the most fat. Is it high intensity, or low?

Under a high intensity cardio exercise, glycogen will be burned. Glycogen is a sort of carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscle. The body uses carbohydrates for energy. On the other hand, low intensity exercise burns a lot of fat. This is scientific theory.

Unfortunately, researchers were not completely correct. To this day, there are more overweight people than ever though they exercise with low intensity. Why is it?

The scientists were right when they said the human body burns more body fat during low intensity cardio training like walking or swimming. But during a high intensity exercise such as running, the body will burn a lot more calories. Even if some of the calories burnt are from glycogen, there are still many fat calories burned as well.

To put the icing on the cake, when our store of glycogen gets low, the carbohydrates from the food we eat will later be converted into glycogen to fill up the store instead of body fat when they are left unused.

High intensity cardio exercise will juice up our metabolism even after we have completed our workout. What this means is that the body will continue to burn body fat hours after we have left the gym.

This effect is nearly non-existent in low intensity cardio workout. Cumulatively, the body will burn up more and more calories during and after we have finished a high intensity cardio exercise that it will with low intensity.

We can add high intensity exercises into our cardio workout by introducing some interval training " one of the best cardio exercises. We can walk for 5 minutes or so, then break into some jogging for another 5 minutes.

Then, walk briskly again until we have caught our breath and then sprint for a minute before we walk again. From this point, simply alternate running and walking for the next 15 minutes until we are done. If you don't like walking, do the same with a cardio exercise machine.

Burning fat is not everything cardio exercise can do. The best thing is that it keeps your energy level high.

For all newbies, be persistent and pace yourself, one step at a time. Be careful or you'll get burned out! It is also important to track your progress to see how well you have been doing. - 17273

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The T-Bow

By Carol J Bartram

Ask the majority of people if they have ever heard of a T-Bow and you will get a blank stare. This is a pity because the T-Bow is a new piece of exercise equipment that is delightfully simple, takes up little space in the home (unlike most gym machines which are big, ugly and bulky), and can provide you with an exercise workout that will gladden the heart of any personal trainer! I am always telling my clients that the best way to lose weight and inches, and make themselves stronger and healthier is to combine cardio exercise with muscle toning workouts. This is where the T-Bow comes in; not only can you get your heart rate up and burn a lot of calories with a T-Bow, you can use the T-Bow for great muscle toning workouts as well.

The unique selling point of the T-Bow lies in the many ways it can be used for exercise. If you place it on the floor curve up, it is large enough to stand on safely. This means it can be used to step up and step down. Remember when step classes in the gyms were all the rage? Stepping is a first-class form of exercise which conditions the heart and lungs, burns up to 600 calories in an hour and works all the leg and bottom muscles, trimming and shaping a firm butt and shapely legs.

But this is only part of what you can do with the T-Bow. If you turn it over, it becomes a rocking platform, and can be used for further cardio exercises, challenging your balance and coordination as well as working or your thigh, calf, and bottom muscles in a totally different way for even greater calorie burn. You can rock from side to side or turn through a right angle and rock forward and back. It is harder than it looks, but you do not feel unsafe as you are never far from the floor. It also makes your workout feeling like playtime!

Using the T-Bow for stepping and rocking makes up the cardiovascular part of your workout. With most other pieces of home exercise equipment you would now have to use something totally different for the toning part of your workout. Not so with the T-Bow! If you purchase the complete T-Bow kit you also get some elastic exercise bands included. All you have to do is slip these through the gaps in the side of the T-Bow and you can add resistance to muscle toning exercises such as squats and lunges for the lower body, rowing exercises for the back, and arm curl exercises for the upper arms and shoulders to give you a sleek and toned outline. Remember, the more toned your muscles are, the more calories you burn even when you are sitting watching TV!

Another area where the T-Bow excels is Pilates matwork exercises. Many doctors and health professionals recommend Pilates as a wonderful stress-free method of toning and lengthening the muscles in the body, working the core muscles to flatten the stomach and strengthen the back and the postural muscles in the chest and shoulders so that we walk tall and move correctly, thus making spine problems in later life less likely to occur, as we are strong on the inside as well as the outside. If you finish your workout by performing your stretches using the T-Bow, your exercise session will be close to perfect! - 17273

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All about Whey Protein

By Corona


Whey protein is a collection of proteins extracted from the by-product of cheese created from cows milk, called whey. It has the highest biological value (BV) of any protein. Having a high BV means that it's absorbed and utilized by our body faster and more efficiently than any other protein. Whey is also an incredible source of amino acids, containing a whopping 18 different amino acids, including all of the essential aminos.

Note: There are 3 different forms of whey protein. Each type has important differences. Here are the three forms:

-Whey Concentrate: Not the most effective form, with a low percentage of protein by weight (29-89%). The remainder is mostly carbohydrates from lactose, with low levels of fat and cholesterol.

-Whey Isolate: Most of the fats and lactose are removed to form whey isolate. After processing, there's around 90% or more protein by weight. Whey isolate is, in my opinion, the best form to use as a supplement.

-Whey Hydrolysate: Partially hydrolyzed (chemically pre-digested) whey is generally more expensive, but is easier for your body to absorb than the other forms of whey. One sacrifice, other than cost, is taste. Hydrolyzed whey usually has a less desirable taste than whey concentrate or whey isolate does.


I must say, there are so many benefits to whey, that I couldn't possibly cover them all here in detail. But!... I have provided a good summary here.

Physical Performance: -An ideal combination of amino acids that help improve body composition and athletic performance.

-Great source of leucine, an essential amino acid. Leucine is key in promoting muscle protein synthesis.

-Increases levels of glutathione, an antioxidant that is required for a healthy immune system.

-High levels of Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's). combined with carbohydrates following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. This is extremely important in protein synthesis.

-Easy to digest and gentle on the digestive system.

-BCAA's and other aminos promote better wound healing through protein synthesis.

Weight Management:

-Protein requires more energy to digest, resulting in more calories being burnt after a high protein meal.

-Whey isolate is nearly pure, with little to no fats or carbohydrates. A great compliment to low glycemic index diets.

-Leucine preserves lean mass while promoting fat loss.

-Protein helps stabilize blood glucose levels, reducing hunger.


Whey protein is made up of high levels of BCAA's (Branched Chain Amino Acids). BCAAs make up about one third of skeletal muscle in humans, and play quite an important role in protein synthesis. It has been shown that supplementation with BCAA's, along with carbohydrate consumption following resistance training, increases insulin output by 221%. That insulin spike will result in more macro-nutrients being pushed into your muscle cells, resulting in better recovery and hypertrophy.


While whey is an amazing protein source, it is not always the most ideal form of protein. The times when whey will provide your body with the most benefit are whenever you need a quick absorbing form of protein (i.e. When you first wake up in the morning, or right after a workout.). One time that you definitely do not want whey over another form of protein, is before bed. Just before going to sleep, you need a form of protein that will last throughout the night. Whey would be processed by your body in less than an hour, thereby starving your body for the rest of the night. Prior to sleep, your best bet is either casein (a slow digesting protein), or a combination of fast and slow digesting proteins. Just prior to a meal, is a great time to take whey.


Consume whey after any period of time that your body has been deprived or depleted of food/protein. By drinking whey (without anything else), you will kick start your metabolism again, and put a stop to any catabolism (when your body starts breaking itself down for protein as a source of energy) your body is undergoing. - 17273

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The Top 5 Superfoods on the ORAC Antioxidant Chart

By Ryan Sinclair

A way to measure and test the antioxidant levels in food is with Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity also known as ORAC. Antioxidants help protect you from oxidation caused by free radicals that are harmful to the body. The best way to fight these free radicals is to eat food that score high on the ORAC. The main cause of aging is from these free radicals and mutated cells can even turn into cancer. A small percentage of around 20% actually get the amount of antioxidants they need in their diets, the rest are not protected from free radical toxins.

This means you should be looking for high ORAC value foods that you can easily add to your diet. The exact ranking vary depending on which website you visit, but the top 5 scoring foods on the ORAC scale are:

1. Acai

2. Mangosteen

3. Mangosteen

4. Pomengranate

5. Wild Blueberries

Luckily you should be able to get your days supply of antioxidants by eating any of these fruits. My suggestion would to try them all and decide which you enjoy the most. You could even mix some, or all, of them together in a smoothie for the ultimate antioxidant boost.

Acai berry juice happens to be my all time favorite antioxidant drink. In addition to being number one on the ORAC list it is also a great source of Omega fatty acids and essential amino acids. Acai berry will reduce cholesterol, improve your mood, and increase your memory. I used to drink a lot of beverages that contained caffeine to get the energy boost I need, but now I drink Acai berry juice to help me stay active. The boost even lasts longer and than many of those that contain caffeine.

One of the best reasons to go with Acai is that it has an amazing taste. Most people describe it having the flavor of chocolate berries. It's one of the few health foods you can enjoy without realizing that it's actually good for you. There is no better way to start off your day than with a nice refreshing glass of Acai juice. - 17273

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Natural Low Fat Fish For Health-Healthy Living Part 5

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Almost all heart researchers agree that when people who have defective fat metabolism eat a high-fat diet, heart disease often results. In addition to prolonging your life by controlling your weight, correct diet can save you from heart and blood vessel disease.

The low fat diet proved to be effective in reducing weight and promoting general good health. Fish are often excellent low-fat food sources. Fish is also an excellent source of protein and it contains essential vitamins and minerals, such as selenium and iodine.

Unlike meats, very little fats will be cooked out of the fish, so attempting to drain off fish fats in cooking is unnecessary.

Some fish like brook trout, porgy, cod, and croakers are somewhat higher in fat content, but are still quite low in fat content when compared with meats. But others like perch, haddock, flounder, sturgeon, smelts, scallops are especially low in fat.

Shell-fish are outstandingly low in fat and cholesterol content. Lobster, shrimps, and crabs are ideal examples. Clams are next in line; oysters are a bit higher in fat content, but are still low in comparison with beef, lamb, or veal.

Tuna is an excellent source of protein and much lower in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol than many other protein choices, it is considered a heart-healthy food. Wild Salmon is also much higher in heart and brain healthy Omega 3s over farmed salmon.

The Food Standards Agency recommends that we should all consume at least two portions of fish a week for health, as they are proven to offer multiple nutritional benefits - they are high in protein, low in saturated fat and they contain many other nutrients that are important for proper growth and development.

Fish that are safe for children to eat up to 3 times a week include smaller species such as: Atlantic and Tasmanian salmon barramundi blue-eye cod also known as blue-eye trevalla bream flathead jewfish hake hoki mackerel mullet ocean and rainbow trout redfish sardines snapper, and whiting.

Fish is truly the new 'meal in minutes', it is ridiculously quick and easy to prepare. Cook any large fish in salted water, adding one cupful of vinegar,and sliced onions, celery root, and parsley to season. fish also can be cooked under the grill, it just needs to be attended very closely and only takes a few minutes per side.

Fish is so delicate that it dries out quickly and is easy to overcook. It is done when the colour turns from translucent to opaque (white) or has reached 140 degrees F to 145 degrees F internal temperature.

Learning how to "eat smart" is a long-term lifestyle choice. Eat fish at least once a week can help you control your weight and reduces your risk of coronary heart disease. - 17273

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Keeping Up Your Nutrition While Pregnant

By Corey Hatfield

How do you think your next nine months will be? Truly great, these 9 months will be full with joy, happiness, excitement, body changes and diet and maybe even mixed emotions. No matter what, this time of your life is surely something you will never forget and you will tell to your children time after time. As exciting as this might be, there's a lot of cautions that you have to remember because you are pregnant, especially with what you are eating.

Many women think that once they are pregnant, they will be free to eat anything they want. This is a common issue. Actually, when you are pregnant, you should be more wise with what you eat because this goes to your unborn as well. Your babys development is affected by the food you eat so eating right is certainly something you should do.

Because of your pregnancy, you can be at risk of aquiring gestational diabetes. Be mindful to not eat a lot of sugar. Caffeine shouldn't be eaten as well. Artificial sweeteners are not good either as there are studies showing that it could impair your babys development.

Even some fruits like strawberries should not be eaten. These fruits have a lot of sugar content that is not good for your condition. Choose bananas because of their potassium content. You should also have food with fiber to help stay regular.

Make sure that you have at least 2 glasses of milk daily. Your doctor may also recommend milk specifically designed for pregnancy. This has all the nutrients that you need and calcium which is helpful for your babys bone and brain development.

Oily food should be avoided. Similarly, intake of salty foods should be minimized as salt retains water. You can get edema, or swelling of ankles and feet, because of the water retained in your tissue due to the salt that you take in.

Finally, it is good to know that eating right while you are pregnant includes drinking correctly. Take at least 8 glasses of water daily. A baby floats in water and if you are dehydrated, they may not have enough of the fluid they need everyday. Just remember, that the better you eat, the better your baby will be. - 17273

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Lose weight with Green Tea Purity

By Collin James

Green Tea Purity Review - Thousands of users of Green Tea Purity will all tell you the same thing. The benefits that that they have seen have been nothing short of amazing. Our brief review of Green Tea Purity will show you how you can also benefit from using this product to lose weight and increase your energy levels.

Regular consumers of Green Tea Purity have first learned about this product from some of the most popular talk shows. The reason why green tea has become so popular over the past year is because users have been experiencing weight loss - with out even working out.

If your metabolism is slow your ability to burn fat also decreases. With Green Tea Purity speeding up your metabolism, which is a direct result of green tea, you can start to burn fat in most cases with out even having to step foot in a gym. But, if losing weight and improving the quality of your life is important to you, then your going to not want to just rely on the benefits of using Green Tea Purity alone.

If you are not a tea lover, don't worry! Green Tea Purity can be consumed dozens of different ways. I am sure a lot of people are reluctant to getting green tea just because they sit there and think to themselves - I don't like it. Thankfully - there is a bunch of different ways you can drink green tea or incorporate it into your diet.

If you want, you can try this simple receipt that I use to add a little different flavor my my green tea that I drink. For a Masada flavor all you need to do is add 1 inch cinnamon stick - 1, cardamon-2, cloves-2 to the tea while boiling. Boil it for 5 to 10 minutes.Add sugar/honey to taste. - 17273

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7 Fat Burning Foods that Burn Your Body Fat Inside Out

By Thong M. Dao

Specialists have found two primary categories of fat burning foods. Can you guess the first one? If you said "fiber", you're correct. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber. Fiber offers a huge benefit, they fill our bottomless pits and reduce calories intake.

So, if fruits and vegetables are called the fat burning food, fiber may well be the fat burning nutrient. Protein is another best fat burning food. It's becoming more scientifically accepted that protein may help to curb appetite.

In order for the body to burn fat faster, we need a metabolism boost. And that's what protein can do quite well. There is one drawback, however. Too much protein adds more weight. Be careful, we want to lose weight, not gain weight.

Check out the following list of fat burning foods. These choices will help you shed the fat off pretty fast.

1. Green tea. Researchers have found that green tea has catechins - phytochemicals that enhance weight loss by forcing the body to burn more calories and shed off body fat. Enjoy your drink!

2. Broth- or tomato-based soups. Soups can help reduce hunger before meals and increase feeling of fullness.

3. Low-calorie green salads. Let's start off by saying "please, do not load your low-calorie salads with croutons, fatty dressings and cheese", or it will be counter-productive. I highly recommend you add high fiber content such as sunflower seeds. This way you will curb any cravings later.

4.Yogurt. Not any kind, but low-fat yogurt. It is a great way to help you out with those stomach growling moments. Low-fat yogurt offers the protein and carbohydrates that your body needs as you are heading down the path to a healthy living.

5. Beans. A great combination of fiber and protein, beans help us feel full longer, which means they may work to curb our between-meal appetite.

6. Water. You may know water takes up most of the earth. And it's the same for your body. Without water your body will dehydrate. If you don't like water by itself, try adding the following items: lemon, lime, watermelon, or unsweetened flavoring. Remember to ask yourself, as you're heading to the fridge, "have I watered my body properly today?".

In addition to helping flush toxins from the body, it can also help us feel full. So when those hunger pangs strike, try drinking a glass of water before grabbing that snack.

7. High-fiber, whole-grain cereal. To some it tastes like cardboard but high-fiber, whole-grain cereal will give your body a jump start. Don't knock it until you try. Whole grains help enhance fiber and your daily nutritional intake. No time for breakfast? A bowl of cereal will get the job done.

I hope the above fat burning foods list can help. - 17273

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Fitness - Weight Loss Pills: Should You Use Them

By Gregor Mahrer

Have you been trying to lose weight with the use of exercise and healthy eating? If you have, have you still been coming up short on your weight loss goal? If you have, you may be interested in seeking help through the use of weight loss products, namely weight loss pills. Although you may be thinking about giving weight loss pills a chance, you may be wondering if you should.

When it comes to determining whether or not weight loss pills are right for you, there are a number of different questions that you will want to ask yourself. These questions can help you truly determine if weight loss pills are right for you. A few of the many questions that you may want to ask yourself, concerning weight loss pills, are outlined below.

Losing weight ?naturally,? often involves exercise and healthy eating. Have you been exercising? Exercising can involve visiting your local fitness center, putting an exercise video in your DVD player, or something as simple as taking a nightly walk. Eating healthy involves cutting all sweets from your diet or at least significantly reducing them. If you haven?t taken these steps yet, you may want to first try losing weight naturally. If that doesn?t work, weight loss diet pills may be something for you to consider.

Although there are a number of reasons for weight gain, one of the most common reasons involves intake too much food. If you regularly find yourself intake more food than you should or more food than you need to, why do you think that you do so? Are you just intake because you are bored or does your body sense that you are hungry? This is important question that you need to answer, as many weight loss pills are designed to suppress your hunger. While this can help many individuals reduce the amount of food that they take and the number of calories they take in, it will only help you if you think that your body is telling you that you are still hungry. If you are what is commonly referred to as a ?bored eater,? there is a good chance that you will still continue to eat.

Another question that you need to ask yourself is if you can afford the costs of weight loss pills. When examining the cost of weight loss pills, you will find that they are sold for a wide range of prices. Although it is important to make sure that you can afford the cost of weight loss pills, it is important that you do not comprise calibre for costs. If you cannot afford the weight loss pills that come highly rated and recommend, you may just end up wasting your money on weight loss pills that may not necessarily work. That is why it is advised that you consult with your doctor or search for weight loss diet pill reviews online, before making any purchases.

As a reminder, it is important that you do the proper amount of research before you buy weight loss pills, should you decide to do so. Weight loss diet pills are not all created equally; therefore, they have varying results. - 17273

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