Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Making Sure You Drink Enough Water To Stay Healthy

By Beth Hoover

How much water intake is wanted to maximize water benefits? The right answer, surprisingly, isn't simply just the rule of 8 glasses a day. Optimum water consumption is a touch more complicated than that.

To get the best water advantages to keep healthy, the optimum daily water intake depends on a number of factors. How old you are. How healthy and physically active you are. And what form of climate you are experiencing currently.

for instance, an older, out of shape marathon runner in Miami, Florida in Aug is going to want a ton more water than a healthy young stroller in Central Park does in May.

The conditions your body experiences over time and place are never constant. And, since your body typically loses water as you go through your normal day breathing, sweating and getting rid of waste, it's essential that you continually replenish your supply of water. If you never feel even a tiny bit parched, you are probably drinking more than sufficient water. Thirst is always the 1st sign of dehydration. A good general rule of thumb is to drink at least a cup of water for every twenty pounds of body weight and more relying upon your current circumstances.

Why is drinking enough water so important? The human body, like the earth, is made up mostly of water. In reality, both are about 3 quarter's water. The human brain, as an example, is about eighty percent water.

And it'll only take a small loss of body fluids to create mild to moderate dehydration. Studies have demonstrated that just a five pc loss of body fluids could cause as much as a 30% loss of physical and psychological energy. Dehydration symptoms include fatigue, tiredness, muscle weakness, wooziness, headaches and a definite inability to focus and concentrate. And most folks that suffer from these issues aren't one bit aware that all they need to do to get some instant relief is drink some water.

Notice that I claimed, drink some water. I did not say have a coffee, a bottle of soda or a glass of lager. These choices to water might be tempting but they don't really slake your thirst. Coffee and caffeinated soft drinks, for example, are diuretics. That is, they make you urinate, which only leads to more water loss and more thirst.

Drinking plenty of water is also one of the best things you can do to shed pounds and keep it off forever. Drinking eight glasses of water a day keeps you full, helping to cut back on overeating. And drinking water rather than high calorie and alcoholic drinks will help you in losing as much as twenty pounds in one year. - 17273

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Ways to Workout at Home with Workout Sheets

By Emmanuel Palmer

Every person has the right to a full and dynamic life. One way to do this is by working out and making sure you have a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, not all people have the means and the resources to be a member in a fully equipped fitness center. It doesn't really matter, all we need is a little creativity and perhaps an article that gives you excellent ideas on ways to workout at home.

Since working out at home is relatively convenient and cost free - inspiring yourself to exercise regularly might prove to be a challenge in itself. To stay motivated, ask yourself what put you in this path to well-being in the first place? Is it the goal of having a beach worthy body all year? Is it building strength and stamina for sports or highly energetic activities? Maybe you just want to be healthy. Whatever the reason may be, tack on a picture or phrase that will remind you of your goals some place where you -'ll always see it.

To make your home training sessions more effective, you need to monitor your progress regularly with detailed workout sheets. You can download these on the Internet or create and print your own log yourself. Before anything, list down important information about yourself like your age, what weight you started with, your present measurements, etc. Make it as specific as possible and check up on it weekly or monthly.

Separate the sheet into several columns. On the first line list down the exercise you've done and put in the following columns the reps, sets, weight load and the duration of time you executed the entire drill. Place a comment file beside the last file and write down things that happened to you that day that may have affected your training. For example, put in your mood that day, any special incidents that happened prior to working out, meals consumed recently, etc. Workout sheets have many times isolated specific problems by recognizing glitches in your lifestyle.

Cardiovascular exercises are the most cost efficient way to stay fit. You can do it anywhere, anytime and you don't need to pay for it. Take a 30 minute jog around the park twice a week. Run up and down a flight of stairs several times a day. Jump rope or just turn up the music and start dancing!

It's funny but they say the best ever exercises are the crunches and squats - it's funny because these drills are absolutely free. No fancy equipment needed. However, do focus in keeping the right position and breathing. Close your bedroom door and start doing crunches on the floor. You can also sit on the edge of your bed and do 3 sets of leg raises in 20 reps or until failure.

If you have no dumbbells around, use water bottles as weights to hold on to as you do arm curls for your biceps, triceps and shoulder muscles. If that's too light weight resistance is ideal to utilize. Do push-ups or knee-ups as well as chin ups if you have a sturdy high bar somewhere. Always stretch before and after training as this increases blood flow to the muscles and optimizes your body for the workout ahead.

There you go - the easiest formula to stay fit is by finding ways to workout at home effectively. Stay motivated and look good every time you step out of the house! - 17273

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And it's Day...13 and the HCG Diet is Still Going

By Amelia Handley

Alright. You probably read yesterday's article so you know that today's weigh in was a little nerve wracking. That's just what happens when you're on a very low calorie, HCG diet and you break all the rules and indulge in potato salad, Caesar salad and turkey legs. (For a full rationalization of the breech in protocol read yesterday's article).

But if you're one of those hateful people who root for other people to fail when they're dieting so you'll feel better you're going to be deeply saddened by what happened when I got on the scale! I didn't go up in weight. I didn't go down in weight either so that's a bummer. But I stayed the same...at 160 pounds and I'm definitely okay with that.

It could still jump my weight up. Sometimes the oral HCG reviews suggest that "cheating" while on the diet results in delayed weight gain. So I've got that to NOT look forward to, but for today I'm feeling alright about my seemingly "non-punishment." Just to refresh your memory...today's Monday. The kids are at school (and not too happy about waking up in time to make it on time after a fun, relaxing weekend at home). They got to have Toaster Strudels with bacon and milk for breakfast. I was only slightly jealous. So I'm already doing much better than yesterday.

I took my B vitamin supplement and my HCG in the morning. And I took the HCG twice more as outlined in all the oral HCG reviews as well as the official HCG protocol. So that's one big A+ for the day. I jumped online for some inspiration and read through a bunch of oral HCG reviews noting the end results for people who really benefited from the program. I was also looking for an easy fix to screwing up the diet in the midst of the program. Nothing totally amazing popped up to avoid weight gain from lack of appropriate HCG eating. Dang it!

Today I grilled up several chicken breasts with Creole seasoning (I know...I've gotten obsessed, but it's really good). I had grilled chicken for lunch with a sliced tomato and some Melba Toasts. I had a lot of lemon water throughout the day (trying to drink the whole pitcher). I gagged down a cup of green tea and I had an apple in the afternoon.

At dinner I used some of the extra chicken I cooked to make the fabulously yummy and quick Chicken Asparagus Soup (for the recipe...access the HCG Diet Direct ecookbook). I'm actually quite attached to all the soups in the cookbook. Apparently I'm not the only one either because I've run across several oral HCG reviews that say the same thing. With my soup I had Melba Toasts again for dinner and another apple. Apples are so nice and easy and mess free. I've gotten as attached as I used to be when I was a kid. I don't even cut them up anymore. I just grab it and go and eat whole. - 17273

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The Powerful Anti-oxidant Benefits Of Grape Skin Extract

By Thomas Sinclair

One of the most delicious ways of getting the powerful antioxidant benefits of grape skin extract is to drink red wine. This delicious beverage has been found to have the most incredible health benefits. Resevratrol is the active, mega-antioxidant ingredient responsible for good health.

Hundreds of generations of people living to ripe old ages in Europe, led to this amazing discovery. These populations suffer less cancers, less heart disease and less of all the dread diseases which plague, for arguments sake the Americans. They also suffer from lower stress levels, age slower and are generally speaking a darn sight happier. This has been proven to be because of millennium long histories of daily red wine consumption.

It is amazing how many health benefits are contained in drinking just one glass of red wine on a daily basis. The way this wine is made is very simple, the red grapes are grown and when they are ripe, harvested. The grapes remain whole and are fermented with yeast, the skins and pips go into this brew. Grape skins are filled to the brim with plant polyphenols, of which resevratrol is the most powerful. Polyphenols are naturally produced by the grape to protect them from disease and this is what they do for us when they are consumed.

Only after the grapes are fermented, they are pressed and the skins, seeds etc. removed. When the wine has aged in the barrels, it is bottled for us to drink. To your Health!

Endothelin-1 is a bad protein, found to be one of the principle cases of atherosclerosis, in a research study conducted with red wine as a subject. 68 % of participants consuming this delicious drink were found to have much lower Endothelin-1 levels. But this is not the only research study concerning the drinking of red wine, many more benefits have been found.

Everything in moderation is the key, and only one glass a day should be consumed, although men may be able to drink more than women. However if you are unable to drink red wine - and this is the source of the best grape skin extract, it is available in supplement form. - 17273

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How To Cure A Yeast Infection - Discover A Fail Safe Way To Cure A Yeast Infection Fast.

By Carole Bishop

If you are wondering "How do to cure a yeast infection" Well there is a natural yet very effective cure for yeast infection but before we go into the details, "what is a yeast infection?" and "what are the main causes?"

A yeast infection is simply an infection caused by a fungus, usually of the Candida species, the most common one being Candida albicans. It is a very treatable condition that tends to occur in moist parts of the body, most commonly the private areas.

What are the main causes of a yeast infection? There are many reasons why you may develop a yeast infection but the main reasons are:

Pregnancy in women

Extended use of oral contraceptives

Continuous and prolonged use of antibiotics

In women, using soaps and douches, which disturb the delicate balance of the vaginal flora

Individuals with diabetes tend to have a higher incidence of yeast infection.

How To Cure a Yeast Infection

One of the most effective remedies for a yeast infection is the use of live natural yogurt and you need to use this by eating some and applying some to the affected parts.

Make sure you consume good amounts of live natural yogurt daily. This is because yogurt contains bacteria which will help to restore the imbalance that has helped the fungus to thrive and grow.

The use externally, simply dip a tampon into the yogurt and insert into the vagina. Change every 4 hours and you should see a significant improvement in no time.

Unfortunately although applying yogurt works very well indeed, it does not get to the root cause of your yeast infection. There is a lot more to curing a yeast infection and it is impossible to discuss all you need to know in a single article. - 17273

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