Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Using Fish Oil Can Give You A Lifetime of Advantages

By David Reynolds

Research has constantly proven that fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids, and its benefits can last for a lifetime.

How can we benefit from fish oil?

There are tons of health benefits that we can get from it. For starters, it reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and it aids in the development of the brain too. Fewer headaches and fewer depressions are experienced too. It also relieves you arthritis pain. It helps prevent heart diseases, diabetes, breast and prostate cancer, and tons of other health problems.

We should know that both men and women need sufficient amounts of EPA and DHA. Both are vital factors that contribute to a healthy pregnancy. Women need the omega 3 fatty acids for healthy egg cell production and men for healthy sperm cells.

During the time of gestation, omega 3 fatty acids are needed for baby's brain development. Our brain is made up of long chain omega 3 fatty acids such as DHA. There is around 70% of it in a baby's brain and more than 60% in an adult, and fish has been reputed to be a food for the brain.

At least 1200 mg of pure omega 3 fish oil that contains balanced ratios of EPA and DHA are recommended by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a supplement to the diet of pregnant and nursing mothers.

At least 1000 mg of pure omega 3 fish oil is also recommended as a daily supplement by the NIH to other adults. For what reason? Just view these results.

Several scientific researches has shown results that fish oil is can help prevent inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, bursitis, cystitis, and other disorders, because of the presence of EPA and DHA.

Although fish oil does not necessarily cure the said diseases, it does give safe and natural relief to the said health problems without side effects.

According to researchers, EPA and DHA helps in regulating blood pressure and improve cholesterol levels. It can help prevent heart diseases naturally. It also helps minimize irregular heartbeats and blood clots which is the number one cause of stroke and can lead to a possible cardiac arrest.

Finally, patients who are terminally ill with cancer can have a higher survival rate and better quality of life when using omega 3 fish oil supplement in their diet. Researchers have also reported that it can reduce effects of Alzheimer's disease.

You probably know by know that supplementing your diet regularly with omega 3 fatty acids has a lot of benefits. It can also be noted that supplementing fish oil to our diet makes sense since the absence of omega 3 fatty acids can cause problems like depression, pre-menstrual syndrome, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, violence and suicide.

Recent survey results however, have been very bothering, as it shows that 85% of Americans have deficiency in these fatty acids and around 98% of pregnant and lactating women get only less than 18% of the recommended amount by the NIH.

But there is one more shocking revelation; around 20% of the population of America has very low DHA and EPA, which are the two omega 3 fatty acids. Test results would reveal no traces of DHA and EPA in their blood.

Now is your chance to make sure you get enough fish oil. Start it by eating fatty fish like salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies and sardines. You may also opt for taking high quality pure fish oil as daily supplements. - 17273

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Personal Trainers Find Satisfaction At Work

By Don Ray

The field of personal training is expanding at about the same rate as American waistlines. Obesity is a serious and growing problem among average Americans. As medical research links more health risks, like heart disease, hypertension and stroke to even moderate obesity, more Americans are trying to improve their health by getting fit. Some companies have even opened employee fitness centers in an effort to improve their employees' health and reduce the cost of health insurance.

As a certified personal trainer, you will have many opportunities for jobs in your field. You can chose to work as an entrepreneur, or you can can chose to work for a spa, gym or corporate fitness center. Trainers work not only to improve the client's level of fitness, but to improve their diet and health habits.

Personal trainers need to be competent in several areas in order to properly serve their clients. The first area is nutrition. One reason for the epidemic of obesity is the poor diet than many Americans chose to eat. High fat foods and refined sugars add unnecessary calories without providing nutrition. The personal trainer works with his clients to encourage a healthy diet with less fat and sugar and better nutrition, not just for weight loss, but for overall health.

The second area is general medical knowledge. You will need to be aware of any chronic health complaints your client suffers from and the impact of the condition on their ability to participate in physical activities. Some clients don't decide to address their fitness issues until after they discover a problem. You need to know the individuals limitations and you may need to speak with their doctor regarding special dietary needs and physical activity before you can design their fitness plan.

Nutrition is an important part of overall fitness and the personal trainer has to know about basic nutrition. Part of a fitness trainer's job is to work with his clients to improve their diet. Motivating clients to eat healthy foods and cut high fat foods and refined sugars from their diets is important. Since there is more to fitness than exercise, the trainer has to cover other issues.

Setting up proper exercise programs is central to the job of personal fitness training. The trainer must consider the individual clients fitness level, general health and age and set up a program that meets all the client's needs. The trainer must be well versed in both aerobic and strength training exercise and equipment, since a balanced approach to exercise contains elements of both.

If you are considering a career as a personal trainer, you should look into the available training programs. Understand that you will require some business training if you intend to be an independent trainer and not work for someone else. finding clients, advertising, bookkeeping and other skills may be necessary.

If this sounds like the job you're looking for , you should look in the training programs available and decide the best method to obtain your certification. For those planning on operating as a private business, you should also look into basic business courses to give you the skills you will need to insure your success. - 17273

Have You Heard the News About the Energizing, Chocolate Tasting Amazon Berry?

By Americo Tognetti

The acai berry is a small, round, blackish-purple berry that can only be found at the very top of palm trees in the Amazon rain forest of South America. The acai berry carries several surprising health benefits as well, and tastes like a combination of fruit and chocolate. Most people prefer to eat the berry served on top of their granola cereal for breakfast. Some even like to use it when making milk shakes, and some people choose to eat it by itself.

The acai berry will definitely be a treat, especially for all of you chocolate lovers. One of the things that the acai berry can do for the body is to detoxify it due to the amount of antioxidants that it carries. There is no need for a colon cleanse or any other type of fancy product to clean out your system when you have something as tasty and simple as the acai berry, and it works wonderfully because the body needs it and it is natural and safe. Upon eating the acai berry in whatever fashion that you desire, be it in the form of a milkshake, by itself, mixed in with your cereal, or combined in a bowl of fruit, you are going to find that you lose weight as well. And we are not just talking a couple of pounds, we are talking double digits. There have been claims of up to ten pounds a week stated in testimonials, and it is not hard to believe since the body is loaded with harmful pollutants and built up debris from years of unhealthy eating.

When your body has its pollutants and toxins cleaned out of it, it will be able to operate much better and will eliminate fats a lot easier. Aside from the benefit of losing weight, the acai berry work as well to help the body eradicate free radicals, which are a major cause of deadly diseases such as cancer. The acai berry and the goji berry are very similar to each other. However, the acai berry is loaded with a lot more antioxidants. Acai berries contain more anthocyanins, by up to 30 times, than a glass of red wine, which is among the things that has been shown to help keep cholesterol down to a manageable level.

This amazing berry contains omega 6 as well as omega 9, which can also help lower high cholesterol levels and provide protection against heart disease. Do you want to know of another benefit of this energizing super food is that it has a significant amount of fiber, which can also help to prevent of digestive disorders, cancer and weight gain.

Who wouldn't want to include the acai in their daily diet? On its own, it is a source of balanced carbohydrates, healthy fats, balanced proteins and essential vitamins and minerals all in this tiny berry. The benefits far outweigh the negatives - if there are any! You will also get peace of mind by eating the acai berry. The amount of vital nutrients helps to give you mental focus as well as energy. So, as you will notice, there is not one thing bad about the acai berry! - 17273

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Pure Organic Acai Berry Supplements, Be Sure You Get The Real Deal

By Russell Kase

Acai berry fruit harvested in dense tropical jungle in some areas of the Amazon and Brazil. They have come to be recognized as the definite "super food" offering innumerable varieties of vitamins and necessary greasy acids, photo elements and a horde of more dietary paybacks. The downside however, is that the acai berries spoil within a day after it is harvested, so manufacturers had to come up with ingenious ways to process the fruit for distribution, yet retain its natural flavor and all its healthful benefits.

Regarded as the present day generations super food, sensational cure, the crown jewel of the Amazon, the humble acai berry has taken a big leap from the shadows as a palm fruit deep in the Amazon jungle into one of the most reliable health supplements present in the current market The demand for acai berry supplements have increased a thousand fold over the recent years, with health benefits ranging from natural weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels, strengthening veins and blood vessels to possible cures for certain cancers.

The capsules is directly dependent on the freeze drying process that the fresh acai pulp or acai berry extract is made to go through. Here, the moisture is removed from the acai berries using a very low temperature (-20C) and a vacuum. Preserves are natural deep purple color,and freeze drying keeps the nutty-berry flavors of the acai fruit.

Best of all, the freeze drying procedure ensures us that the acai berry powder and capsules have retained almost all of the acai berry's natural vitamins, enzymes and nutrients, mainly carotene, anthocyanin (antioxidant) also C Vitamin.

In France, as well as nations such as Italy, Spain and Portugal, red wine practically flows- and is a staple at almost every meal to counteract the effects of fat and sugars and add to their over-all well being and longevity. Acai berry juice is simply the best way to obtain the same health benefits provided by acai berry, it is a concentrated source of a kind of flavonoids which is referred to as anthocyanins - this is generally the same phytochemical that red wine possesses.

Acai berry complements are actually expensive, particularly when you search for certified organic acai berry capsules acai or acai liquid and powder. You have the confidence in knowing your decision to buy was a good one. Cheap imitations with inferior ingredients can hamper and even make the acai berry supplements ineffective. - 17273

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Lose Belly Fat - How I Lose Belly Fat

By Ben Jayson

Almost everyone looking ways to lose weight and want to lose some excess fat on their body somewhere especially belly fat. They want to lose belly fat fast! A fat belly is probably one of the hardest areas to successfully remove because its made up by stubborn fat. You have to work hard to lose belly fat.

The body fat is tend to protect organs and internal structures. The priority place to store fat is our fat belly. Thus, our fat belly is made of all the 'stubborn fat'. In order to get lose of your belly fat, youre going to work really hard and more effort to put in.

How to lose belly fat using exercise? The answer is hit the weights. When lifting, you try to lift as heavy as you possible can, as this will rise up your metabolism to the highest. The most appropriate for metabolic effects is to shoot for the 6-10 rep range.

Second, get that cardio up there. Don't do hours on just cardio up, focus on doing sprint. I would recommend sprinting first, and then doing more steady state cardio. This will help to release the fatty acids from the tissue which mobilize them and then burn them off during the steady state cardio. This type of arrangement will be more effective to lose stubborn belly fat than doing a typical cardio session.

Lastly, be careful of your lose belly fat diet. Too many fat or carbohydrates calories will slow your progress; while protein will help body burns more calories and fat to build muscle.

No Nonsense Bodybuilding Program will show you how to exercise effectively; you will get results that you want without spending hours in the gym. It will guide you a healthy, long-term way of eating with healthy exercise that doesn't feel like torture. Remember, losing weight wills not changing what you put on your plate and it should be a lifestyle approach. - 17273

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Mineral Supplements 101- A Guide That's Easy To Understand

By Neil Butterfield

We seem to hear a lot about vitamins " the good, bad, and the ugly, but somehow minerals are like an invisible ingredient that plays a very important role in our health but seldom get the attention they deserve. Here is your easy to understand guide to mineral supplements.

First, lets have a look at the role of minerals. They are involved in almost every action in the body within the billions of cells that compose our body. They enable enzymes, they activate chemical reactions, they promote healthy brain function, and they build solid bone structure.

Unlike some vitamins, your body cannot make minerals. Instead you get them from food and supplements.

There have been some very recent studies that have shown just how minerals affect our health. Here are a few things you should know.

1. Canada- over the past 50 years, calcium, iron and other minerals have been sharply declining in foods.

2. A study done by the US Department of Agriculture confirmed that a large percentage of the American population were not getting sufficient amounts of minerals such as calcium, zinc, magnesium, chromium, and selenium from their food.

Without minerals, your body is unable to use the vitamins you give it. Fresh fruits, vegetables and meat alone will not give you enough minerals to remain healthy.

3.Studies show liquid Ionic minerals are best because they are almost 100% absorbable by the body. That is because they are water soluble. In comparison, compound or chelated minerals (which are most pills and capsules) are toward less than 20% absorbable you're getting a lot less than you realize.

Think Like Mother Nature.

When producing a high quality liquid ionic mineral supplement the scientific forces at work think like mother nature. It doesnt work if you just toss together a bunch of minerals and then market them. Creating liquid ionic mineral supplements involves scientific formulation and when created by scientists it results is powerful supplements that work. Another reason to know a little about the company whose product you are considering buying.

The supplement industry is not well regulated within the US which means that you may not always be getting what you think you are when it comes to buying mineral supplements and indeed all nutritional supplements. One way to know you are getting a quality supplement is to choose manufacturers who are pharmaceutical and cGMP compliant. This is the highest standard and it ensures that the company has strict quality control procedures in place.

Which Mineral Supplements should you choose?

Since you already know how important liquid ionic minerals are, let's talk about some of the most important minerals that are required to remain healthy.

Calcium Magnesium" This is one of the most important minerals in our body. Its what our bones and teeth are made of and its our intake of calcium that keeps our bones healthy and strong. A common mistake is to take a calcium supplement and think thats all there is too it. Without magnesium you cannot get the full benefit of the calcium.

And worse yet if you are taking a compound tablet, capsule or even chelated calcium you are only absorbing a maximum of 20%. That means if you take 1000 mg of calcium you will get at most 200 mg absorbed and it can be a lot less in many cases. Thats why you need to take liquid calcium. Because it is water soluble you will absorb almost 100% ensuring you are actually getting the dosage you are taking. This applies to all minerals.

Zinc - promotes healing, strengthens our immune system and helps us metabolically(weight control) as well.

Chromium - the mineral you want to take if you're worried about blood sugar, cholesterol, fat, and a sluggish metabolism.

Selenium - usually found in soil and transfer to plants, Selenium is key component in a strong immune system.

Although there are lots of other minerals, these are considered some of the most important. Now that you know something about minerals, you're ready to choose the liquid ionic supplement to ensure your body stays healthy for years to come. - 17273

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Buying Home Fitness Equipment

By John James

Home fitness equipment has never been so popular and there is a huge range to choose from. Do not make the mistake of buying apparatus and then forgetting why you bought it, however. Before you decide on anything specific, think about it carefully.

Beware of the fitness equipment TV ads. Commercials can be misleading and it is so easy to believe everything that is being show to you. It is always worth just stepping back and making sure you have the right reasons for buying fitness equipment.

It is always better to buy a piece of home fitness equipment that you know you will use. Activities that you will perform with that equipment should be challenging and something you enjoy. Ideally you will have tried the equipment out first at a store or at your local gym, as you want to know that you will be able to use it and it will perform as expected.

Some think that spending a lot of money on an expensive piece of equipment is a guarantee that they will use it. Unfortunately, this is far from truth. If fitness training is your hobby and you find it fun to work out, the price of the equipment will not matter. Similarly, if you are not a fitness enthusiast, you will find it hard to train even on the most expensive workout machine.

Although this is not always true you might find yourself buying expensive equipment that is of poor quality while a cheaper alternative, such as used equipment, can actually be made to a high standard. However, if you prefer to have new home fitness equipment with a guarantee then start your search with ex-demonstration stock used in stores or older models that may be sold for less.

When thinking of creating your own personal home gym, it is crucial to estimate how much space will be needed. Also, being aware of your current fitness level is important. Starting to work out regularly may be a shock to your body if it is out of shape, so asking for your doctor's permission first is usually a good idea.

Also, don't dismiss the idea of joining a gym as often it can be cheaper to use their facilities and this can be a viable alternative to actually spending money on personal home fitness equipment. Fitness equipment should be bought with careful consideration, do not buy on impulse and always ask the opinion of a professional gym instructor before you buy something. - 17273

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Michael Thurmond Six Week Body Type A

By Steve Oberman

The 6 Week Body Makeover Body Type A has the slowest metabolism out of the entire body types. This puts you at a disadvantage when trying to lose weight. Metabolic rate determines how fast food is converted into energy. The slower your metabolism is, the harder it is to lose weight.

Do you feel like anything you eat makes you gain weight? Have you tried every type of diet and still gain weight? The reason why you keep gaining weight is because dieting does not work for you. Eating the right types of foods for your body will ensure that you lose weight.

Don't despair, there is hope. You CAN and you WILL lose weight if you follow the Six Week Body Makeover eating program. The reason why you gain weight is because your body's metabolism is so slow that it cannot keep up with your eating habits, even if you do not eat that food, your metabolism is too slow to burn calories.

Many Body Type A are a prisoner of their body's and have tried all their lives to lose weight. Your sedentary lifestyle or genetic makeup is the common factor for your weight gain.

The positive aspect of losing weight for Body Type A people is that they will lose weight the fastest. If you take the Michael Thurman diet, you can possibly lose up to 5 to 10 pounds in your very first week. Losing that much weight is unheard of and you might be a non-believer, however, if you follow the "Fast Track Meal Plan", it's absolutely possible to lose weight in the first week.

Foods that will make you lose weight are fish, chick, turkey breast and complex carbohydrates. Red meat should be avoided as this will make you bulk up. Complex carbohydrates include brown rice, squash and sweet potatoes. - 17273

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Six Week Body Makeover - Body Type A

By Steve Oberman

Do you have loose droopy flesh and little lean muscle mass? Have you tried to lose weight your whole life and have been unsuccessful? Have you given up hope on losing weight? If you have answered "yes" to these questions, you are a Body Type A.

If you haven't taken the Michael Thurmond Blue Print questionnaire, take it and confirm that you are an "A" body. Body Type "A" are classified as having the slowest and most sluggish metabolism and are more often considered "obese" than overweight.

The reason why you gain weight is because your metabolism is very slow. You are classified as obese and many times your weight increases because of all the different types of diets that you have tried in your life. You feel responsible for your weight gain and often feel helpless to this condition.

Most times, you cannot help your condition, even though you blame yourself. Many Body Type A's have tried their whole lives to lose weight, but have failed miserably. This is because they do not understand how their body's work and what types of foods will make them lose weight, instead of gain weight.

Genetics have been the main factor in your obesity. Also, as you get older, your metabolism becomes slower. The main reason why you have gained weight is because of your food choices and food intake. Carbohydrates and protein composition are important when losing weight. Learn which types of carbohydrates and proteins to eat are the key to successful weight loss.

Foods that will make you lose weight are fish, chick, turkey breast and complex carbohydrates. Red meat should be avoided as this will make you bulk up. Complex carbohydrates include brown rice, squash and sweet potatoes. - 17273

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Antioxidants and Cancer: The Truth Could Save Your Life

By Travis Van Slooten

People often talk and hear about antioxidants and their benefits. Do you know how they may help to slow down or even prevent cancer? Yes, the truth about them and cancer is that they really may work in your body by preventing the development of cancer.

Antioxidants are our bodies' first line of defense in slowing down the destructive action of free radicals, which are found inside the body and in the environment. When they reach high levels in the body, they can be harmful and may cause cancer. Antioxidants have the power to stop free radicals from multiplying and doing severe damage to our bodies.

Research studies that have been made regarding this are numerous. They all show that cancer is slowed down when you consume them and that they possibly prevent further development of cancer. It is even proven that numerous cancer patients consume a lot of antioxidants to slow down the process of cancer in their bodies.

Antioxidants are packed in fruits and vegetables, but you can also find them in other foods like fish, poultry, some meats, nuts and grains. Beta-Carotene, lycopene, lutein, selenium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E all work in your body against the free radicals that are doing the damage to your system. If you are not fighting the free radicals, then they will continue to multiply because as the free radicals work to fix themselves in your body, they are stealing vital nutrients from your other cells. This in turn causes damage to the cells. The process just goes on in a vicious circle and then the free radicals can lead to cancer.

Antioxidants work to flush free radicals out of the body and they work on repairing the damage already caused by the free radicals. So you may wonder where free radicals come from and why your body has so many to fight against. The answer is that the free radicals are formed because of numerous causes. The process of breathing in oxygen causes free radicals. You will also get free radical formation from pollution, exposure to sunlight, cigarette smoking and food digestion.

No matter whether you are genetically inclined to get cancer or you are just worried about the number of free radicals in your body that may lead to cancer, you should start consuming more fruits and leafy veggies, as well as other veggies that have antioxidants. Pick nuts and grains that are packed full of them.

You should also pick out a high quality supplement of antioxidants because most of us just don't get enough of them in our bodies to actually stabilize and rid ourselves of the free radicals in our bodies. Not only will a supplement help you, but it will also give you the fighting power of vital nutrients and their benefits. - 17273

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Eating in Phases for Improved Muscle Strength and Endurance

By Randall R. McDaniel

Muscle strength, size, and endurance development result from a proper nutrition program and a regular workout regimen. The training programs of professional bodybuilders and athletes are usually segmented into different phases, with each phase having a different workout goal and nutritional diet. Most muscle gains take place during the off season phase. This is a time when an athlete should eat large amounts of protein spread throughout small meals in the course of a day.

After this phase, bodybuilders go through several phases that involve changing the amount of carbohydrate-rich foods, lean proteins and supplements that support the training program at each stage. Understanding what is involved in each of these phases can help you create an effective training program that gets the results you need.

Off-season Phase - The main objective in this phase is to develop the muscles to the max. High protein foods and healthy carbohydrates are needed by an athlete to achieve this phase's objective, according to Luis Burke, author of the book "Practical Sports Nutrition". Bodybuilders maintain a regular eating schedule, which can be planned around workout sessions for improved results.

Hypertrophy Phase - during this phase, it is common practice to follow a very rigid eating plan that means eating every 2-3 hours - even overnight. The goal here is to eat just enough food to maintain weight and allow the body to increase strength. This is done with careful selection of muscle-building foods and healthy carbs that provide sustainable energy.

Competition Preparation - This phase starts 6 to 16 weeks before a competition. Calorie intake is restricted for a consistent weight loss leading up to the event. This is done to preserve all the muscle built up during off season while reducing body fat. This is easily achieved with a low-fat, high protein diet scheduled around each training session.

Cutting Phase - this phase typically occurs right before the competitive event, and involves severe calorie restriction to stimulate rapid fat loss. Many bodybuilders drastically reduce their calories and rely on supplements to achieve nutritional balance. This phase may also include intensive circuit training routines and getting more rest so that the body can recover easily.

After the Competition - It is ideal for an athlete to adjust smoothly to a healthier diet after the competition. This is a crucial phase as many bodybuilders go on an eating spree and gain weight rapidly after following a restricted diet for months. It is important for anyone to ease back to eating normally after a competition for health purposes and to maintain some of the results built up during the other phases.

Each phase requires changing from one diet to another that it is hard for most bodybuilders to keep up with their nutritional plans. Work with a dietitian or a nutritionist to help you in developing a sound nutritional program for a successful career. - 17273

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The Truth In Relation To The Acai Berry And Weight Loss

By Theresa Q Watson

Anybody who has searched for fat loss solutions on the Internet has assuredly seen the acai berry and has read about the miraculous ways it can aid you to lose weight. If you study the advertisements you may be tempted to suppose that all you have to do is eat this miniature little berry that tastes delicious like a blueberry dipped in chocolate and the fat will drop off your body like magic. Some of the claims may have you believing this but that is not exactly how it happens.

Well what is that actual fact? The acai berry from the Brazilian rainforest will not be able to help you drop weight anymore than a blueberry from the state of Maine. It is not a magic bullet. It is not a supernatural potion that straight away melts the pounds off.

Yet, the acai berry can be positive for your fat loss labors and it can be useful when it comes to the deterrence of diseases, the slowdown of the aging course and decrease of inflammation in our bodies because this little berry is one of the most nourishing foods ever grown in nature.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or the ORAC score is the way that antioxidant aptitude is calculated in foods. The acai berry has one of the uppermost ORAC scores ever found in a food. It in fact has more than ten times the amount of antioxidants as red grapes and even two times as much as blueberries, which are another powerful fruit.

Acai berries are also very bounteous in good for you fats. Up to 50% of the edible pulp of this berry is composed of the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. The fat found in the acai berry is also high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is the same as olive oil, also a recognized dietary powerhouse.

It is also particularly significant that this berry contains 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Not only that but the acai berry also comprises vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E and the minerals potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium and zinc.

The acai berry has only become popular in the past few years because it is enormously perishable. It cannot be shipped fresh because it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree to keep up its nutritional integrity. There are a range of processing methods but the best processing process has proven to be a freeze-drying method.

Using acai berries in not a mysterious way to lose fat but the fact is that this little berry is a nutritional powerhouse and it can help you to achieve optimal health and energy, which helps to produce a strong, healthy body and a strong, healthy body will react to diet and working out in such a way that the disproportionate weight will come off.

The reality of the matter is that you may have to work at having a healthy body for the rest of your life. Few individuals with fat difficulties resolve them once and for all and never have to think about it again, but if you stick to some basic nutritional and working out rules the bulk of the time, you will lose weight and you will be sure to keep it off. - 17273

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