Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The 6 Hurdles You Must Cross In Order to Gain Height

By Rodney Williams

Just as there are many factors that determine a person's height, there are many factors that work against you achieving your full potential. Every person has the ability to become taller, but you have to nurture and maintain your body if you want to gain height. There are essentially six obstacles in your path to greater height, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, posture, exercise, and sleep. If you can overcome these obstacles, you have what it takes to grow.

Too many carbohydrates are the biggest obstacle to growth. Asians traditionally have diets filled with rice and vegetables. They also tend to be smaller in stature than those cultures that have better balance in their diet. Foods such as cereal, bread, potatoes, and rice are typically loaded with carbohydrates and high in calories. Too many calories leads to weight gain that makes you appear shorter and will hurt your posture. You are not helping yourself if you have a diet filled with carbohydrates.

Too many fats will also undo your efforts to become taller. Your body needs some fat for insulation and metabolism, but too much causes weight gain. There are two categories of fats, saturated and unsaturated. You find saturated fats in items like butter, cakes, and ice cream. These high-calorie items make you quickly pack on the extra pounds. The cholesterol from saturated fats clogs your arteries and leads to heart disease. However, unsaturated fats, like those in vegetable oils, actually help to lower cholesterol and have less calories.

Just as too much fat and carbohydrates hurt your body, so does too little protein. Your body cannot grow without significant amounts of protein. Proteins break down into amino acids which are used by every part of your body. Human Growth Hormone, the hormone that causes your body to grow, is composed of amino acids derived from protein. Protein also helps your digestive track metabolize food and create the other enzymes needed to grow. An ideal diet should include dairy, meats, and legumes that are filled with protein.

In addition to eating right, you must also make sure you get the right amount of sleep. Sleep helps you grow in two ways. First, lying horizontally helps to counteract the negative effects of gravity that compact the spine. As you lay down, you spine stretches out and you grow. Secondly, when you are asleep your body begins to use the Human Growth Hormone in your system to build bones, muscle, and tissue. It is important that you sleep long enough to let this process run it course. Eight hours of sleep is ideal. However, you should not sleep too long because this can slow your metabolism and make you gain weight. It is also important that you support your spine during these periods of growth. Sleep on a firm mattress and in a position that keeps your spine as straight as possible.

Exercise is critical if you are trying to improve your health and gain height. Exercise makes your body generate and release Human Growth Hormone. Also, when you stretch you can increase your cartilage to support the decompression and growth of sleep. Exercising also increases your metabolism which helps your body better use the nutrients in your diet.

Sleep, diet, and exercise are nothing without posture. Posture plays a major role in height and many people are shorter than they should be because of poor posture. Your spine must be kept straight in order to take advantage of all the work you have done towards a height gain. If you hunch over, have rounded shoulders, or other forms of poor posture then you are compressing your spinal column. When your spine is supported correctly throughout the day and night, it will be able to grow to its full potential.

These six obstacles can hold you back by several inches. However, making simples changes to your lifestyle can have an amazing affect. You can grow if you discipline your eating, sleeping, exercise, and posture. This discipline will give your body all of the fuel and support it needs to make your taller. - 17273

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Discover How This Muscle Building Program Will Give You 40 Ways To Build A Stunning Physique

By Yomi A

Today I'm going to share 40 secrets that natural bodybuilders use for building 41 pounds of steel-solid muscle in only six months - without any drugs or steroids, without bogus supplements, and while training less total hours than before. This muscle building program is great if you if you are a newbie or and experienced weight lifter.

Whether you approach your physique as a hobby or a job, you should not leave any element to chance and hope it works. In order to defeat plateaus and forge a ripped and muscular body you need all the tips and tricks you can get. None of the techniques in this muscle building program will work alone but by combining as many together as possible you'll see a huge difference in your muscle growth - faster than before.

1. Begin with 3 full body weight training workouts every 48-hours.

2. Take your body weight in pounds and multiply it by 15 to determine your daily caloric intake if you want to gain weight.

3. Perform only 1 exercise per body part each full-body workout but perform a different exercise for each body part every workout. By the end of the week you'll have hit each muscle group three times from three different angles.

4. Consume carbohydrates in a 2:1 ratio to protein after your workout in liquid form.

5. Perform each set to muscular failure.

6. Use a training journal and track your progress.

7. Drink at least 4-6 liters of water each day.

8. Vary your rep and set schemes more frequently than any other training variable.

9. Focus on exploding up on the concentric portion of your movement and taking 3-4 seconds for the eccentric portion of your program.

10. Aim to build at least 5-6 pounds of lean muscle mass each month. Anything more will be fat gain.

11. Eat at least 10-15 serving of fruits and vegetables each day.

12. Focus on compound movements for 80% of your workouts.

13. Alternate between dumbbells and barbells every 2 weeks.

14. Only change an exercise when you plateau on two workouts in a row.

15. Enter a fitness model or bodybuilding show or transformation contest to keep you motivated.

16. Follow a program for at least 12-16 weeks before trying your next one.

17. Pyramiding your sets to consistently increase your strength 5% each week.

18. Consume a variety of whole eggs, chicken, lean beef, fish and whole-milk throughout the day for high quality (bioavailable) muscle building protein.

19. Use a training partner for motivation and an extra push to experience faster muscular growth.

20. Never train hungry if you want to build muscle fast.

21. Concentrate your carbohydrates when your body needs them most - breakfast, pre workout and post workout.

22. Ensure you do the squat and the deadlift each week to increase the release of growth hormone and testosterone.

23. Hire a personal trainer if you have never received professional coaching on technique and form.

24. Stretch at least half the amount of time that you lift. If you lift 3 hours a week, schedule at least 1.5 hours of yoga or static stretching.

25. Train a muscle group through it's entire range of motion to stimulate muscle size.

26. Use a 3-day a week 20-minute interval cardio plan, post-workout, to maximize the muscle to fat ratio while bulking.

27. Train your most underdeveloped muscle group first in each workout.

28. Avoid processed food, packaged food and fast food.

29. Avoid protein bars and any muscle building supplement that has sucrulose, aspartame, or other artificial or natural sweeteners.

30. Get at least 8-hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

31. Don't be afraid to overload your muscles with maximal resistance and miss your goal reps.

32. Consume a combination of olive oil, fish oil, coconut oil, mixed nuts and natural peanut butter each day to make sure you get ample healthy fats for testosterone and other muscle building hormone production.

33. Take a complete week off after 12-16 weeks of training.

34. Get a spotter to help you with your heaviest set.

35. Have a training program. Never go to the gym without a plan.

36. Perform 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching before each weight training workout.

37. Schedule regular ART-therapy or massage therapy to avoid injuries.

38. Cold shower after every intense weight training workout. It sucks, but it works.

39. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.

40. The core of your workout should revolve around squats, deadlifts, rows, presses, pull ups, dips and weighted core work.

There you have it. 40 of the best techniques to help you build solid muscle fast in 6 months or less naturally. The key to any muscle building program is consistency and discipline. Do the following consistently and you should see noticeable results that will make you ecstatic! - 17273

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The Many Uses of the Acai Berry

By Carter Sinclair

The acai berry is a very healthy fruit for you to ingest. It is transported dried to retain all its healthy properties. It is full of vitamins and minerals and that is why it has caused such a stir in the health and food industry. The dried form of acai still holds onto all the healthy minerals and vitamins you can use to improve your health.

Acai berry is delicious and tastes just like chocolate and a mixture of berries. It has been used by restaurants as a salad dressing, desert, and also used to flavor many main dishes. Its flavor is very appealing to many.

It is also a great addition to milkshakes, ice cream and sorbets. Acai berry juice also makes a good addition to dishes that go well with fruit based flavors such as chicken and pork. If using it with meat it is best to use it as a marinade to add flavor but not as a sauce. It can also be might into a light gaze for a ham.

A healthy and nutritious kick can even be added to mixed drinks. This can be a great way to add a totally new flavor to cocktails and after dinner drinks, even make your own desert drinks that are still healthy and nutritious. It can even be added to just plain water to give a healthy, preservative and sugar free flavoring to your water.

For all you coffee drinks out there if you want an even bigger energy boost and some more flavor to your coffee try out Acai. It will jumpstart your morning even more.

The acai berry is full of vitamins and minerals. There are b-vitamins, calcium, copper and chromiums, beta carotene, zinc, and magnesium. These help to relieve stress, provide energy, increase metabolism, and help to fight off free radicals that cause aging.

Free radicals have been linked to some cancers and the Acai has one of the highest rankings when it comes to antioxidant content and the ability to prevent free radical activity within the body. This can also help you to look younger, feel younger and remove toxins from the body. - 17273

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Chest Workout

By Cade

Need a new chest? Chances are you don't like the way your chest looks so lets look at how we can fix that.

There are many workout routines that can get you a strong full looking chest and we will go over some of the techniques that will help you achieve your goals.

You need to develop the upper, middle, lower, outer and inner chest. There are different exercises that will hit each of those parts.

The upper chest is the weakest and hardest to get mass on. Don't neglect doing upper chest from day one. You do this by using an inclined bench instead of a flat bench.

Middle chest is done with a flat bench and the lower chest is done with a declined bench. You will be able to lift more with the lower chest than with the flat or upper.

Inner chest is done with flys or close grip bench, this will also work your triceps more than the traditional way so expect to go lighter with the weight. - 17273

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