Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, December 18, 2009

How To Perform Bodybuilding Workout Routines Even Without A Barbell

By Ricardo d Argence

Generally, when people think about bodybuilding exercises, they also think of barbells. The reason for this is that all classic bodybuilding moves incorporate the use of a barbell.

The dead lift, bench press, power clean, squat and military press all makes use of a barbell. However, there are other bodybuilding exercises you can perform without the use of a barbell. This will open more doors for your success while training.

There are as many reasons to do bodybuilding exercises without barbells as there are people who do them. Some may want to work out at home yet have no access to a barbell.

Perhaps, you do a lot of traveling and the hotel gyms have only a few machines and free weights, but not barbell you can use. You may find yourself without the use of a barbell and then realize you have taken them for granted.

You can change your regular routine or perhaps try targeting other areas of the body to increase strength and balance as well as prevent any future injuries. Regardless of your reasons, you can perform many bodybuilding exercises without the use of a barbell.

With a few simple switches you can remove the barbell from various bodybuilding exercises and then replace it while using two dumbbells, while hardly changing the movements of performance.

For instance, try performing the bench press, while using two dumbbells and pressing at the same time or alternating the fashion. You may include them in squat exercises by holding one on either side of your body using your arms straight. The goblet squat is performed by holding one dumbbell in front of your chest as you perform squats.

Dead lifts can be performed with the same motion but with using two dumbbells placed in front of your feet and of course you can complete shoulder presses with dumbbells as well. Clearly, the barbell can be completely weeded out of your routine if you wanted to or if you need to for any of the reasons mentioned above.

The only bodybuilding exercise mentioned above that cannot be switched directly to dumbbells is the power clean exercise. However, there are so many other good bodybuilding exercises you can do that give you good results. You may want to exercise with one arm bent over rows for the middle back. While holding dumbbells at the side of the body you can do shrugs or even consider incorporating chin-ups and push-ups to exercise your back.

There is no need to fear loosing access to a barbell. You can perform just about every great barbell exercise, while using dumbbells. You can use them in various effective bodybuilding moves and routines. Whether you are searching for workout variations or a means to continue with your bodybuilding exercise routine in the basement or while traveling, there is no need to worry. - 17273

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Get Healthy Quick

By Dr. Gary Gendron

Unfortunately, this is an insidious process. Getting healthy quick is not a simple process. There are subtle changes over a long period of time before one can recognize the effects of poor nutritional status. An innate intelligence is there in all of our bodies that allow us to adapt to outside stressors. For example, a well-nourished individual may feel weak (due to protein depletion), but only for a short time. The body "knows" it has other fuel reserves until a regular balance is once again maintained. However, if nutritional status is not re-established continual compensatory mechanisms will result in further adaptation. Adaptation will continue, on a much worse level.

There is an "organ hierarchy" in most of us. We are made to preserve our most vital systems at the expense of the other organs. Our body will continue to break down until dis-ease and then death occurs. Sounds bad, but true and inevitable unless recognition and intervention is found early enough to reverse the process. If you or someone you know someone who falls in the following categories, you may want to help them regain optimum health and get healthy quick:

One of the largest of these groups is the elderly. South Florida has one of the highest concentrations of elderly compared to other regions of the country. And unfortunately they are often ignored as if getting old is a disease in itself! I think of it as another rite of passage and should be welcomed and celebrated! Yes, the body changes, but it should not deteriorate as some of us let it. I see patients who are 80 years old flying their private plane, or are out playing tennis: biological age unmatched by their chronological age. Why are other people not experiencing the same as with their same aged counterparts? They are suffering with depression (which may be due to an amino acid imbalance), lack of teeth (and therefore cannot chew their food), or medication (causing adverse side effects). As a result, anorexia may result and lack of nutrients is available, thus decreasing the availability of the body to do its proper work.

Obsessive dieters also are reaping the consequences of nutrient losses. Food fads that concentrate one kind of food that's predominant will offset the body's biochemistry. Some people have a greater food requirement for a particular type of food, such as athletes who exercise intensely. These people require more protein and complex carbohydrates, and supplements. They will find themselves subject to lowered immunity and resistance when their body composition is changed with accompanying chemical imbalances.

Chronic alcoholics can have impaired gastritis, impaired absorption of the gastrointestinal system, and therefore eat empty calories with no nutrient value. They suffer from a low thiamine status, necessary for the body's energy requirements.

Adolescents are victims of media marketing. Unrealistic expectations of ideal body proportions are template into their psyche. Normal weight girls think that they are fat. Well-developed boys think they are too thin or lacking in muscular development. Strange rituals and eating pattern then develop such as bulimia (throwing up food), diuretic use, anorexia, food fads, etc. This can result in lack of growth, impaired energy levels, moodiness, and irritability.

Infants of low birth-weight or those with birth abnormalities often have feeding difficulties and poor stores of nutrients. Decrease in vital nutrients will affect them later in life if not intervened.

Young adults with fast growth spurts have a larger nutrient demand. Without the necessary nutrition, poor growth and development will ensue. This also includes mental function and capacity.

Optimum health is hard work. It is not an inevitable right. We do have the ability to change and reverse the direction of our health. However, holistic changes take longer than drugs. However, my thought is such that natural is more advantageous when given a choice and if reasonably possible. For one, you do not suffer bad drug side effects. Another reason is that you are merely putting a temporary patch on the problem, rather than to find the cause. This thought is crucial however, for every week of a specific nutrient deficiency, it will require approximately four weeks for re-establishment of normal levels in the body

Dr. Gary Gendron


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Tips On Ways To Reduce Bruising

By Jan Doan

Bruises happen when blood vessels in our body become broken or damaged from an injury. The blood that is inside of those vessels leaks out of the vessels themselves and starts seeping into the tissues that are found underneath our skin. As a result, discoloration happens on the body and a bruise becomes visible as our bodies react to the injury. When the bruise becomes yellow, brown, or even green, the bruising is beginning to heal because the blood that was caught underneath the skin is starting to break away. Here are a few different ways that you can reduce bruising.

Some of the medications that you may be taking can be causing some of the bruises you are experiencing. You should always read the side effects of your medication very carefully to find out what is possible. Medication such as antidepressants, anticoagulants, steroids, and even aspirin have been known to cause bruises for some people. If the bruising is caused by the type of medication that you are taking, you should not stop taking it. Instead, you should talk with your doctor and see if there are any alternatives to the medication or ways to prevent the bruising from occurring.

You can consider taking grape seed extract as a way to prevent bruises. The extract is said to be able to strengthen capillaries in the body, which causes vessels not to break so easily when you are injured. However, the extract has also been said to cause internal bleeding when too much is taken, and can have interactions with medication you may be taking. In any case, if you are taking grape seed extract, you should use it carefully.

Arnica cream can be used to reduce bruising. Applying it once or twice each day to bruises that you have already can be very useful. The earlier you apply it in the development of a bruise, the quicker the bruise may heal. In addition, there will also be less coloration to the bruise and it will not hurt as much as it may have before.

Take supplements every day to aid in the prevention of bruises. You should take 1000 milligrams of citrus bioflavonoids and vitamin C every day. This has been proven to reduce bruises and is an aid in helping bruises you may already have heal quickly. The results are not instant and you will likely have to take the supplements for a few months before you notice any changes in your body in relation to bruising.

In consideration of the previous suggestion of bioflavonoids, you should also take more fruits and vegetables into your diet, as much as possible. These can help reduce bruising by giving you the vitamins that you need to prevent it from happening as much. If you are not taking supplements to prevent it, then adding fruits and vegetables to your diet can be a good alternative.

Consider how the bruise is treated when you have one. You should rest the area that has been affected by the bruise and put some ice on it to slow and soothe any swelling that may be occurring. You can also treat swelling bruises by elevating the affected area when you are laying down. If the bruise is large, you can put a compress on it, or also consider wrapping it up gently.

There are many options to reduce bruising. These options can be preventative or simply just forms of treating them after a bruise has formed on your body. If you think that you are getting bruises more often that what is normal, then you should inform your doctor. - 17273

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What's The Best Way to Shed Pounds?

By Tony Jallit

There are several people out there who are not knowledgeable about the fundamentals of their healthcare and weight loss. Most people normally think of weight loss hard work such as exercising in the gym all day or not eating cretin foods that they love but don't realize that health and physical fitness are related with moderation and not being extreme. It's necessary to maintain good health nowadays instead of being concentrated on a weight loss regime which does not help you lose a single pound. Most weight loss diets don't work well enough for you to use them forever, some of don't even work at all. Fortunately with Top Secret Fat Loss Secret you can drop a substantial amount of weight.

This Arizona doctor knows the reasons behind obesity and bad health. In addition, she's causing headaches for food and drug businesses as she has come up with a method to demolish fats in our bodies.

Suzanne Gudakunst wants to use her knowledge of medicine to inform people about their bodies, and dispel common myths.

Her secrets don't involve any tricks, weird new diets, or bizarre exercises to perform while watching television.

As an alternative to all that craziness she has a detox remedy. Her secret concerns your colon (the digestive system) as well all of your major organs. Several people have used her detox diet effortlessly and have seen amazing results.

She says that the human digestive system is covered with parasites that feed off of your gusts, these parasites will cause you to feel sick and gain weight. Of course some people have it worse than others. However 99% of people that don't detox their body have some form of these parasites living inside of them. For 6 years straight the Arizona doctor formulated a number of natural treatments to remove these dangerous, even deadly plaques and rapidly multiplying digestive parasites -- and when applied to even worse-case patients suffering extreme obesity (98% of them had a very high risk of dying) she saw a 100% effectiveness and success rate.

Self control and/or overeating are not primary concerns when it comes to Dr. Gudakunst and her weight loss plan. She believes that plaque and parasites in the body are responsible for a majority of extra pounds. She hypothesizes that the human body can fight these toxins naturally, and your body can rid itself of all the poison.

Removing the plaque in your body will help you drop the weight quickly! Check out detoxweightlossdiet.com for helpful information. - 17273

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Fit Over 40 Ebook Review: Know How It Can Help You Reach Lifelong Fitness

By Scott Fisher

After age 40 it is very critical that you stay as healthy as possible. Each year more men and women over 40 are diagnosed with age-related illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. Heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease related deaths are increasing at an alarming rate. This climb matches the increase in the number of seniors who are sedentary, overweight, and generally unfit.

You may not have begun an over 40 fitness program yet because you do not know how to start. There are too many so-called experts out there offering miracle results through "cookie cutter" fitness plans. The truth is that most people do not achieve success on these types of plans.

The book Fit Over 40, written by Jon Benson and Tom Venuto, is an essential tool if you want to become fit. In their experience they have learned that every person's unique body type, fitness goals, and lifestyles means that no one plan will work for everyone. As an alternative to these cookie cutter plans, they offer information about their own fitness journeys along with the success stories of 52 other men and women over 40 so that you can use their experience to maximize your fitness success.

Tom and Jon come from totally different backgrounds. Tom has been a fitness enthusiast for years, he is a personal trainer, and he has written articles for many fitness magazines. He developed the acclaimed "Five Pillars" program which addresses all facets of fitness including different methods of exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle. He explains his program in the book so that it can help you on your fitness journey.

Jon's story is different. When he turned 40 he was unhealthy and had been for many years. He was suffering from several illnesses because he was unfit. Then he had the realization that he must save his life by becoming fit. He had a journey filled with ups and downs, but he is now fit for life. By sharing the details of his journey he can help you prepare for your own.

The e-book also includes the success stories of 52 men and women in their 40s. 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. While some of them are competitive athletes, many are normal people who knew they could regain their youth through fitness. Their stories address how they began, where they are now, and how they stay motivated. You will soon learn that they all started at different ages and levels of health, but they all achieved success. They all faced and overcame unique obstacles. They also describe their individual exercise routines, including their exercise choices and schedules. This is where you will learn that everyone has different training and renewal needs based on their body type. Additionally, you will learn about their nutritional choices and how they support their fitness goals through diet. Finally, you will also learn the important lifestyle changes each made to support fitness for life.

The major benefit of these stories is that you will realize that every person has unique over 40 fitness needs that are met with a unique fitness plan. If you want to create your ideal plan then you need to study what was worked for others. Build your plan based on the aspects of their plans that best suit your specific fitness needs and goals. The more stories you study, the better your fitness over 40 plan will be.

Jon and Tom have compiled these stories to help you create the best fitness plan for you. They have done the research for you and found excellent role models to follow. If you let the examples and techniques in Fit Over 40 guide you, you will be on the right path to lifelong health, youth, and happiness. - 17273

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The Wonderful Health Benefits of Juicing

By Aaron Benjamin

In recent years, an increasing number of people have begun to know the health benefits that one may gain as a result of juicing. At one time or another, you might have sampled a delightful, freshly squeezed orange juice and really loved it. But if you have never tried something as full-flavored as a mango-papaya-carrot blend, unfortunately you still don't understand what a great tasting juice truly tastes like. A great model to consider is the Breville 800CPXL Die-Cast Stainless-Steel Motorized Citrus Press.

While you are savoring some flavorful and intensely flavored juice, your body could also benefit from the correct kinds of vitamins and nutrients from fruits and vegetables in the juice. Juicing is a great-tasting and healthy alternative to vitamins, for the reason that when you consume the contents of your juice, you also benefit from the fruit fiber and vegetable protein that will normally be lacking in vitamin pills.

Since there are dozens of different juicers on the market, everybody is able to enjoy the benefits of juicing at an affordable price while right in the security of your own house. Juicers can be purchased for as little as two hundred dollars, and they could become great gifts for your friends and family.

Diet is deemed by most doctors and practitioners as an especially significant issue in disease prevention. They've found a lot of health conditions that are especially common in developed areas, such as Europe and America, yet have never been present in countries where people's diets were made primarily of vegetables and fruits. A nice model to look into is the Breville 800CPXL Citrus Press.

Medical Professionals living in Africa for over 30 years have not seen a solitary diagnosis of prostate cancer, colon cancer or diverticulitis. Researchers claim that the single explanation for the absence of those conditions is that African diets are primarily comprised of vegetables, whereas the diet in developed cities is made up of pre-packed foods stuffed with chemicals and preservatives.

Juice Your Way to Health

One more advantage of juicing is the process that makes the natural fibers in the juice improve our digestive processes and allow our bodies to purge pollutants. Most often, packaging and canning foods may ruin the delicate micro-nutrients one finds in natural foods. So by multiplying your natural vegetable and fruit intake, and ingesting all the natural pulps and fibers thanks to juicing, you can enable your body to digest and process food more effectively. Living healthy makes you more productive and reduces the opportunities for getting various illnesses.

Your body should have approximately one pound of vegetables for each 50 pounds of body weight. One complication many folks discover while eating unprocessed fruits and vegetables is that the texture and taste aren't really enjoyable in bigger servings. Kids have never been particularly fond of dining on fruits and vegetables, consequently juicing is an uncomplicated means for your young children to get the needed dose of nutrition without the problematic taste and texture. A great unit is the Breville 800CPXL Citrus Press.

In addition to these health benefits, juicing could be an easy way of receiving essential micro-nutrients and minerals necessary for the body to keep in good health. One of the easiest systems for establishing a juicing regimen is to sip your daily fruit and vegetable cocktail at the same time everyday. You ought to also take note to enjoy the smoothie immediately. Storing these will just be responsible for a loss of nutritional value. Keep your fruits and vegetables correctly so they are at ripe perfection when you juice them. Drink fresh juices at room temperature, or they could additionally be cooled in a refrigerator an hour or less prior to enjoying it. - 17273

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Mind Over Muscle, Will Your Mind Help You Build Muscle?

By Klint Newton

Have you ever thought about the concept of mind over muscle? I'm sure you've heard of the placebo effect where someone is in need of medicine but is given a placebo, or fake medicine, and told it's the real deal. Usually right after getting this "medicine," the patient actually experiences the desired result of what they thought was medicine.

The explanation is actually quite simple. The patient thought they were getting the real medicine, they had no doubt about it, it never crossed their mind that they were getting the real medicine. So, they thought that their problem would fade away because the medicine was going to take care of it. What worked is not the "medicine" but the person's belief that it would work. Even Jesus Christ told his disciples over 2000 years ago that if they had strong enough faith they could move mountains. One of his disciples, Peter, even walked on water because of his faith.

Mind Over Muscle, The Placebo Effect So what does the Placebo Effect have to do with gaining muscle? It has everything to do with it! Everything that happens in the body, has to first go through the brain. We can control our brain by our thoughts, with our minds. It looks like this:

Our thoughts directly, or indirectly, control our brains, and our brain directly controls your body, your body gains muscle, if the brain lets it.

Just as a person's belief can make them feel better, it can and usually does. Now, just as trainees believe that taking a supplement will result in muscle growth, they are right, it can and usually does. Actually, what really worked wasn't the supplement but your mind. What happened is the person's mind told their brain, "This stuff really does it, I saw it in XYZ magazine. I AM going to gain muscle, thanks to this supplement."

When you believe something without doubt, you are giving your brain instructions, and your brain will do all it can to carry them out. Remember, your brain is in charge of building muscle, if it wants you to, you will build muscle.

Make the Most of It: You don't have to consume a bucket load of powder from a flashy, expensive, half full tub of "Miracle Muscle 2000." You just have to believe in yourself. The placebo effect generally works when you don't know that what you are taking isn't the real thing. Basically, it works with blind ignorance.

The underlying principal is that you KNEW it was going to work. You had total faith that it would do what it said. Imagine what you would be capable of if you KNEW that you could gain build muscle anytime you wanted. I want you to know that you can, and it's easy and actually very relaxing. Take a look at the following guidelines to help maximize your mind over muscle ability:

1. Before the Workout: KNOW that this workout is going to add more layers of huge, ripped muscle. Get psyched up about it and get in the zone for your workout. 2. During the Workout: KNOW that the exercise you are doing IS adding huge amounts to muscle to your frame. 3. After the Workout: KNOW that the workout added another solid layer of muscle growth to occur, and look forward to your next session realizing that it will also add another few pounds of solid muscle.

Think about how much muscle you actually want to build and see it in your mind. With everything you do, keep that mental picture in mind. With every bite of food, think about how it's building muscle, with every minute of extra sleep think about how much more your body is recovered. Never doubt yourself, and never think that what you are doing isn't working.

Gaining muscle is a physical thing, but it's also a mental thing. Your brain does what your mind tells it to do, and your mind is constantly giving your brain instructions, whether you know it or not. Give good instructions, and make it known that you WILL gain huge amounts of muscle, and prepare to be amazed! - 17273

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Where To Find Easy Recipes To Try

By Adriana Noton

Being able to cook tasty meals and snacks is a great skill to have. It means that you can always have something enjoyable to eat quickly and easily. However if you have never cooked before you may be a little daunted by this and want to have ideas on where to get easy recipes from. Thankfully there are quite a few places that you can look to get recipes that are easy for the novice cook to create.

Speaking to friends and members of your family can help you to build a base of recipes that are easy. Not only can they tell you some fabulous recipes they can also show you how they are made. This is just like having your own personal tutor in the room when you are learning to cook. So take advantage of it if you can.

There are lots of recipe books that are out there with plenty of recipes that are easy to make in them. You can get these in good book stores in the cookery section. These books have step by step instructions on how to create great meals with even if you have never cooked before.

Next take a look online and see which recipes you can find that are easy. Type "easy recipes" when you are performing your search and you will be given a huge list of recipes that are suitable. You could opt for something specific by mentioning a particular ingredient in your search.

If you would like to learn how to cook you might want to think about joining a cookery course. These can be really useful for anyone who wants to get an understanding of how to create meals from recipes. So why not see if there is a course that is happening in your area that you could enrol on?

You may want to try looking in magazines for ideas for recipes that are easy. With several different cookery magazines on the market you should not have to look very far to find something you like. Often these magazines will also state the difficulty of each recipe, so you can check this before you begin cooking.

Food promotions in grocery stores sometimes have accompanying recipe cards and had given away for free. More often than not these recipes are very easy to reproduce and are ideal for anyone who is just starting to cook. Any time you are shopping for groceries see if you can find these cards and that a collection of them at home. You can then refer to them whenever you want to make a tasty meal.

As you can see finding easy recipes is a total breeze. With so many different places to look for great recipes you will be spoilt for choice. Cooking is such good fun and as soon as you start to do this you will be raring to try more recipes. Good luck in the kitchen. - 17273

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Yeast Infection Home Remedy - Get Rid Of Your Yeast Infection Fast, Here Is How

By Carole Bishop

Have you got a yeast infection but find it hard and intrusive to discuss the issue with your doctor and would prefer ayeast infection home remedy instead?

Or are you sick and tired of taking the same medication your doctor has been giving you, which seems to work for a while only for the infection to return in as little as 2 weeks, then you need to keep reading.

So what is the best and most natural yeast infection home remedy? Well there are few things that you can do to relieve the itching, irritation and burning sensation that comes with having a yeast infection.

1. Choose the right clothing: What you wear can either encourage or discourage yeast growth. Things like nylon underwear, pantyhose, tight jeans, wet bathing suit, and synthetic materials all encourage warm moist conditions that yeast thrive in, so avoid them as much as possible.

Make sure you wear 100% cotton underwear at all time and go without where possible.

Also try not to wear any underwear to bed, this will ensure that the area stays dry and aerated while you sleep.

2. Some dyes and perfumes in soaps, bath gels, lotions, sanitary products and laundry detergents can cause a reaction in some people. This will in turn lead to irritation encouraging yeast growth. So steer clear of perfumed products as much as possible and use mild and fragrance free products at all time.

Lastly one of the best yeast infection home remedy is the use of apple cider vinegar solution.

3. Apple cider vinegar is known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties. To use this solution simply fill a bath tub with warm water, add a cup of apple cider vinegar and soak in the solution for 20 to 30 minutes.

If you follow the steps discussed above, then you should see a significant improvement in as little as 3 days.

It is important that you get to the root of your yeast infection, otherwise the infection will keep recurring. It is however impossible to discuss all you need to know in one single article. - 17273

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An Effective Alternative to Anabolic Steroids? Maximum Sports Performance

By Scott Hubbard

This article is written to point out the benefits in using maximum sports performance products.

You have may have heard of Dr. Ann de Wees Allen. She has created a product that is a powerful alternative to anabolic steroids in sports. This product is safe, legal, and extremely effective.

We've all heard of anabolic steroids in sports. They are illegal and banned in almost all major sports. Long term use of these substances can lead to dangerous physical and psychological side effects.

You have seen stories about the use of anabolic steroids by NFL football players and Major League Baseball players.

Top experts in the field of steroid use have been called to provide recommendations on how to solve the major problems in this area. These problems relate, not just to adult athletes, but also to children who look to these players as role models.

His emphasis is on educating athletes on the serious health risks for those using these illegal substances.

Both professional and amateur athletes want the highest nutrition products so they can perform at their top level.

There may be some confusion about the use of anabolic steroids vs. maximum sports performance products. There is a major difference.

Simply put, a specific maximum sports performance product provides long term, healthy nutrition. Long term use of anabolic steroids can be extremely unhealthy.

Back in 2007, Major League Baseball started an independent study which investigated the illegal use of anabolic steroids by its players. Democratic Senator George Mitchell was named to lead the study.

Some of this study was based upon the testimony of Dr. Jay Hoffman. Dr. Hoffman was a former professional athlete and an expert in the field of anabolic steroids. Not only did he recommend that players be educated on the health issues in using these illegal substances. He also suggested that players be educated on the health benefits of proper nutritional supplements - products that were both safe and legal.

In order for athletes to achieve a maximum performance level, two factors must be addressed.

1. The use of sports energy drinks - most sports energy drinks sold today are high glycemic. These drinks increase blood glucose levels, reduce endurance, reduce sports performance, and reduce fat oxidation.

"Low glycemic" drinks improve athletic performance and endurance through training, increase fat oxidation, and keep glucose levels stable.

2. Maximum sports performance through the use of safe L-Arginine - the use of L-Arginine has many health benefits such as improved heart function, circulation, stamina, and strength. As a result, it has been used by many athletes looking for improved sports performance.

But L-Arginine is known to have several negative side effects if used for a period of time.

A specific L-Arginine maximum sports performance product has been created that is both safe and legal for athletes. It is a low glycemic drink that provides the benefits for athletes looking for improved sports performance.

Dr. Ann de Wees Allen is responsible for creating this product technology. This is not some fad. This product is based on 25 years of research and clinical trials. There were no negative side effects discovered in all these clinical trials - a remarkable accomplishment.

This is extremely important. Major League Baseball has approved this L-Arginine product. It is also being used by NFL players because it is safe and legal.

To learn more about Major League Baseball's approval of this product, I encourage you to go to http://www.humansportsperformance.com/JeffKrushell.htm. You may not be aware of this. Jeff Krushell is the Major League Baseball International Director of Strength & Conditioning. In working with hundreds of athletes, he understood that athletes must have proper nutrition for them to perform at their highest level. But he concluded that it was not enough to provide an athlete with just a balanced, nutritional diet.

His mission then became to determine the most effective nutritional products that were both safe and legal.

It was in 2004 that he first spoke to Dr. Allen. He says that she "absolutely overwhelmed me with the research and data that I had spent years looking for." He goes on to say that she provided "my first look into a program that has and will continue to revolutionize the sports performance industry - HUMAN MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE."

He talks about the athletes that are using Dr. Allen's product. He says that once they use the product, they never want to train or compete without it. Through their training and workouts, they gain the endurance and strength needed to perform at a higher level.

He concludes by saying, "I am honored to be working with Dr. Allen in helping athletes achieve Human Maximum Performance and to experience the benefits of proper nutrition and safe-science based supplementation."

This is a statement from the person responsible for nutritional supplementation in Major League Baseball. - 17273

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Losing Fat and Building Muscle, What You Need To Do

By Benshoo Gronshe

A marvelous strategy for losing Fat & Building Muscles simultaneously: There can be a lot of different approaches to lose weight and to gain muscles simultaneously - some of them are conventional, some old-fashioned and some contemporary. This article will elaborate yet another approach.

A summary of abs and diet: The Abs and diet program was the outcome of the efforts of a journalist of a fitness publication, Men's Health.' His creation was globally adopted and gained reputation with wholehearted acceptance all over the world. It was later utilized by a number of people as a significant plan for losing weight and gaining muscles.

The abs and diet is intended through the plan of 42 days of healthy meals with the proper workout routines.

Hence, usage of this plan along with the safety measures is highly-effective for losing fats and building muscles.

The most effective diet plan for it includes 12 special food items which are considered as the base of this plan. Besides that, the basic aim over here is to properly guide you in shaping your muscles by doing different exercises and maintaining proper diet.

Different athletes, weight-lifters and health-practitioners have benefited from this plan. Most luckily succeeded in their effort by using this plan however there were also a few people who failed meeting their needs.

This plan suggests eating six to seven times a day, having bodybuilding exercises with the consumption of lean proteins and carbohydrates. It will help you build muscle and lose fat.

12 Special Food Items: The most important and easiest way to lose fat and build muscles is to use the following food items:

1.Pulses 2.Curd, low fat cheese, low fat milk 3.Walnuts, Almonds or other types of nuts 4.Oils made by nuts, specially olive oil 5.Berries 6.White meat 7.Low fat Peanut Butter 8.Eggs 9.Barley 10.Brawn Breads 11.Cereals 12.Fresh vegetables and fruits

Most of the doctors argue that both bodybuilding and burning fats are good for the abdominal but one cannot achieve everything out of it. Eating nutritious meals is a must for lean muscles.

What we should do for losing fats and building muscles:

I.Avoid over eating as much as possible. II.Prefer spicy condiment over creamy sauce. III.Reduce solid-milky intake to at least half. IV.Avoid taking late meals especially before going to bed. V.Rip your curves, where needed. VI.Increase protein-enriched diet. VII.Avoid fried items like chicken and prefer Lima for boosting your protein level. VIII.Eggs, beans, fish, chicken and peanuts should be included in diet for their low fats and high protein levels.

The points which declared above are several of the top options regarding the protein rich diet. In addition, when you include proteins in your diet it will really help you to enhance muscles. For getting healthy and attractive body this method is best.

All you need to do is make good habits and kick off the bad ones. So follow this article and you will achieve the aim of building great muscles and losing fats. - 17273

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