Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, June 12, 2009

Would A Body Cleanse Be Beneficial To My Health

By Ron George

If you are thinking about purchasing or starting on a body cleanse detox diet, you should consider these aspects before you commit your time and money.

Do you really need a body cleanse program?

Is there any distinct basis you think you want a body cleanse or do you truly want to stay healthy and in good physical shape? Going all the way through a body cleanse detox because you dont feel well lately may be a decent idea, but if you are in acute pain or illness, then its perhaps too late to take care of it with just a body cleanse. In those cases you should better ask for medical advice before you decide on a body cleanse treatment.

But in saying that, if you feel healthy within yourself, then you probably dont need it at all, and you would be better off by really staying on a healthier lifestyle, steer clear from alcohol and smoking, doing physical activities regularly and drinking allot of water.

What benefits are there on a detox diet?

When it comes to health, its very challenging to quantify benefits. Still, endeavor to get a body cleanse treatment that is as specialized as possible. Provisions that are too broad or difficult to determine mean that they can sell you pretty much anything without any accountability. After all, how can you measure benefits like feel better?

How Much Will A Body Cleanse Cost?

Make sure you are aware of the costs upfront, plus any additional or hidden services that they may charge. Sometimes, the expense only includes the main body cleanse treatment, but as you advance, there are little hidden extras, like patches, pills, towels, soaps, etc., that add up to the bill. If you are aware of these costs beforehand, you will be able to choose whether you join in them or not. Be aware however, if you get charged for such services with no warning, it could turn your body cleanse experience into a frustrating one.

Is this treatment trustworthy?

Only if youve been directed to a detox clinic by a specialist you know, Id advise you not to take body cleanse treatments at a place just for the reason that it catches your attention. Ask you friends or relatives that have in fact been to body cleanse treatments about their experience and where they took them.

In conclusion, you should also bear in mind not taking a treatment at all. If you can keep away from tobacco and alcohol, drink half a gallon of water a day and do physical exercise everyday, then you probably shouldnt be looking for a body cleanse treatment. Of course, I know that such a lifestyle is easier said than done, so if you dont come up with the willpower, then be prepared to out lay some money. - 17273

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Surgical Treatment of Knee: Knee Arthroscopy

By Dr. Stefan Tarlow

The most common surgical procedure in Orthopedic Surgery is Knee Arthroscopy. The operation is performed at a hospital or outpatient surgical center. The patient is usually administered a general anesthetic. The procedure usually takes 30-45 minutes.

Patients are on crutches for a day or day, take oral pain medications for less than a week, return to desk work in 2-4 days, and are usually fully recovered in 2-4 weeks (for simple arthroscopic procedures such as menisectomy, chondroplasty, loose body removal and lateral release).

Knee arthroscopy outcomes vary, but can be predicted based on factors like age and diagnosis. As a rule, if the patient is younger than 55 years with only one problem (like a torn meniscus, a loose body, a small area of joint surface damage) tend to have a higher probability of successful surgical outcomes.

Patients older than 55 with more than one disease process (most common is torn meniscus with chondral damage " generally known as arthritis) have highly variable outcomes after knee arthroscopy [improved knee outcome in 60% range for these multiple disease process knees].

The least predictable surgical outcomes are with Arthroscopic Lateral Retinacular Release for patellar tracking problems and Arthroscopic Chondroplasty for arthritis. The best surgical outcomes are after Arthroscopic Medial Menisectomy, Arthroscopic Loose Body Removal, and Arthroscopic Lateral Meniscal repair.

Diagnostic Arthroscopy: Even in the age of high resolution 3T MRI scans there is still a role for the surgeon to only look inside the knee for diagnostic purposes.

This is done to assess healing of meniscal repair, looking for wearing of Total Knee Replacement, healing of microfracture, healing of Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation, assessment of ligament injury (or a new injury or after surgical reconstruction of knee ligament), or when knee symptoms are unexplained even after a physical, Xray, history, and MRI of the knee area.

A more detailed report is found the website of Phoenix knee doctor, Dr. Stefan Tarlow. - 17273

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How To Grow Taller - I Don't Want To Be Short Anymore

By Kenneth Jones

Is it possible to grow taller even after puberty? Did you know that if you were to make changes in your diet and little tweaks in your daily habits, you could add inches to your height? Don't believe me? You don't have to.

If you're like everyone else, you've probably been told that you can't grow any taller once you're past puberty. It's "commonly known" that our growth spurts would have been over by then, and we just have to accept whatever God gave us. But what if you refused to accept "common sense"? Growing taller naturally is possible at any age. You can increase your height and grow taller just by making simple changes in your lifestyle, like in the food you eat and the exercises you do.

Your body has a natural tendency to grow, especially when you are younger. It's best to start as early as possible so you can achieve the maximum height possible. If you don't know, food that you eat is important in your journey towards becoming as tall as you can be. Why? Because with the proper nutrition, your body has the best ingredients to rebuild itself and grow. Nutrition is more important than what most people think.

The proper diet and nutrition planning are essential when you start a "How To Grow Taller" program. If you want to get the most height increase possible. The kind of foods that will greatly enhance your body's ability to grow taller are rich in calcium, amino acids, essential proteins and calories. Without these elements, your body has nothing to use to help you grow taller!

With the right exercises and nutrients, you can increase your height and here are the reasons why:

You need young and healthy cells to replace your old and dying ones. And to do this, calcium is required. To have healthy bone growth and your muscles functioning right, did you know that calcium is required? This is why you often hear other people saying that you need to drink your milk (which is calcium rich) to have strong and healthy bones.

Did you also know that calcium keeps your heart beating steadily, your blood, nervous system and muscles functioning properly? Hard to believe that all that comes from just one nutrient, right? Because what happens when you don't get enough calcium, your body will start to extract and "steal" calcium from your bones. And guess what? This weakens your bones and in time, can lead to osteoporosis.

Proteins also help you to grow taller naturally. The building and repair of our body tissues requires the use of protein. Our bodies undergo natural wear and tear as we go about our daily activities, especially during exercises. To rebuild and keep our body healthy and functioning right, protein is needed. Protein also produces other substances our body needs in daily life. Substances like enzymes and hormones.

The things that our body does, like water balancing, transporting nutrients, and contracting muscles will be impaired when you don't get enough protein. Helping our body to resist diseases that commonly occur to malnourished people is also something that protein does. To keep us from getting easily fatigued, protein is needed by our body to produce stamina and energy.

Amino Acids. Proteins use amino acids as the building blocks. With 20 different types of amino acids required to construct the protein used in the growth, repair and maintenance of our body tissues, is it no wonder that we require protein? Of the 20, 11 of these amino acids are manufactured by our body internally, and 9 of them come from our diet. However, we need to have all 20 amino acids in order to function properly.

Diet and nutrition planning are critical factors in your quest to grow taller naturally. While there are many other elements as well, your diet is a essential component. It provides your body the building materials needed to help you grow taller. Without a good diet, you retard your body's ability to naturally repair and rebuild itself. So, when you eat right, you have one of the most simple and natural of ways to grow taller naturally.

If you are tired of being short, want more confidence and be noticed, you need to grow tall with a comprehensive Grow Taller program. You can add 2 - 4 inches to your height in 6 weeks naturally without any surgery! Check out our top recommended solution that will help you grow taller no matter what age you are @ http://www.growtallerproductreports.com. - 17273

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How To Optimise The Use Of Dietary Supplements

By Julie Poundsign

For those of us who are carrying unwanted weight, or those of us who arent carrying enough, obtaining a desirable physique can be very difficult. Simply working out regularly and eating right doesnt necessarily work for everyone.

Some people may be overly skinny and have trouble filling out, and sessions at the gym seem to do nothing except tire you out and frustrate you because youre not getting anywhere.

For people who are overweight, working out regularly can be a far more gruelling prospect and will usually make you sweaty, annoyed and breathless before it makes you anything else, so there must be a way to speed the process along?

Well, weve all heard of things like protein shakes and dieting supplements, but do they work? Are they just another product people are desperate to sell you or do they actually have an effect? Well, if you use them properly, then they can make a profound difference in your bodies appearance.

For the people who feel they are too skinny and want to gain some weight, Whey protein supplements will make your muscles bigger if you carry on working out regularly. One or two 20-30 minute workouts a day should do.

Drinking a whey protein shake as instructed by the particular brand, ALONG with regular exercise and workouts will help your body building process because as the muscles get damaged from working out, the body has to repair them, which makes them stronger over a period of time (this is the process of muscle building) whey protein (which I find is much better than creatine) is ideal to aid this process because the body can easily turn it into muscle tissue.

For the people who are overweight and are looking to lose some fat, unfortunately it isnt really that straight forward. You cannot turn fat into muscle, you have to burn the fat away, then start building up muscle tissue. A supplement that contains Sida Cordifolia would be ideal for this as this helps to speed up the metabolic rate, meaning you use more energy, meaning fat cells burn away quicker.

If you take this step to lose weight followed by the previously mentioned muscle gain steps, then realistically youre probably looking at around 8-10 months before your body starts taking shape, but if throughout this period you are active, with regular workouts and exercise, you could not only shorten that time frame, but you will end up fitter, healthier and generally felling better than you have in a long time. - 17273

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Purchase Acai Berry Pills - Acai Berry Health Benefits As Seen on Oprah Winfrey Show

By Xylene Belita

Acai Berries are tiny fruits of the Acai Palms, 8 species of the genus Euterpe which are indigenous to tropical Central and South America. The tree itself is appropriately named, Euterpe was the muse of delight in Greek Mythology, and undeniably the fruits of the Acai Palms are delightfully healthy.

Acai Berries themselves appear similar to small round grapes, deep plum or green depending on variety, but with lesser pulp. The Acai Berry seed makes up 80% of the fruit. It has long been harvested by the Caboclo populations of the Amazon jungles as a source of food. In fact, Acai Berry comprises an amazing 42% of the food intake by weight of these natives. So what's so special about it?

Acai berries have been scientifically proven to contain just the perfect amount of fibers, healthy monosaturated fats, iron and amino acids, the Acai Berry is also the richest supply of antioxidants in nature. A specific class of flavonoids called anthocyanins are found in astonishing amounts in Acai berries. Up to 10 times that of grapes and double that of blueberries.

Oprah's Acai Berry Diet? In case you did not understand, antioxidants are molecules that help stop free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that come from ordinary processes of the body, pollutants, pesticides, cigarette smoke etc. They harm the cells and can cause chain reactions that can lead to diseases and even damage the DNA that can lead to cancers. Aside from fighting free radicals, antioxidants also strengthens the immune system and leads to a radical increase in energy levels and resistance.

The Acai Berry also has essential fatty acids (Omega 3, 6, and 9) that help fight bad cholesterol while at the same time maintaining good cholesterol. Thereby, helping prevent heart disease. Not only that, Acai berries have just the exact quantity of nutrients that can radically help fight fatness. Antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and phytosterols work collectively to make your body work more efficiently. Aiding in digestion and burning fat better. Having a proportionate body makes it much easier for you to accomplish your weight goals.

And the greatest thing about the Oprah Show Acai Diet - Not like other common health food like wheatgrass, Acai berries actually taste good. It has a distinct flavor that has been described as a mix between berries and chocolate. The only downside is that the Acai berries spoil very quickly after harvest, so they are not readily obtainable in fresh form unless you dwell somewhere in Latin America. Luckily, they are now rather easily obtainable in supplementary forms. The most usual being the bottled Acai fruit juice or Acai Berry pills as health supplements. - 17273

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How to Build Muscles Like a Pro

By Ricardo d Argence

Among the best bodybuilding tips about how to build muscles is to begin bodybuilding at a young age. Starting off young and keeping to a regular workout routine and eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water and taking any nutritional supplements you need.

It means getting out there early to do your workout sessions so your body can increase your metabolism while building muscle and burning fat during the entire day and more than likely produce even more muscle mass. It also means committing and focusing on your own bodybuilding endeavors while ignoring all the hyped up marketing ploys of supplements and even comparing yourself to the appearance of other bodybuilders bodies.

Building muscles with body building is about more than what you do in your routine or even how. Being successful as a bodybuilder also requires understanding why these steps will bring you closer to your goals.

Another of the best bodybuilding tips is to do your workout routines consistently. From time to time, you will need to change up your workouts, but you shouldn't make the mistake of changing things too frequently. Your body takes time to adjust to a new workout regimen and start to reap the benefits of a different workout.

You need to perform a workout routine regularly to build muscle mass. It takes time for muscle growth to happen; you have to keep to your routine and be patient.

You will have to change your routines to stimulate muscle growth once you seem to have hit a plateau with a given muscle group. Stick with a workout routine which gives you results, but only as long as it continues to give you results. Move on to a different routine and come back to this routine later on.

Another great bodybuilding tip is to keep things simple with your routine. Rather than chasing after every new program, supplement or other product that comes along, keep with the routines and techniques which work for you. It's OK to try out new things, but don't let the marketing fool you " look at each on their own merits.

There are some supplements which you will need " you'll probably want vitamin supplements to give your body the nutrition which it cant get from your diet alone. You'll also want to get ample protein and creatine to assist you as you work to build muscle. Protein is the basic building block of muscle tissue and creatine will help you to recover more quickly from your workouts.

To build muscle quickly, you'll want to incorporate compound exercises into your routine; as well as isolation exercises to increase your endurance and heavy weight training to build mass and get your body to produce the hormones which help you get towards your goals. Use weights heavy enough to help you build new muscle tissue, but don't overdo things.

Diet is one of the most important elements of any bodybuilding routine. To keep your muscles growing over the long term, your body needs the right nutritional balance; the wrong diet can actually lead to a reduction in muscle mass!

Something to keep in mind is that every pound of body weight lost is about 60% muscle and 40% fat, so remember to get adequate caloric intake. Cardio workouts burn off calories, but don't do them every day " alternate a day of cardio training with a day of weight training for the best results.

Your body needs to rest and recover in between weight training to keep inflammation under control and keep building muscle over the long term. - 17273

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Questions about Cancer

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Cancer is a health issue for many families. It's important to understand that there are many different kinds of cancers. Not all cancers are life-threatening. Some types may be very serious and some may be dealt with relatively easily.

First, it is important to distinguish between benign and malignant tumors. The words "tumor" and "cancer" are usually interchangeable.

Tumors (or cancers) affect how cells reproduce. Normal cellular reproduction is tightly regulated. Normally, cells reproduce at regular intervals. In a tumor, cell reproduction is chaotic - cells reproduce on their own schedule, rather than based on the needs of the body. The result is a mass of cells that is growing unchecked. The tumor mass "doesn't belong" - it's like it exists within its own world. But the tumor uses the body's precious resources to maintain its own existence.

Benign tumors are usually slowly growing. The benign tumor mass is surrounded by a membrane and is "well-encapsulated". A benign tumor may cause health problems when it reaches a size big enough to create pressure effects on the surrounding tissues. Such a tumor mass may create pressure on an important blood vessel, or it may kill nearby cells and tissues by the pressure it's exerting on them. Basically, the tumor isn't supposed to be there. There's no room for anything "extra" in the body.

Malignant tumors have more dangerous characteristics. In general, malignant tumors are more rapidly growing than benign tumors. Malignant tumor cells have the ability to make their way into the capillaries, traveling through the bloodstream until reaching suitable locations for new growth.1,2 A metastasis is a new malignant mass developing in a new location from that of the original tumor.

Also, malignant tumors have the unique ability to cause the body to build an individualized, extensive blood supply for the tumor. This process is called angiogenesis. This complex network of blood vessels supplies the malignant tumor with extra oxygen and nutrients to fuel its rapid growth. Essentially, malignant tumors highjack the body's resources for the tumor's own benefit. Malignant cells are highly adaptive and deadly.

Medical treatment for malignant types of cancers includes:

Where does chiropractic treatment come in? Chiropractic care may be an important component of supportive care in cancer treatment. Your body needs to use all its available resources and energy to help fight cancer and assist in recovery. Gentle chiropractic treatment helps your body work more efficiently, improving overall mechanical function and easing stress on muscles and joints.3 These chiropractic benefits help make more energy available to assist your body in returning to a healthier state.

Chiropractic treatment helps support the process of recovery and the transition back to maximum health.

Cancer Nutriton

Healthy eating is an important factor in cancer recovery. And, healthy eating can go a long way toward cancer prevention. There are lots of nutritious, delicious foods that provide dynamic resources for your body to achieve peak physical conditioning.

Fruits and vegetables are packed with phytochemicals, chemical compounds that have powerful disease-fighting capabilities. Many recent studies have demonstrated that phytochemicals provide significant reductions in the risk of developing cancer as well as heart disease.

These wonder nutrients are found in many different foods such as broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, kale, and tomatoes. Tomatoes contain the important phytochemical, lycopene. In clinical trials, lycopene has demonstrated effective anti-prostate cancer activity and also improved cardiovascular blood flow.

Blueberries, cranberries, and apples are all rich in phytonutrients. Phytonutrients found in blueberries help prevent cancer and also help reduce inflammation.

Fruits and vegetables have hidden powers that enable us to live longer and ,more importantly, live healthier.

1Gavert N, Ben-Ze'ev A: Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and the invasive potential of tumors. Trends Mol Med 2008 (in press) 2Guarino M, et al: The role of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer pathology. Pathology 39(3):305-318, 2007 3Demark-Wahnefried W, Jones LW: Promoting a healthy lifestyle among cancer survivors. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 22(2):319-342, 2008 - 17273

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Tips for Maneuvering the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

The ever popular HCG diet is being called the cure we've been waiting for when it comes to weight loss! It's unique results set it apart in a society overflowing with diets and supplements. But successfully maneuvering the program requires some work. Here are some tips to help you on your way:

1. Stay on the diet. Going off the diet even for one tiny taste of an indulgent food will have an effect on your weight loss. The HCG alters your body's method of using and storing body fat so that you can decrease your body weight quickly with long term results. But the addition of fat or sugar into the body during the program inhibits the process.

2. Prepare your meals ahead of time. Go ahead and cook full recipes and then divide the finished product up into individual portions. Set them aside and have them on hand when you need them. If you prepare in this way you'll never find yourself STARVING with nothing quick enough to eat. This is one of the main reasons dieters break from the meal plan. And breaking from the meal plan will affect your weight loss just as immediately as staying on it.

3. Experiment until you find an herbal tea and a non-sugar sweetener that you enjoy. They will make sticking to the plan much, much easier. You can use the sweetener in several available recipes to help you feel like you've got the sweets that you are actually expected to deny yourself.

4. There are many seasonings allowed on the HCG diet. Take advantage of them. You can do a lot with lemon juice. And there's no need to eat plain, unseasoned boiled chicken unless you just prefer it that way. Try different seasonings and make sure you feel like you're getting a little bit of variety within the guidelines presented by the program.

Sticking to the HCG diet is very possible. The low calorie diet in combination with the HCG's effect on the body ensures that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. You might psychologically be "starving" though so make sure to have a meal plan and stick to it. It will be easier once you start seeing the pounds fall off; and that happens for most almost immediately! - 17273

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Get A Better Night's Sleep

By Laura Croff

Not getting enough sleep? I am sure that you are already probably aware of the problems that a night lacking of good, restful sleep can cause on your health and your life. If you do not sleep enough, you find that you cannot operate at your optimal rate and are unable to effectively handle all the problems that come to you throughout the course of a day. Also, your appearance worsens and it becomes more difficult to concentrate.

Perhaps your sleeping troubles come from one of a few types. In the evening, you may find it difficult to fall asleep after getting into bed. Or, you may fall asleep quite quickly only to wake up some hours later and find that you cannot fall asleep again no matter how hard you try.

If you are having trouble sleeping, Somniem PM Natural Sleep Aid may be the aid that can greatly help you. If you have ever tried prescription sleeping pills, you know that often times they leave you feeling "hung over" the next morning when you wake up. Because Somniem PM uses all natural ingredients including melatonin, the same ingredient your very own body uses to help you sleep, you can get a peaceful night of sleep without worry.

It is believed by many scientists that one of the main culprits for getting a poor night of sleep is the body's lack of production of melatonin before bedtime. There are a wide range of factors that can influence melatonin production. For example, alcohol, caffeine and stress all influence your body's natural production of melatonin and can cause it to not produce enough. Somniem PM Sleep Aid encourages your body to produce more melatonin and in this natural way, you are able to get better sleep each night.

Because Somniem PM encourages your body's natural system for inducing sleep, it actually helps correct your sleep cycle and insure that you will have better sleep even after you stop taking it.

Prescribed sleep pills often have the side effects of having you feel groggy or "hung over" the next day when you wake up. Because Somniem PM works on your body's natural system for inducing sleep, it will have you feeling refreshed when you awake. Additionally, Somniem PM is non-addictive and has no side effects.

Given its natural ingredients, Somniem PM is a viable option for those who are looking to get a good night's sleep based on its proven effectiveness. - 17273

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Massage Chair Review of the Panasonic EP-3222 Massage Recliner

By Steve Esquire

The subject of this review is the Panasonic Real Pro Elite model EP-3222. This is one of the high end luxury massage loungers in the Panasonic line. Panasonic is one of the leaders in the development of mechanical massage therapies. We will evaluate some of the advanced features and function of the EP 3222. Let us delve into our review of this Panasonic massage chair.

One of the long term concerns when purchasing a product such as a massage chair is the warranty coverage. The warranty is your long term protection from problems due to factory defects and workmanship. Although top brands such as Panasonic do a great job making these chairs, problems do occur. Make sure you get adequate warranty coverage on any massage chair you are thinking of getting.

What is the warranty coverage of the EP-3222 massage chair? Panasonic provides coverage in the following areas: 3 years parts are covered, 1 year labor is also covered. Panasonic also offers in home technician service. This is covered for the first 90 days after the purchase. This warranty is a little light compared with other manufacturers in this class.

An excellent feature that is integrated into the EP 3222 is known as a body scan. The body scan creates an electronic map of your back. It identifies key points like your shoulder height and width of your neck. Also, it identifies your acupressure points in your back of which there are almost 100 in all. The information is then used to give you a truly unique massage.

There is an innovative mechanical device incorporated in the chairs roller massage system. It is termed a floating massage mechanism. The floating massage mechanism is the result of simulating the movements of the hand. This mechanism can replicate hand movements such as pressing, stroking and thumb like pressure.

There is no shortage of massage techniques with this massage recliner. Panasonic equips this chair with 11 basic massage modes, 6 automatic programs and memory capability to store your favorite massages. Some of the more important massage techniques include Swedish, Kneading, Compression, Tapping, Shiatsu and Rolling. These massage techniques are effective to relieve aches, relax muscles, increase energy flow and increase blood flow.

Do you need relief of the lower body? The EP-3222 delivers! Panasonic incorporates an air massage system with an incredible 33 air bags. Each air bag targets a specific muscle, so you get a tremendous coverage. The air massage system provides an effective compression massage technique. This provides a firm squeezing action. This squeezing action helps to soothe and relieve sore muscles.

The EP 3222 comes with a voice guidance system which can guide you through targeting specific relief. This is helpful for first time users or when you want to try something new. The remote also has a memory function. The memory function remembers the exact settings for the last five minutes of a massage you just received. If you like what just happened, you can store it in memory for the next time.

There is a lower body traction system built into the EP3222. This provides an excellent stretch of the lower body. The leg rest is designed to hold your feet, raise the leg rest and then lower it slowly. This will elongate your muscles and improve your range of motion.

The EP-3222 is one of the better massage chairs produced by Panasonic. It is part of the Real Pro Elite massage chair series and comes with some excellent functionality. Our minor concern is the 1 year of labor for the chair. We feel this should match the parts of 3 years and be in line with the other major manufacturers. The massage therapy is very effective and the variety of massage treatments is very good. This is a good massage chair. The EP-3222 massage chair will provide you many years of massage therapy enjoyment and relief. - 17273

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Best 10 Tips to Put Your Metabolism on Fire

By Thong M. Dao

Many individuals do not have a clue how metabolism works. In order for you to lose weight quicker, your metabolism needs to be increased. By increasing your metabolism your energy level rises which allows your body to burn unwanted fat and calories, with the least amount of effort.

What factors affect our metabolism? Stress levels, diet plans, amount of activity, meal frequency, and the amount of muscle tissue the body has.

Here are several ways to fire up your metabolism:

1. Build up lean body mass. It is only natural that metabolism decreases with age, but it is possible to counter the effects. The amount of muscle you have is a strong determinant to the ability to burn calories and shed fat. So it goes without saying that exercise is essential.

With a workout regime that includes weights at least twice a week, you will build muscle mass. In between your workout days include other activity such as walking or swimming. Your additional activities will allow you to continue to burn calories.

2. Eat breakfast. A lot of people ignore the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Surprisingly, those who eat breakfast are thinner than those who do not. Metabolism will slow down considerably if you have breakfast during mid-morning or wait until the afternoon for lunch.

3. Eat spicy foods. Hot cuisine with peppers can increase metabolism.

4. Welcoming sleep. Research shows that those who sleep less have a higher risk of gaining weight. Are you aware muscles recover within the last hours of sleep?

5. Increase water intake. Water flushes out toxins produced whenever the body burns fat. Majority of the body's functions involves water, and lack of water causes their operations to decrease.

6. Eat smaller meals. It is advisable to consume 4 to 6 small meals that are timed 2 to 3 hours apart.

7. Never skip meals. People tend to skip meals to lose weight, which is a big mistake since it slows down metabolism.

8. Meals need to be planned in detail. Occasional eating is a mistake. Plan what, when, and serving size daily.

9. Drink green tea. Tea has the ability to stimulate metabolism, and unlike coffee, it has no undesirable side effects.

10. Include more energy foods in the diet, such as fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains.

You can achieve weight loss with determination and time. Remember all good things come in time. Weight loss takes time. Eating correctly and proper exercise will be tough but the outcome will last a lifetime. - 17273

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