Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Massage Can Accelerate Your Path To Better Health

By Laura Wetzel

There are many benefits to receiving massage therapy. Regular massage treatments help to enhance blood flow, stimulate greater awareness and soothe and relieve muscles. Massage is regularly performed for athletes before and after competition. It has been practiced for centuries with many techniques are originating a few thousand years ago.

Massage is a natural method of helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps the mind to relax and relieve the tension that builds up in the body. This is especially important in our modern times where we don't have sufficient outlets for our stress. It is important to release tension as it builds to avoid fatigue.

Massage is an excellent way to relieve stress in your body. Massage works at two different levels to relieve stress. First it helps to take your mind off of the issues causing the stress. The second is to relieve the build up of tension and stiffness in the body.

Massage therapy starts with specific ways to relieve muscles and soft tissue areas. Specific movements are used in different areas to stretch, pull, of, penetrate and even elongate these muscles, joints and tendons. Regular applications of these movements which constitute massage are very beneficial in improving the elasticity of the muscle fibers.

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues and muscles of the body. A variety of techniques are used to apply pressure, to hold and to squeeze different areas of the body. This helps to relieve the tension, reduce stiffness and to improve your flexibility.

Many people are challenged to get daily massage therapy. Daily massage therapy is important to really attain the benefits of massage. You cannot expect to exercise wants and have sustained benefits to your body. Massage is no different than exercise. It must be performed on a regular basis.

Getting frequent massage treatments is perhaps the biggest obstacle to getting regular massage. Most people do not have enough time to spend an hour every day at the spa getting a treatment. However, technology has provided an alternative solution, the massage chair.

Technology currently provides a practical alternative to a massage therapist. Massage chairs have advanced software programs which provide many popular massage treatments. It is common to find techniques such as acupressure, shiatsu, Swedish, Hawaiian, reflexology and many more. This gives you a wide variety of choices and options over the long term.

Massage chairs are able to save you time and still give you a full body massage. They are able to work in parallel where as a massage therapist can only work sequentially. A massage therapist therefore needs much more time in order to deliver the same massage treatment.

Massage chairs are programmed with many different types of massage techniques. You can choose from shiatsu, acupressure, deep tissue, reflexology or Swedish massage. These different techniques provide a wide variety of coverage and benefits.

Massage has been used for centuries to provide health, well-being and relaxation. You can now get daily massage treatments in the comfort and convenience of your own home with a massage chair. This is a great way to relax and reduce your level of stress. See how a massage chair can help massage you to better health. - 17273

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The First Attempts To Make A Banana Bread Recipe

By Ben Cook

The original banana bread recipe looked nothing like it does today, and it sure didn't taste like it does today. There have been many cultures spanning over thousands of years that have tried to improve upon the original bread recipe. Eventually, from these efforts the modern day banana bread recipe was born.

There is no actual record indicating that in such and such a year at such and such location the first banana bread recipe was designed, developed, and baked. Rather, we have to look at the evolution of the various ingredients that would eventually turn into what we now call the banana bread recipe.

When bread was first developed, it was what we now call today, a quick bread. Banana bread recipes fall under this category as well. Quick bread is simply a bread recipe that is devoid of yeast. It means that it can be finished faster and the cooking time is shorter. Waiting for yeast to rise can be a long process. Of course, when bread was first discovered as a viable food source, it wasn't designed to be eaten as a dessert of fancy bread. It was designed to fill the void and travel well.

These early breads were made from a crushed grain that was blended with some water before it was baked on hot stones. It is thought that the first banana bread recipe followed this general outline of bread baking, with the mushed bananas mixed in for a little bit of addition to the taste. While still not the banana bread recipe we love today, it is closer to a resemblance.

It has been speculated that the first actual banana bread recipe was tried. Given that the original version of bread was not very tasty, it is likely that people were gathering various elements in an attempt to make the bread taste better. It is quite possible that bananas were part of that experimental process.

Bread was changed dramatically 6, 000 years later when the Egyptians figured out that bread dough made from wheat could rise provided that there was an appropriate place to ferment the dough. This added air, which in turn created a softer more palatable bread.

The banana bread recipes we know today have been significantly altered from the original breads that were made from what we now know and eat today. One of the most significant improvements to the bread included leavening. Instead of fermenting wheat dough, adding water and mashed bananas to cook quickly on hot stones, adding lightness to the bread would improve its taste and desirability

Eventually these first banana bread recipe attempts would grow into what we now lovingly call banana bread through the addition of a leavening agent. In this case, the leavening agent is baking powder. This single ingredient can give the loaf just enough power to rise without turning it into a yeast bread. Baking powder was brought to the United States in 1875. This addition to the ingredients gives credence to the claim that the first banana bread recipe was developed in 18th century America. - 17273

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How to Get Fit to the Extreme

By Jesse Regan

There is a brand new sort of fitness training system that is making major waves in the health and fitness world today. The ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Program, which was created by Chalene Johnson, is a cutting edge and revolutionary workout system that primarily aims to get rid of all your unnecessary extra body fat, thereby transforming you and your body by giving you lean and sexy muscles. The workout, which is available in a series of videos, guarantees that you will achieve all these in just ninety days.

What is the secret of the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Program? It's actually quite simple: lean phasing. This workout has you exercising through the use of circuit training routines that are part of the training program. This makes your body able to transfer the spotlight from cardio routines to resistance exercises and back again, aiding in the body fat burning. This way, you generate more muscles, which is massively valuable in burning your fat. Apart from the increasing muscles that burn more body fat, your body's metabolism will amplify as well.

It has been said that lifting weights will make you bulk up instead of slim down. The ChaLEAN Extreme contests that myth by proving that the more muscles you have, the more you will burn fat. As a result as opposed to bulking up, you will achieve a leaner and toned body.

Before starting the workout routine, the proper form is needed so as to do the routines just right. This is because the workout entails using different kinds of resistance bands or weights. The workout video will start by showing you the right techniques so you can perfect your form and not hurt yourself or make the workout ineffective.

The workout series is set in three phases, each lasting thirty days. Each of the three phases highly charges your metabolism with the use of high intensity cardio and strengthening routines. Afterward, a relaxing flexibility workout will revitalize and lengthen your muscles.

Your workout starts with the Burn Phase. In this phase, you will be carrying out moderate training routines using light resistance weights or bonds. This phase will make a large increase in your metabolism possible. This thirty day routine will be the launch of those extra fat reserves coming off.

The next stage in the ChaLEAN Extreme Workout is the Push Phase. For the next month, your workout routine will focus on pushing you and the muscles that you have started to build past your comfort zone. You will be toning and strengthening different areas of your body one at a time and step by step.

The third and final part of the series is the Lean Phase. In this segment, you will be introduced to all new and dynamic workouts and techniques that will make all the excess fat your body still has left melt off. This phase has routines that work out your upper body, lower body and even your core all at the same time.

These are only some samples for great information about workout . - 17273

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Burn Fat Fast: Valuable Advice for Building Muscle

By Brad Morgan

If you want to burn fat fast, you face a big challenge. Everyone who has ever dieted or stuck to a fitness routine has dealt with this difficulty.

The two most important aspects of weight loss? Diet and exercise, of course! While everyone knows this, you may not know about some easy changes you can make to get more from your routine.

Get your body going and drop those extra pounds with these helpful tips.

Burn Fat Fast with Diet

Everyone knows what to eat for good health: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein, etc. The following tips will help your body become better at burning fat.

1. Get enough fiber.

You need about 25 grams of fiber each day. If you are like the average American, you get only 10. Add more for overall good health and awesome fat burning rewards.

Eating plenty of whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals, fruits and vegetables, and nuts can help you get the fiber you need. They are easy to add into your meals, and they can help you see results sooner.

2. Choose a better bedtime snack.

Certain foods keep your body from burning fat. Eating foods like white breads and pastas, fruit, juice, and others that are loaded with simple carbs may actually cause your body to increase its fat deposits while you sleep. If you feel hungry before bed, eat a vegetable.

3. Smaller meals for weight loss.

This will keep you from getting hungry and overeating. Also, eat your veggies before your main course. Often, our main courses are heavier foods, like meat.

This can help fill you up so you are less tempted to eat too much of the less healthy foods.

4. Portions, portions, portions!

Americans have a terrible sense of portion control. Develop this skill ? eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Use a smaller plate. Eat more slowly. All this can help you from overeating.

5. Eat before you workout.

Having a low carb, high protein snack 90 minutes before your workout can help you exercise longer and burn more calories. Don't eat any sooner than 90 minutes prior to your workout because it may actually decrease the efficiency of your exercise.

As anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows, diet alone won't help you burn fat fast and keep it off. You need to get active. Exercise is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

6. Inhale and exhale with your nose.

This helps regulate your heart rate better so you can exercise longer. This means more calories burned! Practice this and soon you'll notice a difference in your workouts.

7. Do interval training.

For instance, if you are walking, walk for two minutes at a very brisk pace. Then slow down for three minutes. Gradually increase the amount of brisk walking time.

This is also a great way to break into running. You will burn a lot more calories and burn fat faster.

8. Do your weight training first.

When you workout, try doing your weight training first. This will allow your body to warm up for 15-20 minutes, which puts it into fat burning mode. When you're ready for cardio, your body will already be burning so many calories. As always, stretch before and after you exercise.

8. Mix it up.

Variety is the key if you want to burn fat fast. Doing the same workout each day dooms you to a weight loss plateau.

For effective fat loss, add some variety. Your routine should feature a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts. By doing the same exercise, your body becomes an expert at it. It doesn't need to exert itself to perform it, meaning you burn fewer calories.

Don't take the path of least resistance: always give your body something new to do.

10. Add weights to your cardio.

Adding weights to your routine helps you burn more calories and build stronger muscles. Even adding some bicep curls while you're on your treadmill can help you see results sooner.

If you want to burn fat fast, it takes both diet and exercise. Little changes like the ones above can help you reap big benefits. - 17273

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How to Lose Weight For Free

By Ron Cripps

For those who want to lose weight for free, what is the mystery? Is it a mystery beyond the pyramids, UFO's, ghostly apparitions, or the missing sock? But it's no mystery when people look at themselves in the mirror. They're fat. But it's pretty easy. Follow some simple tips.

Catch a virus. No really, get sick. Serious illness is a great way to lose weight, provided there's a recovery. People lose weight while in the hospice. That's as ludicrous as it seems. So let's get to some real weight loss tips.

Losing weight is as easy as 1-2-3 if you severely cut calories. So what does it mean to you, it means you need to burn more calories than you are eating. Drink nothing but water to force your body to draw on fat reserves. If you have the staying power to do this for weeks or months at a time, even better. Seriously, though, eating less than you use is the way to go. It can't be only water, but substituting soda and juice with water will drop out 90,000 calories, or 25 pounds, each year. Smaller portions, less soda and juice That's the simple key.

Exercise every day until complete exhaustion. That means don't stop until you can't even crawl. Were any of the slaves who built pyramids in the Moses movies over weight? Back to reality, exercise and burning calories is important to losing weight. It doesn't have to be hours and hours each day, but 30 minutes of aerobic exercise seven days a week is terrific. If you can't keep it up for seven days a week then six is better than five and five is better than four and even one is better than none.

Bodybuilders burn more calories just standing around. So strap yourself to the car and pull it for 10 miles a day, with a fat person riding in it. Become a hulk, a mass of muscles so large that you have to binge eat just to keep up with the wild metabolism. Of course, in the real world weight training doesn't have to be to the level of a marine drill instructor. 3-5 days a week of weight work to create lean muscle will help keep off the pounds. In the long run muscles burn more calories than fat, even without moving.

You don't need miracle pills or fad diets to lose weight. Your budget can even be 0. Lose weight for free through aerobic workouts and healthy eating and living. Eat less calories than you use. - 17273

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How Helpful is Green Tea

By Chalo Balauri

In the last decade, many people have been witness of a rediscovered knowledge about certain plants and herbs. They provide us with many benefits without the need to resort to pharmaceutical products. One of these herbs is green tea, which has been used for centuries.

Integrating green tea into your life is very easy. You can find it as a warm drink during winter or drink it very cool as iced tea during summer time. It is also found in the form of powder and even pills. There's nothing easier than taking pills!

One of the main benefits of green tea has been aiding people to lose fat. Some studies have been performed in the last years showing that men and women who drank green tea lost more weight than men and women who had no green tea or took a placebo drink.

There is a benefit that is even more important than losing weight: green tea is good to prevent cancer. This type of tea contains a powerful antioxidant. These anti-oxidants are called catechins and they help eliminating cancer cells without making damage to healthy tissue.

Green tea has been also used a lot in natural based skin products as part of their formula. Green tea revitalizes skin and can also slow down the effects of sun exposure and aging. It also is great to prevent skin cancer by eliminating free radicals.

Why is green tea used only by a group of people? Those of us who have witnessed the benefits of this herb cannot understand it. But maybe it has to do with how modern medicine looks down to inexpensive natural treatments in favor of pharmaceuticals and chemical based products.

Green tea is available through many ways. I get it on my nearest store, and when I can't find it nearby, I get it via online stores and even big online hubs such as Amazon where you can find different vendors. - 17273

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Are you on the HCG Diet in Arizona?

By Amelia Handley

If you are on the HCG diet in Arizona I'm not surprised. It's one of the most popular areas for the diet. HCG based programs and diets are popular everywhere at the moment, but Arizona is definitely a HCG hotspot. Why is that?

It's definitely got something to do with the weather. What do people think of when they think of Arizona? They think of the heat. It's hot pretty much all year long in Arizona. It's sizzling hot in the summer. It gets pretty sweltering in the spring. It can be oppressively warm in the fall. And there's even annoyingly warm days in the middle of winter that leave you carting around your light jacket and wiping sweat off your face because you have long sleeves on.

And what does the weather have to do with the HCG diet in Arizona? The connection to dieting should be pretty obvious by this point. What do people wear when it's hot or even just warm outside? They wear less clothing. They wear less clothing so they won't be hot and the less clothing people wear the more obvious all the little imperfections and extra pounds become.

You might even say that the amazing Arizona weather inspires people to dress in shorts and tank tops. And you might go from there to say that the shorts and tank tops inspires people to be aware of the negative aspects of their body. And you might be inspired to say that from there they are inspired to fix it by losing weight. Many see the HCG diet in Arizona as a drastically effective, all natural method that will solve all their body image problems quickly and inexpensively. It doesn't alter their mood like the popular energy pills. It doesn't involve invasive procedures like the other "drastic" weight loss methods people opt for.

Could the HCG diet in Arizona be a phase? It could be, but it's not likely. It actually solves a real problem. And it's not a recent phenomenon. It's been around and in use for over 50 years. The overnight popularity is a phenomenon, but that's a different story. The original diet was introduced as a cure for obesity. Arizonans see the diet as a cure for their discomfort in their own clothes and bodies during the heat. Poolside parties, picnics and outdoor barbeques are just not fun if you're worried about how you look in your swimsuit.

So the fact that people enjoy "mild" winters doesn't mean that they wouldn't be able to enjoy them more if they could just lose 10-30 pounds. It's way more fun to feel the sun on your face if you're not sweating up a storm in your long sleeve T-shirt and loose jacket. Other popular aspects of the program besides the extreme weight loss results of 1 to 2 pounds average weight loss per day are: short duration of the program (as little as 25 days), and the adaptation of cooking and eating styles to a more healthy level. This makes it easier to maintain weight loss after the program is complete. The HCG diet in Arizona is definitely there to stay. You might as well take advantage of it. But beware...you'll probably have to splurge on a new wardrobe when you're through. Your clothes won't fit anymore! - 17273

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Eagan's Weight Loss Programs Show The Way Of Decreasing Weight By Eating

By Rob Smith

To decrease your weight is equal tormenting your fat in your body. This is why people who works out normally are more successful in decreasing more weight than those who do not.But if you are not the level of a man that works out regularly, you can reduce you fat by eating.

Lose weight by eating? Ironic but true, you can lessen weight by eating certain kinds of foods. If you fuse your exercise routine-even if you don't do it continuously-with the correct eating habits. Change to healthier food groups .Eat foods that are high in fibers and other minerals so that you can see big results the next time you look on the weighing scale.

The accommodating consultants from the Body Project Studio will show you the foods you should eat to reduce weight. Eat these frequently and you will see best results. You need to be aware however, that you do at least a short exercise to pump up the results.

If you want to know what simple exercise routines comforts you, personal trainers at Eagan's only holistic fitness center will guide you find one

Fresh fruits - Aside from the fact that is not having cholesterol, fruits are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber that will throw excess fat from your body. Fruits like pear and grapefruit are highly advised Pears will decrease your appetite so you don't eat many calories. Grapefruit meanwhile are rich in a special fiber and natural emulsifiers that burn fat fast.

Almonds and other nuts - researchers have learned that almonds can aid lessens weight. Although high in calories, they are cholesterol-free and high in protein, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin E. Fats that are located in nuts are the ones in charge for making you feel full and the proteins assist in burning calories.

Beans - Beans have resistant starch which destroys fat fast. Studies have resulted that when added to your daily food, it can help burn up to 25% more fat.

Chocolates - Specifically dark chocolates contain anti oxidants and flavonoids that are very important in weight loss. Researchers from Taiwan have learned that these elements are important in weight loss and decrease the risk of obesity.

Green tea, wine, and coffee - These common beverages are also high in antioxidants and flavonoids. Because of their flavonoid content, these beverages have anti-inflammatory capacities that both help lessens hunger and burn stored fat.

Fused with the proper exercise, digestion of these foods will put you to your desired objective sooner than you think. - 17273

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Tahitian Noni Juice Secrets Revealed

By Nathan Marks

Tahitian noni juice is among the best selling fruit juice supplements on the modern market. Literally, a bottle of noni juice is sold every two seconds. That would certainly sound like the definition of a very popular beverage! Not all bottles or brands are identical. Some may be 100% pure Tahitian noni juice or otherwise a combination blend of noni juice mixed with other types of fruit juices along the lines of blueberry or grape.

Making the juice is a process that can take a lengthy amount of time. The noni fruit is hand picked and the pulp is then removed. Following this, the juice needs to be extracted. The entire process of cultivating and harvesting this fruit all the way through the extraction process and packaging is a complicated and time-consuming process.

The International Noni Communication Council's own physician, Dr. Neil Solomon, has stated that Tahitian noni juice has four phases in which it can be administered for health benefits. The first phase consists of a test amount given over a period of 3 days. The second phase is a serving that is used for a month. The third phase is a curative dose given from the second to the sixth month. The fourth and final phase consists of a preventative dose which begins at the start of the seventh month and is then continued as long as needed. The exact dosages given are based on a calculation which takes into account the age of the person taking the Tahitian noni juice.

There are scores of people from all over the world who have experienced tremendous benefits from drinking Tahitian noni juice on a regular basis. Many studies have been conducted at the University of Hawaii. Some of these studies discovered that active compounds in the noni fruit have the ability to both support and stimulate the functioning of the immune system. These compounds do so by stimulating the body's white blood cells in a manner that allows them to operate more efficiently.

What all this means for you is that the consumption of Tahitian noni juice on a daily basis can help the immune system to fight off viruses, bacteria and germs which in turn protects the body from infection.

Are these all the benefits associated with Tahitian noni juice? Not at all, actually there are many more benefits than people realize. Another significant health benefit that comes from drinking Tahitian noni juice centers on it's ability to improve the body's potential to produce nitric oxide. At one time, people thought nitric oxide was not all that great for the body's health. To the contrary, we now know it aids the body greatly in terms of its ability to fight infections.

What is most encouraging here is that despite everything we have learned so far from scientific studies, there is still more to discover about the benefits of noni juice. Yes, the scientific studies have delivered a lot of information but it is only a fraction of what traditional Polynesian healers have known all along about this remarkable fruit. In time, we will learn all there is to know about noni. This will prove to be an interesting process and, for now, we can enjoy all those benefits we already know about. - 17273

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Alcohol Acting as a Barrier in Building Muscle

By Homaide Germaico

Alcohol creates an enormous complication in the course to get striking body or building muscles. In the development of muscle building, it really has a lot profound connection. Not entirely, but in some amount that one can observe the change of speed and decelerate progression. Therefore you must keep away from alcohol and anything which is made by it.

Everybody should be aware of the fact that muscle building is dependent upon the evasion as well as ingestion of diet. Alcohol is also a dietary element but its evasion at all costs is a must for those guys who're in the process of bodybuilding. In most of the cases, it is found deadly and it can damage your muscles too.

Alcohol is even highly-injurious to health than what most of the people believe. A lot of people are suffering from various troubles due to the lack of awareness about the drawbacks of alcohol. They are yet behind the scenes with respect to the perils and side effects of alcohol. It is advised to 'say no to alcohol,' if you're true to the aim of getting a muscular body.

The below factors along with their explanations describe the influence of alcohol upon the development of muscles and how does alcohol drive down this process:

1.Disrupting Protein Synthesis Process: Protein synthesis is a very important process of making proteins which involves amino acids as its main constituent. Alcohol intake can significantly slow down this process by as many as 20%. Considering the fact that our muscles are made up of proteins, alcohol consumption can be a huge drawback in this process.

2.Estrogen ... Testosterone Levels: Testosterone is a very important hormone that enhances muscles. Reduction in its level can be very costly in our effort to develop strong muscles. It is because testosterone is the most important entity which determines that what exactly the range of our muscles for expansion is. Moreover, estrogen level should always be on a lower side.

3.Shortage of water in body: Water plays an important part in the muscle building process. Research proves that about 70% of water makes up a muscle. Hence, even minor lack of fluids can be terrible. Alcohol can cause dehydration within the body so this is another bad impact of alcohol in the way to build muscle.

4.Vitamins and Minerals Presence in the Body: Vitamins A, B, C, calcium and phosphorous get drained out from the body due to alcohol intake. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body can be extremely harmful for the muscle building process as they are responsible for most of the processes to function.

5.Accumulate Fats in the Body: Alcohol intake is a huge obstacle in burning fats in the body by disturbing the Krebs's cycle. So, it should always be avoided under all circumstances especially by people looking to build muscles. - 17273

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Fat Reduction Plans That Work ... Why

By Joen Devenport

Lose Weight with a Sensible dieting and not a risky one.

1. If you are passive, choose a diet that foregrounds exercise.

2. If sweets are you`re downfall, consider the Carbohydrate freak diet.

3. If you are insulin-resistant and not |stout, consider the GO-diet.

4. If you have blood sugar or cholesterol problems, take the Dr. Atkins diet.

5. If you weight lift, watch for the Targeted Ketogenic or Cycling Ketogenic diets.

6. If you`re vegetarian and need a more rigorous diet, or possess liver or gallbladder troubles, try one of the low- fat diets.

7. If you`re just awaiting change to delight in simpler foods, try on a short-term fast (About 72 hours.)

8. If you ponder gorging high-sugar and fatty foods, examine the Unprocessed Food or Macrobiotics diets.

9. If you feel you cannot diet solely join a reputable weight-loss program like the Weight Watchers.

10. If you are in lookup of a spirituality-grounded program, break into the Weigh Down diet.

11. If you disfavor restrictive diets, (who does) go for Suzanne Somers' diet.

12. If you work on a low-carb diet but find it hard to surrender fruits and innumerate vegetables, try the Protein Index diet.

13. If you suffer from heart or blood pressure issues, eschew Ephedrine-containing diet pills.

14.If you have obesity-related health problems, ask your physician if you can profit from one of the weight-loss prescription drugs. If you are adamant to lose weight come hell or high water, then positive for you. Yet be careful on diet selection. No matter how great and enticing the spiel falls upon for a specific diet promotion - telling you it is the best on the food market is not good enough for you to jump in chief first and part with your money or your life. don't ever trust diets that assure fast fat loss without any feat. It will never happen as there will ever be a little play on your part needed regardless. - 17273

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Discover How to Determine Daily Calorie Needs to Rapid Muscle Gain

By Cecil Kelly

Nutrition is of prime importance in all muscle gain programs. To build lean muscle mass you need to consume enough good calories each day of the week. To find out exactly how much, use the formula given in this article.

Calculating the exact daily calorie needs is the first step in muscle building programs. Consuming more calories than necessary leads to accumulation of fat while consuming lesser calories than necessary leads to lesser development of muscles. Let us look at the 4-part formula:

1) Calculate lean muscle mass: Get hold of a skin caliper and measure your body fat percent. For example let us assume it comes to 10%. If your weight is 140 lbs, it means that you have 14 lbs (10% of 140) of fat mass. Now subtract it from total body mass to calculate your lean muscle mass. In this example it works out to 140-14 = 126 lbs.

2) Finding your resting metabolic rate: This is the number of calories you need to just keep yourself functioning. The formula to calculate resting metabolic rate is: RMR = Lean muscle mass x 10 + 500. In our example RMR comes to 126x10+500=1760 calories

3) Calculation of daily maintenance calorie intake: How many calories would you require to stay the same weight as you are now? Multiply your RMR by your Activity Index to find out. Activity index = 1.2 for sedentary lifestyles, 1.4 for moderate lifestyles and 1.6 for active lifestyles.

For example if you have a moderate lifestyle, you shall need (1760x1.4=) 2464 calories a day to weigh the same.

4) Positive calorie intake to gain muscle mass: To gain muscle not fat, you need to eat about 500 more calories per day than the number you have calculated in the previous step. If you are indeed gaining fat you should cut down your intake by 250 calories and see how it goes. While if you are not building muscle it is essential to consume 250 additional calories.

Try out your nutrition plan for two weeks before deciding whether to add or subtract calories. Work out with intensity and take adequate rest to put yourself firmly on the path to muscularity. - 17273

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