Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, February 16, 2009

Menopause and Weight Loss, Natural Remedies

By Ricardo d Argence

For many women, menopause is a challenging transition period after the child-bearing age. A woman's body stops causing egg follicles to mature every month in preparation for pregnancy,menopause occurs when female hormones naturally decline.

Regrettably, menopause may be very difficult for some women because it is often uncomfortable symptoms. These can include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, and irritability. Another frequent consequence of menopause is unexpected weight gain.

Occasionally, females who put on weight in menopause haven't altered their diet or workout regimen. This can be frustrating, prompting women to wonder what caused this sudden and unexpected weight gain. In other instances, increased weight is caused by eating to excess that is stimulated by hormones. Another cause of weight gain is the natural metabolic slow-down that happens as people age. This more sluggish metabolic rate signifies that extra calories or a diet that lacks balance will produce a much bigger impact on females in menopause.

Body fat and estrogen also have a unique complementary role. Body fat helps regulate the production of estrogen, the female hormone that declines dramatically in menopause. Sometimes, the body will fight to hold on to fat in an effort to stabilize estrogen levels. Hormones and body fat also interact with each other in complex was that affect weight gain through changes in appetite, digestion, and metabolism.

Instead of turning to prescription hormone therapy, which increases the risk of breast and reproductive cancers, there are a number of natural remedies women are increasingly using to fight weight gain and other symptoms of menopause. Some of these remedies include black cohosh and sage, to regulate hot flashes; evening primrose oil, widely used to relieve PMS during perimenopause and control moodiness in menopausal women; and St. John's Wort, a natural anti-depressant and stress alleviator.

The issue is that the majority of women feel they need nothing but these remedies in order to stop gaining weight and stave off the symptoms of menopause. Truthfully, maintaining a healthy diet and excercising regularly is the best way to reverse weight gain during menopause.

A more effective approach to maintaining a healthy hormone balance is through a natural approach of eating nutrient dense, whole foods rather than using herbal remedies. A lot of women believe that a healthy lifestyle is more beneficial, during an illness, than herbal remedies.

Eating a nutritious diet involves avoiding bad fats, and instead eating heart-healthy fats in moderation. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of the diet, supplemented by lean protein and dairy foods (or non-dairy foods that contain calcium). Avoid food alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine if these exacerbate your menopause symptoms, and of course, avoid fried or fatty foods, excess sugar, and junk in general.

Added 8 glasses of water a day for about half an hour several days a week exercise has potential, you can approach your significant weight loss, and even in the face of obstacles to menopause hormones. By stabilizing your hormones with a diet and excersize program, you will see relief from other menopause issues as well. - 17273

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Natural Remedies for Menopause and Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Menopause is a challenging time of transition from the reproductive years to the post-childbearing years for many women. A woman's body stops causing egg follicles to mature every month and female hormones naturally decline when menopause occurs.

Regrettably, menopause may be very difficult for some women because it is often uncomfortable symptoms. These can include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, and irritability. Another frequent consequence of menopause is unexpected weight gain.

Occasionally, females who put on weight in menopause haven't altered their diet or workout regimen. This can be frustrating, prompting women to wonder what caused this sudden and unexpected weight gain. In other instances, increased weight is caused by eating to excess that is stimulated by hormones. Another cause of weight gain is the natural metabolic slow-down that happens as people age. This more sluggish metabolic rate signifies that extra calories or a diet that lacks balance will produce a much bigger impact on females in menopause.

The fat in our body and estrogen also has a unique role in support. Body fat helps in shaping the production of estrogen, which declines dramatically in menopause. Sometimes, the body will fight to hold on to fat in an effort to stabilize estrogen levels. Hormones and body fat also exchange in the complex is that the impact of weight gain by changing the appetite, digestion and metabolism.

Not talking about prescription hormone therapy, thus increasing the risk of breast cancer and reproductive system cancers, there are some natural therapies for women to combat the increasing use of menopausal symptoms such as weight gain. Some of these remedies include black cohosh and sage, to regulate hot flashes; chasteberry, for moodiness and general hormonal imbalance; and evening primrose oil, widely used to relieve PMS during perimenopause and control moodiness in menopausal women.

The issue is that the majority of women feel they need nothing but these remedies in order to stop gaining weight and stave off the symptoms of menopause. Truthfully, maintaining a healthy diet and excercising regularly is the best way to reverse weight gain during menopause.

Regulating hormone balance naturally by eating a nutrient-dense, whole-foods diet is a far more effective approach than herbal remedies. While herbal remedies can help supplement a good diet and exercise plan, many women find that a healthy lifestyle will alleviate symptoms without the need to spend money on these supplements and herbal preparations.

Eating a nutritious diet involves avoiding bad fats, and instead eating heart-healthy fats in moderation. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of the diet, supplemented by lean protein and dairy foods (or non-dairy foods that contain calcium). Avoid food alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine if these exacerbate your menopause symptoms, and of course, avoid fried or fatty foods, excess sugar, and junk in general.

If you drink 8 cups of water daily and work out for approximately a half hour as many times as possible weekly, then you will be making progress towards losing a lot of weight, even if you're going through menopause. As you adopt a healthy diet and exercise plan that keeps your hormone levels on an even pace, you will see that the symptoms of menopause will lessen. - 17273

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The Final Word On Eating Meat

By Nate Rifkin

So should you be eating meat or not?

Here's the final answer: The human body was designed to eat certain kinds of food. And you can tell which kinds by looking at other animals.

Take, for instance, the characteristics of carnivores versus plant-eating creatures.


1. Have forward-facing eyes for hunting.

2. Need teeth sharp enough to tear into meat.

3. Have relatively small stomachs because meat is easy to digest.


1. Have sideways-facing eyes to watch out for predators.

2. Have many more blunt molar teeth for chewing tough plants.

3. Have larger stomachs to extract the nutrients from plants.

Now you can think to yourself: Are your eyes on the sides of your head or the front? Are your teeth dull and flat or do you have a bunch of sharp ones up front? Does your stomach take up most of your torso?

Face it: We were meant to eat meat. Now if you're a vegetarian for personal reasons, that's fine. Just don't go spreading the gospel that you're healthier as a result.

Are there studies showing vegetarianism as more healthy than eating meat? Yes. But that's almost certainly because restraining yourself from eating meat shows you have self-disclipline compared to the average person. And being more healthy than the average person is not exactly a big feat.

Take someone with the same self-discipline and allow them to eat meat, and you've got a whole other result.

Of course, make sure you're eating high-quality meat that isn't full of preservatives. I get meat from Whole Foods and I can assure you the natural stuff really does taste better. - 17273

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Achieving The Body You Want In 2009

By Nate Rifkin

Here are 5 secrets to help you get in shape this year:

1. Keep your goals PRIVATE.

If someone isn't as committed to their health or fitness, they might feel negative about you trying to do your best. And you might get some bad energy sent your way for trying to lose weight or get in shape. Don't let this happen.

2. Decide your reason for achieving this goal.

Since you've made a resolution to get in shape, think of your reasons why. This is more important than you realize. You need to figure out what personally motivates you and gets your juices flowing. Do you want to look better in the mirror, have more energy? Attract someone new into your life? Whatever the reason is, you must know.

3. Keep this reason in mind when things get tough.

Whenever you start slacking off after a few weeks or you just don't feel like putting the effort in anymore, recall your reason for making this goal. Set your sights on that and you can find the power to keep moving forward.

4. Get around likeminded people.

This means avoiding your friends who overeat if you want to clean up your diet. And getting around active people if you want to exercise more. Like it or not, its a lot harder to accomplish something alone.

5. If you stumble a bit, shrug it off.

Dont worry if you fall back into your old habits for a week. If you miss a couple workout sessions, dont waste time feeling bad. Just get started again and treat it as a learning experience. If you eat bad for a week or two, pouting won't do any good. Just laugh it off and get started again.

If you take advantage of these five secrets, 2009 WILL be the year you achieve the body of your dreams. - 17273

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Menopause and Weight Loss, Natural Remedies

By Ricardo d Argence

For many women, menopause is a challenging time of transition from the reproductive years to the post-childbearing years. Menopause occurs when female hormones naturally decline, and a woman's body stops causing egg follicles to mature every month in preparation for pregnancy.

Sadly, menopause may be hard for certain females since it frequently produces unpleasant side effects. These can include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, and irritability. Weight gain can be another common, but unexpected, symptom of menopause.

Sometimes women who gain weight during menopause haven't made any changes in their eating habits or exercise routine. This can be frustrating, prompting women to wonder what caused this sudden and unexpected weight gain. Other times, weight gain is a result of hormonally triggered overeating. Another cause of weight gain is the natural metabolic slow-down that happens as people age. This slower metabolism means excess calories or an unbalanced diet will have a far greater effect on menopausal women.

Estrogen and body fat work together in a unique way. Body fat helps regulate the production of estrogen, which declines dramatically in menopause. Sometimes, the body will fight to hold on to fat in an effort to stabilize estrogen levels. Hormones and the fat in body is linked together in complex which affect in gaining weight through changes in appetite, digestion, and metabolism.

Instead of turning to prescription hormone therapy, which increases the risk of breast and reproductive cancers, there are a number of natural remedies women are increasingly using to fight weight gain and other symptoms of menopause. Some of these remedies include black cohosh and sage, to regulate hot flashes; evening primrose oil, widely used to relieve PMS during perimenopause and control moodiness in menopausal women; and St. John's Wort, a natural anti-depressant and stress alleviator.

The issue is that the majority of women feel they need nothing but these remedies in order to stop gaining weight and stave off the symptoms of menopause. Truthfully, maintaining a healthy diet and excercising regularly is the best way to reverse weight gain during menopause.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet rich in whole-foods is more effective approach than using herbal remedies. There are many herbal remedies available to alleviate menopausal symptoms. However, many women find that healthy eating and exercise are enough, and they do not need to waste their money on such products.

Eating a nutritious diet involves avoiding bad fats, and instead eating heart-healthy fats in moderation. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of the diet, supplemented by lean protein and dairy foods (or non-dairy foods that contain calcium). Avoid food alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine if these exacerbate your menopause symptoms, and of course, avoid fried or fatty foods, excess sugar, and junk in general.

If you drink 8 cups of water daily and work out for approximately a half hour as many times as possible weekly, then you will be making progress towards losing a lot of weight, even if you're going through menopause. As you adopt a healthy diet and exercise plan that keeps your hormone levels on an even pace, you will see that the symptoms of menopause will lessen. - 17273

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Kids - Pains during Growth in Children

By Jan Maurer

Growing pain is part and parcel of the growing phase in a child's life. When the child stops growing so will the growing pain and when adolescence is reached, they disappear completely. Growing pain can occur between three to five years or eight to twelve years of age. Growing pains are usually experienced in the legs usually in the calves, in the area in front of thighs and behind the knees. The pain starts either in the afternoon or night, just before bedtime. The child can go to bed pain free, but can wake up in the middle of the night complaining of throbbing pain in the legs. But the good part is that these pains vanish by morning. About twenty five to forty percent of the children are known to experience growing pain.

Growing pains are experienced in the muscle region and not around the bones or joints. One of the major reasons of getting growing pains is because of the strenuous activities of the kids during the day. All the jumping around, running and climbing make the muscles tired. But no evidence has been collected which can establish that the growing pain is caused by bone growth. Growing pains are also known to be caused by spurt of growth. This happens because the tendons or the muscles are too tight and do not synchronize with the growing of the bones. As a results muscle spasms are caused which last for less than fifteen minutes.

And usually, growing pains do not get accompanied with redness, swelling or fever. The pain should be over by morning and if it is still persisting after the awakening of the kid, the problem could be related to something else and more serious.

If the pain is unbearable, the parent or caretaker should administer pain relieving medications which are acquirable over the counter such as Motrin or acetaminophen. Aspirin should not be given to children as they have a tendency to develop a very serious illness known as Reye Syndrome. Heating pads can be placed on the region that is hurting to assist the pain. Massage can also be given by the parent or the child can do stretching exercise to help the muscles relax. If the child develops fever, redness, swelling, tenderness, limitation in movement, or if the child limps while walking, the doctor should be approached. Before that the parent can do a little diagnosis of the intensity of the pain by feeling around the area and perceptive the pain experienced by the child. The pain shouldn't be so intense that the child is abstained from normal routine such as walking, running or playing.

The doctor conducts the diagnosis of exclusion to understand the problem. According to this diagnosis, it is not made until all the conditions are checked before considering growing pains. The doctor studies the child's medical history and conducts a physical examination. In some serious cases, the doctor advices to go for X-ray or blood test before the final decision is made.

The exercise need not be complex. Even if the pain subsides, the exercise should be continued so as to keep the tendons and muscles relaxed and to adjust with the growth spurt. Fluids, when taken in good quantity, decrease the cramping. For this reason, the child should be given tonic water or quinine before going to bed. - 17273

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Getting In Shape In 2009

By Nate Rifkin

Here are 5 secrets to help you get in shape this year:

1. Keep your goals to yourself.

If someone isn't as committed to their health or fitness, they might feel negative about you trying to do your best. And you might get some bad energy sent your way for trying to lose weight or get in shape. Don't let this happen.

2. Give your goal a reason.

If you want to drop 20 extra pounds, think about why. And dont think this is obvious stuff either. What you need to know is what personally motivates you and gets you emotionally involved. Is it because you want to look better? Have more energy? Attract a new mate? Re-attract and old one? Figure it out.

3. Keep this reason in mind when things get tough.

Whenever you feel like giving up or taking it easy after a couple months have gone by and your goals lose their luster, remember your reason for making the resolution in the first place. Focus on that and your fire will reignite

4. Get around others who support you.

It's important to be around others who will be just as active and healthy as you want to be. Friends who overeat and sit on the couch all day WILL drag you down.

5. If you screw up, don't worry about it.

If you eat a few too many unhealthy foods for a few days or skip a few workouts, it's not the end of the world. Just remember why you got started in the first place and keep making forward progress.

If you take advantage of these five secrets, 2009 WILL be the year you achieve the body of your dreams. - 17273

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Pregnancy Weight Gain, How Much Is Enough?

By Ricardo d Argence

Many women do not mind becoming pregnant, what they do mind is the weight gain they have to experience during the 9 months and a couple of extra months after the pregnancy. Gaining weight during pregnancy is a must, it helps give the embryo its vitamins and minerals to ensure a healthy growth pattern.

In years past weight gain was considered detrimental for the pregnant woman, but now it is accepted as a normal part of embryo development. Actually, the huge problem of pregnant women is, how much should they ideally put on weight while they are pregnant.

It is vital to both the mother and the baby that good food practices and light exercises are adhered to. There are certain percentages of weight that is distributed throughout a woman's body, the most percentage goes to the baby, some to the placenta, some goes to the breast tissues to develop milk, water, and other pregnancy fluids get a percentage also.

A good natural weight limit to set for pregnant women would be a minimum of 15 lbs for overweight women who become pregnant. For skinny women who become pregnant, if they gained 45 or 50 lbs it is still considered a good weight.

However, with the use of ultra sounds some women find out they are going to have more than one baby. In this case, it is natural for pregnant mother to gain even more than that, because there are now more vitamins and minerals that need to be divided between the embryo's. Women who do not gain weight tend to have troubles with the development of the embryo, and can cause trouble for the newborn baby, they tend to be sickly babies.

300 calories a day is what a pregnant woman should consume. Junk foods are not really good for pregnant women. Mothers who will be expecting children will most likely see some gain in their weight when pregnancy begins, yet they possibly will not experience a significant amount of weight gain until in a later stage.

If you gain too much weight than its tough for you to lose your weight. In order to not cause your baby some future troubles you should not eat salt while pregnant.

If a woman is overweight while she is pregnant she will most likely have higher blood pressure readings and be at a risk for gestational diabetes along with many other issues. They also increase the chances of having a miscarriage.

Light exercises and maybe some swimming can be done while a mother is pregnant, however, they should always ask their doctors advice before doing anything. Swimming is a great way to burn calories; also, you may take short walks, or do some special exercises that the pediatrician has instructed to help the pregnancy develop properly.

Never forget that proper diet and exercise is important to facilitate healthy growth. - 17273

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Six-Pack Abs Just Via Your Kitchen With Only Four Simple Steps

By Rob Molloy

Before we look at the four steps you can take in order to get six-pack abs, we need to realize that no matter how much training you do, and no matter hard your six-pack is, if it's hidden away behind a layer of belly fat, nobody will be able to see it. Although this may sound a little strange at first, there are in fact 4 ways to get six-pack abs from the kitchen. If you give it a little thought, it really does make sense because as I've already pointed out, unless you shed your belly fat, those abs you just not going to be visible.

Going back to that phrase, 'six pack abs are made in the kitchen', the key to getting there is going to be through diet and a lot of hard work. To get to a point where six pack abs can be seen you need to have a very low body fat percentage. Your body fat needs to be less than 10% for men and 14% for women. This isn't going to happen for many of us unless we make some serious changes in the way we eat.

The best way to burn fat is to put yourself into a calorie deficit. That means that we need to be using more calories than we eat. There are about 3500 calories per pound of fat. If you want to lose one pound of fat (3500 calories) per week you need to have a calorie deficit of 500 per day. You need to be eating 500 less calories than you burn. To lose weight you need to be eating less than what your body needs. That way it will start dipping into your food reserves. Working out is going to be the best way for you to use up that energy.

Here are 4 things that you can do in the kitchen to put you in that calories deficit and make it more likely for you to have your six pack abs revealed.

1. Carbohydrates are a source of fuel for the human body. Likewise, your body will always use the carbs you're providing it with before turning to its fat reserves so the less carbs you provide your body with; the sooner it will start burning fat. The disadvantage of this method though, is that for those trying to build muscle; carbs are a very important and much needed source of energy. However, if your goal is to lose weight, then cutting back on carbs is highly effective.

2. Eat more protein. The hardest thing about dieting is that your body has to do away with a lot of the fuel it needs for muscle growth and a very common thing that happens when people diet is that not only do they lose fat, they will lose muscle. Make sure that any major cuts you make in carbohydrates be replaced with protein. Still keep in mind that you need to be putting yourself at a calorie deficit so remember to eat less than your body can use in a day. Normally when you are trying to build muscle you should be having about 20-30% of your diet come from protein but doing this protein needs to be about 40% of your diet.

3. Most people nowadays are aware of the fact that there are good fats and bad fats. Good fats actually play a part in increasing your metabolic rate which then in turn increases the rate at which your body burns fat. These good fats are not stored for future energy requirements and are essential in a healthy diet. Bad fats on the other hand can be used for energy so the body tends to store them for later use, in form of body fat. Everyone should be cutting out as much bad fat as possible from their diets, but if you're on a diet, then it's essential that you do and also that you increase your intake of good fats.

4. Considering that the human body is approximately 70% water, it makes sense that it requires abundant water in order to operate effectively. Deprive your body of water and you can be rest assured, it will be storing water away when you do give it some. However, if you drink enough water to meet your body's demand, not only will you be helping to clean your system out but you'll not be giving your body any reason to store water. Additionally those on diet can benefit from the fact that drinking plenty of water allows you to feel full. - 17273

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More Reasons To Exercise And Stay Healthy

By Jimm Goodspel

If you think exercising isn't important think again. There are many reasons you should exercise. The obvious reason you should exercise is to maintain a healthy weight. Exercise is the biggest contributor to fat loss. If you are burning more calories than you consume you'll lose weight. Beyond weight loss there are several other reasons to exercise.

You should be exercising to avoid disease. The odds of developing diseases such as heart disease and diabetes have been proven to decrease when you exercise. Exercise can also decrease your levels of HDL cholesterol, triglyceride levels and your blood pressure. If you are at risk for a stroke exercising will decrease that risk dramatically.

Trend diets and diet pills have deceived many people into thinking that they can lose weight without exercising. As we mentioned before, you have to burn more calories than you take in. Though a proper diet is good for you, dieting alone won't lead to weight loss and there is no magic diet pill. The truth is, no pill or diet can substitute for exercise.

Feeling depressed? Instead of popping a pill; try exercising. Routine exercise releases more endorphins into the nervous system which translates into decreased depression.

In addition to increased endorphin levels, serotonin levels also increase both during and after a workout. Serotonin is associated with feelings of well being and decreased mental depression. Exercising also increases energy. Increased energy can help you be more productive at home and at work.

Maybe your self esteem could use a boost. Routine exercise can help you feel better about yourself in short period of time. If you are exercising and losing weight you will feel more confident about your looks. This new confidence will ultimately boost your self esteem.

Beginning an exercise routine doesn't have to be a daunting task. Find exercises that you enjoy and stick with it. You'll be glad you did, and you may even find that you like it and it becomes a regular part of your lifestyle. When that happens, you know you are on the right track. - 17273

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Products to Lose Weight During Menopause

By Ricardo d Argence

One of the many unpleasant side-effects of menopause is weight gain during this period in a woman's life. This weight increase is not expected and may occur even in women who have not changed their diet or slowed activity.

As you might imagine, there are a lot of weight loss products aimed at menopausal women. But are these products really worth it? Let's take a look into a variety of products and their strengths and weaknesses, the mechanism for weight gain during menopause, as well as risks related to overweight in the menopause.

There are number of reasons for weight gain during menopause. One is slowed and inefficient digestion that is a consequence of getting older. This keeps food in the digestive tract longer, ensuring that you absorb more nutrients, including fat and calories, from your food.

The hormonal changes of menopause, principally decreased estrogen levels, also cause weight gain. This is because estrogen and fat production are linked, fat cells help regulate estrogen production. When estrogen levels decrease in menopause, the body may try to hold on to as much fat as possible to counteract this drop in hormone levels. Hormones and body fat work together in an intricate biofeedback loop that affects appetite, metabolism, and fat storage.

The risks of weight gain are amplified for menopausal women. Being overweight at any stage of life carries risks, like increased risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast and reproductive cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. Since estrogen is a protective factor against cardiovascular disease, risk of heart disease increases when estrogen levels drop, even when menopausal women don't gain weight. For women who are overweight after menopause, the risks of these health problems are compounded.

Can I use menopausal weight loss to prevent further weight gain during menopause? Let's check some of these products:

Estrin-D: A number of metabolism-increasing stimulants,this product contains. These are xanthine (caffeine) derived formulations like yerba matte, caffeine, and guarana, along with some other innocuous herbal ingredients. This product does increase the metabloic rate, which makes it fall under the category of a stimulant. There are risks associated with stimulants. Tachycardia, high blood pressure, feeling of 'edginess' and excessive perspiration are caused due to high levels of caffeine and other stimulants in this formula. Caffeine is also thought to contribute to hot flashes during menopause. Taking these points into consideration, you will find that Edstrin-D is not a perfect weight loss choice.

Zalestra: Zalestra includes a far safer array of herbal ingredients that are designed to create a more gentle increase in metabolism, while treating some of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. This product does not have the negative health risks of caffeine-containing products.

Estrolean: This product is similar to Zalestra, with a low amount of thermogenic ingredients. It does contain natural estrogen, which is thought to help control some of the hormonal imbalances that often accompany menopausal weight gain.

While some of these preparations may have benefit in reducing menopausal symptoms, they will not cause you to lose weight without eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. At best, they might help a little with weight loss, and at worst they can have dangerous and unpleasant side effects.

Eating healthy during menapause will help you from putting on the pounds. A wholesome diet includes vegetables, fruits, lean proteins in addition to rich nutrients that include vitamin D, calcium and omega-3 fats. It is the best way to lose weight during menopause. - 17273

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The 3 Day Diet Is It Right For You

By Cathy M

The 3 Day Diet dates back to 1985 and today can be found all over the Internet and on book store shelves. The three day diet and its variants promise quick weight loss, a cleansing of the system, lower cholesterol and increased energy all through a specific metabolic reaction that no version of the diet has ever explained.

The diet goes on for three days and then off for four or five with lots of specific and cryptic steps so that when it fails to lose the required weight the dieter can be held responsible for doing something wrong.

First day breakfast includes coffee (no sugar), one half a grapefruit, and a piece of toast with one tablespoon peanut butter. For lunch, you are to eat a can of tuna, a slice of toast, and black coffee. Dinner consists of 3 ounces of chicken or lean meat, one cup of green beans, one cup of carrots, one apple, and one cup of regular vanilla ice cream.

The other two days of the three day diet are pretty similar in meal quantity, though the specifics change, for example Day 2 recommends two beef franks for dinner in place of three ounces of lean meat. The diet crows that weight loss of 10 pounds is achievable over the 3 days that the diet lasts.

Hogwash is the answer. The issue is what is a specific reaction to that claim? As stated the metabolic reaction has never been examined much less proven. Any weight loss would be mostly water loss due to a lack of carbohydrates in the body which help the body to hold the water that we all need. At the end of the day this can lead to dehydration which is not desirable for our bodies to function correctly.

Because of binge eating after such starvation and because most of the weight lost is from water, the weight will rapidly return after the three days. Deprive the body of water in three day cycles enough times and a person could develop kidney damage, dehydration, or a host of other dangerous conditions.

The three day diet should really be treated as a no day diet. In other words, don't do it unless you wish to suffer many other conditions that could possibly be caused by over use of this diet. - 17273

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