Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Be Healthier and Lose Weight Quicker With PureCleanse Edge

By David Louise

The source of many illnesses and disease can be the colon as it begins to age.

The colon is a vital part of our body that keeps us healthy and eliminates the harmful wastes that we consume each day.

It also makes sure we get enough nutrition to live each and every day.

However, when it is filled with bacteria, toxins and more, there are many poor effects that can occur for us in the long-term.

Some of the other short term effects that can occur are a lack of energy, bloating and a loss of motivation as well as constipation.

To insure that it stays healthy and clean, a supplement like PureCleanse Edge can allow you to feel better and live more healthily.

PureCleanse Edge can keep your body clean and is a natural way to eliminate waste in your colon so that you will look better and not bloated.

PureCleanse Edge was formulated to insure a gentle cleansing so there is no need to worry about side effects.

It works in a natural way using clinically proven ingredients to truly help you.

A clinical trial that was done showed that participants who used PureCleanse Edge featured 12.5 to 15 pound weight loss versus a placebo group that only achieved 3 to 3.5 pounds weight loss. This means that PureCleanse Edge helps you lose weight at a 450% better rate!

If you are interested in living a healthier life and losing some weight, definitely check out PureCleanse Edge today. At the time of writing, a free trial is available so that you can check out its great benefits for yourself without paying a dime! - 17273

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Healthy Eating is 100% Fat-Unfriendly

By Thong M. Dao

It's challenging to find anyone today that is not worried about their health and weight. Many people lead an unhealthy lifestyle, making it nearly out of the question to remain fit and thin. Often we find ourselves eating out or on the run.

While at our own homes we could be consuming unhealthy foods and high-sugar junk foods instead of the proper healthy snacks. Is it possible to lose weight naturally, stay healthy and break this cycle? Yes, there is.

One of the initial actions that individuals need to do when they want to lose those pounds is to change some of their habits. This can be very difficult, particularly if you have been eating in a particular way for some time.

Sugar, aspartame, caffeine and bad carbohydrates are just some of the bad things that many individuals are addicted to. It can be really hard to stop these addictions but it is the very best way for you to really have a hold on your fitness. If you're having a particularly tough time, try going cold turkey for a few days in order to end the bad cycle.

Once you are free of the poor eating habits, you must incorporate healthy ones. Although it is not necessary for you to eat perfectly all the time, you must make sure that you stick with a nutritious eating program for at least a month.

Why is this the case? This is because of the time it takes you to get used to this habit. If you follow a diet that is both healthy and balanced for one month, it will become your regular way of eating.

Make sure that you are eating the right foods. Try to stay low on the glycemic indicator to control your healthy sugar level.

You should be sure to eat a lot of raw fruits and vegetables each day. Above all, make sure that you drink a lot of water during the day with a pinch of salt from the sea. It does take some drive on your part but that effort will be obvious as you see your health and slim figure return. - 17273

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The 300 Movie Fat Loss Workout for Men & Women

By john foxtruffy

The workout that was made for 300 the movie is the big talk of the fitness industry. It has helped many actors achieve themselves to be ripped fully head to toe, by using weight loss and calorie burning.

The 300 workout is incredible, having been featured On ESPN, and Mens Health. Everyone is always looking for the 300 workout on the internet. So heres the mini version of the workout made for the average man and women

Exactly how the original 300 Workout goes, not easy.

a) Pull ups - 25 reps b) Dead lifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c) Push ups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps f) 1-arm Clean & Press with 36lbs Kettle bell - 50 reps g) Pull ups - 25 reps

There is no schedule for resting between these exercises. Though, eventually you'll end up slowing down. I went, tried this workout the other week and luckily managed to get it done in about 23 minutes. Try the 300 workout for yourself.

Luckily, this workout can easily be changed if you like. Exercises can be subbed in, and can drop the number of repetitions down to 200, 150, or 100 - still being that total body challenge.

Example, you might do a 200 rep workout - this is great for men with moderate fitness.

5 Chin ups 20 prisoner squats 20 pushups 100 Jumping Jacks 30 Bicycle Crunches 10 decline pushups 15 body weight inverted rows

Optionally, you can do 100 reps of jumping rope to finish off the 300 total reps.

150 rep workout-great for women at an intermediate fitness level.

5 Body weight Inverted Rows 10 Bodyweight Sumo Squats 15 bodyweight squats 15 Push ups (doing as many regular push ups, followed by kneeling) 50 jumping jacks 10 spider man climbs 20 reverse lunges 25 bicycle crunches

Add in the 50 rope skips for a total of 200 reps " or if you want 150 skips for a total of 300 repetitions.

Tough on you, but fair and gets the job done. So now you can do your own version of the 300 workout and build your own chiseled body. Don't train like this every day. Use one of these workouts once every month as an extra challenge.

For your regular workouts, continue the Turbulence Training workout for men and women. You'll greatly boost your metabolism, burn fat, and maximize your fitness so that you can be ready for your own 300 test. - 17273

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35 Reasons to add Acai berries to your diet today

By M Taylor

1. Acai has a protein content which is higher, ounce for ounce than that of eggs. Protein is an essential part of our bodies, comprising a large part of our organs and tissues, as well as skin, hair and nails. Acai proves to be a great source of protein for the body.

2. Acai helps the body to detoxify - something for which it has been used for centuries.

3. Acai has a high mineral and amino acid content, which supports muscle function and aids in recovery after your workout.

4. Acai's lipid content boosts your energy level - whether you play sports or just have a busy life, acai has the extra energy you need.

5. Acai helps to keep your stress level under control.

6. Acai is good for sexual health. The antioxidants in the acai berry and its anti-inflammatory properties can improve fertility by reducing stress and countering the actions of pollutants and free radicals on your body.

7. The high nutritional content of acai includes the vitamins and minerals your immune system needs to fight off disease.

8.Acai's antioxidant content can reduce the effects of aging by protecting your cells from free radicals.

9. Acai's antioxidants can also help to prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, or enlarged prostate).

10. The high calcium content of the acai berry helps improve bone health, preventing fractures and osteoporosis. Acai does a body good!

11. Acai's calcium content also helps to reduce menstrual pain - acai juice is especially beneficial to women.

12. Acai contains polyphenois (a heart-healthy antioxidant), the anthocynanin 3-glucoside, which helps endothelial cells to produce more nitric oxide - which improves blood flow and reduces stress on your heart. These ingredients make acai a great nutritional choice for heart health.

13. Acai's essential fatty acid content helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, while boosting HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

14. The sterols found in acai can reduce blood pressure; and it's anthocynanins protect your circulatory system throughout your body.

15. Acai can help to prevent retinopathy in diabetics, which can lead to blindness. Acai strengthens capillaries to prevent eye damage and also helps maintain proper glucose and lipid levels. Acai is a low glycemic index food which is very good for diabetics.

16. The fact that acai is a low GI food means that it can regulate appetite, making it a great choice for those trying to lose weight.

17. Acai boosts immune function - the Journal of Sports Medicine recently published a study showing that the beta-sitoserol content in acai regulates lymphocyte function and counteracts immune suppression.

18. Acai also helps your immune system by preventing damage to cells through its antioxidant properties.

19. The Acai berry has anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties.

20. Acai has anti-mutagenic properties; it can prevent DNA damage from mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds.

21. The high fiber content of acai supports healthy digestive function.

22. Acai can help treat acid reflux disease (GERD). The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in acai can help to repair the damage done by GERD and can also reduce stomach acidity.

23. Acai can even help to heal ulcers, since it can kill H. pylori, an ulcer-causing bacteria.

24. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties help to control the symptoms of Chron's disease.

25. Acai helps keep your skin looking smoother and more youthful - acai's anthocyanins and phytosterols protect skin and connective tissues like collagen from wrinkles and damage.

26. Acai is rich in antioxidants, which lowers risk of some types of cancers, including stomach, lung, skin and breast cancers.

27. Acai's anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce arthritis pain.

28. Acai's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties have been shown to improve the symptoms of asthma.

29. A 2004 Archives of Neurology study found that a diet containing ample vitamin E and vitamin C lowers the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Acai contains a significant amount of both vitamins.

30. Acai contains the vitamin C and beta carotene your eyes need for proper function; vitamins which also help to prevent macular degeneration in diabetics.

31. Acai is also great for your teeth and gums. The high calcium content of acai helps keep your teeth stronger and whiter, while fighting gingivitis and other gun diseases.

32. The omega-3 fatty acids in acai help maintain mental clarity and alertness.

33. Acai contains the B vitamins you need to get more restful sleep, lower your stress level and produce essential neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

34. Acai Promotes overall good health and wellness.

35. Acai might not be the cure to disease, but by supplying your body with all of the nutrition it needs, it helps your body to heal itself. - 17273

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The Foundation Of Protein Supplements: Protein Sources

By Henrick Scofers

Protein is a nutrient which is essential to the body, particularly for the muscle tissues. Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of about .3 grams for every pound of body weight. Bodybuilders and other athletes, however, require more protein in their diets to encourage muscle growth and to nourish their bodies to handle the demands of their workouts. These people should get about 1.25 grams/day for each pound of body weight.

It's not only how much protein you get though; it's also where it comes from that matters. While most of us get all the protein we need from our diets, athletes often need supplements to provide them with enough of this important nutrient. The protein used in protein supplements is nearly always from the same four sources. Each is used differently by the body and are more or less suitable for different individuals.

The four protein sources common in protein supplements are whey, soy, casein and egg. While some protein supplements are made from just one source, most often there will be protein from two of these sources in a given protein supplement.

Whey protein comes from milk and is the most common of these four sources used to produce protein supplements. This protein contains essential amino acids (those which we cannot produce ourselves and must take in through dietary sources) and nonessential amino acids. Except for people who are allergic to milk or have lactose intolerance (who should avoid whey protein), this is a great source of protein which is readily digested. Concentrated whey contains 30%-85% protein and is inexpensive, making it a common ingredient in protein supplements. Whey protein isolates contain around 90% protein by weight, but are far more costly. Whey protein helps improve immune function and speeds muscle recovery in addition to being a good source.

Soy protein comes from soy flour. It is the most complete vegetable protein. It comes in concentrate, isolate and like whey. The isolate form is higher in protein content and more expensive. Soy protein is easy to digest and the perfect option for people who have milk allergies or are lactose intolerant. However, people with soy allergies can not tolerate this type of protein. Soy protein can be added easily to food to increase the nutritional value and can help to lower cholesterol.

Egg protein is often mentioned as being the best protein supplements. This protein comes from egg whites and is quickly and completely digestible. Containing all of the essential amino acids, it's also a popular ingredient in protein supplements. However, there are those who are allergic to eggs and should not use protein supplements containing egg protein.

Casein protein comes from milk, but unlike whey it is slow to digest. It is slow acting and therefore often used in combination with faster acting proteins. It works well meals prior to workouts. It also is a great choice to take just before bed.

Read the labels of those protein supplements to make sure you're purchasing one that you'll tolerate and will give you the protein you need for your exercise regimen. Keep the qualities of each protein source in mind as you choose protein supplements. - 17273

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The Good And Bad Sides Of Atkins Diet

By Shay Liffkinn

The Atkins diet is a famous low carbohydrate diet and is most often used by the people today. Today there are many more diets on the market which are based on the same principle. The idea is to eat much protein and less carbohydrates, so that fish in any form is the main ingredient.

Scientific surveys have shown the advantages of a low-carb nutrition. Their results show that the loss of weight is significant when eating low carb; and you don?t even have to reduce your calories. Many people eating high protein reported this experience as well. Furthermore such a diet improves triglycerides, reduces blood glucose for diabetics and pre-diabetics and increases good cholesterol (HDL). The studies mentioned before also showed that it improves insulin sensitivity, decrease blood pressure and lower blood insulin levels. Less muscle mass is lost during this form of diet than it is when eating low fat.

Low-carb dieters report further benefits which are not yet scientifically proven. They notice an increase in energy, improved concentration as well as a decreased desire for sweets. Furthermore the mood is better and their condition less depressive.

However, some benefits are only reported by people living on Atkins principles. These people really enjoy eating those foods and meals which not allowed in a low-fat diet. They do not have to do without their favourite meals. Steak and butter, cream and cake is allowed again and not forbidden in Atkins diet. The dieters are very encouraged to eat rich meals with many calories and fat.

Another benefit of Atkins diet is its simple usage. In comparison to other low-carb diets you only need to know a few basic food carbohydrate counts and after that you only need to stick to a large list of acceptable food.

The most important principle stated by Dr. Atkins is about finding your own personal carbohydrate level. This level influences your personal tolerance of food with high carbohydrate. Some people easily gain weight and eat only 90 grams of carb a day. Other people can eat much more and do not gain as much weight. At the beginning of your diet you need to find your level which will determine your carbohydrate goal for life.

Dr. Atkins diet is popular and well-known. There are many books, online texts and online groups available and it is easy for you to inform yourself. But there are not only advocates for Atkins diet. Many people have a quite bad opinion on it and many misconceptions are underway. Don?t be surprised if you will find yourself defending your new form of diet against its enemies.

There are two minimal disadvantages of Atkins diet to be mentioned here. Since you have to count everything you eat with regard to your carbohydrate level, you need a lot of patience. Another difficult phase to get through is the Induction. It is a big change for your body from a normal diet, which centers on sugars and carbs, to Atkins diet. Induction is a rather bad feeling and many people quit before their body actually gets used to the new way of eating.

In the first week of the diet some people also experience the so called carb crash. The body reacts to the unusual food: Ketosis occurs when the organism is running in fat instead of carbs. This reaction does not last long but many people cannot face it and give up.

Nevertheless Atkins diet is very popular because it really works as thousands of people can confirm. So don?t think too long but start today! - 17273

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