Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Is There Caffeine In Wu Yi Tea?

By Jared Rothe

Let's face it: caffeine has suffered a bad rap. In the 1970's and '80's it was earmarked as a potential contributor to coronary disease and atherosclerosis, spurring a new industry: decaffeination. No longer could the consumer simply ask for a cup of coffee or tea after their leisurely restaurant meal - no! Now one must choose: high-rev; full caf; half-caf; decaf; or a wide range of herbals and flavored versions of our staple coffees and teas.

Wu Yi tea is a beverage many have been enjoying recently. It is a caffeinated drink that is full of flavor from its leaves. These plants are natural and conain the chemical compound that is cultivated and harvested into a rich delicious drink.

Wu Yi tea contains a lot of benefits that should be recognized. Tea is very high in antioxidants which lower cholesterol, reduce stress, and improve brain functioning. It also helps improve digesting and reduces the occurrence of osteoporosis.

Antioxidants also help to fight off harmful free radicals which cause aging to your body and damage your immune system. By drinking Wu Yi Tea it helps to improve your skin, hair, organs, and bones giving them the nutrients necessary to fight against the free radicals. These antioxidants also work together to protect cellular and metabolic levels of your body to promote and maintain healthy weight.

Lowered blood pressure: Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, places excessive stress on the arterial and veinous wall tissue and is a major contributing factor to developing atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. The process damages the cellular matter that forms the millions of tiny spaghetti that forms our circulatory system and forces the heart to work harder to circulate blood throughout the body. Green teas, such as Wu Yi Tea, reduce inflammation and swelling of the vein tissues, help the body to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and stave off the onset of cardiovascular disease.

Caffeine will help you going throughout the day. It fights off fatigue and sleepiness. Wu Yi tea contains around (200 mg/L per 20 + fluid ounces), so toxic overdose levels aren't likely. Around 90% of us indulge in caffeine regularly to help us sharpen up throughout the day to maintain the focus we need. - 17273

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The Top Six Tips on the Best Way to Lose Weight

By Titania Cole

They say there is no one single best way to lose weight. Some strategies though come closer to ensuring weight loss than others. One of the best ways to effectively shed pounds is to eat. You read that right. There are ways and means to not get fat and still eat what you want.

Meal Planning

It is not really the food that is at fault for your weight. The real problem is how and when you eat your food. Indiscriminate eating can do you in. The solution therefore is to not be liberal with your food choices and schedules. You need to plan your meals everyday to ensure that you dont eat too much of something. You can keep a special food calendar intended only to keep track of what and when you eat.

Calorie Counting

This is as old as the concept of dieting itself. Some people though take calorie counting for granted. If you feel that it is too much of a chore to count calories, you can use any of the free online counters to help you out. Typical counters help you figure out how much you are burning in various activities and how many calories you should be ingesting based on your personal details.

Portion Control

Eating wont be the best way to lose weight without portion control. This simply means that you can even eat foods with carbohydrates and fat as long as you make sure that you eat within your limits. Aside from dividing food types into appropriate portions, you should also make sure that you eat your portions at the right time. You should never skip breakfast. It is also a good idea to divide your daily meals into five instead of three. This will help ensure that you dont go too hungry in between meals.

Water Rationing

Drinking water has a lot of advantages. This time, dieting experts recommend that you drink at least eight glasses of water a day to help you lose weight. Water can help ensure proper digestion and plays a role in fat metabolism. Moreover, water can contribute to efficient waste disposal.

Regular Exercise

Proper diet should always be coupled with regular exercise. You may already be able to lose weight through meal planning and portion control. You will however improve your chances of achieving sustainable weight loss if you make exercise a habit too. Add muscle enhancing exercises to your aerobic routine and you will also promote better muscle tone.

Food Diary

Another helpful technique to help you lose weight is to keep a food diary. This is especially if you are still starting out with your program. A diary will not just help you take note of what you put into your body. It can also help motivate you to do better and to stick to your diet plan.

Who would have thought that eating can be the best way to lose weight? The sooner you realize that food is not your enemy, the closer you are to healthy and effective long term weight loss. - 17273

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Advanced Wellness Research Acai Berry Offers Information

By Linda Kemp

Are you interested in having an edge in your next athletic competition? If so, you likely have tried many different supplements, with differing effects. Many so-called supplements are actually banned substances that can do irreparable harm to your body and can cut your athletic career short. And other supplements are basically just vitamins and minerals that are sure to help a bit, but not do anything remarkable. However, if you have seen the ads for the acai berry, you are probably curious about whether this wonder food can help you. In short, this berry is actually a very smart supplement for anyone involved in athletics or who just likes to exercise and has the power to help you get more out of your body.

Unlike other supplements that are either dangerous or ineffective, Pure Acai Berry has a special combination of nutrients that are extremely effective in promoting better stamina and energy. In Brazil, where these berries grow native, people have been using these berries in order to perform better in competitions and in order to have more energy for thousands of years. You can think of this berry in a similar way to an energy drink- a great way to replenish lost energy stores, to get extra energy before an especially challenging event, and a way to stock up on nutrients that keep your body running at its ultimate level.

Acai berry's great energy boosting ability comes from many sources, but most noticeably from its omega fatty acids and its almost complete proteins. The omega fatty acids are the good kind of fats that both provide energy and are protective of the heart and cardiovascular system. And, with an almost complete set of essential amino acids, this supplement is able to help you build muscle and repair muscle fibers after a hard workout. This is essential to keeping in top form and to doing your best in any type of competition or workout.

Pure Acai Berry has other properties that make it more beneficial than just a protein shake or an omega fatty acid supplement. For instance, the large concentration of vitamins and minerals, including potassium and calcium are very important to keeping the body in great working order and allowing it to function at its best. And the extremely high antioxidant concentration allows you to neutralize free radicals in your body to avoid dangerous cell changes. Considering that many athletes need to eat many more calories than the average person and eating is one of the primary reasons for the formation of free radicals, getting enough antioxidants is especially important!

Best of all, acai berry seems to have the effect of helping the people taking it to feel much more energetic throughout the day. This seems to be from a combination of all of the nutrients found within the berry and affects athletes and people who need extra energy for hard days at work equally. For people who are just looking for something to help give them enough energy to feel like working out after work, this is a good supplement and can help you get into a healthy routine that makes you feel great.

If using the acai berry to enhance your workout routine sounds like a great idea, just make sure you use Pure Acai Berry- the only completely pure and concentrated form of this supplement out there. You can even enjoy a free trial offer in order to see just how much of a difference it can make in your energy levels and stamina. - 17273

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Healthy Grocery Shopping

By George B. Siba

Your grocery store is a great place to find both healthy, nutritious foods and the less healthy junk foods. Part of eating right is learning how to shop. This article will give you ideas to help you choose foods that have the best nutritional qualities as you wander the local grocery store.

There are some strategies that can help you make your shopping trips to the grocery store healthier. You will not have a healthy dinner table without first stocking your kitchen with the best foods.

Always make a detailed shopping list before going to the grocery store. This will keep you focused; a carefully thought out grocery list keeps you from succumbing to the temptation of junk foods. Keep a notepad in the kitchen. Write down things as you think of them, when it comes time to go shopping you will have your list ready.

Reading labels is an important expertise for any healthy eater. Nutritional labels supply information on the percentage of vitamins and minerals, the amount of calories, number of at grams, percentage of total fat and amount of fiber your foods contain.

Go to the produce section of your grocery store first. Start your shopping by filling your food basket with fruits and vegetables. This will leave less room for junk foods and get you started out right.

Pick naturally lower fat alternatives to high fat, high sugar snacks. Buying smaller package sizes will help you enjoy sweets while limiting calories. Watch out for extra sugar content, it is always a good idea to check labels for this. It can be a concern with low fat baked produce. Some manufacturers of low fat foods pack their low fat baked goods with extra sugar.

Honey and stevia are healthy sweeteners. Stevia is extremely sweet and noncaloric. Stevia is a notable herb, native to Paraguay, it has been used as a sweetener for centuries. Honey is mostly the sugars fructose and glucose; honey contains insignificant amounts of several vitamins and minerals and tiny amounts of several compounds thought to work as antioxidants, including, vitamin C, chrysin, pinobanksin, catalase, and pinocembrin.

Generally, the less healthy, sugar loaded cereals are at kids height, the healthier products are on the top shelves. Some breakfast cereals have enriched white flour and high fructose corn syrup which isn't as good as whole wheat and honey. High fructose corn syrup is bad for you, dont eat it. It is important to read the labels to make sure you are getting something you should be putting in your body.

This is the tip you always hear, never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Hungry shoppers make unhealthy choices that will be around long after your hunger has gone. - 17273

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Erythritol: What Is It?

By Scott Davis

If you have tried other sugar substitutes and didn't like them you now have another choice. Erythritol is a sugar substitute but unlike sucralose and aspartame which are made from a chemical process, erythritol is a natural sugar alcohol. Erythritol isn't something new. It has been used in Japan since the 1980s. The USDA approved erythritol for use in the United States in 1990 after it passed their detailed reviews.

Erythritol occurs naturally in several different kinds of fruit, including pears, grapes, and melons. It is also present in some types of mushrooms and in foods that have a fermentation process like wines, beers and cheeses. It is estimated that during the course of a normal day, everyone will eat something that contains at least a small amount of erythritol, up to a max of around 100 mg.

Erythritol is produced by taking a carbohydrate such as sucrose or dextrose, mixing it with water, and then fermenting it with a natural culture. The process is similar to the way yogurt is made. Erythritol is technically referred to as a polyol, or sugar alcohol but it is also very different from other sugar alcohols. That because it has zero calories and none of the laxative-type effects that are associated with these other alcohols.

Many of the artificial sweeteners for sale today are many times sweeter than regular sugar. With erythritol the opposite is true. Erythritol tends to only be about seventy percent as sweet as regular sugar. If you use erythritol as your sweetener, you will need to add a little bit more than what you are accustomed to using. It should be noted though; some manufacturers add some additional natural sweeteners to their erythritol to compensate for the difference in sweetness. Always check with the manufacturer to see what they recommend.

The biggest difference between erythritol and other sweeteners, artificial and otherwise, is that it has zero effect on the glycemic index. That is sure to make it a hit with diabetics because both glucose and insulin levels will remain unaffected after use. In research tests, it was also highly tolerated, up to one gram for each kilogram of body weight.

Erythritol has some other benefits as well. It is absorbed into the bloodstream and then secreted in the urine. Studies have shown that ninety-percent of it is excreted from the body in urine within twenty-four hours. Because it moves quickly through the small intestine and not slowly like other sugar alcohols, there is much less chance of erythritol having the same laxative effects many people experience with sugar alcohols, such as isomalt, maltitol or xylitol. It also does not mix with acids in the mouth to cause tooth decay.

It is hard to find erythritol in supermarkets, but it can be ordered by many health food stores and is available on the internet. It comes in both powdered, granulated, and liquid forms. It is popular in baking, especially where other sweeteners just don't cut it, like with chocolate. The only reason you don't see erythritol on the contents labels of more reduced-calorie foods is that it is expensive to make. - 17273

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Why is Mangosteen so Healthy?

By Paul Saberhagen

In the Sundra Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia, an 80-foot tropical evergreen tree has grown for thousands of years... At least that is where researchers say the Mangosteen tree most likely originated. This tree produces a an edible fruit that is sometimes very sweet and other times a bit tangy, but it's always full of healthy nutrients. It has an outer skin that is usually pretty tough, but softens up as the fruit ripens. It is purple in color and about the size of a tangerine, and more recently, the mangosteen has been categorized as an official 'super Fruit.'

'Superfruits' are becoming more and more common each day. New fruits are being found in many countries and are now being cultivated in some of our states. Mangosteen's unique nutrients allow it to fall under the category of being a 'superfruit.' Although the nutritional value seems to below the FDA daily allowance, and it seems to be made up more of water than anything else, it does have some hidden attributes that make it a great choice for your health.

So if nothing else, it is very low in calories and would be perfect for those on a diet or trying to just control their weight. However research does show that it might have some of the world's best antioxidant properties for any fruit. It is supposed to contain at least 40 different Xanthones, which are a powerful form of antioxidants. There are currently 200 Xanthones identified, all beneficial to humans.

Xanthones go through our body destroying free radicals that can make us very unhealthy. Alpha-mangostin, gama-mangostin, garcinone, beta-mangostin, garcinone, Gardiner-d and a, garcinone-c, mangostanol and gartanin are just a sampling of the Xanthones that mangosteen contains. All of these Xanthones have properties that prevent inflammation, tumors, allergies, convulsions and platelet balancing problems. The other antioxidants not listed can contain the same properties as these, among other beneficial properties.

Oddly, some health officials are concerned about consuming too much of this fruit juice. There have been reported cases in Thailand of severe acidosis in relation to consuming large quantities of mangosteen juice. More studies are ongoing.

Mangosteen comes in liquid, frozen, and canned products here in the US. It is mostly available in these forms in the western world, especially as a juice. The fruit itself is sometimes available in season at some grocers in North America, but not directly from Asia... It is now being grown as a high-priced crop for export from Puerto Rico since the US does not allow fruits to be imported from Southeast Asia. - 17273

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Advanced Wellness Research Product Info

By Linda Kemp

In theory, nutritional supplements are a great idea. They can help you to overcome deficiencies in other parts of your diet with the ease of taking a pill along with a meal. Of course the reality that you run into with many nutritional supplements is that they don't work that well. Either the substances that they contain don't do what they're supposed to do or there are so many knockoffs of the good nutritional supplements that it can be difficult to figure out which one is the effective one. For example, it's not too uncommon for a nutritional supplement to deliver the essential part of a beneficial plant, but for the knockoffs of that supplement to deliver a part of the same plant but to do so in a way that makes that substance worthless to the human body! In many ways, that's worse than not taking a supplement at all!

Having said all of that, there is one nutritional supplement that you can rely on to give you the benefits that you expect. This supplement is called Pure Acai Berry and it's highly effective at delivering all of the benefits of the acai berry of the rain forests of Brazil in South America! The acai berry is a palm fruit that's packed with minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and omega three fatty acids. In fact, these things are provided by this berry in a combination that's ideal for the human body's continued healthy functioning. Pure Acai Berry takes all of the essential parts fo the acai berry and concentrates them all into a pill that can be easily taken with a normal meal.

Naturally, supporting complete human health might be a pretty tall claim to make, but the acai berry follows through very effectively! There is no system in the human body that will not benefit from using the acai berry. This means that no matter what health issues you deal with, you'll see improvement if you add Pure Acai Berry to your daily diet! Even if you're already healthy, the acai berry will help you to maintain that level of health so that you can enjoy it for longer. You'll probably see benefits even if you are healthy. Things like more energy, greater mental acuity (in the form of improved cognition and memory), and quicker recovery from injury and exercise will benefit anyone!

The acai berry basically supports this high level of health by providing your body with everything that it needs in order to function optimally. The minerals will nourish your tissues while the antioxidants will protect your tissues and your DNA from free radicals and other kinds of pollutants. When the tissues of your body are properly nourished and free from damage, you'll enjoy a greater level of energy and greater comfort from a lack of otherwise natural aches and pains!

At the same time, the fiber and omega three fatty acids will help to regulate your body's energy level so that you'll have more consistent energy over the course of the day. The omega three fatty acids provide a slow burning energy source and the fiber will regulate the release of the calories into your blood stream that comes from that other food that you consume. This will allow you to be at your best more of the time both in the way you feel and interact with other people!

Pure Acai Berry is definitely the nutritional supplement that you've been looking for! - 17273

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Advance Wellness Research Product Reviews Information

By Linda Kemp

Imagine never missing taking a dose of your favorite health supplement because you ran out and forgot to get more. Advanced Wellness Research knows how frustrating that can be, which is why they offer a convenient auto-ship program. With auto-shipping, you choose what product you want and when you want to receive it. .

Then, Advanced Wellness Research delivers it to your door according to your schedule. Advanced Wellness Research offers a variety of products designed for your health and wellbeing. Products like: Acai Berry and the Bright Teeth Whitening are just a few.

What about safety? Advanced Wellness Research puts every product they sell through a strict screening process to ensure their high quality and safety. They promise never to sell anything that they wouldn't give to their own families. If you're still not sure,

Advance Wellness Research offers all of their products on a risk-free trial basis. This ensures that you're getting only the products that benefit you the most.

Your Health - Your Schedule - If you're using health supplements to lose weight, feel better, look better or have more energy, then you know how frustrating it is when you get off schedule because you're supply is out. .

Getting to the store can be tough with a hectic lifestyle, and ordering online can take weeks for delivery. Advanced Wellness Research, Inc. wants to be sure that you get your health products when you need and according to your schedule.

You can choose to receive your products once a month, once every other month, or whatever suits you best. And, you can cancel the shipments any time you want.

Most health experts agree that whatever you do for good health, it's best to stick to a schedule. Advanced Wellness Research will make sure that you do. Begin today. Find out what you have been missing. - 17273

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Blueberries that are Bred in USA

By Adrian Rose Black Rose Marius Rose Adrian Pantelimon

If you want to pick some wild blueberries for yourself then be prepared for a fair bit of travelling, because they are only located in certain parts of the Northern parts of the United States of America and whilst there has been some limited attempts to replicate them across the globe the only true blue wild blueberries are found in America.

These humble berries may not look like much but they have managed to provide a massive economic boost to the likes of small American states and towns such as Maine, in fact, Maine which has a population of less than 2 million people also happens to be the worlds largest exporter of wild blueberries meaning that these seemingly innocuous fruits are big business indeed! Wild blueberries also constitute a massive amount of the profit revenue that Canada manages to generate each and every year with the latest figures setting this figure at $323 million.

Wild blueberries are so much more than a tasty ingredient for the likes of muffins and cookies, as well as jam spreads as recent scientific research has identified a number of different and frankly, astonishing health benefits which the wild blueberries can offer. Some of us of a more cynical disposition would be perhaps a little wary about committing ourselves fully to the seemingly miraculous properties of wild blueberries, but the research is solid, and the commitment to it equally so.

One of the most controversial and exciting benefits that wild blueberries may offer is that they seem to help in breaking down cancer cells within the body as well as helping to greatly accelerate the cholesterol breaking down process which is in of itself, crucial in order to help prevent the development of heart failure and associated problems.

Whilst these early indications seem promising there is still a great deal more work and research which must be conducted before wild blueberries can be properly used and promoted as a genuine, and authentic health product.

One definite health benefit that wild blueberries have been credited with is (in much the same way as cranberries are) that they can help treat and control the severity of the symptoms of urinary infections.

Wild blueberries are extremely tasty and are very versatile which means that you can comfortably use them in a wide variety of different recipes such as cocktails, cakes and desserts. - 17273

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6 Tips To Help You Lose Fat Not Muscle

By Victoria Jamison

If you're trying to build muscle and lose fat through proper diet nutrition, you can easily get frustrated. Hopefully these 6 tips can help you get closer to this elusive goal.

Keep On Eating

The way to lose body fat without losing muscle mass is to eat more, not less! Eating 6-7 meals throughout the day will provide the body with protein at regular intervals while limiting muscle loss.

When you go for a long period of time, your body kind of freaks out. The next time you eat, your body will think that meals are going to come few and far between, so it will store whatever it can from that meal as fat.

When you don't eat for more than a few hours, you'll see your blood sugar levels go down quite a bit. This not only affects your mood and concentration, it makes you feel tires. This also causes your body to crave anything that might bring up your blood sugar levels. For me, that tends to be chocolate. Not good.

Decrease body fat by increasing your resting metabolic rate. Your body can digest smaller meals a lot easier then a few larger ones. By eating every 3 hours, you are helping your body to burn more fat.

Make It Clean

When you eat processed simple carbohydrates you cause a huge jump in your bodies insulin levels. Try to avoid foods made with white flour and sugar. Instead eat proteins that are very lean and complex carbohydrates from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sugar - The New Fat

When you're tying to avoid sugar, you suddenly realize how prevalent it is in our foods. It seems to be put into everything these days. You won't always see it listed as "sugar", but instead as maltose, sucrose or even fructose. You have to really keep an eye out for it.

Water, Water and more Water

You're probably sick of hearing about water, but it really is God's perfect thirst quencher. I know the people at Gatorade don't like to hear that, but water does a great job. It will also help build muscle and burn fat. If you're drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day, you're doing a lot to help your body run more efficiently. This will result in better health and a leaner body.

Eat Protein

Get plenty of lean protein from chicken, fish, and lean beef every day. It can be hard to eat enough through out the day so you can add peanut butter, and use protein supplements if needed. By adding plenty of protein, you are keeping your body from using its own muscle for energy and allowing you metabolism to burn at a higher rate.

Rotate Carb Amounts

Carb rotation or cycling is achieved when you drop your intake for a couple of days and then bring it back up for a day or two. This does a number of things. It doesn't allow your body to think it's starving. Just when it starts to think it's not getting enough carbs you inject it with plenty. This also makes staying on your diet a little easier. You can power through a couple of days of very low carbs if you know that's lal it is, a couple of days.

If you have been struggling with weight loss and desire to lose fat fast then look at your carb intake and consider using "carb rotation". Soon, you'll see the results you've been seeking. - 17273

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The Health Benefits of the Acai Berry

By Chris Dreyer

Deep in the Amazon Forest in South America, the acai berry grows. This long, reddish/purple fruit has long been held as a healing tonic for the natives indigenous to the area. With the introduction of the acai fruit to the United States, it has quickly grown in popularity as one of the super foods. This popularity has led to the use of this berry in a host of products, including a weight loss supplement, in health drinks and as an energy enhancer.

Nicholas Perricone came on the Oprah show discussing the benefits of acai berry. He talked about the fruit as an antioxidant. It contains one of the highest antioxidants of all the fruits you can ingest. It has double the amount of antioxidants in blueberries and contains as much as ten times the count as grapes contain.

Even early research indicates the acai berry increases energy, stamina, and improves mental focus. Not only that is also helps you sleep better. Antioxidants are a leading factor to a better healthy heart.

Antioxidants are a leading factor to a better healthy heart. Antioxidants have shown to improve cholesterol by researchers. One of the leading contributers to heart disease is high cholesterol. That means acai berries can help prevent heart disease.

Blood circulation and heart health aren't the only things that acai fruit aids. Acai berry also helps in the digestive process. The high fiber content the fruit contains is very helpful for the digestive system.

The acai berry may have the potential for fighting cancer. Studies have shown that the antioxidants found in these berries may be effective in not only treating, but destroying cancer cells. This cure has been sought after for years, and the potential that acai berries hold is promising.

The natives of the Amazons have known for a while that this fruit is such a great healer. Find out for yourself all the great health benefits of fruits with antioxidants. - 17273

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Four Astounding Facts Concerning Slimming

By Jose Grinden

The volume of people who commence a weight loss program each day is mind blowing and the number of them that will be defeated is equally mind blowing. So what is the cause of this, when there is so much good, proven information accessible?

The foremost reason for that failure to lose any weight is simply because the vast bulk of people who attempt to lose weight just give up too soon. There are a variety of reasons for this, yet one of the worst excuses is haste. People are generally in so much of a hurry and expect to get results too swiftly and when that materialises, they just give up, convinced that it has been unsuccessful for them. So here we have four facts concerning losing weight which might cause you to amend your own strategy.

1. Everyone's body is designed to stay at the exact weight for its build and height and if that shifts out of alignment due to abuse, a minor shift in the way you use your body will restore it back into alignment and return back to the exact weight.

2. Striving to lose weight too rapidly by crash dieting could be highly harmful to your health. Your body simply resists your endeavours to do this by retarding your metabolism in an attempt to counteract the restricted nutrients, thereby decreasing the success of the diet. When you cease dieting and restart eating as usual again, your body is going to store food as fat in preparation for the next bout of starvation, so you will become even heavier than before.

3. Taking things more serenely will bring too many gains to a weight loss program. Begin an exercise program by degrees and build up the time you spend exercising as well as the measure of exertion. Always stretch ahead of and after a work out to provide your muscles with more flexibility and lessen the chances of straining them.

4. By lowering your intake of calories through food so that it is just lower than the volume of calories you consume through exercise, you will lose weight until a perfect balance is reached. This is the most fundamental truth about weight loss.

Knowing about these golden nuggets of knowledge now part of your battle plan, you have a far better chance of succeeding where without them you might have failed. - 17273

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