Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Best Exercise Routine To Get Rock Hard Abs

By Nathaniel Deleon

Looking for the best exercise program to get very hard abs? Read the article and find out here. Burning fat and gaining muscle is likely the primary reason many folks take up some form of cardio training. Over 50% of the people who perform cardio in a plan to burn fat are wasting their ages of time! The majority are not performing the right type of cardio workouts.

Doing exercises is one thing and doing the proper exercises, the right way, in the right numbers, with the correct target set in the mind is another thing. Always follow the latter and benefits are sure to come.

If you mix exercise and simple changes in your nourishment you could easily lose more weight faster. You should bear in mind three vital points while taking up any exercise regimen.

You should do things that you'll be in a position to stick with.

It doesn't do a lot of good to you to work hard to lose weight only to put it back on later. That's why many diets don't work- they aren't changes that you can adhere to. The rule is just to work on easy and easy changes. Changes that you can adhere to that may make sense for your lifestyle.

When such a concept is adopted and followed you find that with simple changes you will be able to shed pounds and keep it off.

The largest quantity of calories burning comes from your basic metabolism. To hurry up the metabolism you need to choose the right exercise routine. While researching for the best exercise program to get very hard abs you will find a number of workout programs. It becomes extraordinarily tough to decide on the one that meet your desired goal.

Remember you cannot get a ripped abs and muscle overnight. You want a complete total guide which will help you to shape your body in a healthier way. You've got to precisely follow the guidelines and rules given in the program to achieve success in your goal.

Exercise benefits are too many. But to get the full benefits you must know the proper way to exercise and how not to overdo it. Workout programs designed by fitness expert, health consultants and gym instructors can only give proper instruction and suggestions on how to get started. If you are actually serious to get rock hard abs, here you may find some of the finest workout program to burn fat and get ripped six pack abs fast. - 17273

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Here's How To Get The Body You Want And Build Lean Muscle Fast!

By Austin Smith

We're frequently getting emails from people wondering what techniques they can utilize to build muscle rapidly. Obviously people are eager to get results as rapidly as possible, so we decided we could take a look at this subject.

It's nice to know there are certain steps you can use to kick-start your weight lifting efforts and begin building lean muscle quickly. Naturally it takes some dedication, but getting that dream body is worth a bit of work right?

You must hit the gym a minimum of 4 times every week. No excuses! Your weight training sessions shouldn't be any more than one hour - any longer and you won't be gaining the most out of the workout.

While you're lifting weights, always think about these ever important words - "proper form"! I observe far too many guys trying to lift way more weight than they should which makes them throw their body around. To build muscle fast, you have to ensure you are targeting each muscle the right way. You must ensure you are isolating each muscle and using proper form. It doesn't matter that you may have to lift a little less because you will get far superior results by observing this tip.

It's a good idea to utilize a three day rotation for your workouts. Plan your workout routine so that you exercise every muscle group during the three days. By only taking 3 workout sessions to work on every one of your muscles you will have results much more rapidly.

Obviously what you eat plays a major role in your muscle building efforts. To keep your muscles well fed and ensure your metabolism is running, take in six meals a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner along with three other smaller meals consisting of 200-300 calories in each and roughly 10 grams of protein.

Using a protein powder is very useful - you must be taking in a lot of protein to help your muscles grow and repair themselves. Using a protein powder is a terrific way to take in pure protein and you can purchase them for very little these days.

Gaining the great body you desire isn't hard when you dedicate yourselve to it. With some dedication and by using the above tips, it's possible to build muscle and strength fast. - 17273

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How about a Full Body Massage? Shiatsu Massage Chairs Deliver

By Jonathon Newberry

After a long day at work, you may be tired, under a little pressure or feeling some anxiety. A great option, once you finally make it home, might be a massage. That would relieve some tension and anxiety. Then I realize my house did not include a masseuse service. But wait, there is another option: How about a shiatsu massage chair! No appointment necessary. Just sit down, lean back, raise the footrest up and hit the start button. Oh, ah, oh, ah, now that is hitting the spot!

Massage chairs have come a long way over the years. The advance of electronics and mechanical systems has combined with massage techniques into the massage chair of today. You can find a robotic chair that is capable of massaging almost all parts of your body. These chairs can reach your neck, shoulders, back, buttocks, thighs, calves, feet and even your arms and hands. The best massage chairs have great technology to simulate many of the most beneficial massage techniques. Massage techniques such as a Shiatsu massage, Swedish massage or a Deep Tissue massage. These massage techniques have specific applications for your overall health and wellness.

If you need total relaxation, try the Montage Elite massage chair by Omega Massage, Inc. The Montage delivers a full body massage with its advanced technology. Enjoy the sophisticated luxury of the Montage Elite with its full body heat with individual heat controls for the seat, chair back, and the footrest. Music is a great inducer of relaxation, with the Montage, download your music to USB stick and plug it into its MP3 player and headphones. One can even synchronize the massage movements to the rhythm of your music. On your feet all day and need a foot massage? The Montage Elite delivers a reflexology foot massage in the footrest. How about a massage chair that can stretch out your lower body? The Montage Elite has a lower body traction function that stretches your body from the hips to your feet. You will be a new person after using this shiatsu massage chair.

The massage chair field is highly competitive and has major players such as Panasonic and Sanyo. Sanyo for instance has incorporated a technology to find your stress points throughout your back with the HEC-DR7700K. Sanyo has equipped the DR7700K with its GK roller system, which can reach out and touch you. These rollers are contained in the chair back and can extend forward to reach out and massage your neck and shoulders. The Sanyo shiatsu massage chair certainly a delightful and invigorating massage.

Panasonic has the EP-3222 with their Swede-Atsu massage which combines aspects of Swedish and Shiatsu therapies. The rollers of the EP-3222 give a very realistic massage by replicating the motions of a master masseuse. This chair also has a full lower body air compression massage system. This Panasonic shiatsu lounger can memorize settings for 3 different users. Nice to have a chair that can learn what you like!

It is amazing how these shiatsu massage chairs are becoming more realistic with each advance in technology to replicating a human masseuse. Today, the best massage chairs integrate many different capabilities to satisfy your massage requirements. These shiatsu chairs come have remote controls with manual controls over almost every aspects of the massage functions. Concentrate ithe massage in a particular area for relief or use an automatic program to give you a wonderful full body massage.

Of course, with such tremendous variety of choices, you have to educate yourself as to what is most beneficial to you. You will want to be careful to choose the right massage chair that fits the type of massage you want. It is important to find a chair that is comfortable and has the types of massage therapies that will give you the results you are seeking. The best method is to try out different massage chairs from different manufacturers. You can see what fits you comfortably, what features do you value and then make an informed choice. It is better you take a little extra time upfront and find the right shiatsu massage chair. Then you can come home, sit back and enjoy your massage therapy in the comfort and relaxation of home. - 17273

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Muscle Building Myths and Facts

By Rowena Antonio

1 - If you eat a low fat diet, you cannot get fat.

You will gain weight if you consume more than is necessary to fulfill your energy needs. High fat diets are likely to bring on the weight more quickly. Fat contains 9 calories a gram, in contrast to carbs and protein at only 4 calories per gram. In addition, fewer calories are burned when absorbing energy in fat than when absorbing a like amount of carbs by weight. So, calories from fat are stored more freely than those, which come from carbs. But carbs and proteins also contain a number of calories. Thus, if you ingest too much of this, it will pack on fat as well.

2 - In order to get a large physique, you need to consume a lot of calories.

It is true that you will get positively big if you eat a high-calorie diet. Unless you are one of those rare individuals with very high metabolism, then you will just deposit the excess calories in the form of fat. Studies reveal that 65% of the fresh tissue gains rendered by high-calorie diets comprise mostly fat. Another 15% consist of intracellular fluid and the other 20% are credited towards an increase in lean muscle mass.

Therefore, if you are trying to get lean muscles, then you should avoid high calorie meals.

Making sure that protein does not break down seems to be the most applicable element in determining muscle growth. Research has found that build-up of fatty tissue through over-eating may actually stimulate muscle breakdown. Moreover, additional fat has a drastic affect on your hormonal balance. For instance, insulin, which regulates the separation of the protein components into amino acids in the human body, is unable to function properly when overeating is continuously practiced.

3- Steroids are not needed to get as large as the professional bodybuilders.

Companies that sell bodybuilding supplements support many magazines. Therefore, they have to imply that you can get big without taking steroids. However, all professional bodybuilders use steroids or steroids in combination with other growth-enhancing drugs. It is not likely to get that scale of muscularity and the paper-thin skin without manipulating hormones.

Do not use this as an excuse to give up on your bodybuilding goal. Some key aspects to keep in mind when trying to change your figure are plenty of rest, eating properly and training correctly.

One thing to remember about bodybuilding at the competitive level is that steroids are almost always a necessity. However, it is entirely possible to get the type of physique that will bring respect and admiration from both sexes.

4 - The more you workout, the better for building muscle.

Ninety five percent of bodybuilding professionals will remember that the biggest mistake they ever made in pumping iron is that they over did it. If your muscles are going to heal they are going to require rest. In situations like this, muscles that are worked too frequently do not have time to heal, no muscle gain will occur. If you are doing it properly, intensity wise, and if you work out every day you are sure to over strain yourself, leading to all sorts of bad things. Any part of the body that is pushed to complete muscular failure could take anywhere from five to ten days to renew itself.

You can also over train, even if you are working a different part of the body each day. You will actually inhibit your muscle growth progress if, for example, you work your quadriceps to failure one-day and then try to do some heavy bench presses the next day. Your entire body fails to regenerate from the blow that it has experienced.

Unless you take some drug to help you deal with the catabolic operations working in your body, you cannot rely on your system to recuperate from a difficult workout by the next day. Rest after each training session and make recuperation a part of your workout routine.

5 - Workout longer with more sets to get better results.

Research has proven that you can work a single muscle group with just one set, as long as your workout incorporates several muscles and takes them to ischemic rigor. The muscle fibers harden instead of relaxing after they contract. This causes microscopic tearing of the muscles. Hypertrophy is an example of an adaptive process in reaction to stress like this.

You can achieve muscle hypertrophy by performing drop or breakdown sets. Rep out, lower the weight, then do more reps until you are unable to do more. You can also try to get the maximum amount of reps, followed by 10 more reps. You give yourself a little bit of a break when you lock out the weight-bearing joint, but do not actually put the weight down. In other words, you will need to greatly increase both your discomfort and energy levels.

There is very little benefit to repeating another set if you work your muscles with the intensity described above. An exception to this rule is to work on large parts of the body that have distinct geographical areas, such as the chest, legs or back. - 17273

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Why Alkaline Diet is the Best Remedy for Pseudogynecomastia?

By Dustin Fennell

A good diet has been found to have far-reaching effect in significantly reducing and even curing pseudogynecomastia, a condition in which an adult male develops a lot of fat on the chest, giving rise to an appearance loosely termed as "man boobs".

In fact to get rid of this problem , which is a social embarrassment for most men, there are two things that can be really helpful: alkaline diet, chest fat burning cardio exercises. The main reasons for a man to develop pseudogynecomastia are due to acidic body PH, high fat deposition and hormonal imbalance.

Doctors and nutritionists stress on an alkaline diet for effectively curing this condition. The main reasons for men to develop this case are due to acidic body PH and hormonal imbalance. Men, who have a high percentage of fat on their body, tend to have acidic content that causes hormonal imbalance, which gives rise to excess estrogen production that overwhelms testosterone supply. Due to the storage of excess fat due to this hormonal imbalance, a man?s chest begins to look a woman?s breasts.

We should remember that our body has an alkaline nature with a normal PH between 7.35 and 7.45. Our diet should be more or less equal to this PH level and be alkaline. Acid producing food can deprive the body of essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium and zinc. The body's alkaline nature can be really helpful in curing pseudogynecomastia in a natural manner.

Stop eating food that contains saturated fats and trans fatty acids. Food that contains saturated fats includes confectioneries, calorie rich pizzas, junk food, biscuits etc. Trans fatty acids are found in food products made in hydrogenated liquid vegetable oils. Go for healthier options in oil like olive oil or rice bran oil that are rich in good fats.

When you are on an alkaline diet, stay clear of red meat, alcoholic beverages like beer and aerated drinks. Stop consuming foods that are made of saturated fats. Go for healthier options of oil like olive oil or rice bran oil. Saturated fat products include calorie laden pizzas, junk food and sugary sweets.

Man boobs have been cured in many men who have made dietary changes and latched onto an alkaline diet. So do not punish yourself by going for improper diet. Opt for a healthy physical lifestyle and see the new change in you.

Unlike gynecomastia which is predominantly hormonal based, pseudogynecomastia is due to eating the wrong diet and sedentary lifestyle. You can bring about a positive change with the right kind of alkaline diet and exercises. - 17273

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Smarter Food And Beverage Substitutes

By Bill Radford

Keeping healthy is integral to your long-term well being and a lot of it starts with eating nutritious foods. By cutting the processed foods out of your diet that may be high in fat and sugar, you'll be a lot better off.

Aside from giving up foods with no nutritional value, eating naturally organic ones can make a huge difference. I've become a huge advocate of this lifestyle, and the three examples that I'm going to share with you will give you some suitable alternatives to normally unhealthy foods.

Few people realize this, but ketchup is loaded with artificial sweeteners. If you look at the ingredients of any bottle, you'll see that high fructose corn syrup is present as one of the first ingredients.

Instead, you'd be better off choosing organic ones that are sweetened with real sugar. While this isn't exactly healthy and nutritious either, it's a lot less unhealthy than the usual and it should be just fine when consumed in moderation.

This rule doesn't just apply to ketchup. You might also be surprised to know that breads are sweetened via the same means. You'll never know this unless you look at the ingredients.

I would apply the same virtues to bread as the ones I just shared about catsup. Inspect the labels of anything you buy and you'll definitely see what it's sweetened with. With this new found knowledge, you'll probably never look at this food the same way again.

Many people are also misled when it comes to drinks. There are many beverages that call themselves juice drinks. This doesn't mean that you're drinking juice here. In fact, you're drinking loads of artificial sweeteners and chemicals.

If the drink is all juice, it'll say this on the label and within the ingredients. Inspect the drink quickly before choosing it, and stick with the ones that are pure juice. - 17273

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Weight Training Routines, Legs

By Ricardo d Argence

Whether you are a professional bodybuilder, contact sports player or just someone getting your body in shape, it is imperative that you don't neglect your legs for many reasons. The legs are often over looked when working out, as people tend to work towards the bigger chest and arms. There are important reasons to work your legs just as much as the rest of your body.

If you have read at all, you know that muscle burns fat. Gaining muscle weight helps your overall workout, and your legs have a very high concentration of muscle. By building your leg muscles, you are increasing your body's ability to work harder by simply adding a few pounds of muscle to your legs.

The mass contained in your legs will release your anabolic hormones. Also, the muscles in your legs will produce more growth hormone than a smaller muscle area in your body. The amount of muscle in your leg outweighs your arms easily, so this just makes sense. You want to release hormones to aid in the development of muscles.

For the aesthetic purposes, who wants to look at someone built up on the top and skinny at the bottom? Working out your legs provides a balanced body. You want to look good all over if you are working out.

Pushing the muscles to near failure is the best route to a good leg workout. Perform 8 to 12 reps per set, doing 2-4 sets per exercise. It's advisable to work each major muscle with 2-5 different exercises (depending on your tolerance level and workout experience). It is imperative to rest between sets. Rest 45-60 seconds between each set so that your muscles can recover. Once again you will be able to lift the heavy weight because of this, however, you should not relax to much being the anabolic hormones stop getting released.

There are a variety of exercises to help you build your leg muscles up. Once you have selected the goals for your legs (lean and strong, or muscled up for strength), you will be able to select the right exercises. If you plan on exercising your legs, then you must warm them up with either running or some other cardio for more than five minutes. By warming up your joints,this prevents injuries.

Exercises you can do include leg extensions, power cleans, squats, Romanian dead-lifts, hamstring curls, and calf rises, seated and standing. This is not an all-inclusive list, and the number of reps and sets need to be individualized to match you level

Make sure to use caution with any exercise routine, and make sure to consult a trainer for proper form. With some time and work, you will soon be sporting legs that look amazing when you wear shorts. You will not only feel great, but your whole overall performance in sports, workouts, and general activities will be enhanced. - 17273

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How To Burn Belly Fat

By Owen Jones

Trying to burn off your belly fat is probably the most common reason for dieting. Next is trying to lose excess weight from one's arms and legs, if you want to lose weight and get a trimmer body. Diet alone does not work well enough to get a flat abdomen, and many people are searching non stop for new techniques to try to complement their diet.

Occasionally the battle you have to fight takes years, while in more fortunate situations, you'll be able to burn belly off fat in a few months. The time span necessary for such an achievement varies according to a series of personal factors: first of all it depends on how big the fat deposit is around your waist.

Then, your age, your health and certain other personal things influence the rate of weight loss considerably. You can burn belly fat at a more rapid pace if you stick to a training routine consisting of a series of well-determined exercises that include not only body crunches but also full body work.

Twists for example, have a great reputation for the toning of the abdominal muscles and the creation of a slimmer waistline. While you can maintain your calorie intake under control by carefully monitoring your diet, you can only burn your current deposits of fat with physical exercise.

Nutritional supplements can help you burn your belly fat off without having to suffer the consequences of a crash diet. Some of the most valued remedies for accelerating the metabolism include green tea extract, Garcinia Cambodia, pineapple extract, seaweed and other herbs with a stimulating impact on the digestive tract.

Be very careful with appetite suppressants because they do not burn belly fat like the rest of the supplements do, but rather they promote a feeling of satiation which tells your body that there is no need for it to long for food. However, if such a predicament gets out of control, the consumer of these weight loss supplements could develop anemia because of poor nutrition.

Do not try to burn your belly fat within a rigid, predetermined time frame. Setting seven or ten-day goals could put a lot of strain on the body, and besides a flatter stomach you may end up with grave health problems. Every body has its own way of adapting to diets. For example, one's level of activity changes with programs meant to speed up the metabolism.

If things are not done slowly but surely, the body will respond in a hostile way to the new stimuli, creating all sorts of discomforts such as diarrhea, exhaustion, anxiety, poor concentration and the so forth. So, choose those ways to burn belly fat off that best suit your condition, age and physical structure. - 17273

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Old People Will Need To Find Out How Can I Overcome The Embarrassment Of Easy Bruising?

By Jan Doan

Sometimes when people begin to age they develop a peculiar problem which is that their skins bruise all too easily and if this is your problem then you must learn about how can I overcome the embarrassment of easy bruising? When you age you might notice that simple bumps on your skin can easily become the cause of embarrassment because the bump will turn into a very ugly bruise.

When such bruises develop you may be at a loss to explain where it came from and everyone including your family members will become very worried. If you want to know about how can I overcome the embarrassment of easy bruising you will need to find out the reason for the easy bruising?

If you are a woman then you will be more at risk of developing easy bruises which will become a regular problem that will last you for the rest of your life. For women it is therefore a lot more crucial that they learn about the reasons for the easier bruising of their skins and they also need to find out what are real causes behind the easy bruising.

The first thing that you need to know is that if you are able to look at the bruise and ascertain its cause you can do something about the problem. Mostly, these bruises that are also called contusions will occur because of thinning of the walls of your body's capillaries and this causes the bruise despite no break in the skin around the bruise.

Bruises can occur because of any kind of impact and in the case of a person whose skin is fair the bruising looks quite dramatically disturbing. The bruises may or may not be accompanied by pain and they are also not harmful although they do cause a lot of embarrassment because they are highly visible and unsightly.

The simple truth is that easy bruising becomes a reality because people have reached a certain advanced stage in their lives and of course when the capillaries in the body thin and weaken it too causes the problem. To combat as well as to avert easy bruising it is required that you take certain steps that include removing those things from your life and presence that would cause a bruising on your body.

This means giving up eating of unhealthy foods or smoking cigarettes or drinking too much alcohol which are the main reasons for easy bruising.

When you become quite old it becomes a fact of life that your skin will lose its normal strength and so easy bruising can occur for the slightest reasons. If you want to know how can I overcome the embarrassment of easy bruising it is therefore necessary that you realize that old age cannot be avoided and so you should accept it and not feel embarrassed unnecessarily should your body be affected by easy bruising. - 17273

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Lose Body Fat By Eating Foods With High Protein

By Pamela Smith

Recent medical studies have discovered that the best way to lose body fat is to be on a full-protein diet. The diets consisting high protein create fullness, greater satisfaction and fat loss success. The feeling of fullness and satisfaction contributes greatly to lose body fat without tremendous efforts.

When people get hungry they can just walk in any of these food areas. They ca eat practically anything in an instant to their heart's delight. Unknowingly, these foods contain tremendous fats and calories and sooner or later they will realize they have gained too much weight and come in the problem how to lose body fat.

One way to control weight is to eat only when hungry and with the proper diet. A high-protein diet lessens you to crave for food because of the fullness that you feel especially when you are not really hungry. It provides you that contentment due to the feeling of fullness that helps get rid of those unwanted fats from your body.

Recent medical findings have shown that the best way to reduce weight and lose body fat is to go on a full-protein diet. A diet such as this often results to less hunger thus giving ample satisfaction leading to weight loss success. You do not have to skip any regular meal which can also lead to stress and weakening of your system.

High-protein diets help lose body fat successfully without that insatiable feeling. The result is you do not feel hungry and a waning craving for food. With high protein diet you do not have to be always on the watch for those fats and calories. All the protein you have taken can provide you the vital nutrients that your body needs. You will feel more energetic too and can last the whole day without getting tired.

Protein-rich diet is highly recommended to lactose intolerant individuals. Most medical doctors, nutritionists and nurses normally recommend protein diet to lactose intolerant patients. There are some people who think that a lactose diet is the best alternative to eating their regular meals.

Medical doctors, nurses and nutritionists usually recommend protein-rich diet to their patients particularly to those with lactose intolerance. Protein-rich diet has been found to go well with people who are lactose intolerant. This type of foods is safe as well for all ages and for any people who are in a diet in order to lose body fat.

It is indeed an erroneous concept to resort to a lactose diet. This is the thinking by some people that drinking milk instead of eating their regular meals when they feel hungry is enough to fill their stomach. Lactose is sufficient for the body, but protein-rich foods. Intake of protein-rich foods coupled with a regular exercise program certainly paves the way to a sculptured body. This combination is also one of the best ways to lose body fat. - 17273

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Not All Vitamin Supplements Are Created Equal - Natural Multivitamins

By Veronica Carrillo

During my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I found it was very hard to get all the essential vitamins and minerals I needed. For one thing, I was extremely busy with two kids, husband and a full time job. Creating healthy meals three times a day with all the vegetables we needed was just close to impossible. That is when I discovered a quick remedy, vegetable and fruit juice!

What are energy drinks? Developed in the late 90's, energy drinks are a new alternative to traditional "pick-me-ups". They usually contain a blend of ingredients that act quickly to give you a boost of energy. These ingredients include many traditional items like caffeine and sugars as well as nutrient blends including B vitamins and sometimes other natural supplements. The sizes of these drinks usually range from 8-24 ounces.

Heat First off, many high level juicers are expensive, you can look to pay close to $800 for a top of the line juicer, and the truth about these centrifugal juice machines shocked me even more than the sticker price. A juicer like the Angel turns at amazing speeds, which in fact heats up the vegetables and resulting juice damaging the nutritional value! When you think about the speeds these juicers are turning at it is not so surprising, 1,000 - 24,000 revolutions per minute is bound to heat something up.

What are the ingredients? Some energy drinks contain a great deal of sugar, some do not. Usually, high sugar content comes from high fructose corn syrup. This gives you a boost of energy, but a big drain a few hours later. Some energy drinks contain sugar substitutes like Ace-K and Aspartame. Most energy drinks contain some amounts of B vitamins and especially B12- which, in liquid form, go to work quickly in your bloodstream which help with focus, concentration and energy. Next, you have caffeine. Oh no! They must have load of caffeine. Well, to be honest, most energy drinks have the same amount of caffeine that you would get in a cup of coffee, about 80-200mg. Caffeine is a stimulant that activates your adrenal glands to produce energy.

What happens when I drink one? This will vary from person to person, but based on my experience with the drink I take, the first thing that happens is an initial boost of energy from the caffeine. Then the B vitamins kick in and my mental focus does increase for a period of 3-4 hours. Also, if I am doing something physical, I tend to see an increase in stamina. After about 3-4 hours, the results start to wear off. Now again, this is my experience, everyone may experience something different. Now, I don't drink these everyday, but usually when I know I am going to have a long day I will have one to give me the boost I need.

Therefore, the nutrition facts label serves great importance as it is a nutritional guide for consumers in many of their food purchase decisions. - 17273

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- It's All About Your Diet! - Gain Lean Muscle

By Veronica Carrillo

If you are working towards getting six pack abs, let me tell you that nothing could work to your advantage better than taking steps to lose the stubborn belly fat. Yes, I know that the fat on the belly is the toughest to budge, but believe me unless you make concentrated efforts to get rid of it, the horrid layer of flab would never let your carved out six pack abs to show. Let us take a look at how that belly fat can be got rid of then (because that would ultimately lead to those chiseled abs).

Exercise Right If you really wish to get six pack abs, you would first of all have to get over the myth that only ab exercises can be of help in your pursuit. An effective strategy instead is to include weight training as a major part of your regime. Increase the cardio workouts and go slow with the core exercises.

The neural pathways the body uses to tell the muscle to contract adjust very rapidly. But once they have adapted, strength gains rapidly stall, and the weight lifter is left with increasing muscle size as the method of getting stronger.

Never Overdo The Exercise Bit You would come across innumerous aspirants for those six pack abs who spend 5-6 hours on exercising each day. The funny part is that, they still do not get to see results. The emphasis then must be on exercising appropriately rather than assuming time devoted to exercising as the yardstick to anticipate results. Six pack abs can be achieved only through concentrated efforts put in over time.

The way you inflict micro-trauma is to increase the workload on the muscle. The best method for increasing this workload I can very from person to person, but it generally follows the method of working the muscle to the point of failure. Most people, trainers included, will tell you the best method for gaining size is to do 3 - 5 sets of 5 - 8 reps working with 70 - 85% of your one-rep max.

Ensure The Right Nutrition For The System All weight loss efforts ultimately boil down to the right nutrition. Remember that the actual six pack abs can be achieved in the kitchen and not in the gym. So eat right to create a calorie deficit within and weight loss would follow on its own. Watch your calorie intake and eat nutritious foods. Cut down on trans-fats intake, avoid bad carbohydrates and maintain a healthy distance from fast foods. Instead switch over to healthy fresh fruits and veggies, and keep the system hydrated at all times. Consuming whole grains like oats, barley and nuts, green tea, eggs, lean meats etc. would also help. Make sure that you keep the above things in mind while chalking out your six pack abs regime. However, if you need some concrete well chalked out plans and methods for the same, I would suggest that you read through the below mentioned resource for an all-inclusive fat loss and body toning guide. - 17273

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