Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Learn How Best To Use Seasonings For Cooking Steak

By Ferdinand Okeke

Cooking a steak at home can be quite challenging especially if you are not used to cooking. However tips for using steak seasoning help a great deal in one's attempt to carry out the task of making a wonderful steak. The idea is that you want to make that steak as tasty as possible therefore you should think about what herbs and spices would make the ideal taste for you and your family. Do they like the taste of garlic, or onion, or basil or bay? Then you can rely on buying bulk herbs and spices and making your own mixture of these at home. The steak seasoning that you will obtain will surely be loved by your entire family because you have chosen their favorites.

Intensive fried turkey in mixture with intensive fried turkey seasoning is delectable and in addition more appealing to home cooks lately despite the dangers that it poses when cooked at home in an enclosed environment. If you want to prepare turkey with this approach you should fathom that deep fried turkey seasoning does wonders to your dish. But let us begin with the rudimentary and follow the steps of the recipe and thus the cooking procedures.

When you make fajitas, you will undoubtedly need the appropriate fajita seasoning. You can find a lot of commodities in bottles or jars that claim to be fajita seasoning, but to tell you the truth I for one prefer to apply a traditional fajita seasoning recipe and prepare it myself. Making fajita seasoning is not strenuous at all; you just require the appropriate ingredients and the appropriate recipe. For this I can tell you that a minimal research on the web, in cookery books or among your Mexican neighbors or acquaintances will help you. Here is one recipe for a wonderfully great fajita seasoning. In about 15 minutes you can cook with a fajita seasoning using: 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, 2 tablespoons of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of salt and one of paprika and one of sugar; then you also need 1 / 3 teaspoon of cumin, the same quantity of garlic powder,2 1 / 2 teaspoon of stock cube, 1 1 onion powder, and 1 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes; last but not the least, let us not ignore the 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and as much garlic.

Prior to focusing on the deep fried turkey seasoning, you need to wash the turkey and tie the legs and the wings to the body of the bird after it has already been totally defrosted. After that, you should dry the bird so that you can rub the deep fried turkey seasoning on it. Another way to flavor the turkey meet would be to inject the seasoning in the meat especially in the parts which are thicker and would usually turn into flavored less while cooking.

Do you want to learn about hamburger seasoning? Do you want to find out where you can find or how you can make your own hamburger seasoning? Truly if you read this article you will find some answers, suggestions and advice pertaining to hamburger seasoning. But let's not put the cart before the horse, as my grandma used to say. Let's start with the beginning, namely hamburgers, and we'll get to hamburger seasoning a bit later. The hamburger seems to be perceived as an American food, but it really originates in Germany. Although the name hamburger contains an important part, the ham there, is normally no ham in a hamburger.

Even the easiest recipe or method of cooking rabbit, involves rabbit seasoning, be it a rub with olive oil or a spray of a mixture of your favorite herbs and condiments. Rabbit seasoning involves, therefore, rubbing, chopping, sprinkling and sometimes marinating the meat. In rabbit seasoning, you may utilize a very wide range of condiments and herbs, or spices in order to refine the flavor of the rabbit meat. When rabbit seasoning is under discussion, you should know that rabbit goes very well with butter, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, sugar and honey. Another possible ingredients for rabbit seasoning can be shrimp paste, fish sauce, coriander, chili or lemon - grass.

As we all know, the American cuisine is not wholly American since there are so many public influences which came with the immigrants. It is known that there are differences, as well as similarities between the various cuisines represented in America. There are Creole, Cajun, Chinese or Mexican cuisines, to mention just a few of them. When we talk about Mexican food, for example we must say that this cuisine brought about certain ingredients, typical dishes, among which the fajitas and fajita seasoning, too, as well as the preference for certain vegetables and certain condiments to cook the foods. The Mexican cuisine covers the bottom third of North America. - 17273

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Best Hollywood Celebrity Diets For Rapid Weight Loss

By Christine G. Shannon

Isn't amazing how all of the celebrities you see have a celebrity diet plan for weight loss to maintain their weight. Some of them are shapely and healthy looking, and look good on camera. Others look like they haven't eaten in weeks, like they just got back from the famine in Ethiopia for a few weeks. Like they had been starving themselves to lose weight, and that is probably what they have been doing.

Headlines are always featuring some celebrities' weight loss achievement. The question is what exactly are they doing to lose their uncomfortable weight? More than likely, they are starving their body of foods and essential fluids to achieve their camera slim appearance.

Sure losing a great amount of weight in short periods of time may be somewhat the norm for some who are overly obese, since they are carrying large amounts of stored fat along with them. However, for those who are just a few pounds overweight, losing 40 pounds in a month is terribly unhealthy. It can lead to more serious problems for some individuals. The first thing to know about successful dieting is that it does take time. All those extra pounds did not show up overnight or even within just a few days. Our bodies fluctuate daily.

Without a maintenance diet program, to keep your weight stabilized after a large weight loss, you will put the weight back on. Dieting involves self-discipline and willpower in addition to knowing what foods to eat and when. Many of the celebrity diets are actually starvation type diets that are not healthy or worth risking other side effects.

Hollywood juice diet is the only thing you drink for a few days, no other essential nutrients or water. The weight comes off because you are starving, like being in a famine, but once you stop the juice diet and start eating regularly again, the weight will come back. If you only drink a juice diet without food, your body is going to suck up any food it gets and store it for later, in case you encounter another famine.

Just like many of the popular diets in Hollywood, when your body considers that you are actually starving yourself to death, it will rebel. It rebels by putting a stop to the process of losing that extra weight, just to keep you alive! A long term alternative is called for when dieting properly. The Hollywood hottest diets are no long term answer to weight loss and maintaining your target weight.

The biggest secret of the best celebrity diets is that these celebrities do not really have a secret when it comes to dieting. They are just normal people just like the rest of us. Only we do not have all the extra individuals working for us to make us look so appealing. Celebrities hire others to help them lose weight or get some kind of kick back for advertising a particular product, which includes any number of quick weight loss programs.

Celebrity diets involve a level of commitment and dedication which we struggle with. The best celebrity diets involve eating sensibly and limiting our calorie intake. One great diet which has been proven to work for many people is Fat Loss 4 Idiots at the link below. This is an easy to follow diet which might just work for you. - 17273

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Body Building Tips to Build Muscle Fast

By Andrew Michet

Building a great body is a pretty common goal. However, if you want to learn how to build muscle and avoid injury, you'll need to follow some basic rules. These body building tips will help.

Here are the top ten body building tips to give you a perfect workout.

1. Use Heavier Weights Heavy weights are the best choice if you want to increase mass quickly. Lifting lighter weights will decrease your workout's effectiveness, and is better for people who'd like to tone instead of build.

2. Use The Right Technique Weight lifting is pointless if you're using poor technique. Doing your weight lifting routine incorrectly could also result in some serious injuries if you're using large weights. Make sure you have the right technique and take your time to get the best results.

3. Slow and Steady Wins The Race It also builds muscle quickly. While doing lots of repetitions can be boring, don't make the mistake of rushing through them. Taking your time with every set and doing each lift steadily and slowly is a much better idea. This kind of slow, forced control will help you quickly build mass.

4. Do The Right Number Of Sets And Reps If you're working on your body building, you should never skip sets or cut your repetitions short. That'll reduce your workout's effectiveness. On the other hand, you should avoid doing too many sets to try to speed things up. Don't go overboard, or you'll get an injury.

5. Make Your Training Intense No matter how many sets you do or how many reps are in each set, you need to make sure all your sessions are intense. There's no need to stop at seven reps if you know you can do ten. Work hard on each set, and do as many reps as you can while still using good technique.

6. Limit Cardio Keep cardio sessions to a minimum, since they burn calories you'll need to build muscle. Too much cardio will cause you to lose weight, not gain muscle mass.

7. Stay Well Hydrated Water is an extremely important component of any body building program. Make sure to drink a lot of water daily to keep yourself hydrated and remove toxins from the body. Water can also help improve circulation.

8. Build By Section It's not a good idea to do a workout for your whole body all on the same day. Instead, try to focus on different areas on different days. Work your shoulders and arms one day, and your legs another. That allows muscles to recover between workouts and gives you the maximum benefit from your lifting.

9. What Should You Eat? Monitor food intake and make sure the food you're eating promotes muscle growth. Look for high carbohydrate foods like rice, oats, potatoes, bananas and apples on a daily basis. This will supply the energy you need to keep your body going through an intense workout.

Don't forget about the protein, either. Look for lean proteins like fish and chicken. Many people enjoy tuna when they're on a body building plan, since this is low in fat and carbohydrates as well as being inexpensive.

10. You Need Sleep When you're trying to build muscle, you need to make sure you get lots of sleep and that your body has a chance to rest. After all, you'll need time between workouts to recover and get your strength back. - 17273

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Do You Know These 7 Reasons Why You Should Front Squat?

By Caleb Lee

I can practically assure you're not front squatting enough or in any way. For some reason, you don't see a lot of gym goers (particularly bodybuilders) making use of this time-tested workout.

Crossfit has gone a long way off towards bringing it back, but if you're not performing crossfit - it's probably not even on your system.

This is a shame because if you want to get full body strength build awesome quads chisel your abs and save your "tweaked" lower back then you're going to love the front squat.

Here's a couple of reasons why you have to squat for a lean, hard, athletic physique:

1. Get Better Quads - The front squat is an EXCELLENT movement to get bigger, stronger quads-probably the best exercise there is. Because you're position is more upright, it emphasizes the quads more.

2. Get Stronger, More Cut Abs (Core) - Because you're holding the weight in front of your body, and you must remain upright your entire core gets a great workout trying to stabilize the weight and keep you upright. If you find you're leaning forward a lot when you back squat, you'll quickly get stronger and fix this problem if you switch to front squats for a while.

Front squats aren't just great for building a hard body with muscles of steel either! They're also really good at just making you more fit and keeping you more fit. What good is looking strong if you must sacrifice your health in the process?

Here's the five additional reasons why you must Front Squat for better physical condition:

1. Makes Your Other Lifts Better - Because the bar is placed before you, on your shoulders, the front squat is very much like other exercises and strengthens the "base" of those lifts/presses. Power Cleans, Overhead Presses, Overhead Squats, and the like all share the same "starting" position as the front squat. Getting stronger and more comfortable with Front Squats will help you in those exercises also.

2. Bad Form Gets Self-Corrected - If you're back squatting with bad form you can wrap up the exercise at the cost of causing harm to yourself. The advantage about front squats is the form is self correcting: If you're not straight enough you'll drop the bar if you're not holding the bar properly you'll drop it if you don't keep your elbows up you'll drop it. It's a training that pretty much forces your form to be smashing.

3. Less Weight - Generally speaking, if you can urge your body with less weight (because you're doing a harder workout) then it is safer. Since the Front Squat is harder than Back Squats you won't be able to lift as much weight. Which means a lesser amount of spinal compression.

4. More Natural Spine Position - You're more upright with the front squat your spine is in a more balanced "straight" position. This combined with the fact you're lifting a smaller amount of weight is beneficial for your spine in time.

5. Lower Back Approved - Most people have lower back problems and back squats exacerbate these conditions. But because your upper body is usually vertical (instead of leaning forward like in a back squat) there's a lesser amount of force on your lower back. I started front squatting after I hurt my lower back. - 17273

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Fish Oil that's Good for Heart Health and Research

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil for heart health is an interesting topic. And there is a good reason for this.

Newspapers and magazines can't do without research news on the amazing health benefits of fish oil for heart health. It is highly recommended by doctors, nutritionists, trainers, exercise buffs and even my vet has recommended using fish oil capsules for the heart health of my pet chocolate Labrador, Phyto.

Even though most of us have heard of the exceptional benefits that omega 3 fish oil has to our cardiovascular health, only a few are aware of the all the scientific studies that prove the results on fish oil for heart health craze.

Information was printed in Circulation, the American Heart Association's official journal, which provided systematic and detailed reports on how omega 3 fatty acids from fish can help enrich the circulation and reasons why fish oil works perfectly for the health of your heart and cardiovascular system in several ways.

The study presented how fish oil fatty acids helps in lowering the cholesterol levels, preventing irregular heartbeat and minimizing blood clots. It also helps in lowering both the blood pressure and triglycerides, balancing HDL and LDL, and relaxing the arterial walls, as well as preventing the formation of new plaque and inflammation, vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation and much more. [Vol. 106:2747]

Remarkable! How some scientists have even suggested that a depressed person can get help from omega 3 fish oil. It is good for the broken hearted.

A group of doctors published a study in the Journal of American Medical Association on all the positive effects that increase fish oil consumption can do on lowering a man's risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Nevertheless, because more women die of heart disease than any other cause, the scientist also wanted to discover if fish oil can provide the same health benefits for women as it can for men.

They followed about 84, 688 women for 16 years, and made a conclusion that 5 or more servings of fish per week will decreases a women s chances from dying due to a heart attack, as compared to those who had a lesser consumption. [Vol. 287, No. 14]

In my own point of view, this makes it clear that fish oil for heart health is essential. But it may be interesting to know how much is needed? Recommendations usually suggest 5 or more servings of oily, cold water fish a week. It can greatly help enhance your heart health, but sometimes it may fall short. Studies however recommend that 1 to 3 grams of fish oil daily is enough for a healthy cardiovascular system.

A sure way that you ensure getting enough is by supplementing your diet with pure omega 3 fish oil capsules which can surely give you all eight naturally occurring omega 3 fatty acids.

That's the reason why we hear recommendations of fish oil for heart health. The question now is would you be willing to take action? It would not take much of your time to improve your health and it is surely worth the effort. It can be nicer to have a pain free, happy, and healthy life while growing old.

Yes definitely it can! And you may begin now, by following this advice. - 17273

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How to get Six Pack Abs Quickly

By Jose Loni

To get six pack abs quickly, we need to follow some basic principles. By eating a proper diet, resistance training, and increasing our metabolism, we can achieve fast results to get six pack abs.

Getting six pack abs, we need to reduce our overall body fat composition. Our six-pack abs will become more visible. By watching what we eat, we can energize our system so that our workouts will have the energy it needs to utilize the fat in our stomach as energy.

Here are some simple exercises that will train the overall strength of the whole body as well as develop the core abdominal muscles of our six-pack.

Warm up: we should start with an activity that is of light to medium intensity for 5-10 minutes, followed by some light stretching of the muscles involved in the exercise. We want to make sure that our muscles are flexible and ready for the activity.

Eating several meals throughout the day helps us stabilize our energy levels and help us optimize our training sessions to burn more fat to achieve our six-pack abs.

Training with resistance has been shown to help develop six pack abs, by sculpting and lowering body fat levels. Multi-joint exercises at lower repetitions of 8 increase our lean body mass, which leads to increased fat burning as our metabolism is increased. Exercises specifically for the abs help strengthen and define our abs, especially when they become more visible after.

The frequency of the exercises should be done three times per week and can be done in any order, this will allow for variety and train our body at different angles. In doing so, this allows our bodies to strengthen and progress at a greater rate and achieve our six-pack abs.

This exercise plan will help achieve six pack abs faster. The commitment to exercise correctly and allowing the body to rest will help this program be effective. - 17273

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