Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Simple Tips to Real Fat Burning

By Ricardo Daryans

Avoid holiday weight gain, all you have to do is follow these simple fat loss tips.

1) No liquid calories (with the exception of a post-workout drink).

Please, no juices, sodas or sports drinks. Liquid sugar is your worst enemy when you are trying to lose fat.

You must also limit your alcohol intake - especially if you are adding mix to drinks...that is a double calorie bomb! A single "Jack and Coke" is over 200 calories (100 calories from booze and 100 calories from mix).

2) Forget about fast food.

Eating at fast foods restaurants means nothing but one thing: fat. You will not find healthy food at a fast food restaurant.

The kind of food you'll find there is fast and cheap because of the poor quality of the food ingredients (especially the protein).

The politically-incorrect truth is that it's going to take time and effort to eat properly. You will have to plan, shop, and prepare healthy meals. You will have to spend time cleaning, cutting, and cooking your food. That's the truth.

But believe me, it will taste so much better than fast food, and healthy eating will make you more alert. Eating fast food will make you feel terrible, and will make you want to have an afternoon nap at your desk.

Make one small improvement to your nutrition everyday for the rest of your life.

3) Try eating more fruits and vegetables.

Instead of eating 2 servings per day, go up to 4 servings per day by the end of the week. Even if you think you are doing great by having 5 servings per day, you still need to double that (take 2-3 weeks to work your way up to 10 servings per day).

Consume fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

You can try with nuts, but choose natural or dry-roasted nuts instead of roasted in oils nuts. The last ones are a possible source of trans fats.

Don't worry...this small amount of nuts won't make you fat, but will fill you up and help you lose weight.

5) Exercise.

There are workout systems efficient and effective. If you are looking for an easy to follow, stick with some systems like the Turbulence Training fat burning workout system.

It doesn't matter if you train in the morning before or after breakfast, or at night before or after dinner, or at 1pm on days when the moon is in line with Saturn...don't worry about the details, just train consistently.

6) BONUS TIP: Go for a walk after lunch or dinner (or anytime you eat a big meal). Research shows this will help you control your cholesterol and triglycerides, plus any movement is better than sitting around watching the TV and snacking. - 17273

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Fastest Way to Lose Weight - The Top 3 Foods Your Body Is Craving

By Tess Rainey

This article will discuss the fastest way to lose weight by eating 3 of the best foods each and every day. Eating these foods will help your body grow, thrive and fight off diseases like cancer, diabetes, depression and more.

1. Protein: Even if you are a vegetarian, protein is the number one food you should be getting enough of. While chicken, eggs and turkey are the best sources, for vegetarians and people wanting other options, soy, beans and nuts are wonderful alternatives.

One of the worst things you can do is skip breakfast. Your body really needs this break in the fast to function well. And protein for breakfast will not only help your body function better, but adding it will also help you to lose weight.

2. Fruits: It is shocking to look at the statistics of how little fruits are consumed. Even though they are a simple snack, easy to prepare and quick to grab. More often than not, people are opting for prepackaged processed foods to fill their tummies.

And as an added bonus, substituting a fruit for your usual cookie or chips will not only make you feel better, but it will satisfy your hunger longer so you end up eating less and losing weight.

3. Vegetables: Children aren't the only ones who don't eat their vegetables. Many adults are guilty of omitting this very essential food from their diets. You can't ignore the health studies however that find that eating leafy greens and other vegetables during the day will not only help you function better, but will help your body deal with the many toxins it is exposed to everyday.

Bright colored Vegetables and fruits contain phytonutrients which support our well-being and function and protect us against aging, obesity and more. It has been proven that Without these important nutrients our bodies do not function as well, aren't able to fight off diseases and feel sluggish and/or depressed. By adding some colorful foods to your diet, you will start to feel energized, lose weight and maybe even prevent cancer.

In this article we looked at the fastest way to lose weight and how you can become thinner simply by eating more protein, fruits and vegetables. The scientific proof is there and by adding these 3 basic food groups to your diet and eliminating some of the processed food, you can lose weight often without even trying.

Ready to learn more and start losing weight? - 17273

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Use The 2 Best Ab Exercises

By Gregory Gray

While there are many exercises for abs out there, found in places from fitness mags to the net, there only exists an upper-echelon of exercises for abs that are truly the most effective towards your rectus abdomens, often known as the 6 pack.

The best exercises for abs are reasonably simply to do and require no gymnasium membership, only dedication and time. So, Without further ado, I want to present to you 2 of the best exercises for abs out there today.

The first of these exercises for abs is called the abdominal hold. To do that ab exercise correctly, please :

1) Sit tall on the edge of a sturdy chair, placing your hands on the edge with your fingers pointing towards your knees.

2) Tighten your abs and bring your toes two to 4 inches off of the ground, lifting your butt off the chair.

3) Hold this position for five to ten seconds.

4) Lower yourself down and do it again for one entire minute.

Fairly straightforward, was not it? Now, here is another one of the best exercises for abs. This one is called the Side Crunch'. To do this other exercise for your abs correctly, please :

1) Kneel on the floor and lean all of the way over to your right side, placing your right palm on the floor.

2) While keeping your weight balanced, slowly extend your left leg while pointing your toes.

3) Place your left hand behind your head, pointing your elbow towards the ceiling.

4) Next, slowly lift your leg to hip height as you extend your arm above your leg, with your Palm facing forward.

5) Look out over your hand while bringing the left side of your rib cage towards your hip.

6) Lower yourself back down to beginning position and repeat 6-8 more times. Do 2 more sets and then switch sides.

So there you have it, two excellent exercises for abs that target your rectus abdomens better than most other exercises for abs out there. - 17273

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How Doctors Diagonse Gynecomastia for Your Benefit

By Dustin Fennell

Gynecomastia is the abnormal enlargement of breasts in men akin to the naturally occurring breasts of a woman. This is not a painful condition but it can cause damage to one?s self-esteem. Doctors diagnose gynecomastia in various ways. It is important to know that prominent breast appearance in males can hint at an underlying health problem. Though it is possible that men with enlarged mammary glands are obese, it is not a necessary thing. Doctors have found that even slim looking guys have gynecomastia.

It is a fallacy to assume that only men who are obese have gynecomastia. There are perfectly slim or thin men who have this issue too. One should note that things like hormonal imbalance, medicinal side effects and other metabolic disorders can also create such a situation.

Doctors diagnose it through male breast exams, biopsies, the historical case-study and profile of the patient, body fat analysis, BMI calculation, laboratory tests etc. All of these are used to find out if there is a medical problem that can be identified with gynecomastia. Since the problem manifests in the form of glandular development, an endocrinologist who specializes in gland related disorders is usually asked to investigate into reasons of abnormal breast growth.

The options used to diagnose this condition include male breast exam, blood tests, biopsies, evaluating the history of the patient, BMI calculation, weight, and height and body fat analysis, laboratory test to find out if there is a medical problem for causing gynecomastia. An endocrinologist, the doctor who specializes in diagnosis and treatment of gland related disorders of the endocrine system often investigates abnormal breast growth.

Hormonal medication that balances estrogen levels can definitely bring gynecomastia in control, in the initial stages. One should note that engorged breast swelling is triggered to high levels of estrogen in men, which is essentially a female development hormone. Also doctors advise you to steer clear of prescription drugs taken without consulting doctors, because they can trigger such abnormalities.

Most cases of male breasts are due to failure of the body to normalize breast tissue after the onset of teens. 4 in every 10 cases of gynecomastia have unknown origins with a few, rare cases of breast cancers found during the diagnosis. it is attributed to genetic mutations, cancerous and benign tumors and castrations as well.

The presence of male breast through gynecomastia may not be a thing that requires urgency but it is definitely a problem that warrants physical alteration. In such a case, male breast reduction surgery can be the best recourse. The diagnosis of gynecomastia can really help doctors find out the extent of the problem and the techniques that can take care of the problem in the best possible manner.

Man boobs usually an embarrassing issue from the society point of view. Instead of hiding your problem, it is better for the doctor to diagnose the issue and find out what is the best course of treatment for you. - 17273

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Find Out How Male Breast Reduction Surgery Cures Man Boobs Problem

By Dustin Fennell

The male breast reduction surgery is the best solution for men who want to get rid of their man boobs. Breast reduction is a topic that most males are not comfortable discussing. Medically known as gynecomastia, male breast enlargement is a common problem in males. It is one factor that can reduce the self-esteem of males and make them feel inferior.

Male breast reduction surgery is in the form of liposuction, though in some cases, it has to be accompanied with reconstructive surgery. In the liposuction surgery, a little bit of incision is made around the sides of each nipple in which a cannula, a hollow tube, is inserted. This cannula is connected to a vacuum pump that sucks out excess fat of the breasts. The cannula is moved back and forth to loosen the fatty tissue, adipose, so that it can be removed by suction. While you may get a slight vibration sound or sensation during the procedure, there is not much pain involved. The male breast reduction is done using general anesthesia, and the procedure lasts under 3 hours.

Apart from liposuction, there is also another technique used as a part of the surgery, where excision is done to extract excess skin, also known as the glandular breast tissue. Here, small incisions are performed to slit the area surgically before stitching it up to seal the incisions. Doctors also on a case-to-case basis, change the position of the nipple and the areola, so that it is proportional to the new chest shape.

There is a likelihood of the person experiencing mild vibration or sensation during the procedure. There is no pain involved because the male breast reduction surgery is done with the help of general anesthesia. The operation lasts for about 3 hours or less. In certain cases, reconstructive surgery may be performed, wherein the patient may have to stay overnight.

You may have to stay overnight if reconstructive surgery is needed. While choosing a surgeon, look for the one who is experienced in gynecomastia cases and find out the procedure that will be used on you. Your health insurance may not cover the operation because the treatment is more of a cosmetic nature. Doctors will however provide financing options that can make it easy for you to pay them. What you get in return is confidence to flaunt a chiseled flat masculine chest.

Gynecomastia is due to glandular tissue or fatty tissue, caused by metabolic imbalance, medicinal side-effect or obesity. Doctor recommend you to have a good diet and exercise well to see if you are able to reduce the enlarged breasts in a natural manner. The male breast reduction surgery should be taken as a last resort when you are not able to reduce it though exercises or diet.

Though there are gimmicks like pills and creams, they do not really create lasting, effects in getting the perfect male chest that you wanted. There are medical proofs and acknowledgements which endorse the fact that surgery creates the best results among many options that men use to get a flat chest.

Most males are choosing male breast reduction surgery because of its permanent benefits. Post surgery, men have not only experienced high self-esteem, they have also found admirers in a lot of people who appreciate a positive change in you. - 17273

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Turbulence Training Review

By Lesley Tuthill

I am sure that you have heard of the Turbulence Training System by now. It has been covered in Men's Health as one of the most effective fat loss diet and workout programs, and this has also created a stir in the internet fitness community as well. This downloadable guide is created by a fitness professional, Craig Ballantyne, who has more than 4 years of fitness and fat loss knowledge.

1. How Does the Turbulence Training Program Work?

The training system described inside has only one aim and that is to boost your body's metabolism rate and maintain it at a high level for possibly 2 days. There are several principles that every follower of the system needs to follow in order to fully benefit from the training program.

2. Principles of the Turbulence Training Program?

These are the several guidelines I had to follow to reap the maximum rewards out of the system. The first one is that all workout programs can only be done 3 days per week at only 45 minutes once. Each training session will include 25 minutes of strength training and 20 minutes of high intensity interval training.

The second principle is to ensure that everything taught inside Turbulence Training needs to be implemented even when I am outdoors. Users also need to follow all diet plans strictly at 90% of the time.

3. Examples of the Exercises of the Turbulence Training

Most of the exercises you find in the guide will include those that work out various parts of your body. Some of them include rows, squats, pushups, and deadlifts. These are the exercises that work all the major muscle groups in your body while exercising the smaller muscles at the same time. Working the biggest muscles trigger the highest rate of metabolism in the body. - 17273

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Hoodia And Your Weight Loss Goals

By Noah Garrett

How exactly does a supplement containing Hoodia help with weight loss? This is a common question that more and more people are starting to ask, now that this ingredient has been around for awhile and seems to be the real deal. No longer a new subject on the market, it is starting to get more respect as a real weight loss tool. There is very good reason for that.

While there have been a lot of claims of what this natural substance can do for the human body, the main value is in it's ability to suppress the appetite so you eat less during the day. Consuming fewer calories will lead to weight loss, even if you are not doing anything else to combat your weight.

Your body responds to your blood sugar levels in order to determine when it needs to eat and when it is satisfied. When your sugar levels start to drop you will start getting signs that you are hungry.

What Hoodia does inside the body is send signals that your blood sugar is fine, which holds off the signals to eat more. You ultimately feel fuller so you don't want to eat as often, or as much.

When you start consuming fewer calories you will start to shed the weight. This product alone can bring about some change in weight, but the real results come when you also watch what you are eating and start to move more during the day.

If you want to see rapid results, you should use Hoodia in combination with real lifestyle changes. Just using a supplement alone to block the appetite is going to bring a slower weight loss process. Use caution when selecting your supplement as well, as many do not contain adequate amounts of the ingredient to really make a difference. - 17273

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Cooking and Weight Loss

By Lisa Wood

Weight loss is considered as boring and almost torturing thing making you forget about all tasty meals and dishes for a long time.

It can be different and not boring at all. You can still eat tasty dishes by replacing certain products with others and by improving them using different techniques. Knowing the right things you can still enjoy your food and lose weight.

Presented tips bellow won't change your food preparation hugely and are easy to follow but some may take some extra time but the result is worth that.

You will understand that weight loss can be enjoyable and that process isn't hard at all. It will allow you to eat fewer calories by treating yourself with tasty meals.

Let's get started and I'm pretty sure that at least few of tips bellow will suit your diet plan and will allow to enjoy your dieting much more:

1. Reduce the fat content in beef by 50% with rinsing it down in hot water. Do it after you have drained and browned it. It does not affect the flavour.

2. Swap butter to chicken broth in your rice, stuffing and pasta dishes.

3. Use chicken, beef broth or wine instead of oil and gain extra flavour with excluding the fat.

4. Replace oil in marinades with fruit juices, wine or salad dressing. You'll improve the taste and reduce the fat.

5. Replace full cheese in your pasta dishes with some soft cheese like cottage cheese for example reducing calories this way.

6. Swap mozzarella to cheddar cheese. This way you cut calories by half and reduce fat content significantly.

7. Don't use whole milk but use skimmed instead, saving 8g of fat per glass.

8. Cut down more calories with replacing 1 whole egg with 2 egg whites.

Write down these changes and get used to them while you cook. These are just the most common weight loss cooking techniques and there are plenty of different ones available.

Try these methods and you may be surprised how well they work. The main point here is that you can "trick" boring weight loss methods and enjoy your whole weight loss experience making it easier and better. - 17273

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Core Muscle Workouts and There Benefits

By Cody Campbell

If you are looking to reduce injury or just simply increase your overall physical performance then core muscle workouts better be weaved into your workout routine. Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few years you would have seen a gradual increase in the demand for these workouts. Years ago core exercises were always a part of the muscle building and body building communities. Any workout that works the abs or lower back can be classified as core muscle workouts. Through an increase of interest in these personal fitness programs people are starting to become more aware of the importance of such exercises and are starting to implement them into their workout routines.

That being said there will always be people out there that will downgrade the importance of these workouts. These people just can't see the importance of such workouts as they are still stuck in the past with the misconception that all they have to do it lift heavy weights to develop the body of your dreams. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with lifting heavy weights, all I am saying is that you will never get those 6 pack abs by just building your chest, biceps and shoulders. Plus when you perform your core strength workouts you will not only build up your abs but you will also improve your quality of your life.

What are some of these benefits associated with core training workouts? Here are a few:

1) The ability to enhance the stability and balance of your frame is enhanced. This is due to the increased stability of the muscles in the core. Some may scoff at this notion but it is nothing to be dismissive of. Remember, a lot of accidents and injuries are the result of falls. By improving balance and stability, such scenarios are reduced.

2) Core workouts can also help you improve other underlying injuries. This will always depend on how bad the other injuries are and the person's ability to heal themselves. But all in all many people will notice improved function from pre-existing injuries when they do core workouts.

3) As with any other workout, core exercises will aid in reducing body fat. This will come in the form of enhancing the metabolism as well as through burning calories during the actual workout. Either way, a leaner physique can be developed. The more often you work on your core region, the quicker such results will be possible.

4) When you perform core exercises you will find that your day-to-day activities will become less strenuous. This happens because 95% of your day-to-day activities require the use of your abdominal and lower back muscles. When you strengthen these muscles it becomes so much easier to go about your regular activities.

5) And yes, there are also physical appearance benefits that can be gained from performing body core workouts. The abdominal muscles, thighs, and lower back are stressed quite a bit in these workouts. That means that you will develop a very toned midsection region as a result. Since many people find results in this region elusive, the benefits of core exercises are more than a little helpful. - 17273

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How To Lose Weight With A Colon Cleanse

By Jim McCarthy

There are various ways that we can try and lose weight. If you feel depressed over your size, or maybe your doctor has told you that you need to lose weight for health reasons, then you will want to know how to effectively lose weight in the shortest possible time. Many people are now choosing a colon cleanse to improve their chances of having a positive result in their weight loss programs.

The diets that most of us consume today are not so easy for the digestive system, and specifically the colon, to break down. Our bodies were not designed to be fed on high volumes of saturated fats and junk foods. It is due to this that calories can soon make themselves visible. If you choose to undertake a colon cleansing you will be improving the efficiency of you digestive system. All toxins and waste products will be able to be removed far more effectively and your complete metabolism will function more smoothly.

Due to the build up of waste in the colon, even if you were to have a diet high in nutrients and vitamins it will be more difficult for your body to absorb these essential substances. The result of this will be that you will often feel low in energy. If you tried to workout to shed weight you would not have so much stamina. After a colon cleansing your body will function more efficiently and you will find that you can workout more often and for longer.

There is also an instant weight loss that comes with the treatment. As there will be a large amount of waste that is stuck inside the colon, the cleansing can often produce a drop of five pounds or even more in a typical person's weight.

By getting rid of these unwanted bodily products you will be removing a large amount of bad bacteria. If you have been frequently suffering from constipation or diarrhoea then the problem can be cured by cleansing your colon.

There are many health benefits that will be felt after a professional colon cleanse. Apart from a healthier digestive system you will also notice that other medical problems can clear up. You will suffer less from bloating, piles, and stomach cramps. Differences may also be seen in the number of fungal and bacterial infections that you suffer from.

The only results from a colon cleansing will be positive; it is a very safe treatment. If you want to quickly lose weight and also acquire more energy then there is no need to delay any longer, help is at hand. - 17273

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Why Drinking Wheat Grass Juice Can Boost Health

By Jeanne Roce

Like a large variety of grasses reared in the field such as barley, oats and rye, wheat grass belongs to the same group. Most of the juice that is made from wheat grass, however, comes from grass grown indoors on trays. Most of the dehydrated grass that is about 60 days old is usually used in nutritional supplements.

Such juice when mixed with some of the sprouted wheat berries is especially rich in chlorophyll. This beneficial drink is able to neutralize many the toxins in the body as well as slowing down the process of ageing and general cleansing. It is also believed to reduce the risk of developing cancers. Many people are aware of the health benefits of these juices after watching those TV adverts for the Jack Lalanne juicer which extol the virtue of fresh juices.

Wheat grass can certainly benefit a number of diseases as has been demonstrated by many medical professionals. Like aloe vera, the herbal form, used as a medicine is known to possess healing properties. The theory can be better understood as many cats and dogs can be seen nibbling on the grass especially when they feel sick or unwell. When food sits in our alimentary canal it produces toxins which get absorbed into the bloodstream. Wheat grass is believed to neutralize these toxins which therefore benefits the health. Wheat grass contains many enzymes which have the power to detoxify and neutralize most of the toxins and additives in the diet.

The life blood of all plants is chlorophyll which makes the plants green in color. The chlorophyll and enzymes in the wheat grass can be killed by cooking. It is, therefore, advisable not to do this but to consume it in its fresh form. An interesting fact is that many grass eating animals rarely get cancerous conditions, which could be due to them consuming chlorophyll in the fresh form. It is, however, worth pointing out that it is the enzymes in the grass that detoxifies the body and not the chlorophyll.

Many people who have purchased a juicing machine understand all too well the benefits of juicing. Adding wheat grass to the fruit juice will provide a particularly refreshing and healthy drink. These juices are full of essential vitamins and minerals and can contribute to health.

For a long time fruit and vegetable juices have been known to have a cleansing effect on the body. Due to these cleansing properties many doctors advise drinking them when feeling unwell. Weight for weight, wheat grass contains more protein than eggs, fish and beans and more iron than spinach. This is a relatively little known but surprising fact.

Wheat grass could be thought of as one of the superfoods and more and more people are discovering its health benefits. Experience the wonders of this particular grass and try adding it to your daily diet today. - 17273

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List of Foods High in Potassium

By Beth Hoover

Keeping a list of foods high in potassium near to hand is a clever move. Potassium is an essential mineral that makes up about five pc of your total body mineral content. So eating enough foods high in potassium is important to your healthiness.

Potassium is located generally in the cells of your body. Together with sodium, potassium's main functions are to help maintain the body's water balance and regulate the flow of liquids on each side of the cells.

Potassium also has many other functions. It's essential for ordinary growth and for the kick of nerve impulses. It helps keep the skin healthy and excites the kidneys to release toxic body wastes.

Working along with sodium, potassium helps to normalize the heart beat and provide nourishment for the muscles. Potassium working with phosphorus sends oxygen to the brain and working with calcium controls neuromuscular activity.

There is no advised Daily Allowance for potassium since there are several foods high in potassium. But still most authorities believe that humans should get between two thousand and 2500 milligrams daily in their diet.

Potassium deficiencies , however , are not unusual. Anything that would cause excess urination would increase the loss of potassium. High sugar and salt consumption, coffee and alcohol over indulgence, puking, butt rot, as well as mental and physical stress can all lead to a potassium deficiency.

Water tablets and hormonal medications like aldosterone and cortisone could cause loss of potassium. Diabetics have also been show to be often deficient in potassium.

psychological illnesses, neuromuscular dysfunction and poor reflexes, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, general weakness and loss of physical energy, drooping muscles and trots are all signs of potassium deficiency. Acne in teens and dry sin in seniors might also be a sign of a deficiency of potassium.

A good list of foods high in potassium would certainly include plants, especially green leafy vegetables. Spinach, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, turnip greens and Swiss chard are all glorious sources of potassium. Other excellent sources of potassium include broccoli, squish, green beans, bell peppers, celery and romaine lettuce. Other very excellent sources of potassium are whole grains, sunflower seeds and potatoes with the peelings.

Certain fruits are also superb potassium sources. These include bananas, apricots, dates, figs, melons, oranges, pears and prunes.

Getting enough potassium in your diet is yet another reason why most responsible nutritive authorities strongly advise eating five to 9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. These foods high in potassium and so many other important necessary nutrient elements are so required for good health. You can't get too much of these critical nutriments , however , living on a diet comprised of chips and iceberg lettuce. You want to eat your veggies. - 17273

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