Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, December 12, 2008

How Safe is the Food You Eat?

By Lidia Peru

When you buy fresh vegetables and fruits at the grocery store those items look great. We think they are clean and ready to use with just a rinse of water. But with news stories of critical illnesses caused by contaminated foods, how safe are the foods we buy?

Where did this tainted food come from? We cannot blame the foreign growers, not when we hear about recalls of spinach from California. There are a lot of variables in growing fruits and vegetables, and it is not always easy to control the environment.

Studies have been conducted to review and improve the safe handling of fresh foods. There are many events in the life cycle of our foods that have the potential for dangerous contamination.

One of the dangers in storing foods is the pathogens found naturally in our foods. Microbes can actually form a barrier to protect bacteria, a coating known as biofilm. This coating protects bacterial growth, and can hold disease causing pathogens such as E. Coli and Salmonella.

Pesticides residues can also remain on our produce. Foods can appear to be clean and attractive, encouraging consumption without proper cleaning.

Fungus can also linger on our fresh fruits and vegetables. Mycotoxin are microscopic sized spores, and are found everywhere. This naturally occurring fungi feeds off organic matter, and while it is manageable in small quantities there can be harmful affects in larger quantities. Harm can come from feeding those fungus overloaded foods to cattle, or consuming those foods directly.

What can the consumer do to improve the qualities of the foods they feed their family? One simple tool I have found is chlorine dioxide. This chemical is found in our bodies, and is vital to health and wellness. Chlorine dioxide has also been used for treating water for over 70 years, making it an amazing water purifier. How do we get this powerful cleansing reaction? MMS, or miracle mineral solution creates chlorine dioxide when it is mixed with a food based acid like citric acid.

One step we can take in our food preparation is to do that final cleaning prior to use of our produce. The method I prefer is to use MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution and a little citric acid to produce chlorine dioxide. This combination was discovered several years ago, and used to treat thousands of malaria cases, hence the name miracle in Miracle Mineral Solution. The resulting chemical output is chlorine dioxide, a water purifier and naturally occuring detoxifier in the body.

I know that the health and wellness of your family is important to you. Miracle Mineral Solution gives us a choice that can lead to a healthier happier environment. - 17273

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Discover Why You Have To Do Spinal Decompressions

By Caleb Lee

Your backbone is perhaps the most essential structure in your body, hence it is critical to take care of it. Your vertebral column get loads of compression from everyday activities, gravity and general life. Plus the added compression you give it with strength training and you better start decompressing it.

Spine health is very important, and I'm willing to bet that the majority of you have backache at this time. I myself hurt my lower back roughly a year ago, and this is one of the methods I enjoyed to take it back to 99% (even at times becomes tight or aching). I'll do an extensive post on why you have backache and how to resolve it later on, however read this right now.

What you want to do is follow a trouble-free decompression technique that helps to keep your backbone strong and mobile by helping it decompress to its original length.

Here's all you need to know...

How To Perform Spine Decompressions

You'll need a pull-up bar to execute your decompressions. Once you have that piece of equipment, there's two ways to get on with this:

1. Obtain Gravity Boots: This is the process that I utilize. These are boots that you bind onto your ankles and have hooks on them so you can hang upside down from your pullup bar securely and allow your backbone to decompress. I make use of Teeter Hang Ups Gravity Boots. An extra bonus is that with these boots I can perform upturned sit ups for my abs and other cool "upside down" exercises.

2. Hang With Your Hands: This is easy. Simply hang from your pull-up bar and relax all your muscles-hold it for as long as possible. The longer you hang the better shoot for at least 5 minutes and build up from there. You probably can't hang that long, so here's

How To Hang Longer With Your Hands

The longer you hang the better, yet your grip will almost certainly give out. Even though I would never advise using lifting straps for your typical lifting, I recommend them for decompressions for it will allow you to hold longer. Go for nylon-type lifting straps or lifting hook straps as they're more durable.

How To Relax Your Muscles So Your Spine Decompresses

Your muscles need to be relaxed in order for your spine to decompress (staying tight won't help). Here's what to do whether you're using the gravity boots method or the hanging from your hands method:

* Come down the pull-up bar

* Take a deep breath and sustain it

* Tighten up your whole body (focus on abs, glutes and make fists)

* Hold your whole body tense for 5 seconds

* Give it all off, your breath and the whole stiffness. Take it easy

When you do this you'll sense your whole body relaxing and you'll most likely "drop" down a bit. You'll probably feel your back decompressing, particularly the first few times.

How You Regular Have To Decompress

Every day is great. Though I have to admit that I don't do it day by day always. But you certainly should aim to do it as much as possible. If you get tired hanging upside down you can read a book or something. It's great to do these right after your strength training sessions, right after your settle down-think of it as a part of your cooldown. - 17273

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Find Out Why The Most Popular Diet Plans Aren't The Best Plans!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is hard to turn on the television today and not see an added some sort or one weight-loss plan or another. It begs the question, if they work, why are there so many different kinds? Knowing your body and how it works will let you pick from many diet to market the best one for you. Below I've described some of the more popular weight-loss programs and and provided links to some new promising ones.

1. Jenny Craig. This one has been in the news quite frequently of late. Between Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, everyone has heard and seen what Jenny Craig can do for you. The monthly fee may be twenty dollars, but the cost of food is what will get you. Still, the program combines good food provided by the center with salads, low fat dairy, lots of water, fruits, and exercise. You can speak with a counselor about your progress when you go for your weigh-ins.

2. Weight Watchers. This diet by far has been a very successful. Almost no food is off limits. The points system, developed by Weight Watchers, lets you eat anything you want as long as you do not eat more than a daily point value assigned to your weight group. this fun as great literature and informative meetings that instruct members how to eat benefits as they can eat more, not be hungry and not gain weight. Exercise is not a large part of this diet even though it's encouraged. My advice, however, is to always exercise. Even if it's just a little. Everyday, each little bit helps more than you know it's a vital part of your day and will improve your life.

3. South Beach. This diet gets a lot of attention because of its advertisement that you will lose up to 13 pounds in the first two weeks. This is done by eating a very restricted diet. In fact the first two weeks are the most restrictive. The basis of the plan, reprogramming the Body to burn calories more efficiently. The foods that are initially restricted are slowly added over time to balance out the diet. The diet really picked up momentum due to the fact that many different providers make frozen meals, bars, and breakfast cereal sold thousands of popular grocery stores.

4. NutriSystem. This diet program is based on the glycemic index for rating carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that is low on the glycemic index is one that will release its energy slowly throughout the day so that sugar levels in the blood are stable, reducing hunger. High glycemic index foods are metabolized quickly and give you a burst of energy but makes you crash not long afterwards. The meals are already portioned out to avoid counting calories, fats, and carbs.

Which one is for you? If you have questions about which diet is right for you visit my site to learn more. At my site, there is fantastic information about all of these diets. And you'll learn more about exercise, nutrition, and health. When You visit today and sign up for my newsletter I'll give you free diet software. Click on the links below now! - 17273

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Salt Free Seasoning - Learn How To Prepare Meals Without Salt

By Nnaemeka Ferdinand

Cooking a delicious meal can be done even if you want to keep a salt free diet. Salt as it has already been mentioned in all types of media can be dangerous to the body, especially for one's heart. If consumed a lot, it can prevent the elimination of water from one's body. This has caused many to give up salt and instead enhance the flavor of their meal using salt free seasoning.

Salt free seasoning refers to mixtures of spices and herbs free of salt added to this blend meant to make your food tastier and thus more appealing. Seasoning of course varies from one dish to another, depending on whether the dish contains meat or not. Some spices as they are combined would rather go with vegetables or with a certain kind of meat, white or red. Recipes of salt free seasoning are available from a variety of sources, example internet sites or cookery books.

One type of salt free seasoning is that which actually makes the salad dressing. As usual, the dressing should be made with a bit of oil and vinegar. But additionally you can add garlic and onion powder, basil, sage and black pepper. Your salad will be delicious even without any salt, unlike what you actually expect in case you are used to eating salted food.

Another type of salt free seasoning is the one meant for cooking fish or seafood. In doing this you should mix one and and half table spoon of pepper in addition with lemon peel and two table spoons of crushed dill, tarragon or chives. Dried mustard or garlic powder are optional. In case you are cooking fish, a bit of paprika will not only boost the flavor, it will also add to the nice and appealing aspect of the dish.

Last but not least the oriental seasoning can also be prepared without any salt and therefore we can obtain a different kind of salt free seasoning. Oriental flavors traditionally rely on ginger, pepper and garlic and these can be added in equal quantities so that all three main ingredients can be tasted and felt equally. Usually up to half a spoon should do for one pound of meat.

Of course Mexican food is also a delight to many. A Mexican salt free seasoning can as well be home prepared and it should contain onion, chili and garlic powder mixed with ground cumin. In case you like thyme, basil black pepper and oregano these can also be added to the blend.

Whichever of the seasonings you prefer and discover as a favorite in supermarkets, you can prepare at home on your own. All you need is to buy your own ingredients and make your own salt free seasoning based on the ingredients mentioned on the label of the seasoning you like so much. By doing this, you can guarantee better health and tasty food at the same time. - 17273

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Health Infos - Heart Rate Monitors

By Soraia Bauer

Heart rate monitors used to be exclusively operated by physicians and nurses alone but that was soon rectified with today's multi-tasking generation. Every person seemed to want to know about everything that was related to them and that of course included monitoring their own heartbeats.

Also known as a cardiac monitor, a heart monitor is a piece of electronic equipment that can be used to track or observe heart functions continuously. It allows people to place a numerical value on their healthiness based on their heart rate and have a target heart rate to work for. The more complex versions of the heart monitor allow physicians to see any signs of deterioration or improvement and make the necessary adjustments immediately.

Today, heart monitors have been constructed by a millions as great as written to support specific sorts of individuals. Some heart monitors have been essentially written for weight detriment programs whilst others have been meant for a have make use of athletes or aptness programs. Some have been wireless or come as a built-in underline of practice apparatus similar to a treadmill or a practice bike. It can be strapped to your wrist or of substantial size. It might or might not evacuate any electromagnetic waves, depending upon a purpose. A deadly heart monitor, for instance, contingency not furnish any waves during all as this might start an illness of a baby.

ECG-Accurate Monitors with Chest Straps - Heart monitors that come with chest straps are more often not the most accurate of heart monitors. The chest strap is strapped around your chest, a few centimetres below your breast. It contains a device that's able to detect electrical activity of your heart and transmit it to the brain of the machine - just like an ECG. The results are shown on the display monitor, which most of the times is attached to your wrist like a watch. Others however prefer results to be transmitted through audio messages via earphones.

Upon choosing heart monitors with chest straps, you need to remember to keep the strap constantly connected to your body lest you want the heart monitor to produce inaccurate readings.

Lastly, the only alternative against buying heart monitors with chest straps are the ones that rely on pulses on your fingertips. These however do not provide readings as accurate as those with chest straps.

Heart Guard Facilities - Basic as great as reduce finish models lend towards to arrangement usually your heart rate as great as might be a gone by practice time as well. This of march does not yield enough report if we wish to know just how most we need to urge prior to we can be competent as a utterly full of health individual. Higher finish models will of March suggest a wider operation of facilities - for a price. Examples of such facilities have been - though not singular to - heart rate section alarms, timers as great as series of calories burned. It might additionally concede users to set pre-programmed workouts along with a targeted heart rate.

Ease of Use - Lastly, you must purchase a heart rate monitor that you will have no problems of using. What good would a high end heart monitor do if it takes you an hour to operate it? Are the numbers and words appearing in the heart rate monitor readable? Can it be used in no-light situations? Are buttons well-labelled and ergonomically positioned?

Heart monitors can be generally costly, some-more so if we have been vigilant upon purchasing higher-end models. If we have a singular budget, we should ask yourself either or not we indeed need to buy a heart monitor. We can of march squeeze a single of a lower-end models though low peculiarity heart monitors can lead to false formula as great as which arrange of defeats a role of shopping one.

If you are intent on purchasing a heart monitor, you need to ask yourself another question: do you need to make a solo purchase or is it alright with you to use the heart monitor that comes as a built-in feature of a treadmill? Lastly, you should remember as well that you can always pay your doctor regular visits and have him monitor your heart rate for you. - 17273

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Alternative Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

By Michael Byrd

Do you often get tired? If you do, then you may be having a condition that is referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Based on the data provided by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), there are more than a million of Americans who are suffering from this debilitating condition and around an estimate of 80% are not aware they have it. Could you be one of them?

Then maybe, you or somebody you know may be diagnosed of having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). If this is so, the best way to get rid of the problem is to use alternative therapies which are highly effective.

You cannot necessarily have CFS just because you get tired often. Dr. Julie Gerberding, CDC director, explains that symptoms of profound exhaustion, problems with concentration and sleep can differentiate a simple case of exhaustion from CFS. Symptoms of pain in the joints and muscles, headaches, flu-like symptoms and sore throats and tender lymph nodes are also manifested.

Dr. Gerberding has also specified that CFS symptoms are more or less similar to diseases that cause fatigue. Such diseases include Fibromyalgia, chronic mononucleosis, neurasthenia, encephalomyelitis and multiple chemical sensitivities. A poor diet is of course a very big factor for frequent fatigue, but there are also some other health problems that may be a factor to fatigue, such as improper digestion, allergies to food, obesity, tension, depression, sleep problems, alcohol, smoking and drug addiction.

No amount of rest can make a person who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome feel much better. In fact, it can wear a person physically and mentally that it prevents them from performing their usual day to day activities. But a change in lifestyle and a diet rich in whole food nutrients helps in preventing and even reversing the symptoms of CFS.

Initially, a switch to a diet that is more wholesome, particularly one that includes a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains is advised. As a source of protein, cold water fish that is high in omega-3 oils and lean, free ranging poultry may be used. Adequate amounts of pure and clean water is also needed, while processed, salty and sweet foods need to be avoided. The diet should be restricted of sugar, alcohol, coffee, tea, sodas, and fruit drinks. If you happen to be a smoker, quit now.

Stay away from stressful activities and events and make sure you have enough rest. It is also needed that you start an exercise program and do it regularly. Exercise can relieve you of stress and is really an essential part of your alternative treatment. Start by setting a moderate goal. Do not push yourself too hard. Take it slowly and gradually.

There can be times when you have done your best, especially with your diet but you seem to be getting less from it. The CDC then recommends the use of supplements to get optimum dietary results. I highly recommend the use of natural, whole food nutritional supplements, like essential oils for a healthy body.

I have time and time again seen how these alternative treatments have worked wonders for those having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia or simply tiredness. The results have actually been amazing for those who followed all the guidelines. They just felt better and have started to have fun and bid goodbye to fatigue. - 17273

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