Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Anti-aging benefits of Caloric Restriction

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Nobody remains unaware of the ever popular diet fact that focuses on losing weight by cutting calories in one's diet. Caloric restriction usually makes us think about diets that end up making us hungry and deprived. Scientific evidence supports the notion that caloric restriction may lead to longevity health benefits aside from basically just losing a few pounds! There are studies conducted that support the slowing of the aging process with caloric restriction.

Fewer calories do not necessarily mean less nutrition. This idea is about making the body eat right. The best way to start this is not by lessening how much is being consumed by the body but by modifying the kind of the foods taken in. Actually, the highest nutrient values can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, salmon, tuna, trout and beans. They have lesser calories and high nutrient density.

Based on modern studies on primates, worms, mice and flies, a longer and healthier life is possible through a combination of a lower calorie intake and a nutrient dense diet. Along with the quantity comes the quality of life as diseases that indicate aging, such as heart problems, high blood pressure, dementia and the likes, are avoided.

Measurements taken of the regions of the brain that control cognitive ability and memory show that there is far less atrophy of brain tissue in the animals on a restricted calorie diet. The control group were fed healthy foods but allowed to eat as much as they wanted. This group showed all the expected signs of aging including brain atrophy and diseases of aging. Mice and rats which were on a 30% caloric restriction slowed aging by 30%-40%.

A human male takes in a little over 2600 calories a day on average. However, it is quite impossible to specify the amount of calories everyone should consume. This is because of a couple of factors such as body size and metabolism. More so, different individuals engage in various amounts of physical activity on a daily basis. Two different individuals may consume the same amount and type of food but still vary in body weight because of the above-mentioned individual differences.

The key to slow down aging through less calorie intake is first by taking note of the number of calories taken in a day. Take note of this for a whole month to determine your average calorie intake. Lessen the amount of calories consumed by 5 percent on the second month. You should, however, be careful not to be left hungry or starving. The foundation of the whole process lies on the modification of one's diet. The high calorie foods should be replaced with foods of lower caloric value which are rich in nutrients.

Go to your doctor and have him establish a baseline for you of cholesterol levels, fasting blood sugar, and blood pressure. Each month, reduce your caloric intake by another five percent. At the end of the month, see your doctor again and have these three numbers rechecked. If they show improvement, you may very well be slowing the aging process in your body. You can reduce calories by another five percent for another month and repeat the tests. When your numbers level out and stop showing improvement, you will have reached what should be the optimal caloric intake to assure you of a longer, healthier life.

It has been scientifically found that Resveratrol, which is a compound found in grape skins and red wine, can mimic the anti-aging health benefits of caloric restriction. Studies at the University of Florida revealed that "the effects of low doses of Resveratrol were comparable to caloric restriction, the hallmark of life extension". It is never too late to get a head start on providing your body with the conditions it needs to live a longer and happier life. However, if restricting your daily calories by 15%-30% seems too hard, then when why not consider Resveratrol? Should you get healthier and slow aging with caloric restriction or Resveratrol? It is your choice. - 17273

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Why You Should Not Be Fasting-6 Reasons

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

In a never-ending effort to come up with new angles on fat loss, the health industry has created a slew of fad diets over the years. One type of diet that has gained traction is fasting.

The big problem with fasting, however, is that it can cause some very serious issues especially if you do it for a prolonged period of time. Don't believe me? Here are 6 reasons why you shouldn't be fasting:

1. Liver glycogen depletion. This happens in less than a DAY. Liver glycogen depletion is not fun by any stretch of the imagination. Why? Because liver glycogen (stored carbohydrate) is responsible for maintaining your blood sugar. Once it's depleted, expect some rock bottom energy levels.

2. Lean tissue cannibalism. Your body doesn't want to die. So in an attempt to survive it will break down your muscle and convert it to blood sugar. Why does it need blood sugar? Because without it, your brain would shut down.

3. The breakdown of organs. Muscle won't be the only target here. Your body will also break down vital organs and tissues, to a lesser degree of course. And cannibalizing your own organs is probably not that healthy?

4. Ketone bodies. Your body can only cannibalize so much tissue before you enter the danger zone. And once you're in the danger zone, your body will do everything it can to get you out. How does it do it? With the production of ketones which are basically an inferior substitute for blood sugar.

5. No proven benefits. Many people undertake a fast under the impression that there's some type of health benefit. Yet there hasn't been any solid scientific evidence proving this. On the contrary, fasts tend to be extremely unhealthy.

6. Acidic conditions. If you fast, expect a more acidic body. On top of this, you're likely to lose a lot of vitamins and minerals through urine. Even worse, exercise will hurt a lot.

Unfortunately, most fasts are also accompanied by a weight gain rebound. This happens because as you fast your metabolism slows down significantly. Then once you stop fasting, you eat an excess to compensate, but you have a slower metabolism! - 17273

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Notice The Healthy Dietary Advantages Of Acai

By Andrea F Henderson

The acai berry is a tiny purple berry that hails from the rain forest in Brazil. Recently it has had a great deal of advertising and it has been marketed as advantageous for such things as losing weight, prevention of illness, reversing the tribulations of aging and the continuance of good health.

However, as of March 2009, there were no controlled studies on humans that backed up any of these claims. Even so, when you know the particulars about this little berry common sense will tell you that it is an extremely healthful supplement to your beneficial nutritional regime.

Promotion claims on the acai berry reach from amplified energy levels and enhanced digestion to detoxification and enhanced sexual performance. There are claims that it can improve your heart health, improve the appearance of your skin, reduce your cholesterol levels and it has frequently been marketed as a weight loss product.

Many of these claims may seem to be extravagant however; the fact is that the acai berry is in point of fact one of the most healthful foods ever found on the planet. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC scores of any singular food. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of antioxidant activity in a food. It also boasts a healthy combination of monounsaturated fats, which are the good fats, and the essential fatty acids Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. It also has an almost ideal amino acid complex and a healthful measure of fiber.

These beneficial components that are naturally a part of this healthy berry can all be a factor in all of these claims that are being made. Fiber, essential fatty acids and antioxidants can all be a contributing factor to healthy weight loss. Antioxidants have been implicated as a cause in anti-aging and the hindrance of disease. It has been known for many, many years that first-class nourishment is essential for our all around good health by providing the components that our bodies need to easily create great healthiness.

But the acai berry is not some newly exposed miracle food but rather it is just another food in a long line of beneficial and nutritious foods that all add to our superior wellbeing.

Nourishing and abundantly nutritious foods are rich on our planet. The berry grouping alone, of which the acai berry is a part, includes exceptionally wholesome and nutritious blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, blackberries and more. Spinach, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower are especially wholesome. And there are many, many other very nutritious foods such as pumpkin, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, sweet potatoes and more. All of these particularly wholesome foods are helpful to our wellbeing and most of them also give to the precise same healthiness benefits that the acai berry has been touted for.

The acai berry is a highly nutritious food; in fact it is one of the healthiest of all. It has up to 10 times the antioxidant power of red grapes, twice the antioxidant power of blueberries. A healthful diet is valuable to our health so even without the controlled studies it makes sense that this naturally nutritious fruit can be helpful to our health. Try the acai berry and see how it can benefit you. - 17273

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Creating The Perfect Body

By Ellen Valentine

Dr. Dennis Waitley is one of the best motivators I know. In 1988 I heard him tell a unique story about the astronauts and the space program that correlated to statistics he had gathered from the U.S Olympic team in previous years. He said that in simulations, they were told to visualize their tasks as if they were actually performing. Both groups showed physical responses that were quantifiable, as if they were actually performing the tasks. Can that information help you to create the body you really want?

Powerful visualizations are creating for us in each and every moment. It is unfortunate that most times people see themselves as less than beautiful or accomplished or fit. So the trick is to switch the game and create a phenomenal body with fantastic results. To create the new you, see yourself as what you want to feel and look like in the body, make it real, create a sentient rich picture that could make you cry for joy and appreciation. Be in the great new body NOW.

Jack Canfield is a mentor and friend. In his book, The Success Principles he recommends using the time before sleep and the time before getting out of bed in the morning as prime creation times. Go over goals, recreate things from your day that could have had a better outcome, put yourself in that new car or home or job or new business. Give yourself the body you'd love to have. If you're a new mother, see all the baby weight gone and yourself in a new bikini the way you want to look. If you're a body builder, see yourself rippled and in the greatest physical shape of your life. The Success Principles is a great book, a must have for deciding upon and creating the life you want to have.

I want to share that even if you dont like the skin youre in, giving gratitude for what you have is really important. The reality is the more you push away how you look or feel, the more the feeling or unwanted situation will stare you in the face. Acknowledge all that is good about you; and please, dont say there isnt anything good. I know that isnt true at all. Think of every small and large accomplishment. Make a list and add to it every time something new pops in your head like, I have beautiful skin, my teeth are really straight, I am feeling healthy right now. Add everything you think of. Allow the list to grow and boost your self esteem.

Seeing ourselves in very different ways may be difficult at first. Imagine what it would FEEL like to be different, better in some way, better to you that is. Allow the feeling of the new you to wash over you. Let go of self-doubt, blame, shame or shoulds and just receive what your mind is conceiving. Implement new and healthy habits that will make concrete your decisions in the world of form. Detach from the outcome and begin now to enjoy the new you right now.

Create the body of your dreams and make it happen. Brain Science supports your right to create on every level; and Master Teachers all over the planet are proving it is so. Ellen Valentine, CNC - 17273

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Lowest Price Vitamins

By Jerry Turley

Vitamins played a vital role in making people healthy. Unless the body have definite amount of vitamins in a human body, it starts weakening and results in many diseases. As a remedial measure, just consume vitamin tablets. Different varieties of vitamin tablets are available in the real and virtual markets these days. No need to intake all types of vitamin tablets by an individual, just find out the deficiency and start using it. The high cost of the vitamin tablets can be reduced to a large extend while buying vitamins online. Along with vitamin tablets different types of apparels and appliances are available for men, women, kids and even babies from online vitamin shops.

Food and beverages are very important for health and beauty. Everyone must consume the prescribed level of vitamin tablets for their health and beauty. Online shops offer different types of vitamin tablets and other supplements for all the people. Normally the cost of vitamin tablets and other supplements are very high. There are so many ways of decreasing the price of vitamin tablets while buying vitamins online. Regular online customers will be familiar with the term vitamin shoppedcoupon codes.

The online Vitamin Shops really provides you a pool of information. You can compare price of different vitamin tablets, read articles about health and fitness, and can select the suitable vitamin tablet for you. Detailed description of the different types of vitamin tablets and accessories are available in the website. Individuals all over the world can buy vitamin tablets from online shops.

Reading different articles helps you to compare the price list of different vitamin tablets and understand healthy tips. Most of the traders who sell vitamin tablet online facilitate the customer to understand the information about the tablet by providing detailed descriptions in their website. These online facilities help the customers to buy vitamins from any corner of the world.

There are thousands of varieties of vitamin tablets available in the world. From the wide pool, the well established vitamin sites introduced 20,000 varieties of vitamin tablets. It is better to consult physician before consuming vitamin tablets, they can give you more advice regarding your health and the tablet to be consume. Nature's Way, Met-Rx, Cytosport, Twinlab, Jason, Natrol, Solaray, Burt's Bees, Source Naturals, etc. are the widely used vitamin tablets of top quality.

Sports personalities include lots of nutrition like vitamins and protein in their food. Best solutions for them are included in the online shops. Different types of vitamin tablets for them are available with them. - 17273

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Don't Take the Bait: Free Acai Berry Trial Scam

By Travis Van Slooten

If you have been trying to decide whether or not you want to get acai berry supplements, you may have come across a few free acai berry trial offers. While it may seem, at first glance, like a great way to test the product before you spend your money, you need to be aware of a few things first. In order to avoid getting scammed and possibly being charged a substantial amount of money, you owe it to yourself to read up on how scam companies operate. More importantly, you need to know what to look for so you don't become a victim yourself.

Scams are not uncommon especially when you have a product that's selling like hotcakes. With the interest and money that the new product is producing, it's a given that opportunists would want a share of that too. What they do is lure interested buyers into trying out free acai berry trials, but when consumers are hooked, what they actually get is not only the free products they signed up for but a whole lot of other charges they never expected to be paying for.

Recently, a group of customers successfully sued a company for, quite literally, stealing from them. These customers were drawn in by a free acai berry trial offer. However, upon signing up for the trial, they were automatically signed up for a number of other product subscriptions. While the acai berry trial was free, as promised, all of the other subscriptions were most definitely not, and these customers were being charged huge sums of money for products they did not ask for and did not want. When they contacted the company and tried to cancel these subscriptions, these cancellations were put on hold for months on end. And the whole time, the charges kept coming in. Eventually, the customers took the case to court and the company was forced to pay them back $350,000. But while this story turned out well for these victims, not all of them end so happily.

Of course, the best way to sidestep the issue entirely is to stay away from any company that offers free trials. Most genuine companies may offer, say, a free bottle with an order of a 6-month supply. But if a company is basically saying that it?s giving away its product, that probably means its making its profit some other way, and you might not like how it goes about doing that.

This is not to say though that you should be wary of all acai supplements. There are still a lot of decent companies that give the right value for your money. While you may not get a free trial, you can at least be confident that you will be getting all the nutritional benefits that should come with it. What it all boils down to is whether you are willing to try out these free acai berry trial offers at the risk of losing your money and losing out on the real health advantages of acai. - 17273

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Latent Viruses Cause Cancer - Stop Latent Viruses with Gene-Eden, an Antiviral Supplement

By Michael Spence

The immune system is powerful, yet delicate. Many events outside or inside our body can damage it. For instance, are you stressed? Are you taking medications to lower your cholesterol or blood pressures, or to control other long term conditions? Do you use your cell phone extensively? Do you live or work next to a cell phone antenna? Did you pass the age of 40? Stress, medications, radiation (UV, x-Ray, cell phone, etc), and aging damage your immune system.

How is the immune system protecting you? By controlling the number of latent or chronic viruses living in your body. Many viruses infect us and stay with us for life. Some of the most common viruses are the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex virus (HSV), Varicella Zoster virus (VZV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and Human Papillomavirus (HPV).

What happens if the immune system is less efficient? The chronic viruses in your body multiply and cause major diseases, such as such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and even arthritis, heart disease, asthma, cancer, diabetes, and accelerated aging. (Would you like to read scientific research on the link between chronic viruses and these diseases? Visit http://www.gene-eden.com/Gene-Eden.htm.)

How do the common viruses cause these diseases? And is there a way to protect against them?

Let?s start by taking one disease, cancer, as an example. The process in the other diseases is similar (see below). Scientists believe that cancer results from a genetic mutation. For instance, they believe that breast cancer results from a mutation in the BRCA1 gene. This belief makes sense, since the BRCA1 gene produces a protein (with the same name) that stops the cell from replicating, and therefore, prevents it from turning into a tumor. However, here is the mystery. Only 5% of the breast cancer patients have a mutated gene. What about the other 95% of the patients? What causes cancer in the patients that don?t have a mutation?

Since 2003, when Dr. Hanan Polansky published his ?purple book?, the cause of cancer in the non-mutated patients is mystery no more.

Hundreds of scientific papers showed that most people are infected with chronic viruses. (Do you want to know which chronic viruses reside in your body? Ask your doctor for a simple blood test, or visit the Gene-Eden website at http://www.gene-eden.com/immune.htm for detailed instructions.) According to Dr. Hanan Polansky, these viruses are genetic parasites. They compete with the human genes for a scarce genetic resource. In high numbers, the viruses win the competition, ?starve? the human genes, and disrupt their production of proteins. Starved human genes behave as if they are mutated. (They are not, but to a puzzled scientist they look like they are mutated!) And without the needed proteins, the cell stops functioning properly, and the infected host develops a major disease.

Want a more detailed description of Dr. Hanan Polansky?s discovery, especially designed for the general public? Visit http://www.gene-eden.com/Gene-Eden.htm.

Breast cancer and the BRCA1 are not unique. When a chronic virus starves another gene, called CD18, the infected host develops atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and even stroke. When a chronic virus starves a third gene, called TF, the host develops autoimmune diseases, such as juvenile diabetes, lupus, arthritis, Crohn's disease, and the list goes on and on.

Why is ?purple book? important?

It is important since it motivated the scientists at polyDNA to develop the antiviral supplement Gene-Eden, which, for the first time, targets the cause rather than the symptoms of the major diseases.

Gene-Eden is an all natural, broad range, antiviral dietary supplement that targets many of the most common viruses during their latent or chronic phase. The Gene-Eden formulation includes five natural ingredients. To identify these ingredients, the scientists at polyDNA used a unique process. First, they collected thousands of scientific papers. Then, they analyzed the content of these papers with their in-house, proprietary bio-informatics program. Finally, they used the results of the computer analysis to select the five most powerful, yet safe antiviral ingredients. Do your want to read some of the papers identified with the computer analysis, which were published in scientific journals and show the powerful antiviral effect of the five ingredients? Visit the Gene-Eden website. In addition, and as would be expected from the scientific process used by the scientists at polyDNA to identify these ingredients, users of Gene-Eden describe great health oriented results. - 17273

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10 Tips About Dieting That Will Help You More Lose Weight

By Jhon Cockey

1)Never ever skip a meal. You have to eat 3 meals each day if you want to lose weight. Avoid making the mistake of starving yourself during the day and binging during the night. Eat 4-5 times per day smaller portions and you will lose weight faster.

2)If you are a frequent emotional eater you should get a better way to cure your emotional problems than food. Go to a psychiatrist or meditate because food will never help you heal your emotional scars. It will only make you more depressed when you look in the mirror and see a big sack of lard.

3)Eating for snacks super fatty foods or foods that contain lots of calories. If you get hungry between meals eat an apple or a banana. It will stop your hunger and it doesn't contain as much calories as junk food does.

4)You have to respect the serving size found on the nutritional panel of the foods that you buy. If you exceed the quantities don't act all surprised when you gain weight.

5)Many thing that they can lose weight by eating pastas. It is true that a serving of pastas has few calories but a serving is just 1 cup. I bet you are eating a lot more than just 1 cup.

6)Snaking a lot on nuts will make you fat in time. Nuts and dried fruits contain a lot of calories and fats. It is true that they are healthy and recommended, but not all the time.

7)You should never suppose that all fruits and energy bars are low cal. Some of them contain quite a few calories. Learn to make wiser choices when it comes to what fruits and energy bars you eat and you will lose weight.

8)Avoid getting hungry before you leave your office. That way you will have the required energy to get home and prepare for yourself a good healthy food that you will enjoy and won't make you even more fat.

9)Instead of lots of sweets you can eat lots of fruits. They are much more healthy and will keep your sweet tooth at bay.

10)Before going to a party eat a healthy meal at home. That way you won't be as tempted by all the unhealthy food found at the party. - 17273

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On Your Way To Health With Your iPod

By Thom Yarborough

It may sound strange but it sure is true, your iPod can be your reason to be well on your way to good health. Try one of the many ways in which you can learn to stay healthy and fit with the hundred or more apps that can be found on iTunes; while most give out a lot of helpful tips there are some apps that are very useful, and once you've really got the hang of it, you may well see a noticeable difference in your lifestyle! Take a look at some of these apps.


You know you want that hot bod; the one that's fit with those oh so awesome abs and biceps. But the case is always, that you don't know what the right exercises are and trying random exercises isn't very advisable now is it? And to top that, hiring a personal trainer could be a bit too heavy on the pocket.

A free app on the iPhone can show you the way to fitness. iFitness provides images of people performing around 230 exercises based on the body region and muscle. Double tap the image to see clear instructions about the exercises and if it's a tough one, then you can single tap the video to see a video of how it is done!

Meditation Timer:

If you're keen about meditation and don't want to miss it even if you're not at your home, then download the Meditation Timer app for your iPhone. With the help of this timer, you can set the amount of time required for your daily sitting. This app is available in two gentle color sequences and there's also a recording which plays some soothing music. You can also set the phone to vibrate gently instead of ringing so that your meditation does not get unduly disturbed.

7 Day Detox:

If you're looking to lose weight and flushing out all those harmful toxins from your body, imagine getting to follow a perfect diet program for it? Even though such plans are available aplenty on the internet, it's not very easy to follow them because our knowledge on what is to be done is just vague. With the 7 Day Detox program that can be downloaded onto your iPhone, you will be given instructions on a daily basis as to what to eat and at what intervals. - 17273

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Kettlebell Workout Programs : 4 Tips to Succeed

By Mark Walters

When performed properly, kettlebell workout programs help provide complete body fitness. Kettlebells don't just condition, tone and strengthen the muscles, they also improve flexibility and cardiovascular health. To help you succeed in using kettlebells to reach your fitness goals, try following the below tips:

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #1 Don't Overestimate Your Strength

Many beginners make a common mistake with kettlebell exercises. They start off with weights that are too heavy for them, and rush through the routine. Weight needs to be increased in gradual degrees until the body is used to them to avoid injuries.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #2 Don't Go Too Fast

Increase pace and intensity gradually. When it comes to kettlebell workout programs, people have differing degrees of endurance. Hence, the frequency, pace, weight levels and repetitions will vary for every person. Whatever the pace and intensity of each routine though, you should aim to workout at least three per week.

You would know if you need to increase your pace if the kettlebell starts to feel too light or if your body already experiences very minimal strain with the exercises. Should you notice significant changes in your muscle tone or weight, this is another indication that you need to increase the intensity of your program.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #3 Prepare Beforehand And Take Rests

Make preparation a priority. It is important to warm up first for 10 minutes or so before the days session. If you're not sure how to properly warm up for kettlebell exercises, get a friend or fitness instructor to show you.

Take breaks as part of sensible training. Doing so allows your muscles to sufficiently recover and minimizes the risk of incurring a serious injury.

This means resting for a few seconds between repetitions and not working out every day. As an additional measure, if you start regularly performing then you should take a few consecutive days off from it a month.

Kettlebell Workout Program Tip #4 Sets Of Exercises Create a routine that works on as many of your muscles as possible. Kettlebell workout programs are considered complete workouts. That is however, only if you choose the right sets of exercises. The three major muscle areas that kettlebells work on are the lower, upper and core muscles of the body. - 17273

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Pineapple Diet Overview

By Monty Dayton

There are many different types of diets out there, but there might not be any diet that is harder to pin down than the pineapple diet. There are many versions of this diet around online, but even the real one is fairly restrictive. But there's no denying that there is a great deal of interest in this diet.

Eating pineapple is obviously the cornerstone of this diet and eating plan. Pineapple is your snack, it's the main part of every meal, and only tuna and ice water act as supplements. There are many different versions of the pineapple diet, but all of them are based around the same ideas.

The pineapple diet is definitely a fad diet and should be undergone carefully. That said, does this eating plan help people lose weight? For many people, the answer will be yes.

The pineapple & tuna version of this idea tends to especially be effective because tuna is a great lean meat high in Omega-3s, protein, and low in calories. This is a great balance to the pineapple, which delivers a great amount of energy for a fruit. This combination, along with ice water, can help to guarantee a diet low in both fat and salt. There are several concerns with this diet, however.

First, one of the largest concerns is sugar. Pineapple is a fruit that has a very high fructose (sugar) content. For diabetics who have to watch their insulin, this could become a major issue. Pineapple is also a very acidic fruit, which could make it unappealing for many different individuals.

The second concern is one that is common with fad diets: there are concerns over the nutritional imbalance that comes along with following a diet that has such a restriction on foods that can be eaten. It is nearly impossible to get the fully recommended amount of vitamins and nutrients from a restricted diet.

Third, some of the claims made about this diet have not been confirmed through testing. While many fad diets will help dieters lose weight, that doesn't mean that the weight loss is healthy or for the same reasons that the diet purports.

While it works great for some dieters, the pineapple diet is not a weight loss plan that everyone will be able to, or will want to, follow. That said, this is one of those rare fad diets that provides some solid nutrition and can actually help dieters lose weight. - 17273

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A Washington, DC Fitness Coach Is Not The Same As A Personal Trainer

By Josef Brandenburg

The thing you may really want to know is is there a difference between a Washington, DC fitness coach and a Washington, DC personal trainer. Well the answer to that is yes there is and there are a lot of things that a coach can do for you, that a trainer can or will not do for you.

What is important is to know if the fitness coach is prepared to give it all he's got to make sure you succeed in your goal. A Personal trainer tags along throughout your journey and more often than not they are not willing to work for you. Personal trainers work with you while fitness coaches work for you. You need to find someone who will help you achieve your ultimate fitness goals by doing more then than just working with you.

If you are in the market for someone to spot you and to correct your form on every rep, then you are looking to find a personal trainer who will do exactly that. The goal of a trainer is to get you as physically fit as fast as possible by trying different techniques and workouts without having a truly set plan that will allow them to be able to get the motivation and the desire to reach these goals. The trainer will work one on one with you as much as you would like and as often as you are willing to pay them. They do not however, work towards helping you to find goals and to get the right methods in place to find the right way to succeed.

A Washington DC fitness coach on the other hand will help you when needed. They will identify your goals; draw a perfect workout or weight loss plan in order to make you see the results you have been anxiously waiting for. However, they are not going to be by your side and babysit you. Since they work with several people with similar goals, they create solidarity between them. Working in groups can be very useful because you will be able to note each other progress and see what it is that the other person is looking for.

Weight lifting is not the only thing the fitness world is concerned with. There are several other aspects which have to be focused on as well. Nutrition is one such aspect. You can do this by identifying what is available to you and what you need to be eating. Your Washington DC fitness coach will help you in identifying the diet that best suits your lifestyle. Your fitness coach is always there to assist you in all aspects and not just be a workout partner.

The truth of the matter is, you will want a coach. You are going to want to have someone who is there to help you as much as you want to be helped and will be able to do what you need on your schedule and not on theirs. You are looking to find a person who will help to not only improve your life through workouts and diet, but you are looking to find a person who can assist you in changing your lifestyle. This is the person you wan tin your fitness coach. Here they will be able to go and do all that you need of them in order to fill all of your needs and to allow you to become the person you want to be as opposed to the person you are. - 17273

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