Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do You Know How To Get Rid Of Common Warts?

By Deborah Valley

We all take pride in the way that we look and feel and if we find a wart on our body then we tend to panic. While you may think that you are the only one who is dealing with the common wart the truth is that millions of people end up suffering from this problem. Many people have absolutely no idea what it takes to get rid of common warts.

In fact most likely if you have come to the internet then you have found yourself dealing with the HPV virus; which is the virus that is responsible for this condition. Many people end up coming to the internet for tips and resources that they can use to overcome this illness. Yet most people do not even think about this condition until they have been the ones who are suffering from this condition.

Yes there are ways to get rid of common warts as long as you know what types of steps to take. Millions of people who find themselves suffering from this condition will usually go into hiding because they think that there is nothing that they can do to overcome this condition. As long as you never give up hope there is absolutely no reason why you can not begin getting rid of your warts.

If you know anything about warts then you most likely are well aware that using natural products to get rid of them is your best option. In fact natural products have been proven as the best method for getting rid of warts because they will eat away at the root of the problem which will prevent them from growing back. You will read everywhere that duct tape, vinegar, iodized salt and other household products that have worked for getting rid of common warts.

However do they really work and if so what is the best way to use these products to get the best results? Well this is where people tend to mess up; they have absolutely no idea what it takes to get rid of this condition.

If you are serious about learning how to get rid of the common wart then you will want to visit the site below. We have provided you with some great resources that you can begin using to get the relief that you are looking for. In fact you will find information about the best self help guide that will walk you through the entire process. - 17273

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Common Warts Find Out How To Get Rid Of Them

By Deborah Valley

Most of us hate to find ourselves dealing with common warts and many of us tend to panic when we find ourselves suffering from this condition. Even though it may feel as though you are the only one who is suffering from this condition; the truth is that so many of us in our society have found ourselves suffering from this condition. The truth is that most people do not even know what it takes to get rid of common warts.

In fact most likely if you have come to the internet then you have found yourself dealing with the HPV virus; which is the virus that is responsible for this condition. Many people end up coming to the internet for tips and resources that they can use to overcome this illness. Yet most people do not even think about this condition until they have been the ones who are suffering from this condition.

The good news is that if you really want to learn how to get rid of the common warts then you can learn how to do it naturally. Many people who suffer from this condition usually become depressed about their situation and they tend to find ways to live with the problem. As long as you are willing to keep researching ways to overcome this condition the truth is that there is absolutely no reason why you can not get rid of your warts.

In fact if you want to know of some natural methods that have worked the best for getting rid of warts. Natural treatments have been the best method for targeting the root of the problem which will permanently get rid of this condition. Many people have learned that products such as duct tape, vinegar and other things have been the best method for getting rid of those ugly warts.

What everyone want to know is it really possible to get rid of warts using these products? They also have absolutely no idea on what is the correct method of beginning treatment with these types of products.

If you are serious about learning how to get rid of the common wart then you will want to visit the site below. We have provided you with some great resources that you can begin using to get the relief that you are looking for. In fact you will find information about the best self help guide that will walk you through the entire process. - 17273

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How To Achieve Lasting Weight Loss Is No Longer A Secret

By April Kerr

There are many fad diets around these days, which promise quick weight loss. Most include testimonials, and even photos, claiming results that would be tempting to anyone who has a few pounds to lose. An individual who has a large amount of weight to lose may feel desperate, depressed, and overwhelmed. As a result, this group will shell out an astronomical amount of money, chasing this promised miracle. More often than not, the diet fails, the overweight person starts to believe that weight loss is impossible for them, and the diet industry becomes more wealthy.

It is important to understand that the "diet industry" exists as a money making enterprise. It is not a charitable organization, and they do not operate out of the goodness of their hearts. Notice, most will not tell you "here is what you need to achieve healthy, permanent weight loss. Here is everything that you need, no charge". Why is this? Because they are in the business of making money, not the business of making people successful, and healthy.

The truth that the diet industry does not want people to know is this. You do not need them! Healthy, long-lasting week loss does not need to be expensive. Everything that is needed to become slimmer, healthier, and feel great is available to just about everyone, free of charge. There is much to be said for determination, hard work, and willpower. Sadly, most overweight individuals have been convinced that their weight issue is the result of lack of determination and willpower. This can not be further from the truth. It seems that a person who understandably has failed with a fad diet, and yet it's on to the next one, has quite a bit of determination, as well as a serious desire to achieve their weight loss goals.

It is very important to forget just about everything that has been learned about weight loss through the "diet industry". It is time to except the truth, which has existed all along. Just about all individuals possess the ability to achieve healthy weight loss, with very little, and usually no assistance. Stop blaming yourself, and lay the blame where it belongs. Now it is time to move forward to success.

What is needed to obtain success, is a comfortable pair of shoes, a lightweight, comfortable outfit, a water bottle, and an excellent healthy eating plan. Eliminate sugar from you diet (except for an occasional small reward). Eat larger portions of fresh vegetables and fruit. Limit carbs, fat, and meat, and drink a healthy amount of water.

Make it your goal to add just five minutes of exercise every day. A person may ask what good five minutes will do, however, for many, last week, getting off of the couch may have been an emotional challenge. Add five more minutes weekly, until you are in a regular workout routine.

With healthy eating, regular exercise, lots of water and self love, you will achieve healthy weight loss. - 17273

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Beginner Muscle Building Guide to Avoid The Common Mistakes

By Ricardo d Argence

It is extremely common to want to look for shortcuts when you begin a new exercise regimen. Personally I as well have been guilty of this, so being I have already made this mistake I am telling you it is better to take the time and to the job correct the first time around. In order to avoid some silly mistakes that all of us can easily fall into and to let you know what needs to done in a different manner, here are some steps.

A personal trainer is an invaluable resource and will draw up a plan just right for you before you being your training program. Therefore even if you don't use the services of a coach, utilize the most crucial component of your workout regimen. When setting up your program make sure that it will add a large workout load this way you will keep on seen results, always measure your weight in inches this way when you hit a slump, you will be able to back track and see exactly just how far you've come.

Incorporating new, different elements into your workout is important, but you must simultaneously increase workout difficulty. Making each workout session a little more difficult will also help to maximize results. Your muscles will begin to take that toned shape.

With the many sales pitches that all push for different types of diets, there are many of us that have attempted to cut a few calories. It is important to remember that you must eat in order to keep your metabolism high. Your body is a machine, and it requires a constant supply of fuel. Eat healthy for your overall health and well being, but especially when you work out, as your muscles need the nourishment.

While sometimes there are legitimate reasons for skipping a workout, such as illness, you should never get the mindset that it's ok to miss a workout. When you allow this mindset to creep in, you miss out on the benefit of the small steps that result in the body you are trying to attain. Make that time a priority, and if you are in a different environment for vacation or any other reasons, modify your workout and plan on doing it ahead of time.

If you have ever heard the phrase "too good to be true", then you can imagine that this definitely applies to steroids and other "muscles-in-a-pill". The health risks associated with these things could negate the results you've seen from them. The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate diet pills, and some pills have caused heart problems. Healthy diet and consistent exercise plans are the pillars of success in fitness.

Lack of restful sleep will negatively affect your entire body. It is harmful to your mental acuity, your immunity, as well as the safety you require in your workouts. Even if its necessary to stop an activity that you like, you still need your eight hours of sleep. It will boost your productivity during your waking hours.

These things should all be common sense. It doesn't hurt to be reminded even though you already know all of this. Just remember to stay to your plan, and good luck in all of your workouts. - 17273

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Zhu Ling Chinese Mushroom Sold as Antibiotic

By Dr. Markho Rafael

The medicinal mushroom Zhu Ling is prevalent in pharmacies throughout China. Available in the form of dried thin slivers, it's sold as a remedy for urinary tract infections and tumors, and as an antibiotic and diuretic. [300]

Growing below ground on decaying roots and other wood debris, this mushroom can remain in wet soil for over a year without rotting - a testament to its powerful antimicrobial properties.

In accordance with the use of Zhu Ling in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a contemporary study concluded that it had an inhibitory effect on Chlamydia. [302]

Other modern studies have found Zhu Ling useful against parasites, hepatitis B and for strengthening the immune system. [303, 304] It's also been reported to have an effect on certain types of cancer in conjunction with standard cancer treatment, [305, 306, 307, 308] including bladder and liver cancer, [309] as well as leukemia. [310, 311] Used as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiation, it appears to help speed up immune system recovery. [312] Two papers published in 1991 and 1994 also presented findings that Zhu Ling administered after chemotherapy and radiation helped lower cancer recurrence rates by 68% and 50% respectively. [313, 314]

In terms of its anti-parasitic effects, lab tests have shown Zhu Ling to be 100% effective against both Brucella spp. (brucellosis) and Plasmodium falciparum (malaria). [310] However, it has not yet to our knowledge been tested on live patients afflicted with malaria.

Tests on live subjects with brucellosis have been conducted, showing an improvement in immune system function. [315, 316] Immune system suppression is a characteristic symptom of brucellosis.

Traditional Chinese Medicine also prescribes Zhu Ling for the treatment of hepatitis B. Several research papers have affirmed this use of Zhu Ling. [317, 318] However, a 2001 study by Liu et al. reported that although useful against hepatitis B, Zhu Ling's effect was not strong enough to be used as a standalone treatment. [319, 320] Another research article also reported positive findings with toxic hepatitis. [321]

A 2008 paper reported Zhu Ling being powerfully anti-inflammatory, [322] which could make it useful in a large number of conditions involving inflammation.

One contemporary research paper published findings that Zhu Ling helped balance urine output by increasing low urine production and decreasing excessive production. [301]

A logical conclusion from this is that Zhu Ling could be conveniently given to patients waiting to provide a urine sample in order to expedite the process. [300]

Medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets (Mycelium Running) also lists lung conditions and viruses as areas of therapeutic use for Zhu Ling. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Never use any medicinal mushroom or herb without prior approval by medical doctor.

Credits: Thank you, Paul Stamets, for research references. - 17273

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Can Water Skiing Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

If you are ready to head into the sun and the lake or river, and when you are in a place where you love the idea of skimming across the water, light as a bird, water skiing is definitely the ideal sport for you to undertake. It's a fun hobby that's enjoyed by people of all ages, and when you are thinking about getting out on the water, you'll discover that water skiing has plenty of other benefits for you as well.

What you might not be aware of is how helpful it can be with regards to helping reduce your easy bruising. If you have noticed more bruises popping up here and there over the last few years, you probably want a means to stop that tendency, so take a few moments to consider how water skiing might help that.

Some medical problems are hinted at by easy bruising, but generally speaking, a certain percentage of people will tend to be subject to bruising easily as they grow older. This is primarily due to the fact that the skin is less elastic and flexible as it was when you were younger and, therefore, provides you with less protection from trauma than you were accustomed to.

If you try pinching the skin on the back of your hand, you can see that it has a more papery appearance than it had in years past. What you are actually seeing is a reduction in the amount of collagen, which is the substance that helps your skin's appearance stay firm and flexible.

Part of the solution to this condition lies in increasing cardiovascular exercise, which as much fun as it is, water skiing definitely qualifies. When you encourage your heart to beat in a more healthy fashion, you are also strengthening the vessels that your blood flows through, both veins and arteries. As these vessels get healthier, you will find that they are much less inclined to break due to light trauma.

Because bruises generally form due to trauma, you will discover that increasing your cardiovascular activity is going to make it much easier for you to avoid easy bruising. When your cardiovascular health is good, you will discover that bruising is something that happens much less frequently, because you will simply be more resistant to it.

All you need to get started with water skiing is to undergo a few lessons. You won't waste a full week at the lake taking lessons; with no more than spending a few days to learn all of the basics, you will be enjoying skiing with your water skiing friends in almost no time.

Take a moment to consider how much fun water skiing is and how much it can help you with any bruising problems that you might have due to the increase in your levels of cardiovascular activity. If the water skiing alone doesn't help you overcome your easy bruising, you might be well advised to consider adding a supplement program like Bruises Be Banned to your daily routine, which can be the answer for you to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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Preparing For Rotator Cuff Injury Surgery

By Dr. Richard Edelson

Of musculoskeletal injuries, rotator cuff injuries are one of the most frequent. A rotator cuff injury is quite painful and can cause shoulder weakness; however, it does not cause swelling. Interestingly, patients often do not have symptoms. Most of the time; however, the patient will experience pain and weakness during activities involving the arms. Raising the arm above shoulder level can prove particularly painful. On the bright side, there are quite a few ways to treat rotator cuff injuries. Your age and the type of injury you have will help determine which option will work best for you.

Rotator cuff injuries occur in two ways. You could either have rotator cuff tendonitis or a rotator cuff tear. It is important to realize that there are a few other conditions that can cause the type of pain one experiences with a rotator cuff injury. For an accurate diagnosis, you will need to see your physician. The first step your physician will take is a physical examination. Following the examination, your doctor may inject your injured shoulder with a local anesthetic. This process will help your doctor in determining exactly what kind of injury you have. If your doctor decides that you have a rotator cuff tear, he or she may send you for some imaging tests. Imaging tests will help pinpoint the location of the injury and confirm whether or not the injury is a tear.

It is far more common for the diagnosis to be rotator cuff tendonitis; however, the treatment for tears is very similar to the treatment for tendonitis. Both can be treated conservatively with what is known as RICE therapy. That is: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. You may also want to use an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen. Additionally, your doctor may give you a referral to a physical therapist to learn how to modify your movements and to get a list of exercises that may be beneficial to you. If your tendonitis pain persists, your doctor may give you injections of a steroid/anesthetic mixture. These would be administered to the joint to relieve pain.

Of the patients who use this non-surgical intervention, about half report having a decrease of pain and an increase in range-of-motion within six weeks to three months. Aside from efficacy, there are a number of advantages to non-invasive therapy. Surgical risks such as permanent stiffness, anesthesia complications, and infection can be completely avoided. With non-invasive therapy, there is no down-time for recovery. On the other hand, use of non-invasive techniques may cause an increase in the size of the tear. While there is not a recovery period, there may be a time period when the patient is able to do less. Of course there is also the chance that the non-invasive technique simply will not work. In this case, your doctor may recommend surgery. Your doctor may also recommend surgery if your injury is so severe that he or she feels a non-invasive approach would not be effective.

Click here for more on rotator cuff injuries.

Rotator cuff injuries can be treated surgically in three ways:

1. Open repair surgery: With this option, the surgeon makes a full incision into the shoulder. This method gives the surgeon a great deal of freedom of movement; however, it is the largest incision option of the three available methods.

The second method is mini-open repair surgery. While this method is similar to open repair surgery, it differs somewhat in that it utilizes arthroscopy. The use of arthroscopy allows the surgeon to make a smaller incision, leaving a smaller scar. This method is an outpatient procedure.

3. All arthroscopic surgery: This option is an outpatient procedure, and it uses the smallest incision.

After examining and diagnosing your injury, your doctor will be able to make a sound decision as to which method will work best for you.

Happily, rotator cuff surgery is a highly successful surgical procedure. Eighty to ninety-five percent of patients who have this type of surgery report successful results, improved range-of-motion and a significant decrease in pain in six months or less.

There are a number of things that will influence the outcome of your rotator cuff surgery. Foremost is the expertise of your surgeon. Aside from this, the type of injury you have experienced, the quality of the injured tissue, your age, and how well you follow your doctors orders will influence how well you recover.

Some patients experience complications from surgery; however, these are rare. One to two percent may experience nerve injury. Approximately one percent may contract infection. Less than one percent may have detachment of the deltoid muscle. Less than one percent may experience stiffness. Tendon re-tear is experienced by approximately six percent of patients. - 17273

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Body Building Tips For Beginners

By Ricardo d Argence

Many techniques and routines can, if performed properly, help you build up muscle mass as long as you also carefully monitor your daily intake of food and water. Of course, you also have to make sure that you are taking proper care of yourself and you muscles by resting and recovering from all your hard work. However there are many things you should not do because they might hurt your body or cause an unfortunate imbalance in your physique.

Always have a plan for your bodybuilding workout. Begin by equipping yourself with an adequate notebook and a trustworthy pen. Keep this training journal handy and up to date. While writing down where you're at now, write down your goals for the future, and how you're going to get there.

To implement your strategy, you need to outline your daily steps of action in order to achieve your goal.

Keeping a training journal and calendar will aid you in preventing from skipping any of your scheduled workouts. It's very important never fail to your scheduled workouts when you are a bodybuilder. Also, keeping up with your measurements allows you to see yourself moving towards your goals as well as knowing when you have reached your goals

For your health, include the category of diet in your training journal to track your progress or use a separate journal just for your diet plan. Your diet is an essential part of your overall plan to get rid of fat and build up your muscles, so it's important to pay attention to what you eat. Remember you cannot starve yourself and build muscle.

Many products that will help with bodybuilding are available for purchase. Of course there's marketing hype that you'll see coming from a mile away, making bogus claims. If you want to achieve your current goal, it is best to use tried and proven methods. In the end you may be wasting yourself monetarily and time-wise.

Challenging yourself everyday with techniques will help you grow muscles, however when you are not experiencing continual growth you should consider other options. Your muscle growth will plateau if you are doing the same things every week, as it satisfies the effort you put into it. By adding just a bit more weight each time, You can push yourself to surpass previous workouts.

The right amount of recovery and rest is what your body needs. Generally, sleep will help you recover quicker from muscle inflammation and soreness. - 17273

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Tips On Grilling Filet Mignon

By Ferdinand Emy

Numerous persons think that grilling filet mignon is difficult and complicated but that's not the case. Grilling filet mignon may essentially be quite simple when you have a few crucial steps to follow.

The main problem that most people run into with grilling filet mignon is that while this cut of meat is tender, its likewise mild. This means that it won't have a lot of flavor unless you know how to season it. In order to get the best effects when grilling filet mignon you must know how to sear it correctly in order to concentrate the flavors within the steak along with the seasonings that are added.

One of the most common fault that many persons run into with grilling filet mignon is that they tend to utilize a meat fork rather than pair of tongs. When you employ a meat fork it pierces the skin of the meat and causes the juices to escape. This method upshots in a piece of meat that's dried out and that is something that you wish to avoid when grilling filet mignon. Instead, Regularly insure you use meat tongs to turn the steak while grilling.

And, when grilling filet mignon, you wish to ensure that you don't close the lid of the grill. There're times when closing the lid of the grill may be appropriate but when grilling filet mignon is not one of them. When grilling filet mignon, you need to utilise a heat that's direct and extreme. This will nip in the bud the steaks from becoming dried out. Additionally, insure that you do not turn the steaks overly ofttimes. You should only turn the steaks once during the entire cooking time.

In addition, you require to make sure you never cook the steak excessively long. Do not forget that you may Always grill the steak a bit loner if its not done to your liking, but once its overcooked there's nothing that can be done.

When it comes to seasoning filet mignon, keep in mind that simplicity is optimal. Avoid over seasoning the steak. Filet mignon is mild but simplicity is best. Use a bit of freshly ground pepper. Avoid salt at this point as it may draw out the steak's natural juices. You can Always add salt when the steak is done cooking if you prefer more seasoning on your steak. - 17273

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Can Starting a Good Tennis Program Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

As we grow older, it is somewhat common to see more bruises than we used to have when we were younger. Even though easy bruising is a situation that can be linked to some serious diseases or disorders, you will normally determine that easy bruising does not denote a serious condition at all; it is only another form of the body's functioning as you get older. On the other hand, it is completely normal to try to find a means to reduce your bruising as well.

If you learn what your bruising causes really are, you may find that tennis, of all things, can help to reduce the bruising that you now see much too frequently. You can be proactive in the face of bruising, and you will discover that there are a multitude of solutions that you can employ to help alleviate this bruising condition. You may well find that an active tennis program might be the best solution.

You should recognize that tennis can be a highly aerobic activity. Tennis involves a great deal of coordination which builds muscle tone and provides a full body workout. Consider how much conditioning this sport will require of you, and then decide whether you want to pursue it on an indoor court or an outdoor court. After these determinations you will find that tennis can give you numerous healthful benefits.

Whether you are returning to tennis after a long absence, or you are taking up tennis for the first time, you are probably asking yourself how tennis can help you reduce your bruising. What you should understand is the fact that the breakdown or lack of collagen in your body is the primary cause for your easy bruising. Your skin's elasticity can be directly traced to your collagen levels, and as you age, the reduction in collagen can make you tend to more bruising because your skin and blood vessels are less protected than when you were younger.

You should recognize that you need to find a way to strengthen your blood vessels. The ideal way to toughen up your blood vessels and thereby make certain that they are not going to suffer injury from mild trauma or light pressure is to take part in regular cardiovascular activity. This cardiovascular activity will lessen your tendency toward easy bruising with little provocation.

Consider what your options are going to be to get the proper amount of cardiovascular activity into your normal routine which will, in turn, cause the strengthening of your blood vessels. By strengthening your heart and your cardiovascular system, you will experience the ability to reduce the bruising that you are now suffering, especially bruising easily that is caused by your getting older.

If you are thinking about getting started with tennis or with any other type of regular cardiovascular exercise, remember to consult with your doctor, particularly if you have any other conditions that should be considered for possible negative effects to your general health.

Even though there are a number of benefits that the cardiovascular nature of a tennis program offers, you also need to consider starting an all natural, daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which has been proved to provide you help to reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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Exercising with HCG

By Amelia Handley

It's a classic weight loss plan: eat less food and exercise more. And it is so logical that it should work, right? So why is it that the popular HCG diet plan that is the accepted solution for many who suffer the ill effects of obesity or near obesity or just extra weight strongly urges its dieters to give their exercise regime a rest while on the diet?

Eric N., a prior client of HCG Diet Direct, suggested, "Initially I found the discouragement of exercise while on the diet very off putting. I couldn't get the traditional "exercise and eat less" plan out of my head. But once I began the diet and saw the results it didn't matter. When I completed the program I went back to the gym 35 pounds lighter."

The way the HCG works is that it stimulates the Hypothalamus to make the body feel full. This makes it possible for the body to function at normal levels while on the very limited 500 calorie diet. It does not make it possible for the body to function at very high activity levels on the very limited, 500 calorie diet.

Some dieters insist on exercising while on the HCG diet. It often inhibits their success. They'll see less weight loss. To these dieters we suggest low key exercise like walking for 20 minutes or doing a limited number of sit ups and pushups. Always remember that exercise increases hunger and its important while on the HCG diet that you don't hurt yourself by increasing feelings of hunger.

And intense exercise will often cause the dieter to go into starvation mode. The body will start holding on to the fat instead of letting it to. It also lowers your endurance, your stamina and your ability to stay committed to the program.

Interested dieters considering HCG who saw the lack of exercise as a downfall of the program quickly change their mind once they're on the plan. The weight loss makes a huge difference when they do get back to the gym. They're able to pick up where they left off and work out harder and longer because they are at a healthier weight. They experience higher energy levels and a renewed dedication after the successful weight loss they obtained through HCG. - 17273

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Are You Living With Pain?

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Chronic disease is a major problem in U.S. health care. More than one-third of Americans have one or more chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The personal costs to patients and families are often severe, daily, and ongoing. The economic costs to society are almost $1 trillion annually.1

Heart disease includes high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, coronary artery obstruction, angina, and heart attacks. Many of these conditions represent a chain of events. Left untreated, of course, high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attack and stroke.

Most cases of diabetes develop from a pre-diabetic state which is also known as insulin resistance. Insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas is necessary for cells to be able to absorb glucose from the bloodstream and use the glucose for energy. If cells become insulin resistant, glucose stays in the bloodstream, leading to a pre-diabetic condition.

Left untreated, pre-diabetes likely advances to diabetes, in which insulin resistance is combined with insulin depletion, as the pancreas loses its ability to produce this important hormone. Diabetes may lead to many severe problems, including kidney failure, and is a leading cause of death from heart failure.

Cancer is now being recognized as a chronic disease.3 Rather than being a mysterious disorder that occurs randomly, many cancers are now understood to have many elements in common with other chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Pain is a common element to chronic disease. Affected persons often have to take daily pain medications. Most people become tolerant to their medication and require increasingly stronger doses. The pain of chronic disease is notoriously difficult to treat.

In recent years a holistic approach has been successfully applied in the treatment of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Chiropractic care is an important component of the holistic approach.

Chiropractic care helps restore more normal biomechanical function to the spine, which in turn improves the ability of the nerve system to effectively communicate with the rest of the body. Important benefits of this restored function may be an improvement in the body's ability to repair damaged tissues, a strengthened immune system, and reduced levels of musculoskeletal pain. Such improvements may help lead to improved daily functioning. As levels of pain decrease, a person may be able to engage in more physical activity. Multiple benefits follow.

Chiropractic care is a key part of an integrative approach to the management of the pain of chronic disease. Your local chiropractor will be happy to help you determine whether chiropractic care is right for you.

1An Unhealthy America: The Economic Burden of Chronic Disease. Santa Monica, CA, Milken Institute, 2007 2Eddy DM, et al: The metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk: implications for clinical practice. Int J Obes 32(Suppl 2):S5-S10, 2008 3"Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer". Washington, DC, American Institute for Cancer Research, 2007 - 17273

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