Fast Abs Workout - Core Strength Counts
Between the endless supply of delicious fast food fare and increasingly short times we have available to us after work, it's no surprise that people are unable to burn the calories they consume. The sedentary lifestyles most city-dwellers have fallen into these days are causing an upward trend in hypertension and ill cardiovascular health.
Most folks start workout programs but eventually stop after a few months. Slow results and boredom are the major hindrances to consistent exercise. The solution is a workout program that brings results that can be seen quickly.
A majority of gym goers or fitness aficionados start workout programs to lose body fat and get flat six pack abs. When results come too slow, this results in boredom and because they become disheartened, a lot of people give up exercising regularly.
It's been found that abdominal and back exercises done on round, unstable surfaces (like a Swiss ball) are most effective in developing the core muscles. Doing these along with weight-training and high-intensity aerobic exercise can pave the way to rapid calorie-burn and melted belly fat.
The core or center of the body is our midsection and these are made-up of the upper and lower abdominals, the obliques and the muscles of the lower back. A lot of people only focus on conventional ab isolation exercises like sit-ups and crunches and neglect the lower back region. This causes an imbalance of core muscle strength and can result in back pain.
Using round surfaces (as opposed to a flat bench or floor) while doing core strengthening exercises will result in a faster abs workout. The unstable surface forces all the muscles around the midsection to work together to maintain balance. This will result in a stronger core faster and improve flexibility and endurance.
The amount of calories burned while doing abdominal exercises on an exercise ball or other round surface is increased significantly compared to doing sit-ups and crunches flat on one's back. Studies show that more muscle fibers are engaged in activity when a person is lying on a round surface. The wider range of motion means more calories spent and hence a faster abs workout. - 17273
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