Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fast Abs Workout - Core Strength Counts

By Dan Solaris

The hugely successful food industries in North America and Western Europe have caused approximately 65% of their populations to become overweight, statistics show. Efficiency in food production- especially in meats and sweets has made it difficult for most people to maintain healthy eating habits.

Between the endless supply of delicious fast food fare and increasingly short times we have available to us after work, it's no surprise that people are unable to burn the calories they consume. The sedentary lifestyles most city-dwellers have fallen into these days are causing an upward trend in hypertension and ill cardiovascular health.

Most folks start workout programs but eventually stop after a few months. Slow results and boredom are the major hindrances to consistent exercise. The solution is a workout program that brings results that can be seen quickly.

A majority of gym goers or fitness aficionados start workout programs to lose body fat and get flat six pack abs. When results come too slow, this results in boredom and because they become disheartened, a lot of people give up exercising regularly.

It's been found that abdominal and back exercises done on round, unstable surfaces (like a Swiss ball) are most effective in developing the core muscles. Doing these along with weight-training and high-intensity aerobic exercise can pave the way to rapid calorie-burn and melted belly fat.

The core or center of the body is our midsection and these are made-up of the upper and lower abdominals, the obliques and the muscles of the lower back. A lot of people only focus on conventional ab isolation exercises like sit-ups and crunches and neglect the lower back region. This causes an imbalance of core muscle strength and can result in back pain.

Using round surfaces (as opposed to a flat bench or floor) while doing core strengthening exercises will result in a faster abs workout. The unstable surface forces all the muscles around the midsection to work together to maintain balance. This will result in a stronger core faster and improve flexibility and endurance.

The amount of calories burned while doing abdominal exercises on an exercise ball or other round surface is increased significantly compared to doing sit-ups and crunches flat on one's back. Studies show that more muscle fibers are engaged in activity when a person is lying on a round surface. The wider range of motion means more calories spent and hence a faster abs workout. - 17273

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What Professionals Found Out in the Acai Berry Research?

By Ron Duckett

Many people remain oblivious to the facts about the Acai berry even though they have been featured many times in high rated television programs as well as in magazines and the Internet. To help people understand more about this, a research was conducted by several organizations in the world, each aiming to expose the mystery behind the fruit and the related products. This was triggered by the thirst of the people to gain more knowledge about them and also for those who have no clue on the subject.

Checking with the results of the Acai berry research, it has been resolved that they truly contain a lot of advantageous elements for our bodies. By drinking or eating Acai berry products, you will be able to avoid the early signs of aging not only in our external looks but also in the way we think and move. There are many people who compare this to red wine but they do not know that there are about ten to thirty times more antioxidant levels included in Acai berry. Those who are watching their diet may even take this since it only contains fats that are good for the body, which is known as the monounsaturated fats. It also provides fibers that work together with the digestive system and phytosterols that helps your heart perform well.

The companies have recently launched their own line of items such as Acai berry juice, pills, pulps and other types. They are truly beneficial for your body because they contain essential trace minerals, amino acids and minerals that promote the proper contraction of muscles and cell regeneration. Some even stated that they believe that nature has provided them with the perfect food in the presence of the Acai berries.

Now, companies are launching their Acai berry juice, pills, pulps and other products since there are trace minerals, amino acids and essential vitamins found in each and every one of them. There are also components that promote the proper contraction of the muscles in the body as well as the regeneration of the cells in our body. With all these great benefits, many have decided that this is nature's ideal food.

When the Acai berry research results came out, people were even more aware that they need to take care of themselves and maintain their health for the rest of their lives. Acai berry juice, for instance, brings out an enhanced and improved physical condition of an individual. Same thing goes with the other Acai products.

The fruits and the goods are also good resources of anthocyanins, which are generally known to be included in the flavonoids category. They are the ones responsible for the red-blue phenols that are believed to contain antioxidants. Red wine also has this property, which has been figured in France since it has the least number of heart disease patients. Take a good look around you and you will certainly have the same opinion that there are particular elements that encourage sickness such as pollution and harmful fumes. It is truly a requirement that one has all the necessary protection in order to escape the dangers of sickness and terrible ailments. - 17273

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Fitness Infos - Weight Loss Tips

By Marc Bauer

The good news is that there are a number of tips that you can use to help you successfully lose weight and hopefully achieve your weight loss goal.

Eating healthy involves watching the foods that you eat, not necessarily how much food you eat. Of course, you may want to restrict the amount of foods that you eat, when on a diet, but it is more important to focus on the foods that you do eat. For instance, if you were to eat fruit instead of chips, you could have more fruit snacks with your meals than you would be able to if you were just to eat junk food.

Since intake healthy is an important component of losing weight, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. One of the first things that you should do is find and familiarize yourself with healthy meals. You can do this by way of standard internet search or by buying a collection of healthy intake recipe books. To reduce the boredom often associated with healthy eating, especially if you are not use to it, it is important that you ?spice,? up your foods and try to not take the same meals over and over again apiece week.

In connection with healthy eating, regular exercise is also important to weight loss. If you are looking to lose weight, you should start an exercise plan for yourself. Exercise is important as it burns off calories. When you burn calories, the amount of calories that your body absorbs decreases. This is, essentially, what makes it possible for you to lose weight. If you haven?t been exercising regularly in the past, it is important that you take it slow. Exercise is a great way to lose weight, but you do not want to overdo it, especially at first.

If you don?t currently have an exercise plan or program in place, you may be wondering more about what you can do. One of the many ways that you can go about finding exercises or workouts to do is by buying a collection of fitness magazines. Many fitness magazines have detailed exercises outlined in them, often accompanied by pictures. You may also be healthy to find free instructional workout videos or exercise moves online. As a reminder, it is important to start out slow or at least start with exercises that would be cushy for you to.

One of those tips involves finding a workout partner or a workout buddy. This is a person who can exercise with you, whether your exercise involves visiting a local gym or just going for a walk at a local shopping center. Having a workout partner may help to keep you motivated and it may help to keep exercising and losing weight fun and exciting for you.

Another way that you can go about successfully achieving your weight loss goal is by ?spicing,? up your exercises. As previously mentioned, you can use the internet or fitness magazines to find workouts for you to do at home. To help reduce the boredom often associated with exercising you will want to change up your exercises, often on a regular basis. For instance, one day you may want to use a treadmill, the next day you may want to lift weights, and the next day you may want to do an exercise DVD, and so forth.

You should also consider making exercise and healthy intake logs or journals for yourself. These items can be used to track your progress. If you have a good week, like one where you completed all of your exercises, you may want to think about rewarding yourself. Your reward doesn?t have to include food; it can be something as simple as a sticker or treating yourself to a movie. Journals and logs have been known to help many individuals looking to lose weight and it may be healthy to do the same for you. - 17273

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How to Lose Belly Fat Through Exercise

By Jose Loni

Radical dieting does not work. There is so much information about dieting, exercise, ab exercises and ab machines, all of which are not effective. By understanding that we need to have a balanced system of exercise with interval training, diet and stress management, we will be able to get fast results in losing belly fat.

Interval set training is a fast way to achieving results and increasing the metabolism. The fast sets, with intense exertion results in a situation where the muscles have little or no oxygen and there is a buildup of carbon dioxide and lactic acid. These waste products would need to be removed to allow the muscles to function better.

This process causes an increase in metabolic activity, which burns more calories; as a result the body will require more energy to expend and will convert excess body fat on our belly to provide the necessary energy to our muscles. The muscles carry on this metabolic activity for several hours even after the exercise session is over.

Eating healthy is another way we can get rid or our stomach fat. Eating a diet balanced in carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins will help us consume and burn calories better. Avoiding fast fatty foods, sugary snacks and carbonated beverages will help us better manage our caloric intake and keep from consuming excess calories, which ends up being stored as fat.

Eating 5-6 meals throughout the day will help us will help us provide energy for our daily activities as well as optimize our workouts to further burn calories and excess belly fat. Eating with greater frequency will enable us to maintain our energy as well as help stabilize our blood sugar.

Decreasing stress in our lives is another way we can keep fat from being stored in our belly. In a stressful situation, our body produces Cortisol, a hormone that stores fat in the belly and keeps it there in case of an emergency.

Stress management techniques such as tai chi, meditation, deep breathing, and yoga are all effective ways to reduce stress and keep away body fat storage.

Knowing how to exercise and incorporating interval training, a healthy diet and decreasing the stress in our lives are the best ways to getting a flat stomach. This is your guide to being able to lose belly fat. - 17273

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Fitness - Weight Loss: Why Exercise Is Important

By Marius Hagen

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, you may be in the process of developing a weight loss plan for yourself. For many individuals, a weight loss plan is a guide that they can follow and one that may help to give them motivation. If this is your first time developing a weight loss plan for yourself, it is important that you place a focus on exercise, as exercise is important component of weight loss.

Although it is nice to hear that exercise is an important part of a weight loss plan, you may be wondering exactly why that is. For your body to lose weight, you must see a reduction in your calorie intake. The amount of calories that you need to reduce, in order to lose weight, will all depend on your current weight and your hopeful weight loss goal. Unfortunately, this is where many individuals automatically assume that they can?t eat three meals a day and many actually just stop eating. This is not only dangerous to your health, but it can be deadly.

Instead of reducing your calorie intake by solely limiting the amount of foods that you eat, you can use exercise to your advantage. By exercising, you burn off calories. These are calories in which your body can use to help you lose weight. If you have a specific weight loss goal, like one that involves losing at least twenty pounds, you may want to focus on fun exercises or workouts, but also ones that burn the most calories. Adding exercise to your weight loss plan is a natural and a healthy way to lose weight.

In all honestly, there are an unlimited number of ways that you can go about using exercise to help you lose weight. For starters, you can buy a collection, even just a small collection, of exercise equipment. Exercise equipment can include items such as exercise balls, weights, a treadmill, a stair climber, and so forth. Even if you have limited financial resources, you should be able to find a number of exercise equipment pieces that are within your budget.

Although you should be able to find a number of exercise equipment pieces, including instructional workout DVDs, for affordable prices, you may be looking to limit your weight loss plan investments. If that is the case, you may want to take the time to examine your local gyms or fitness clubs. While some fitness clubs and gyms have relatively high membership fees, you can also find a number of them with affordable membership rates. It is also important to mention that many fitness clubs and gyms are open accommodating hours, often making it easy to exercise before work.

Despite the fact that exercise is often associated with exercise equipment, like a treadmill, that is not all that exercise is about. Exercise can also involve something simple like going for a walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work. If you would prefer to exercise, for free, in your spare time, you may want to consider finding an exercise buddy. This is a person who can workout with you, even if it just involves walking around your local shopping mall. Not only can you make a new friend or strengthen your relationship with one of your current friends, having an exercise buddy or an exercise partners often means that you are more likely to stick with your weight loss plan and achieve your weight loss goals.

As outlined above, it is extremely important that you incorporate exercise into your weight loss plan, especially if you are serious about losing weight and wish to do so in a healthy matter. With multiple ways to go about incorporating exercise into your weight loss plan, there really isn?t any excuse for not doing so. - 17273

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The Acai Berry Is The #1 Superfood

By Jordan Jervishus

The Acai berry comes from Central and South America from the Acai Palm tree. The fruit that is grown on these palm trees is small, blackish purple, round, and is about 1 inch diameter in size. It looks similar to a grape but is a lot smaller and more dark and it doesn't have as much pulp. There is 1 large see in the middle of each berry, taking up about eighty percent of the fruit.

Because the seed is so large compared to the size of the berry you have to use a lot of berries to make a large portion of pulp. It is fortunate that the Acai berry grows in groups of 700 " 900 berries. Each year to crops of the berries are harvested. The seeds are used too. They are used for livestock food, soil for plants, and for planting more Acai palm trees.

South American countries have used the Acai berry for years as a powerful source of antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. This makes it a very high-energy superfood. The Acai berry is also rich in iron, protein, and fiber. It could very well be one of the most nutritious foods in the world!

Because of the high amount of antioxidants in the Acai fruit, eating it could be a prevention from cancer. There are also traces of almost every known beneficial mineral found in the pure Acai berry. There are also very high levels of glucosamine and anthocyanins. Anthocyanins can help repair collagen, protect the nervous system, protect blood vessels, and improve eyesight.

The high protein levels in the Acai berry could be very beneficial in lowering cholesterol. The amount of fiber in the berry is great for aiding the digestive system. The essential fatty acids found in the Acai berry are omega-9 and omega-6. These acids help absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. This can help prevent cancer and hypertension.

We are just now finding out about this remarkable berry, but the Brazilians have been in on the secret for decades. Because it is only grown in the Amazon, it can be hard to get the purest form of the Acai here in the states. Research is just beginning on all the benefits of the Acai berry, but enough has already been done for us to know that this is a very powerful health food. - 17273

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Fitness - Weight Loss Cleanse

By Gregor Mahrer

Are you interested in losing weight? If you are, have you heard of weight loss cleanses, also commonly referred to as colon cleanses, before? If you have not, you may want to take the time to examine them. Colon cleanses are mostly used to remove unwanted toxins from the body, but they can also be used in weight loss. That is why it is sometimes doable to find colon cleanses being referred to as weight loss cleanses. If you have never tried a colon cleanse before, videlicet to lose weight, you may be wondering what you should look for in a colon cleanse. If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on. Outlined below are a few of the many points that you should take into consideration, when looking to buy a colon cleanse.

Perhaps, the most important bourgeois to take into consideration, when looking to buy a colon cleanse or a weight loss cleanse, is safety. It is important that you find a colon cleanse that is innocuous to use. Colon cleanses and weight loss cleanses are prefabricated and sold by a number of different manufacturers and distributors. While many colon and weight loss cleanses do work, you will find that not all do. In fact, there are even some colon cleanses which can place your health at risk. That is why it is important that you review apiece colon or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in buying.

When it comes to researching colon cleanses and weight loss cleanses, you have a number of different options. Perhaps, the easiest way to review this favourite weight loss tools is by performing a standard internet search. You may want to perform a standard internet search with the study of the colon cleanse that you would like to try. You will want to examine all information that you come across, especially product reviews. Another way that you can determine if the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse that you are interested in trying is innocuous is by consulting with a healthcare professional, like a dietician or your primary care physician.

Another factor that you will want to take into consideration is the length of the colon cleanse or weight loss cleanse in question. When examining the length of the colon cleanse in question, you will find that it often depends on the type of cleanse that you are using. You should be able to find colon cleanses or weight loss cleanses that are in pill format, those that are in ready-to-drink format, as well as those that can be mixed into a drink. For the most part, you will find that drinkable colon cleanses require shorter use times, like for two or three days. It is common to find colon cleanses, especially those in the pill formats, which need to be taken for up to thirty days or more.

As with the length of a colon cleanse, you will find that the directions of each cleanse also varies. For instance, there are some colon cleanses, namely those in pill formats, that allow you to go about eating your normal diet. On the other hand, there are some colon cleanses that require you to limit your food and drink intake, often to specific products. If you choose a colon cleanse that requires you to only eat certain foods or go without eating for a day, it is important to make sure that you can follow those directions. If not, your colon cleanse may not work as intended and you may not be able to lose weight.

While some colon cleanses are not marketed as weight loss products, you will find that many do result in weight loss. - 17273

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Bodybuilding tips: What the heck is the recovery phase?

By Jon Cardozo

Have you ever wandered through a bookstore and found yourself browsing through a bodybuilding magazine? If so, you probably remember some fancy advertisements and recommendations for a magical supplement that supposedly gives great results. You probably also remember photos of accomplished bodybuilders and tips on improving your training sessions.

However, there will probably be one crucial bit of advice that is missing from any of these bodybuilding articles. I'm talking about the importance of the recovery phase. If you're serious about making significant gains in your muscle building program, you'll need to implement a good strategy for recovery (or resting in between workouts).

Why is a recovery phase so important? For that matter, what exactly is it? To understand that, you have to understand that weightlifting exercises stimulate your muscles to grow. The body makes the muscle bigger so it will never have to be under the same stress again. This really comes down to the body's biological programming to survive.

In fact, the muscle fibers are actually being broke down at the cellular level. The body rebuilds these muscle fibers in order to prevent the situation from happening again. This is why you continually have to increase your weights if you want your muscles to get bigger and bigger.

So how does this tie in to the importance of resting during the recovery phase? Simply put, the muscles must be given time to rebuild before they are put under heavy stress again.

If you don't put a limit on your workouts and try to lift weights every day, you may end up hindering your progress. Many expert trainers only recommend you train a few hours per week, believe it or not.

In addition to carefully planning your workouts to avoid over training, you must make sure that you're getting plenty of sleep in order to experience the best possible muscle gains.

Sleep helps the body repair itself, which is absolutely relevant to the topic of muscle building. Your muscles need to be rebuilt bigger and stronger, and proper recovery methods are crucial to help this happen. - 17273

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Weight Loss: Establishing Ambitions and Receiving Results

By Matthew Roberts

If your objective is to lose weight and maintain that loss permanently, then you should know that the way you approach your goal is the key to your success or failure. To approach your goals effectively, you must create your daily objectives and design strategies to implement your plan and analyze your progress. This analysis is crucial, because it allows you to adjust your plan based on its effectiveness.

What is an appropriate weight loss objective? First, you must understand that it's important to have a realistic target the can be attained in the time frame you set. Otherwise, your chances of abandoning your weight loss routine are very high. So, how can you make sure the goal you set is a realistic one?

1. Remember that your goal is long term, sustainable weight loss. There is no rush, and you will be more successful with a slow and steady approach. Most professionals agree that a target of losing 5 to 10 percent of your starting weight is reasonable. For instance, if you weigh 150 pounds, try to lose 7.5 to 15 pounds. This is a healthy weight loss.

2. Run some numbers. It's critical for your physical and psychological health to make a realistic assessment of the time required to achieve your goal. Shoot for about 2 pounds per week. For example, 5 weeks is a reasonable target date to lose 10 pounds. If you plan to lose 20 pounds, allow yourself at least 10 weeks.

3. Focus on setting short terms goals. Think about your goals as a series of stages. If you focus, for example, on losing two pounds this week, you're more likely to stay motivated and on task to make sure you hit your target. If you are too focused on the long term future, it can be tempting to cheat and think you can make it up later. Also, it's worth repeating that slow weight loss is healthy weight loss. The changes that you make in your eating habits are just as important as losing weight itself. Without integrating these chances into your routine permanently, there is no way you can maintain your weight loss.

One other important consideration is self assessment.

Track your results. Weigh yourself daily, or at least weekly. Do be aware that your weight fluctuates naturally due to fluid retention and other factors, so daily weigh-ins are sometimes misleading. If you notice over the course of the week that you aren't hitting your targets, you will want to adjust your diet or exercise routine.

Consider keeping a food journal. Research indicates that people who keep a food diary can lose up to twice as much weight. A food diary is like a map that can help you identify patterns in food and caloric intakes. This will allow you to more easily make adjustments if you find you are gaining weight, or are not losing quickly enough.

Understand that losing weight won't happen overnight, and you should not try to rush things. If you enjoy the process by taking things slow, you are more likely to succeed. Remember that you aren't just getting a nicer body; you're also investing in your long term health. - 17273

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Build Strength For Six Pack Abs - Strengthen Every Joint First

By Dan Solaris

Modern technology has been pampering us with a myriad of conveniences we have been taking for granted. Piping hot pizzas at our doorstep 24/7, online shopping and web-conferencing from the comfort of our homes- these practical zeitgeists have made life easier. Undeniably, they have also made us less active and flabbier.

It's not because of lack of trying. There's a high attrition rate among folks who start working-out to get six pack abs because of misconceptions about how to exercise effectively. The wrong exercises bring slow results and loss of motivation.

Contrary to the perception of the general public, the path to six pack abs doesn't rely on countless sit-ups and crunches. In fact, focusing too much on the abdominal muscles can even lead to strain on the lower back. Expensive, gimmicky gadgetry featured on fitness infomercials aren't the answer either. Diet shakes and low-fat food? Forget it! Studies prove that we tend to eat 75% more when we're eating diet food.

Developing six pack abs is all about having a low body fat percentage. Muscle definition, especially around the abdomen will be non-existent if we still have a substantial amount of subcutaneous fat- no matter how many sit-ups and leg raises we perform each day.

Now, since all the high-calorie gastronomic fare we live on nowadays makes it impossible to rely on our daily activities (sitting in our cubicle, driving our car and surfing the net at home) to burn surplus calories, the only real solution is to work-out regularly.

Intense total body exercise maximizes the amount of calories we burn per workout session. Only by getting as much muscle groups working can we hope to get lean enough to get the 10% body fat index required to bring out a well-defined abdomen and improve joint strength.

Aside from boosting our metabolic rate, building muscle also strengthens every joint of our body by reinforcing the connective tissue within and around them. Strong joints mean we're less susceptible to injury, so we can keep on hitting the gym everyday and get six pack abs in lesser time.

There is a definite correlation between high obesity cases and osteoarthritis in the U.S. Maintaining a regular exercise regimen will be the proverbial stone that can help solve both of those problems while paving the way to an attractive, well-defined midsection. - 17273

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Rapid Fat Loss - Success Principles

By Jose Loni

What works in rapid fat loss are stress management, healthy eating habits, and interval training. These are effective easy methods to achieving rapid fat loss, and it works!

Stress has a way of storing body fat into our system. When we are in a stressful situation, the body releases a hormone called Cortisol, which takes the fat and calories in our body and stores it in our belly. The body fat is then stored in the belly to be used at a future time. Increased belly fat also increases the risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Relaxation and stress reduction activities like yoga, meditation, deep breathing and tai chi have shown to be effective at reducing stress and allow you to better manage it.

Healthy eating habits are a great way of watching what we eat and make sure we don't overeat. Removing processed foods, fast fatty foods, and sodas, which are all high calorie foods. If we don't end up burning the calories from these foods, the excess calories end up being stored as body fat.

Small meals, several times throughout the day help maintain our energy level and keep us from overeating. It will help our body burn calories and increase its fat burning capacity.

Interval training kick starts our metabolism by forcing the muscle to train at a higher intensity. The greater intensity forces the muscles to use more energy, which results in more fat being burned.

The intense interval training is so demanding on the muscles, the muscles end up burning more fat to repair, replenish and remove waste products from the muscles. This increased activity continues for several hours after the exercise session.

When we shoot for the sky to achieve rapid fat loss, we must lower our stress levels, eat healthy, and do interval training. These simple principles will jumpstart our body to increase its fat burning potential and achieve rapid fat loss. - 17273

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Does Acai Juice Do Anything For You?

By Carter Sinclair

With the popularity Acai has recently received many people are probably wondering; "Does Acai juice do anything for you...or is it just a scam"? As a long time Acai user I can definitely say Yes Acai does do some amazing things for those who drink it consistently. The key is to get a high quality Acai product that is properly processed to retain all the nutrients the fruit contains. Like anything you only get high quality results when you use high quality products.

The most talked about thing that Acai will do for you is fight off free radicals with its high antioxidant count. Acai tops the list of all fruits and vegetables with its staggering amount of antioxidants. This means Acai will help fight off the oxidation free radicals attack our body's cells with. Free radicals are what cause our cells to age and mutate into cancer. So not only will Acai keep you feeling and looking younger, but it can also trigger a self destruct response in many cancer cells.

One effect that you will notice almost immediately is the boost of energy that you will receive from drinking Acai juice. Brazilian surfers and mixed martial artist have been using Acai juice for ages to get a leg up on their competition, and the rest of the world is finally starting to catch on. Acai is a healthy replacement for coffee and sugar filled energy drinks, and many people report that the energy they get from Acai lasts even longer than coffee or Redbull.

You will be in the best possible mood because of the Omega fatty acids in Acai.

In addition to improving your mood these same Omega fatty acids also reduce inflammation and help to lower your cholesterol. One could talk about Acai over and over and list its benefits forever.

The question isn't "Does Acai do anything for you" but really should be "What DOESN'T Acai do for you". In a fast paced world Acai is the perfect health supplement for those looking to improve nearly every aspect of their life. - 17273

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