Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Constipation Remedies To Relieve Bowel Discomfort

By Rachel Lee

Everyone at some point in their life is going to experience constipation to some degree. It can make you very uncomfortable. When you are constipated you know it. Usually, when you have not had a bowel movement for a week it is safe to say that you are constipated. Finding constipation remedies are easier than you may think. There are different methods out there from natural to medicinal. What works for one person may not work for another. If you regularly exercise and then stop this may be the reason why you are feeling blocked up. If you have made changes to your diet lately that can also affect your bowel movements. Are you pregnant? If so, this may be the cause for your constipation. Sometimes, it is just the mere reality of aging that can cause one to find they are having trouble with their gastrointestinal system.

If you have been doing some form of activity on a daily basis such as running, walking, or swimming and have stopped this can cause your body to not have a normal bowel movement. Being active keeps everything moving along. Your blood flows better and your food moves through your body faster. Therefore maintaining a regular exercise routine is something that can help prevent constipation in the first place.

If you have made changes to your diet figure out what you changed and if that is the cause of your feelings of constipation. Make slow changes to your diet so that your body can ease into the transition. Sometimes if you travel and eat different foods than your body is used to digesting you can become constipated. Extreme changes in diet, even for the better, can have an affect on how food is digested and excreted.

For women who are pregnant or may become pregnant in the future you should be aware that constipation is likely to happen. As your uterus grows to inhabit the baby your organs get moved around. This makes it very difficult for food to travel through the proper channels as normal.

No one likes to think about getting older and our bodies slowing down, but it is true. And whether you like it or not it will happen to you. As our bodies slow down all of our processes slow down, too. This is natural, but it makes it more difficult to produce bowel movements. Plastic surgery to make you look younger is not a remedy for this.

When it comes to treating your constipation you want to make sure that you find the right thing that will work for you. It is going to depend on what is causing your constipation and your body. Exercise is a really good way to get the digestive system going. If you can, go for a walk after dinner. That would be really great along with getting extra fluids in your body. You should drink plenty of water everyday.

Adding extra fiber to your diet everyday will provide that boost needed. You get extra fiber in many ways, whether it be through foods such as yoghurt and cereal, or through the use of daily supplements. Gone are the days of prunes being the only source of getting extra fiber. Apples, bananas, and dark green vegetables are another good source of fiber. These are all just basic items that you can purchase at almost any grocery store.

Speaking of the grocery store you can also buy over the counter products to help pass your bowel. There are all different types of laxatives. There are pills you can swallow and powders you can add to drinks. You should read the labels before buying and go for natural remedies where possible.

Hopefully, one or two of these suggestions works for you. After trying some of these remedies without success please contact your physician. There can be other reason for being constipated that may not be remedied this way. You may need medical assistance. - 17273

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The Five Components Of A Great Weight Training Program

By Mitch Graves

Do you often go to the gym and ask "What am I gonna do today?"

Most people only go to the gym, lift, and go home. Then they hope they'll see some growth. The more advanced lifters may drink a shake after, or enter the gym with a particular set of muscles in mind for the day.

Have you experienced significant growth with this strategy?

The vast majority of people don't see any growth and they wonder why. Then they think that they must take the right supplement because "the solution must be a bottle", or they must find "the right workout". WRONG.

The main reason people see stagnation and frustration is that they don't lift with a PLAN in mind. Lifting without a good weight training program suited to your goal is like going to class with no textbooks, or trying to start a business without a business plan.

It may sound foolish because it is. The secret isn't in the bottle or in the workouts. Quality weight training programs adapt to you as you get stronger and last several weeks.

Personal trainers wouldn't last long if they didn't create a plan for you or went to the gym with you and asked, "let's see what we'll do today". If they did, you'd ask for your money back and laugh. But I see so many lifters go into the gym to build muscle this way. To stop this, I've listed the five things you need in a great weight training program.

1. Expert Knowledge

You probably don't have a degree in how to build muscle unlike the creater of these programs. You can use this advantage to borrow from their years of experience and knowledge to shortcut you to your goals.

2. Step-By-Step Layout

This takes away the guessing about what to do that day in the gym. Basically, the only way to fail is if you don't do it.

3. Complete Package

Any personal trainer will tell you that its a hassle to put together a nutritional plan, a weight training plan, and a cardio plan. Let alone trying to do this yourself without the proper knowledge. Gret programs include all of this for you.

4. Fits Your Goals

There's a big difference from someone who's heavy and wants to cut and someone who's underweight and needs to gain. Great programs take this into account and let you choose because you can't chase two goals at the same time. The program should be tailorable to your body type, metabolism, etc. So you can see why one size fits all magazine workouts don't work.

5. Lasts Several Weeks to See Results

It takes time to see significant growth in your muscles. A four week magazine workout just won't cut it. When did you ever sign up for a personal trainer for 4 weeks? A good program will guide you for months. As you learn more about your body, you'll be able to create your own when it's finished.

To sum it up

Lifting without a program is like driving across the country without a map. Most people drive for their destination and hope their gas doesn't run out before they get there. You know this is unlikely, so it's time for a better strategy.

Good luck and Happy Lifting! - 17273

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The Reasons Why Reducing Stubborn Fat is all About Making Wise Food Choices

By Josh Wintrop

When eating out, the serving sizes are very large, and the tantalizing aromas associated with less-than-healthy foods are enticing. When you stay home to eat, you probably have a refrigerator full of nutritious foods, but you may currently lack the culinary skills to make them more appetizing. In addition, you are compelled to consider your diet program. You may be on a diet plan where you are counting every calorie that you put into your mouth...what then?

If you want to lose weight, you are trying to balance your caloric intake with eating food that tastes good, so a plan that will help you lose fat is ideal and will instruct you on making smart food choices. Do you want to know how you can do this?

The first thing you should do is select a weight loss plan that focuses on fat and not weight loss due to water. What does this mean? Basically, you want a diet plan that will effectively burn fat, no suddenly show a drop on the scale.

Many times, when a diet program shows a quick drop in pounds, it's just water weight that is being shed and not fat. Fat takes longer to lose, but the results will stick around much longer. When using a weight loss program that yields very fast results, you may also find that you are actually losing lean muscle.

This can be compared to a diet plan that allows for the weight to come off gradually, as it is targeting fat. The great thing about this method is that you will shed pound through fat and enjoy long-term results instead of seeing all your hard work vanish just a few months later.

An effective weight loss regimen, like "fat loss 4 idiots", will guide you in making wise food choices in your diets. Many of the popular weight loss programs that are available give you rapid but fleeting results. They fail to get to the foundation of your weight problem which involves poor nutritional choices and eating patterns.

To clarify the point, an effective, long-term plan doesn't restrict you to three meals per day; instead, the tendency to overeat can be minimized by breaking your daily meals into four smaller meals so that you don't get so hungry. Consuming smaller meals is also an effective way to maintain a higher metabolic rate all day long.

Compulsive calorie counting does not factor into an effective program; instead, it is far more expedient to control the consumption of protein and carbohydrates. Combining this with the elimination of sweets, the consumption of lots of water, and eating sufficient amounts of food to satisfy your hunger, instead feeling full, are the features of a successful diet plan.

It becomes clear that it is much easier to stick with a weight loss plan when the guidelines are very simple. Getting regular exercise and making wise food choices when it come to eating will ensure that your fitness goals are met in a timely manner. - 17273

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Actual Truths Abouting Getting Lean Six Pack Abs

By Josh Wintrop

The television is full of infomercials featuring actors, stars, and models flaunting their gorgeous bodies, complete with flat, sculpted abs. This can be frustrating, right? What's the reason? Your frustration is the result of the fact that these individuals make it seem like six-pack abs require little effort, while you know from experience, that even with great determination, getting six-pack abs is actually quite difficult. The question is if you're doing the correct thing. If you are armed with the proper information, attractive, chiseled abs can be yours.

Sadly, people are usually so focused on having a flat and toned stomach that they mostly do abdominal workouts and leave out other important exercise regimens necessary to reach their goal of having a six-pack.

With the TV models spouting a laundry list of reasons that our stomachs get flabby, it is very hard for viewers to find the reality in all of it. The way you and your midsection look are attributable to your age, gender, genetics, health condition, lifestyle, and many other things as well. The spare-tire look that most men end up with is due to the fact that they naturally store fat in the midsection. When it comes to women, the fat is stored in the lower abdominal area, which creates that little pooch.

You can do your best to workout and decrease body fats, but determining where the fat will be reduced is impossible. It can be a bit more difficult to get a flat stomach since you have to concentrate on that area in particular to get the results you want. It is essential to choose an effective, comprehensive program to ensure that you will reach your goal. The difficulty of having a goal of a flat stomach is that you have to cut out body fat significantly, and this either can be hard for you to do or simply harmful to your health.

If you find yourself in this situation, it can be almost impossible to achieve your goal and you'll get upset. Your only realistic answer it to set an attainable goal, that, over a long period of time, you can conceivably achieve. You should set goals that are possible for you to reach, which means you have to accept the fact that your body might not be perfect even after you work out. It is important to look after your overall health and appearance, even if accepting these flaws is difficult for you.

The infomercials that are plaguing the airwaves with boasts on getting six-pack abs quickly are very misleading, and dangerous not only physically but to your sense of self as well. You should be very wary of all of the weight loss supplements, weight loss gadgets, and abdominal exercise machines that swear they can give you weight loss quickly for a very exorbitant price. In order to make permanent, effective changes in your body, you should not expect an overnight fix.

It's difficult to attain a firm, toned and sculpted body. Those strange machines and gadgets are not necessary to give your abs the workout they need. In order to get a great stomach, do abdominal exercises, the correct cardiovascular training workouts and eat the right food. - 17273

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Is Sambazon Acai Powder A Scam? Don't Buy Sambazon Acai Powder Before You've Read This Article

By Kris LaGrange

You just can't escape advertisements for different acai berry products these days. There are stories abound about how normal people just like you have been screwed over by unscrupulous companies hoping to make a quick buck. Fortunately, Sambazon acai powder has been one of the standout products in the market that the real acai berry fans have been going with. Read on to find out why Sambazon acai powder is the smart choice for you.

Thousands of acai berry fans have been using it to improve their daily lives significantly. Ready for a change in their lives, they turned to antioxidants to keep their brains, hearts, and skin healthy. In essence, once they found the right antioxidant supplement for them, they got a new lease on life. What makes Sambazon Acai powder perfect for this is that it's a super concentrated form of acai. This is because Sambazon doesn't dry the Acai with heat. When this happens, you get all the benefits that other acai makers basically cook out of their products.

If you're like most people, your life is already busy enough. While you would like to be more healthy, you're probably thinking that it takes too much time and it's only for people who are already independently wealthy. But Sambazon Acai powder makes this a thing of the past. You can mix in the powder with a quick smoothie in the morning and get a power punch of the antioxidants that will be working wonders on your body. All you have to do is take the smoothie with you in the car and you've got the ultimate fast food avoidance breakfast.

Let's face it - we all wish we could have more energy. The drive to succeed is higher in difficult times but the energy required to get those things done often seems limited with all the stresses that are put on us. If you're even wanting to get one more productive hour out of the day, Sambazon acai powder will help you get there. In fact, once acai starts to work its wonders, you won't need to start your morning off with coffee and the damaging effects of caffeine.

While not an exclusive health benefit, it needs to be said that Sambazon is a trusted brand. When the acai craze started, it seems like thousands of companies popped up but Sambazon has been selling Acai for much longer than those companies. In fact, they've been around since the early 2000s. You'll be hard pressed to find other acai companies that have been around for this long.

At this time, you're probably wondering if Sambazon acai powder will break the bank. Well, one of the main benefits is that you'll pay much less for it than you would other supplements. Also, think about what natural energy would do for your life. Would you be dependent on coffee? Would you have as many poor sleep related trips to the doctor? Just breaking the dependence on coffee alone is enough to save you hundreds of dollars a month if you find it hard to break the latte habit. Considering how other Sambazon acai powder users have made a profound change in their lives, it's not hard to see how easy it will be to do. - 17273

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The Advantages Of Body Cleansing Detoxification

By Erik Loebl

Most people don't realize how important their health is until they lose it. Your health is something that not even money can buy. Millions of people have turned to medical drugs in order to better their health, but sadly, many of them are getting worse instead of better. The drugs may help one problem, but they cause another. The advantages of body cleansing detoxification can make a difference.

Everywhere you look you hear about different detoxification cleanses. There are cleanses for individual organs or ones that cleanse the whole body. No matter what kind of cleanse you choose to do, it will make a difference in your health.

Toxins are all around us no matter where we are. That means free radicals are entering your body at an alarming rate. The only thing that can stop them is your body working at its full potential and being fortified with anti-oxidants. The free radicals hinder the natural work of the cells, causing disease.

The purpose of a whole body detox is to clean the toxins from your whole system. In order to do this successfully, you need to stop eating sugar, caffeine, white flour, dairy products and meats. Most programs call for a two day fast before starting the body detox. Once you start the detoxification process, just eat fresh, raw vegetables and fruit and drink lots of fruit juices and water.

You will need to get plenty of good exercise, and get rid of as much stress as possible while you are detoxifying your body. Cleansing your colon with herbal laxatives is often a requirement of the detoxification program.

Colon cleansing is a very important part of the body detoxification process. The colon is actual the body's sewer system. It is where all unwanted and unused materials are deposited and, eventually, eliminated from the system. Any type of blockage in this area keeps harmful toxins inside of your body.

A doctor can cleanse your colon with warm water enemas. It may take four or five visits to your doctor to get it completely cleansed. However, there are natural colon cleanses that you can do in the comfort of your home.

A clogged colon is the cause of constipation and diarrhea. This results in symptoms such as bloating, nausea, abdominal pain and discomfort. When the fecal matter builds up along the walls of your colon, it hardens and putrefies. This ends up poisoning your entire body. Poor colon health leads directly to such diseases as cancer, allergies, arthritis, colds, influenza and cardiovascular disease, just to name a few.

The ion foot bath detoxification method has become a popular way to cleanse the body from toxins. It is relatively simple in that the person simply sits on a chair with their feet in water. The warm water moving under the feet causes the positive and negative neutrons to pull the toxins out of the body through the feet. They are then dissolved in the water.

You can find a variety of body cleansing detoxification methods on the internet or in the bookstore. When health problems first appear, do a complete body and colon detox first. The only way your body can heal itself is by getting rid of the toxins. - 17273

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Acai Berries: Discoveries From The Amazon

By Nicholas Page

Around 2004 Americans were starting to become aware of the little Brazilian acai berry. In the time since, television and the Internet have been swamped with acai offers. These herbal health products and supplements are plentiful. The buzz about them has been so loud in fact that many people are unwilling to jump aboard this speeding bandwagon, regarding it as nothing but the latest health fad. If you have been waiting for all the hype to subside and wait until the final verdict is in, then the wait is over. All you have to do is consider a few of the basic ingredients known to be in the acai berry - essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and antioxidants - if you know anything about nutrition this should be enough to convince you.

Just like the beneficial antioxidants in purple and red grapes, the acai berry also has its share of antioxidants. It has been found that the darker grapes contain more antioxidants than the lighter ones. The acai berry is a very dark purple fruit with very high levels of antioxidants, people have described the taste of this berry as a mixture of unsweetened chocolate and berry. This description alone is enough to make people want to taste this berry. But are the health benefits for real? It has long been established that antioxidants are effective in neutralizing the damaging action of oxygen free radicals in our system. A case in point is the now famous French Paradox - high consumption of red wines and low rates of coronary diseases - due to red wine containing antioxidants.

Many of the claims about the health benefits of acai are due to the antioxidants. Without enough antioxidants in our system we can succumb to what is called oxidative stress. Oxygen free radicals are a natural result of cell metabolism but an excess of free radicals can damage and even kill biological cells. Free radicals have been linked to health problems such as heart disease, macular degeneration, diabetes and even cancer. Regularly ingesting natural antioxidants is a very good way to neutralize free radicals and promote the healing and strength of our cells thereby boosting our immune system.

Another wonderful ingredient in the acai are the polyunsaturated fatty acids. These nutrients are so important to us that our bodies are actually capable of producing them from other compounds. But there are some fatty acids our bodies cannot produce, these are the essential fatty acids. Acai berries contain some of the same essential fatty acids found in olives. The only way our bodies can get these essential nutrients is by directly eating them. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can lower our cholesterol levels which in turn improves blood circulation, lowering our blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

And of course the acai contains its own mix of dietary fiber. It is this component of the berry that is responsible for most claims about weight loss. It is well known that the typical American diet is lacking in dietary fiber, mostly due to our affinity for processed and fast foods. Low fiber in our diets contribute to poor digestive health which certainly can promote obesity, constipation, hemorrhoids and irritable bowel syndrome.

There are still many thousands of plants that have not yet been evaluated. Who knows what their herbal and medicinal properties might be. Is it any wonder that discoveries like the acai berry are still being made today? This little Brazilian acai berry really is a remarkable discovery. While we may not be able to get our hands on this fruit directly, there are many acai products and supplements available to us. Right now these supplements are the best source for the healing properties of the acai. Extracting and preserving the potency of the active ingredients is difficult and not all manufacturers and distributors are the same. Maximum Acai Power is a high quality source giving you the option of trying first for free to prove their quality. - 17273

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Weights In Sets With Portable Racks For Home-Gyms

By Benedict Perez

Weights are for fitness programs which are designed according to your physical capabilities. When you are into these types of fitness regimen, you need to eat properly for energy. Having extra pounds is the common problem of most men and women these days. A problem like this can be overcome with proper diet and physical fitness program. Going on a diet alone is not a good solution for it will not give you the desired body tone and immediate results on how you must weigh.

If you want to speed up your metabolism and prevent heart disease, then you must have the proper fitness training for this is for the cardio-vascular system to function well. Always remember that you need to food when you are exercising for extra energy to survive the rigors of exercise. You do not burn calories or define body curves or even build a well-developed bone density through diets alone.

Weights are necessary to shed off more weights and it only means that you need to work harder to get faster results compared to the milder systems of strength programs. In this case you are on a high-intensity fitness programs or HIT. A program like this needs maximum physical effort to attain fast results. You will be doing these in some numbers of repetitions that is why you need to be well-fed. You will be assigned sets of physical exercises to match with your physical capacity.

There are different fitness tools to be used on a regular basis to transform your muscles into sculptured forms and to give you the weight you wish for. These tools are weights that come in various sizes and heaviness suitable to your needs. These fitness gears are usually made of sturdy steel and weighed just enough to coordinate with your strength.

Weights have portable racks that can easily fit in any part of your home. Thus, having these at home is not a problem for these can be neatly organized. These generally come in sets which are carefully built to meet your needs. You can have these shipped to your home address if you want to make a home-gym. You can browse and check on websites that are into these fitness equipments for more details. - 17273

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My Second Week: Preparing for the HCG Diet

By Amelia Handley

We're ready to go! Me and my friend, Lisa, both purchased our HCG diet kits online yesterday. We both got the homeopathic HCG weight loss formula from HCG Diet Direct (enough for 25 days of HCG dieting). I added the B-Total Sublingual to my basket as well as the cookbook. Lisa stuck with the basics. So I'm thinking I have an edge with the B-Total.

The B-Total has to give me an edge, but since I made it very clear to Lisa that I was adding the additional products (and actually urged her to do the same) I still feel like the bet is on and it's all fair. She was aware that I ordered it and she decided not to order it. So my "advantage" is fair.

We both thought the ordering process was perfectly understandable and easy. We just got online, went to HCGDietDirect.com and clicked on the Buy Products link. Then we added the products we wanted to purchase to our online carts and then checked out. We both paid online using Visa credit cards. The site was secure and we both received email receipts for our transactions immediately.

And even more impressive...I got a second email telling me that my order had already been prepped and was ready to ship. And that was only a few hours after my initial order. That's quick moving on their part! I haven't talked to Lisa so I'm not sure if her's was handled so quickly, but if not same day then I would guess it will be ready for shipment next day. And that's pretty cool.

So Lisa and I should get our HCG diet kits really fast considering how fast HCG Diet Direct is moving with out orders. And on top of all that...the experience was even more positive because they had a sale going on and I found an online discount code that gave us an additional 20% off. Wahoo! We're thinking the HCG diet kits should arrive within a week or so. And that works for us because we compared our calendars and decided that the obvious "problems" were the holidays. No one wants to be dieting on Thanksgiving. And we'd really like to be finished dieting by Christmas. We decided that since the first two days were "loading" days we'd start the day before Thanksgiving.

So our HCG diet kits are in the mail and we've set a date to start the HCG diet. We're starting the day before Thanksgiving. That way the whole Thanksgiving thing won't be a huge deal and the 25 days will be complete right before Christmas so we'll at least be able to enjoy a bit more of the Christmas time "eating" than if we were still in the middle of the actual diet. We'll still be in maintenance phase at Christmas, but that's far better than 500 calories per day. - 17273

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