Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Organic Farming, What is the Answer?

By Dick Murray

The "Green Revolution" has the world's attention but with every one hopping on the bandwagon, what does the future hold for the food we eat?

Agribusiness and the multinational food producers over the last 75 years have done a wonderful job of providing substantial amounts of nutritious food for a fast growing world population, but is this scenario sustainable? Currently there is a tremendous amount of debate between organic farmers and conventional farmers who are looking for common answers to this debate.

In many countries throughout the world including the United States, China and most of Europe; organic farming is defined by law, so that the commercial use of the term organic is regulated by the government. Unfortunately, these laws are constantly usurped by greedy and unscrupulous parties.This is due to the fact that the enduser demand for organic products in developing economies has grown at about 20% annually because of increasing awareness of organic farming methods.

Organic pest control which allows for a minimal amount of pest damage, encourages the use of beneficial organisms rather than toxic chemicals, utilizes careful crop selection and crop rotation and mechanical, thermal and mulch controls for weeds. Organic pesticides; which are usually derived from plants and not chemicals, allow for the use of natural benign methods of protection.

Conventional farming requires farmers to apply only those critically needed fertilizers to the soil in order to minimize waste pollutants. Organic farmers on the other hand do not have that option because they depend on natural amendments such as manure, which contains unspecified amounts of various elements which can not be adjusted. The most common problem is over application of these organic fertilizers because of their relative lack of strength. These over applications will very easily lead to pollution of the water supply.

Organic farming advocates claim that the impact of laboratory genetic engineering on food quality and plant and animal health is not yet fully understood. Proponents argue that genetic engineering is vital to create higher volumes of produce in the fight to end world hunger without requiring additional land. Often forgotten in this debate, is the fact that some classical genetic engineering such as grafting and plant propagation, has been used for thousands of years, and has done much good for mankind.

The pro-organic point of view regarding the environment in is that modern agriculture is depleting our natural resources such as fossil fuels and fresh water and is polluting our air, soil and water. The large quantities of chemicals, water wastage through high-volume irrigation and the heavy use of fuels for the farm machinery and long-distance transportation are some of their arguments. On the other hand an organic farm is not beyond fault, by the use of natural compost and manure on a large-scale may cause as much damage to groundwater and soil as does manufactured fertilizers.

Organic farming is at a crossroads. Even though there are laws that ensure that the playing field be level for everybody, these laws have been found to be full of loopholes which have led to serious charges being leveled against the regulatory agencies in our government such as the FDA and the USDA.

When America's agribusiness converts to large scale organic farming will they have a viable chance be able to make a profit without hiking the consumer cost to unaffordable levels?

The current food distribution system, as it now stands favors high volume production with large farming corporate operations and will not be easily changed. What we know as organic farming may change very dramatically in the coming years. A growing and aware consumer market will be the main factor driving force encouraging conventional farmers to convert to organic agricultural production methods. I believe this trend will continue.

While this discussion goes on, families will make their own decisions regarding this subject by doing the sane and sensible thing; growing their own produce. The "Revolution" is more than a slogan. It is now a way of life for those who are choosing to join in to make this world a better place to live. - 17273

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Some Body Building Tips to Think About

By Robert Johnson

Body building is a phrase that conjures a thousand pictures in people minds, but what exactly is it? Normally this is done for the purpose of competition or for vanity. Body building is a systematic way to develop a wonderful physique through the use of proper nutrition and exercise program that can sculpt strong, solid muscles. You can almost instantly notice the impressive muscular tone and the fitness level of those professional and amateur bodybuilders. While bodybuilding certainly offer some very attractive benefits, how do you ensure that all standards will be met and what could be the best way to achieve it? To begin the discussion on this interesting topic, you would need to realize that there are two parts to an effective body building program, exercise and proper nutrition.

The first step to an effective body building program is weight lifting. Regular weight lifting sessions is essential, so you would need physical strength and endurance to cope with the demands of the program. Today, not everyone that performs rigorous weight lifting exercises are doing it for competition or sports, some are only interested to develop a great physique. The effect of weight lifting on the entire body has attracted many to start their own program, especially those who need to recover from a recent serious injury. It is good to include weight lifting into any health or rehabilitation program, under the strict guidance of a medical professional.

The next element of a successful body building program is the use of proper diet. Ideally the suggested best ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat would be 2:2:1. Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy for your body. Remember to include foods that are rich in carbohydrates such as brown rice, sweet potato and oatmeal. Include a healthy portion of dietary fiber for that healthy digestive system.

Your body needs ample supply of water to avoid any damage to the existing muscles. Start a healthy habit by drinking plenty of water just before you embark in a vigorous routine at the gym and pamper yourself by indulging in more refreshing water after a tiring session. You can even drink between exercises!

The training instructor can show you how to perform weight lifting and what you need to do to stimulate the proper body parts when performing vigorous routine in the gym. - 17273

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The Truth About Six Pack Abs And Ab Equipment

By Frank Powell

Even though sit up machines are very popular, many people are not yet convinced if this is a good tool for achieving those sought-after six pack abs. All sorts of fitness machines are hawked on late-night TV, and usually we think the claims are bogus. But, often, they're not exaggerating the benefits as much as you might think. It is true that sit up machines can help you tone and sculpt your midsection, but not without some hard work and discipline on your part.

A sit up machine is just equipment that will help you reach fitness goals you have set for yourself. It will only work if you follow the instructions and use it correctly. A sit up machine is not magic and will not give you the results you need without hard work. Basically, you will still have to do your part to get those abs. You will need to follow the instructions, exercise and have a proper diet if you really want to see good results.

The abdomen is one of the most difficult areas to develop, and you must apply consistent work over an extended period of time. Because of the difficulty and constant effort of toning this area, many individuals give up before any breakthrough occurs. Even a sit up machine that targets its work deep in the ab muscles, requires daily repetition to achieve results. Hard work, followed by a period of laziness, is wasted.

Many who begin a quest for rock hard abs with a sit up machine often forget that no one will see those abs, if you have a flabby stomach! You will surely obtain strong stomach muscles, but they will be hidden unless you make broader fitness goals in all areas of your life. Your diet and overall fitness choices will impact the results you achieve.

Many people who want to use abdominal exercises to get a slimmer tummy do not understand that those muscles may be covered by a layer of abdominal fat. You could have the best six pack in the world, but it will not be visible if you have too much extra belly fat obscuring it. You need to find ways to use your sit up machine to both build muscle and also to lose the fat around your waist.

You can accomplish this by faithfully adhering to a healthy diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients and also increases your metabolism. This will involve having 5-7 smaller meals each day, allowing your body to have continual energy for burning calories. You need to focus on low-fat, protein-rich foods, avoiding processed foods as much as possible. Cardiovascular aerobics may be necessary in addition to the healthy diet if you are carrying an excess of fat in your midsection.

The best way to get the six pack you've always dreamed of is to combine diet and aerobics with dedicated and consistent sit up machine use. It is doable as long as you are willing to put in enough time and effort. The act of simply buying a sit up machine will not magically get you six pack abs, you need to do the necessary work. Discipline and determination are two of the most vital factors when trying to improve and gain six pack abs. - 17273

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Keep Your Kids Cool With Juicer Recipes

By Mike Anderson

A lot of people don't like eating solid fruits and vegetable, therefore it can be a problem for them because they need the nutrition in order to keep healthy and fit. Juicer recipes are here to solve all those problems, now we can simply juice all the fruits and vegetables and the result will be a delicious drink you will most certainly enjoy even if you hate fruits and vegetables.

A lot of juicer recipes out there are good for our health and body fitness. It's important for people to drink them at least once a day to help them stay energetic.

The best thing you can do is have a juicer machine in your kitchen, this will help make things a lot easier with making your juices at home. All you need now are good juicer recipes.

Fortunately, there are unlimited juicer recipes out there for you to choose from. If you want nutrition from fruits or vegetables or even both alike, there's always a recipes out there.

The best of all juicer recipes are the ones that consist of as many fruits and vegetables as possible, it's good to get your nutrition from different sources in the same drink, they are also considered the healthiest.

Everybody knows that the cocktail drinks are the most popular for their known delicious taste. Cocktail juices also come in a range of recipes for you to make. It's always best to go with the basic ones.

One of the most popular and delicious tastes for it is made of basic ingredients. All you need is 2 cored apples, 3 carrots and a stalk of celery. Using your juicer you can juice these together in order and experience a delicious taste.

These drinks are good for both adults and children. They are an alternative for those who do not enjoy eating solids and especially children who pick with their food.

This is why fresh juice recipes are very important, in fact, not only will your kids drink their juices but they will love them and always ask for more.

If this develops a problem for you, it's always good to keep things well organized. So set up a schedule for you and the times for having cool refreshing drinks.

Juice 2 peeled lemons first in the blender, then after it's completely liquefied add a handful of tender celery leaves and half a cup of raw sugar and juice together in the machine.

If you're wondering how to find out which juicer recipes will turn out to be the best, you should know that the best juices are the ones that you make according to know specific recipe. A lot of people come up with their juice ideas and create their own recipes. With a little experience, you will be able to do so too. - 17273

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Treatment For External Hemorrhoids - Discover One Natural Remedy Guaranteed To Shrink Your External Hemorrhoids Quickly

By Crystal Adeyemi

External hemorrhoids are inflammations of the blood vessels in the rectum and anus. They affect about one in every ten adults and can sometimes be so painful it is almost impossible to sit down.

How can you tell if what you have is hemorrhoids? If you can feel a lump on the edge of your anus or see bright red blood on the toilet paper then you may have hemorrhoids.

It is important to have them checked out by your doctor, just to confirm that they are hemorrhoids and nothing else.

The main causes of hemorrhoids are obesity, straining during bowel movements lifting heavy objects. There is also the genetic factor linked to hemorrhoids. If your any of your parents had it, then chances are you are likely to develop it as well.

There are 2 main types of hemorrhoids:

Internal: These are swollen veins inside the rectum. These tend to be painless but they may bleed from time to time.

External Hemorrhoids: These are swollen veins outside of the anus. They tend to cause a lot of pain and discomfort, crack and sometimes bleed.

What is the best external hemorrhoids treatment?

Avoid Constipation: This is the number one cause of this ailment and the best way to avoid it, is to avoid constipation. You need to include enough water, fresh vegetables, fruits, and plenty of fiber in your diet.

The second thing you must ensure you get is at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise on a daily basis. Not only does it give you plenty of energy, it will greatly improve your bowel movements and help you drink more fluids.

One natural food that is excellent for hemorrhoids are bananas, especially when eaten on an empty stomach. Eating just one banana a day will provide you with about 3-4g of fiber depending on the size.

Bananas contain a significant amount of Vitamin C, which is known to not only improve the durability of the veins in the rectum and anal area, it also helps in healing the hemorrhoids. Try eating 3 bananas a day if you have bleeding hemorrhoids. - 17273

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4 Caloric Restriction Mistakes When Losing Flabby Arms

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Being in a slightly negative caloric balance is critical for losing arm fat. If you really want to get rid of those flabby arms, you are going to have to eat less calories.

Now don't get all bent out of shape. You see, by paying attention to what foods you are eating, you can eat more food while eating less calories.

Now some women go about restricting calories the bad way. And if you do this, losing arm fat will seem like a nightmare.

So here are 4 things you should not be doing when trying to get into a negative caloric balance to lose arm fat:

1. Only increasing activity levels. Some women simply move more while not eating less. I do not recommend this approach. Although you can lose arm fat by simply moving more, your efforts will be far more effective if you actually tweak your diet.

2. Visual reductions. Simply reducing how much goes on your plate will not cut it. You have to pay attention to what you're eating, not just how much you're eating. Moreover, most women are not very good at estimating how many calories are in the food they're eating.

3. Measuring and weighing food. This type of approach is way too mechanical. Even worse, you'll definitely burn out at one point or another. We're simply not made to do such rote behaviors. Moreover, these types of practices can lead to eating disorders. Not good.

4. Overdoing it with energy pills. Energy pills have their place in very few situations. If you use them to continually suppress your appetite, you'll end up bingeing. Their stimulatory effect will last so long, and then you'll have an uncontrollable urge to eat everything. Trust me.

Getting toned and sexy arms should be a healthy process. If you've been doing any of the above please make some changes. This will prevent you from rebounding and gaining all the arm fat back once you stop. And rebounds are so demoralizing that they should be avoided at all costs. Good luck! - 17273

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The Road to Success with P90X

By Austin Mcgonigle

I thought I would address something that I hear way to often. It never fails that I run into someone that proceeds to tell me they can't get the motivation to workout because they never notice any changes. I normally proceed to ask these people what their workout routine is, and what their diet consists of, and with out a doubt they proceed to tell me they can bench press 240 pounds 50 times, and can curl a car, which is all good and fine, but they never answer the part about the diet . You see that's a very small part of it, you can move all the weight you like, but if you're out there eating a big mac combo 2 times a day 5 days a week, you're fighting a losing battleThe ONLY way you going to get the results you desire is by changing what you eat. Now you don't have to use the P90x nutrition guide, but you will need to make some changes to your diet, to achieve maximum results.

You can exercise all you want, and lift all you want, but if you're not doing some kind of nutrition you're not going to get true visible results***RIPPED ABS!, don't get me wrong you'll get in shape, but you're not going to have the amazing definition. When I started P90X I went a little far, I completely cut out soft drinks, processed foods (for the most part), sugars, fast food, and anything else I thought was junk. Now I know that's not realistic for everyone, but everyone can make little changes to get them on the path. So I thought I would lay out what I eat, not saying what I eat is right, but it is what works for me.

I can't think of anything more important than what I'm about to tell you, so pay close attention because this is the key to a good nutrition planmake SURE you eat breakfast every day. I know that everyone is in a hurry in the mornings, and a lot of times breakfast is the last thing on our minds, but the truth is by not eating breakfast you're sending your body into starvation mode. Now think about this, you should stop eating 3-4 hours before you go to sleep, now assuming you do that, and most people get at least 6 hours of sleep, and you decide to skip breakfast and eat lunch some where around 12:00, and you went to sleep at 10 the night before and stopped eating at 7, that's 17 hours you went with out eating. That sends you body into starvation mode, slows your metabolic rate, and you body becomes extremely efficient, and doesn't like to burn calories unless absolutely necessary, that means there are less calories being burned and more fat being stored, which is extremely counter productive. The purpose of that huge run on sentence up there was to explain why breakfast is soo important .so eat something in the mornings!!!

For me breakfast is always the same, just rotates through out the week: Turkey sausage, some kind of fruit, slice of wheat toast, and a glass of juice **the rest of the day it's nothing but water** Protein shake and fruit 8ox Oatmeal, fruit, and juice 3 egg whites with chopped onions/mushrooms/ham, slice wheat toast, and a glass juice. And that's it for breakfast, it's one of those 4 things everyday.boring I knowbut like I said it works for me. In between breakfast and lunch I'll have a snack, now by snack I don't mean a crispy kreme, or candy bar. Snack's are fruit, nuts, turkey jerky, or a protein bar/shake.

Lunch is almost the same everyday also, I'll have a can of all white albacore tuna, I don't mix it, I just eat the tuna, sometimes I'll put a little balsamic vinegar on it, with a salad. If I can't get home, and have to eat lunch out, I'll normally find a deli, have a half of some kind of sandwich on wheat, along with a salad.

Dinner for me is important, because I'm the type of person that used to eat, just to have something to do, so I make sure that dinner is good, so I don't have to go looking for something to do in a couple of hoursJ For example I would do a tuna steak on the grill, fresh grilled vegetables, small portion of rice, or wheat pasta. Something like that, would be a normal dinner, I cut a lot of red meat out of my diet now, so it's mostly tuna, pork, chicken. Now don't get me wrong, I still love the occasional steak, just not as many as I used to love. Now I know it's hard for people to find the time to do this everyday, so just cook a couple of days worth of food at a a time, that way all you need to do is warm it up. Do whatever works for you, like I said this is what works for me, the important thing is to put some kind of plan into action, and follow through..GOODLUCK and STICK WITH IT!!!!! - 17273

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The Truth About Acai Berry Health Supplements

By Patsie Adams

Acai Berry health supplements are still worth a shot, despite all the Acai scams that came out of this wonder food's popularity. Acai Berry does aid weight loss because it is great for detoxifying your system and stimulating circulation.

The Brazilian Acai Berry has added anti-aging effects as well. It has so much antioxidants and healthy enzymes that it can help you not only shed some pounds, but shed off some years of aging as well.

From Oprah to skin doctor to the stars Dr. Perricone, Acai has received good reviews. This is why it is already widely available today. You can now take Acai in many ways - as whole Acai berries, pills, powders or juices.

Visit your nearby health food store and you are bound to find an Acai Berry supplement for you. There are also many online sellers, but make sure you get your Acai Berry supplement from a reliable source.

Acai Berry for weight loss and anti-aging is no lie. Lab tests have already been done on this so-called wonder food. It has been found that the antioxidant-rich Acai is also rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytonutrients.

It even has good fats - the omega fats - that can help keep aging skin young and taut. Dermatologist Dr. Perricone explains that this is one of the reasons why Acai berry has anti-inflammatory properties that fight wrinkles and sagging skin.

Your cardiologist would be happy as well. These omega fats also benefit your heart and overall cardiovascular health.

Anecdotal evidence from many Acai users show the supplements also boost immunity. After taking Acai regularly for at least one month, they attest to getting less common illnesses like coughs, colds and flu. Another bonus they say is more energy and less fatigue.

If you are trying to lose weight and improve your health, Acai Berry would definitely be a big help. Remember though, when using any dietary supplement, you should include exercise and an overall healthy diet as a standard routine.

Exercise works hand in hand with a good diet to make you lose weight, stay young and be healthy. Acai will boost your energy, giving you a much needed push to commit to your workouts. Just try it!

Acai Berry supplements should generally be affordable. Make sure you get yours from a trustworthy supplier. Some try to sell highly diluted products that won't give you full benefits. Research. Ask around from people you trust who are already taking it. Read labels!

If your are serious about losing weight and improving your health, the Acai berry is one of the best supplements on the market. Research proves that yes, Acai berry is for good for weight loss and has anti-aging properties. - 17273

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Chiropractic: The Drugless Solution To Headaches

By Dr. Jason Fowler

Headaches are an unfortunate and painful part of life for many Americans. In fact, an estimated five percent of adults in this country suffer from chronic migraines or severe headache pain.

We spend billions of dollars each year on over-the-counter and prescription pain medication for relief from those nagging headaches. However, these drugs have the potential to cause even more pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), a type of medication including OTC brands such as Advil, Motrin, and Excedrin, have been associated with side effects like stomach bleeding and ulcers, and even liver failure. In fact, one possible side effect of many NSAIDs is a headache!

And if you manage to avoid the side effects, these medications really only mask or diminish symptoms. But it is the cause that counts and that's where chiropractic comes in. Heres how: The nervous system is the master system in the body, controlling and coordinating all other systems " respiratory, immune, circulatory, etc. Sometimes, there are areas in the spine where one or more of the vertebrae may have experienced a loss of function, creating pressure on, or otherwise irritating, spinal nerves. This irritation interferes with the signals, or communication, traveling over those nerves, which can compromise the health and proper function of every system in the body. Regular adjustments by your chiropractor can positively affect the nervous system, aid nerve transmission and thus, the bodys ability to heal itself.

Still a skeptic? Scientific research indicates chiropractic is an effective, natural answer to headache pain. During a major 1995 study comparing several weeks of drug therapy to several weeks of chiropractic care, 82 % of patients given drug therapy reported side effects including drowsiness, weight gain and dry mouth. Heart-related problems and glaucoma also were associated with the drug therapy. On the other hand, chiropractic patients reported no side effects. And after four weeks of treatment, patients who used drugs began having headaches again, while members of the chiropractic group continued to express headache relief, as well as higher levels of energy as compared to the drug therapy group.

So put down the pain-relief medications, and talk to your chiropractor about your chronic headaches, and experience a natural, drug-free approach to headache relief, today! - 17273

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