Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How to Make a Good Tasting Natural Colon Cleanse

By Michael Richardson

Many people who would otherwise like to use it natural colon cleanse don't because they assume they taste terrible. Most the time that's not true.

it's certainly reasonable to take taste into consideration when considering a colon cleanse. But actually most colon cleanse recipes are at worst bland. Several might actually be considered tasty.

Many colon cleansing recipes are based on a foundation of natural whole foods. The fiber content is an important consideration. Organic foods are preferred. The fiber can be the soluble or insoluble and can come from a variety of sources.

A lot of natural colon cleanses depend on natural high fiber for part of their effectiveness. Some high fiber foods are actually quite tasty.

High fiber foods such as flax seeds, psyllium and oats are some of the more common ingredients in natural colon cleanses.

Ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric, cilantro and garlic are some of the common ingredients in many cleanses. In the right proportions these can be very flavorful.

One spice I've been surprised to see in cleansing recipes is cinnamon. Apparently it helps modulate blood sugars as was clear toxins.

Some schools of cooking routinely use many different spices, so meals prepared in this tradition have cleansing properties just because of the spices and herbs used in the preparation of the food.

As you may know a true Indian curry is not made with curry powder we find at the local grocery store. Instead it is a highly varied combination of spices and usually includes onions and garlic as well. The exact combination varies with the part of the country, the local town and even the individual family.

Not only are the spices in the curry healthy, they are used to season wide variety of vegetables that have their own health benefits,

Some people think that Indian food is always very spicy and a sense of being hot. That's not necessarily the case, so don't let that concern keep you from exploring this healthful cuisine

Once you're familiar with high fiber foods as well as the cleansing properties of various spices and herbs you can adjust recipes you may already have or find on the web to suit your own tastes.

A lot of times you can create your own good tasting cleanse recipes if you keep some to general principles in mind and combine ingredients that please you.

Here's a simple example. I sometimes we use the Master Cleanse, which is basically it lemon juice diluted with pure water and cayenne pepper. One recipe I had for it also included maple syrup but I wanted to avoid the sugar. I tried adding a bit of cinnamon and leaving the maple syrup out. I thought that significantly improve the taste.

Remember that keep your water intake high helps clear toxins both read G.I. tract and kidneys. I consider bottled water environmentally unsound for most of us. Filtered tap water is fine. You should also try to minimize your exposure to chemical contaminants and toxins. By organic is much as you can and minimize your intake of alcohol. - 17273

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How to Get The Best Out of The Popular Health Supplement, Resveratrol

By Jason Z. Thomas

With all the media attention that resveratrol has garnered, you'd think that it wouldn't live up to the hype. On the contrary! Resveratrol can make you less likely to get cancer or heart disease.

Resveratrol is known as a potent antioxidant, and resveratrol may also help prevent heart disease, cancer, and a host of other ailments.

Studies show that the French habit of drinking a glass or two of red wine per day can protect a person from developing certain chronic diseases.

But, how can drinking wine improve your health, when you are probably aware that alcohol prevents your body from absorbing vitamins, and also that alcohol use can lead to liver damage and other diseases.

You may wonder how alcohol consumption could benefit your health, especially knowing that alcohol keeps your body from absorbing nutrients, and that alcohol can cause a lot of problems.

Resveratrol may also help to lower cholesterol, and it is about ten times more powerful in this respect than Vitamin E. Those at risk for colon cancer should try resveratrol because it keeps the Cox-2 enzyme from doing its damage.

Resveratrol is more potent than Vitamin E in protecting against the oxidation of LDL, which has been linked to the onset of heart disease. Those at risk for colon cancer should try resveratrol because it keeps the Cox-2 enzyme from doing its damage. There is a lot of promising research that shows that resveratrol may be a potent cancer fighter/preventative.

There is a lot of promising research that shows that resveratrol may be a potent cancer fighter/preventative, and new discoveries are being made almost daily.

Resveratrol can also be found in purple grape juice, the grapes themselves, and in peanuts. However, red wine contains more resveratrol than other sources- about three times as much as grape juice.

Resveratrol supplements are now widely sold, and they are usually in combination with grape seed extracts and other antioxidants.

Resveratrol does not have a recommended daily intake set forth by the FDA, but that's because it's new. It's safe, with no risk of side effects or drug interaction.

Although there is no real RDA for resveratrol, it is safe with no side effects or risk of drug interaction. Talk to your doctor to see if resveratrol can help you! - 17273

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Choose Organic Supplements for Good Nutrition and Health

By Benedict Perez

More often, nutrition and health are affected by our eating habits. The factors involving nutrition and health are important in our day to day living in this wonderful planet. This world is endowed with an environment that can produce all the basic elements to good nutrition and heath for a happy life.

It is the quality that matters, not the quantity. It is elementary to know that eating the right kind of food must be a part and parcel of our daily diet. It is not the amount of food that a person eats that can make him strong.

The recent developments of supplements are a great advantage to the insufficiency of dietary needs. Most nutrients that are excellent for the human body are photochemical substances that are found in the natural produce of the soil. The products of Mother Earth like fruits and vegetables are the best sources of nutrients to keep our body strong and healthy.

However, we must also be aware that not all supplements are good for the body especially if taken excessively. It is important to have the natural and organic-based products rather than taking what is being advertised in the commercial market which may be synthetic ones. The synthetic products can cause damage to vital organs in the body if not properly taken.

The organic ones have no overdose, no side effects and perfectly good for the body. After long years of intake with the non-organic substances, an accumulation of their residues will be stored in the kidney. The ailment in the kidneys can lead to a lot of health complications too that can even lead to untimely demise.

We must also consider that natural and organic food supplements are expensive because of their quality and standards, but they are still the best. We can have a great choice though of affordable ones in order to have good nutrition and health. - 17273

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How To Get Ripped Abs Fast

By Jonny Leman

When looking at the TV it is not unusual to watch loads of diagrams of many different stomach crunch machines. We also see a many alternative types of programs. These are all created to assist you to do situps and abdo. crunches with much better effectiveness. Many of these machines and exercises come with all sorts of assurances about getting a excellent set of ripped stomach muscles.

The question remains, can these pieces of equipment or programmes actually help you develop your abs? If you want to learn about the secrets of how to get ripped abs then read on to find out how.

To get a marvelous six-pack you have to concentrate on exercising this group of muscles. Fortunately there are, however, methods to hasten the process. Situps and crunches are of particular importance to stimulate the ab muscles and thereby promote muscle growth. However, the stomach area consists of a few of bands of ab muscles which, if worked in isolation, will boost the rapidity of muscle hypertrophy rather than by concentrating on sit ups alone.

Performing a situp with your hands placed at the back of your head is a common example of such an exercise. When performing the situp touch the left knee with the right elbow and then slowly and carefully return to the initial position and then when you do the following sit-up touch the left elbow on the right knee and again go back down slowly and carefully. These exercises will help punish the oblique abdominal muscles. Concentrating on these will increase muscle development fast.

Quite surprisingly, one of the most efficient forms of exercise to assist with abdominal muscle hypertrophy is to work on the big muscle parts within the body. These family of muscles are the quadriceps muscles located on the front and top of the thighs and large chest muscles. Working these particular muscle groups has 2 effects. The first is that they promote the synthesis and production of the bodys own natural growth hormone secretion. The second is that they generate a great deal of heat and burn up an abundance of calories which produces fat reduction.

If you are generally bodybuilding, the exercises that do the chest muscles will help with an overall growth in muscle development and produce an overall balance in shape. Particularly good workouts are bench presses, inclined press, flys and press ups. Workouts such as dips can also exercise the shoulder deltoid muscles. The adipose fat layer will quickly drop off if combined with the upper leg exercises as mentioned earlier.

There is a layer of adipose fat which sits on top of the underlying ab muscles. Removing this layer of fat is of great importance in order for us to visualise those underlying stomach muscles and to get that 6 pack appearance. It is often incorrectly believed that doing sit ups or using these abdominal crunches appliances will remove this layer of adipose fat. This band of fat overlying those abdo muscles cannot be got rid of locally. The fat layer can only be diminished globally. The single way to do this efficiently is to diminish the intake of joules of energy and to burn excess calories. The latter point can be done by exercising those large muscle group workouts, as mentioned above, and perform a regime of aerobic workouts.

Putting all these thoughts together it is possible to enhance the size of the abdo muscles and reduce the fat layer and acquire a magnificent set of well defined abdo muscles within as litle time as twelve weeks. However remember that little steps can lead to overall big gains, so stay committed. You just need to keep at it. - 17273

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Acai Berry -A Tasty And Healthy Fruit

By Dana Hawkes

It's only been a few centuries since the magic of this dark purplish round, grape-like fruit, became known to the whole world. Its existence and importance previously is believed to be known only to the rain forests of the Amazon, where it is a wild fruit. These berries have now become the best preferred fruits and recommended by almost all diet specialists and physicians. Many health conscious individuals are also becoming aware of its health benefits. The fruit is being exported in tons every year throughout the world.

Known to be rich in a series of vitamins and minerals, this fruit helps fight deadly diseases like cancer, pulmonary diseases etc. The vitamins present in the fruit being, A, B, B1, B2, B3, C E etc help in lowering the illness factors. The minerals like potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc are abundantly found in the acai fruit.

There is no doubt the berries cure people having hypertension and imbalanced blood sugar levels. In addition to vitamins and minerals, the fruit contains an acceptable amount of protein and fiber that makes it unique and healthy to consume.

Apart from uncountable health benefits, the acai berries also find a place in delicious cuisines, mouth watering deserts and chill ice creams. This contradicts the fad among people thinking all foods that are healthy do not taste delicious. The chocolaty flavor of the berries is simply irresistible to eat and make lip-smacking delicacies.

So what's more? Next time you order an ice cream in the five star hotels, make sure it is flavored with acai berry and go the healthier and tastier way! - 17273

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Vitamins and Minerals - How Important Are They?

By Nancy Lockola

You do not need to be an expert in the field of science to understand how much your body needs vitamins and minerals. Regardless of age and weight, each person in this world needs to have ample supply of vitamins and mineral to keep their bodies in good shape. Many scientific establishments have also introduced a number of products to help feed people the right amount of nutrients on a daily basis.

A few years back, most people are not aware of the different vitamins related to the functions of our internal organs and systems. Half a century ago, people were only concentrating on Vitamin C and had not taken the time to explore the other nutrients needed by the body.

From this assortment of nutrients, we now have a lot of food supplements to help us become more functional with our actions. People started to learn the simplest of all vitamins to the most complex forms of minerals that are present in our bodily organs.

Vitamins A and C are two of the most popular types of vitamins present in the food we eat. In order to provide the body with the most stable growth in teeth and bones, companies make it a point to supply food with the richness of Vitamin C. Vitamin A is also used to improve the sense of sight.

Vitamin D is needed by our bones in order to maintain its strongest features. This type of vitamins can be found in dairy products. If you are looking to have more toned muscles, you can also concentrate on building the supply of Vitamin E in your body.

It may be apparent that men and women have learned to understand the functions of each type of vitamins. However, it is still a challenge for most people to become familiarized with the complicated terms of minerals. Most people can name less than a handful of the minerals present in the food that we eat. The most popular of these less known minerals are phosphorous and magnesium.

To those people who have committed themselves in improving the face of science, it is always a daily task to unearth other unknown vitamins and minerals in our bodies and the food that we eat. Scientists still do not believe that we have the complete list of all nutrients present in our body.

As you go through everyday life, make it a point to eat only what is good for your health. Making sure that you have a regular diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals will help in constantly improving your health and lifestyle. - 17273

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Fascinating Antioxidant Rewards And The Remarkable Acai Berry

By Joan K Cooper

Antioxidants are vital to our good wellbeing because they shelter our body and our cells from the destruction caused by oxygen free radicals. The acai berry from the rainforests of Brazil has one of the record antioxidant capacities of any food ever found in the natural world.

The ORAC scale or the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Scale is the way that food is measured for antioxidant activity. Foods are assigned a number corresponding to the ORAC capacity. The acai berry contains one of the record ORAC's of any singular food.

Antioxidants are a nutrient found in foods that aids in the matching of free radicals. Free radicals are an unpredictable molecule that is lacking one or more electrons. This lack of the crucial electron makes the molecule highly unbalanced and detrimental to our bodies. The antioxidant will attach itself to the free radical and give it the missing electron that it needs. This stabilizes the molecule. This replacement of missing electrons is a lifelong and constant process as even by stabilizing a free radical more free radicals are fashioned.

Because of that we must continually reinstate the antioxidants within our bodies if we are to avert the destruction of oxidation. Oxidation is the course that causes free radicals. It is in essence the same process that turns an apple that has been cut and exposed to the air brown. Oxidation is one thing that greatly contributes to disease and the tribulations linked with aging.

Our bodies necessitate antioxidants to cancel the troubles connected with free radical and oxidative damage. However, we must get them from our diets, as our bodies cannot make them. Antioxidants are only provided by the food that we eat.

Many foods are high in antioxidants. Spinach, blueberries, cranberries, pumpkin and more are all plentiful in antioxidants. The profound colors of nature provide clues as to the antioxidant capacities of a food. The deep greens, luminous oranges and reds, and the deep red and deep purple colored fruits and vegetables are all high in antioxidants.

The acai berry is enormously high in a mixture of antioxidants but a important one would be anthocyanins, which is the deep purple pigment that is responsible for the colors of berries, red cabbage, grapes, strawberries and other foods. Purified anthocyanins have been proven to be valuable for weight loss in controlled studies involving laboratory mice. Anthocyanins are also accountable for a array of other health-promoting benefits, as well.

The high antioxidant content of the acai berry and the many acai berry products that are obtainable make it a great addition to any beneficial and wholesome diet plan. However, a large variety of high antioxidant foods is the most beneficial for your good for you diet strategy. - 17273

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What Makes The Acai Berry Plan Work?

By Andrea Henderson

The acai berry has been touted as a weight loss miracle. When you study the claims you may be tempted to assume that it is a magical answer to all of your weight problems and that all you will have to do is eat some of these berries every day and the weight will fall off your body without problems and naturally.

The acai berry does contain some vital nutrients that can be positive when it comes to weight loss however it is not likely that it is the miracle solution that that you might have been led to suppose. It is exceedingly unlikely that you will accomplish weight loss just by consuming the products. If it were that easy then each person would be lean and healthy.

The acai is one of the healthiest fruits that has ever been found on earth. It boasts one of the peak ORAC measurements of any singular food. ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity and it is a measurement of the active antioxidant activity in a food. Antioxidants are essential to our excellent health for many reasons.

This astounding little berry also contains healthy fats in the form of oleic acid and Omega3, Omega 6 and Omega 9. These fundamental nutrients play a role to heart health and they have been known to heighten the metabolism. This can help you to lose weight.

This small berry also contains a significant sum of fiber and that helps with dieting by helping you to stay fuller longer. This helps you to avoid surplus snacking and the hunger pangs that can quickly overturn a diet. Fiber is an crucial nutrient that keeps your digestive system running efficiently, an vital factor when dieting.

An exciting breakthrough about the acai berry and one cause why it may maybe help with weight loss involves some studies conducted with laboratory mice on anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a robust antioxidant that is copious in the acai berry. In the studies the mice that were given a purified form of anthocyanins dropped more weight and achieved leaner bodies than the control group. When you consume of acai berry extracts you are also getting a more purified form of anthocyanins.

Folks may be having such great success with the acai berry diet because of the superb nutrition, as our bodies tend to respond encouragingly to that. Also the fiber and essential fatty acids that are found in the berry are also useful for weight loss along with the high antioxidant ability including the high amounts of anthocyanins. All of these things can be a factor to healthy weight loss.

But even with all of these advantages you still will not be able to lose weight by just consuming the berries. You will also want to incorporate a good for your health all around diet strategy and you will also do better at losing weight by adding in some habitual exercise. A balanced and good for you diet, regular exercise and the addition of the tremendously nourishing acai berry are a fantastic answer for weight loss and with all of these components you will be a success. - 17273

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Never Fall for Low Calorie Diets

By Thong M. Dao

It's highly important for you to read this article before starting any low calorie diet plan. This article will help you understand why low calorie diet plans do not work and never will.

We have received a huge amount of reports from individuals who have tried many popular low calorie diet plans, for weeks and even months. Unfortunately the success they had was small, only a couple of pounds. Many individuals have gotten so aggravated with low calorie diets, that they stop trying to lose weight all together.

Unfortunately, they did not have a chance to read this article. If they had, they would have found out that low calorie diet plans make your body become malnourished. And if that's not bad enough, you will start to feel ill and tired all the time, sometimes unable to complete regular activities, let alone exercises.

Our unsuccessful low calorie diet is due to our metabolic rate becoming low. Here's two tips that will help you lose weight successfully.

1. Calories are not our enemies. Believe it or not calories are our friends, they supply the necessary nutrition and energy our body needs. This helps maintain our metabolic rate, which allows us to burn unwanted fat.

The bad calories are those available in junk foods. So while you won't accumulate fat by eating 10 apples per day (even though a single apple contains almost 100 calories), you will surely get fat by eating 10 burgers!

You have to stay away from empty calories foods (i.e. junk food) and stick to negative calories, like fruits and vegetables.

"Negative calories" doesn't indicate that there is no calories in those foods; it only indicates that in order to absorb themselves, they will require your body to burn more calories than what they provide. This caloric shortage will allow you to lose weight.

2. You must build muscle. Are you aware that in order to maintain themselves, your muscles will burn a lot of your calories? In other words by building our muscle, we will get rid of unwanted weight more easily.

Protein-rich foods can help you to build lean muscles along with regular exercise routine. Protein-rich foods have an additional advantage; you won't feel hungry too often, thus preventing overeating.

Trying to use a low calorie diet plan, you will be unable to get enough energy to build muscle . Low calorie diet plan can only lead to muscle loss. And our body can not burn fat as our metabolic rate remains lower than average. Now you understand why low-calorie diet plans don't work.

Most low-calorie diets will only assist you to lose water and muscles. Unfortunately, you may think you have lost a lot of pounds, however you have not lost the most important of all: fat. If you can't lose fat, you can't get fit! - 17273

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3 Flabby Arms Delusions to Avoid

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Internet marketers love making money with your desperation for getting rid of flabby arms. One bogus site even goes as far to claim that microbes living in your large intestine are to blame for excess arm fat.

Do an internet search for "flabby arms", and you'll be inundated with misinformation from sources out to make a fast buck. So many women are stuck in a black hole of conflicting information that they eventually give up. Some sources go as far to claim that organisms living in your stomach are to blame for arm fat.

If you fall for this, your bank account will shrink while your arms enlarge.

On a positive note, getting rid of flabby arms isn't that complicated. Luckily for you, I've spent a large amount of my life de-complicating the process. And here are 3 myths you MUST know so that the clever marketers don't get you:

1. Long duration cardio. Endless bouts of cardio will send endless amounts of cortisol through your body. This hormone will consume your muscle until your body burns so few calories that losing arm fat will be virtually impossible. So doing lots of cardio won't make your arms look better, they will look worse!

2. Low-fat intake. Low-fat intakes can reduce your arm-fat-melting hormones by up to 30%--the last thing you need. Even worse, low-fat intakes speed up digestion which in turn increases fat deposits on your arms. Thus, increasing fat in your diet, decreases fat on your arms.

3. Cardio. Doing cardio till the sun comes up will flood your body with cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that eats your muscle which in turn decreases the amount of calories you burn even while you sleep. Conclusion: excessive cardio makes your arms look worse, not better.

Hopefully, you haven't been buying into any of these myths.

Now you have 3 flabby arms delusions to avoid so that the internet marketers stop emptying out your purse. Finding the right approach for getting toned and sexy arms doesn't have to be a minefield. If something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! - 17273

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Beneficial Nutrition From The Acai Berry

By Brenda D Wright

The acai berry is a diminutive purple berry that is grown only in the rainforests of Brazil. It is exceedingly perishable and because of that it has only been in modern years that it has been accessible all over the planet. However, it is speedily becoming known as one of the most nourishing foods in the world.

The acai berry contains an abundance of nutrients with a plethora of antioxidants. All of these antioxidants are crucial but two of them have warranted supplementary studies and are being proven favorable for our wellbeing for the avoidance of disease and other problems normally coupled with aging.

Quercitin is plentiful in the acai berry. This is a plant-derived flavonoid that is believed to be in some measure responsible for the decline of cancer, Alzheimer's and other diseases. While the studies so far point toward that it may be beneficial there is no unswerving clinical proof on the nutrient or the supplements of it particularly. It is believed to be a contributory cause because it has been found that diets high in fruits and vegetables that are high in this nutrient play a part to the considerable decrease of disease.

A few studies have also demonstrated that quercetin inhibits the fabrication and discharge of histamine and other allergic mediators and that indicates significant anti-inflammatory activity. Effective antioxidant activity has also been calculated in the acai berry by the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity or ORAC scale.

The acai berry is exceptionally high in quercetin. Other sources of this imperative nutrient include red onions, tea, apples and red wine.

The acai berry is also plentiful in anthocyanins, which is the dark purple pigment in such foods as blueberries, eggplant and purple cabbage. This antioxidant has been verified in laboratory studies to be possibly useful for the hindrance of cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes and bacterial infection.

In another current study a purified form of anthocyanins was given to laboratory mice. This study concluded that the mice in the control group who received the purified anthocyanins were able to lower their body fat and maintain it whereas the group of mice that were given the placebo and another group of mice that were given the actual fruit did not.

These two crucial antioxidants are copious in the acai berry and this little berry contains other very important nutrients. The acai berry contains up to 30 times more anthocyanins as red wine and it is quickly becoming established as one of the most wholesome foods on the world. - 17273

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How To Become Taller in 10 Quick Ways

By Shaun Davids

Have you been wondering how to become taller now, without using ineffective height pills? It is actually quite easy, but if you put more effort in the results will come quickly. If you keep asking, "how can I grow taller?", then here are 10 steps for you to follow.

1. Stretch:

When you get up in the morning, you should always start your day off with a few stretches. Some of them can be done while you are still lying down - to help get your blood circulating. One stretch you could do is to straighten and push your arms and legs away from your body (in a straight line). This is a good way to become taller by lengthening your spine.

2. Control your breathing:

Breathing is also a good exercise in the morning. Go ahead, and take some deep breaths. Inhale deep with your nose, hold your breath, and then exhale with your mouth. Do this repetitively to fill your lungs with oxygen.

3. You need sunshine:

You need enough sunshine in the body so, you may go outdoors and expose yourself into the early morning sunshine. The sun provides us vitamin D, which is a necessary nutrient needed by the body for how to become taller.

4. Try Walking:

Now that you are fully awake, stretched and revitalized, you can do some exercise. Start off by going for a gentle stroll around the neighborhood. This is a great exercise that can be done at any time in the day.

5. Massage:

After you have exercised, it is good to massage certain parts of your body to stimulate the production of growth hormones. Massage is an ideal way how to become taller, since it is an exercise in itself and a form of relaxation.

6. Stand/Sit Up Straight:

Whether you are standing, sitting or even lygin down, you should focus on your posture. Try not slouch when you are resting. Always try to keep your back flat and your body straight by pulling in your stomach, pushing out your chest, and keeping your chin upright. This is a great way how to become taller naturally.

7. Get enough rest:

After your exercise you may feel a little tired - that is fine, but make sure you get some rest then. Your body has refuel itself so that your muscles can grow and become taller. So whenever you feel tired - have a short 20 minute "power nap" and then get back to what you were doing.

8. Flatten Your Back:

When you are lying in bed and are about to go to sleep, try lying with your back flat and your spine straightened out.

9. Have plenty water:

Do not forget to drink plenty of water. You need water to keep you from dehydration and to replenish the lost moisture in your body while exercising.

10. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol:

Finally, now is a good time to quit any bad habits, such as smoking and drinking. These habits release toxins in your body and can stunt your growth, so stay away from them if you want to know how to become taller. - 17273

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