Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, September 11, 2009

Safest Strength Enhancing Supplements

By Jack W. Anderson

It's with good reason that bodybuilding supplements are lauded as the key to building superior ripped muscle with the addition of extra weight in muscle mass and an overall increase in your strength, stamina and intensity of your work out.

Choosing the wrong bodybuilding supplements can put you at serious risk of illness or injury due to potentially adverse side effects. Most weightlifters and bodybuilders know, however, that the proper choice in strength enhancing muscle building supplements is vital to increased gains from the start.

Creatine monohydrate is the mother of all performance enhancing supplements and no review would be complete without a discussion about it. It is produced naturally in the body from the amino acids glycine, arginine and methionine. As a supplement it dominates all other natural muscle building formulas and is considered by everyone to be the most important.

Creatine is renowned for providing a short energy burst, which makes it beneficial to weight lifters and bodybuilders that are serious about reducing their lactic acid buildup, increasing their strength, providing more energy for your workouts and adding muscle weight gains in a short amount of time.

Whey protein provides the building blocks needed by your muscles to repair, rebuild and increase in mass while the heal after your workout sessions. It provides your body with the same ingredients found in a mother's breast milk which promote growth. Protein supplementation as well as a diet naturally high in protein will be a key to the speed and ease of your results.

One final bodybuilding supplement that deserves to be mentioned isn't just for muscle bound weightlifters. In fact it can be used by anyone interested in adding the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals that they may be missing out on due to the normal diet.

These meal replacement supplements, as they are commonly called, are very quick and an extremely convenient way of proving your body with protein, carbohydrates and other vital minerals and nutrients.

With all the hundreds of performance enhancing supplements on the market today the three discussed here will provide the bare essentials needed to reduce recuperation times while increasing the effectiveness of your workouts and muscle gaining speed. - 17273

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Protect Your body From Free Radicals

By Dr Lorna Mistranski

Aside from the acai berry being an unsullied, mouth-watering, organically grown fruit- it is also rich with antioxidants. Antioxidants are nutrients as well as substances that slow the oxidation damage to our body.

The process of the body's cells consuming oxygen, creates a by-product known as a free radical that can do lots of harm to the body. Antioxidants play a huge role in preventing and repairing the damage done by these free radicals. Adding antioxidants to your daily diet is the best way to protect yourself from these free radicals.

The breaking down of the body's DNA and causes of cancer have been linked to Free radicals. They can wreak havoc on the body when left unchecked. The damage can be so severe to the cells that at times free radicals are responsible for them not working at all.

Depending on where the damage was created by these toxic radicals, the range of destruction can lead to neurological damage all the way to hormonal problems. The acai berry produces enough antioxidants that when taken as a regular part of your diet can prevent and fight off these free radicals.

Research has shown for years that when antioxidants are taken on a regular basis, the body is able to repair and maintain its cellular strength from recent as well as future attacks from these dangerous free radicals.

A book entitled the Perricone Promise was written by Dr. Perricone who is generally regarded as the person responsible for introducing the fruit to the mainstream audience. In this book he describes the acai berry as being the most perfect food known on the planet today.

When it comes to a food that will make you look and feel young, Dr. Perricone says that the acai berry has all of the ingredients needed to accomplish this. Also, when looking for a diet that will revitalize your health and slow the aging process Dr. Perricone says look no further than the acai fruit berry.

The acai berry is categorized as a super food that gives you all of the nutrients needed when eradicating, preventing, and fighting harmful radicals. This fruit is defiantly worth researching if your goal is improving your overall health and well being

In conclusion, if you are looking for a diet that will fight off free radicals, improve your health, and reduce aging, then looking further into the benefits of this miraculous super food could be just the next step for you. - 17273

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Develop Muscular Pecs

By Frank Hommes

Most guys want to have big, masculine pecs that they can show off and be proud of. Unfortunately, getting those impressive pecs can be a lot harder than you may realize. There are a lot of mistakes or blunders, that may prevent you from building these pecs you dream of. Here are a few of the common ones that you should learn to avoid.

1. The first mistake that most guys make is simply overworking themselves. They think that the quickest way to build up their pecs is just to lift as much as they can as quickly as they can. The truth is that this provides almost no results and only damages the body.

As in all things, moderation is the key. Remember that it's more about the quality of the workout than the quantity. Generally, it's better to do more reps than it is to add more resistance, but doing too many reps can also be bad for you.

2. The second common mistake that stops people from getting muscular pecs is focusing entirely on bench pressing. Some people will tell you that bench pressing is the foundation for building the pecs, but this is blatantly untrue.

The reason for this, is because bench pressing builds the entire upper body, so trying to concentrate on just the pecs is virtually impossible with this exercise. However, if you include flys and inclined bench presses, you can help to isolate the pecs and increase their bulk.

3. A third common blunder that's often made, has to do with an individual's diet. Some guys don't realize that their diet may be preventing them from building up their muscles the way they should. A diet that is rich in proteins is very essential if you plan to build up your muscle mass and achieve strong pecs.

4. The final blunder, but the most common is not to follow a proven training program. - 17273

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Are Carbs A Supporter Or An Enemy For Fat Loss And Health?

By Lillian G Griffin

The past couple of years have seen a sudden increase in the greatly trendy low carb diets. Carbohydrates have been portrayed as the enemy of fat loss and healthiness. So are carbs the problem or is there more to the story?

Our bodies prefer carbs as an energy source to fat and protein. Our digestive systems must work harder to change fat and protein into energy and our brains can only function on carbs. However, there are beneficial carbs and less good for your health carbs and choosing judiciously will bring you improved healthiness and fat loss. Try to decide on complex carbohydrates and the least processed, most nutritious types of simple carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates can be broken down into two categories of simple carbs and complex carbs. Simple carbs like white sugar are likely to hit your bloodstream immediately and burn out quickly leading to energy crashes while complex carbs for example oatmeal are released slower and provide a longer more constant energy.

You may possibly consider that you just need to shun simple carbs and try to only eat the complex carbs. On the other hand, there is much more to the story and you may not want to totally ignore simple carbs as of yet.

The reality of the matter is that there are many extremely healthful and valuable foods that are simple carbs. Not candy bars and pastries of course, but some of the most nutritious fare on the planet are comprised of simple carbs. Nearly all fruits and even some vegetables are considered to be simple carbs. Yet, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, peaches, nectarines, the goji berry and the acai berry and really all fruits for that matter, are all extremely elevated in nutrition and antioxidants and they are a very healthful addition to a healthful diet.

The best tactic to include healthful simple carbohydrates in your diet is to circumvent processing as much as feasible and consume the food in its natural state. Whole fruit contains fiber and other nutritional value that are not located in juices. Thus it is much superior to devour the whole fruit in place of juices if doable. However, juices can be healthy in moderation and since the acai berry can only be found in a processed state outside of Brazil, acai berry juice in moderation is a good for your health alternative.

If you consume too many simple carbohydrates and simple sugars, especially white flour and white sugar products, it can lead to weight gain and ill health. Simple sugars generate wild swings in blood sugar levels, which causes disproportionate insulin in your body and that can be very disadvantageous for wellbeing and weight.

Carbohydrates are a vital macronutrient and it is not feasible or healthful to abolish them altogether. However, making improved choices concerning the ones you consume is very essential for your weight and your health. Try to consume more complex carbs and healthier, less processed simple carbs including whole fruit. - 17273

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Pointers to the Best Diet Pill in the Market

By Jesse Regan

When looking for the best diet pill out in the market, expect the task to be harder than what you may think. Almost every brand there is, considers itself the best among the line of diet pills. These would all proclaim itself as the worlds most effective diet pills that ever went out for sale. This makes it difficult for anyone who wishes to buy these as he spends more minutes in making up his mind on whatever diet pill he should use.

The wisdom on making the right purchase does not rely much on whatever any brands advertisement says. Well, a little credit may be given on what those claim though. However, it is best to take heed to experts advice on the matter. Remember, a diet pill has effects on the body. If one is not careful enough, he could lose more than just his weight. Indiscriminately taking in this is, therefore, dangerous.

There can be two criteria for a diet pill to be considered one of the best. One is how consumers are patronizing it. The other is how experts judge it. Consumer wisdom can sometimes be very subjective though. More often than not, it is susceptible to the barrage of advertising made by the different diet pill brands. It can even put more emphasis on the price while putting aside the more urgent concerns as safety and brand reputation.

Asking for the advice of doctors and other specialists on the matter can be very helpful. Their ideas and bases for deciding on what could be the diet pill are well founded and scientific. These include the quality of the pills contents, weight-loss power, the outcome as well as the bad effects if any, and the producers name. True, the criteria can be quite difficult to implement. However, there are websites who can give anyone a briefing on the most effective diet pill brands.

If the said criteria is to be followed strictly, then the finding the best diet pill can be limited to a smaller scope. These will include popular brands such as Liporexall, Lipovox Hardcore Detox, and Phenphedrine. The three have consistently made it to the A-list for weight-loss effectiveness, content excellence, safety, and company repute. Many people have also affirmed this by putting these also in the list of the most bought.

A top diet pills price can somehow be expensive. In fact, many consumers would downgrade a good pill for nothing else but its unfriendly price. However, that could be a bad call. Ever since diet pills were sold, many of the cheaper ones have also earned the bad reputation of being unsafe and ineffective. This has resulted to the banning of such products in the market, oftentimes after some damage has been done on the hopeful weight-losers health. Hence, while a price can attract a consumer, the safety and effectiveness of a diet pill are still the more important factors to look for. You are sure to get the best information about healthy diet respite online. - 17273

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Guide To Pregnancy Diets

By Janine Rose Morley

Guide to pregnancy diets A pregnancy diet is built around a a small amount of basic principles (which are actually pretty similar to the basic ideology of healthy eating at any time in life).

Your first priority is feeding your unborn child. Do not skimp on the right foods for your baby. Include at least two portions of fruit, six portions of grains. You should also include four or more servings of vegetables and dairy protects. Also include two or three servings of protein. This diet should help ensure that your child gets the proper vitamin. Your doctor will supplement this with vitamins. Iron, Vitamin C, and folic acid are all needed for the healthy growth of your baby. Finally, you should have no alcohol and very limited caffeine.

Pregnant or not, you should be limiting fat to 30% of your calorie intake. This is especially true when you are pregnant. Check labels and avoid fatty meals. Low fat milk will cover your dairy needs just as good as whole milk. Sweets are not part of the pregnancy diet either, sorry.

How much weight should you gain during pregnancy? You should expect to gain about 25 pounds. Whatever you do, do not try to lose weight during pregnancy. This can put your child at risk. If you are already worried about your weight before pregnancy, you can limit your weight gain. As always, consult your doctor and research a reputable guide to pregnancy diets. The pregnancy diet is clearly not for men. (Although in this day and age that could change sometime)... Who knows what the men in their white coats are up to ?

Pregnant or not, you should be limiting fat to 30% of your calorie intake. This is especially true when you are pregnant. Check labels and avoid fatty meals. Low fat milk will cover your dairy needs just as good as whole milk. Sweets are not part of the pregnancy diet either, sorry.

There are other foods to avoid during pregnancy. Seafood that is known to be high in mercury, such as swordfish, should be avoided. Artificial sweeteners should also be avoided. Any foods that are a source of potential bacteria, such as raw meat, eggs, or certain cheeses should not be in your diet. What should also be taken in to account that a pregnancy diet that is aimed at your babies health is not a weight loss plan, but rather a way of eating properly for the benefit of yourself and your unborn baby while pregnant.

A well researched guide to pregnancy diets will ask how many extra calories should you add to your diet during pregnancy?. Your calorie count should rise by roughly 300 during the second trimester and 500 during the last trimester. Staying inside these guidelines should keep your weight gain under control. The above information should keep you allow you to stay healthy, fit, and as comfortable as feasible during your pregnancy. Make certain you keep these in mind when creating your proper pregnancy diet. - 17273

5 Myths of Bodybuilding

By Jack W. Anderson

1. 12 Rep Sets

The twelve rep standard is often prescribed in bodybuilding routines for gaining muscle mass. However, doing this many reps at once actually places the type of strain needed for strength and endurance, rather than gains in muscle mass. In order to develop strength and gain mass, you will need to include both strategies in your workout with the addition of sets of fewer reps of heavier weights to your routine.

2. Three Set rule

It's best to look at this as a guideline for three sets rather than the rule for which it is usually taken. The number of sets in your routine will depend entirely on your goals for that routine. If you are going for strength then the old 3 sets of twelve is perfect, but for muscle mass you will want to do more sets of fewer reps and increase the weight.

3. 3 to 4 exercises per muscle group

The truth is this is a waste of time. Combined with twelve reps of three sets, the total number of reps amount to 144. If you're doing this many reps for a muscle group you're doing too much. Instead of doing too many varieties of exercises, try doing 30 to 50 reps. That can be anywhere from 2 sets of 15 reps or 5 sets of 10 reps.

4. Your knees and toes

Another common bodybuilding misconception is the idea that you should not allow your knees to extend beyond your toes. And it has indeed been verified in studies done by researchers at Memphis University that by doing squats where your knees go past your toes will in fact increase the stress on your knees by almost thirty percent.

While a 30% increase in knee stress may seem like a big deal, it's nothing compared to what they found next. If you attempt to keep your knees back, you lean forward more and transfer 10 times as much stress to your hips and back instead.

5. Bodybuilding supplements

The market saturation of early weight gain supplements led to a mass hysteria of bodybuilders everywhere buying and drinking gallons of what amounted to nothing more than sugary, overpriced milkshakes. While these do provide some muscle gain, the tendency of the body with these types of supplements is to store it as fat instead. Modern research into nutrition has led to a new and more competitive market of supplements that provide better nutrition for the aspiring bodybuilder. - 17273

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IBS Nausea: How To Eliminate This Uncomfortable Symptom Of IBS.

By Alison Harris

Nausea is one of the many symptoms associated with Irritable bowel syndrome. It is not exactly known what causes this nausea but recent research points to an excess of bad bacteria in the small intestines.

One thing that is for certain is that IBS sufferers have very sensitive colon muscles. This might be the reason why they sometimes feel nauseous and experience a bloating.

The cause of nausea in each irritable bowel syndrome sufferer also seems to be unique to each individual and therefore what works for one patient might not work for the other.

This can be frustrating because you essentially become a guinea pig as your doctor has to keep trying different drugs on you to see which one would resolve the problem.

You must bear in mind is that whatever drug you doctor may prescribe for you to use, it will not treat or cure your IBS. It will only mask your symptoms and not cure it in any way

Other common symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome apart from nausea include:

1. Constipation

2. Abdominal pain and/or discomfort

3. Flatulence/gas

4. Stomach making funny noises


6. Diarrhea

Some simple triggers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Nausea:

A) Gluten (in grains like wheat, oats, rye)

B) Sugar

C) Some medications

D) Stress

E) Coffee and Tea

F) Spicy/Hot foods

G) Sweeteners, and of course

H) Alcohol.

Simple steps to relieve IBS Nausea.

1. Pure Peppermint Oil: is one of the most effective remedies for digestive issues and that includes Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It calms the smooth wall of the stomach and intestines. Apart from that it also has analgesic (pain killing)properties and is very good for stomach cramps, spasms and stomach pain.

It is best taken in capsule form, but make sure that the brand you are using are enteric coated, which means that they will reach the stomach before dissolving, otherwise you could end up with heartburn

You could also try peppermint tea, which may not as effective as peppermint oil, but will make a significant difference to your symptoms.

2. Boost the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut: It is crucial that you boost the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut. The best way to do this is to reduce the amount of sugar that you consume, eat more fermented foods like olives, yogurt, and sour cream, and take high quality probiotics on a frequent basis.

We have discussed the various symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome and also looked at two very effective natural remedies for nausea associated with ibs

Did you know that there are more many more natural cures for IBS that you may not be aware of? - 17273

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The Best Diets Revealed

By Aaron McLain

Doesnt it seem like everything you try to do to lose weight seems to fail? The online storm of diets hitting the webs streets is starting to become a joke. It seems every single day the next magic pill from the depths of the Amazon jungles is born and all overweight people must now bow to its immense fat burning power. Well Im here to tell you to get up off your knees and learn what about what makes the best diets with real results work so you will have the power to laugh in the face of these would be diets that will only leave you broke and fatter than before.

Stop torturing yourself and instead learn how to discover the best diets that work with your body to increase health while burning fat. So how do you do it? The only way to discover the best diet for you is to first educate yourself on a few important principles that all diets should have. In this article Im going to shed some light on the subject which I hope will empower you to find a diet that doesnt torture your body and mind.

When you finally open your eyes and see that there are two types of diets you will be able to discover a diet thats got your best interests at heart. There are diets that promote unhealthy weight loss and there are diets that promote health with weight loss as a natural by product.

Some diets require you to severely cut back on carbs or calories for long periods of time which is not the way to go. A good diet recognizes that these are essential in keeping up with a healthy body and instead preaches quality over starvation of vital nutrients.

Now that you have an understanding of what the best diets dont look like, lets take a look at what they do. First, the best diets will be built on a foundation of healthy principles. They will say things like eating smaller meals more frequently. Smaller meals help spread your calorie intake evenly and more meals help keep your metabolism up.

Next, a diet that will help instead of make worse will preach control. Control is the mental game that you need to master to develop good exercise and eating habits. Chances are that you got into this mess due to lack of control with what and how much you eat of the wrong things. A great diet will show you how to take back control first so you have a more of a chance of reaching your weight loss goals.

Last, but not least, good diets scream balance. And Im not talking about walking a tight rope, although that is a good analogy. Im talking about a good balance of healthy nutrients that the body needs to do its job. Nutrients like water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Weight loss will be a natural byproduct of a well balanced diet, not the result. The result will be a vibrant, healthy you.

Bottom line, the best diets should focus on helping your body rather than making it work harder. A good diet helps your bodily functions without starving it of fats, carbs, or proteins. It hydrates the body with plenty of water and preaches good habits like regular exercise and small frequent meals. And as with anything that is health related, seek the advice of your doctor before diving in head first. - 17273

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Aloe Vera Jell

By Palti Shipard

Aloe Vera is a medical plant, that has the appearance of a cactus but is a member of the lily family. It is related to onions, garlic and asparagus. The Aloe family has four hundred different species. The Aloe vera plant is often used as a herbal medication. The gel from the leaves contain carbohydrate polymers, like glucomannans or pectic acid, and other healthy compounds that are believed to have positive effects on the body.

Aloe Vera is hypoallergenic and has no known side effects, even in large amounts. It is safe for children, adults, seniors and even pregnant women. There are no known reactions with drugs, so aloe products are safe to take with medications. There are people who are allergic to aloa vera, go easy at first to make sure you are not allergic. The juice and jell can be used topically as well as taken internally.

There are no known reactions with substances, so aloe vera products are safe to take with medicines. There are people who are allergic to aloa vera, go slow initially to be sure you aren't one of these people. Contact dermatitis can happen in sensitive individuals, test a little area of skin, for a reaction before more use. The juice and jell can be employed topically as well as taken internally. Many folks keep a potted plant in the kitchen for use at any time, the plant is simple to grow. A leaf can be cut open and the gel applied immediately to a cut or burn. The jell has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties and benefits the skin by adding amino acids, minerals and B1, B2, B6 and C vitamins.

Virtually all of the packed aloe vera gels that you purchase are thickened with carrageenan. Carrageenan is a food grade thickening agent which is found naturally in sea kelp / Irish moss. Aloe Vera is employed in masses of commercial products including sunburn treatments, juices, shampoos, creams, cosmetics, lotions, as well as other many beauty preparations. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for a number of treatments and to keep the skin healthy.

Aloe vera juice is often used to help detox the tummy and raise the inmune system. The juice is a natural detoxifier, it increases good intestinal flora, eases and repairs damaged and inflamed tissue both internally and outwardly. It is used to increase bile flow, reinforcing appetite, for treating bronchial infections and for uterus, liver and colon defects.

It helps to improve bowel regularity naturally. Aloe vera is looked at by many herbalist as a panacea because it has so many uses, there were many studies of its use. There's some proof the extracts might be helpful in the treatment of diabetes and raised blood lipids. These effects are thought to be because of compounds like polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins.

Aloe vera is not much problem to grow if you do not over water your plant. Let the soil become fully dry before giving the plant a cup or 2 of water. In the summer months, the soil should be totally saturated, but then let it dry out before re-watering. The leaves contain a supply of water to help it survive through times of drought. Aloe Vera spreads by offsets and root sprouts.

Aloe plants are 95% water, because of this they are extremely frost tender. They can be grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun, or light shade. The soil needs to be moderately fertile, and fast draining. Once established plants survive droughts very well.

Aloin was a common ingredient in purgative products in the US before 2003, when the FDA ruled that aloin was a class III ingredient, thus banning its use. Processed aloe vera juice doesn't contain serious amounts of aloin and is utilized as a digestive healer. Aloin is removed in processing the juice because to the FDA decision. - 17273

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Children and Colostrum

By Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith

We wanted to see if the colostrum strawberry chewables we had for children were able to lessen the occurrence of an infectious disease in a crowded setting. So we went to a daycare center in Salt Lake City, Utah and worked with a doctor in which we did a placebo-controlled study that would test our hypothesis. The study was stopped due to the following reason.

Hunter Shepherd, a little 18 month old boy.

One of the subjects in the study was Hunter Shepherd who was always sick. Up to this point in his life, he always lived with tubes in his ears in order for his ears to drain due to chronic middle ear infections. Not once had he slept all through the night. Health care costs were not an issue, because Hunter's pediatrician was one of his relatives; however, this pediatrician also had given Hunter just about every antibody available. Unfortunately, Hunter's immune system was weakened due to the overuse and abundance of antibiotics.

Within three days of starting on first-milking colostrum, Hunter was sleeping through the night. Within seven days, the fluid buildup in, and drainage from, his ears, nose and back of throat had ceased. It was a miracle to Hunters parents, but, frankly, its what we expect from a first-milking colostrum formula. It was almost as if he had been given a vaccination against middle ear and other common childrens infections. No wonder some health experts call colostrum the universal vaccine!

More happened than just this though.

This was not the only success story we experienced. When we got two months into the study, parents of children receiving the placebo tablets saw in the children who were receiving the colostrum strawberry chewables that they were healthy and without colds, allergies, the flu and other respiratory infections. These parents also thought children who supposedly were having the colostrum strawberry chewables had longer attention spans, better listening skills and were happier.

The placebo chewables children's parents strongly requested to know which children were on the colostrum chewables and the placebo chewables. After finding out their children were not on the colostrum chewables, they demanded their children receive the colostrum chewables or they would leave the daycare. We did not want to be liable for the daycare losing half their children, so we gave all the children the strawberry colostrum chewables and ended the study.

Colostrum for Children

Even though our study came to an abrupt end, we did see that colostrum had important and valuable immune benefits for children. Usually when people think of colostrum, they think of it only for a baby calf. However, we see more and more how colostrum has an abundance of beneficial health benefits for people; newborns to elderly.

There are researchers in Guatemala City, Guatemala at the Center for Studies of Sensory Impairment, Aging and Metabolism who are looking into how colostrum can protect and help children who are malnourished.

"The growth, development and health conditions for children living under deprived conditions in developing countries are so adverse that immediate public health measures to reduce morbidity and improve nutrition are urgently needed," notes a report in the August 2002 issue of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "Preventing and shortening the course of diarrhoeal episodes, eliminating protozoal colonization, and balancing intestinal microflora would all contribute to these goals. Recent advances in food technology in industrial dairying allow for continuous availability of stabilized bovine colostrum concentrate, both natural and hyperimmunized against specific human pathogens. This is safe for the calves of the producers themselves, for laboratory animals, and generally for humans, with the caveat of the milk-allergic."

Prescription for Healthy Children Children truly benefit from first-milking colostrum. Our strawberry chewables make taking colostrum easy. Dont think of colostrum, however, as simply a nutritional supplement. Rather, think of it as a whole food concentrate, for thats truly what our first-milking colostrum is. If your child has recurrent respiratory illnesses, middle ear infections or too many other common infectious maladies such as colds or flu, you will be so happy to see his or her health improve with our strawberry colostrum chewables. Dosage"Have your child chew two or three of our strawberry-flavored chewables daily. Availability"TBR Labs Strawberry Chewable Colostrum is available at natural health centers and from health professionals. If you have any trouble finding a source for it, you can visit www.HealthyShores.com - 17273

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The Excellent Technique To Process Acai Berries

By Teresa P Rogers

If you are a healthy conscious individual you have no doubt seen the advertisements for acai berry goods. The acai berry is aespecially healthful and nutritious fruit that is only found in the rainforests of Brazil and it has only been available worldwide in just the past 5 years or so.

These small foods enclose great nourishment. Acai berries have the premier antioxidant contents of any extraordinary food. They also have a good measure of good for you fats in the form of Omega's and monounsaturated oleic acid, which is in addition found in healthy olive oil.

These little fruits contain a good for your health sum of fiber and even 19 amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. All of these factors combine to generate one of the healthiest and most nourishing foods on the earth.

But, not all acai berry products hold the complex nutrition that is feasible for these fruits. Because of the high fat content, these fruits are vastly perishable and they must be processed within about 24 hours of harvest in order to conserve the most important nutrition. There are a couple of processing applications that are used but some are greater to others.

The greatest technique by far to process acai berries is with a freeze-drying technique. Freeze drying is advanced because it does not make use of chemicals or heat and therefore it protects the crucial nutrients. In order to get the optimum nutritional value it is critical to find a supplement that has been freeze-dried.

A further common way of processing is a spray-drying scheme. This way uses both heat and chemicals, which are mutually hurtful to the nourishment. Some of the nutritional value may remain, however, the optimal nutrition that is possible is lost with this processing process.

The nutritional benefits that can be gained with the acai berry are profuse. People have reported triumph with everything from fat loss to anti-aging and even the prevention of disease because of advanced immune system function.

But in order to obtain the highest nutrients you must inspect carefully and make sure that your acai berry product has advanced processing and a important total of acai berry in the supplement. - 17273

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