Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How to Select the Most Excellent Diet

By Earl Cabo

The best diet that you can pick out is one that works for you and your journey to lose the weight you desire to lose. As you search for the best diet I want you to think of something that is so important to your complete success in your attempt to lose the weight.

If you lose 100 pounds you are never really a complete success, you are a recovering obese person. If you drop the pounds you want to shed you are never really done unless you can keep the weight off for the rest of your life. If you lose the weight and then gain it all back you are not a success, you have turned out to be a depressing failure in your weight loss journey.

As we begin this discussion as to what is the best diet you can choose to lose weight, you must include in your choice your ability to keep the weight off for the rest of your life. If you do not keep the weight off it does not matter how much weight you lost if you gain it all back again.

An excellent example of failed weight loss attempts comes from the Atkin's Diet. This diet promised so much to so many and it did deliver weight loss to the masses. The problem with the Atkin's Diet is that most people were/are unable to eat only what is required to maintain Atkin's. The issue developed that after people lost all of the weight they stumbled back into carbohydrates and then gained more weight than they originally lost.

Those who were a success turned into a failure since they were not able to maintain the weight loss. As you search for the best diet you must take into account that there will be life after the "diet" is ended.

A less extreme alternative to Atkin's is The South Beach Diet. If you are really attracted to the carb free lifestyle then it is suggested that you bypass Atkins' and try The South Beach Diet. The South Beach Diet is much easier to go on on after you have lost the weight you want to shed. - 17273

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What Makes The Best Workout For Flat Abs

By Tom Albright

It seems that everyone wants to have flat abs, and it is possible to have the body shape you desire. The modern lifestyle has been largely responsible for our flabby bellies, but the good news is that we can do something about it. The best workout for flat abs can be done at home, by making some changes to your lifestyle and eating habits.

In the Western world, we eat too much, and we eat too much of the wrong foods. To get rid of belly fat and achieve flat abs we need to burn more calories than we eat. This means - eat less and/or move more. The best way to burn calories and therefore fat, is through activity.

The first step in your workout for flat abs is to control what you eat. Eat five to six smaller meals each day to keep your metabolism up and prevent hunger pangs. Eat lots of lean protein, as it is the building block of muscle. Good sources of protein are skinless chicken, fish, dried beans and lentils, nuts and non-fat dairy products.

You need a balanced diet of protein, carbohydrate and fat, so eat vegetables, fruit, wholegrain cereals and breads to get your carbs, and nuts for the good fats. You need a minimum 8 glasses of water a day, sufficient sleep and rest and to stay away from fast food and anything that is overly processed.

The next stage of your workout is to get moving; do 30 minutes of something active every day, with 5 days being a cardio workout. In a cardio session you aim to get your heart rate and breathing rate higher than normal and sustain it for 20 minutes. The remainder of the session is a warm up and a cool down - necessary to avoid injury. You can walk, jog, swim or cycle; whatever you like to get you puffing a bit. You will be burning fat, building muscle, increasing your mobility and flexibility and you will start to feel great!

Strength training and specific abs exercises are among the best workout for flat abs. Strength training focusing on muscles in the torso, including the abdominals, will strengthen the core, improve coordination and balance and enable you to perform more difficult abs exercises. Always warm up before strength training, with some light cardio and stretches, and do the same to cool down afterwards.

Strength exercises can be using machines at a gym, but you can also use your own body weight as the resistance in strengthening exercises like The Plank, The Side Plank and Oblique Crunches. Research online and you will find lots of different abs strengthening exercises that don't require specific equipment, but will be a great part of your best workout for flat abs. - 17273

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Mighty Memory - Martin Mak Mighty Memory Review

By Chris Jensen

The human brain is a fascinating organ, being the master control center of the body. It stores information that has been perceived by the senses. Human beings have the most highly developed brain of all. Thus, the human brain may be referred to as the "mighty biological computer". Among the many functions of the brain is storing and retrieving memories. But how does the "mighty biological computer" have a "Mighty Memory"?

Memory is not something we are born with. Instead, it is something that can be learned and trained. No matter how bad you think your memory is, you can find ways by which it can be improved.

The Mighty Memory System by Martin Mak provides effective tools for improving memory and learning. The package includes a main manual and an mp3 Alpha state recording. Alpha state brainwaves frequency ranges from 8 to 14 cycles per second. They stimulate intuition, imagination, and higher awareness; calm your mind and body while maintaining mental alertness; and improve mental processes such as concentration, clarity of thinking, decision-making, and memory. The package also includes freebies like the Guide to Mind Control, Speed Reading Monster, Study Secrets, and more.

The system trains the left and right sides of the brain and teaches techniques that help improve memorization. Moreover, it uses all your senses together with your brain to help store and retrieve information quickly and effortlessly. Whatever you read, see, hear, feel, or touch is recorded in your mind.

If you study hard but seem to retain only a bit of information or if you frequently experience information overload, if you forget things easily or if you constantly misplace your things, and if you can't learn quick enough or if you think that your memory is getting worse by the day, try the Mighty Memory System. Remember, there is no poor memory; there is only an untrained memory. - 17273

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Pregnancy and Acne

By Gail Jones

Treating acne is normally the right move, if you have it, but not at all times. There are stages in a person's life when you should not treat acne just because you would like to. Unfortunately, during pregnancy is one of those times. Everyone knows, that this is a delicate part in a woman's life and that it is that phase of a woman's life when she must take extra care of herself. If a pregnant woman feels the need to try to cure her acne, she must see to it that she equips herself with the right information.

This must also be remembered by those women who might get pregnant. The following are some cures for acne that are not good for use during pregnancy because they could be harmful to the fetus:

Hormonal Treatment that could include estrogen, flutamide or spirolactone. They are certainly not allowed, because they are injurious and could result in problems for both the mother and her child. It is better regard it as a danger.

Isotretinoin is another one that would put a pregnant woman's life in danger. It has negative effects as well especially for pregnant women and those that are breast-feeding. It could cause severe health hazards in both the mother and the fetus inside her womb. It is advised that a woman in the process of taking Isotretinoin must be monitored by an expert. Those who are trying to become pregnant must avoid the use of Isotretinoin, because it may just trigger negative complications not only for mother but most especially for her child.

Oral tetracyclines, which could be made up of|of] doxycycline, tetracycline and minocycline, must not be an option at all, because it would not do you any good. It has been proven that pregnant women or those who are breast-feeding should avoid the use of this drug because it could produce side effects that could be nothing short of a threat to the life of you and your baby. However, the most common side effect is the permanent discoloration of your teeth or / and bone weakness.

Topical retinoids, like as tazarotene, adapalene and tretinoin, is another group that must be totally avoided. Just like the afore-mentioned remedies, topical retinoids could be a hazard to you and your baby. No matter whether you are pregnant or not, it is just not wise to use any of the drugs mentioned above.

For certain, those women, who are pregnant and have acne, really have to stay away from the heavy therapies mentioned above. Instead, why not settle for more traditional remedies, such as tying your hair up off your face, washing your face three or four times a day, changing your pillow cases every day, consuming more fresh fruit and avoiding fatty, oily and spicy food? - 17273

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Washington, DC Personal Trainer Reveals His Top Five Fitness Foods

By Josef Brandenburg

I take pride in being one of Washington, DC's top personal trainers. Getting other people healthy is my life's work. Although without help and support, this can seem overwhelming at times. We have all heard of good exercises and bad exercises, but what about food? With all the conflicting reports out there, low fat, no fat, no carbs, vegetarian, fruitarian, it can get your head spinning! With Washington, DC's top personal trainer, choosing the right direction is done for you. Below I have listed the top five foods you should focus on to have a healthy life.

1. Grass Fed Beef: Beef being at the top of the list even though it has high fat content, shouldn't surprise you. Besides tasting great, it is high in protein, fat burning CLA and omega 3 fatty acids while being low in saturated fats. You must remember that what was fed to what you eat is just as important as what you eat! Also keep in mind that not all beef is created equal.

2. Turkey Bacon: This is my favorite side dish as I am sure many others would agree. It tastes great; it is high in protein and extremely versatile. Try it crumbled in a favorite salad or next to your egg white omelet in the morning.

3. Berries: Sweet and wonderful. Whether they are strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, they are considered a number one super food. Packed with vitamins, anti oxidants and healthy phytochemicals. Funny thing is that they are relatively low in sugar, when they are ripe taste as sweet as the sweetest candy. A great suggestion is to stop eating that nutrient deficient cereal and toast for breakfast and try replacing it with a bowl of sweet berries for breakfast instead. They are so much better for you and will wake up your boring taste buds as well. Try it once and I can guarantee you'll never look back.

4. Spinach: Tasty and versatile, Popeye knew what he was doing. As breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner you will be eating a food loaded with beta-carotene, which can help to prevent cataracts. It is also loaded with Vitamin C to boost the immune system and leutin, which helps to protect against macular degeneration. Why not try having for breakfast - spinach omelet, for lunch - spinach salad and for dinner - a side serving of spinach next to some grass fed beef. I see no deprivation in that diet!

5. Shrimp: Shrimp is the only lean protein that is ready to be served in less than two minutes. Just listen to this list of the vitamins in shrimp, vitamin d for healthy bones, vitamin b12 for energy, selenium as an antioxidant, high in protein, low in fat and calories. A 4oz serving only has 112 calories, how perfect is that?

Well, there you have it. You have just found out this Washington, DC's top personal trainers list of 5 super foods. Incorporate these into your diet and you will be doing your body and your health a great service. Your taste buds will also thank you along the way. - 17273

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Five Fat Loss Mistakes People Make

By Tomuse Gospuse

There are five big mistakes people make during their workouts. I watch a lot of people do this all the time. Don't make these same mistakes and you will have no problem losing fat.

1. Not having any support behind you

Exercising without any support behind you will be tough. Support from your family members, close friends, or your physician is a lot of help and will motivate you more to losing fat. Get at least 1 or 2 people out of those groups who was successful in losing fat that will support you.

2. Not following a program that will keep them on track

How do you approach the gym? Do you walk in thinking about where to start and what you are going to do today? You are wasting your time. A plan needs to be made so that you know what you are going to work on. Stay with the plan, now whenever you enter the gym you know exactly what is going to be done.

3. Keeping the same workout after 4 weeks

The longest you should go with one program is 4 weeks. If you have stayed with a program more than 4 weeks and if it hasn't worked yet, it isn't going to magically start now. Change it up more frequently. You will receive more results and have a lot more fun.

4. Not taking it into consideration that nutrition is a big part to losing fat as well

What you eat is a big factor to losing fat as well as training. Going to the gym working out like an animal will do no good if you go home and eat junk. Doing so won't get you any results in fat loss. The food you eat is as important as your exercises. Put natural healthy foods in you stomach, 6 medium meals a day. Get a bunch of protein, fiber and vegetables in your system daily. Eat good fats, don't touch trans fat and try to drink a gallon of water a day. Simple and effective.

5. Not knowing when to draw the line

People always ask me if they should add even more cardio and lifting to their workout plans. People get this idea that if some is good, more training should be a lot better. The answer is NO, you must draw the line somewhere. Adding more and more exercise is a no no.

Your body will breakdown to fast due to to much working out, mainly when you are dieting. Training to much and a low calorie diet will not go together. This type of training will not optimize your engine and it won't run to its fullest.

Aim for quality not quantity in your workouts. For quite a bit of reasons stay with good quality training and a good quality diet. All that really is important is the results you get not the tiredness of your muscles or the tiredness after each workout. What's important is quality exercises and nutrition. You are aiming for a healthier good looking body that you can be proud of. - 17273

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Some Root Causes Of Lower Back Smarting

By Jim S Nolen

One of this country's leading medical problems is back pain. It is cited as one of the five most common injuries occurring in the workplace. Some of these, of course come from accidents. However, many are simply preventable. In fact, the vast majority tend to come from stress and strain on your back. It only takes a second to lift something that pulls a muscle in your back. We take a look at some of the more common causes of low back pain.

The lower back consist of five intervertebral discs. These are often referred to as the lumbar. These discs are stacked on top of each other. They are separated by soft tissue, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The bones provide the structure and rigidity while the soft tissue provides for flexibility.

We are more susceptible to problems in the lower back as we age. This is compounded by the changes in our work habits. Many of our work hours are spent sitting in fixed positions. This is especially true for those who work on computers.

The lower back relies on its strength in its ability to be flexible. The elasticity of the ligaments, tendons and muscles between the discs is critical. The other critical element is strength. The majority of the weight must be absorbed and distributed by the lower back. It must be even stronger when you add weight by caring different items.

One of the causes of low back pain is when the joints fail to function properly. Between each of the cervical discs, there is soft tissue. This holds the discs together. There are certain conditions which may impact the joint from functioning properly. This can lead to stiffness in muscle pain.

One of the challenges of the lower back is that injuries become key let us. If one area of the lower back cannot pull its weight, then the other parts must pull for it. This leads to an imbalance in the spinal structure. This can cause tension and fatigue to the other areas pulling more than their fair share of weight.

Our lower backs are quite an amazing engineering marvel. In this tiny compact structure it must transmit your body weight and act as a shock absorber. We definitely take for granted our mobility. Without our lower backs, we would not be able to stand upright. When we use our backs improperly, it can cause it to be out of balance.

Many people sustain a small injury to their lower back generally; they just hope that it passes. However, many of these situations cause the spine to become out of ballots. The person will actually begin to change their posture and adjust to the effect of the injury. It is important to see these changes occurring and to take proper corrective action before injury occurs.

There are two main categories of lower back pain. The first is chronic and the second is acute. In the case of chronic back pain, it is much more serious than acute. Chronic back pain may come from serious conditions such as degenerative arthritis, degenerative disc disease or spinal disc herniation. These conditions may require surgery and physical therapy.

Most likely causes of low back pain are from injury, overuse or improper use. Injuries are tough to prevent. However we can change how we sit, how we lift objects in how we maintain our posture. It is important that we recognize that these can affect our mobility in the future.

There are also certain conditions which can also lead to low back pain. These can range from osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis or a herniated disc can also cause low back pain. It is always important to check with your physician to obtain an accurate diagnosis. They can help advise on to the nature of your situation. They may also recommend natural treatments such as chiropractic manipulation, stretching and massage chair therapy.

Most of the common causes of acute back pain are preventable. Make sure you have proper ergonomic seating, maintain proper posture and advised by proper lifting techniques. These will go along way to preventing injury to your back. Also maintain a proper diet, exercise frequently and relieve stress with a relaxing massage. - 17273

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Avoiding Pain While Doing Housework

By Dr Jason Fowler

Household chores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you're careful, routine activities around the home" washing dishes, vacuuming, even talking on the phone" can strain your back, including the sacroiliac area near the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

But you can protect your back by knowing the right way to go about such activities, according to the American Chiropractic Association.

Consider lifting. It doesn't matter whether you're picking up your child or a heavy bucket of water, you need to do it the proper way to avoid injury.

How? Bend from the knees, not the waist. As you lift, hold the item as close to your body as possible. If you have to turn to place it, step in the direction of the turn. That way, you are not twisting your body and straining your spine.

The American Chiropractic Association suggests the following do's and don'ts tips for saving your back while doing chores and relaxation:

When you wash dishes, open the cabinet beneath the sink, bend one knee and put your foot on the shelf under the sink. Lean against the counter so some of your weight is supported in front. When ironing, raise one foot a bit. Place it on a small stool or a book to take some strain off your back. To vacuum, use a "fencer's stance." Put all your weight on one foot, then step forward and back with the other foot as you push the vacuum forward and back. Use the back foot as a pivot when you turn. While talking on the phone, do not cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. That can lock up the spinal joints in the neck and upper back, and cause pain. Instead, hold the phone with your hand or use the speakerphone. While watching television or relaxing, don't use the sofa arm as a pillow. The angle is much too sharp for your neck. Use a cold pack if your back begins to hurt. Wrap an ice pack in a towel moistened with warm water. The warmth gives way to gradual cold, which likely will alleviate the discomfort. (No ice? Try frozen veggies instead.) If pain persists for more than a day or two or if you experience numbness, tingling or weakness in your arms or legs, see a doctor of chiropractic. A doctor of chiropractic is an expert in spinal health and can help identify and treat your problem. - 17273

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Lose Weight Programs - Which One is Worth the Money?

By Patsie Adams

There are so many lose weight programs available. But which one will work best for you? This article will give you the lowdown on the most popular weight loss regimens so you can make the right decision.

Notice all the new diet books that come out every so often. Some call for low-carb eating, some call for high protein and zero carbs and some other fancy combinations.

If something feels right in your gut, its okay to try it for a few weeks and see if it pays off. Nothing you do for a few weeks is going to kill you.

These diet books usually end up being developed as paid membership web sites, supplements, and nutrition systems wherein food is pre-measured and sometimes delivered to you. If you were happy with trying out a particular lose weight program it could be worth the investment to sign up for a paid membership plan.

Other programs are based on meetings. For instance Weight Watchers takes an approach where you can have a specific number of calories (divided into Points) each day. You also attend weekly meetings which are a combination of weigh-ins and cheerleading sessions.

If you decide to do Weight Watchers as your lose weight program, consider going to two or three meetings at different times before you settle on one. Thats because different meeting leaders have different styles. Furthermore, the mix of people at a meeting can affect the tone, so find a group you are comfortable with.

Jenny Craig is a great lose weight program for busy people who want to be able to microwave their meals. Everything - except a few products from the produce aisle and milk - is included with the program. You will also meet one-on-one with a consultant to track your progress and do the weekly weigh-in.

Jenny Craig will come with a steeper price though. Be ready to shell out about $150 per week on Jenny Food then add about $30 to $50 for grocery store necessities. Still, the food is quite good. Some call it good enough for any restaurant.

You can save some money by going for Nutrisystem. Food in this lose weight program is shipped to you monthly. Majority of the meals are shelf stable meaning freeze dried. These don't even need refrigeration. They have also recently added frozen food.

However, Nutrisytem's freeze dried food leaves much to be desired. Besides, how fresh can that be? Still, this could be the plan for those who can't afford Jenny Craig.

There are so many lose weight programs around that you have to pick and choose what works best for you. Dont swing from diet to diet. Instead, pick a plan that feels right and stick to it for the long run or until you meet your weight goals.

When you've made the right decision and invested your money on a lose weight program, stick to it. Because you do want to lose that weight as well as make the most of your time, effort and money. - 17273

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Building Big Muscle Is This Easy

By Danny Gutierrez

There is no doubt in my mind that protein is the king of all natural supplements when it comes to building and adding muscle to your physique. Protein is really the only supplement that is absolutely necessary to muscle growth despite what bodybuilding supplement manufacturers would like you to think.

Despite the myriad of nutritional supplements out there making all sorts of outrageous claims about building muscle the only supplement, or better yet, nutrient you need to build muscle is protein. Your muscles are comprised of protein and water so you can see why protein would be necessary to your muscle-building efforts.

When you work out with weights you're actually breaking down your muscle tissue and tearing it. When you feel a muscle pump, your muscles feel like they're swollen or full, in the gym your muscles are actually being stretched to the point of tearing and that's normal and it's actual the beginning of the muscle rebuilding process.

Building muscle is actually really simple when you break it down into it's fundamental steps. There are basically two necessary components to building muscle and they are breaking down your muscle tissue, you do this when you workout in the gym, and consuming enough protein to sustain growth.

If you want to grow and build muscle you're going to need to consume about one to two grams of protein per pound of body weight. Basically consume one gram of protein for every one pound you weigh so if you weigh 150 lbs. then consume 150 grams of protein. This is where protein supplements come into play because obviously eating 150 grams of protein would be pretty difficult.

There are a few times throughout the day where it is really important to consume protein to maximize on fast muscle growth. The first is immediately following your workout. After your workout your muscles are basically dehydrated and starving for nutrients so take advantage of that and feed them protein so they can start the rebuilding process.

Consuming protein in this manner is important because this is how you retain your hard earned muscle. A lot of people don't know this but you can lose muscle while you sleep becasue if you go long enough without food your body starts to starve and will start to look for other sources of protein and it's two favorites are the fat stores in your body and your muscles.

If you're just getting started with working out in the gym it's important to not get too confused with all the hype behind all of the products and systems that are out there to help you build your physique. Stick to the basics in the beginning. Train hard and consume lots of protein. You'll get to a point where your growth plateaus and that's the right time to try new supplements. - 17273

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Cant Easy Bruising Be a Sign of Von Willebrand's Disease?

By Carolyn Cooper

When you acknowledge the fact that you are getting large bruises from an insignificant bump, you may very well become concerned, and when discuss this bruising with your friends, they are going to be concerned for your well being as well. When it comes to determining the causes for your bruising easily, there are a variety of reasons for why it could present a problem for you. Although some of these theories can be accurately applied to your situation, others can be ruled out immediately. Easy bruising is an important symptom for the generally rare Von Willebrand's disease, and the question as to whether you have been afflicted by it could well be one that troubles you. Let's examine this disorder and determine what it might mean to you?

In the first place you need to understand that Von Willebrand's disease of the coagulation process, in which your blood does not clot the way that it does in an unafflicted person. Because of this disorder, even the slightest nick or scrape can lead to excessive blood being shed, and this takes place underneath the skin as well as above it. Because of the quantity of blood that flows when tissue is damaged, the bruises that form are highly visible and large, and seem to show up in a unexplained manner. Most people are amazed when they're faced with so much bruising from such an insignificant scrape or bump.

How does one get Von Willebrand's disease? For the vast majority of people, Von Willebrand's disease is inherited. It is largely a hereditary condition where people will pass it on to their children from generation to generation. There are also unusual cases where Von Willebrand's disease can be acquired later in life. In these cases, the problem is that the body has started creating auto-antibodies, which will actually wipe out the material that causes coagulation to happen quickly and effectively. With that in mind, you'll discover that there are conditions which can lead to this affliction, the most common among them being lupus.

That being said, should you be concerned that you have contracted Von Willebrand's disease? You will need to determine whether you display any of the additional symptoms other than just easy bruising. Typically, bleeding gums and nosebleeds are other relevant symptoms. Additional symptoms for women may include heavy menstrual flows or excessive loss of blood during childbirth.

If you have the condition where you are noticing extra bruising, keep in mind that you need to exhaust all of your options to determine the causes for your bruising. There can be numerous different reasons why you are bruising more easily than you think is normal, but the real likelihood is that your bruising is not something that's serious.

You should discuss any serious issues about your bruising with your doctor, but if your bruising easily is just an effect caused by your aging, you should evaluate Bruises Be Banned, which is a uniquely formulated, all natural daily treatment program that has been especially put together to help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17273

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6 Week Body Makeover - The Reason Diets Don't Work

By Rico Kidd

The simple answer is "yes". The people who haven't lost weight start telling other people that they haven't lose weight and that' it's a scam. This is an article of the reason why people do not lose weight on this program and ways for you to become successful with the Michael Thurmond diet.

First off, you will lose weight as long as you stick to the plan. You cheated or diverted from the plan and that is why you failed. It is nearly impossible to not lose weight on this plan as the Michael Thurmond diet is so painstakingly simple that anyone could do it.

Here's how the diet works: take the body blue print to determine your body type, plan meals based on your body blue print, plan a body sculpting plan to shape problem areas, execute plan and stick with it for 6 weeks. It's very simple and easy to follow. The only way you wouldn't lose weight on this diet is by not following it or diverting from the foods that you're eating.

Here are some mistakes the people are doing. They end up putting off the diet for awhile or start the diet, find it too restrictive and start eating foods that are not on their meal plan. The other thing is that people will start off well for the first two weeks and then they go to a restaurant and order something fatty and delicious. Once they try fried foods again, it is easy to start cheating on your diet and they go on feeding frenzies. After this happens, they despair because they start gaining weight and want to give up as they think it's impossible to start the program over.

Once they gain all their weight back, they start to blame the diet (instead of themselves). Actually, it's that person's fault that they gained the weight back. You DID lose weight on the program, but you started to cheat and that's why you gained the weight back, not because of the diet. Of course there are times where you just can't control yourself and want to eat some ice cream. Moderation doesn't kill your diet and weight loss goals; constant gratification kills your goals.

There are ways to wean yourself off fatty foods. First, start cooking more often at home and stop eating out as much. This way you can control portion size and what type of foods you're eating. Also, cook with less oil and start cooking with more water and soup broth. Start adding half the salt to all of your meals and slowly wean yourself off of salt. The food will taste bland without spices so you can add peppers and other low sodium alternatives. - 17273

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