Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, January 5, 2009

Using A Low Carb Cholesterol Diet For Better Health

By Adrian Fletcher

Regardless of the generally held view that cholesterol is bad for the body, it is actually vital to the functioning of many parts of the body. In fact, without cholesterol, we would be in serious trouble. Cholesterol is also present in many foods that we eat and this is where the problem occurs. If we eat too many cholesterol high foods or foods that promote the natural production of cholesterol in the body, then problems can arise. Cholesterol consists of two types, HDL, the so-called good cholesterol and LDL or the bad cholesterol. However, since the body produces all the cholesterol it requires, too much cholesterol is unhealthy. The best way to control this is by eating a low carb cholesterol diet.

The mechanics of the low carb cholesterol diet are simple. This type of diet works by reducing or completely cutting out fat- and sugar-laden foods. When sugar and insulin levels rise, body fat also rises. The triggering factor behind this rise is excess carbohydrates, found in sugars and starches. Too much sugar and body fat can lead to other health problems such as heart disease and diabetes.

Cholesterol is found in many foods, particularly those that contain trans fats and/or saturated fats. Most people who are overweight or obese have high cholesterol levels in their body. One can decrease body fat and bad cholesterol by choosing a low carb cholesterol diet that will provide necessary nutrients for the body without adding additional sugars and starches.

Eating foods low in carbohydrates has the effect of decreasing insulin produced by the body. In order to generate the energy needed to function, the body will then use the excess sugars and fats that are already stored. A low carb cholesterol diet will allow you to lose excess weight more quickly. This is good for lowering cholesterol and reducing the chances of developing diseases like diabetes.

When you are on a low carb cholesterol diet you can eat most of the foods you like. You will need to read the labels to check if the amount of carbohydrates is low enough and how much sugar it has. It is extremely important that you teach yourself and know about the food products that have too many carbs and too much cholesterol. You can stay away from them or offset these high carb foods with foods that have fewer carbs. Simple carbs are the things to avoid. These are easy to breakdown by the body so no energy is used to process them. Look to complex carbs to fill the carb component of any diet you go on.

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of foods that cater to a low carb cholesterol diet. You can even purchase foods that are normally high in starch, like pastas, that have been made with less carbs so those who want to lower their cholesterol or are trying to maintain their health and weight can still enjoy their favorite foods.

If you want to lose weight, feel healthier, have more energy and get faster results on your cholesterol levels, exercise is an important key factor. Double check with your doctor before you begin any new eating plan, including a low carb cholesterol diet, to be absolutely certain this is the right choice for you. If you are pregnant or nursing, or if you already have a medical condition that might limit you, it is extremely important for you to get the go-ahead from your doctor. - 17273

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Weight maintenance tip- use computer dieting software

By Sarah Kronsburgitis

Maintaining weight is not the same as losing weight. When losing weight any diet method works if the end result is losing weight. There is a similarity between not gaining additional weight and losing weight.

Losing weight and maintaining weight are similar. For both, you must consume healthy food, don't overeat portion wise and exercise regularly.

Part of being successful in weight maintenance is being motivated on an ongoing basis to keep from gaining additional weight. Also important is getting support from those around you and being able to handle stress without resulting to eating to much or eating the wrong foods. You must assume responsibility for your weight maintenance program.

What can cause weight regain? There are many contributing factors, one of them being having a history of cycling between losing and gaining weight. Another risk is overeating or eating in response to feeling bad about something.

Bottom line, maintaining your weight is balancing between how much energy you use and replinishing that burnt energy. To achieve this balance you need to know your own needs.

If you track your caloric expenditure during your workouts, you can then adjust your caloric intake accordingly to ensure you're replenishing but not overindulging.

Computer dieting software can not only help you reach your ideal weight but also maintain it. One excellent software program for this is called Diet Power. When the program notices a change in your metabolism, it automatically tweaks your daily budgets to prevent gain or loss. It knows how to adjust for water retention from high sodium intake or menstrual cycles. It even knows how to fill in the blanks if you skip logging your foods for a few days. - 17273

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Mangosteen Juice Nutrition Supplements Can Improve Weight Loss

By Julieanne van Zyl

Here is how a supplement like Mangosteen Juice can assist with your weight loss experience. For most people, Dec 31st and Jan 1st could amount to two things: A life transforming year or another frustrating and disappointing year ahead. This is because at the end of every year and at the beginning of a new one, most people commit themselves to making new resolutions that will take them through the year.

The goals can be different; for some, it can be a resolution to become financially free, for others, it could be a decision to stop drinking and smoking and for yet another group of people, it could be a decision to settle down and find that special "someone" to spend the rest of their lives with. But for a lot of people, there is usually one inclusive goal and that is to lose weight and shed all the excess fat they have on their bodies. This particular resolution is more common among women who often would love to have a slimmer body.

This pretty impressive resolution is what gets many women to lose the extra fat they have had for quite a while. But while losing weight and following some good exercise regimens, many women -and men- forget that they need a lot of additional nutrients as they lose nutrients during their workout sessions.

Apart from drinking lots of water, which often keeps us all in optimum shape, there are certain nutrients that any person ready to lose weight must have. This is important as people often tend to think that they can easily use the weight loss pills in conjunction with their normal regimens and they will be fine with their nutrition.

One of the worst nightmares of any physical fitness trainer is to find that their student or client is suffering nutritionally. This often results in their being nutritionally deficient and open to attacks by bacteria on their immune system. So, the best bet is to take nutrition supplements in line with the normal weight loss regime or procedure.

Often, taking vitamin supplements are enough to replenish the body with the nutrient it needs. Taking just the weight loss formula, pills or whatever it is you are subscribing to is not okay without taking any from of nutrition supplement.

It is even worse for those who endure gastric bypass to lose weight. Up to now, there have been changeable results stemming from this procedure. But research has shown that many obese people who undergo gastric bypass may lose weight but may suffer nutritionly as a consequence of the reduced food quantity they have to eat. Once in a while too, people who experience gastric bypass have been known to suffer from an unusual condition known as Wernicke encephalipathy.

This is usually caused by a lack in vitaminB1 also known as thiamine. This often causes the patient to continually throw up, and lose coordination. To stem this and diminish the occurrence of this, patients are usually given nutrition supplements in the form of vitamins to complement the amount of vitamins already in the body. So, if you know you will be embarking on any weight loss program, make sure that you get sufficient nutrition supplements to get the best benefit possible. - 17273

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Fish Oil as Cure for Psychosis

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil as a treatment for psychosis is a fresh topic for research.

Several scientists have been very impressed on what they are now discovering, and for sure you too will get excited.

Psychosis is defined as "loss of contact with reality. This typically includes delusions (false ideas about what's taking place or who one is) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things which aren't there)." by the Medline Plus online encyclopaedia.

The general definition of psychosis includes depression, abnormal emotions, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, hallucinations delusions, unfounded fears, extreme excitement, confusion and illusions.

If the mentioned descriptions are found in you, do not go and immediately get a diagnosis. Just remember that psychosis is a condition wherein the symptoms are often consistent and is always chronic.

Some of the causes of psychosis can be the use of illegal or prescription drugs, excessive alcohol intake, or any condition that may bring damage to the brain for it to malfunction, like stroke or Alzheimer's Disease.

We should be aware that proper nutrition can be a factor for psychosis. Nobody can just eat junk food and expect to live a healthy and longer life. Eat well!

What does the research reveal?

Fish oil has been found to give major health benefits according to the latest scientific studies, and it includes the treatment of psychosis, bipolar syndrome and depression.

The Journal of Affective Disorders reported a research that says "Major depressed subjects showed significantly lower total omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids?than minor depressed subjects and healthy controls." (Vol. 26, No. 38, 35-46)

The implication: the more fish oil fatty acids you have in your diet, the less the chances are that you will be depressed.

Another research conducted amongst patients with major depressive disorders was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry and it concludes that, "Highly significant benefits of the addition of the omega-3 fatty acid compared with placebo were found by week 3 of treatment." (Vol. 159:477-479)

The implication: all you need is 3 weeks and you will get the health benefits that fish oil provides.

Research conducted at the Harvard University was published in the Archives of General Psychiatry and it found that, "Omega 3 fatty acids were well tolerated and improved the short-term course of illness in this preliminary study of patients with bipolar disorder." (Vol. 56 No. 5)

Meaning: The condition of bipolar disorder patients improved after taking fish oil.

Another research reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry concludes, "The results of this study suggest that EPA may be a safe and effective form of monotherapy for women with moderately severe borderline personality disorder." (Vol. 160:167-169)

The implication: Women with extreme personality disorders can benefit from fish oil.

The research conducted by the UK University of Sheffield that was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders reveals "The findings [of their study] raise the possibility that depressive symptoms may be alleviated by omega 3 PUFA [polyunsaturated fatty acid] supplementation." (Vol. 48(2-3):149-55)

The implication: A supplement of good quality fish oil helps depressed individuals.

That is a synopsis of what fish oil treatment can do to psychosis and other minor depression problems.

Let the health benefits of fish oil speak for itself naturally. - 17273

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Bodybuilding Diet Plan, What to Eat and When

By Ricardo d Argence

Bodybuilding is an art that calls for strong determination, will power, dedication, routine lifestyle, regular exercising, and most importantly a proper and healthy diet. Bodybuilders have always been the masters of dieting. No sport athlete other than bodybuilders has ever been able to manipulate their body the way they want.

Bodybuilders are able to lose and gain body weight just by adjusting their diet. Although your diet is important in order to have that perfect V-Shape body with bulging muscles, a proper workout is equally important. Many people have the idea that not eating will help them lose weight. It is not a healthy way of shedding extra weight, though it is true.

Surprisingly, eating well can contribute to weight loss. You cant just go out and eat everything and anything you want and expect to loose weight. If you want to shed weight and shape your body, it calls for a proper diet plan.

Be it maintaining a healthy body or building a physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone, in any case you require a proper diet plan, which will help you boost your body building process. Now that you know how important a role healthy diet plan plays in the process of bodybuilding, you may be wondering what a bodybuilding diet plan is all about.

You should eat nutritious and healthy foods in right amounts if you are on a body building diet. In order for you to build a nice-toned healthy muscualr body we will have to take a look at what types of diet plans would be best for you.

For breakfast: 1 cup cooked non-instant oatmeal. Seven scrambled eggs (1 whole+6 or more whites). 1 cup coffee. 1 glass of apple juice.

First Snack: 1 small glass of water. 1 protein shake.

Lunch: 1 can tuna fish. 2 slices of wheat bread. 1 spoon of sweet relish. Dash of celery-salt. 1 large glass of water.

Second snack: 1 protein shake. 1 small glass of water

Dinner: 1 salmon steak or baked boneless chicken breast. 1 serving of brown rice. 1 serving of green beans. 1 large glass of water.

Bed time: 1 protein shake. 1 small glass of water.

Maybe you notices that the one thing that all of your meals have in common is water. This is because water plays a very important role in your bodybuilding diet plan. Current medical guidelines recommend liquid intake of 8-9 glasses of water per day. Water is essential in boosting your body building process, it's imperative to drink the required amount each day.

In conclusion, for a healthy, well toned body, the key element is to follow a good, healthy diet program. If you are considering to work toward building a muscular body then take thought to the above mentioned diet plan along with also having a workout program this is sure to help you in a big way to be successful and reach your goal much faster then you had anticipated. - 17273

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The Ugly Truth about Colon Cleansers

By Dorthy Weatherbush

We've all heard the old adage as it relates to weight loss. Eat less and exercise more is a simple solution to an all too common problem today. Everyone appears to be looking for the shortcut. The question is not, "how can I maintain a healthy lifestyle", rather it is how can I do what I want to do and then find a colon cleansing product to purify me from the poison I put into my body. Colon cleansers can be a great tool however they should not be thought of as a quick fix to help you loose those last few pounds.

If you are a healthy person, you should be experiencing a healthy bowel movement at least once a day. If this does not describe you then perhaps it is time for a colon cleanse. When choosing a cleansing product, it is always a wise choice to stick with a more natural herbal cleansing solution. You will find that these cleanses have a more immediate impact on increasing your metabolism, boosting your energy and helping your body absorb many of the nutrients it lacks. When you have completed your cleanse, it is important to note that you should feel lighter and resume normal bowel functions.

One of the scariest trends today is the use of colon cleansers as a dieting program. This is the sad reality of the infomercial society in which we live. Any one that is telling you that you can lose 8 or more pounds after being on an intense cleanse, is really pulling your leg. At most you might lose 3 - 5 pounds, however the maintenance of a healthy diet and weight loss program is demanding. For colon cleansers to be effective, you have to decide that you are going to make a change in your eating habits.

You will be amazed at the assortment of colon cleansers out there. There are complex ones, easy ones, liquid ones, herbal ones, and many others. Colon cleansing should be done in conjunction with a high fiber and low cholesterol diet. If you want your cleansing process is smooth, you will make a subtle shift in lifestyle and diet.

Rather than focusing exclusively on the minor weight loss benefits of colon cleansing, users should seek to learn more about the many other benefits to cleaning out your system. Improved digestive health along with an improved vitality and appearance to the skin is apparent. Just image your body being cleared of the harmful toxins you ingest daily without knowing.

Almost anything in life can be harmful if taken to extremes. It is important to exercise moderation in every area of our lives. We've all heard the saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." If you are looking to take a pill and instantly lose pounds every week, then you are turning to colon cleansers for the wrong reason. They should be used to become a healthier, more energetic person, not a skinnier one. - 17273

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Acai Super Fruit from the Amazon Now Available in the West

By Marcus C. Evans

Acai berries are South American fruits that are small, round, and only grow deep within the rain forests of the Amazon. Natives have long climbed the trees to harvest these delicate berries by hand. The fruit grows in clusters at the top of a species of palm tree, and are not unlike purple grapes in outward appearance.

The taste of acai berries is a delightful mixture described as a mixture of berries and dark chocolate. The berry is quite small, approximately an inch with relatively little pulp. The seeds take up most of the interior of the berry. The natives, the Caboclo people of the Brazilian Amazon, harvest the berries for food and have enjoyed the many health benefits for centuries.

Almost fifty percent of the diet of the natives consists of these berries enabling them to lead a healthy, active life. The acai has gained a reputation as a miniature super fruit. This is because the fruit is known to be capable of providing energy in abundance and promotes the overall strength and health in people who eat this fruit or drink its juice. Many others find that weight control is another benefit of this amazing fruit. Natives believe that a strong heart, clear mind and long lives are promoted by the super berries.

The pulp and juice of the acai are used to create juices and some other drinks. You will find these drinks popular in Brazil and Peru and more recently in Western countries. Brazilians eat the fresh fruit and sometimes have the fruit mashed in with tapioca, sugar and honey. It has also been mixed with granola and put into ice cream. The results of extraordinary benefits have been reported for decades throughout South America and have more recently been confirmed by others.

The acai berries contain healthy fats and as a result of this they are a very perishable food item. Western countries enjoy yogurts, juices and energy drinks containing acai. It can be found in frozen fruit pulp or even as a freeze-dried powder when consumed far from where the berries are harvested.

The fruit contains anthocyanins and resveratrol and studies have shown it to have several benefits to the human body. One of these benefits is that antioxidant levels in the bloodstream increase significantly within 2 hours of drinking a product containing acai pulp or juice. This increase of antioxidants in the bloodstream heightens the body's ability to fight free radicals that attack cells.

Ongoing studies suggest this fruit is good for circulation and the heart. Other reports show great promise that these ingredients may possibly be used in fighting certain cancers.

For Australians and others throughout the world who live fast paced lives, acai fruit not only provides a reservoir of energy but a whole host of other health benefits for them.

The energy levels and endurance experienced have turned a number of high profile sporting figures into serious proponents of the acai berry. People living athletic lives such as runners, swimmers and others who enjoy the outdoor life will find this supplement gives them all the energy they need to really enjoy their healthy and active life style. - 17273

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Healthy Energy Drinks and Body Fitness

By Julieanne van Zyl

The Verve Energy Drink can make a big difference if you want to get fit. If you are already a fitness buff , then nutrition supplements are no news to you. But to the man who wants to get fit today, they often have to learn that they need supplements to help themselves heal earlier and their bodies rebuild quickly. Depending on the kind of exercise engaged in, the body could take between just one day and numerous weeks to heal and rebuild itself for better performance later on. During this course, it needs as much nutrients as it can get because of the nutrientslost during the process of exercising.

Regularly, many people do not comprehend that it is necessary to take these supplements until their fitness instructor tells them. And even then, it seems like there is a conspiracy going on about just getting protein supplements and nothing else. Indeed protein supplements are necessary as they help the body develop and heal up sooner during the period of recovery. But protein supplements are not the only nutrition supplements required .

And even then, it seems like there is a scheme going on about just taking protein supplements and nothing else. Indeed protein supplements are necessary as they help the body develop and heal up quicker during the period of recovery. But protein supplements are not the only nutrition supplements required. If you previously have a lot of protein in your standard diet, you are more than likely to not need too many protein supplements.

Instead, you can boost the amount of trace and macro supplements obtainable in your body. Vitamins should also be an essential part of your meals and daily regime. This way, you are guaranteed that you will not only be getting fit, but your body will be getting all the essential nutrients needed. So, go out now and get yourself some great nutrition supplement or even a healthy energy drink which is really a nutrition supplement with an energy blend.

Verve Energy Drink Nutrition Supplements and Exercise

Is a nutrition supplement important when doing a lot of exercise? To keep in top shape of both body and mind, it is imperative that the body gets some form of exercise frequently. This could be just basic or rigorous depending in your needs at that point. However, in the process of keeping fit, many people often do not inquire as to the place of a Healthy Energy Drink.

As long as you exercise frequently, your body needs the highest amount of nutrition that it can get. The mere fact that you are sweating means that you are losing a lot of nutrients in the form of body salt

So, nutritional supplements are an important aspect of the physical training and exercise. Regardless of how many times you exercise a week, nutritional supplements are a necessity. The nutritional supplements needed are not just proteins. Granted, they are an important aspect of your nutrition as they ensure that your body gets the necessary amount of protein needed to rebuild itself.

But also, other nutrition supplements like the vitamins B, C, and E, micro and macro nutrients such as boron and calcium are also very necessary . Also, phytonutrients such as carotenoids and proanthocyanidins are also needed

For instance, consistently exercising will definitely get you in top shape. But with a lack of calcium, you are not likely to have strong bones regardless of how much stress the bone passes through. This is because during the process of readaptation or cellular rebuilding, the body does not have enough calcium to make more bone cells; thus leaving you with more brittle bones that can easily break as a result of a little stress.

So, don't just take protein rich nutrients. Go for those which have all the necessary nutrients ?protein and all- and you are likely to be in better health and enjoy the fruits of your exercising. The Verve Energy drink has nutrients like mangosteen juice, vitamins, minerals, aloe vera and green tea, so will also help you to get fit and healthy. - 17273

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The Role Of Back Exercises In Your Bodybuilding Program

By Ricardo d Argence

Increase muscle mass and functional strength are the two reasons of primary importance to get into bodybuilding. Most important in both cases is the development of core strength; the muscles of the abdomen, upper, middle and lower back.

Your back are the primary stabilizing muscles in your body, and the ones easiest to injure when lifting weights. From a biomechanical perspective, your back consists of the spine, the ribs, the scapula and the ligaments that string them all together, like parts of a mobile or kinetic motion structure.

Compression or rotation injuries are the ones that happens to the back most of the time when the soft tissues that provides flexibility to to the back get damaged. You should always be careful when lifting weights and you should always focus on isolating the muscle so you wont get injured, as a lot of injuries wont show up for years.

Traps, Lats, and Deltoids are some back muscle groups to work on, but take your time. Doing it slowly will prevent injuries. Sure, you are going to get a ripped back by overworking, but you should concentrate more on everyday strength over getting to big when working your back.

The traps muscles are the ones that form the bulk of your back. If you are looking to do Traps, then use a shrug motion, which has you taking dumbbells in each hand, and shrugging your shoulders up and down while you take a breath and then let them down while exhaling.

Another movement that helps the traps a bit (but mostly works on your deltoids) is a straight-arm lift. Hold a dumbbell in your hand with your elbow at your side, and your forearm out level with the map. Extend your arm until it's at shoulder height, in one fluid motion, and look down your arm at the dumbbell, like you're sitting on a pistol range. Then bring it down slowly. This will work on your deltoids and the yoke of muscle linking your shoulders.

When you do any kind of exercise to build up a muscle you should always start out slow and build your way up to more and more resistance. If you start to fast and do to much at once, you can end up hurting yourself before you even get started. This is better than a straight pull up because it isolates the muscle thoroughly.

If you are targeting your back, specifically your lower back, one exercise that is important in helping you gain strength in your back is shoulder arches. By doing shoulder arches you will not only gain strength (this is the most important thing), but you will also work on definition of your back as well. Hold a light dumb-bell over the back of your neck and lay down on your front. Clasp your hands, then arch your back, lift, count to three, then lower slowly. It's very easy to overdo them, so, do these sparingly.

Like all the exercises which help with muscle building, stretching and cardio exercise before and after are a must for maintaining flexibility. - 17273

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