Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What to Eat to Build Muscle Quick

By Caleb Lee

You have to eat healthy in order to build muscle quick and lose some extra weight.

When first looking at eating healthy, one would always seem to picture salads. Salads are a part of eating healthy; however, there are many choices of other foods to eat healthy.

I can't even imagine the number of people who hear eat healthy and immediately picture eating salads. Although, yes salads are good for you, it's not the only thing out there you can eat to help build muscle quick and loose some extra fat while doing it.

Anyways, you need to make sure you get all the nutrients needed for your body and muscle growth. By only eating things such as salads, you won't get anywhere. You will be able to see weight loss by doing that; however, it will make you sick and weak, because of insufficient nutrients to build muscle.

There are three main nutrients you need to eat healthy, lose weight, and build muscle quick. They are proteins, carbohydrates, and the natural grown garden items.

Protein is the food of the muscle, making it durable and solid. A high protein intake diet will help you to provide the main nutrient to heal and build the muscle quick. You can get this protein from chicken, fish, and lean red meat. A whole egg is a good source of protein, minus the shell of course. Yes, even the yolk. It has a good source of protein and vitamins. Salmon contain a high amount of protein with a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and a good portion of vitamin D.

Carbohydrates are the fuel of the muscles. It burns quick when you are working out. Your body will work off these until it runs out, making it resort to body fat. If you choose to eat a low amount of carbs so you can work off more fat right away, you will be in pain during and after your workout. Your body will build more muscle after the workout, even more than during the workout. In this case, you will be glad to have eaten carbs in order to last the workout. You will feel little to no pain during the workout, and a fast healing after the workout.

Carbohydrates come from many things. Most people think of bread. Try to stay away from the high processed and sugar foods for this. Look into oats, cereal, and pasta. Yogurt is also good for both carbohydrates and protein. Eating some type of carbohydrates after your work out will help with your recovery time, giving that added boost for energy to your body.

The garden grown items are like the fruits and vegetables. These have vitamins, fiber, and minerals that help your recover and also prevent from getting sick by building up the immune system.

Eating healthy means to eat foods your body will need and use. Eat foods that will help your body by providing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, and minerals that will help build muscle quick and as a result, lose fat naturally. - 17273

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Muscle Building Supplements and Creatine, How to Use it Properly

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is produced naturally in the body and is not really a drug. It's a combination of three amino acids: actually glycine, arginine and methionine. Creatine is available in some foods, and is commonly found in things such as fish or meat.

It enables the body to perform more intensive and repetitive workouts. Taking creatine can facilitate a better workout. After your workout, your feeling of well being will be increased, because creatine aldo helps your muscles recover more rapidly from exertion. It works to lower accumulated lactic acid post-workout, which is effective for avoiding muscle soreness following exercise.

Taking supplements of creatine will give you larger amounts of it, even though you can get creative from your diet. You'll recuperate for less time between workout sessions, as taken within reason, this can help you exercise longer with less fatigue and soreness, and with faster recovery times as it is. Training and doing physical activities is very good for bodybuilders and athletes in order to excel in their achievements and build muscles.

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is a substance that is stored within your muscles for whenever you might need it. This provides an instant fix, accounting for the "explosive" benefit given to the muscles, leaving the body ready for a more intense workout.

When taking creatine, its essential to drink more water to make up for the water that is retained in muscles. The extra water recoups the water stores in your muscles instead of other organs. In short, be sure you drink enough when you're taking creatine.

Creatine may facilitate longer, more strenuous and more frequent workouts than you would have without using it, helping you to amass muscle quicker. In addition, it can vastly lower the amount of post-workout muscle soreness, and as a result you'll return to your workout earlier and feel better too.

However, it has some cons, too. You will experience weight gain because your body will retain water in its muscles. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but just be prepared for the higher number on the scale. You can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures, in addition. Also, it is not advised to take Creatine if you have kidney problems due to the added stress that Creatine can cause to the kidneys.

But, simply put, no matter the supplements you take, your body's not going to function right and your workouts aren't going to be as effective or as efficient if you don't eat right.

You can take all the creatine in the world, for example, but if you sit there and eat junk food instead of concentrating on lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, you're not going to be helping your workout. Your muscles have to have something to build themselves on, and junk food is not the answer. So make your diet healthy by including plenty of lean proteins like lean meats and fish, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables. Limit or eliminate trans fats, simple sugars and carbohydrates, and junk food in general.

That said, though, with these guidelines in place, creatine can certainly help you improve your workouts and therefore your muscle mass as long as it's used properly. - 17273

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The Truth About Building Muscle - An Honest Review

By Westy

There are some great lessons in Sean's program that teach you how to achieve mass gain through your eating habits. The use of these approaches to eating will give you some great results that will have you reaching your goals in no time. There is a chapter in the program that will teach you the importance of eating at certain times to help your goals. The program will tell you what you should be eating as well as when you should eat. You will also receive a great treatment on the use of supplements in your program and what it means to your muscle building efforts. You will learn how to use supplements to increase your results toward your body building goals.

One area that is not typically given much attention is the importance of recovery and rest periods. You will learn with this program how to rest your body in the proper way to get great results. You learn how to recover from injury as well as how to get quality rest in between workouts.

The program is very well thought through and creator Sean has thought of every possible obstacle that you might have to overcome. The list of the questions that could be asked in the program are covered completely and there is no doubt an answer to many of the questions that you might have while you are working this program. You can find these answers to your questions contained in an extensive database that comes with the program.

The major part of the program is in the twenty six week workout plan. There are log pages that can be printed out for you to use while you are working in the program. There is also a full video that shows Sean doing the exercises in the correct manner for you to see. This will help you to use the exercises in the most appropriate manner to get the best possible results. You will also have a progress tracker that will help you to stay motivated while you are going through the program. There are many issues that are covered with the Truth About Building Muscle program. You will learn in the program's software:

(1) information on how to track your body composition

(2) information for planning the meals

(3) shopping lists

(4) software to track your workouts

(5) full tracking to help you keep the program going strong

And that is only the beginning. You will also receive a diet plan for twelve weeks that include meal plans for a variety of calorie requirements. The program allows you to determine your daily calorie count with the calculator that is included with the program and then you choose the meal plans that work for you. The video lessons that you will receive will help you through every step of the workout plan.

For those who have a very busy schedule, you will get an extra e-book that lets you personalize the program to meet your needs. There are routines and information for those who are doing the exercises and the program in their home without the use of the usual equipment. "The Top 12 Bodybuilding Mistakes Revealed" will give you the chance to understand the mistakes before you make them without realizing it. This is some great advice for those who could potentially cause themselves injury from making these mistakes.

If you want to see the guru himself in action you can check him out in a 1 hour video doing a hardcore workout. And as if this is all not enough Sean gives you an Option to Upgrade with some extra Bonuses. What does he give you in it?

(1) You will have three months of personal training through email.

(2) A great cardio workout that will help you to burn fat quickly.

(3) The psychology of bodybuilding is revealed in another e-book.

(4) The entire program on Mp3 format so that you can take it with you when you are away from home.

(5) Extra meal plans for vegetarians and those who are looking for some low budget meal plans.

These extra meal plans range in their calorie count from two to six thousand calories.

In the end, you cannot deny the sincere effort that Sean shows in this program. This can be a great benefit to those who are looking to improve the appearance of their body. The program is very well organized and thoroughly thought out. There is information on nutrition, training and recovery from injuries. You will have a total plan that does not leave anything out. All you need to have is the determination and the will to get through it and you will get the results that you want. This program can be used by those who are just beginning and those who are looking for a more intermediate program. It is up to you to get the physique that you want and the Truth About Building Muscle can help you to get there. - 17273

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The Powers of Whey Protein

By Travis Killian

We all have read the nutrition labels and know how important macronutrients are to our life. After all, without carbohydrates, protein, and fats we wouldn't be able to have energy. However, there is one macronutrient that serves a greater purpose than to be used as fuel, and that is protein.

Proteins are distinct from other macronutrients because it is composed of little chains of nitrogen that contains subunits called amino acids. These are important to the body because they are a primary source of dietary nitrogen which is an essential element. Amino acids also serve a huge role in building muscle.

It is clear that protein plays a greater role in building muscle than the other macronutrients, so if you are building a better physique, do not neglect it. Whey protein is a form of protein that digests very quickly, usually within 30 minutes, and it also contains all of your essential amino acids. It is especially important when you workout.

Why is it important to take whey protein after you workout? After you workout, your body is highly sensitive to insulin. Insulin helps to shuttle macronutrients to your muscles instead of fat cells. This sensitivity declines within an hour or two after you workout.

When insulin is released, triggered by a simple carbohydrate drink or meal, you should then drink whey protein. Whey protein will get to your muscles very quickly and immediately begin to repair the damage. This means that you can recover faster, and get results more quickly.

So this sounds great, but is it safe? Whey protein is very safe for you; in fact, there is little evidence to suggest that it has any harmful side effects. Since it is found naturally in foods, especially milk, you can rest assured that whey protein will not do any damage, unlike steroids.

Another question about whey protein is how much should you consume. Well, for the most part, you could consume it during any time of the day. However, the most beneficial times occur right after you wake up and workout. This is because your body is sensitive and will benefit greatly from its fast absorption.

For the other times of the day, just stick to your basic meats and dairy products for protein. There is no need to rely heavily on supplementation to get you results. Remember that only proper diet and training program will get you there, but supplements can help.

If you aren't already using whey protein, look into it right away. You can get 5lb for under 30$ and that will last you at least a month. You can afford to invest in your body. It doesn't get any better than looking and feeling great. - 17273

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Muscle Building Tips For Hard Gainers

By Jennifer King

If you're a hard gainer, and you struggle to pack on quality muscle mass then you already know that it isn't an overnight thing. Fundamentally, putting on quality weight is to do everything you're doing now, but do them bigger.

This means you have to start eating more quality foods, and you have to start looking at how you're training, and train harder. If you fail to do these two simple tasks you won't put on any weight and you won't get any stronger. You won't grow if you don't eat more food, and you won't get bigger muscles if you don't lift more in the gym.

When it comes to packing on muscle lifting weights should be at the top of your list. The next most important thing is your diet. Without a proper diet all your weight training efforts will be a waste of time. Giving your body enough rest between workouts is also important. If you don't give your muscles enough time to repair themselves then your progress will go backwards.

Working out how many calories you're consuming each day is the best place to start when you want to eat to pack on muscle. Once you have worked this out you'll know how much more you have to eat to add a substantial amount that is going to allow you to grow. Adding an extra 500 calories a day will be a good start to begin encouraging your muscle to grow.

This might sound a lot at first but it could be a meal that contains 30 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs and 25 grams of healthy fat. A meal this size isn't difficult to add to your daily meals. When you start training more effectively your body will need this extra consumption for the extra calories your muscles will be burning.

Once you've what you're going to eat every day you need to get serious about your weight training. This means you go to the gym to lift weights, and not to socialize. Most gym users use their time in the gym to talk with their friends. They lift a few weights, have a chat, then go home and wonder why they're not growing.

You need to keep a record of what you're doing in the gym every week, so you need to write everything down. You need to progresses with your training , and you can only do this if you know what you did last time your trained. If your training doesn't progress then neither will your muscle growth. Your muscles have no reason the get bigger if you don't get stronger, and if you don't lift more than you did the week before you won't get stronger.

When you write everything down you'll now exactly what's working for you and what isn't. If your progress is going backwards you'll know where to adjust your training.

If you truly want to dramatically change your body, to learn how to build muscle mass fast, then understand that it will be the power of all these factors working together that will propel you towards your goals. - 17273

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Can A Mineral Deficiency Cause Diabetes?

By Virginia Pipolini

Over the past several years we have seen an increase in obesity in children. Along with this weight issue we have also seen an increase in the number of cases of juvenile, or type 2 diabetes. Studies have tied this insulin related dilemma with a deficiency of the electrolyte magnesium.

Studies show that there is a correlation between a low magnesium level and insulin resistance. Diabetes, or insulin resistance occurs when the cells cannot or will not absorb insulin, a protein produced in the pancreas, in the conversion of glucose into energy.

Weight is a factor in type 2 diabetes in children. Overweight children also showed a higher magnesium deficiency rate than children in the normal weight range. Magnesium deficiency is seen in 55 percent of overweight children, and it is reported that over 75 percent of our population is deficient in this vital nutrient.

Several physicians at the University of Virginia conducted a study of the connection between magnesium levels and insulin sensitivity in children. The serum magnesium level was measured as well as insulin resistance, and diets were reviewed to review magnesium intake. The results showed that insulin resistance and magnesium deficiencies were connected.

Our western diets are woefully lacking in nutrients such as magnesium, but magnesium is vital to our healthy body function and interaction with over 300 enzymes in the body. One method for introducing additional magnesium to the body is transdermally, or through the skin. The affect can be seen quickly, and many report feeling calmer and sleeping better after applying transdermal magnesium.

The study conducted by the University of Virginia, Magnesium Deficiency is Associated with Insulin Resistance in Obese Children, was originally presented in Diabetes Care 28:1175-1181, 2005. The conclusion states that by improving the magnesium level in children we may be able to prevent the onset of juvenile type two diabetes. - 17273

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Achieve Muscle Weight Gain Quickly with Interval Training

By Jared Conley

You've been told a hundred times: you can't build muscle up and lose fat concurrently. They say that building mass involves an increase in calories, while fat burning requires a decrease in calories. This conventional wisdom is partially accurate, but the concepts are being tossed on their ears with insights into interval-based workouts. The truth is, you can achieve muscle weight gain while you burn fat provided that you add intervals to your sessions.

Interval training isn't new, but it's more widely understood, accepted, and practiced in recent years. While traditional cardiovascular activities were considered the only efficient ways to shed weight, and the only acceptable workouts for endurance athletes, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be advantageous to athletes in all fields, and for folks with varying goals.

Standard aerobic activity is referred to as "steady state," which essentially means that you work up to a fixed intensity level and continue working out at that level throughout the workout. During the workout, your body gets half of its fuel by burning fat, and gets the rest through oxygen intake, and by tapping into your glycogen and muscle stores.

Interval sessions, conversely, consist of short maximum intensity intervals followed by lower intensity rest periods. HIIT sessions are muscle sparing and are quick, but pack a wallop. A fifteen-minute HIIT session can raise your base metabolism for almost 24 hours, enabling you to continue burning higher levels of fat for up to a day.

On top of this, because your muscles burn calories during every minute of the day, the more lean mass you have, the more fat you burn, even while you're sitting still. Because HIIT not only spares your muscle, but also helps you build muscle up, your future fat burning capacity is increased.

The bottom line is that regardless of your fitness goals, HIIT workouts can help you increase your overall fitness level with very short sessions. Better still, if your goals include muscle building and fat shedding, adding HIIT to your workout schedule is a no-brainer. - 17273

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Jeff Anderson Presents Homemade Supplement Secrets

By Westy

When you take a look at the costs of supplements on the market, you will be grateful for the approach that Jeff Anderson has decided to take with his program. You will learn how to stretch your budget and still get high quality supplements for your training program. This book has made it possible for you to put aside the supplements that come from the big manufacturers and begin to take your health and training supplements into your own hands. The program will show you how to make your own supplements with a few tools and your own kitchen.

You can be assured that the quality of the supplements that you make for yourself will be as high as you want it to be. The best part is that you will receive a higher quality supplement at a much lower price. The supplements that you will learn how to make can be made into capsules or powder forms, whichever you prefer.

Homemade Supplement Secrets Revealed!

There are trainers who have begun to use this method in their training programs.

There are times when you'll see small supplement manufacturers coming up with their advertisements on the net; you know how they make these supplements, simply by this method. And then they do the pricing and labeling and false claims about the product and its great effects. Ah!! Its ridiculous and all of us spend a hell lot of money for buying these worthless supplements.

It is a known fact that being over-weight is the greatest weakness of a person and everyone who falls into this category will pay with everything they have to loose those oodles of pounds stored in their body; and that's what these companies bank on. Now its time to answer them back, tell them that we don't need you guys, we are well equipped now. I am not trying to tell you that supplements don't work, it does, but that has to be made in an intelligent way. People who make these supplements spread a message of helping the world grow thin and we unfortunately believe them. Bu their sole intention is to fill their pockets and loosen yours.

Weight loss and bodybuilding supplements should be use intelligently to get maximum benefits. Jeff is very honest when it comes to the value of money. Now let us learn about how much we can save with "knock-offs", the difference is quite a lot you see. If you are set to buy a Cytosport's Muscle milk it would cost you $79.90, that's the retail price. But with Jeff's kick-off cost you can have it at $16.85. So now you know the difference.

Jeff goes into detail about how the supplement companies get away with this huge markup and how they are taking advantage of the consumer. It is, indeed, a wake up call for those who have been buying these supplements to help with their bodybuilding efforts. The price of these supplements and the hype that surrounds them is something that Jeff Anderson seeks to dispel.

Having this information available to you might make you a little angry when you consider how the manufacturers are taking advantage of you. The products can have a direct impact on your health and you should know all that you can about the quality of the products that you are buying. You will be an informed consumer and able to make some smart decisions about the use of these products in your bodybuilding or weight loss programs. - 17273

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