Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Zrii News and a Healthy You

By Lee Scott

What is Zrii? The very meaning of Zrii is light, luster, splendor and prosperity. Zrii make healthy supplement drinks with an array of healthful ingredients, much like the definition of the word.

For the first time ever the very elite Chopra Center for Wellbeing endorsed a product. This product is the zrii supplemental nutritional drink, which is chalked full of healthy and energizing zrii ingredients.

To find out if becoming and independent Zrii distributor is right for you make an appointment with Zrii to discuss Zrii news and opportunities.

Are you wondering if being a Zrii seller is right for you? You can meet with Zrii to discuss Zrii news and find if selling Zrii is right for you.

There is plenty of scientific and medical data that proves the health benefits of Zrii ingredients.

Zrii ingredients are commonly referred to as natures gift to the human body. The health benefits are far too great to be ignored. This reward is a great incentive for building a successful Zrii business of your own.

Zrii news is on the rise. There are many reasons to choose to become a zrii seller. Being your own boss is one of them.

8 With such positive zrii news, now is a great time to get involved with zrii and become an independent seller. Contact another independent seller to understand the benefits of selling zrii. - 17273

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Coping Mechanisms For Rheumatoid Arthritis

By Andrew John

Rheumatoid arthritis is a well-known, so far incurable and very annoying disease. While it is not lethal, the fact that it attacks not only joints, but also some internal organs makes it much more dangerous than any other form or arthritis. What is even worse, this arthritis always affect both sides of the body. While normally people may suffer from pain in only a single joint at the time, rheumatoid arthritis cause inflammation in the same joints in the both sides of the body simultaneously. For example, if this arthritis attacks knees, it will cause the inflammation at the both knees at the same time. As the result, most areas of life that are related with movement or physical activities are seriously affected by the disease.

Many people think that because rheumatoid arthritis can't be cured, there is nothing they can do about it. As the result, they accept all the suffering - even though there is a lot one can do to improve the quality of life and slow down the progress of the disease. For one, they can count on the doctor's help - they won't give them a cure, but there are already some medications that will reduce the symptoms. Besides, there are several things they can do to make their life easier.

The first thing you can do is, of course, some physical activity like swimming, jogging or other similar sports such as tennis. Ask your doctor about the specific exercises that could be the most beneficial in your situation. Basically, rheumatoid arthritis is much less dangerous if you keep your muscles and joints in top condition. Do not put too much stress on your joints though - learn how to bend properly, avoid lifting heavy weighs and make sure that your joints do not work too much - you have to keep them moving, though.

Another main issue is the pain which may sometimes become strong enough to prevent sleeping. The first thing one should do is to talk to a doctor. She will be able to give you some sleeping pills that will make getting to sleep much easier. For pain however, you should rely more on heat and cold to reduce it rather than on the pills. Hot baths and ice placed right on the joint in pain will surely help a lot.

There's also another thing one can do. The information is new, but has already been confirmed by a team of Australian scientists. Increasing the amount of fatty fish or fish oil in the diet reduces the problems with morning muscle stiffness and reduces the pain. The most important is the Omega-3 fatty acid that can be found in tuna, salmon and herring as well as in food supplements such as Omega Daily. - 17273

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Weight Loss Software Review-DietPower

By Josephine Guasponita

DietPower is a great software package for this time of year because everyone, including me, seems to want to lose weight. Of all the dieting software packages this seems to be the best.

DietPower is a powerful and easy-to-use system to count your calories and check nutritional components. It helps you in many ways such as losing weight, balancing what you eat nutritionally, fighting nutrition related maladies, and losing weight without dropping all the foods you like. DietPOwer is like an intelligent weight and nutrition coach that learns your body and how you eat- really a great piece of software!

This software is different from other programs because it doesn't foce you to eat certain foods but is highly flexible to what you want to ear.

And this software is designed to motivate you to lose weight! How, because you can set up a visual display every time you log in to immediately show you what is important to you- such as a graph of your weight overtime compared to your weight loss goal over time.

Terry Dunkle, owner of the program, has a real winner that will make lots of people healthier. What a great feeling that must be for him- besides having a top selling software package. Wow!

Ease of use is another important factor when it comes to DietPower. Nothing could be easier and theres all kinds of online help to teach you how to use it including video tutorials.

This year you can reach your diet goal- really. It is possible with DietPower (check it out at GetDietPower.com) - 17273

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Blueberries, blackberries, acai berries and more

By Mark Goodman

1. Blueberries

You might already be aware of blueberries' high antioxidant content, but surprisingly many people are not. Easy to find at most any grocery store or market, blueberries are one of the easiest and most effective ways to increase your antioxidant intake naturally without pills. The ORAC rating of one cup blueberries is very high at 9019.[1] If you can afford to, eating one cup a day is an excellent way to supplement your diet.

2. Blackberries

Along with blueberries, blackberries are probably one of grandma's favorite pie ingredients. What grandma probably never realized was that blackberries are an excellent source of highly concentrated antioxidants. With an ORAC rating of 7701 per cup, blackberries are near the top of the list of antioxidant-rich berries.[1]

3. Cherries

Everyone's heard of cherries, those unmistakable sweet, shiny red berries. However not everyone realizes what a great source of antioxidants they are. Next time you dive into a cherry pie, you'll be happy to know it's helping to ward off free radicals. One cup of cherries has been determined to have an ORAC rating of 4873 which puts them a few steps below blueberries, but they're so tasty you'll probably end up eating twice as many anyway![1]

4. Wolfberries

Known commercially as goji berries in North America and other regions outside their native China, wolfberries are another berry which has been shown to have high levels of antioxidants. While their ORAC value has not yet been independently confirmed, one could assume their rating is near or even greater than the ORAC value of blueberries. Wolfberries have a unique semi-sweet flavor and the dried berries make a good, healthy snack.

5. Acai berries

Acai berries are an antioxidant-rich fruit which had been relatively unknown outside South America until recently. Consumed for centuries in their native Brazil in ways similar to how blueberries are consumed in North America. Acai berries have been shown to have higher ORAC ratings than blueberries in numerous, yet conflicting studies. Many non-independent studies have listed their ORAC rating as being much higher than that of blueberries and even wolfberries. Until an official, independent study determines an ORAC rating it should be assumed the free radical scavenging capacity of acai berries is at least equal and perhaps slightly greater than that of blueberries.

6. Noni berries

Noni berries, also known as Indian mulberries or great morinda are most prominently cultivated in Tahiti. Probably the most unknown berry in our list, but quickly gaining commercial popularity throughout the world. While touted for their high ORAC value by various companies selling their juice, it has been determined the value may not actually be so high relative to more common fruits such as oranges.[2]

A berry or fruit's ORAC value is not the only factor to consider when deciding whether it would be beneficial to include it in your diet. Some have higher levels of xanthones, flavonoids and phytochemicals than others, so a smart decision would be to consume a variety to receive the unique benefits of each. There are also many other options besides those in this list.


1. Nutrient Data Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) of Selected Foods - 2007.

2. Nutrient composition of the blended Noni Juice, a PDF file located on-line at http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/scf/out151_en.pdf - 17273

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Weight Lifting Techniques and Weight Training Programs

By Wakelin Smith

Weight lifting is a popular strength training activity for people who want to lose weight, improve strength and bone density, increase muscle tone and build muscles. Many people who weight lift do not know how to do so safely.

First and foremost, one of the key principles you'll need to master is what the appropriate weight amount you should be lifting. Know that, if you are not comfortable lifting a weight at least 15 times, you probably have the wrong weight. The best thing you can do is take it slow, lifting a single set of 15 repetitions making sure your weight amount is correct. This will go along way towards you building up strength in a fast and effect manner. If you start out lifting the incorrect weight amount, you will only wind up hurting yourself.

When working with your weight lifting techniques, you may want to skip your warm-up. This should be avoided because lifting weights is the same as other sports. With all sports activities, you need a period where you allow your body to stretch out and warm-up to avoid injury when you start weight lifting.

Proper form is essential when practicing the correct weight lifting methods. The amount of weights that you use when performing weight lifting techniques should not be to light nor should it be too heavy.

It is normal to feel a dull ache after weight lifting, but you should not experience any other forms of pain. If you experience any pain, perhaps it is because you are overworking your muscles, or not maintaining a proper form. Whatever the case, you should discontinue lifting and return to it a few days later and then try decreasing the amount of weights you are using.

Rest is a part of the sport. Practicing at the correct weight with good technique and proper form requires that you give your body a chance to rest. Weight lifting is vigorous, and you don't want to overwork muscles by doing the same thing every day. It is essential that you give your muscles a chance to rest. Vary your routine and work on different muscles for the best result.

Regular breathing is very important during weight lifting. Holding in your breath during lifting can result in your blood pressure increasing to levels that can be harmful to you and your body. Breathe out as you are lifting weights and breathe in as you are bringing the weights down.

By adhering to these simple tips on how to lift weights safely, you will reduce the risks of common injuries such as fractures, sprains, joint dislocations and long term injuries such nerve damage, bone stress, muscle overload and rotator cuff damage. - 17273

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