Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil and Depression

By Dr. Bill

Two weeks ago I was in my study in Long Island when the phone rang. It was an old friend of mine who had been to his family practitioner because he wasn't feeling up to snuff. The doctor had given him some medication, and it made him feel worse.

He wanted another opinion, and I've never had a shortage of those. At the same time, I am usually very reticent to countermand another doctor's advice, because I don't have the whole story, I haven't examined the patient, and this just generally isn't good practice. But in my friend's case, I made an exception, since I knew him quite well.

He answered all my questions without hesitating. I gave him some advice, including a trip back to his doctor. He told his doctor the rest of the story and asked a few more questions. The doctor gave him the same advice I did.

Which was good.

His doctor had prescribed anti-drepressants, and though that works for some, it's not the right call for others.

What I advised my friend was to get the whole story out. Many times, doctors only get the story the patient wants to tell, and what they leave out can be critically important. This lack of information affects the diagnosis, and what medications and protocols are prescribed.

It took thirty minutes of listening to my friend to determine he had a few things affecting his life that should be changed.

1. He needed to get more sunlight. And I'm not kidding. Sunlight is essential for a good mood, and working indoors can make getting sun harder than ever. My advice was 20 minutes once per day.

2. He needed more exercise. My advice was twenty minutes a day of walking, and work his way up to 45 minutes.

3. He needed to cut his alcohol consumption by about 75%. This won't be easy for him, as he is a very sociable guy, and much of his work revolves around entertaining.

4. He needed to make some changes in his diet. This should be easier, because he doesn't have any food phobias. (This is where a person only eats certain things, and fears eating things that are actually good for you.) He needs to work in more fruit and vegetables, and decrease the amount of red meat he is eating.

5. He should take an ultra pure pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Fish oil has been shown time and again to support cognitive function, mood, and neurological healing.

His body needs balance.

He isn't getting it by sitting inside all day, not exercising, drinking a bit too much, and eating like a lion in the wild.

The changes his family physician and I outlined will make a big difference in a short time. And that's the key to great health. Getting started now. - 17273

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How To Win The Weight Loss Race Easily

By Garry Wider

I don't know when the concept of weight loss appeared in the course of the history, but I suspect it comes from the time when people started to become sedentary. When part of them forgot about hunting, as they had others doing that for them, they started accumulating pounds. It took probably centuries until they realized that was not the good way to go and started to figure out weight loss methods.

Speaking of fitness, you could consider getting yourself a Wii console and buy a few entertaining games. This is more entertaining than boring diets. Besides, you can do it in a network of friends, if you connect to the internet and practice the exercises together.

You are about to realize this about that. Do you want to feel reasonable? Let's be thorough. It is generic how the old can explain a elaborate undertaking like obesity, diets, or healthy nutrition. I want to feel hopeful. Anyways, let's get started.

Get motivated to succeed. Why do you want to lose weight? Do you want your friend's appreciation, or maybe you just want to like yourself when looking in a mirror? Everything will go here, but you'd better make yourself a list and keep it at sight.

Obese people know that being fat threatens their life. They should be the most motivated to lose several ponuds. When the alternative is death, any diet can look very easy to follow. However, you should combine it with a sport you like. Your muscles need toning, especially when you lose a lot of weight.

Don't assume anything. Do you know what makes swimming different from playing golf? Nothing, it is just that you need to follow your passions in chosing the kind of sports you want to practice. You have to watch your wallet as well. Golf is more expensive that swimming and jogging.

When choosing what sport to practice, don't forget to estimate how much you can spend on that every month. If you are poor, get active by doing free activities such as jogging in the park or hiking in the mountains. If you have some money, golf can be a great option. - 17273

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Elderly care products

By reklicom

Whatever the elderly assistance make sure that it fits his or her personal preference or interest. This is why numerous programs have been put up - because as people get older, the more assistance they need.

Water Water in the body decreases with age, so many older folks will become dehydrated very easily. Sometimes they won't feel thirsty, while other times it's too much work to pour a glass a water. With this in mind, it's recommended that they drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of weight.

Calcium Calcium is one ingredient that most elderly folks simply aren't getting enough of. Most believe that milk upsets their stomach, and therefore they will avoid it. They should be getting around 1,500 mg of calcium a day, and nonfat powdered milk can be used in recipes as a substitute for milk. Other foods such as yogurt, low fat cheese, and broccoli can also help you meet the requirements for calcium.

Special Care for Special Elders:It is such a blessing that special programs have been put up to help elders suffering from mental disabilities such as Alzheimers disease or its severe form, dementia. Most programs are aimed at personal supervision, special activities, varying on the elders favorite pastimes and interest, and physical therapy.

Protein At this stage in life, protein is very important. Protein is needed to support a healthy immune system and prevent the wasting of muscle. Since energy needs are less, older folks should eat high quality protein such as eggs, lean meats, poultry,and fish.

Emotional Guidance:Religious orphanages developed these early establishments, and these programs blossomed into different categories ranging from daily counseling to elder-with-family support.

Financial Assistance:This kind of assistance requires more attention and scrutiny. Agencies require all lot of paperwork including income tax returns and even personal testimonies in order to acquire financial aid.

Iron For the elderly, iron deficiency can be seen with those who aren't eating much. Good sources for iron include lean red meats or breakfast cereals.Zinc intake is normally with the elderly, and to make matters worse, it's not absorbed very well either. Meat, poultry, and fish should be a part of your diet to help you meet the requirements for zinc. - 17273

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Easy Weight Loss With Wu Yi Tea

By Thomas J. Slater

Sure, you can find plenty of energy drinks whose manufacturers claim speed up your metabolism and give you the list you need to get active and lose weight. But if you've been using energy drinks for any length of time, you are ready know about Ephedra, and how it was banned in the US because it was simply too dangerous to be used without regulation.

It makes you think, doesn?t it? How can you know that these energy drinks are actually safe to use? Why not avoid them and try something which is completely safe, all natural and has been used by the Chinese for centuries?

There has been extensive research on this beverage, conducted in Asia, Europe and the US, all of which has indicated that this is a truly safe, all natural drink which is effective at helping your body burn off excess energy and lose fat. There is also the established fact that this beverage contains a wealth of antioxidant compounds which can protect your body against disease and slow down some of the physical effects of aging.

So what is this beverage, anyway? It?s Wu Yi tea, which is grown, harvested and processed at Wu Yi Mountain in Fujian province, China. Wu Yi tea is a type of oolong tea and has long been a staple for the Chinese ? the tea is believed to be partially responsible for the high level of physical health and fitness enjoyed by the Chinese people.

Wu Yi tea, because of the way in which it's processed, is rich in a substance called polyphenol. Research has shown that polyphenols raise the body's metabolic rate, so that your stored fat will be broken down and burned as energy at an accelerated rate. Polyphenols trigger a process called lipolysis in which your body's own fat burning enzymes work more effectively, causing a natural weight loss which will not threaten your health.

Researchers also indicated that consuming Wu Yi tea on a daily basis may lower your risk of some certain cancers, improve your cardiovascular function while protecting you against stroke or heart attack; increase your bone density and protect your key from plaque and decay; and raise your good (HDL) cholesterol while lowering your bad (LDL) cholesterol level. Can you honestly think of any other energy/weight-loss drink which will do even one, not to mention, all of those things?

Just two cups of Wu Yi tea daily will provide the fat-burning benefits of the tea. Drinking more than this will help you to reap the other health benefits of this tea. Wu Yi is not only effective and healthy, but is safe for anyone to drink, regardless of age, sex or general health. There are no side effects of drinking the tea and the amount of caffeine is minimal, having no negative health effects. In fact, drinking Wu Yi tea is just as safe as drinking water ? but even healthier, thanks to its many health-giving properties. - 17273

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How My Friend Lowered His Blood Pressure

By Dr. Bill

Right now I'm hoping my wife won't find any "honeydo's" for me because I don't have to drive anywhere, the weather's nice, and I'm hoping to soak up some sun and read a newspaper or two.

A couple hours ago I was reminded of the third of Americans who have hypertension, or high blood pressure. The sad truth is, many don't even realize they have it until it's too late. High blood pressure is frequently called The Silent Killer because it often strikes without warning, causing heart attacks, strokes, and heart failure.

Now, what causes high blood pressure?

There are a number of answers, and among them are body type, sedentary lifestyle, sodium intake, low potassium intake, heavy use of alcohol, eating a lot of saturated fat, and huffing. (that's what I call smoking, because everyone I know who smokes, huffs.) And then, there's what we in the trade call "essential hypertension," which means we can't identify a specific reason for it, but it's there, just the same.

If you're overweight, and plenty of people these days are, or if your job allows you to sit around all day, and you don't exercise, then you might already have high blood pressure. And more fat around the midsection means more trouble for you too.

Sodium isn't bad in and of itself. But here in the Sunshine State, I see people pouring the stuff on every plate they consume. Tasting the food in the first place isn't even an issue, they just always add more. Too much salt can lead to water retention, then high blood pressure, or make it worse.

I see piles of bananas every time I go to the supermarket. And I try to get in at least one per day for their rich potassium levels. But I guess most Americans don't eat the bananas they toss in their carts because they aren't getting enough potassium in their diets. This may lead to high levels of sodium.

And none of this factors in alcohol use and huffing, which is about the worst thing you can do to your body.

Now I'm no teetotaler. I have a drink now and then and so can you. And I'm not going to complain about a special occasion cigar, even if I won't partake.

But I'll tell you this: smoking and constant drinking, in the long run, will hurt you - if you get to have a long run. And if you have high blood pressure, doing either is suicidal.

To lower your blood pressure, start with simple lifestyle changes like exercising one day at a time and eating better one day at a time. Then it can become two days at a time. Remember you can't change years of habits overnight and you shouldn't try.

These lifestyle changes aren't trivial. A friend of mine was fond of saying, "Hey...who the...put a vegetable on my plate?" His heart attack hit him like a Mack truck and a year later he's still in recovery.

When I visited him in the hospital he said, "I guess it's all carrots and celery from now on, huh?" It doesn't have to be that way. Start making small changes, and pretty soon, before you even know it, you'll be lighter, and happier. - 17273

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Find Out How to Build Bigger Muscle

By Harley Radowski

Some people say that in order to boost their self confidence they usually try to compensate it by enhancing their physical appearance. It is happening more and more often nowadays. People are getting attention because they have managed to build bigger muscles than others. Besides getting attention, another common reason why most people especially men are going into workouts is to have a healthier body.

The human body has various muscle types, from simpler to a more complex one. These muscles give the body its frame and shape. When it comes to muscle growth, the macronutrient that is always associated with that is protein.

Caloric intake from carbohydrates and fats is also essential in building bigger muscle mass. This intake depends on an individual's body mass. It should be high as possible averaging about 3000-6000 calories per day. The diet should be well balanced and should be healthy as well. Your body burns your caloric stores during your exercise or even in doing just simple activities of daily living.

Aside from a well balanced diet, you should also establish a routine physical workout. The training includes spending few days in a gym each week.

It is important to keep your workout no longer than one hour due to danger of tearing your muscle strands making them weak and brittle. At first, try to keep your workouts around key exercise movement - bench press, leg press, etc. - then proceed to more vigorous training such as lifting a few weights when your body is totally adjusted to your training.

Overtraining causes sore muscles. Sore muscles indicate muscle growth but it is advisable not to continuously train muscles that are sore. Provide time for rest and allow soreness heal. Rest in between workouts gives your muscles a chance to grow.

Sleeping stimulates your pituitary gland to release growth hormones. These growth hormones include tryptophan, glycine, ornithine, and arginine. It only proves the saying, "muscles grow while you sleep".

Resting is as essential as dieting and physical training. It is recommended to not force too hard in exercising. Few acknowledge the fact that sleeping for six to eight hours will benefit you a lot and is considered as the best muscle building strategy.

Training for muscle growth also includes the superset system. This training involves the use of three or four different types of exercise for the same muscle. This will also give you an ultimate pump in the muscle belly and an increase in muscle size and strength will be achieved with repetitive training sessions. However, do not favor a single body part when working out as this can cause muscular imbalances.

I'm sure you would agree it would be odd to have a big upper body and skinny legs or vice versa? That's an example of muscular imbalance. It is therefore necessary to balance not only your diet but your muscle training as well. Achieving proper muscular balance involves paying attention to the muscle which lacks mass or leanness.

One of the best ways of building a lean muscle mass while burning fat is performing Cardiovascular exercise. It is necessary to perform this exercise early in the morning basically before eating breakfast. Cardio carried out about once a week or to a maximum of once every two weeks.

But don't push your boundaries; performing cardio beyond these limits can take away the quality of muscle gains, resulting in a much smaller muscle size.

It is advisable to control your enthusiasm when working out. The biggest and most common mistake committed by people who work out especially the novices or even the hard gainers, is their lack of patience. Their eagerness to gain muscle mass early on only hurts them.

Having patience is the only key to success. The secret of muscle growth also involves consistency, discipline, knowledge and determination. Exhibiting proper technique and attitude while working out is a huge factor in anyone's success in building bigger muscle. - 17273

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Suppress Appetite and Lose Weight with Caralluma

By Therese Zachary

A lot of people haven't heard of Caralluma Fimbriata yet. However, You should try to learn more about it especially if you are overweight, or obese. This means you need to loose weight and to do that, you need to effectively control your appetite. With Caralluma fimbirata, appetite control doesn?t have to be a struggle.

The Caralluma Fimbriata Plant

Cactus Plant - Caralluma fimbriata is a plant that belongs to the cactus family. It grows in the wild in India and for centuries it has been used by hunters to stave off hunger during hunting expeditions. Ordinary citizens also used the plant when there weren?t enough food supplies to go around. The plant could be eaten raw or cooked but it was effective in controlling appetite in any way it is consumed.

Caralluma Fimbriata and Hoodia

Not many people heard of Caralluma fimbriata. It is common knowledge however that there really are other natural appetite suppressors. One such popular option is the Hoodia plant from Africa. Since Hoodia has the same appetite suppressing effects as Caralluma fimbriata, the two have often been compared.

Both natural ingredients are effective. Some people however may prefer products that contain Caralluma fimbriata. This is not because Caralluma is significantly more effective than Hoodia. Their preference is perhaps based more on ingredient supply. It is far harder to find products that contain authentic Hoodia. This is because the African plant is rare and its transport outside of its place of origin is strictly controlled. Caralluma fimbriata does not have the same strict rules for manufacturer acquisition.

Looking for Caralluma Fimbriata Products

Popularity Ratings - This succulent plant is gradually becoming well known. You only have to enter its name on a search engine to find more information about it. Moreover, a basic search will also provide you with a variety of product pages. There are a couple of products that are now sold online or in health stores that contain extracts of the plant. This is good news for a lot of people. You do not need to get a doctor?s prescription to get a few months? supply of a Caralluma product. This is mainly because authentic natural Caralluma products do not contain chemical additives and have not been known to cause any side effects.

Selecting Your Product - Your only real problem would be how to find out which products are good options. Even if there is sufficient raw plant supply, there are still some manufacturers who will try to rip you off with products that don?t really work. The effort of manufacturing authentic natural appetite suppressors can be taxing. If you want to find reputable products, you can check consumer product reviews. There?s nothing better than asking people who use Caralluma products about the effectiveness of a particular product brand. Products and brands that do not have a good reputation would also have online consumer warnings posted online. - 17273

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Children - Swimmer's Ear in Children

By Melinda Mahrer

Swimmer's ear is bacterial growth infection inside the canal of the ear. It is also known as Otitis Externa. It differs a lot from ear infections which are dealt with on a regular basis, which is contracted at times when the child catches a cold. The common ear infection is known as Otitis Media, in which the middle of the ear is infected. Incase of swimmer's ear, the ear canal which leads towards the ear drum is infected by bacteria. The first symptom is that when the finger is stuck inside the ear canal, it will hurt a lot.

The skin within that are is very delicate and hence, is fortified by nature by a thin wax coating. Usually, water can easily glide inside and then outside the fruit without any problem. But when the water cleans some or all of the wax and if some of the water is retained inside, the bacteria will take advantage of this situation. Chemicals in the water aggravate the situation by increasing the irritation. It starts growing within the soft and warm fruit canal and can cause swelling and redness. A slight itchiness also accompanies it. But the child must be instructed to not to scratch, otherwise there is a greater chance of the situation becoming worse. If there is no itchiness, obviously there will be pain, which is the initial symptom.

The fruit should not be bumped or touched even from the exterior, as that will cause intense pain. Hearing can become difficult due to the bacterial infection as that will swell the fruit canal and block the passage.

The pain and itchiness can only be gotten rid off by fighting the infection and killing the grown bacteria. In usual cases, ear drops are prescribed by the doctor. These ear drops have antibiotics which are meant to kill the bacteria. The dosage and number of days to use the ear drops as told by the doctor should be strictly followed. If the doses are missed there is a possibility of bacterial re-growth. A wick is also introduced inside the ear, sometimes. This wick actually is small piece of sponge with absorbed lotion. The wick is left inside then.

This procedure is used when the doctor thinks it is important to apply medicine directly to the part of the ear canal which is infected. If the pain is unbearable by the child, parents can give pain killers, but only after taking suggestion from the doctor. Once the antibiotics begin working, pain killers can be stopped.

Swimmer's fruit cannot be just attained cause of water entering the fruit at the time of taking baths or showers. Children, who have joined the summer swimming camp, can complain of this problem. After the swimmer's fruit is treated, the child shouldn't swim immediately. Doctor, usually, advices them to stay away from water for a week or two. The time period may sound very long, but it keeps the pain away for a long time. Special fruit drops are acquirable over the counter which can be place inside the child's fruit after swimming is over. This will dry up any water inside the ear, if any. Swimmer's fruit can also be caused when inquisitive kids try to stuff things inside the fruit and thus harmful it. Bacteria get a chance of developing on the scratched area. In this case, only parent's supervision will do the trick. - 17273

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Mind Power For Burning Fat

By Nate Rifkin

When I was in high school, I did weight training every other day with a friend. During one of these sessions, another friend of mine named Jason joined us. He would never return again.

"I can't stay motivated," Jason said. "I can't workout unless I listen to the soundtrack from Rocky."

It was funny to hear. But then I started thinking to myself: So what?

If Jason had to hear Eye Of The Tiger to get psyched up, was there anything wrong with that?

If it works, go for it.

I work out a little after I wake up. Mostly I say others should do the same. But if you're more of a nightowl, make that work for you.

Some people need to eat a little before training, and some can only go on an empty stomach. Some of my best workouts were when I was feeling hunger pangs.

I also can't stand a cold gym. Others love it. I like to wear heavier clothes when I workout, some prefer as little as possible.

It comes down to not thinking, "I HAVE to do such and such" thinking that's a negative. If a certain condition helps you out - follow that to the letter. If you need a cold atmosphere, lots of noise, and heavy clothing to stay in shape in the afternoon, do that. If you prefer lighter clothes in a quiet room right after you wake up, do that instead.

And of course listen to some Gonna Fly Now too. - 17273

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Body Building for Beginners

By Charlie Reese

Amateur Bodybuilding

I have been obsessed with amateur bodybuilding ever since I saw some pictures of bodybuilding models a few years ago. I have always felt that anyone who can take that much pride in their body would also take a lot of pride in their relationships. Even amateur bodybuilders, as far as I was concerned, are some of the most beautiful people in the world. I knew that I had to have one for my very own, and in order to do that I knew that I would have to develop a fantastic body.

Starting out to be an amateur bodybuilder is pretty easy. Basically, anything is better than nothing. When I first went from sedentary to active, I would simply do some push-ups, situps, calisthenics, and other exercises every day. A few weeks later, I started to actually incorporate some weight lifting routines into my body building activities. I started simple and then moved up. Progressively, I got more and more elaborate until I was working out like a professional bodybuilder.

At some point, however, I had to get a trainer to take my amateur bodybuilding to the next level. Every physical fitness fanatic faces this problem at some point. There is simply only so far you can get on your own. Eventually, you need the help of a fitness professional if you want to move any further. I was starting to look good, but I was still not at the level of attractiveness you need to really start courting amateur bodybuilding singles. I knew a trainer would push me to the limit, making me take my fitness routines to levels I had never thought of before.

Pretty soon, I was starting to look pretty good. My amateur bodybuilding had really paid off. I was starting to develop a six pack stomach, powerful arms, and a chest to die for. I felt more confident too. It was easier for me to approach women, knowing that I had such a wonderful physique. I knew that I was only an amateur bodybuilding hobbyist, but I felt like I could take on the world.

I don't know if it was the looks or the renewed confidence, but I really was able to meet women that I could really go for. I was having an easier time than ever meeting attractive people online through dating site, as well as in bars, in a gym, and in other venues. I had so many dates actually had to start passing some up. Soon, I settled down a little bit and started hanging around with a steady girlfriend. I felt really good about myself and my relationship. We were perfect for each other. I owe it all to my physical fitness routine. - 17273

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The Ins and Outs of Dinner Reservation

By Doug Schlette

People love to dine at restaurants. Some do it once a week, some once a month, some even every day. Restaurant lunches are common in the working world. Dinner out is common for some working families and in some industries where constant schmoozing happens. Many times there are tables open when people walk in the door. But sometimes a dinner reservation is needed in order to be seated. Those without the reservation can be left on the outside looking in, or at least going to a fast food place for their meal.

Particularly weekends and evenings, many restaurants accept reservations. Reservations are sometimes needed months in advance. Some are so special that even having a reservation is amazing. Can you imagine food so good that people would wait months to eat it? For some it's the thing to do.

When making a reservation only make it for the number of people you're sure will attend, and make it in advance of the planned night out. As mentioned, some restaurants are in high demand. Waiting too long can mean missing out on a chance to enjoy a meal there on a particular day. It might also mean a small table can be had, so fewer people can join you. Keep in mind that making reservations too far in advance can result in a lot of no shows and wasted space at the table. Restaurants don't like this. The result could be the restaurant not being willing to let you reserve next time.

Sometimes the customers do the wrong thing when it comes to reservations. On the flip side some restaurants aren't so good at respecting these plans. Someone makes a reservation for 7:30PM but isn't given a table until 10PM. Restaurants that do this too often find themselves losing customers. However, it's expected at some higher end or exclusive places. The arrogance of making people wait, even when they called months in advance to make plans, is part of the atmosphere of such establishments. Many people will pay well for the experience of being treated like trash.

Some companies have sprung up that manage reservations for a number of restaurants. Many of these are on the Internet and have a lot of positive feedback. A man wrote that he booked a reservation online only to arrive to find it had not been received. The restaurant set up a special table for his group and let him eat for free.

When it's time for a good meal, a dinner reservation can feel special. That is if the restaurant honors them. For those that don't, don't take it sitting down. Don't return, and let your friends know not to patronize that establishment. - 17273

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Natural Remedies for Menopause and Weight Loss

By Ricardo d Argence

Menopause is a challenging time of transition from the reproductive years to the post-childbearing years for many women. A woman's body stops causing egg follicles to mature every month and female hormones naturally decline when menopause occurs.

Unfortunately, menopause can be difficult for some women because of its often uncomfortable symptoms. These can include hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, and irritability. Unexpected weight gain is another frequent consequence of menopause.

Even women who don't change their eating and exercise habits during menopause may experience weight gain. This can be frustrating, prompting women to wonder what caused this sudden and unexpected weight gain. Weight gain can also be a result of hormonally triggered overeating. Another cause of weight gain is the natural metabolic slow-down that happens as people age. When a woman's metabolic rate slows during menopause, any extra calories ingested have a far greater effect than they did pre-menpausal.

Body fat and estrogen also have a unique complementary role. Body fat helps regulate the production of estrogen, the female hormone that declines dramatically in menopause. Sometimes, the body will fight to hold on to fat in an effort to stabilize estrogen levels. Hormones and body fat also interact with each other in complex was that affect weight gain through changes in appetite, digestion, and metabolism.

Instead of turning to prescription hormone therapy, which increases the risk of breast and reproductive cancers, there are a number of natural remedies women are increasingly using to fight weight gain and other symptoms of menopause. Some of these remedies include black cohosh and sage, to regulate hot flashes; evening primrose oil, widely used to relieve PMS during perimenopause and control moodiness in menopausal women; and St. John's Wort, a natural anti-depressant and stress alleviator.

Many women make the mistake of thinking that these remedies will prevent weight gain and other menopause symptoms on their own. The truth is, the best thing you can do to prevent or reverse weight gain in menopause is through healthy diet and exercise.

Regulating hormone balance naturally by eating a nutrient-dense, whole-foods diet is a far more effective approach than herbal remedies. While herbal remedies can help supplement a good diet and exercise plan, many women find that a healthy lifestyle will alleviate symptoms without the need to spend money on these supplements and herbal preparations.

A healthy, balanced diet means eating heart-healthy fats and avoiding bad fats. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables should form the bulk of the diet, supplemented by lean protein and dairy foods (or non-dairy foods that contain calcium). Obviously, you should generally avoid fats and fried food, too much sugar, and junk foods, and additionally you should stay away from foods that contain excess liquor, spices, and caffeine if you find that these complicate menopause symptoms for you.

Add eight glasses of water per day and about half-hour of exercise as many days per week as possible, and you could be on your way to significant weight loss, even in the face of the hormonal hurdles of menopause. You're also likely to see an improvement in other menopause symptoms as a healthy diet and exercise program begins to stabilize hormone levels. - 17273

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