Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, February 23, 2009

Asthma and Enteric Coated Fish Oil

By Dr. Bill

I haven't been able to get back to Long Island so I'm still enjoying the Florida sunshine. One of my cats needs surgery so he has to stay put until Wednesday. So I'm doing my best to suffer through the 70 degree weather.

A friend of mine coached girls basketball for many years, and over that time he had a small handfull of them suffer from what is called "sports" or "exercise induced" asthma. The vigorous exercise triggered an acute narrowing of the airways, making it very hard for them to breathe.

99% of the time this was alleviated by the use of an inhaler, and 30 minutes of inactivity. Then, the girl was good to go again. These girls were exceptions to the general rule, in that most kids with this problem opt not to participate in athletics, or anything strenuous. Inactivity is not a good habit to get into at any age, but this is what happens, and many misinformed parents push their kids in this direction, not wanting them to get hurt, or embarrassed.

The way it was handled on the team was pretty remarkable. The affected girl would come out of the game, the inhaler would be brought out, usually by a teammate, and one of the assistant coaches would watch, while other girls administered treatment, relaxing the girl with the asthma attack, and getting her breathing back to normal.

Then, as if nothing had happened, the girl would leap right back into the game.

I've just seen a study showing that a low salt diet combined with pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplementation reduces the incidence of bronchoconstriction, or "sports" asthma.

The study, which was done in 2006 at the University of Indiana, demonstrated post-exercise lung function of adults with moderate to mild persistant asthma, improved by 64%. Their use of emergency inhalers decreased by roughly 31%.

One of the key findings in the study was that airway pro-inflammatory cells and markers, which are responsible for airway inflammation and subsequent airway obstruction, were reduced, while on the diet and fish oil supplementation.

So about that other key factor - salt. Where are kids getting it these days?

Cheetos, hot dogs, Doritos, frozen pizza, potato chips, and most microwavable food. All loaded with salt.

If you're around kids much, then you already know they put this stuff away by the quart.

My advice...get rid of it. Start buying less of it, and start introducing the kids to good food. Everybody benefits.

And don't just get enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil for yourself. Get it for the whole family. It's never too early to start everyone on the road to healthy living, and nobody is going to get a strong, healthy body by eating Fritos.

Good food and good exercise, plus enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil, mean your chances of contracting this type of asthma may be very slim indeed. - 17273

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Learn About Dr. Atkins

By Charlie Reese

There seems to be a lot of debate about the late Dr. Atkins. His new diet revolution, as he called it, is something that many have used successfully, but there is a raging debate about the long term effects this style of eating might have on the body.

If you ask any of the people who have been on his program for any length of time, they will tell you that they will not eat any other way, and that they are healthier than they have ever been. They also have the blood work to back up that claim. However, that is not enough for some.

The main complaint that many who criticize Dr. Atkins is that the diet is too high in fat to be healthy. On this eating plan, the first two weeks are supposed to be high in fat and very low in carb. That alone would be a problem, but that phase of the diet is something that is only supposed to last for two weeks, or a few more for some people. After that, fats are slowly weaned down and more carbs in the form of vegetables, berries, whole grains, and diary are added. The resulting eating plan for maintaining weight loss is actually not much more fatty than the average low fat dieter might try to eat.

That does not stop those who want to say that Dr. Atkins was crazy however, and the debate may never end. Many on the diet report that their health has improved and their doctors are amazed at the amounts of good cholesterol versus bad cholesterol they have in their systems, and how healthy they get over a period of time. Dr. Atkins has repeatedly defended his position, and there are thousands out there that stand up for him whenever they can.

The best way to decide if you think the diet that Dr. Atkins published is good for you or not is to read though his book. Better yet, read though it a few times. Only then can you really understand what the way of eating is all about. There are many out there who dont get the book and they do their own version of Atkins and wonder why they are failing. It is not a high protein diet as some suggest. It is a balance of protein and fat, along with a select number of healthy carbs. Dr. Atkins encourages, or rather demands, vegetables be an important part of the plan, along with exercise, and a lot of water. Find out what is going on before making a judgment. You cant decide until you know all the facts. - 17273

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4 Ways to Convince You to Hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer

By Heidi Wingrain

You've recently been diagnosed with Mesothelioma or lost a loved one to the disease, and you're absolutely devastated. You're facing financial problems, and you may not want to take on the additional expense of hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer. You may be operating under the misguided belief that you won't be able to prove the company was to blame for your situation or that it's been far too long since you were originally exposed. Unfortunately, by thinking this way you could be giving up your rights to compensation should be coming to you. In fact, hiring a lawyer to help you with your case if probably the best possible thing for you to do.

1. You aren't to blame for having contracted Mesothelioma. What you are is the victim of negligence caused by the company you worked for failing to advise you about the risks you were taking. It isn't because they didn't know, either. Information was available clear back in the 1920s telling them about hazards associated with workers who were in environments where asbestos was present. By the 1940s they were even getting warnings telling them to eliminate asbestos from their workplace. Many of them chose to turn a deaf ear to these admonitions, though, because to comply would mean smaller profits. Therefore, they chose to sacrifice your health to put more money in their pockets, and now you're suffering because of it. Hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer will help put the blame where it belongs.

2. Maybe you don't have the disease yourself, but you've been robbed of financial and emotional security by the death of a loved one who suffered from it. Hiring a Mesothelioma lawyer to file a wrongful death suit in behalf of your loved one can bring you monetary restitution for all you've been forced to deal with and help you pay any debts you may have incurred.

3. It's possible that since you've been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you've been watching the depletion of your life's savings, seeing a possible foreclosure looming on the horizon, and trying to live on little of nothing. You don't have to worry about a Mesothelioma lawyer costing you money you don't have. The way most of these lawyers work is on a no win, no pay basis. Therefore, unless they will a settlement for you, you won't have to pay them anything.

4. Corporate negligence as far as employee health is concerned has been going on far too long and needs to be stopped. Companies have been allowed to give profits a higher priority than health issues surrounding their employees, and this practice is totally unacceptable. It has caused hundreds of employees to become victims as employer greed took the forefront. A Mesothelioma lawyer will seek restitution for what you have endured and will also ask for punitive damages. This is additional money the company will be forced to pay as a punishment for their negligence. When companies are forced to pay punitive damages, other companies are being warned that no one is going to tolerate such irresponsible behavior any longer.

When you hire a Mesothelioma lawyer and present your case to the world, you end up helping yourself, your family, and workers everywhere. - 17273

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Simple and easy chicken breast recipes

By Foong

The only part of the chicken that is low in fat and high in protein is the chicken breast meat. Other than that, this part of the chicken is also quite easy to cook and can be used in a lot of different chicken breast recipes. Amongst the many ways to prepare some delicious chicken meals is it bake, grill, roast, stir fry, deep fry and season the chicken with different condiments and sauces to make it as delectable as ever.

Baked chicken breast meat, without its skin, is by far the healthiest option for protein other than eating baked fish. However, it need not taste horrible or bland at all. There are so many different sauces and ways to prepare the chicken breast meat that baked chicken breast meat will never be plain, old boring food ever again.

There are chicken recipes aplenty for you to try out but which recipes are really suitable for chicken breast meat? The breast meat is probably one of the most versatile meat you can have so you can actually prepare it in many different ways. One of the easiest ways is to grill the chicken breast meat using either a griller or an oven. You only need to season the chicken with some special chosen sauces and grill it. Simple as that.

If you chop the chicken breast meat into small pieces, you can actually stir fry it for some healthy wholesome chicken dinner. There are some stir fry techniques you will need to learn first before attempting this so that you won't burn your chicken! However, the secrets to some tasty stir fried chicken breast is to season it before stir frying it.

If you do not want to stir fry, you can also try roasting your chicken. Although roast chicken is using the whole chicken, chicken breast meat can also be roasted. You only need to marinade the chicken and then you roast it. If not, deep frying the chicken breast meat is another option. Although not healthy, who doesn't love deep fried crunchy chicken? All you have to do is to cut it into long thin strips, marinade it with buttermilk then dip into egg whites and roll it over breadcrumbs before frying it in oil.

Other that these methods, you can also mince the chicken breast meat and referring to some really great chicken breast recipes, use it for homemade burgers, in pasta sauce, anything. There are so many different chicken recipes out there that you are really spoilt for choice. Whatever method you like, cooking chicken breast meat is easy enough but always remember not to overcook it or else you may just end up with some really tough chicken meat that you will find hard to chew. - 17273

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Did The Pittsburgh Steelers Have A Secret Weapon

By Dr. Bill

I'm off for another trip to Long Island, where I'll be settling for a while. Hopefully the sunshine will be settling there too since these bones don't much like the cold anymore.

Today I found an interesting article published in the first issue of Sports Health: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. It's a medical publication that probably wouldn't have much appeal for sports fans.

I mean the title alone proves my point: "Evaluation of Lipid Profiles and the Use of Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acid in Professional Football Players." Most people would run for the hills, but I eat this stuff up. And you get to benefit from my nerdy pursuits.

To make it easier for you to understand, 36 members of the Steelers were given pharmaceutical grade fish oil, and then evaluated using what is called a VAP(R)Cholesterol Test. What they were looking for was emerging cardiovascular risk factors, and determining whether omega 3 EFAs (essential fatty acids), found in pharmaceutical grade fish oil can reduce these factors.

Each participant was given 2560 mg per day during the period of study of EPA/DHA omega 3 fatty acid supplements.

A partner in the study, Dr. James Erlick (who is also Chief Medical Officer of Atherotech), has found professional football players have a higher risk statistically than normal for future cardiovascular disease and sudden heart attack.

Watching games these days, it's pretty easy to see why. These guys are gigantic. 280 is considered "light" for a lineman and 300 pounds is now commonplace. This weight will catch up to them sooner or later. Usually sooner.

In the study, the VAP Tests verified that pharmaceutical grade fish oil improved the Steeler players' good cholesterol, and lowered damaging particles and triglycerides. Higher levels of triglycerides are associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease, by the way.

Taking the pharmaceutical grade fish oil may not have helped much when they played against the Cardinals, but it will help them after the game's over, for the rest of their lives. These guys are tough, big, strong, and kind of crazy. After all, they play professional sports.

And the fact is, many of them die much too young, often from heart attack and stroke. Giving these Sunday warriors pharmaceutical grade fish oil is a big step in the right direction.

Pharmaceutical grade fish oil isn't just for professional athletes, big guys that weigh 300 pounds, or more. It helps virtually everyone who takes it some way, from stopping migraines to helping quell joint pain to assisting in the flushing of your arteries.

If you want a more pleasant stay at this grand hotel, get some and get some today. - 17273

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Diets for Healthy and Fast Weight Loss After Pregnancy

By Ricardo d Argence

There are many reasons you want to control your weight when you are pregnant. You can control your weight in many ways and many foods you need to avoid so you are successful with this type of diet.

The most important is to know that when pregnant, babies will use their requirements from your body. If you don't eat enough nutrients you will be the one missing them. During a pregnancy because they baby is taking their calcium, that is why so many women are short on iron and have to take iron supplements andnotice their deteriorate.

Pregnancy is actually one of the best times in your life to lose weight; the baby will get its nourishment from your body. Many women do not know this but the baby needs fat. Just as with your body's iron, a baby will, in addition, deplete your fat content if you don't replenish it.

If you eat a completely fat free diet of fruits and vegetables then you will lose weight rather than gain it. The baby will take your fat and your doctor will notice your weight is dropping but your stomach is growing. This will show the doctor the baby is getting bigger and you are healthier.

When you are pregnant you must eat healthy foods and take prenatal vitamins. When you have cravings for sweets the best thing you can do is reach for a small glass of juice rather than sweets. Stay away from the soda too. Even though it is diet soda it is not good for you and will cause you to gain weight. The goal is to be healthy.

Not only exercise is good for you when you are not pregnant but also when you are pregnant as well. The best exercise for a pregnancy is walking. You should walk as much as you can. This will contribute to a short labor and help prevent any additional weight gain for the course of your pregnancy.

When you have the baby you are going to lose the weight of the baby which may be from 6 lbs to 10 lbs and some of the fluid weight. Tops you will lose 20 pounds when the baby is born. Keep in mind that if you gain more than 50 lbs then you will spend a very long time trying to work it off to get your body back.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, a lot of water, and plenty of daily exercise through walking,a healthy diet when you are pregnant must consist of as little fat in your diet as possible. You can use pregnancy to improve your body by losing weight and being healthy by consuming the good things and working out. - 17273

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Breast Cancer and Additional Risks of Post-Menopausal Weight Gain

By Ricardo d Argence

Some women think that gain weight during menopause is ok. Even if it just occurs naturally, it is not something you want to do.

Many women face the challenge and all of them have to tackle it. If you allow yourself to just pack on the pounds without doing anything at all about it, you are risking your health more than you may know.

During menopause, your breast cancer risk increases as your weight increases. You must be alert to the health risks that could be possible if you pack on the pounds at this time of your life. The risk level is reversible though. You lower your breast cancer risk when you loose weight.

Indeed, studies done at the Harvard Medical School of Public Health have shown that women who've put on 55 or more pounds since the age of 18 are 45% more apt to get breast cancer in comparison to those who didn't gain that many pounds. Using postmenopausal hormones can actually increase the risk of cancer.

The best thing to do is to make sure that the weight is not put on to begin with. Sometimes things in life happens though and if you have found yourself in a position where you need to lose some weight then you can do just that. The sooner you act the better. The quicker you get that extra weight off the less likely you will end up with breast cancer.

Proper diet and exercise is very important. You want to make sure that you are doing everything in moderation. It's important to maintian a balanced diet to make sure you are still getting enough protein and everything else you need to function properly. Changing your diet and exercise will help you lose the weight.

Losing one or two pounds per week is the healthiest route. It's not just that wanting results quicker is bad for your body, it's also a way to almost insure that the pounds are going to come back quite soon. The best way to lose weight is to go slow.

Although there's the fear of breast cancer, you might also hurt the body in a number of ways if you do not take good care of yourself when you exercise and diet. Gather information and get active and you will be on the way to acheiving a better looking and healthier you. - 17273

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Facts, Lies and Bad Diets

By Samantha Putz

We look up to celebrities in this country " for their fame, their fashion sense and in many cases, their bodies. It's well known that some of the names which are household words to us are people who have a lot of pressure to keep looking their best at all times. They use fad diets and really every means to keep them presentable for the constant scrutiny they undergo. Low fat, low carbs, low calories and a lot of exercise " is this really a normal lifestyle? Always conscious of the next meal, their next workout and of course, the next weigh-in. It's exhausting and I should know " I've tried to live this way myself and I can tell you that it really didn't work. Why do all of these diets fail? Here is a little insight on why many of these fad diets fail miserably.

Carbohydrates are the sugars and starches which fuel the body. You need carbs to stay in good health and even to survive! The WHO tells us that between 55-75% of your calories should be from carbohydrates. Low carb diets like Atkins and the Zone rob you of these essential nutrients, resulting in quick weight loss, but also fatigue and hunger pangs. While you will lose weight in the first couple of weeks, your body will eventually crash. You'll have to choose between your health and the diet. If you're sick, is there any point in being thin?

With low carb diets debunked, let's look at another fad diet. Eating "good" carbs. These carbs (or so they say) healthy and help you lose weight " however, these "good" carbs are also calorie-dense. They have a lot more nutritional value than do refined foods, but calories are calories " you aren't going to lose weight eating huge portions of whole wheat pasta. You can only burn so many calories in a day, so it really doesn't matter if you eat just good carbs; you will gain weight if you eat more than you can expend, simple as that. Why can some people eat more than others and not gain weight? There are two reasons " they eat their carbs evenly throughout the day and of course, metabolic rate is also a factor.

A fat free diet is also a poor choice. Many think that fat free means a leaner me, however, more often then not, these foods are loaded with sugar which is stored into fat. Don't fall for the line that honey is better than sugar either; they are both calorie rich, regardless of the source. Go for foods which are low in sugar (and low calorie) instead of foods which are fat free.Are diets a waste of time then? They are if you don't know how your body processes food into energy and how your body uses calories. If you want to learn to eat right and look great, do your research and find something that fits your lifestyle and tastes. If you fall off the wagon, just get right back on it and never give up. You may never get the celebrity body of your dreams, but I'm betting that if you can get to your ideal weight, be more energetic and healthy, you will be thrilled with the new you. - 17273

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Weight Loss Products and Menopause, Zalestra

By Ricardo d Argence

A big point in a woman's life is menopause. It is definitely a sign of crossing one stage and entering the other. Having one or more of these signs: mood swings, loss of sexual desire, irritability and weight gain can be signs of menopause. Gaining weight is on of the more bothersome issues and even women who live a healthy and active lifestyle are not immune.

There are currently many weight loss products available which state they can handle the menopausal weight gain. They promise to reduce your weight without any side effects. How true are their claims and are they really what they seem? Prior to discussion, we need to realize why gaining weight is basically a fundamental component of menopause.

Here are some reasons why weight gain happens in menopause: One of the consequences of growing older is a reduction in the efficiency and the speed of digestion. As a result the food takes longer to digest which means that your body absorbs more nutrients and fat and calories from food.

Estrogen has a direct connection with the fat metabolization. When the estrogen levels decrease in menopause then the fat metobolization is affected. As a result the body stores more fat than before to compensate this drop in estrogen. This causes the entire chain of metabolism to get affected.

Gaining weight during menopause can lead to health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, etc.

Menopause changes your body in ways that you can address, and these menopausal weight loss products will help you do that. These days Zalestra is quite well known in these products.

A great many ingredients such as DHEA, mega soy extract, Carbinol, and additional fruit extracts are supposed to be found in Zelestra. The product reduces menopause problems and it helps to protect the organism againts different negative effects

Zalestra works in three different ways: supports the thyroid, increases the thermogenic output and suppresses the appetite.

Instead of a higher caffeine intake, Zalestra can be used by menopausal women who are battling low energy levels.

That it's made of natural ingredients is the positive side to this product. It also appears to be a one stop solution for all the needs for weight loss.

But, the soy in Zalestra is now no more recommended by the experts because the latest researches prove that soy may be responsible for upsetting the hormonal balance of the body rather than setting it right. Also, there is no clinical evidence to support the manufacturers claim that Zalestra produces weight loss. Moreover the company does not even seem to be offering a free sample to back its claims.

Menopause is controllable by choosing the right diet, and exercising instead of using weight loss products. Since it is very important to woman's health and mental well being, its important that women consult a doctor before taking these products. In the meantime following a strict regime of proper diet and exercise can create wonders for you. - 17273

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Countertop Water Distiller Ensures Safe Drinking Water

By Randal Pike

How often has your doctor told you that drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses of water a day is good for your health? Water is important for healthy living, but how safe is it? Faucet water may contain high levels of chemicals that you wouldn't knowingly want to put in your body. That's why purifying water is important. A countertop water distiller can help accomplish this.

Although your local water treatment system purifies the water, many times bacteria or chemicals enter the system along the way. Similar concerns arise for people who get their water from a well. With water distilling, water is cleaned and purified, making it safe to drink. This process is accomplished with a home countertop water distiller.

Faucet water usually contains some amounts of additives and toxins. Substances that are commonly found in drinking water can be biological, such as bacteria or viral, organic, or inorganic, like sediment or metals. They can all be removed with a countertop water distiller. Mercury, lead, fluoride, nitrate, pesticides, radon, asbestos and arsenic are other dangerous substances found in the water system. But with a countertop water distiller and its filters, they are easily removed.

How does a countertop water distiller work? It's a simple process. The unit boils the water until steam results. A container captures the steam and condenses it into water again. The end result is clean, contaminant-free water. Using a countertop water distiller, according to some experts, is better than using reverse osmosis, ultraviolet filtering and other purification procedures because a countertop water distiller consistently does a more effective job in removing contaminants.

Many times, chlorine or iron bacteria give drinking water a strong taste and unpleasant odor. This problem can be addressed with a countertop water distiller, making the water drinkable again. A countertop water distiller also provides other benefits, such as better tasting water, healthier water and safer water. Water free of contaminants is especially important for the elderly, babies and those with compromised immune systems.

There are different types of home water distillers, so when considering a countertop water distiller, look for models that meet your space and usage needs. Blender Juicer Depot at http://www.blenderjuicerdepot.com/Water-Distillers_c_30.html has a number of choices designed to meet your budget and needs. It's a great investment when you consider that a countertop water distiller replaces bottled water and faucet filters purchases.

A countertop water distiller is easy to use. Just add water and press the button. Different sizes of countertop water distillers are available based on how many gallons of water they can distill at one time. Other convenient features are available, such as a programmable time-delay and multifunction LCD readout. When selecting a countertop water distiller, be sure the machine is well built, made of quality parts, has escape vents and carbon post filters and is energy efficient.

No one wants to drink impure water. With regular faucet water, contaminants can enter the water supply at any time. This problem won't occur when using a countertop water distiller. They are economical and easy to incorporate into your daily life to ensure that your water is safe and clean at all times. - 17273

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Hot Tips for Gaining Muscle Mass

By Allen Brian

Gaining muscle mass is the dream of the majority of male. Diet and training programs would become extreme important if you want to achieve this result without using any non-natural supplements and synthetic steroids. To do this, you also need to take your schedule into account and judge how much time you can spend on workout in gym and make necessary changes to your diet. For gaining muscle mass, here are 4 hot tips you can use and shape your body up.

Do You Count Sodium

Sodium is a kind of essential mineral that our body need. It is good because it can increase the growth of muscle and cell fluid volume. Though it's a nice water keeper, but is not good for building muscle mass. It can also boost the absorption of amino acids and carbohydrate storage in our body. Because it can increase the level of fluid in your cells, it can improve your joint leverage and give you more physical strength and allow you to have fewer muscle strains and injuries to soft tissues when you weight train. Sodium has another function to improve the responsiveness of muscles to insulin.

Omega-3 Foods

Fish and foods contain a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids which can help you to gain more muscle mass. Go for fish with tons of omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, lake trout, sardines, tuna and herring. There are a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids sources, like walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli, oregano, tofu, soybeans, Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach, mustard seeds and flax seeds. To make our muscle more susceptible to insulin, you can eat foods above, which can help you to store more glycogen and grow more muscle mass. Glutamine is important for helping protein metabolism and prevents muscle from weakening. And eat fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids can help you with that.

Free Weights Training

For gaining more muscle mass, it is not sufficient just eating the right diet. Workout with free weight and dumbbells are important for resistance training. They would work out your ancillary muscles and build compound mass on them. Wide range of working out is a kind of good exercise and dumbbells is good and versatile equipment for you to do this. This small piece of equipment can be used for many muscle sets in order to gain more muscle mass.

Exercise Regimen Experimentation

Human beings are not native known that how our bodies respond to different exercises. One workout may work perfectly for one man but it may not work for another. After trying different kind of workout exercises, you can tell which workouts can help you gain more muscle mass. If you want to find out about more of them, there are many websites including my own website that provide information and advice about gaining muscle mass, particularly if you have failed in using other types of exercise. - 17273

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