Motivation For Fat Loss
I like how the neighborhood looks when it's covered in show -- it's really quite lovely. This appreciation for all the loveliness is usually short-lived and I tend to want to leave when the feeling fades. This time was no different, but I have no choice -- I must stay.
Motivation is such a huge factor in sticking with a weight loss plan. Most people are extremely motivated when they begin, but if they come up against an obstacle, it's all too easy for them to give up and go back to their former unhealthy eating routines.
I've discovered several strategies that seem to work for most people.
1. Changing your visualizations.
2. Accurately recording your measurements.
3. Writing about your plan and your progress.
4. Realizing that you are not perfect.
Unfortunately, overweight people often think of themselves as failures in some way. So they eat for comfort. The junk food is way of saying to themselves, "I'll be fine as long as I have my ice cream and french fries."
This type of thinking is completely irrational, but it seems quite rational to the person who is thinking that way. It needs to stop. You need to start feeling and imagining that you are a healthy and fit person who deserves to be that way. This is not something that can happen in an instant, but it definitely can happen -- if you are willing to practice. Changing the way you think will change the way you look and feel.
You will be able to become the person you imagine yourself to be -- if you practice.
You can use a tape measure to get numbers if you want to, but I prefer pictures. When you start on a weight loss program, take pictures of yourself. Then imagine the new you, and get started.
Start keeping a diary, or a journal. You can do it on paper or do it on the computer. Every day you log what you eat, and the exercise you do. At the end of the week take another photo. 3 or 4 weeks into your program you should start seeing real changes in the way your body looks. 10 or 12 weeks in, the changes should be major.
When you slip up, and you will, you log that too. This will help you to see where you have a weakness. But most important, don't fuss and worry about it. Don't try to double your exercise to make up for it. Just get back in your routine, smile at yourself, and let it go.
Your body will be very thankful.
It's so important to listen to your body. As you begin to get fit, your body will begin to tell you what types of healthy things it needs. But if you don't listen, your body may give you another message, and this one won't be nice.
There are other things, in addition to healthy food and regular exercise, that your body needs to function at its highest level. One of those things is pharmaceutical-grade fish oil with enteric coating.
You should be taking enteric coated pharmaceutical grade fish oil every day for any number of reasons, including optimal joint function, healthy brain and nervous system function, along with the cardiovascular benefits.
I take pharamaceutical-grade fish oil every day and have been for a long time, but if I slip up and skip a dose or two, my body doesn't let me forget it, especially my joints.
(Hi's your joints here. We noticed that you did not give us any fish oil for the last few days. Here comes a message for your right knee...yes, I know it don't forget next time!)
I tend to forget to take the fish oil when I'm traveling, which is often, so I've come up with a solution -- I bring along "travel only" bottles, which never leave my side. - 17273