Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Add Weight Training To Your Health And Fitness Regime

By Jose Bautista

There are many important parts to maintaining proper health and fitness. But one area is frequently neglected in women and that is weight training or some type of weight bearing exercises. Over 70% of all women do not do any weight resistance training. Weight training can help you lose weight faster and keep your bones stronger and body more flexible, stronger and mobile.

Most individuals think that to lose weight you just need to do cardiovascular exercise. While you will burn more calories in a 30 minute session of cardio exercise, in the span of 24 hours you will burn more calories by doing 30 minutes of weight training. By adding weight lifting you can lose 3% more fat then by just cardio exercise alone.

Additionally muscle is important for your metabolism as the amount of fat you can burn is directly linked to the amount of muscle you have. You burn more calories throughout the day because you have more muscle that needs energy. If you replace fat with muscle you will burn more calories just by sitting down.

Additionally muscles can help to increase your metabolism because with an increase in muscle you also can increase the amount of fat you burn. Muscle needs energy to work so just by having more muscle you are automatically burning more calories as you move during the day. The best thing to do is replace your fat with muscle and you will burn more calories, be more toned and feel great.

It is also important to realize that when you do aerobic activity you burn fat but you also lose muscle. However when you lift weights you only burn fat because you are keeping your muscles strong. Also weight lifting makes it possible to lose that pesky abdomen fat that can be very difficult to get rid of.

Because weight lifting adds muscle you should not rely solely on measuring your weight as your success story. You should also take your measurements as you may not lose weight, as muscle weighs more than fat, but you will find that your clothing size will decrease. Weight lifting has exceptional results and should be added to your exercise regime. - 17273

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Detoxifying Your Body - Is It Worth It?

By Ira Goldberg

Our world is much more polluted than it used to be and everyday our bodies are bombarded with toxins and other harmful substances. Our bodies have extremely good methods to deal with toxins, but sometimes they do need help. And this is where detox comes in. Detox is a way to give your body a chance so that it can clean itself of unwanted substances.

How are toxins naturally eliminated from the body? They are eliminated through the major detox or eliminatory organs: the skin, the kidneys, the lymph, the colon, and especially the liver. But when this organs become overworked, which in today's world usually happens, toxins are not properly eliminated and they start accumulating in the body.

Toxin build up can produce many problems. They may include: frequent headaches, fatigue, irritable bowel, slow digestive system, bloating, constipation, nausea, coated tongue, bad breath, skin conditions, body pains, coughs, even depression and anxiety.

Doing a detox can go a very long way in helping your body to get rid of all the accumulated toxins. And when toxins are gone your body can focus once more on more important things like rejuvenating the health and well-being.

People who used detoxification methods report many benefits such as increased energy, improved mental clarity, clearer skin, improved immune system, weight loss, improved digestion, and overall better health and well-being.

What is the best way of detoxification? One of the most easiest and inexpensive methods you could try is - The Master Cleanser. This is a very effective fasting plan written by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. It's also known as the lemonade diet. Simple and effective.

A detox is one of the easiest ways to regain your health and vitality. With little determination it can be done by anyone. Remember - "He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything. - 17273

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Shiatsu Massage Therapy Is Performed In A Massage Chair

By Monty Gibbs

Shiatsu actually evolved from the roots of acupuncture which targets certain trigger points throughout the body. These triggers points are thought to regulate the flow of energy in the body. Blockages can occur which hinders the flow of energy. Shiatsu applies pressure with different motions and firmness to help manipulate the energy flow. Shiatsu is a strict tradition, which found its way into mechanical versions with the rising Japanese manufacturing prowess. Now you can find shiatsu massage therapy in a massage chair with finese of a Japanese master.

A shiatsu massage induces deep relaxation. It also increases the energy flow. The shiatsu massage technique employs rhythmic, gradual pressure and stretching. Shiatsu also applies pressure to specific points in the body. Shiatsu is believed to manipulate the flow of energy in the body, restoring balance and well being. Effective shiatsu massage increases the energy flow while inducing deep relaxation to brings the natural balance back. Shiatsu massage has been performed by skilled therapists to ease and relieve aches and pains throughout the body.

Thanks to many breakthroughs in science and technology, many of the traditional shiatsu techniques have been successfully reproduced. One interesting technology can create a virtual map of your body's acupressure points. These points are then fed into the software program. The massage chair then customizes the shiatsu massage to each individual. The massage recliner actually targets your pressure points for systematic relief.

Technology has seen advances in the features designed to perform shiatsu techniques incorporated into massage chairs. Since the beginning of time, shiatsu massage has been performed by humans in traditional medicine. The mechanical systems integrated into current shiatsu massage chairs realistically imitate hand and finger movements. Amazingly, the integration of electronics and software controls make theses mechanical fingers do many functions. Human contact has many subtle movements which are difficult to copy, but machines do not get tired.

There are various subtle massage techniques with shiatsu massage. Shiatsu uses the fingers and thumbs to penetrate into pressure points to release energy. The energy can become blocked and cause the muscles to tighten. Shiatsu seeks to reverse this process. Through the use of the body's trigger points, the energy flow is once again restored. Shiatsu has been shown to increase alertness and relaxation. It also relieves aches and pains in the muscles.

Applying gentle pressure to acupressure points throughout the body relaxes and brings tranquility to the body. Shiatsu Massage chairs have effective functions capable of replicating the movement of a massage therapist. These mechanized fingers provide shiatsu therapy from gentle or firm and with low or high pressure to suite individual needs. Typical massage motions in shiatsu include rubbing, kneading, percussion and vibration.

Find relief for many of your issues and symptoms with a shiatsu massage chairs. They have a wide variety of massage therapies to assist your needs. Shiatsu is used to treat some forms of arthritis to bring relief. It can help stimulate circulation and bring better color to the skin. Reduce muscular pain, or warm up muscles prior to exercise with an invigorating shiatsu massage. A shiatsu massage assists to metabolize fat to increase stamina and nutrition flow throughout the body.

The long standing traditions of shiatsu massage are systematically being integrated into massage chairs. These marvels of technology are able to make thumb like movements. They can press, grip and hold for a sensational massage. These massage recliner companies have overcome many challenging obstacles to integrate the great traditions of shiatsu. If you have not tried one of these chairs in a while, you will be very pleasantly surprised at the effectiveness. Truly the shiatsu massage chairs are folllowing the proud tradition of shiatsu. - 17273

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How to Build Pecs Safely

By Frank Hommes

If you are new to weight lifting, you might feel like you're missing something when you're trying to learn how to build your pecs. You may do all of the same exercises you see other people doing , but still have trouble building your pecs up. The reason for this, is that it's not all about about the exercise itself, there are other matters to consider.

1. The first tip is to eat the correct types of food, because this is just as vital as doing the proper exercises. The reason for this, is that muscle can't be built without certain types of nutrients. Muscle is composed of protein and in order to build up the muscle properly, you should be eating food with a lot of protein. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates can also help, because they give the body extra energy during the workout.

Overall health is a big part of how to build pecs so having a well balanced diet will be useful. Along with eating a lot of protein a person should be eating many fruits and vegetables. The body will be able to focus on building new muscle as long as it is healthy.

2. The second secret is stretching. A person trying to build their pecs should do stretches that get the upper chest ready to do some hard work. One can do something as simple as mimicking the motion of a push-up while standing can stretch out the pectoral muscles.

You should avoid overworking your pecs for the same reason they should stretch. Over activity on the pecs can put extra strain on the muscles, which can cause them harm as opposed to making them stronger. It could also lead to an unappealing appearance, which you probably wouldn't like.

3. A person needs to do the right types of exercises if they want to build their pecs. Exercises such as push-ups really work the pectoral muscles and can be done without a gym. For people with access to a weight lifting bench they can do bench presses as well. - 17273

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6 Arm Fat (And Diet Fat) Myths

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

If you're serious about getting rid of that loose arm fat, you absolutely have to consume a hefty amount of dietary fat. I know this sounds paradoxical, but it's very true.

Dietary fat plays too much of an important role in the female body for it to be excluded from any effective arm toning nutrition plan. It's that important.

Thus, here are 6 arm fat and diet fat myths:

1. Consuming a pile of fish oil pills is very healthy. If you have more than 3 grams of fish oil per day, you run the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Not good.

2. Small amounts of trans fat are fine. Major mistake. Trans fat will mess up your metabolism like nothing else. And Harvard researchers have clearly demonstrated that NO amount of trans fat is healthy.

3. Plant saturated fat is just as bad as animal saturated fat. There is a huge difference between the two. And plant saturated fat is very healthy for you. Coconut, for instance, does wonders for the female body.

4. Omega-3's can be stored anywhere. Keep them in the fridge. Why? Because at room temperature omega-3's (walnuts, flax seeds) can become rancid relatively quickly.

5. Eggs with extra omega-3 are super foods. If they could also take out the saturated fat from the egg yolk then I would buy into this. But they can't.

6. The less fat the better. Actually, the more fat the better. Why? Because as your intake of dietary fat increases so will your levels of loose arm-fat-burning hormones. Eat fat to burn fat!

Avoid the above misconceptions to optimize your fat intake. And remember that dietary fat is your best friend for losing loose arm fat. So the next time somebody tells you to cut out fat from your diet, ignore them! Only then will you be able to get sexy and lean arms. - 17273

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Acai Berry Benefits And Studies

By Earl Cabo

Acai benefits are one of the latest nutritional secrets to be revealed to the modernized world. Harvested in the Brazilian rain forest from Amazon palm trees, the Acai berry has long been known and esteemed by Brazilian natives for it's nutritional benefits and capacity to promote energy and strength.

This fruit is now becoming available worldwide and is used mostly in nutritional juices. Benefits of Acai berry powder is also put in capsules as a supplement. Juice containing Acai, and Acai berry powder supplements are becoming widely available in health food stores and can also be ordered online from dealers.

Fruit is good for you; and everyone knows that. Certain fruits have been recognized to have much higher nutritional substance and antioxidant properties than others. Of this group of fruit, the Acai berry comes out as a leader.

With a high content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, and E along with iron, phosphorous, calcium and potassium, the vitamin and mineral content in this grape-sized, unique-tasting fruit alone would make it worth adding to your diet. Acai fruit contains so many other natural health-enhancing ingredients that it is arguably one of the most nutritious supplement.

One of the first things people feel when they start adding Acai to their diet is increased energy - and this seems to happen not within weeks or months, but days - and the positive effects keep increasing as time goes on. Acai also has almost instant effect on the body by enhancing the metabolic process, increasing fiber content in the body, and helping the body build and regenerate muscle at a much more efficient rate.

"Smoothies" made out of Acai fruit have become a well-liked morning-coffee substitute for many people, who find that the energy they feel after drinking an Acai smoothie lasts much longer and feels much better than the temporary lift from coffee. Many gentlemen have reported a marked improvement in sexual function after adding Acai to their daily regimen. This has led to Acai berry benefits to often be labeled as the "Amazon Viagra". - 17273

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How to Lose Weight Quickly

By Curt Joel

Many people want to lose weight quickly and safely. However evidence shows that in order to keep the weight off permanently you should strive to lose, at most, about 1-2 pounds of fat per week.

The most common mistake that people make in their attempts to lose fat is to approach weight loss as a one time thing and not a lifestyle change.

Effective fat loss programs all do the same basic thing. They manipulate calorie intake so that calories in is less than the total number of calories expended. Most people don't know that one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories.

So to lose 1-2 pounds per week you would need to consume 500-1000 fewer calories than you currently take in - assuming that your weight has stabilized.

Alternatively, you could also opt for increasing the amount of physical exercise you do so that your body will be burning 1,000 calories more each day than it's doing at present. Both of these approaches would result in you shedding 2lbs. of fat each week.

Unfortunately, both the above mentioned approaches fail to consider factors such as a person's individuality and personality, just as they don't take other factors such as hormone production into consideration.

But for someone who is looking to lose weight quickly, without regard to long term fat loss, this is all that you need to know.

For people who are concerned with long term and permanent fat loss it is essential to approach body transformation as a lifestyle change.

Those people who manage to lose weight successfully and keep it off permanently, have in fact made exercise part of their daily life rather than seeing it has an unnecessary burden.

Instead, these people don't see exercise as being a chore but rather as something which they can enjoy. Apart from weight loss, a daily exercise program has far too many health benefits to list here.

The benefits of doing daily exercise go on and on and on.

So if you want to have a better outlook on life, more energy, and more - don't even think about how to lose weight quickly. Think about making a permanent lifestyle change and losing weight forever. - 17273

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Is It Possible To Look 10 Years Younger In 10 Days?

By Susan M Adams

If you have ever watched any amount of day time television, you will certainly have heard the claims that there is a way you can look 10 years younger in 10 days. It may sound a little unbelievable, but maybe there is some truth to the claims. According to health experts Dr. Oz (of the Oprah Winfrey Show fame) and Dr. Perricone, there actually is a way to reverse aging of the skin, and the secret is in your diet. They have classified what they call 'super foods' which help you achieve a more youthful complexion.

Now the biggest question is, what are superfoods, I haven't seen anything labeled 'super food' at my health food store, do they need to be imported, are they expensive, do they take a week to prepare? Well, you'll be happy to know that the answers are a lot simpler than you think. The super foods that you need to turn to are local, cheap, and easy to find.

The list of super foods that if consumed are supposed to make you look 10 years younger include: barley, acai berry, seeds and nuts, green foods such as wheat grass, beans and legumes, yogurt, sprouts, hot peppers, buck wheat, and anything in the allium family. It's quite likely that you have consumed a few of these super foods once or twice over the past week already. These foods are clearly common!

On first glance the easiest super food to add to your diet on a daily basis is something within the allium family. Alliums include leeks,garlic, onions, shallots, chives, scallions and a number of other items that are commonly used. The allium foods help your body eliminate toxins which is very helpful to your liver and gallbladder. Just add some minced garlic or chopped onions to stews, soups or sauces. It couldn't be easier.

Summer time is a great time to eat more salads as the vegetables and lettuces are so tasty and fresh. Add a handful of nuts or seeds to your salad to incorporate a super food. Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, or chopped almonds or walnuts are a delicious addition to any salad. Add some bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts to make it super charged with super foods.

The only super food that could be considered exotic or uncommon would be acai berry. Acai berries are harvested from the palms trees of the Amazonian rain forest. They are very perishable so they are freeze dried immediately for transport to North America, Acai berry juice and powder is becoming easier to find in most health food stores.

By now you can see how easy it is to look better. It's easy to eat at least some of the recommended super foods each day in an effort to look 10 years younger in just 10 days. - 17273

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How To Look Taller Without Any Surgery Or Pills

By Shaun Davids

Have you always wondered how to look taller? You will be shocked how a simple change in attitude and your clothing can make you gain height. These are not the only techniques to make you taller - getting the right nutrients and straightening your posture can also protect you from bones diseases and from shrinking in your old age.

But today we are talking about how you look. Let us start with your clothing. I am sure you have seen people dress to compliment there body shape and size - well this can also be applied to make you look taller. For example - with your work suit, try stick to a single color (darker ones like navy). For a quick height enhancer, wear a dark suit with pinstripes.

If you clothes than contrast a lot - such as black pants with a light blue shirt, you will look shorter. It creates a visible line that breaks you body up and makes you lose height - especially if your pants are above your waist. Also, for how to look taller, steer clear of patterns with plaid or polka dots in them. And wear clothes that fits you perfectly, and gives the illusion of you having a longer torso and limbs.

Your shoes can also have an effect in making you become taller. Wearing heels and height increasing insoles can make you look taller. Wearing large shoes, such as clogs, boots, and tennis shoes, can also aid in the illusion, as they make your feet look bigger.

Also when learning how to look taller, your hair cut makes a big difference. It is best to have shorter hair, as opposed to longer hair that "shortens" your neck and torso.

Your posture is very important, and not just for appearances. Sitting with your back straight and your shoulders back does make your body look taller, but it's also very important for your bones and muscles as well, particularly your back.

How you feel about yourself can also help you gain height. Although us short people do not have the strongest self esteems, if we can show more confidence, it will actually make us look bigger. When you are happy, upbeat and friendly, people pick up on this and respect you more.

As opposed to being unhappy, depressed, and negative, where people lose respect for you. For how to look taller, always remember it starts with your attitude. - 17273

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How to Appear Taller in Just 2-Minutes

By C. Ludlow

I'm really not exaggerating. You can appear 2-inches taller in just 2-minutes.

Im going to prove to you right now, that I can help you do this right now. First, go and stand next to a full length mirror. Turn sideways. Now look at yourself. If youre like 95% of Americans youll notice that your head is jutting forward.

Why is it jutting forward? Well, modern life has dictated that you will spend a good portion of your time " sitting. Thats right. We sit in our cars. We sit at home. We sit at work. We sit when we eat. We sit all day long, for the most part.

Sitting, unfortunately, causes muscle imbalances to occur. When you sit with poor posture for too long the muscles on the front of your body become tight. The hip flexors and muscles of the neck, in particular.

Now, back to your mirror exercise. When you look in the mirror sideways you probably noticed that your torso curves forward slightly, as do your shoulders.

All of this makes you essentially shrink. I was talking to a client awhile ago and he told me that he has shrunk 1-inch in the past 10 years. The reality is that he didnt really shrink. His posture simply fell apart. If you look at him from the side youll see that his head is resting not over his shoulders but over - air. There is no support from his bodies natural pillar-of-strength.

How can you appear taller in just 2-minutes? Simple. Just think "S.B.D."

"S.B.D." or shoulders, back and down is a little ditty that you can say to yourself to get your posture to improve. When you say it, do it. I want you to push your shoulders back and down into your back pockets. When you do this your chest elevates and you should immediately feel better and more alert and yes, taller.

This is not about making you just appear taller. When you repeat the mantra, "shoulders, back and down" you will be more confident, energized and in all actuality, if you measure yourself before and after - you will be taller! That's all that there is to it! Congratulations! - 17273

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Shiitake Extract's Many Uses

By Dr. Markho Rafael

In Europe and America, "mushrooms" in a recipe usually refers to button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), which were first cultivated in France in the 1600's. In Far East Asia, the equivalent is Shiitake, which has long been the cultivated "food mushroom" of choice. Only in the past few decades has Shiitake become a household name in western cuisine.

Originating in China, wild Shiitake is also commonly known as Black Mushroom and Chinese Mushroom. The name Shiitake comes from the Chinese Shii Tree, which is the most common host tree. But it can also grow on beeches and oaks. The cultivation of Shiitake in China and Japan goes back at least 1000 years.

What is less known in the West is that in the form of Shiitake extract, this is also the most studied medicinal mushroom of the Orient. The primary focus of research has been on the anti-viral [93] and anti-tumoral [94] properties.

When it comes to medicinal use of Shiitake, the preferred part to use is the mycelium (the "roots") not the fruit body ("mushroom"). The mycelium contains a higher concentration of medicinal compounds, some of which may not be found at all in the fruit body.

The most researched Shiitake extract is known as LEM, short for Lentinula Edodes Mycelia. (Shiitake's Latin name is Lentinula edodes.) Research has found LEM to enhance the immune system, [95, 96, 97] especially against bacterial infection. [98, 99] It's also been reported to be anti-tumoral. [100] A 2005 study published findings that it killed melanoma cells while sparing non-diseased tissue. [101]

Another active compound of Shiitake extract that has been much studied is Lentinan; a protein-free polysaccharide, so named after Lentinula, the Latin genus name for Shiitake. Lentinan does not directly kill tumors but has been shown to stimulate the tumor fighting mechanisms in the body of test subjects, [102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110] and is in fact in use in Asia as an injected cancer medication.

Arabinoxylanes of Shiitake extract derived from rice cultivated mycelium have been shown to have powerful anti-viral properties. [111, 112, 113]

Two viruses in particular that have been studied with promising results are herpes simplex type 1 [114] and HIV [115, 116, 117]. It should be mentioned, however, that the previously mentioned Lentinan as an isolated compound does not appear to affect HIV replication. [25]

Furthermore, other studies have shown that Shiitake extract may be beneficial in the treatment of Candida, [118] chronic fatigue syndrome, [119] and to prevent septic shock. [120]

In his book Mycelium Running, medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets also lists the following areas where research has shown Shiitake extract to have a beneficial effect: Blood Pressure; Blood Sugar; Cholesterol; Kidney Tonic; Liver Tonic; Sexual Potentiator; Stress; Breast Cancer; Liver Cancer; Prostate Cancer. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes.

Credit: Thank you to Paul Stamets for source material. - 17273

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