Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What You Need To Know About Weight Loss At Home

By Ron Cripps

You have landed that dream job interview and now you need to wear that old dress or suit but realize it does not fit you need to take action and lose weight fast. Reducing weight too suddenly is not healthy and could harm your body. Such things as a loss of muscle tone or worse yet heart disease and problems with other internal organs can result from fad diets, miracle pills and extreme fasting. Here are some tips to safely shed that weight fast from home.

Since losing weight is in simple terms expending more calories than you consume, figure out exactly what you are eating. Keep a written log of every tasty morsel, for a minimum of a week. Don't cheat. Short cuts on this only harm you. Now with the help of sources like mypyramidtracker.gov figure out the calories in what you have eaten over that time.

Now that you know the calories you consume, start reducing. This can be as straightforward as cutting down on portion sizes. Serve sizes are generally too generous both at home and in restaurants. There are a lot of other easy cuts that you can make that don't extensively modify what you eat and your lifestyle. These include salad dressing, butter, candies, as well as juice or soda. Salad dressing is the prevalent source of calories on most dinner tables! Getting used to the delicious taste of a salad with a pinch of lemon juice makes a large difference to your diet. Also note that empty calories such as sugars and white breads (carbohydrates) are the earliest things to reduce. These can with no trouble at all be substituted with sugar substitutes and whole grain breads.

But I really like the side dish? This part of the meal is often a minefield of bad food choices including French Fries, macaroni and cheese and potato salad. Replace these items with healthy alternatives such as steamed vegetables, cottage cheese, or salad (minus dressing.)

Build up some muscle to increase muscle mass and metabolism using exercise. That leads to burning extra calories even when sitting still. Aerobic exercise is the best for calorie and fat burning. Many experts say to do aerobic activity for 30 minutes a day 3-5 days a week. Hog wash! Find an activity you can sustain for seven days each week, and forever and one that you enjoy..

There's the plan to lose weight fast. Now get moving! - 17273

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Various Types Of Macular Degeneration

By Candace Hubbs

Macular degeneration is the major cause of poor vision amongst the elderly. The term refers to the deterioration of the tissues of the macula, that is the part of the retina that provide us with sharp central vision that gives us the ability to read.

The dry version of macular degeneration is actually the early stage of the disease. Although its exact cause is not known, it is believed to be caused by age and the thinning of the macular lining.

Dry or non-neovascular macular degeneration is believed to be the early signs of macular degeneration in general. The dry version is caused by deposits and debris of the tissue surrounding the macula. These deposits, known as drusen, are seen as yellow spots in the retina. Drusen builds up and causes vision loss. Dry macular degeneration is the less severe version of the disease. There is no known treatment for the illness, but some vitamin studies have proven hopeful.

The more severe form of macular degeneration is the wet or neovascular. This type forms a new network of blood vessels behind the retina. Although this type is actually the body's natural way of trying to repair the degeneration, it is not successful. The vessels leak blood and other fluids which causes irreparable damage to the cells of the retina. Fortunately only about 10% of people with dry macular degeneration actually progress to the more severe wet version.

The wet version, however, does come in two categories. The most severe category is the classic. This type forms a distinctive set of vessels that appear as delineated lines beneath the retina. The leakage from these vessels is severe and thus causes the most damage to the retina. Complete blindness is usually the result of the classic type. The other category of neovascular macular degeneration is called the occult. In this version, the vessels are not as formed and leak less fluids. This, of course, results in less damage to the vision. - 17273

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What's Affecting Your Basal Metabolic Rate?

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Increasing your BMR is the most sustainable way to ensure continual fat loss. Why? Because your BMR dictates how many calories you burn around the clock, even while sleeping.

You might be a little confused, however. After all, every single new product that hits the market claims to be the next best thing for raising BMR.

So without further ado, here are some things that really affect BMR and fat loss:

1. Chronological age. As the years go by so does muscle. One of the main causes of disease with age is the loss of muscle mass. And muscle mass has a very strong influence over BMR.

2. Lean to fat mass ratio. More muscle translates into more calories burned even while you sleep. Add to this some proper nutrition, and the mitochondria in your cells will burn even more calories.

3. A high fever. A strong fever will also raise your BMR. Does this mean you should try to get sick? Absolutely not! But it doesn't hurt to know the facts.

4. Catabolic hormones. In the short run, stress hormones will cause your BMR to go up. But caution is warranted here because over the long run, said hormones will actually lower your BMR. Why? Because of lean tissue loss.

5. Changes in ambient temperature. When you move into a hot or cold environment, your body burns extra calories while adjusting. Tip: swimming is a great way to burn lots of calories.

6. Starvation. The hormones released from a period of fasting or starvation will lower your BMR. And this happens very quickly. So never go more than a couple hours between meals, five hours max.

Learning how to master your metabolism is one of the most important things you can do to ensure long term fat loss success. Most women can see initial fat loss with minor changes, but if you want long term changes, you have to increase your BMR. - 17273

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A Simple Jump Higher Workout

By Bart Icles

If you are an avid basketball fan or basketball player, then you might have and most possibly thought of learning how to jump higher once in your life. Indeed, there are tons of jump higher programs available in many gyms, sports journals and magazines, and even in the internet. However, not all of these jump higher programs work the same for everybody. It is recommended that before you take on any jump higher workout, you should try to determine what your needs are first. You will also need to identify what specific improvements you would want to achieve so you can better make the most of any jump higher program.

Nevertheless, there is a certain jump higher workout that can work for everybody. It is a simple jump higher routine that you can observe even if you are just at home. That?s right; you need not lock yourself up in the gym for you to simply learn how to improve your vertical jump. All you need is to follow a few simple exercises and you can already be well on your way to jumping higher. However, you should not expect to achieve the same results as what everybody has.

You will need to start with a brisk aerobic exercise. You can either walk briskly or go for some jogging. You can also opt to jump rope for five to ten minutes. This should get you all warmed up for the different exercises ahead. Every other session or so, you can add ankle weights into your warm up regimen but you should not do it every time. You will then need to do some brief stretching and flexing exercises. These can help reduce the possibility of sustaining injuries while performing more complex exercises.

To begin the bulk of the jump higher workout, you will need to lift some weights. Remember to this properly and focus on key muscle groups like your calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Do not overdo weight lifting - only lift weights that will allow you to complete 8 to 10 repetitions with some effort. You will also need to do some crunches and push ups to help strengthen your abdominal muscles.

Most importantly, try to insert high intensity aerobic exercises in between weightlifting sets. Your jump higher workout will also need to cover strengthening your toes. You can do so by doing toe raises. In this manner, you can give the different muscles involved in jumping some much needed workout so you can increase your vertical jump. - 17273

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Countertop Convection Ovens- Ways to use them to save Money?

By Timothy Link

Do you have an interest in countertop convection ovens? They are becoming popular, as a traditional range takes lots of time to heat and it consumes plenty of energy, whether you have got a huge quantity of food to heat or not, it heats the entire unit. It also warms up the kitchen when it is on. This is something you do not want, particularly in the hot summer months. There are some certain benefits to employing a countertop convection oven. The most plain is that it is green and leaves you with more money.

One of the most important blessings of using convection ovens at home is that, in convection ovens, a fan consistently circulates hot air around the food. This raises the temperature quickly, because instead of only surrounding the food, heat is continually blown on the food. Therefore, the food you are cooking will darken on the outside, and keep foods moist on the inside. The circulating air in a convection stove evaporates the butter in a pie crust quickly, leaving a fluffier and flakier crust.

So how does the countertop convection stove work? It employs a fan which moves the heated air within the stove and circulates it around the item being cooked. The heated air is consistently pushed over and round the food, and results in a much quicker meal than a typical stove. Not only does a convection cooker cook food more quickly than a traditional stove, but it could also completely cook food at lower temperatures.

The average period of time saved when cooking with a convection range is about twenty percent of the food's ordinary cooking time. The temperature a convection cooker uses to cook food is also about twenty-five degrees lower than a recipe's recommended cooking temperature.

Often, convection heaters are highly popular in the restaurant and commercial food industry. Because convection ovens offer quick food preparation,they can be expensive. Professional Chefs use them and depend on them for mouth-watering meals served quickly.

Because typical ovens can cost more than a standard range, many have found countertop convection ovens to be a reasonable alternative. They come in numerous sizes and can even accommodate 12" pizzas and full family meals. They're available in stainless-steel, and look good as an addition to the kitchen. They also permit a family to further scale back their energy use, by heating such a little area. - 17273

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Ginseng Benefits

By Dave Johnson

The man-shaped root that is ginseng has been a powerful healing herb for centuries. And even today, many take ginseng for its natural healing powers. It has served as a pain reliever, a stimulant as well as a cure for colds, sore throat and a host of other illnesses. Ginseng also served to maintain and improve one's virility and energy. It is also known as a royal drink, since emperors and kings were known to drink ginseng to improve their health.

Ginseng can be used in many ways:

Adaptogen. It is taken as an adaptogen, since it is able to regulate the body's functions, adjusting based on what an individual needs. Ginseng can lower blood pressure or increase it, depending on the person's current blood pressure level.

Healing and revitalization. Ginseng is also beneficial for healing and revitalization. This is the drink of choice for royalty who want to preserve their energy and virility and extend their lives. Ginseng is able to stimulate our immune system, encouraging it to work remarkably well as it fights disease and promote healing.

Tonic. According to some clinical studies, this root is able to maintain the body?s overall functions ? the central nervous system, the circulatory system, lungs, liver and other parts of the body. Ginseng is believed to relieve you of stress, boost your levels of concentration and energy as well as improve your memory. This is because it improves the supply of blood to the brain.

Diabetes treatment. With its blood glucose-lowering properties and the ability to balance blood sugar levels, ginseng can help in dealing with Type II diabetes.

Aphrodisiac. Do you find it hard to "perform"? Ginseng has traditionally been known as an aphrodisiac and is believed to help your body produce more sex hormones, which in turn improves your sex drive and your capacity to perform. Women who have problems with menopause can also take ginseng, as this can improve estrogen production.

Other uses. As if this list were not long enough, people have also found applications for ginseng with regards to pains and aches (backaches, headaches, pain brought about by menstruation and childbirth), weight loss, insomnia and colds. People are also known to take ginseng to protect them from the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation. - 17273

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Pure Acai Berry Review: A Common Name For A Very Uncommon Brand

By Travis Van Slooten

This Pure Acai Berry review is not necessarily intended to sell you on the company or its products. Don't get me wrong, if you're in the market for acai supplements then I hope after reading this review you'll understand why I recommend them, but my primary goal is to give you some information about the company and their products so you can make your own decision.

First of all, let me establish that in this article, we will be reviewing the ?real? Pure Acai Berry. There have been several less credible companies using the same name as a selling point, so I want to make it clear that the real Pure Acai Berry company is not connected to any of these companies with the same name but which may associated with scams. The tag line ?Pure Acai Berry? is being used in a wide range of product names and promoters, but this Pure Acai Berry review will be referring solely to a new and reliable company which was started only in the fall of 2009.

For sure, you've heard of the phrase "Pure Acai Berry" before, either as an acai brand name or as a tagline. But the company and product behind this Pure Acai Berry is not just any other acai berry brand. For one, you won't see this company offering any free trials any time soon. Free acai offers are usually a red flag for a scam. And not only that, Pure Acai Berry also gives one of the most reliable guarantees in the acai industry. It is one of only a handful of acai supplement brands that come with a 180-day "total satisfaction" guarantee. If you're not completely happy with the product, you get your money back, no questions asked. All you need to do is send back the unused product and pay a small fee.

The company itself is located in the U.K. and ships world-wide - for free. Since they have numerous facilities across the world, you can order from them and get your product from a local shipper. So if you live in the U.S. you can still get free shipping and you will not have to wait long for your delivery because they have state-side shipping facilities. The company is very established and visible, not just a P.O. box that you order from anonymously. Hopefully, by this point in the Pure Acai Berry review, you are feeling comfortable enough to consider the company for your business.

As far as the acai supplements are concerned, there is even less to worry about as the products are of high quality. The company lives up to its name, hence it only sells products that are from pure and organic acai berry, sourced from the Amazon jungles in Brazil. In every recommended serving of 3 capsules, you get all the needed nutrients packed in 1500 mg of pure acai to keep you in top shape. If you've done your reading on the benefits of acai, you would know of the high antioxidant level and all other nutritional advantages that it can offer. Among the touted benefits of acai is weight loss but to be realistic about it, there really is no evidence as yet to support this belief. And that's where Pure Acai Berry comes in with a hitch.

As mentioned, the claim on acai as an aid to weight loss has yet to be proven and many customers who opt to take acai as a standalone key to shed off the excess weight end up disappointed. And because of the marketing approach that the company has decided to take, this group of disappointed supplement takers could include those who try Pure Acai Berry. Just like most other companies in the industry, Pure Acai Berry seems to be claiming that their products can help you lose weight because it speeds up metabolism. While there may be some truth to this, there is sill no conclusive study to back up this claim. Personally, I never encourage consumers to trust natural supplements as a sole primary aid to weigh loss because the reality is that supplements will never succeed as a standalone. Rather, they should be considered as a support system for a low-fat diet and a regular exercise.

Now to address my doubts as to this weight loss hype that they have promoted, I talked to a company official and they did say that while they have 100% confidence in their product, anyone looking to shed off some pounds still needs to maintain a healthy diet, exercise, and load up on water. It's good to have that cleared up but I'm still wondering why they don't just include that advice on their site so as not to mislead consumers. If it's there at all, it should be prominently displayed. If you visit the site and scan the info given, you would really think that once you take the supplement, you are sure to lose weight, even if you make no changes to your eating and exercise habits. Now we now know that this isn't true, so just ignore the hype. What's important is that you still get a top-quality and pure acai product.

The company is solid and the product they sell is of very high quality, but you will have to have a reasonable set of expectations from the product. Think of the supplement as a great way to boost your already healthy lifestyle and if you should happen to get additional bonuses from taking it, that's just icing on the cake. - 17273

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Supplement Your Workout With These Muscle Building Techinques

By Larry Floyd

Weight lifting, for it to be useful should include some helpful muscle building techniques. Though you should remember that these techniques cater to experienced body builders who have achieved limits with their workouts. The following techniques are drop sets, super sets and negatives.

The drop set technique involves forcing your body to keep lifting non stop, every time reducing the amount of weight you carry. As an example, you may do some military press at 100 pounds for 10 repetitions and then continue to lift at 90 for 10 reps and so on.

There are some extremists that actually go to the point of dropping 10 pounds at a time until they are left with just the bar. These are of course extreme cases and are only practiced by advanced body builders. This is a very successful muscle building technique.

The next effective technique are supesets. They are essentially two or more workouts performed back to back, targeting opposite muscle groups with no rest between the workouts. These kinds of exercises shock your muscles with the amount of work and effort they involve, resulting in an effective muscle increase.

An example would be performing bicep curls followed by some tricep extensions or bench press followed by some single arm dumbbell row for your back. You could construct your own superset as long as the muscles you are working on are complement of each other.

The final technique called negatives are the most effective of the three. A negative is what most people don't think when they are weight lifting. When you lift weights and you push the weights away from you, your muscles contract and do a positive. As soon as you release the weight, you are now doing a negative. You in fact work the tendons more in a negative movement than you do a positive. This is the reason why I consider negatives as the best muscle building technique. This on the other hand makes it the most challenging technique to execute.

To summarize, weight lifting involves some good technique as well as any other sport. You are not limited to the three summarized above but those are what I think the most useful techniques. I wouldn't advise this for beginners as they might be shocked by the amount of effort they require. Nonetheless, you can opt to try the techniques for a day with the help of a trainer and see how your body reacts to the exercise. - 17273

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Top Quality Hair Care

By Cindy Myers

Falling hair, balding scalp, thousands of remedies and confusion on what to use. This is a problem plaguing millions of men and women around the globe. Be it the new hair care product that your favorite multinational giant has introduced, or a simple homemade remedy your grandmother suggested, we need to know what will work for our hair type. In this trial and error process we begin to eliminate what does not work, but at what cost?

To maintain our hair we must first understand what type of hair we have. It can be dry or oily or both in patches. Then we can use hair care products accordingly. If we are already blessed with thick and naturally healthy hair there is no need to use hair care products unnecessarily just because your favorite TV channel advertises so. However maintenance of healthy hair is necessary and can be achieved by keeping scalp clean and using protein based conditioners and also following healthy eating habits and diets.

Naturopathy suggests home remedies for hair care. Did you know that a mixture of egg yolk and honey combined and applied on the scalp is supposed to be good for dry hair. Hot oil massaged on the scalp increases circulation at the hair roots and prevents hair loss. With so much accent on styling, the so called hair color and streaks and gels brings with it all the ill effects of chemicals which destroy the hair roots and result in severe hair loss.

An array of hair styling equipments has emerged. Lifestyles have changed and more women feel the need to socialize especially in the corporate sectors. Hence they are always looking for something different to do with the hair. Hair care products like hair dryers, curlers, hair irons and mousse and gel are constantly being used by men and women and this adds to the woes of hair loss.

Healthy nutrition and diet is important for hair care. Dry care is often caused due to unhealthy food habits. Under nourished hair roots makes the hair dry and break. Natural hair care remedy for dry hair recommends weekly conditioning of hair. Egg yolk or yogurt with honey and coconut milk applied to the scalp conditions the hair well.

Finally good hair care involves keeping the hair clean and preventing it form clogging due to sweat. Washing the hair regularly and using conditioner leaves the hair silky and smooth. - 17273

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If You're In Search For A Weight Loss Program That Will Never Ask You To Diet, Then Take It With Combat The Fat

By Leroy Dee Zedrick

Are you tired of the weight loss promises you encountered before? The truth is that approximately all of the weight loss programs and products don't work. Stop, that was before because with Combat the Fat, there'll be no more false promises.

This Combat the Fat weight loss program was introduced by Jeff Anderson, an expert of the armed forces and he used to be a US military master fitness trainer and weight control specialist. This program was based from military fat burning system which can be used by everyday people. Jeff Anderson's five fat burning approach used by the US army are: focus on building up muscles instead of the usual fat loss approach, not giving up the foods you love, to master your body weight in order to burn fat, no diets needed, and failure should never be an option.

It might be something very different from all the weight loss programs you had before. But sooner you'll find out how Combat the Fat works, without doing a trick. Be assured that you will never be upset in losing weight again.

First: We might not know it but the body has natural fat burning machines which can burn our fats naturally if we only know what to do. Trained properly, it will help increase the metabolism in our body and will and make us develop muscles instead of fats.

Second: We should also take note that our bodies naturally crave for fats and sugars and these are essential for our health. But sometimes because of dieting, we lose these natural elements and without them, we will not be able to function well. Our fats will not be lost in a natural and healthy way.

Third: The third important thing in this Combat the fat program is mastering our body weight, we should master it in order to know how to exactly deal with it. Body weight exercises such as sit-ups and push-ups stir up the central nervous system and helps turn on fat loss. Mastering our body weights will help make it easy for us to set out our work out and start gaining muscles while losing those weights.

Fourth: Foods are not the main reason for gaining weight, it's more on how we do something about it, so don't diet. Diets don't really work instead it might even be the cause of weight gain. They don't work because the body needs the right balance of foods including fats and carbohydrates to burn fat and cause us stay healthy.

Lastly: Failure should not be an option in order to lose weight. Combat the Fat is a program that's created for everyone, so this will surely work for you. With Combat the Fat, you'll be ready to say goodbye to fats while you gain muscles.

So many programs don't work and you maybe one of those people who have been frustrated. Don't worry because with Combat the Fat, you will surely burn those stubborn fats. Be assured that Combat the Fat is the fat burning program you have long been wishing for. - 17273

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Reishi Extract and Cancer

By Markho Rafael

Reishi is the most searched medicinal mushroom on the Internet, used in China for at least two millennia as a panacea to alleviate things from everyday nuisances like the common cold or skin disorders to terminal conditions such as cancer.

One of the strongest proponents for the use of reishi as a medicinal mushroom is Dr. Fukumi Morishige. He works with the Linus Pauling Institute of Science & Medicine on treating cancer with reishi.

The following case reports were given by Dr. Morishige in a speech re-printed in the periodical, Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III.

Growing up in Japan as Dr. Morishige did, it was impossible not to have heard of reishi. But he dismissed it as a mild herbal remedy to be used with limited results for non-terminal illnesses, not as a viable option for treating terminal conditions such as cancer. His curiosity arose when two of his cancer patients showed signs of remission, which they themselves claimed were due to their use of reishi.

First was a 39-year-old woman with lung carcinoma. The hospitals she had visited all told her she was too far gone and there was nothing they could do to help her. As a serious secondary complication, she also exhibited chest cavity edema. None-the-less, by the time she had her first appointment with Dr. Morishige, the symptoms of her illness had disappeared. The woman credited her recovery to the use of reishi, which her husband had administered to her at 4 grams per day.

The second case was a young boy suffering from congenital liver cancer. At the age of 5, his attending physician determined that the condition was terminal and discontinued any further treatment. At 9 years of age, the boy's parents brought him to see Dr. Morishige who could then find no remaining traces of the cancer. The parents explained to Dr. Morishige that they had been feeding their son reishi via a naso-gastric tube. It was at this point Dr. Morishige determined that reishi's effect on cancer deserved further study.

Below are five cases using reishi in combination with Vitamin C (to prevent side effects):

Case 1: A 70-year-old male patient who had lost consciousness due to a 5 cm (2 in.) brain tumor was administered 6 gm of reishi per day starting in June of 1986. By September, he had regained consciousness. He continued to take reishi orally after regaining consciousness, now 3 gm/day. By December of that same year, brain scans showed the tumor had diminished in size. Once the size of the tumor had been reduced to 1 cm, the patient was released from the hospital and returned to live with his family.

Case 2: A 50-year-old woman who had lung cancer and was coughing up blood was put on 6 grams of reishi per day. After six months, the tumor had disappeared. At the onset of treatment, she was unable to climb stairs. At the end, she was able to climb stairs with little effort.

Case 3: Patient with breast cancer metastasized to bones was in excruciating pain and unable to move below the head. She was put initially on 9 gm of reishi per day, which was later increased to 20 gm/day. After two months she reported as pain free and was released from hospital after demonstrating progress in her ability to walk.

Case 4: A male patient with rectal cancer and liver metastasis began using 6 gm of reishi per day. After six months, CT scans showed diminished tumor size and patient demonstrated improved general health.

Case 5: A patient with pancreatic cancer and short life prognosis was put on 9 grams of reishi per day, orally, and 30 grams of Vitamin C, intravenously. Twelve months later, he reported that he longer experienced any symptoms and was back to work. He said he'd continued taking 5 grams per day of reishi after leaving the hospital.

Note: This article is provided for informational purposes only. The product mentioned herein has not been approved by the FDA for use in treating cancer. Never use this or any other herb to treat a life-threatening disease without consulting a licensed physician.

Reference: Morishige, Fukumi, 1987. Chinese Traditional Medicine Part III, Page 12 - 23, ISBN4-88580-053-6 C-0077 - 17273

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The Acai All Natural Weight Loss Diet

By Bryan Hooper

The Acai Weight Loss Diet is the perfect all natural alternative to the usual weight loss pills that are widely available. Most of the diet supplements and pills found in marketplaces are made of stimulants, like ephedra and cafeine. The side effects of these stimulants are sleep loss, a nervous and wired feeling and anxiety. These pills also contain toxins.

There are powerful acai supplements available that are being used for weight loss that are shaking up the diet industry. The acai berry has a very high antioxidant content and has no toxins and no harmful side effects. It also contains lots of fiber,vitamins and essential fatty acids. The antioxidants in the Acai weight loss pills make it possible to gently cleanse your colon while removing toxins from your body.

The consumption of antioxidants is essential for repairing the damage done by the free radicals that infiltrate our bodies every day. The antioxidants protect our bodies and boosts our immune system.

The antioxidants that we take in perform wonders for our bodies.They accelerate the repair process and they disable the attack of the free radicals. The benefits besides weight loss are a strong immune system that can protect us from virus and diseases.

Although Acai has a quantity of other benefits such as reducing the aging process and helping cell recovery. The weight loss properties of acai berry can be largely explained by the increased metabolic rate it causes. This happens because of the very huge amount of antioxidants it contains.This leads to faster fat breakdown, increases energy levels and fights fatigue. Combined, these things make the process of losing weight faster and easier without any side effects usually associated with synthetic chemicals.

Other benefits reported from the acai supplements are lower blood pressure, better sleep, lowered cholestorol, and gently eliminates chemicals and toxins that are stored in the colon. The high fiber content balances and mends the digestive system, while gently cleaning the colon system.

It would be wise for everyone to add Acai supplements to your diet. Even if you are not on a diet, you can still benefit from the potent antioxidants in this fruit.

Our bodies are constantly being attacked by toxins and free radicals, wouldn't you like to give your body a chance to fight back with the worlds most powerful antioxidant?

Visit my website to learn more about Antioxidants and weght loss. - 17273

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The Significance of Physical Fitness Tests

By Jesse Regan

This one of those tests that you should not fear and, in fact should take for your healths sake. A physical fitness test will only oblige you, after all, to do exercises that would serve as measuring instruments for your agility, endurance and stability, which are the four aspects that physical fitness consists of. You will be required to undergo such test if you join institutions that give importance to your physical abilities. If you join the army or the police, you will definitely require you to be fit. If you want to become an athlete, your team or club will normally ask you to do the test.

Endurance is usually tested through cardiovascular exercises such as jogging for several distances or running stationary on the treadmill for a given period. Lifting weights or by simply doing push-ups and pull-ups that deal with body weight alone is the usual tests for measuring strength. Agility and flexibility are often displayed through short sprints and runs through an obstacle course. The ideal physical fitness test would have all four factors included in order to find out in which area would one need to develop.

Through a physical fitness test, one is able to point out his strengths and weaknesses. Because there are different routines to be done depending on the four factors, one can see which area he must develop. Of course, one can start a fitness program even without it. However, he may just be putting emphasis on the areas he already is good in while neglecting those that needs to be developed.

After a conclusion is reached regarding ones fitness in the different factors, a fitness program can be designed or developed to suit ones condition. If the test shows that one has to work more on his endurance, then his fitness program would naturally put emphasis on cardiovascular training. If his strength, on the other hand, needs to be enhanced then weight training would be given importance. This does not, however, mean that other routines will no longer be necessary.

These fitness tests are also employed to check on the conditions of patients. Doctors consider these as part of diagnostic testing, requiring patients to execute several exercises so that they can monitor the function of the heart and the lungs. They observe a patients blood pressure and pulse rate as he deals with the treadmill for a specified period. Patients who have been operated for bone fractures and muscle injuries are sometimes asked to do minor weightlifting so that they can determine the level of recovery.

Physical fitness tests have become part of most schools curriculum and requirement. This is necessary in order to find out the physical condition of every student and to create a suitable fitness program, especially giving consideration to those who have physical limitations. This has even more become important today as the cases of obesity among primary and high school students have increased at alarming rates. To introduce the youth to an active and healthy lifestyle, fitness tests have to be conducted regularly.

Now you have an idea about what information on fitness you can find online. - 17273

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