Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Vemma Mangosteen Juice as a Thyroid Natural Remedy

By Julieanne van Zyl

Taking Vemma Mangosteen Juice may alleviate the symptoms of an under active thyroid gland. The symptoms may be extreme tiredness, dry skin, weight gain, irritability, memory loss and some other physical conditions. However, the worst thing with an under active thyroid gland is the trouble taking off weight even when you're on a low calorie diet and you frequently exercise. Even if you are getting thyroid hormone replacements, you may still find that your metabolism is a lot lower than what it was before.

There's good news though - you can increase your metabolism and treat your thyroid problems naturally. You can give your thyroid the energy it needs, with these natural methods and it can start functioning properly.

The most important way to increase your metabolism, is not to skip meals, especially breakfast. Breakfast is the meal that kick starts your metabolism started for the day. Your body has been starving all night, which lowers your metabolism, so breakfast will get it going again. Also, it's better to consume several smaller meals during the day to keep your glucose levels the same.

To boost your metabolism and help your body function properly, water is essential. Water promotes healthy function of all your vital organs and helps keep your hormones balanced and it also helps to burn fat.

To promote a healthy thyroid, it is important to follow a healthy diet. Don't eat junk foods or empty calories. Ensure that you consume foods that are rich in iodine and B vitamins. It's important to consume more whole grains, seeds and nuts, and include fish and root vegetables in your daily diet.

Another important thing for a healthy thyroid, is to exercise. It will make you slimmer and make all parts of your body work better.. The body parts that will improve with exercise, include the glands that produce the hormones we need to live a balanced healthy life.

A high quality multi vitamin will also help your thyroid in functioning properly. It's important when purchasing a good multi vitamin to avoid purchasing them in the discount drug chains. They produce in bulk multi-vitamins, such as Centrum, and these do not have the bio-availability or potency that you require.

Look for a multi-vitamin that has adequate levels of minerals and vitamins, and contains trace minerals also. Ensure the multi-vitamin is as natural as possible without additives such as coloring and flavors. It's also important to take some extra vitamin C, or make sure the supplement has higher amount of Vitamin C than the recommended daily allowance.

Another critical factor for a healthy thyroid, is to look after stress. Try to eliminat the stressors from your life and teach yourself relaxation techniques. Practice meditation, yoga, tai chi or other relaxation.

See your medical practitioner for an accurate diagnosis, if you think you have hypothryoidism. The medical practitioner may want to run more extensive blood tests besides just a TSH. Try some of the above methods to get your thyroid into tip-top shape, if you do have a thyroid condition. - 17273

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Weight Loss Surgery Best Method for Weight Loss or Dangerous?

By Dr. Steve Atwater

If you have been watching your weight go up and you are worried about the rising pounds, you may be wondering whether weight loss surgery really works. Is it possible to prevent future weight gain by putting yourself on a well-known weight loss surgical operation? Visit Bariatric Surgery ![I:0:J]

Today, bariatric surgeries are slowly gaining acceptance when it comes to losing weight. Many health experts say that patients who are overly obese would normally require some surgical operations.

The greatest advances in the medical care of weight loss patients using medical weight loss procedures has taken place in last decade. You should not be fearful of the operation itself because high medical standards are now in place in every surgical operation.

Health experts contend that bariatric surgery is a "major surgery." So don't think it is easy.

One of the most common reasons why people would like to lose weight is to enhance their looks. However, it should not be the primary motivation for undergoing a bariatric weight loss surgery.

Living Life Longer

Weight loss surgery was developed to help individuals who are morbidly obese to live longer, better lives. That is why it is vitally for a bariatric patient to meticulously keep track of his or her medical situation, do some research about these procedures, and make the best choice for his or her long term health.

Moreover, it is important to gather further information about bariatric weight loss surgery by consulting an experienced and knowledgeable bariatric surgeon or even just an expert family physician who knows the pros and cons of weight loss surgery.

In addition, the patient should also consult the other health experts such as the psychiatrist and dietitian with regards to some psychological advices on long-term goals after the operation.

The results of the weight loss operation may still vary depending on the clinical information of the patient and the skills of the bariatric surgeon. So following the instruction of the doctor is important.

Normally, the bariatric patient will be able to lose at least 30% to a maximum of 50% during the first six months after surgery; and within the year after the operation, the patient has the potential of losing weight up to a maximum of 77%. Best of all, people who were able to loss weight through surgical operations can actually maintain a continuous weight loss of up to 50% to 60% in the next 10 to 14 years after surgery.

As with the other weight loss management programs, there are many factors to consider before the patient should decide to undergo weight loss surgery. The actual weight that will be lost is reliant on the weight before surgery, surgical procedure, patients age, capability to exercise, total health condition of the patient.

If you have just put on a little extra weight and want to avoid more weight gain, these surgeries offer you better health in the long run. But be careful, weight loss can creep back up.

Therefore, it can be concluded that losing weight is not just a question of deciding to be strong-willed and determined or upbeat and positive. Lifestyle changes are where it is at for long-term success with your weight especially after weight loss surgery. The bariatric surgery cost can be much higher than the surgery if you do things wrong, it can mean your life. - 17273

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When Sports Champions Need Energy this is What They Eat

By Marcus C. Evans

What is the similarity between Chris friend, the Runner-up ISA Amateur World Surfing Champion and Layne Beachley, World Surfing Champion? The first similarity is that both of them love their chosen sport. The second is that like many other athletes, these two also agree that part of their success is due to the power and strength they got by consuming acai berry.

Originally from the Amazon rain forests, the acai berry is now becoming popular all over the world. In Brazil, where it is grown, the acai berry has been enjoying the love and respect of all top-notch athletes. It is one of the best foods to help these athletes do wonders. It can be equally helpful to you too.

The acai berry is a favourite of most sportsmen due to a number of reasons. The first among them is that it acts as a powerful energy enhancer. Everyone who consumes it finds a boost in the energy level.

With this berry, your system gets some caffeine without the sugary soda found in many other awfully coloured sports drinks. Even the food that your body receives is processed more efficiently with the acai berry. While following any regime, you want your body to work efficiently and provide maximum output. The acai berry is the right solution if you want to get most out of your food to achieve this.

Anyone who is looking for a natural energy boost can get it from this natural super food of the Amazon; it's not just for athletes. Long used by the tribesmen of Brazil for centuries, it is a natural food that is a great source of anti-oxidants, used in many anti-aging products.

This berry is a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 etc. These nutrients take care of providing you high energy levels throughout the day. Not only that, with the help of fibre and protein provided by acai berries, your body will also find it easier to repair the body damage that takes place every day.

People who are interested in making sure that their bodies do not age prematurely find that the acai berry is an impressive resource when it comes to helping fight off arthritis and other types of swelling. Thanks to the fact that you will also find that minerals calcium and potassium in the berry, you will be able to help strengthen your bones and keep your skin looking young and resilient. Many people find that not long after they start enjoying this berry they are feeling healthier, fresher and much more ready to take on the world!

There are plenty of stressors out there that we didn't have to deal with a few years ago, and modern life in Australia can have its challenges. The acai berry makes you feel like you can deal with these and move on. Many Australians are learning that this berry is a great-tasting way to get the essential vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that your body needs for a boost, so don't miss your chance to try it! - 17273

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Juvenile Diabetics Get Benefits from a Fish

By Michael Byrd

Sometimes big problems just need simple solutions. Isn't that great? According to the latest research, there is a very simple solution that can help in the prevention of juvenile diabetes for children all over the world ? and this simple solution is known as salmon!

Children who take in cod liver oil (don't worry, we will get to salmon later) while they are still young, have lesser chances of developing juvenile diabetes, 25% more than those who do not get such supplements. This study of the Norwegian Institute of Health has also been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Scientist have this belief that we get such results because the inflammation reducing capabilities of omega 3 fatty acids in some fishes with high amounts of EPA and DHA. Phew! That was quite a mouthful, but they can really work wonders. And salmon happens to be the highest source of EPA and DHA. (Now I told you I'd get to the salmon!)

There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. With both types, the person is not able to produce sufficient amounts of insulin and this causes blood sugar problems. Adults usually get the type 2 diabetes while children get the type 1. But recently, there has been an alarming rise of children also getting the type 2 diabetes because of a poor lifestyle health habit.

The type 1 diabetes, or also referred to as juvenile diabetes, is the type that is known to affect children and adolescents. They usually need daily injections of insulin as their body is not able to produce normal amounts of insulin. From time to time complications may arise due to the daily injections of insulin. Around 80% of patients end up having major eye damage within 15 years from being insulin dependent. Others get kidney failure and often need a dialysis to survive. Also, 35% of type 1 diabetics suffer from heart attacks even before their mid-fifties.

Don't you thing that it is great that omega 3 fish can rescue them? But hey this is not the first time. For two decades now, research has been conducted and has proven that EPA and DHA have lots of health benefits and among it is the positive result it can provide to type 2 diabetics. The latest study now shows that omega 3 fish oil may also prevent the type 1 diabetes. This may make you want you kiss a fish. (Or perhaps not!)

Cold water fish like cod and salmon contains EPA and DHA. The Arctic Ocean water is a great source of salmon which contains the purest and most potent omega 3 oil. Since the usual cause of type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, the anti-inflammatory properties found in omega 3 fish oils is said to be what has convinced scientists that fish oil can help juvenile diabetics.

Mothers who take in fish oil during pregnancy and lactation give their babies life-long of health benefits. The EPA and DHA in fish oil improve the baby's nervous system, hearing and vision. Omega 3 fish oil is also essential in the development of a baby's brain and produces intelligent babies according to research.

If you want to have a smart, strong and healthy child, I recommend that you make sure your family has plenty of cold water fish in their diet and add high amounts of omega 3 salmon oil to it. - 17273

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Lose Weight Using These Diet Tips

By John O'Conner

Make provision to lose 10 pounds! By paying attention to the amount of food you eat, eliminating unnecessary sugar and fat from your foods and making sure you include absolutely delicious meals and snacks to keep your taste buds happy.

A manageable balanced and flexible weight loss program is best. Make provision to focus on the first 10 pounds of weight loss and the rest will follow.

You need to lose weight by keeping track of what you eat. Cut out fats by eliminating butter, margarine, mayonnaise, oil from your sandwiches and food preparations. You don't have to write down the calorie count, but write down what you eat.

Use skim milk and make a habit to drink tea. If you insist on using whole milk at least use two percent milk in your diet. This helps cutting down on your fat intake.

Be certain to include legumes, peanut, cottage cheese, chicken, fish, eggs or yogurt. Try to cut back on your sugar treats to a few times a week max. Eat one or more meatless lunches and dinners each week.

Eat at least two servings of fresh fruit every day. Choose whatever type of fruit is in season. Instead of fruit juice for breakfast or snack, drink water. Add a slice of lemon or lime for zest. Include two servings of vegetables with lunch and dinner, for a total of at least four servings per day.

Choose one to two servings of foods made from whole grains with every meal. Shut off the TV whenever you eat meals and snacks. Studies show that we automatically eat larger portions when we snack in front of the tube, and typically those foods are high in fat and sugar, which means excess calories!

Choose calories you can chew that means only calorie-free beverages (except for milk). Sodas are rife with empty calories, and fruit juices provide less fiber and vitamins per calorie than the fruit they're made from. Plan ahead for meals and snacks so you know exactly what you plan to eat. Last-minute choice tends to be higher in calories and lower in satisfaction. - 17273

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Fish Oil Supplements as Treatment Options for Dyslexia

By Michael Byrd

Fish oil supplements and dyslexia have something that binds them.

What's generally described as a disability is believed by most to be a nutritional disorder. And although incorporating fish oil into the diet may not be called a "cure' for dyslexia, it certainly will make a large difference.

Dyslexia and fish oil supplements can be properly managed during pregnancy and the nursing period. To make sure that you prevent further problems, it would be good if the baby gets adequate doses of omega 3 fatty acids from the mom.

Hundreds of studies have confirmed that fish oil is equally important in the development of the child's brain.

Studies indicate that children born to mothers who eat adequate amounts of oily fish or take fish oil supplements are less likely to have ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia and a host of many developmental disorders.

That is wonderful news for those who are planning to have more kids. However, what if you already have a kid who has dyslexia?

Well, there's positive news for you as well. Research on omega 3 fish fatty acids shows great promise for children with dyslexia- as well as for adults.

It seems that almost all studies made about dyslexia begin by stating a widely-accepted fact, that developmental dyslexia is related to a deficiency of highly unsaturated fatty acids, which are exactly the same fatty acids seen in fish. And this surely indicates something about the disorder.

In a study made at the Oxford University Laboratory of Physiology, and also published in Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, it was noted that "children with high fatty acid deficiency ratings showed poorer reading and lower general ability" than children who did not have the deficiency.

The researchers also went on to add that the results of their study "support the conclusion that fatty acid deficiency may add to the severity of dyslexia" [Vol. 63:69-74]

Okay, so is there anything specific about dyslexia and fish oil supplements?

Here's wonderful news. Our buddies at the Laboratory of physiology have indicated through their research that dyslexia can be corrected, specifically through taking omega 3 fatty acid fish oil supplements.

The research findings are supported by other studies as well. For instance, S.M. Baker indicated in the Journal Of learning Disabilities that children with dyslexia have shown improved schoolwork after being treated with fatty acids. [Vol. 18:581-584]

B. J Stordy also wrote in Lancet that there was a normalization of visual deficits in dyslexic adults after being supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids. [Vol. 346:385]

What makes this particularly of importance is that visual deficits are noted to be a major component of dyslexia.

I'm sold with this! Yet it's funny that scientists continue to say that they need more research on this subject. I suspect they'll lose their research grants if ever they reveal THE answer. Therefore, they always leave an option for more funding.

However, if you have a family member who has to deal with dyslexia, wait no further. Begin by increasing your kid's intake of omega 3 fish oil.

And based on research done, I'd say that someone suffering from dyslexia needs to make sure that they get 1 to 4 grams daily. - 17273

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Foods That Can Burn Fats

By Thomas Moore

Want to lose weight the natural way? Then get to know now what are the fat burning foods that could help you burn your excess and stubborn fats naturally to get started with your quest.

When you go for fat burning foods, you will surely lose weight the natural way. You won't need anymore to take those fat loss pills and supplements widely promoted nowadays. But of course, you need to be disciplined and do some exercises. Some weight loss programs may help you eventually.

Right now, there is good list of fat burning foods. These foods are believed to burn more calories than the calorie content of the food itself, thus fighting stored fat. At this point, fat burning foods are as follows:

* Foods with chillies or red chillies - these can greatly help as chillies actually contain capsaicin that is good for increasing metabolism.

* Vitamin C rich fruits - include oranges, limes, lemons, tangerines, guava, and grapefruit. These fruits are known for having fat burning properties that cause dilution of fat. These fruits have been known as fat burning foods, and also as fat burners or fighters.

* Apples and Berries - have great fat burning properties. From apples, it is believed that Pectin can be enjoyed. Pectin was discovered to help in absorbing water from the food which helps in releasing the fat deposits from the body as well as restrict the cells to absorb the fat.

* Dairy products - include cheese, milk and yogurt at most. Calcium in these products was discovered to increase fat breakdown in fat cells, thus helps in boosting weight loss. Discovery was the product of effort and hard work of Michael Zemel, a Professor of Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Tennessee.

* Vegetables - include asparagus, cabbage, carrot, beet root, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. These are popular fat burners as of today. All have great burning properties.

* Nuts - act like fuel so the body can burn fat according to Jordi Salas-Salvado of the University of Rovira i Virgili. Eating nuts will make a person full, so lesser tendency for a that person to overeat

Foods aforementioned are the foods that according to some studies can burn fats. They have the potential to burn fats, but of course success will still depend on the person. Nonetheless, these foods must be accompanied by exercise to make most out of their burning potential. - 17273

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Investing in an Elite Juicer for the Family

By Aaron Benjamin

Everyone wants to take better care of themselves these days. A juicer is an important way to introduce healthy foods into your diet every day. You can find many different brands of juicers in stores and online. The Breville juicer has become one of the biggest selling juicers. If you are happy with your choice of juicer then you are more likely to use it and enjoy the health benefits it gives you.

The Breville JE900 Juice Fountain is the best juicer you can buy according to the thousands who have bought it and the retailers who sell it. The Breville 800jexl fountain elite is ideal for anyone who has the highest standards for juicers and wants only the best juicer to combine with the best fruit to get the best juice. These juice fountains are even better than any juicer that you will find in a professional juice bar.

In addition, the Breville JE900 Juice Fountain requires considerably less upkeep time in comparison to rival juicers on the market. It also works more effectively and produces twice as much juice when it does its job. It performs with less preparation and is quicker and easier to clean, and it is even safer for you to use than earlier versions.

The workings are manufactured out of zinc and stainless steel. This, together with the fact that it lasts for a long time and is highly attractive, indicates that the Breville juicing machine is built to serve you over the long haul. The JE900 model was created for home use, but has the power of an commercial juicer with regard to the amount of juice it extracts from firm vegetables as well as soft and easily-squeezable fruits.

The Breville JE900 Juice Fountain has a very wide array of features. These include a plunging utensil to force whole vegetables and fruit through the wide feed tube as well as a 3.5 liter slide-out pulp holder which has facility to accommodate a large amount of pulp as well as an easily cleanable configuration to make certain that cleaning up afterwards is hassle free. All of these features make this a juicer that is very easy to clean. The cleaning of the micro-mesh screen is aided by the inclusion of a nylon bristle brush.

This is a superior option if you wish to purchase a high-level juicer at a reasonable price. Even though it doesn't use endorsements from movie, TV, or sports stars, the Breville juice machine has gained great prominence and is now one of the best selling alternatives available. For those who have never used a juicer or simply wish to upgrade, this is the right answer if you want the advantages of fresh-squeezed, nourishing juice at any time of day. - 17273

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