Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Juicer Recipes For Beginners

By John Chan

It is not uncommon to make the decision to buy a juicer because you want to take the steps toward a healthier lifestyle. And while juicing is a great way to supply your body with the necessary nutrition required for vibrant living, it can be confusing when you don't know where to start. If you are not normally a fruits and vegetable person, it can get difficult knowing what ingredients to use when you don't know whether you would enjoy the taste.

To find juicer recipes, there are a lot of books written on the subject as well as free online resources. Just do a search and you will find more recipes than you can wrap your head around. Pick out a few recipes that are simple and use common ingredients that you are familiar with.

By starting with ingredients that you already like eating, you can introduce yourself to juicing recipes without too much shock to your taste buds. And then you can expand from there. Simple recipes that combine a few of your favorites make the best start. Then find a recipe that adds one new ingredient and so forth.

For many people who are just getting into the habit of juicing, fruit juice is easier because it is sweet and the taste more closely resembles common foods than vegetable juices which can be an acquired taste depending on the ingredients used. So, just take it easy and experiment with different fruits and vegetables as you get comfortable with your current juicer recipes.

Carrots make up the base of most vegetable juicing recipes and go great with most greens because they are considered among the sweet vegetables to contrast the other vegetables taste. Juice carrot, celery, beetroot, and cucumber together for a delicious and nutritious treat.

There are some juicer recipes that are neither fruit juices nor vegetables juices, but a combination of both. One such recipes calls for carrots and oranges to be juiced in combination with tomato and apples. These fruits and vegetables create the perfect complement to each others flavors. It uses common ingredients so there are no strange tastes but a blend to get you used to other vegetables tastes you will experience in the future.

The important thing about juicing, or just eating in general for that matter, is variety. Mix up the ingredients each time and try new juicer recipes. Expand this practice to your solid food world as well and try foods you never tried before. This helps you to digest a variety of nutrients that you may never know you were deprived of. - 17273

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Using Superfoods To Aid Your Weight Loss

By Jane Larose

Many weight loss products are out in the market right now. These seems to be giving people with wait loss issues some hope that they would lose those pounds they have been trying to lose for sometime. However, people also need to beware about some of the negative effects that weight loss products could do to their body. It is always important that before anyone takes on any of these products, they review all the positive and negative effects of using such.

A wonderful product from acai palm trees found in many parts of Central and South America is becoming very popular right now as a weight loss and health supplement. The acai berries, a fruit, is not new to many people. In fact, it has been used in cooking and as a medicinal fruit in countries like Brazil, Peru and Belize. They are often used in recipes for cake, yogurt and many other kinds of desert.

Various companies are now marketing acai berries as a dietary supplement and weight loss product all over the world. It comes in various forms like powder, juice or even as fresh or dried fruit. All this is bringing the benefits of an organic product to many people and even to places where the acai palm tree doesn't grow.

The purpose of the acai berry doesn't end in its weight loss effects. Studies about the fruit revealed that I is also good for human's cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems. Many claims that it can provide increased in energy, healthier and young looking skin and improved sleep. There are also many vitamins and minerals in this product that is good for our health.

The acai berries have high fiber content. This is good in detoxifying the body and flushing out the toxins that thrives in the stomach. With these bad things out of the body, it can absorb more nutrients from the food we eat and improve our digestive process.

There are also anti-oxidants and omega nutrients present in the acai berries that are really good for the heart. The omega-6 and omega-9 present in the product help in lowering the blood cholesterol and there improves blood circulation in the body.

With the countless benefits that acai berries provide to our health, many people deemed it as the SUPER FOOD. Many health professionals are not endorsing this product not only for weight loss but also for overall health. In fact, many TV shows and magazines featured the acai berries.

If you are one of the people who want to lose or maintain weight, you might be interested on how the acai berries would work for you. The good thing about it is it's organic and very minimal preservatives are added to the products marketed. In fact, you can even order acai berries in its natural form and include it in your recipes for a healthier meal.

Just remember that anyone with pre-existing conditions, pregnant or have any health concerns must consult with their physicians first before taking the product. It is currently sold everywhere in the world in health stores or you can also order it through the Internet. - 17273

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What Exactly Is Cancer?

By Mark Alison

Unfortunately, cancer is a fact of life in our world. People die from it every day and there are more kinds than one would like to think about. It seems every time you turn on the news, you hear another item or habit causes this dreadful disease. But what is it really? Why are there so many variations and what is the cause of it?

In a nutshell, cancer is the disease that occurs when your cells go haywire. Usually your cells enjoy a normal life cycle. We all know that the life cycle consists of birth, life, and death. Cancerous cells do not have a normal cycle however. These strange cells grow and grow. A mutation occurs and cells turn into tumors. Our bodies' immune systems will fight these mutating invaders, but the assistance of radiation and other treatments is usually needed due to their rapid spread and the devastation usually caused.

Not all tumors that form from these mutated cells turn into cancer. Some tumors are not cancerous and are called benign. They usually do not spread and can be considered localized. They are not dangerous, unless they keep growing. Benign tumors are many times left alone. They can be removed however to stop growth.

A malignant tumor is what we generally think of when we hear cancer. Malignant tumors continue to grow and spread throughout the body. Infections and illness will spread throughout your blood stream.

Basic treatments for malignant cancer are removal of tissue that's affected and radiation or chemo therapy. Inoperable tumors will get chemo or radiation therapy as they are more effective for these tumors. The radiation will kill the localized cells and the body will dispose of them naturally.

Every year thousands of people donate millions of dollars to cancer research. Unfortunately, there still is real cure. The only hope is that the cancer will go into remission and the patient can live a full life. Cancer that's in remission has great odds coming back to haunt the patient. There are some cervical cancer vaccines on the market currently. Let's hope that more can come out. The only preventative measure is to change high risk behavior.

Hundreds of websites, such as www.canceranswers.info, offer support, information, and research. This has been a boon to survivors and those concerned with the killer disease. - 17273

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What Exactly Is Cancer?

By Mark Allison

Cancer is one of the worst words to hear in the doctor's office. It often brings forth pictures of death and painful treatments. Cancer is one of the top natural killers of humans and there is no real way to stop it. But what is it really?

Under normal circumstances, the human body reproduces cells at a regular rate. Sometimes through outside forces, the DNA of some cells get damage and do not die off like they are supposed to. These reproduce at an unchecked pace and the growth spreads through the body. This is the basic explanation of cancer. Its' typically treated through radiation, chemotherapy, or by removing the infected tissues.

If left untreated, the tissues will keep growing. If the growth is localized and not affecting any other areas, the tumor is benign and harmless. Most benign tumors are left alone unless they are blocking something or for cosmetics reasons. Most benign tumors are treated by removing the affected area.

A malignant tumor is what we generally think of when we hear cancer. Malignant tumors continue to grow and spread throughout the body. Infections and illness will spread throughout your blood stream.

There are three main treatments for cancer. They are the removal of the infected tissue, chemotherapy, and radiation. Chemotherapy and radiation are used mostly on non-operable forms of cancers such as bone marrow cancer. Scientists are continuing to develop and research new treatments all the time.

Unfortunately there is no real cure for cancer, when a patient does have the tumor removed or the cancer is in remission. The odds of it coming back are great. Some cancers do have vaccines, but most do not. The best way to prevent cancer is diet and reduction of high risk behavior.

The Internet has been a boon for cancer researchers, survivors, and those worried about the disease. There are now hundreds of sites, such as www.canceranswers.info, that provide information and support. - 17273

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How To Kill Your Muscle Gain In Sixty Seconds

By Ricardo d Argence

The margin of time that determines muscle building success or failure in the gym is a heck of a lot shorter than you might think. Just as fraction-of-a-second moments during a 100 metre dash will make or break a sprinter's race, fraction-of-a-second moments will also make or break your body's muscle growth response in the gym.

In fact, your entire margin of success in the gym can ultimately be reduced to just a short time span of 60 seconds. That's correct, how you choose to handle a short 60 second time period during your workouts will translate to either poor, mediocre or significant muscle building results.

Let me try to explain. Every set of exercises that you perform in the gym will give you benefits on the last 1-2 reps. Why? Because muscles respond to stress, so, the first reps you perform are nothing but a mechanism to trigger the stress your muscles need to grow.

Reps 1-4 are only performed in order to get to reps 5 and 6. But there's more than meets the eye in that. The last reps you perform in a set actually are the ones that will determine if the results of your workout are or not the results you desire.

The important thing is to overload your muscles in the last reps. Muscles respond to stress, and there is no more stressful moment for your muscles than the moment at the end of your set.

There is simply no better way to trigger your body's adaptive responses than to train until your muscles cannot move the weight another inch. The closer and closer that you can come to muscular failure, the more dramatically your body will respond.

So, if you perform 10 sets per workout, and the last six seconds are the ones that mean success or failure, there you have that 60 seconds i've been talking about. That crucial 60 second will give you, or not, the muscular growth you're looking for.

Then, your succes in the bodybuilding process is measured by the short moments at the end of every single set you perform in the gym.

As long as you can force yourself to train to all out muscular failure, you'll see the best possible results. If you drop the weight 3 or 10 seconds before muscular failure, it will mean a great difference in muscular growth terms.

You have to train really hard and with full effort every single day. When your muscles aches and you can feel they're burning, if you feel the weight really heavy, that's the right moment to give your maximum effort until true muscular failure is reached.

If you can't move the weight another inch, if your muscles ache and you feel them burning, you are going in the right direction to true muscular failure.

That's the right moment to give your maximum effort. If you give up then, if you take a rest, then you are compromising gains. If you don't, you'll achieve the best possible results. - 17273

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Intermittent Fasting Experiences for Dropping Weight and Feeling Great

By John D. Harris Samuel M. Lund William R. Brinker Michael Slots Stetson Hazzlitt Mary Stintson

Intermittent is a weight maintenance method that has been in use since the beginning of time.

In our present time it is not unknown for modern health professionals to perceive that the process of fasting for weight management as being unwise and not healthy for your body. There are some common arguments against fasting but these arguments do not carry much weight with the most up to date weight loss methods. A few of the beliefs against fasting are as follows:

1. Fasting slows down your metabolism so you will not lose weight.

2. Fasting only causes you to lose muscular weight.

3. People always just gain the weight right back after fasting.

Statements like these, along with additional statements have been used for at least the last 150 years. Like many other statements that have been around as long as that, there is more recent scientific knowledge that tends to contradict them. Let me show you three simple examples on the reasons why the statements above are not correct.

1. When fasting you decrease your body metabolism so much that you will not be able to lose any weight.

It is crazy that people agree with things like this. Were a belief like this true then whenever a person stopped eating their body would slow down the metabolism and stop all weight loss. If this really happened it would make it impossible for a person to starve to death! Of course our bodies lose weight while fasting and the truth of the matter is that our bodies need a certain amount of energy each day just to function regularly.

When a person is not eating enough calories to sustain this requirement of their body then the body begins to take energy that is stored in body fat. Each pound of body fat stores 3500 calories. This is the same as saying that if a person wants to lose 1 pound of body fat they must consume 3500 calories less then their body requires just to function.

Fasting works like this. 2000-3000 calories is what the normal person eats in a day. If a normal person went without food for just a single day a week that person would reduce their weekly caloric intake by almost an entire pound of fat.

While it may act to reduce metabolism at first, that very small reduction of metabolism will not have much of an impact at all on slowing down fasting weight loss.

2. Fasting only causes you to lose muscle weight.

Another funny statement if you actually look at the science. While initially the energy is pulled from muscles, it is typically a loss of muscle mass, not actual muscle. This means that your individual muscles will decrease slightly in size as your body pulls energy out of them but that following the breaking of the fast your muscles will very quickly revert to their regular size. Therefore there is no real muscle loss, just a very temporary and very slight loss of muscle mass.

A long, long time ago, back when our ancestors survived by hunting and gathering they were not able to eat everyday. Food did not store very well and it was not readily available. Some days they would find food and some days they would not and the bodies of our ancestors adapted just fine to this lifestyle.

Because of this, when the opportunity to eat presented itself it was natural for our ancestors to eat a very large amount. This would in effect allow the eater to store unused energy in their body fat. Then, when the time came that food was not readily available the body could pull its energy directly from energy storage in fat. Our bodies are truly amazing machines!

It just does not make any sense to think that our bodies would pull body fat from muscle before they would pull the extra needed calories from body fat. We need our muscle to function, while the main purpose of fat is simply to store energy for our bodies. This is what Intermittent fasting teaches and does.

Our early ancestors were able to function just fine on days when they had not had the opportunity to find nourishment because human bodies used calories from fat before they turned to using muscle. It was only after all their body fat, or in other words stored energy were depleted that their bodies would begin to consume their muscle for nourishment. On a normal person today that would take over 50 days of not eating!

3. People that fast to lose weight just gain all the weight back when they finish their fast.

Once again, the best way to consider this statement is to do a simple calculation of calories in, calories out. If an individual does not eat more calories then their body requires, then they simply will not gain the weight back. But, if they eat to much after loosing weight then yes, they will gain weight again, but that is no different then any other weight loss method. - 17273

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Mighty Memory - Ways To Improve Memory

By Chris Jensen

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Without it, learning would be impossible. Without memory, you would repeatedly have the same experiences for the "first time." Memory gives richness to life - the pleasure of happy remembrances as well as the sorrow of unhappy ones. Here are ways to improve memory:

1. Put the information into a rhyme. A good example is the verse that begins, "Thirty days hath September", which helps many people remember the number of days in each month.

2. Provide clues by means of acronyms. Acronyms are words formed from the first letters or syllables of other words. For example, we use the acronym RICE to help us remember the management for sprains or strains, which is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.

3. Use a mental picture. A mental picture can be provided by the key-word method. This is particularly useful in learning foreign words. For example, you want to remember that the German word Gabel means fork. First, you think of a key word in English that sounds like the foreign word. For example, gobble. Next, you connect the two words through a mental image, such as that of a person gobbling food with a fork. From then on, to recall the meaning of Gabel, you would remember gobble and the stored image linking it to fork.

Using rhymes, clues, and mental pictures are generally termed as mnemonic devices.

Mnemonic devices work best for remembering lists of specific items such as words or phrase, and not for learning complex materials such as stories or poems.

They say that the number of patterns of connections of nerve cells in a person's head greatly outnumber the number of stars in the universe. They also say that the great scientific theorist, Albert Einstein just had an average-sized brain. Therefore, we are all capable for greatness. The secret lies in the way we use our brain.

Memory is a vital part of the learning process. Find the ways to improve your memory and discover your limitless potential. - 17273

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Millions of Americans Want to Know - What is Acai Good For?

By Travis Van Slooten

The acai berry has experience a recent explosion in the supplement market, but many people have been left wondering, "What is acai good for?" You will hear plenty of hype about the little berry. People will tout it as a miracle cure for just about everything you can imagine. But you really need to understand the science behind the berry in order to understand what impact it will have upon you. So let's break things down a little.

Combating Free Radicals with Antioxidants

Almost everyone has heard of the wonder of antioxidants and their arch nemesis, the free radical. But it isn't quite so cut and dried. Free radicals are naturally occurring atoms in the body which have unpaired electrons. Free radicals seek out an electron for their pair to be complete, but this may mean they steal their electron from other atoms. This process is required by many of the body's essential functions, such as fighting bacteria. But when people have too many free radicals, they may experience mutations at the cellular level, leading to cancers and atherosclerosis among other problems. Antioxidants simply slow this process and help prevent many of the problems associated with free radicals.

Anthocyanins and The French Paradox

Still looking for more answers to "what is acai good for"? Let's go to a scenario which isn't quite as familiar as antioxidants and free radicals. It's called the French Paradox. For years, health professionals have been baffled as to why the French people, who live on a typical diet of meats and saturated fats, have low incidence of coronary heart disease. It was later found out that the anthocyanins found in red wine that is also a staple among them, was helping to offset their high fat intake. Now where does acai come in in all these? Acai contains a high level of anthocyanins just like red wine, and yet none of the alcohol content.

Shouldn't we stay away from fat?

Not only should you consume fats, you have to. The body requires fat to function. But you must also be aware of the differences in fat. While many Americans consume plenty of saturated fats, the bad kind, they do not get nearly enough unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats, found in acai berries, are known to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol. And they contain omega fatty acids, which the body needs, but cannot produce on its own.

So now you know that there is actually a lot of truth to the said health benefits of acai berry. It's no miracle cure to be sure, but it does contain some of the most important nutrients that our body needs. As more people are looking into the health benefits of this fruit, you can be sure that there will be even better answers the next time you ask - what is acai good for? - 17273

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6 Week Body Makeover - Learning How to Eat Right

By James Kim

Once you discover what type of body you have, you can customize your eating habits accordingly. The 6 Week Body Makeover makes daily eating easy with the Fast Track Menu Card (FTMC). The FTMC categories meals by what type of body you have. Also, you can choose between easy, gourmet and rapid results meal plans. Obviously, gourmet is going to take a longer time to prepare than easy, but the meals are more enjoyable.

This meal plan is for males with a body type "B" who want to use the "gourmet" meal plan. Breakfast consists of spring omelet primavera (with mushrooms, green peppers, onions & fresh basil) & a fresh fruit salad. Lunch consists of luau chicken kebabs - chicken breast skewers with pineapple, peppers, onions, cherry tomatoes & ginger marinade over seasoned rice.

As you read the meal plans, you might think that you are over eating; however, that's the magic of this program. You are encouraged to eat MORE throughout the day. When you eat more you confuse your metabolism into thinking that it does not need to convert food into fat cells for later use. All of the foods are healthy so you won't have to worry about weight gain.

Here is an example of a male body type "D" meal plan using the easy category. You will eat 4 oz. egg whites & 1 cup of oatmeal for breakfast. Mid-morning snack will consist of 4 oz. of lean steak or chicken & cup fruit. You can eat 4-5 oz. of chicken breast, 1 cup of rice & 1 cup of mixed veggies for lunch.

Learning how to eat healthy is more powerful than dieting. Dieting does not work as you will trigger your bodies "starvation mode" effect and your metabolism will actually slow down to prevent starvation. The 6 Week Body Makeover will ensure that you can eat while losing weight. - 17273

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What Makes Acai a Scam? Acai and Free Trial Offers Explained

By Travis Van Slooten

The deluge of free acai trial offers promoted in the internet recently have gotten people asking - Is acai a scam? The old adage may say "All good things in life are free," but it doesn't follow that all free things are good. In fact, in the case of acai supplements, free offers often indicate an acai scam. If you stop to consider it carefully, you will also wonder how the company can possibly earn if so many consumers will just decide to avail of the free trial and not sign up for a regular subscription afterwards.

What is the offer?

At first glance, a free trial offer for acai supplements may sound like a risk-free proposal. Who wouldn't want to be able to try the potential health benefits of acai at no cost at all? This would even sound downright wonderful to those who want to take advantage of the said weight loss effects of acai berry. Many consumers have been lead down the path of deceit because this is how they saw the free acai offer: a harmless gift from a legitimate company. They easily forget how even the most successful food companies only hand out bite-sized samples or offer few sips when promoting a new product because it simply wouldn't pay to give out so much.

What Do They Actually Send Me?

To establish their credibility with you and to keep their "name" intact, you will most likely receive what was promised in the offer. If it's a 30-capsule bottle promised, then you'll get just that. The question however is whether the free sample has any value at all. I wouldn't bet on it. Free acai capsules reportedly valued at $50? Maybe $15 would be nearer to that actual cost.

How do they do it? You will likely still get the 20 or 30 capsules as guaranteed but don't hope in these being of any nutritional value. But in being able to deliver as promised however, you will somehow think that this is a reliable company, and one worthy of your gratitude. After all, who gives away a $50-worth of free items just like that? Also, you will most likely feel some improvement in your overall well-being after taking the free samples, not because the supplements are really effective, but more of a psychological effect because your mind would also be conditioned into thinking that you got yourself a really great bargain.

Is This the Acai Scam They're Talking About?

Getting inferior products for free isn't just the whole story here. It gets even worse. Instead of getting a freebie, you could end up spending hundreds of dollars without your being aware of it. That is, until your credit card bill arrives in the mail. What happened here?

The answer lies in the fine print. More often than not, there is a stipulation in the free trial that you have to cancel the trial subscription within a certain number of days otherwise they will have the right to charge you and send you a regular order every month. This is what most consumers fail to catch when they try the free offer. The only time they realize that they've been charged more than the shipping fee is when they receive their credit card bill. When they try to cancel, it would be very difficult even trying to reach a customer service representative of the acai supplement company.

How do they get away with making acai a scam?

These unscrupulous companies are able to perpetrate their fraudulent practices because of the many deceived customers, only few really go out of their way to demand their money back or make a formal complaint about these businesses. Most just chalk it up to a lesson learned the hard way and a hundred dollars down the drain. And all they ever wanted was a free sample of acai. But now you know the truth. Free acai is nothing but a bait to lure people to part with their hard-earned money for a bottleful of junk.

Free acai berry offers may be the easiest way to tell if a company is a scam, but they are not the only way. You have to be careful as scam artists can be very clever in their attempts to get into your wallet. For those asking is acai a scam, your best option is to simply stick with the well-known companies and reduce your risk to start. - 17273

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Cardio Programs Does Not Work The Same For Everybody

By Ricardo Daryans

It's funny how cardio can work well for some, and not at all for others. It's supposed to work great for all women and men, but it's not always so. Here's why and what to do.

Most of people who work in a cardio program do seven, ten or more hours per week, and still have fat in their waist to burn for a long time. But there are other people who look great with the same or with even a smaller lapse of time. Some researchers in Great Britain went insight into this paradox, and studied 35 overweight men and women, who weren't previously exercising.

The subjects exercised for 12 weeks, 5 times per week. That's a lot of exercise and it helped the subjects lose an average of 8.2 pounds, but it worked better in young men, who need the help the least!

Back to the study, the variance in fat loss between individuals was huge. Check this out...The best subject lost a staggering 32.3 pounds in 12 weeks, while the worst subject actually GAINED 3.74 pounds.

So, these were not good news for the scientists. At least not for the ones that wanted to go home. They discovered there were 2 groups of people, they called them "compensators" and "non-compensators". The first ones were hungrier and consumed extra calories every day, whiping the slate clean in cardio results terms. So, they lost just small amounts of weight.

You have to check your appetite and calorie intake to see if you are "compensating" for your efforts. If you want to eat more than nothing after your cardio training, then maybe you are in the compensators group and need an special cardio program designed to your needs. It may be better for you to use it's better for you to use a program of high-intensity resistance and interval training (i.e. Turbulence Training) for your weight loss efforts.

As Australian Professor Steve Boucher has shown in research, interval training increases hormones called catecholamines. And increased catecholamines can reduce appetite, among other fat-burning benefits.

The most of people will rarely be in the very small group of people who lose 33 pounds after 12 weeks of cardio. To be realist, there isn't a lot of people who can achieve to loss 8 pounds in that lapse of time with aerobic exercise.

What you have to do is check your appetite, and consider giving high-intensity exercise a go for your next workout program. Beat the curse of cardio with high-intensity Turbulence Training. - 17273

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High Blood Pressure, Can Your Medications be Causing It?

By Dr. Robert A. Simmons

One of the most popular and widely used medications are those used for high blood pressure. In America we have an obesity crisis. About two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Practicing chiropractic in Charlotte, NC I have noticed that most families are living on a fast food diet. The calories consumed from fat and sugar is climbing at an alarming rate.

It is hard to believe that we are one of the sickest nations and have access to the best healthcare in the world. America has become an over-medicated society. A common occurrence in our society is Atherosclerosis (harding of the arteries). Another disease on the rise is high blood pressure and diabetes. With these diseases on the rise, blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication have become all too common. The endocrine glands such as adrenals and thyroids are becoming more dysfunctional due to disease from poor diet.

Medication use is causing further deterioration of the body. The side effects of these medications can cause damage to other parts of the body. The medicine used to lower your blood pressure can end up causing more damage to the body in the long run. People are seeing Chiropractors to reduce or eliminate taking medications.

Have you ever spoken to someone that has had high blood pressure in the past, but now they don't due to medications? Guess what, they still have the high blood pressure, but it is not showing due to the medications they are taking. The drugs aren't meant too treat the cause; they are just to lower the numbers to an acceptable level. At our chiropractic clinic, we like to seek the cause of our patient's ailments.

The cause of the high blood pressure is still continuing and not being treated. The damage can go on for years, without treatment, if the patient doesn't seek of the original cause of the disease. Most times a lifestyle change can be made to lower the blood pressure without medication.

There needs to be changes in life habits. This means consuming more high cost foods. This refers to foods that require more time to prepare. The price paid for convenience is lower quality of food. Fat calories are largely contained in meat and artificial products. If the ingredient list is a large number of chemicals then that is what you are eating. You should consume food that is as close to organic as possible.

To reduce the fat and sugar calorie intake, fast food should be avoided. Fat is the substance that leads to your arteries narrowing. This is one of the major contributors of high blood pressure. Chiropractors and other doctors are now consulting with their patients about their diets.

Sugar is an inflammatory substance. It has the effect of scraping the arteries and causing inflammation throughout the body. Sugar actually stresses the adrenal glands which increases the stress on the body. Reduction in fat and sugar can reduce the need for blood pressure and cholesterol medication.

Do you want to be on medication for the rest of your life? Have your doctor monitor your lifestyle changes and seek out holistic health care from a Chiropractor to obtain nutrition programs. One of the most important procedures for patients is the reduction of medication under proper supervision. There will be no way to actually know if the changes you are making are actually working without reduction of medication. Many of our patients are actually able to reduce or eliminate the use of medications and live a healthier and happier lifestyle. - 17273

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