Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Monday, April 20, 2009

Make Smart Use of Natural Supplements to Get Fit Quickly

By Thong M. Dao

We must not minimize the importance of exercise to our health and fitness, but we can also enjoy the health and physical fitness benefits by taking supplements. Not all supplements are created equal, therefore taking the correct ones goes a long way to assist our bodies stay balanced and healthy.

Let's look at a few things that we can take which can assist us in this way. You might be surprised to learn that this will work for you as well.

Supplements that result in natural metabolic stimulation are recommended if you are looking to slim down. There is a way to lessen your appetite in a natural way by taking something.

Green tea extract or tea bags will do a lot for your metabolic process and assist you in burning fat on a consistent basis. Growing in the desert areas of Africa are cacti known as Hoodia Gordonii. This plant deceives your mind into thinking that you feel full, in effect working as an appetite suppressant.

It might also be essential for you to balance your system out in one way or another with the use of supplements. Except for those who have been consuming supplements for a period already, we all have vitamins missing from our bodies.

Make sure that you're having plenty of vitamin C and vitamin B in your daily regime. These will help you acquire your fitness goals and help keep your body in balance. You should take these for your whole life so that you keep your body's vitamin and mineral balance.

Supplements can also help to clean out free radicals from our bodies. In our bodies, free radicals are a result of environmental exposure and poor dietary selections.

This will hurt cells and cast our body out of balance. Employing strong antioxidants, for example, green tea, will help make the body physically fit and well. - 17273

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Nutrition Comes From Natural Sources

By Lydia Peru

Great things come from our deep blue seas. Magnesium, for example, is derived from ocean supplies of minerals. Little did we know that dipping our toes in the water was not just refreshing, it was nourishing as well.

Most of us dont live near the beach though, and cannot take the time out of our busy schedule for that natural foot bath, but we can pull out a bottle of Transderma magnesium oil after the shower and reap the benefits of the elements contained in the ocean.

Nutrition is a hot topic, but one that is full of confusion. When we think about what we eat we have to consider that its a two way street. Food nourishes, but it also takes vitamins and minerals to process those foods. That fast food diet, or that home cooked fried chicken may take more than it gives us. Visit any federally funded health site, and you will likely find data that shows that we are deficient in magnesium.

We really have two ways we keep magnesium in the body. About half our magnesium is stored in our bones, along with calcium and other minerals. Great, we want to maintain that storage for future use. Then we have our blood. Were going to find only about 1 percent of our magnesium in the bloodstream.

If we are deficient, and challenged in our diets to get the nutrients we need, what can we do? Magnesium can actually be absorbed through your skin, or transdermally. You can take a transdermal magnesium bath, using a form of magnesium crystals that is processed for easy absorption, or use a gel or oil.

When our magnesium levels are too long in the body, especially over a duration of time, the effects can show up in many ways: depression, tiredness, chronic pain or fatigue, joint pain, and many more signs of deficiency. A great non-invasive way to counterbalance is to use a magnesium bath. You may sleep better, feel more relaxed, think more clearly.

We named a few symptoms that can be associated with a mineral magnesium deficiency. There are actually over 300 biochemical actions in the human body that are dependent on magnesium. Over 300, that really makes me wonder. Perhaps we need to focus on the basic building blocks in life, such as our mineral balance in the body. - 17273

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The Only Ab & Fat-Loss Site That Comes With 10 FREE Fat-Searing Video Lessons

By Adam Stark

If youre interested in achieving a great six pack, then it is vital that you do the right ab exercises. You can continue to do pointless sit-ups which wont do much good other than leaving you frustrated, or you can choose to do smart ab workouts that not only give you the abs you want but also help on cutting down a lot of gym time. Read on to know more about the best home ab exercises and the best lower ab exercises for your body.

The best movements for the abdominal muscles are going to be ones that reduce your overall stability. The reason for this is because this will require all your muscle tissues, even the ones deep within the core, to contract in order to maintain balance. When you perform regular sit-ups, for example, they are really only going to target the more superficial muscles; one that will still help, but not get you near the results you could be seeing.

Thus, which ab exercises help to lower your stability? Essentially, any movements that are done on an uneven platform are great. For example, exercises such as single leg squats, using a balance beam, single arm shoulder presses, and also doing bent over dumbbell rows while standing on only one leg. Using a large exercise ball for ground abdominal exercises is also great. Utilizing a BOSU ball as well doing movements with a stability ball will also get the job done. Basically, if you just have a stability ball and a good set of free weights, these can be the best home ab exercises you need.

By far the most effective lower ab exercises are hanging leg raises while you use your lower abs to rotate your pelvis which is the secret to performing this effectively. Lying leg raises, lying leg raises on a 45 degree incline and cable crunches are also rock hard ab exercises. Another area you might want to venture into with your ab exercises are those that utilize heavy weights. While this will not necessarily get you 'cut' so that all your individual muscles are showing - that takes having low levels of body fat, what weighted movements will do is help further build the muscle tissue and make your abs "pop".

The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolic rate will then be, so in an indirect way, that could in fact help you burn off excess body fat.

With added muscle mass, the metabolic rate of your body also goes up. This means, for the same amount of activity you do, your body will be burning extra calories. Thus indirectly, weighted exercises will help to burn the extra fat in your body.

When choosing when to perform your ab exercises, if you are looking for performance, do them on a separate day from all your other work. Just like any muscle group, you want to be fresh when you do them.

It is also important that you time your ab workout correctly. If youre interested in maximum efficacy of your movements and increasing strength significantly, then your ab exercises should be the only heavy exercise that you do on that particular day. This is because your ab muscles need to be fresh for maximum performance.

In many cases this rule can be bent though. For example, if a client comes to me and their abs are the weakest muscle group then performing them at the end of the workout makes no sense because they will be pre fatigued from the workout and you will not be able to train them as intensely so prioritizing your abs at the start of the workout can become the exception in this case.

Yes, as with most rules, there are exceptions here too. In cases where a particular client has weak abdominal muscles, I would not suggest doing ab exercises at the end of the workout. By that time, their ab muscles will be so sore that they will not be able to complete their abdominal exercises. Thus, in such situations, your workout session will begin with ab exercises rather than end with them. - 17273

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Women Health Issues

By Rita

Here in generation-x age, its grown a essential thing for girls' training in all aspects of womens health, because it extends a large lay out starting from standard wellness down to the thinner focus of reproductive health. Womens health is a great problem from gestation to infections, to infertility. males & women experience and react variedly to various conditions, when it gets to health. Taking therapeutic measures can better their quality of life.

Attending physician is okay. Yet, sometimes women need a priety more care, a little more focus, a little more counseling and agreement. Here is when womens health concern clinics volunteer a valuable service. These are sound because they specialize not merely in women health care, but also the psychology that follows these illness and their remedy and attention.

The opinion of adult females around the world deviates when it arrives to reproductive health. Some would incline to carry the position of the traditionalist sector and rest are to a greater extent progressive. For the more progressive lady, carrying a viewpoint on womens breeding health issue could be very emotional.

Womens health care clinics have another very important feature; since they supply singly to women health, these clinics are extremely armed to realize, diagnose and process womens diseases. Though common hospitals too are excellent, the womens health care clinics are in a modest way to a greater extent focused on womens needs. This is why women feel more laid-back when treated here.

Women bear the wound of economic loss that effects on womens reproductive wellness gets on a to a greater extent economic, cultural and governmental proportions. Womens breeding health in these areas of the Earth is not simply about having children and carrying diseases associated to the women reproductive organs. - 17273

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6 Surefire Tips to Fat Loss Success

By Thong M. Dao

If you're hoping to lose fat, there's a pretty good chance you've tried a lot of methods. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who are unhappy with their bodies don't succeed in their fat loss goals. That's because they're often using gimmicky weight loss plans that can actually damage their bodies! If you're in this boat, and you don't know how to get rid of the fat while staying healthy, here are a few tips that might get you on the right track.

1. Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that it has no calories at all.

2. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It's a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.

3. Drink a glass of water before you sit down to eat. Water will naturally make you feel fuller so you don't have to eat as much food.

4. Have a glass of water while you eat as well. Take a drink after each bite and you will feel full more quickly so you can leave the table feeling satisfied without feeling bloated. Drinking water while you eat will also help your food to settle more quickly, which also helps you to feel full faster.

5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. The more you can cut out on these sweetened bottle drinks, the better for you. So if you must drink sodas, then stick to diet sodas.

6. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables that have high water content. These are foods like tomatoes, watermelons, cantaloupe, kiwi, grapes - you get the idea. All of those fresh and flavorful juicy fruits and veggies are good for you. These items contain about 90 to 95% water, so you can eat a lot of these and they will fill you up without adding on the pounds. - 17273

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What Are Free Radicals?

By Dr. Lorna Mistranski

The human body is comprised of various kinds of cells and by looking at the body from this perspective is the best way to comprehend what free radicals are.

Various types of molecules comprise cells and the molecules consist of at least one or more atoms being held together by a chemical bond.

Atoms are comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons whereby the total amount of protons that are in the nucleus determine how many electrons will surround them.

The primary role of electrons is for chemical reactions that occur inside the atom and the substance that holds the atoms together to form molecules. Electrons revolve around the atom in one or more shells

When the innermost shell has two electrons, it is considered full. When the second shell is full with electrons the process starts all over again.

The most important thing in determining the structural characteristic of an atom is the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

An atom ideally seeks to have a full outer shell because is what is called maximum stabilty. an atom will seek this state in the following ways:

Gaining or losing electrons to either fill or empty its outer shell

Bonding with other atoms to share electrons to complete the outer shell

Atoms very frequently finish this outer shell by sharing electrons with other atoms. This allows the conditions to be satisfied for what is needed to the atom to sustain maximum stability of the molecule.

Frequently, the bonds remain in tact so that the atoms do not become unpaired. However, when this does occur the highly unstable free radicals are formed and they react quickly to obtain their own stability.

The most common way free radicals attack is by finding the closest molecule that is stable and from there they begin the process of stealing electrons. When the molecule that is attacked starts losing the electrons, it becomes a free radical as well. When this process begins, it creates a chain reaction in which the end result is a disruption of a living cell.

The process of metabolism is frequently when free radicals occur and sometimes even when fighting off viruses and bacteria. Other producers of free radicals derive from pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, and pesticides.

Typically, the body is able to handle free radicals, but if antioxidants are unavailable, or if the free-radical production becomes excessive, damage can occur. Most importantly is that free radical damage accumulates with age. - 17273

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Groups of People Who Might Need Iron Supplements

By Royce Linford

Our bodies need vitamins to stay healthy. Using supplements to help boost vitamin levels is a good idea, especially for iron vitamins. People with poor diets might need an iron supplement.

Since iron is essential to stay healthy, ensuring you are getting the proper daily amount is necessary. Iron deficiency is especially prominent among women. Many foods contain iron, especially meats, with red meat probably being the best source of iron.

There are several symptoms of iron deficiency, here are a few: Weakness or lack of energy, Dizzy spells, abnormal headaches, Blood rushing to your head as you stand up These are the easiest to notice, but there can be more serious symptoms, so if youre experiencing any of the above symptoms go to your doctor and have some tests done.

Iron deficiency is much more common in women than in men. Women generally need more iron than men, especially pregnant women. Iron helps make up hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to the cells. Pregnancy increases the amount of oxygen used which increases hemoglobin production thereby increasing the need for iron. Women also use up a lot of iron during their menstrual cycle, because of the blood loss, there is a lack of iron. Adults dont need as much iron as children. Because children are growing, they are constantly using nutrients to fuel their growth. Iron deficiency is something all parents need to be aware of, children need iron to grow and stay healthy. A multivitamin containing iron can be a good choice for children who are not eating an iron rich diet.

Vegetarians need to go to extra lengths to meet their daily iron requirements, it can be done without supplements but this requires a very balanced diet. Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables, nuts and soy products. Alternatively you can take iron supplements, though you should consult your doctor before doing so.

Diets can easily make you iron deficient, you need to make sure the diet is a balanced one. If youre on a diet that is low in iron, youll probably need a supplement, not only for iron but for other vitamins as well. Especially if you want to keep your energy levels high in order to exercise and speed up weight loss.

As you can see Iron supplements and other iron vitamins are needed by many people. Because of the side effects of iron overdose, only those with iron deficiencies should take iron supplements. Staying healthy isnt always easy, but its definitely worth the effort. - 17273

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Review of Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle

By Martin Knight

I am tired of all the hype and bull around miracle diets!

Ever feel like the pawn in a corporate greed tug of war?

On the one side, you have the companies that sell every kind of fast food and junk food ever created...

who all want to sell you, and sell you, and sell you again, on their latest flab building "food."

On the other side we the never ending "miracle" diets which, do NOTHING to help you lose weight and EVERYTHING to make you feel so discouraged you just want to give up and go pig out on more junk food!

You are probably sick and tired of all this bull!

That is why I have sworn to NEVER EVER go on another miracle diet...

...because we know diets do not work!

What is the point of losing 20 pounds, and then gaining 30?

I know that the ONE and ONLY thing that does work is to IGNORE everyone who is trying to make money by telling you what diets to eat and what supplements to take...

...and find someone who ALREADY LOOKS the way YOU want to look...

...and learn what THEY do to look that way!

Does that make sense to you?

It surely does to me.

I work at Fitness-Programs-Review where we screen fitness programs and find the programs that actually work.

So I went on a personal quest to find SOMEONE who can tell me for a FACT what works and what doesn't when it comes to gaining muscle, losing fat, and looking and feeling GREAT.

There are plenty of people out there who CLAIM they can do this......and almost none who can back up what they say.

Most diet and fitness programs do not work. They just give you silly advice about exercising regularly and repeat what they've heard others say..."Burn more calories then you take in....eat lots of veggies...avoid fat and carbs....blah blah blah."

If this advice was enough, we'd ALL be slender, shapely and fabulous.

I did find a couple of programs that sounded promising, but I had to wonder why the authors weren't showing off their own bodies.

After all, if the advice worked, they would look great.

So I said NO to those.

Of course, I also used other criteria to evaluate if these programs worked. These included: 1000s of happy customers, a money back guarantee, an inexpensive price, a low return rate, credentials of the author, and no ridiculous claims.

When we were finished testing, 92% of the fitness programs we tested failed! And only 4 programs actually worked.

All of these 4 programs are excellent, and 1 stood out as my favorite.

If you went to this site right now and look at the author's photo....

I think your reaction will be like mine...WOW!!!

3.7% body fat!!

Now here's someone who appears to be following his own advice, which means his advice is worth following. Since he looked quite a bit different before, his advice is worth following if you want to change your body.

We also found that his program does not make outlandish claims, is filled with usable information, has lots of happy customers, doesn't cost very much, does not require a gym membership, and even though it is unconditionally guaranteed, only 3% of his customers have asked for their money back. In short, the program works.

But how did he learn the secrets to looking like THAT??

He has been perfecting a system that works for not just him, but for thousands of people he has taught it to.

Where did he get his knowledge?

From fitness models and competitive natural bodybuilders.

These are folks who MUST look good for a living.

Notice he says, "Fitness" models, not skinny anemic anorexic drug-ingesting models.

People who get paid to look fantastic and HEALTHY, not like they're refugees from third world countries (as most fashion models look.)

I bet I'm going to get letters on that last comment. ;-)

If you really want to learn how to do something, I believe you should copy someone who is already doing it.


And Tom Venuto is, frankly, OBSESSED with bodybuilding, fitness and nutrition.

He's spent almost his entire life studying everything he could get his hands on, trying every diet ever created.

That's how he found out for himself that weight loss supplements and diets are a total waste of time and money. They can even be detrimental to your health and cause you to GAIN weight, not lose it.

Based on his research of what DOES work using the SECRET techniques of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models, Tom has developed his own fat burning system.

...and it comes with a full 56 day money back guarantee.

Meaning if it should turn out that Tom's Burn the Fat and Feed the Muscle DOESN'T deliver on his promises of showing us how to get a gorgeous body like his, we get our money back.

Can't beat that!

P.S. You'll notice a long list of bullet points on the home page at Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle.

Here are my 5 favorites:

...these alone are worth the price of the entire course!

--How to INSTANTLY boost your energy levels higher than you thought possible, starting from day one...

--How to eat 50% more while storing NONE of it as fat...

--The top 12 worst foods you should avoid like the plague...

--The top twelve wonder foods you should eat all the time...

--How to be practically "hypnotized" into eating properly and working out consistently... No willpower required!

You can go read the bullet points to find your favorites...

... or begin your journey to lean, muscular and sexy right now... - 17273

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Get Flat Abs By Reaching For The Sky

By Jose Loni

Whoever says that getting your abs flat and well muscled is no big deal is lying. The only way to get flat abs is by working harder. And it all starts with your attitude. A lot of times you start a fitness regimen only to stop a few weeks or even days later because you got lazy and discouraged. Well, it's time to harness that attitude in and concentrate on the task of getting flat abs through making time for a well thought out exercise program and dietary planning.

There is no going around it. You have to plan healthy living into your day. It takes time and a lot of discipline for it to seep in, but when it does, it will be difficult to live without it. In fact, you will actively choose healthy living because it gives you a natural, daily high that makes you feel like you can tackle anything.

The mind processes what the eyes see so it is important to see your objectives everyday so that your mind can steel your body to go beyond its limits to achieve what you desire for it. Your body will thank you with a great physique when you give importance to your physical condition. Prioritize your health by marking wellness strategies into your calendar.

Then respect that entry by lining up overall body movement training sessions and by actually doing them. The sessions should consist of cycling, speed walking, push ups, split squats, boxing or other exercises of the kind that work multiple muscles at a time, as these muscles gobble up huge amounts of calories and fat.

Then with these full body workouts, push your body even more by grouping a series of 3-4 exercises and do the series without resting in between each exercise. You can rest in between each series, but you need to do around 4-5 series in a row for them to really push your body to achieve top results.

With the workout program in place, you now need to make time for healthy meals to round out your fitness plan. This takes serious time and energy commitment as most people nowadays settle for fast food conveniences, which saves time for you, but loads up your body with unnecessary, dangerous and aesthetically disgusting fats. Remember to load up on vegetables, fruits and lean proteins to get your six packs on the way.

Family and friends' support and encouragement go a long way towards your successful abs reveal. There's nothing like people who care for your well being helping you stay on track especially when you start getting lazy or losing motivation. Their prodding can spur you into action.

Having flat abs is certainly desirable but there is no easy way to get flat abs. You can only get flat abs by working harder and that means coming from all possible angles to make sure you can achieve what you desire. Keep at it-you may just get those gorgeous abs sooner than you think. - 17273

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Burn Fat Fast: Essential Tips for Gaining Muscle

By Brad Morgan

If your goal is to burn fat fast, you know that even with a great diet and workout routine, it can be difficult.

The two most important aspects of weight loss? Diet and exercise, of course! While everyone knows this, you may not know about some easy changes you can make to get more from your routine.

Try incorporating some of the following changes into your life so your body starts to burn fat fast. You'll shed unwanted weight faster.

Burn Fat Fast with Diet

Besides eating your vegetables, whole grains, fruit, and protein, try making some of the following changes to your diet. You could help your body burn fat fast.

1. Get enough fiber.

You need about 25 grams of fiber each day. If you are like the average American, you get only 10. Add more for overall good health and awesome fat burning rewards.

You can get the fiber you need through whole wheat pastas, breads, and cereals, as well as fruit, vegetables, and nuts. Considering the fat burning abilities of these foods, you can easily find a way to include them into your eating plan.

2. Sensible nighttime munchies.

Eating foods with simple carbohydrates (white breads, pastas, cereals, fruit, or juice) before you go to sleep may increase fat deposits and keep your body from staying in fat burning mode. If you have to eat a bedtime snack, choose a vegetable.

3. Eat less, eat more.

This will keep you from getting hungry and overeating. Also, eat your veggies before your main course. Often, our main courses are heavier foods, like meat.

Eating your vegetables first can keep you from overindulging in less healthy foods.

4. Cut back.

Most of us are woefully lacking in portion control. But this simple skill can help keep you from eating until you are stuffed. By using a smaller plate or eating more slowly, you can prevent overeating.

5. Eat, then exercise.

To help get the maximum benefits from each workout, have a snack that is low in carbs and high in protein. This may help you exercise longer and at a more intense pace ? which means more calories are burned away! Eat your snack ninety minutes before your workout ? any sooner and you'll get the reverse effect.

The best diet in the world can't help you burn fat fast and maintain your weight loss. Exercise is absolutely essential and provides many benefits for your health.

6. Inhale and exhale with your nose.

Breathing through your nose helps you maintain a more stable heart rate. This means that you can work out longer ? and of course, burn more calories in the process. It takes some practice, but you'll love the results.

7. Do interval training.

An example of interval training is to take a walk. After warming up, add in two minutes at a very brisk pace. Get your heart going, and then slow back down for three minutes. You can add more intervals, and make them longer, as your body becomes used to the pace.

This benefits your walking routine and can help you ease into jogging or running. Either way, it burns a ton of calories and will help your burn fat fast.

8. Weights, then cardio.

Because your body needs about 15-20 minutes to get into prime fat burning mode, do your weight routine first. When you finish, you will be ready to get the most out of your cardio. Stretch, lift weights, and then move on to cardio.

8. Mix it up.

Variety is the key if you want to burn fat fast. Doing the same workout each day dooms you to a weight loss plateau.

For effective fat loss, add some variety. Your routine should feature a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility workouts. By doing the same exercise, your body becomes an expert at it. It doesn't need to exert itself to perform it, meaning you burn fewer calories.

Constantly challenge your body by throwing it new and interesting activities. If it's too easy, it's not working!

10. Add weights to lose weight.

Adding weights to your routine helps you burn more calories and build stronger muscles. Even adding some bicep curls while you're on your treadmill can help you see results sooner.

These little changes can add up to big weight loss. Remember that you need to work on both diet and exercise in order to burn fat fast. - 17273

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Oolong Tea versus Black Tea

By Jared Rothe

When it comes to teas, some people prefer black-tea over oolong-tea. Others might prefer green-tea, since it has received more attention for weight loss, anti-aging and anti-oxidants than the others. So which tea is better black or oolong?

Teas contain polyphenols which is helps with losing weight because they fight triglycerides. They contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and k and amino acids, proteins, and antioxidants.

The roasting and oxidation of the leaves very in both. All of the tea leaves are bruised when they are picked. This allows oxidation and moisture to store the leaves.

Black tea goes through a lot of processing. They are processed so much that minerals are lost almost like cooking vegetables too much compared to eating them raw. More antioxidants are lost in black tea compared to oolong tea.

The main difference is between their taste and flavors. Black tea and the additional processing tastes different than oolong tea because more of the bitter oils are gone. Black tea has a richer taste. Oolong is more bitter with a sweeter taste afterwards.

While teas do contain caffeine, processing lowers the caffeine levels. The more processing done to the leaves, the less potent the caffeine content. Black-tea is almost caffeine neutral, while oolong still has a low caffeine level. Green tea has a higher caffeine level and is advertised for weight loss more often.

Black tea is the most popular in the United States for drinking as hot tea or iced tea, because of its robust flavor. Oolong and Green tea are increasing in popularity because of the anti-oxidant content and their function as a weight loss aid. - 17273

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How Being Overweight Can Increase your Risk of Getting Gout

By Yvonne Horner

Obesity if a major contributing factor in most gout attack. A major reason for this is because of poor diet. Foods that are high in purines are often a big part of an overweight person's dietary regimen. These unhealthy purine foods not only lead to gout, but also to an increased and unhealthy weight, especially when the patient is prone to overeating.

Risky foods such as bacon and hamburgers should not be part of your diet. However, if you wish to continue eating them, it would be advisable to only eat them occasionally. These foods not only have a big purine content, they also are loaded with fats that make it harder to lose extra weight.

If you drink a lot of pop, you should consider giving up this habit. Pop makes it more likely that you will get a gout attack. This is because pop decreases your hydration and makes it so that your kidneys don't work as well. Your kidneys play a major role in helping you to get rid of this painful disease, so decrease your soda intake.

Diet Sodas are not helpful in getting rid of weight. They also do not help with gout. They can decrease hydration and some health studies show that they are worse than drinking normal sodas. Water is a much better alternative. Water is easier on your kidneys and does a better job helping you get rid of excess uric acid.

You can keep the coffee. 4-6 cups of coffee was found in a Canadian study to lower uric acid levels by 50%. Decaffeinated coffee was also found to lower uric acid. I personally drink organic Green Mountain decaffeinated coffee. I use my own grinder and grind the grounds at home.

Making drastic changes at the same time is usually not a good way to go about things. Most people are not good at making such big changes quickly and therefore get discouraged and quit. Try for losing one pound a week. This is fairly simple to accomplish and you can make small changes instead of big ones. You will be more likely to stay on a healthy lifestyle regimen.

By doing just a few things a little at a time, you will help improve kidney function, reduce the stress load on your renal system, which will have the added benefit of reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. The benefits far outweigh the risks.

Eating a healthy diet will not only help you in losing extra weight, but can help you get rid of gout. Many of the foods we take for granted such as most fruits, can actually help you beat the symptoms and causes of this painful arithritic disease. - 17273

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