Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bowtrol Is Helping Millions Of IBS Sufferers

By Kor Rassad

Twenty five million people are afflicted with a condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS. This digestive system disorder causes much discomfort to those who are burdened with it. The symptoms of this order can be quite troublesome and include both constipation and diarrhea, stomach cramping, bloating and heartburn. Many people are starting to discover that this condition can be treated successfully by using a natural remedy such as Bowtrol. This colon cleanser is helping many people to feel more regulated and in control of their condition.

Colon cleansing is a natural way to essentially clear your body of harmful toxins and chemicals. It also helps to regulate the bowels and can alleviate IBS symptoms. Many people are starting to lead normal lives thanks to this type of remedy.

Prescriptions drugs are very harsh and can also carry many possible side effects. Natural remedies are often preferred because they are less harsh and usually do not cause side effects. Bowtrol works naturally with your own body to regulate you and provide you with relief from your symptoms. It can be used long term and does not cause harmful side effects.

When the muscles in the intestinal wall contract and spasm, you will experience abdominal pain. This may cause even more harm to your body because it can affect your other organs. You may also experience an increase in the harmful toxins that are trapped in your body if you frequently suffer from constipation. A colon cleanser will release these toxins and essentially cleanse your body.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very serious condition and one that needs to be treated. Your digestive tract is not functioning properly and this will eventually affect your entire body. Contrary to popular belief, the symptoms of IBS are real and are not psychosomatic.

Prescription medications are very strong and are harder for your body to process. Natural remedies such as Bowtrol are a great alternative to prescription drugs. Many people have suffered for years with this condition and are now symptom free thanks to this natural treatment. It is truly amazing to see the difference that it can make in your life.

The simple truth is that you do not have to suffer anymore. Bowtrol can help keep your symptoms under control and can help you to feel better. You can feel good about using a natural product and that you will experience great results from taking it. - 17273

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A Cholesterol Free Diet From Dr. Sam Robbins

By Dr. Sam Robbins

Some types of cholesterol are not dangerous. Bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein) forms blocks on the walls of the arteries. Oxygen and nutrients are transported to the heart and brain by the way of blood vessels. When cholesterol blocks the vessels it can cause a stroke or heart attack. When you have a blood test and it shows your LDL cholesterol levels are over 100, you need to change your lifestyle and your diet.

Food rich in saturated fat should be avoided. This type of fat is solid at room temperature and can elevate blood cholesterol levels. Do not eat foods from this list: * Lunch meats * Bacon * Sausage * Fatty red meat * Dairy products made from whole milk * Chicken skin

You can raise your blood cholesterol by eating foods with trans fatty acids. Avoid these foods: * Margarine * Fried foods * Fast foods * Processed crackers and cookies

These foods have plain cholesterol in them: * Egg yolks * Shellfish * Liver

Animal products produce cholesterol; therefore, you would think a vegetarian diet would keep cholesterol levels low. There are several food substances that are high is saturated fat and trans fatty acids: * Palm oil * Palm kernel oil * Coconut oil * Cocoa butter Avoid these; however, there are many substitutes for them.

Fried foods contain trans fatty acids. Fried food soaks up the oil and butter. It is recommended that you cook with alternate methods like baking, broiling and grilling.

High cholesterol comes from a sedentary lifestyle which is why you need to exercise often to lower your blood cholesterol levels. You can burn fat and increase your energy level by exercising regularly. This also improves your metabolism. So you need to always do physical activities along with healthy cholesterol to keep your blood cholesterol levels low. Change your diet and your lifestyle to get your cholesterol to a healthy level. - 17273

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Yes! Easy Slimming Is Attainable

By Mima Mavington

The first thing we should get out of your mind is that losing weight easily does not need any type of mad dieting regime or leaping into a leotard and joining a gym locally.

All that's needed is to start with a few small lifestyle changes and then when your ready just add a couple more and later on perhaps 1 or 2 more and within no time at all you will have made an entire host of changes to how you eat, drink and view food that the fat will quite naturally start to fall away from you.

To begin with you should take an honest look at what you eat each day. Is fast food your choice for one or more of your meals a day and if so how many does that add up to over a week? Do you often snack on sugary foods like candy bars in between meals? Just how many sugary soda drinks do you consume in a week? Once you realise how many of these kinds of things you're putting in your body each week then you have a fantastic view of where you are now.

The simple way to achieve easy weight loss is to start by choosing to replace one unhealthy food or drink by another healthier option, as an example you might choose to drink one less bottle of sugary soda and replace it with a bottle of still water, do this for a couple of days until you get used to it and then perhaps you might replace a candy bar with a piece of fruit, a few vegetable sticks, or some sort of muesli bar.

As the amount of these changes you make increases so will your grow that you'll be able to do this and then when your ready you can move onto replacing all or part of one of your daily meals with something healthier, if you're not sure what to replace a particular meal with then just type something like ?healthy breakfasts, lunches, or recipes? into one of the search engines to get some ideas of what you may like or perhaps you could ask a naturally thin friend what they choose at meal times.

If you follow this process of gradually changing your daily eating habits from the junk you previously ate to your new healthier choices then you should discover that your mind and body will welcome because you're giving it time to get used to a changes instead of using a sudden shock tactic, and as you continue to find more new healthier things that you like, then you will notice your weight starting to reduce naturally and effortlessly.

While you?re making these changes it is an excellent plan to forget about jumping on the scales for a while, just put them away in a cupboard somewhere or if you really have a hard time resisting the urge to weigh yourself daily or weekly then give a scales to a friend or relative to look after then you will be giving your body a chance to do what it was designed to if you let it.

When you start to shed weight and get thinner and the goodness from the healthier foods you now eat has had time to build up within you it is more than likely that you are going to be feeling much more energetic, so why not use some of this newly found energy to start speeding your weight loss up and making it even easier by finding a few enjoyable and easy ways to exercise?

It?s very simple; all you've got to do is exactly what you did with your eating habits the difference is that now you search for easy ways that you can become more active each day here we have some possibilities?? 1. Take stairs rather than elevators 2. Cycle, Jog or walk as opposed to using a car or public transport 3. If you like swimming visit a local pool more often 4. Walk the family dog if you have one or ask a neighbour if you can walk their dog their dog

By just making these few, simple changes on a day to day basis can help you achieve easy fat loss. Sure it?s a small amount of weight at the start but as each day passes and you gradually add in more and more adjustments to what you eat and drink as well as becoming increasingly physically active these small amounts of fat loss can all add up to you becoming a naturally slim person you desire to be, and all with little effort and no struggle. - 17273

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Best Ab Exercises For Ladies

By Harvey Wolfe

Here are the best ab exercises for women... And they do not include crunches or sit ups. Crunches and sit ups suck for getting great female abs, or any abs in any way.

They're a total waste of your time. I'll show you what you can do instead that'll let you lose 1.75 inches or more from your waist in a few weeks.

Best Ab Exercises For women

1. Vacuum Pose

This exercise decreases inches off of your waist better than any other exercise you can do. It's like sucking in your belly, but it is's different in how it's performed. What you do is suck in your belly button area ( your lower abs ) for so long as you can... Try for a minimum of 15-60 seconds everytime. Rest then repeat. Doing just five mins a day will make 1.75 inches of fat vanish around your waist in less than a month.

2. Hula hoop

Hear me out, this is not just for kids. It's great for toning and shaping the whole waist area... Making it a lot slimmer and giving it an especially feminine look to it. Do this for 10 mins a day.

3. Hindu Squats

This isn't a direct ab exercise, but it indirectly works the abs as the abs are stabilizer muscles in the movement. Also, since these create such a large oxygen hole within your body, your body sucks up body-fat for quick energy... Customarily body-fat from your waist.

What you do is squat up and down really fast. No weights are involved, you can do this at home. Be certain to swipe the ends of your fingers onto the ground with each passing repetition.

Do a hundred repetitions in less than five mins. It's not simple, but it's not hard either. Those are 3 of the best ab exercises for women to do to make a nice, lean, female waistline. - 17273

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