Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Is Acai Berry Diet Essential For Entire Cultures?

By Dana Hawkes

The acai berry comes from a plant called the acai palm tree, a member of the genus Euterpe. The berry is black/purple, small and round, with a diameter of 25mm, same to a grape. It grows on branched panicles of between 700-900 berries, twice a year. Each berry has a single seed of 7-10mm in diameter. In a study in 1999, the acai palm was described as the most powerful plant species in three traditional Caboclo populations in Brazil as it's berries made up to 42% of the total food intake by weight.

Acai berries get harvested twice a year as a food item. The Acai fruit makes up a large percentage of the diet for the native people living in the Amazon basin of South America, which would lead to the fact that the Acai berry diet is not a new thing, but that it has been around for centuries.

Up to 42% of the food eaten by natives of the area can be Acai fruit. This should make it clear that the Acai berry is not only important to us, but it has been important for entire cultures throughout history that lived in the region where Acai palms grew, but also to entire cultures that exist in the region where the Acai berries grow and are harvested.

The uses of the acai berry include, other than food, the use as a dietary supplement, which is said to be highly beneficial and is sold in multiple forms, such as tablets and smoothies. The berry is said to improve a number of things, including energy levels, sexual performance and digestion, though it is also claimed that it reverses diabetes and other chronic illnesses. It's most common use is as a product for weight loss. None of these claims are backed up by any evidence from controlled studies of any kind, making them dubious at best.

The berry's seeds can also be ground as food for livestock or for use in organic soil. A planted seed can require months to form seedlings, provided it is under the right conditions. - 17273

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How To Buy Cheap Yoga Mats Online

By Steve Estes

If you are reading this you probably already practice yoga so maybe you are looking for cheap yoga mats online. If not, here is a short description of yoga

Yoga, the ages old system of Indian exercise, helps you stretch your body, refine your breathing, and invigorate your spirit to help you rejuvenate your body and mind.

While you are looking to buy cheap yoga mats, they must absolutely suit your purpose. Even a cheap yoga mat has to be comfortable or otherwise you will never succeed in your practice. This way the postures and breathing can become much easier.

So what makes up a good quality yoga mat? Obviously it has to be sturdy, you don't want to have to keep buying them every year. Look at it this way, people who buy the best are never disappointed.

It should also offer you strength and durability. These, along with sturdiness are the three main qualities you must look for when choosing your own cheap yoga mats. Make certain it grips the floor well enough to keep you from sliding around when you are practicing your yoga routine.

Look, we all know that great quality yoga mats can run upwards to $50, but there is no reason to have to spend more than $10-$40 for yours. That said if you can avoid skimping on the important piece of yoga equipment, please do so.

Available in many styles and colors, traditional yoga mats can be made of a variety of materials. Things such as jute, linen, and cotton have been used for centuries. In fact you often see yogis sitting on materials like tiger skins or white deer skins. However if you are serious in your practice you want to forgo these endangered species for a more modern approach.

When you are doing your own research on cheap yoga mats, look for materials that wont slip out from underneath you. You might look for something environmentally friendly and easily recyclable if it comes down to getting rid of it.

Its a good thing if you are able to wash your yoga mat easily as you are surely going to be sweating on it quite a bit. There are many online locations for buying your yoga mats as well as exclusive offline sellers. Obviously the amount of money you wish to spend is entirely up to you. Just make certain you get the proper model that will keep you comfortable. - 17273

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Proactive Stress Relief with Massage Chair Therapy

By Stephen S Esquire

Stress is the sign of the times. If you haven't noticed lately, life is stressful. Perhaps you are a little more anxious or you find your mind racing to solve problems. You might be avoiding responsibilities or easily irritated. These are just a few of the signs of stress. It is important in these types of time to recognize and begin to cope with stress. Get proactive about stress relief.

Some behaviors that can be interpreted as a signs of stress are as follows: fixating on problem solving, pessimistic and negative thinking, avoiding people or situations, anxiousness and anxiety. Many of these signs can go unnoticed but their effect on you continues to build.

Signs of stress can also manifest in the body. Most often reported for signs of stress are muscle stiffness and tension. This tends to occur more often in the shoulders and neck areas. Some other issues that stress can cause are fatigue, digestion problems, headaches and weight gain or loss. As stress continues to build it extracts more damage to your body.

If you recognize a few of these signs, then you need to think about how to deal with your stress. You can avoid doing anything. Or you could get proactive about stress relief. Take control of your situation and get proactive about relieving your stress.

Stress is quite an interesting issue. It is most common with stress to find that it concentrates in a particular part of the body. You may find that you commonly get stiffness in the back shoulders or back. The muscles become stiff in this instance which leads to fatigue and pain.

We have to first be able to recognize that we are under stress. Stress tends to build up in a certain area of your body. If you can recognize this and take appropriate counteraction then you can relieve it early. If it goes unchecked, then it will continue to build causing more pain and discomfort.

The key to fighting stress is early awareness of the build up process. As the symptom of stress begins to build up in the body it causes more damage. Early recognition that we are under stress is the key to stopping it now. If we know that stress is starting to build up, then we can take proactive measures to dilute it.

What are some of the things we can do to relieve stress? Like everything, it starts with the basics. You should make sure you maintain a nutritious diet. Exercise is always important to cope with stress. Recuperation and healing are the other aspects to successfully coping with stress. Massage chair therapy provides a manner to receive frequent massage treatments.

To reduce your muscle tension, a massage chair is an indispensable stress relief tool. Massage chairs come with a number of massage techniques which can target specific areas. If you have stress knots, for instance, you can focus an acupressure massage for deep and thorough penetration.

Perhaps the most important feature of massage is its sheer convenience. We never know when stress is going to affect us. When it does, however, we can simply get a massage to relieve it immediately. The ability to provide frequent massage therapy when you need it most is paramount.

Life is stressful. Make sure you can quickly recognize signs of stress around you. Take proactive measures to counteract the accumulation of stress. When you start to feel stressed build up, take immediate action. A massage chair helps you to effectively relieve muscle stiffness and tension when you need it most. - 17273

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Do You Think It Is Safe To Have A Breast Enlargement Surgery?

By Vanessa Santos

Following a breast augmentation operation, a large number of women inquire if it's fine to breast feed. The reply to that is yes, they can breast feed. According to a large number of women who went all through breast enlargement, breast feeding is no more difficult with or without implants. A number of women even believed that breastfeeding with implants is easier than without implants.

Now, more and more women who are even single and who have not started so far their childbearing time are having breast implant operation. By way of this event plenty now are anxious to see if breast implants can have an effect on breast feeding. In earlier years, generally women who undertake breast enhancement surgery are married and past their childbearing days already so the concern for breastfeeding is not given much importance.

The earliest silicone illness strike the media in 1992, thus the concern of endangering the baby on breastfeeding with silicone implants became a growing concern. But studies conducted has revealed that this is not the case. The justification was that, the silicon molecule is too large to pass by through the milk ducts through breast feeding.

A few years later, silicone was removed and replaced with saline implants. Even if saline can leach into the milk, it has no dangerous effects to the mother or baby as it is an inert matter.

The worry of most people at present are on implant placement and opening site. Some consider that it is more optimal to have the implants positioned under the muscle. It will additionally avoid the peri-areolar incision. The explanation for this is that with this guidelines, there is a lesser amount of interference with the milk ducts which reside directly below the skin and in the tissue on top of the breast muscle. Then again, this is still not guaranteed. There are a large number of women who have implants on sub-optimal locations and still are doing well in breast feeding.

To get the finest potential results, it is best to talk about your plans with your medical doctor through consultation. With this, your medical doctor can support you and work with you based on your plans. Even if you are not planning to have kids yet anytime soon, consulting this with your medical doctor is very vital. - 17273

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Are You On A Low Carb Diet?

By Diether Jones

Do you believe that getting into the low carb diet can make you healthier and lose weight in the process? Do you avoid foods that are high in carbohydrates? Instead of getting healthier, if you maintain on having low carbohydrates food as your main diet, you open yourself to health risks in the long run.

Foods rich in carbohydrates is a major source of energy that we use for our daily activities. Without it, we would be less effective in handling daily tasks because of lesser energy production.

High carbohydrates food are good for energy production but it is also not good in excess. To choose the other direction - low carb diet - is not good either. A balance of high and low carbohydrates food must be maintained to achieve a good looking and healthy body.

Sticking to a low carb diet may have long term risks. If you are on to it, better start changing your diet. Seeking an advice from a nutritionist may be the right way to proceed to get you going on the path to better health and hence a more enjoyable life.

One way of getting a low carbohydrate diet is to eat foods which are protein rich such as those from meat compounds. Although protein is a much needed substance for the body, it may not be good in excess because you open yourself up to the risk of osteoporosis.

The acids produced in our body as a result of the protein digestion requires the use of calcium for balancing. If not enough calcium is available, our body gets it from our dear bones. That's where the risk of getting osteoporosis lies.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, low carb diets - high in animal foods but low in vegetables, fruits and whole grains - poses a risk of developing different kinds of cancer.

International studies have shown that countries whose population have low fat intake have lower rates of having breast cancer. Countries whose population have higher fat intake have more incidence of cancer. Low carb diets tends to induce the body to take in high fats. It's not good.

Foods high in fiber if included in the diet makes a person less likely to develop cancer. Fiber is important for our bodies and it should be included in the diet to keep us healthier.

To achieve the highest benefit from food, a combination of high and low carbohydrates food must be maintained. Add foods rich in fiber and your health profile will be much healthier. The person to consult with regarding food is your nutritionist. Schedule a consultation so you'll have a healthier body to meet the challenges of life as well as enjoy it. - 17273

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What You Need to Know When Shopping For A Treadmill

By Kyle Ross

However you have come to decision to buy a treadmill, it is critical you have a very good idea of exactly what you need in a treadmill. Too many people walk into a fitness store and let the salespeople talk them into buying more than they need, and of no fault to the salespeople, the buyer just has no idea how much they wanted to spend. There are four steps to consider that will determine what type of treadmill you need.

The first, and probably the most influential for many people, is the budget. How much you have available to spend will determine the range of features available to you. If you only have one thousand budgeted, then you will end up with a budget treadmill or none at all. Simple economics will tell you that the cool features you wish to have aren't free and the sooner you come to terms with what you can afford, the better your eventual buying decision.

An important factor that will affect what treadmill you should take home is the level of use the treadmill must endure. There is a huge difference in walking or light jogging in comparison to sprinting or marathon training. Treadmills are designed for heavy or light users, both in terms of use, and the individual's weight.

For some experienced treadmill users, certain types of features are a requirement. Many treadmills, from budget machines to high-end treadmills come with at least a minimum selection of features such as training programs for different types of workouts. Figure out what features are a necessity, desirable within the budget, and which are just outright ridiculous. Don't walk into the shop and risk letting a salesperson make decisions for you.

You don't have to buy immediately and most people find it easier not to talk to the same salesperson a second time, especially if you felt uncomfortably pressured with the first salesperson. You can look at many different models with different individual options. Compile the options you would like to take home.

The final consideration is the consistency of use. How heavily will the treadmill be used? A heavy user is someone who will run almost daily or multiple users sharing one machine so that it is used every day. We don't want an entry model breaking down after a couple months because it wasn't designed to be used twice a day.

If you plan for a buying mistake, make sure you have a very inclusive warranty included with your purchase. We didn't include warranty into the list of four because it is something that all treadmills in consideration should already have. Most treadmills come with measly 90 day warranties, if there is room in the budget, try to look for something longer. - 17273

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Tone Flabby Arms Without The Treadmill

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Is it possible to tone flabby arms without a treadmill or weights? Yes, it is.

It is possible to tone your arms without exercising. Now don't get me wrong, exercise is great for you and it will accelerate progress. Nonetheless, there are alternatives

So how do you do it? With spontaneous fat loss. This type of fat loss refers to reductions in caloric intake that are unconscious. In other words, there are certain environmental factors you can manipulate that will automatically reduce the amount of calories you eat.

And without further delay, here are 4 tips for entering the spontaneous fat loss zone so that you can tone flabby arms:

1. Keep bad food in areas that are not easily accessible. One study showed that people eat 300% more candy when it's within arms' reach. So make sure to keep all calorie-heavy food far far away no matter what. Conversely, keep the good food very very close. What type of results would you get if you ate 300% more good food?

2. Use smaller plates, bowls and utensils. Our perception can override our "feel full" signal. In fact, one study showed that when using larger bowls and spoons, people unconsciously eat 50% more ice cream! This happens because the scoops of ice cream look smaller next to the bigger bowls and spoons. Use smaller eating devices and the arm fat will fall off. Learning how to tone flabby arms is a cinch!

3. Use thin glasses. When using short wide glasses people poor up to 30% more without realizing it. So if you have to have some soda or other calorie-laden drink, make sure to use a tall and thin glass. However, if you are going to drink water or some other healthy liquid, use a short wide glass.

4. Don't let your plates be cleared at a buffet. If you do, you'll end up eating 25% more. You see, when your plates are constantly cleared, you forget how much you have eaten. The result? You keep on eating and eating and eating.

Ok, with the above tips you can tone flabby arms without having to pick up a dumbbell. It's really that easy. What holds most women back is action. You have to act on this information in order for it to work. Good luck! - 17273

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Acai Berry Products, The Most Essential Items To Look For

By Catherine H Campbell

The acai berry has taken the nutritional world by storm. You can find a glut of numerous acai berry products online and at health food stores. Since the genuine acai berry has one of the utmost nutritional profiles of any food ever found in nature, many products are trying to exploit on this little berry's intense popularity.

Many wonderful products out there fully make the most of the innate nutritional value found in the acai berry. However, some products out there have utilized low-grade processing methods. Therefore they will not give you the full nutritional benefits.

The acai berry is enormously delicate, hence it must be processed within 24 hours of leaving the tree or it loses most of its nutritional value. There are two main methods of processing these berries, a excellent method and an inferior method.

The best quality method of processing the acai berry is by freeze-drying. The berries are picked and promptly flash frozen and dehydrated. The resultant product is a freeze-dried powder that maintains the nutritional reliability of the fresh fruit.

The other method that is often used for processing is a spray-dried. Spray drying the berries extensively reduces the nutritional value. Spray drying uses heat, which destroys many of the nutrients straight away. Then it utilizes maltodextrin as a drying agent. Maltodextrin is a short-chained starch sugar. When you buy spray-dried acai berry products you are receiving a mixture of the fruit and maltodextrin, rather than just the nourishing fruit.

Another thing to look for on the ingredients list is the total of the authentic acai berry. If the ingredient list claims a "proprietary blend" that means that the company is not really telling you how much of the real berry is contained in the product. A blend would be a mixture of acai and other maybe inactive ingredients. Look for a product that is unambiguous in how much of the real berry is integrated.

Other common ingredients that are included in second-rate products include magnesium stearate, maltodextrin, rice or silica. These are just filler and flowing agents and when they are included in the product they degrade the nutritional value of the product by dropping the amount of acai berry.

If you are looking for the good nutritional outcome that are achievable with acai berry products then make sure that you get a product that is freeze-dried powder with the maximum concentration of the authentic acai berry. - 17273

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Best Muscle Building Supplements - Are They Really Needed?

By Ricardo d Argence

Many weight trainers who want to reduce their fat and build up muscle take bodybuilding supplements. The reason they take them is often to make it easier to recover after training and to improve their overall performance as well.

To make sure that your body gets the nutrition it needs when you are training hard, there are some supplements that you definitely will need. If you don't have the right supplements, you may not have the energy you need to do everything that is entailed in bodybuilding.

Creatine as well as whey protein are top protein supplements and used to help build more muscle. Vitamins and minerals are also needed, and good supplements can provide you with those you need, helping to make sure you don't deal with a vitamin deficiency when you train.

Vitamins and minerals basically change the food we eat into energy. Vitamins also help with muscle building and burning fat. Protein supplements that will help you with building muscle along with your training program include creatine, amino acids, testosterone boosters, and whey protein. These proteins are essential for building muscle and help with muscle soreness.

Fat burners, appetite suppressants, and carb blockers can aid with burning off more fat. For an energy boost the natural way, going with good antioxidants like green tea can help. There are a variety of different supplements and energy boosters out there that will provide better stamina and more energy as you train.

Eating meals that are healthy and well balanced is one of the most important things you can do. Supplements by themselves can't give you all the nutrition that you are going to need. Of course on the other hand, it can be difficult to get all the nutrition you need just from the foods you consume, so taking supplements can help you get better nutrition.

Vitamins and minerals alone will not build muscle. It takes hard work and dedication to build lean hard muscle mass and lose fat. Taking supplements alone without a good diet and training program will not help you build muscle.

When you are working to build muscle, steroids are a bad choice. Sure, they can help you build up your muscles very quickly but they are also quite harmful. When you build muscle so fast, the tendons and ligaments just can't keep up. This can cause injuries to occur when you try to use steroids to build muscles fast.

Aggressiveness can be caused by taking steroids and you will find that the liver and other organs can also be affected by taking steroids. There is no pill out there that will take the place of hard work when you are trying to lose fat and build up more muscle. Remember, products like steroids can be quite dangerous and won't give you the results you really want. - 17273

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Why Acai Berry Products Have Received Critical Acclaim

By Chris Channing

Losing weight and finding healthy foods is now a task that the majority of the world is, thankfully, starting to take part in. One such "super food" that is being investigated is the acai berry. This berry in particular is being boasted as a new miracle fruit- but can it live up to the hype?

Finding a fruit you have haven't tried before is, granted, a little daunting. Acai berries have been hiding under your nose the whole time, since they are very easily found in health food stores around the world. Even if you live in a small community that has a poor selection of health foods, you could use the Internet to obtain dried acai berries or extract in which to consume.

Once you obtain your acai berries you will have several ways in which you can mix them into your daily routine. In addition to eating the berries whole, you can also mix them into ice cream, smoothies, fruit juicers, and decorate a salad with the berries. If possible it is recommended to get a full serving of acai berries each day to get the full effect they offer.

Antioxidants and fruits that contain them are the new buzz in the health circles. Antioxidants are revered as the new inexpensive method of improving overall quality of health, and for good reason. Antioxidants are able to actually reduce the stress and promote a healthy immune system. If used correctly, the right balance of antioxidants can keep the doctor bills at bay and keep one ready for work and family life.

Don't be confused over the claims that some marketers are making. Marketers are concerned about one thing: selling acai berries. They may not always speak the truth as a result. Keep in mind that acai berries are very healthy for you, but they won't be the super fruit that some make them out to be. As of now studies have not proven the berries to do the drastic things some websites are claiming. Instead, go off the advice of others who tried it and trusted websites.

There are no known major health defects associated with consuming acai berries. However, it is a good idea to consult your nutrition consultant or physician to see if you should work the berries into your daily consumption routine. Acai berries have been known to speed up heart rate in some cases, and if one has a problem with the heart of related condition, it could contribute to a health problem.

Final Thoughts

In the end, you should conduct your own studies of the acai berry to see if it works for you. Take a few weeks to a month to incorporate acai berries into your eating habits. If you do start to notice more energy and a healthier lifestyle, then don't forget to tell others of your good fortune! - 17273

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How to Get Taller Naturally Today

By Shaun Davids

Are you aware that there is a natural way how to get taller, simply by changing what you eat? The sooner you start the more you will benefit from increases in growth, and have a strong healthy body.

What you eat plays a huge role in your attempt to get taller. You need to fuel your body with important nutrients such as calcium, calories, amino acids, and protein. Technically, taking these substances is not a way how to grow taller, but it prevents your growth being stunted from malnutrition.

The are a number of reasons why proteins and amino acids are important. Amino acids - generally known as "the building blocks of life" - essentially aid the growth and development of your body's tissues, organs, muscles, skin and bones. Therefore, one way how to grow taller would be to eat foods high in these nutrients.

In learning how to get taller naturally, calcium is another essential mineral. Calcium helps replenish new cells in your bones, skin, organs and muscles as older cells die off.

Some food and drinks that contain calcium are meat, tofu, dairy and fresh orange juice. When you get enough calcium in your diet, your muscles and bones will grow and work effectively. Any lack of this mineral will weaken your bones and cause them to become brittle.

Many people believe in restricting the amount of calories they take in. This is not good if you want to get taller. Calories help replace your energy needed to help your body repair itself and grow. When you take in a sufficient, steady supply of calories, your body is able to function at over 100%, which helps increase height.

If you are already past puberty, where your bone growth has slowed down, do not worry. These nutritional tips apply to everyone, young and old. By eating foods high in protein, amino acids, calories and calcium, you will have strong, healthy bones and muscles and prevent bone diseases such as arthritis from occurring. Now that you know how to get taller naturally, start eating healthily today and look forward to a taller future. - 17273

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Gaspari Nutritions Superpump 250 - A Short Review

By Paul Mitamura

Generally, a knowledgeable physical fitness individual wouldn't genuinely look at and consider several of the dietary supplementations that you encounter on the internet. Just about all of them are write out from the same material, with many averageness and several adopting of average ideas from one another.

Every so often all the same, it's imaginable to come over another product from the pack. It's conceivable to bump something that is different from the others and after taking Superpump 250 from Gaspari Nutritions in consideration, the lone fair decision that I can achieve is that this looks to be among those very products.

As starters, the blend has been independently examined twice as reported from Gaspari's internet site. Nowadays that doesn't imply a great deal unless a) there's a morsel of backup that provides you to go through to the real tests and get a load at the results on their own and b) the final result of the examinations were both irrefutable.

But this product has held true in those two respects. It has also been tested and proven scientifically and verified to be a great dietary in take that anyone can use.

But what's the purpose of this product in the first place? Well, first thing its a pre-work out supplement. That means it is something you take before doing some exercises in order to last longer than the time your use to.

You must use this supplement prior to working out to ensure that you had the energy to sustain yourself till the end of your exercise routine. According to the maker of this great product, Superpump 250 can help you append your lean muscle mass, strength and even your intellect. You may see that Gaspari is exaggerating but also think about the independent exams, they simply don't lie.

Whenever there's one trouble that could be indicated out here, it would be that the Superpump 250 does not look to be for the novice or the lightweight. It's an wicked recipe that's presupposed to be employed for extreme exercises and as a consequence of that it doesn't look like Gaspari even tries to commercialize this to the same universal audience they market their different products to.

But if you decide to use it even if you're new, its up to you. Just be prepared for the side effects of this product which are really small compared to the good it can do to you.

At the final stage, the compounding of exam results and first-class characteristics has convinced me that this Superpump 250 from Gaspari Nutritions is surely worth a try, particularly whenever you're anticipating a challenge. - 17273

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