Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Newest Nutritional Trend: The Acai Berry

By Ralph Mertz

The amazing acai berry is found in Central and South America. Comparatively high in antioxidants, this berry has generated a loyal following. Calcium, omega fatty acids, and protein along with high levels of vitamin A are all available within this little powerhouse.

The berry is actually a drupe. Like an apricot, it contains a big seed with a thin layer of flesh all around. This tree descended from the palm which was prized for its heart. The abundant nutrients are encased in the fleshy part of the acai berry.

Acai berry products can apparently be found anywhere. The acai berry is found in juices, capsules, and much more these days! Even television personalities promote the benefits of acai. It can all seem overwhelming.

Regardless of all the hype, medical studies indicate that the antioxidants available in the acai berry are useful in fighting some types of free radicals. The freeze-dried version seems to be higher in at least one antioxidant that combats peroxyl radicals.

Being aware of the supplier is crucial when searching for quality acai berry products. A lot of businesses that are online are disreputable and just looking to turn a fast profit. Before you spend your money, check out their credentials.

Find out how the percentage of acai berries that are contained in the product before you buy it. Discover how the product/item is processed, stored & shipped. Be careful as some acai products have so little acai that you can't get the nutritional benefits from it.

Including acai berry products in your diet may very well help you improve your heart health. The fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats are a powerful combination. As always you should talk with your physician before you add acai products to your regimen, especially if you take medications for any condition. - 17273

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Strategies for Treating Acne

By Gail Jones

Most people with acne try to treat their blotchy skin with creams, face washes, soaps, lotions and treatments. However, the best way to treat acne is by altering your diet and getting rid of acne-causing items such as fried food. A healthy diet, rich in natural unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains and beans is the first recommendation for curing acne.

Foods with trans-fatty acids, milk, milk products, margarine, shortening and man-made hydrogenated vegetable oils, as well as fried foods, should consumed. It seems that the prevalence of acne in the United States is exacerbated by the typical American diet. Americans typically eat fried food in great quantities, usually cooked in the most harmful of fats and oils.

However, not all fats are bad for you, but the fats and oils that the typical American consumes make them more prone to develop acne and other skin problems. Products that can cause are ice cream, cheese, bacon, chocolate and milk. Furthermore, acne can't really be cured using external skin creams and expensive soaps because the basic cause of the problem exists underneath the skin.

Pimples, spots or zits and blemishes are caused by bacteria and other irritants embedded underneath the skin's oil glands and hair follicles, which are generally produced by insufficient hygiene, scratching or squeezing and poor diet.

This poor diet could be caused by too high a proportion of items like processed, fatty, fried and sugary foods in your diet. A diet that is good for your skin must consist of raw or lightly cooked vegetables, especially green, leafy vegetables that are rich in valuable trace minerals and fibre. Fresh green vegetables are essential, however you should also eat more lean protein sources, such as fish and chicken and complex carbohydrates, like rice, whole-grain bread and potatoes in your diet.

Such fibre-rich foods can help ensure a clean gastrointestinal tract, which is especially vital to the control of acne. You ought to eat three healthy meals every day in order to supply you with enough important nutrients and decrease your desire for sweet or/and oily, fried food.

Moreover, you should eat much more food that is rich in vitamin A, like apricots, watermelons, and broccoli, along with lean beef, nuts, beans and whole grains, because they are rich in zinc, which can also be useful in reducing acne breakouts. It is also imperative to drink plenty of water to help clean out of the body all the toxins that cause the development of acne. - 17273

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Want to Know How to Dunk a Basketball?

By Tommy Berman

It's no secret that every basketball player would love to know how to dunk a basketball. We all spent our childhoods trying to jump as high as we can, and then one day we finally reached the net. Some of us ended up reaching the backboard and rim after that, but it's a major challenge no matter where you're at. Here are some pointers to get you on your way.

1. Practicing your dunks with smaller balls at first will be a nice transition before finally doing it with a basketball. It's hard to pull off a one-handed dunk when the ball is so big, and dunking with two hands can be even harder! Practice with smaller balls first. Tennis, lacrosse, golf, and volleyballs should all do the job.

2. It's important to both have leg strength and great endurance when learning how to dunk a basketball. By standing right under the basket and jumping without any kind of a running start, you'll build both your legs and your endurance. Do fixed position jumps about 25 straight times, with no major rest in between jumps (a few seconds in between each jump tops).

3. Make sure to lift weights. The more muscle you have, the more spring you'll have in your jump. Squats are one of the best builders of leg muscle.

4. Squats are great for your quads, but don't forget about the hamstring and calf muscles. These are just as involved when it comes to how to dunk a basketball, so build these up too.

5. Do sit-ups and other exercises to strengthen your abs. A strong midsection can work wonders toward helping you finally learn how to dunk a basketball.

6. Make sure you own a comfortable set of basketball shoes. They should be lightweight enough for you not to be impacted by the size of the shoes.

7. Eat healthy foods! Doritos, soda, pizza, and all of the other guilty pleasures are great, but they actually hinder your vertical. If you're serious about learning how to dunk a basketball, a diet adjustment will do you good. Trust me on that.

8. Buy a system that teaches you how to dunk a basketball if you're really serious. If followed seriously, verticals can increase by over a foot within a month or two. This is exactly what did it for me. - 17273

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Learn About The Healthy Advantages Of Acai Berries

By Beverly T Brooks

What if you could get a plethora of health benefits from one tiny little berry? Not only is this berry nutritious, jam-packed with antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids but this berry is also delicious, purportedly tasting like berries dipped in dark chocolate or a cross between a blueberry, a raspberry and a grape.

The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is rather uncommon as it is only found in the Amazon rainforest, however, it is one of the most nutritious discoveries of this century. It has more antioxidant capacity than almost any other food, it boasts a collaborative combination of healthy fats and an just about perfect essential amino acid complex.

Foods that are high in antioxidants help protect our bodies from oxidation. While oxidation is imperative to life, it can still damage our cells which can lead to excessive inflammation which can lead to premature aging, many diseases and even obesity. Nature gives us natural antioxidants in healthy foods and the acai berry has some of the highest antioxidant levels found in nature.

Antioxidant qualities in foods are measured by what is called the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC. Acai berries have the highest ORAC of any other berry, with a 10 times higher ORAC than red grapes and twice as high as blueberries. Acai berry juice has 10 to 30 times the ORAC of red wine.

The acai berry also has essential fatty acids. The fatty acid content of the acai berry is high in monounsaturated oleic acid, similar to olive oil. Oleic acid is crucial because it makes the cell membranes more supple. This helps all of the hormone, neurotransmitters and insulin receptors throughout our bodies' function more effectively. High insulin levels have beenassociated with numerous diseases, the most common of course, being diabetes, but also cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome, which is believed to be a factor in obesity and other maladies.

Research on the acai berry is proving that it is a dietary powerhouse, even a superfood. Superfood is a term coined to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits as a result.

The acai berry has been proven to be beneficial in weight loss, the prevention of decline from aging and the protection against diseases. The acai berry is definitely a superfood.

The acai berry is extremely perishable so it is not available throughout the world in its fresh form but only in its processed forms, such as juice or supplements. - 17273

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The Significance of Proper Diet and Exercise

By Jesse Regan

Technologys consistent advance has indeed benefited people in so many ways. It has made living easy and convenient that an increasing number of human activities can be done by just pressing a few buttons of an electronic device. For entertainment, many would prefer sitting on the sofa for hours while watching TV. Quite a number of jobs today have become so dependent on computers and even most of industrial labor has been offset by automation. The downside, of course, is that more and more people have fallen into the pit of physical inactivity.

Magnifying the problem is the bad eating habit that has become rampant in every household. Part of the blame can be attributed to todays food being loaded with inorganic substances that can be harmful to the human body. Its most prominent feature, however, is the large amount of fat and sugar it usually contains. Both fat and sugar are the main culprits in many cases of obesity and, worse, heart diseases. For persons aged in their forties, after all those years of indulging in fatty food, the risks of hypertension or heart attack has become higher.

Solutions to such problems have been presented though. All these have physical fitness as its main objective. There is even the option for artificial means such as taking in slimming pills and liposuction. These can be effective but it also involves a number of risks such as harmful side effects. These require one to either take in chemical-based supplements or undergo dangerous surgeries. More importantly, these merely change the appearance of a person but it does actually make him physically fit.

The safest and yet sure-fire ways of getting a fit and healthy body is through proper diet and exercise. These do not require someone to take pills or to go under the knife. These introduce a person to a healthier lifestyle and encourage them to turn away from inactivity and poor eating habits. To get results rapidly, both should be complementing each other.

Proper diet does not merely impose limits on the individuals amount of food intake. In fact, it gives primary importance to what one should eat to stay fit. These include food with enough proteins, good cholesterol, and vitamins and nutrients. Of course, some types of food should be avoided such as those heavy with fat, salt, and sugar. Dieting also does not mean skipping meals. Instead, it allows one to eat regularly but only the food allowed at moderate amounts.

A complementing exercise is necessary to speed up weight loss. Jogging, aerobics, weight lifting and other such activities burn the fats at extraordinary rates and thus lessen a persons weight. A routine on the treadmill and exercise bikes also boosts the bodys endurance. Lifting weights can enhance the strength. It also allows one to grow muscles and replace the flab lost. It is good to seek the help of professionals in starting out such program and keep oneself safe.

These are some important tips about diet you can find online. - 17273

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Customer Testimonial: How I Stopped the Swine Flu Virus with Gene-Eden, Natural, Broad range, Antiviral Supplement

By Ryan S. Bayer

A new press release sent out by the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease announces that Gene-Eden, an antiviral supplement, may protect against the swine flu virus (H1N1 virus). The antiviral Gene-Eden was formulated and introduced to the market by polyDNA, a science-based biotechnology company that develops and markets nutritional supplements. Gene-Eden is an all natural, broad range, antiviral nutritional supplement that targets viruses during their latent or chronic phase.

Gene-Eden's table of ingredients includes five natural extracts and a natural trace element. To decide on these ingredients, the scientists at polyDNA used a unique method. They collected thousand of scientific articles published in scientific journals. Then they analyzed the content of these articles with their in-house, proprietary, bio-informatics-based software. And finally, they used the results of the computer analysis to identify the most powerful and safe substances.

A selection of the studies that include laboratory and clinical results, which show the powerful antiviral effect of the selected ingredients, can be found on the polyDNA website. Since the introduction of Gene-Eden, users of the antiviral supplement record great improvements in their health.

The following is the content of the press release.

"Everyone is looking for ways to protect themselves against the swine flu virus. Let me tell you about my personal encounter with the virus. About three months ago, I read an article on Dr. Hanan Polansky's book, where he describes his discovery of the relationship between chronic viruses and chronic disease. After I read the article, I started taking Gene-Eden, a broad range antiviral supplement, to reduce the number of chronic viruses in my body. My decision to start taking Gene-Eden had nothing to do with the swine flu virus. However, about two weeks ago, a lady working in my office was diagnosed with the swine flu. The poor lady was struck hard. She stayed in bad for a few days with high fever. She had a sore throat, muscle aches, was coughing, and felt completely drained. I was worried. Since we share the same office, I was certain I was next. About a week and a half ago, I started feeling a tingling in my throat. My first thought was "Here it comes!" But than I remembered that Gene-Eden targets many viruses. So I carefully read the label on the bottle, and decided to increase my dosage to the highest recommended one, two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon. I was amazed at the results. The tingling in my throat disappeared, and now, ten days later, I am completely healthy, no swine flu, no soar throat, no fever, nothing. Together, Gene-Eden and I beat the virus, and it surly feels great."

The section in the quotation marks is a user testimonial on Gene-Eden. This testimonial was gathered in a study conducted by the CBCD. One question in the study asked the participants to describe their personal experience with the antiviral supplement. The quoted text is the answer of one of the participants.

See more information on the antiviral supplement on the Gene-Eden website. To purchase Gene-Eden, you can go to Amazon.com.

The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) is a non-for-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the IRS tax code. The center's mission is to advance the research on the biology of chronic disease and to accelerate the discovery of a cure for these diseases. "This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. - 17273

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Theories Of Excess Weight Gain

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The rising obesity epidemic is claimed to be a result of many factors-no single villain is to blame. Likewise, excess fat in your body can be the result of a wide variety of variables.

In an effort to explain excess body fat, scientists have come up with some theories. And although these theories aren't set in stone, they may provide some insight as to why you're gaining weight.

Thus, here are some explanations of excess weight gain:

1. Enzymes. Fat doesn't get stored in your body automatically. It needs the help of certain enzymes to get stored within your adipocytes. Who does the dirty work? Lipoprotein lipase. People who are seriously overweight tend to have more lipoprotein lipase than those who aren't.

2. The quantity of fat cells. It's not just size that matters here, it's also about quantity. The more fat cells you have, the more likely you are to gain weight quickly. When do fat cells replicate the most? When you are young?

3. The idea of a set-point. Proponents of this theory believe that your body tries very hard to maintain a certain weight and any effort on your part to change it results in very specific metabolic compensation. So the harder you try to restrict calories, the harder your body tries to slow down your metabolism.

4. Brown fat. Not all body fat is created equal. White fat, the one responsible for fat storage, is sluggish and wants to hoard nutrients. Brown fat, on the other hand, makes fat cells release their energy as heat. This theory believes that lean people have a higher proportion of brown fat.

5. Reduced thermic effect. Proponents of this theory believe that overweight people get less of a thermic effect from food right after eating. They believe that over time this adds up and can lead to excess weight gain.

Now please don't get too caught up with these multiple explanations of weight gain. After all, you do have a lot of control on how your body looks. Consistent research has shown that lifestyle factors account for a very large portion of weight gain regardless of genetics. - 17273

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How To Get Thin Arms-Ditch The Fruit Juice!

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Are you trying to figure out how to get slim arms? Do you drink lots of juice because you think it's healthy? Well the two don't mix! Fruit juice has been shown to increase body fat.

All the late night infomercials, however, would have you believe otherwise. The key here is to ignore those compelling images of fit people thrusting every type of fruit imaginable down the juicer.

But can juice really be that bad, you ask? Well, yes. It's all because of the sugar. The high sugar content of juice causes insulin to rise which completely blocks arm fat burning. There is no way around this.

Still not convinced? Here are 4 more things to consider about fruit juice and slim arms:

1. Your liver doesn't like it. Well, your liver probably doesn't have an opinion but fruit juice can cause your liver to produce more cholesterol and fatty acids. And these two are not good for you.

2. It increases fat stores in the female body. This has been proven by peer reviewed research. And all it takes is a large glass of juice to increase rates of obesity among young people. So please stay away from Jamba Juice.

3. No pulp. Without pulp there's no fiber. And without fiber insulin runs wild. Remember, that insulin causes arm fat gain.

4. Little nutrition. Most of the nutrition is concentrated in the pulp, and more importantly, the peel. So if all you're having is the juice, don't expect a boost in health. An apple, for instance, loses over 2 times its nutrition without the peel. Not good!

The bottom line here is that fruit juice will only set you back if you're serious about getting slim and thin arms. Now I understand that some women really like juice. If this is the case with you, all you have to do is minimize the damage. Simply have small servings of juice and include as much pulp as possible. This will slow down the digestion of the sugar and provide many nutrients as well. - 17273

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Find Out The Most Key Things To Look For In An Acai Product

By Jennifer B Davis

Let me ask you this, did you know that antioxidants play a basic role in our good health by protecting the cells in our bodies from oxygen free radical damage, which in turn bolsters our immune system? The acai berry contains one of the utmost antioxidant capacities of any food found in nature.

The antioxidant capacity of food is calculated by a scale called the Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity or ORAC scale. The acai berry has one of the highest ORAC levels of any singular food.

Everyone knows that antioxidants are compounds found in food that help in the neutralization of free radicals. A free radicals is an uneven molecule that is deficient one or more electrons. This makes it vastly volatile and destructive to our bodies. An antioxidant will come in and stick to the free radical, furnishing it the electron that it needs and thereby stabilizing it. It is an unending and unremitting course as even in the process of neutralizing the free radicals more are produced.

Thus we must continuously return the antioxidants within our bodies in order to inhibit the problems of oxidation. The oxidation process causes free radicals. When an apple that has been cut up is left out in the air, it will go brown. That is in effect oxidation. This oxygen process is one phenomenon that contributes to disease and problems with aging.

While our bodies need antioxidants to stave off the troubles caused by free radicals and oxidation, unlike a few other essentials, our bodies cannot build them on their own. They must be supplied by our diets. We can only get the antioxidants we need from the food that we eat.

Numerous foods are high in antioxidants. Spinach, blueberries, cranberries, pumpkin and more are all plentiful in antioxidants. The intense colors of nature provide clues as to the antioxidant capacities of a food. The deep greens, brilliant oranges and reds, and the deep red and deep purple colored fruits and vegetables are all high in antioxidants.

Many people are aware that the acai berry is particularly high in various antioxidants but a prominent one would be anthocyanins, which is the deep purple pigment that is responsible for the colors of berries, red cabbage, grapes, strawberries and other foods. Purified anthocyanins have been proven to be helpful for weight loss in controlled studies involving laboratory mice. Anthocyanins are also accountable for a profusion of other health-promoting benefits, also.

The high antioxidant content and the numerous acai products that are obtainable make it a great addition to any nourishing and nutritious diet plan. However, a large assortment of high antioxidant foods is the most beneficial for your wholesome diet plan. - 17273

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Five Build Muscle Diet Tips

By Ricardo d Argence

Bodybuilders know that in order to build muscle, diet is of utmost importance. If you eat a poor diet, it doesn't matter how much you push yourself when you train, your muscle mass will not grow. To build big muscles, you need the proper diet. Here are a few tips to ensure you follow the proper build muscle diet so you can build up muscle mass fast.

1. Eat 5-7 meals per day. This will mean that you can easily eat the required amount of calories in order for you to grow. Also, it will ensure your body has high energy levels throughout the entire day.

2. Build muscle mass by preparing meals that consist of 50% carbs, 30% protein, and around 20% fat. This build muscle diet tip makes sure your body will grow big muscles rather than storing fat.

3. Time the meals on your build muscle diet so that your muscles are supplied with protein at critical times. Eat within one to two hours of working out so your muscles have plenty of fuel. Eat as soon as you can after your workout, at least within one hour. If you cannot eat a meal, drink a protein shake. Be sure to drink a high protein shake or eat a meal right before you go to sleep so your body can build muscle mass at night while you are sleeping. Eat as soon as you wake up in the morning, as your muscles are low on energy then.

4. If you can afford it, take supplements to help you build muscle mass. Supplements can give your build muscle diet an extra boost. Good ones to take are essential fatty acids, multivitamins, whey protein, and creatine.

5. Regularly drink small amounts of water. water is critical to many reactions in the body. They will occur much more easily when water is not limited. Muscle growth won?t happen without water. Drinking too much water at once will however leave you feeling bloated and full.

Those were five good build muscle diet tips. Now let's take a look at the type of food you need in order to build muscle mass.

In order to build muscle mass, you need to get enough protein on your build muscle diet. Add these foods to your meals to ensure you get adequate protein: chicken breast, turkey breast, tuna, cheese, cottage cheese, salmon, lean beef, egg whites, and why protein powder.

Carbohydrate provide the calories to support muscle growth and also the energy for workouts and other day to day activities.To maintain energy levels and also to support muscle growth try and include the following in your diet: Brown Rice, Baked Potatoes, Bagels, Oatmeal, Fat Free Yogurt, Whole Wheat Pasta, Sweet Potatoes, and Beans.

You may not realize it, but a well rounded build muscle diet must also contain the right amount of good fats in order to grow muscle mass. Include these good fats in your diet: flax seed oil, fish oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts, and peanut butter.

Your body also needs an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly and operate in a state of health. Your body must be healthy first before it can build muscle mass. You can take supplements but you can also get healthy vitamins and minerals by adding healthy foods to your build muscle diet like asparagus, peas, spinach, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, and broccoli.

By following the above guidelines you ought to be able to pack on some serious size. Remember that lots of calories are required by the body for both energy and to support the growth of enlarged muscle tissue and growth. If you don?t consume excess calories you won?t grow. OK now you know what to eat to gain muscle you should have no problems building muscle. - 17273

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Winning Diet Suggestions for Big Losers

By Jesse Regan

The biggest loss that could make one a winner in the fitness department is that of weight. Motivated by a contest, a weight-loss race, or not, anyone who makes the most wonderful changes by shedding off the fat is surely a winner in his own right. Considering the sacrifices and the obstacles met while embarking on a weight-loss journey, any success achieved in the end is worth celebrating and cherishing much as a boxing victor would with his belt.

Of course, a fit body is not something that just happens through the grace of some miracles. It is not something that can be simply achieved without an ounce of self-restraint and discipline. In fact, losing big in weight requires the effective duo of workout and diet, each only as valuable as the other is. The workouts will help one to get rid of excess weight he carries around by burning the fats. Meanwhile, dieting will make sure that he will not recover what he has just lost in the meals he regularly takes. Of the two, dieting can be more challenging, more difficult to execute than spending time on the treadmill.

However, you should not treat dieting as something that could introduce you to gastric ailments or anorexia instead. It still respects your right to enjoy food but prevents your from taking in too much fat. Surprisingly, it can be lenient enough to allow you eat snacks at a limited amount. Taking some light snacks actually discourages you to eat too much during regular meals.

For one who would rather have the easy and trouble-free amenities of a fast-food joint there are some ways that can be used to avoid absorbing too much grease. One, he can request for a paper bag along with the food he orders. He can enjoy half of what he buys and keeps the other in the paper bag for later bites. Another tip is that he must not eat to become full, stopping when he is satisfied instead. The better way, however, is to go home and prepare a simple but healthy food.

Many think that posting a slender and sexy models poster on the fridges door can help motivate someone to lose weight. This may work in the opposite way though since the poster may just encourage him to visit the fridge more often. A good tip will be posting instead a picture of what one wants to avoid, perhaps an obese person squatting over a broken chair. That can drive away anyone from the food boxs seduction.

Nothing beats a hot, homemade, and healthy meal. One can make his own delicious food without compromising his diet. He only has to know what dishes and ingredients that are fat-free, low-sodium and low-sugar. If he does not have enough information about these, he can ask an expert about what possible dishes he can eat heartily without worrying about his heart and health.

These are information that you would need when you want to shape up your body and your financial life as well. read more about beachbody coach from an incredible site. - 17273

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The Secret Behind Muscle Building.

By Andrew Musty

The vital concern of the youngsters of this era is the quickest way to build up muscle. They live in the assumption that getting an answer to this vital query can bring about a dramatic change in their life. There are a whole lot of teenagers who do not care about how much it will cost to get to their goal of muscle building.

The internet is a main source of information. There are many websites offering solutions free of cost. Systematic workout plans and diets are suggested which could prove to be successful if followed diligently. One should always be wary of fraudsters here.

There are certain free websites which can provide you with workout plans and diet plans. By following them one can actually build muscle faster.

Researches state that you can build body muscle within sixteen weeks approximately, provided that you get hold of the right diet and workout plan that suits you exactly. Muscle building will be all the more within reach if you are ready to shell out money to procure whey protein stuff of high quality. Thus, once you get an idea of how to go about building muscles, it's up to you to put it into practice and enjoy the benefits.

It is only recently that body building has become an obsession. More and more teenagers are now becoming obsessed with this fad and do not even care how much they spend for this rage.

Today, if you ask a youngster, why he wants to build his body, the answer would be to attract girls if he was being honest. It has become one basic requirement of a boy, if he wants a girlfriend.

A beautiful, toned, muscular body will be the result. There will surely be a lot of female fans following you around. So why waste time, just do it!. - 17273

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