Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Muscle Building Workouts, How To Gain Muscle Fast With Deadlifts

By Ricardo d Argence

This article is going to focus on one of the best muscle building exercises you should include into your training regime, the "Dead lift", without doubt one of the most effective upper body workouts you can do and will help you to build a rock solid and powerful body in the quickest possible time.

There are only a few things that you will need to have for this exercise. They are a barbell of course, and a nice flat surface. The next thing that you will need to do is determine that amount of weigh that you can safely lift, and once you have done that it is time to begin. Pick the bar up off the ground with your back straight. Make sure it is all one movement.

The reason why the dead lift is so popular amongst bodybuilders is because it allows you to gain muscle fast and in lightening quick time too. Simple you could say! Well not really, nothing is ever simple when it comes to building muscle. Although this is one of the best muscle building exercises you can do, it is also one of the most painful and energetic exercises also.

If you do them the correct way, then you will probably at times experience shortness of breath as well as feeling sick and light headed, this is how tough they are, but if you want to gain muscle fast then you will just have to get on with it, simple as that!

The exercise will work out the whole body. You will find that all of your muscles are quite sore, however once you get started with the dead lift, you will gain lots and lots of muscle mass. You will particularly gain muscle in your back and legs.

The actual benefit to these types of exercises are limitless. When you've done it for a few weeks, other workouts, like bench presses are actually doing you much better. You will even be able to do more repetitions. But perhaps you want to try something different. That is why we will now tell you how to do a bent leg dead-lift.

Place your feet about shoulder width apart, grip the bar with hands that are placed just outside your legs. Hold the bar, ensure that one palm faces in and the other palm faces out, or use a simple overhand grip. There is no right or wrong grip, just pick one that is comfortable for you.

Now you need to get yourself into the squatting position with the bar close to your shins, then lift the weight of the floor by forcing up your legs, make sure you keep your back straight, your abs tight and keep your head up.

You should then follow the same instructions to lower it to the floor. You should keep doing this until your legs are no longer able to lift the weight, this is what is known as muscular failure and will help you to gain muscle fast. You should be looking at doing this exercise about once a week with about 1-2 all out sets.

One last thing to mention. Since dead-lifts allow you to lift a large amounts of weight, you should pay attention to your form when doing them, incorrect form can cause you an injury, so remember to keep the weight close to your body and keep your back flat at all time. A good idea is to practise with lighter weights so that you can get used to mastering the correct form of the exercise.

When it comes to muscle building exercises, this is about the best there is. Keep it up and continue to do them on a regular basis. So long as you do this, you will achieve the tough, fit body you've always wanted.

Following is a review of an awesome resource which will aid you in getting muscle quickly, and you won't even need to use steroids. - 17273

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The Truth About How To Get Six Pack Abs

By Josh Wintrop

Any time you turn on the television, you are subjected to the sight of actors, models, and stars talking about their wonderfully sculpted, flat tummies. This can be frustrating, right? Why? Even though these people make it seem simple to get toned abs, you don't seem to have the same luck in your own life. However, have you been doing the best things? If you know what you need to do, getting that sculpted midsection you want is actually fairly simple.

Sadly, people are usually so focused on having a flat and toned stomach that they mostly do abdominal workouts and leave out other important exercise regimens necessary to reach their goal of having a six-pack.

With the TV models spouting a laundry list of reasons that our stomachs get flabby, it is very hard for viewers to find the reality in all of it. The way you and your midsection look are attributable to your age, gender, genetics, health condition, lifestyle, and many other things as well. The spare-tire look that most men end up with is due to the fact that they naturally store fat in the midsection. When it comes to women, the fat is stored in the lower abdominal area, which creates that little pooch.

While exercising to reduce your body fat is important, you aren't going to be able to decide exactly where the fat you lose is going to come from. It is very complicated to determine just what the best way is to get those six- pack abs that you've been looking for. It is essential to choose an effective, comprehensive program to ensure that you will reach your goal. The first part of the struggle is lowering the fat level in your body, which is not very easy to do in the first place, is difficult to maintain, and can be very dangerous for you if not done properly.

If you find yourself in this situation, it can be almost impossible to achieve your goal and you'll get upset. The best thing to do is to set goals which you are going to be able to meet, even if it takes you some time. You are going to have to fact up to you are going to have imperfections in your body, no matter what program you follow, when you set realistic goals for yourself. You should challenge yourself to accept these imperfections instead of allowing them to be the source of frustration; make your goal that of improving your overall health and appearance, not perfection.

You might be misinformed and start getting the wrong ideas if you keep watching infomercials that tell you tips on how to get a flat stomach. Be wary of weight loss pills and supplements, abdominal exercise machines and strange weight loss mechanisms, particularly when they claim you can reach your weight loss goals in a very short amount of time. In order to make permanent, effective changes in your body, you should not expect an overnight fix.

There is much hard work and effort involved with attaining a toned, chiseled healthy body. Those strange machines and gadgets are not necessary to give your abs the workout they need. In order to get a great stomach, do abdominal exercises, the correct cardiovascular training workouts and eat the right food. - 17273

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Do You Want To Lose Weight Fast With Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Program?

By Caitlin Ryan

Does not everyone want to lose weight fast? We all know the real deal, though, right? You can crash diet or take all the weight loss supplements in the world, but the only way to truly lose weight and keep it off is to work hard and eat the right foods.

However, there is a lot of misleading information in the weight loss industry. Likely, you find some weight loss advice in your email inbox or homepage every time you log onto the internet! Some people lose weight while on a low carbohydrate diet and actually keep it off, but others fail miserably. There is a reason for this. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle helps you determine how you will lose fat and build muscle based on your individual needs.

After spending several years testing hundreds of weight loss products and programs, Tom Venuto (natural bodybuilder) developed his program to help people lose fat rather than muscle.

Crash dieting can produce rapid weight loss, but you likely lost lean body mass rather than fat when you used this method. You have to know more about dieting than merely restricting calories. If you want to burn the fat and feed the muscle, you have to eat enough food, but enough of the right types of food.

In fact, Tom can tell you that crash dieting creates a situation where your body naturally stores more fat and uses lean body mass for energy. When you go without eating, your body's metabolism decreases. Your body believes there is a situation where food is scarce. So, it naturally conserves energy by storing what it does get as fat.

If you need energy, it breaks down lean body mass (muscle) and converts it to energy. If you also exercise while crash dieting, you break down even more lean body mass. The end result is a "skinny fat" person. The flab does not disappear.

Tom Venuto helps you determine your body type so you know what you should be eating. He helps you determine your daily menu via the correct portions of protein, carbohydrate and fat based on your individual needs and caloric requirements. By doing this, you are supplying your particular body type with the right ingredients to promote fat loss while building muscle.

You will also learn how to exercise properly to continue increasing lean body mass (muscle). Did you know you the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn? You will end up with a lean, toned body that burns calories more efficiently.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle is not a quick fix, but Tom's comprehensive guide will help you finally achieve a healthy, fit body without wasting your time or energy as so many other dieting products do. It takes a bit of work, but it is worth it! - 17273

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Nutrition Bodybuilding Tips To Boost Your Metabolism

By Ricardo d Argence

The following 6 foods could act similar to the way a thermogenic or a cardio session in how they affect the body. These foods can ramp up your metabolism, and in essence, can assist you in burning fat whilst also maintaining a healthy, longer lasting life. And who wouldn't want that?

People always blame their genetics as a reason they have a slow metabolism. We also always hear that other people have an easier time taking off weight than they do even if they work harder at it. T hey stay stagnant because of their metabolism. If you have the right foods, the right portions during the right time of day, you can help your own weight loss and start to gain muscle!

1. Blueberries: They are antioxidants. Antioxidants seem to be the new buzzword of the decade. We know everyone needs more antioxidants, but most people don't understand why. We buy the foods with antioxidants but don't truly understand what they do.

A chemical process called oxidation is when your body goes through a chemical reaction taking off a substance. Your body typically goes through oxidative stress when you have disease, after a workout, or when you are sick. The product from that oxidation is called a "free radical". It's a good thing we can eat antioxidants to counteract that. Blueberries are a great antioxidant for that.

Free radicals will build up in your body if you don't remove them and they begin to damage cells that you need. This will lead to inhibited muscle growth, disease and sometimes fat loss. Blueberries can stop this oxidation process and build up free radicals.

2. Almonds: Almonds are truly one of nature's miracle foods. They provide the most healthy calories and nutrition for the smallest serving size. You get the most nutrition possible out of the calories you eat. One serving of almonds, or about a handful, is an excellent source of vitamin E and a good source of fiber (which helps keep you full) and offer heart-healthy monounsaturated fat.

3. Whey Protein: An incredible high quality source of protein. It's really the best source of protein and provides your body with the necessary building blocks to produce amino acids. Amino acids are necessary to build muscle tissue. Whey protein is also plays a part to support a healthy immunity, by being an antioxidant. Whey protein consistently used with exercise will help with muscle building and loss in fat.

4. Salmon: is a lot higher in calories than most other fish, but its low in saturated fat and real high in protein. This is a great combination and is a great omega-3. Omega-3 fats are a unique type of healthy fats. They are found in salmon and have many benefits to cardiovascular health. Omega-3 is known to prevent erratic heart behavior, making blood less likely to cause artery blockages. Improving the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol in general will help from clogging your arteries.

5. Spinach: Leafy green vegetables like spinach with its delicate texture and jade green color provide more nutrients than any other food. By eating spinach, you'll be protecting yourself against osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer, arthritis, and other diseases at the same time. And if the physical benefits aren't enough, you also get mental improvements.

6. Water: Water makes up nearly 2/3rds of our body's weight. Did you know that 83% percent of your blood is made up of water? Muscles consist of 75% water, bones are 22% water, and the brain is 74% water. Knowing how big of a percentage of your body is made up of water can help you to understand how important it is to stay hydrated. The human body cannot function without it. Without water we are depriving our bodies with the most essential nutrient.

If you can include all of these foods into your daily eating plan, your body will feel full of extra energy and you can prolong your life. With all the food choices we have, there aren't many that can keep you healthy and fit, but these six foods are a great place to start. - 17273

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Can Taking The Prescription Drug Warfarin Cause Me To Be Subject To Easy Bruising?

By Carolyn Cooper

When thinking of bruises, you are usually thinking of discolored marks that occur when you fall or bump into something too hard. What would you think if you glanced down and became suddenly aware that you had unexplained purple and blue bruises on your arms and legs? For people using prescription Warfarin, this can be a fairly common happening, but if you have just started taking this prescription drug, you could find this bruising startling.

Warfarin is generally prescribed to people who tend toward developing thrombosis or for those people who are dealing with an existing blood clot. Taking Warfarin can help reduce the level of risk of embolism formation by reducing the size of the existing clot and then aiding in the prevention of new clots forming. Another candidate for Warfarin are people who have recently suffered a heart attack.

If you are taking Warfarin, you might find that you are in a place where you are noticing black bruises on your arms and legs. While these are likely a result of taking this medication, you need to understand why they are happening and how you can stop it.

Be aware that Warfarin is designed specifically as a blood thinner and anti-coagulant. Blood clots are prevented by this drug's ability to reduce your body's capability to clot the blood by inhibiting vitamin K's function in the body; and because of the reduced clotting, minor contusions will likely bleed more profusely than they otherwise would if Warfarin were not being taken.

Think about the way that a bruise is formed. You will find that a bruise is formed when a blood vessel under the skin is ruptured even if the skin itself is not. The blood leaks beneath the skin, giving bruises their dark coloration, and the more blood vessels that are broken, the larger and darker the bruise will be.

When someone is taking Warfarin, their blood is not readily clotting, and more blood comes to the surface of the skin causing some very dramatic bruising indeed. If you consider all the times that you bark your shin or bump into a counter, you will not be surprised that these instances can create bruises that actually look like they came from a major accident.

When you want to prevent the bruises that occur thanks to Warfarin, you should begin by speaking to your doctor. There may be supplemental medications that will reduce these effects or others that can replace Warfarin, but these alternative drugs can be much more expensive and time consuming. Remember that the blood thinning is primary goal of treatment.

However, this does not mean that you need to be helpless when it comes to dealing with your easy bruising either. This is where the unique, all natural formula found in the Bruises Be Banned daily program can be very beneficial. You might not always be able to be as careful as you like, but once the bruise becomes inevitable, take steps to do something about it. The Bruises Be Banned daily program can help fade existing bruises in a matter of days, but more importantly, it can help you reduce bruising easily or prevent bruising altogether before they occur. - 17273

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Some Information On Different Ways To Reduce Bruising

By Jan Doan

Bruising can occur when the blood vessels are damaged and broken from various types of injuries. Blood from the inside of these vessels then begins to leak out and reaches the tissues under the skin. Because of this, discoloration from the blood being in the tissue begins to show in the skin as the body reacts to injury. After bruising has occurred, if it turns green, brown, or yellow, then it is beginning to heal. This is caused by the trapped blood breaking away. If you are interested in ways to reduce bruising, then consider some of the following options.

You should consider some of the medication you may currently be using. Sometimes medication can cause bruising. Medications such as steroids, antidepressants, anticoagulants, and even aspirin can cause bruising. You should read the side effects of all medications thoroughly and carefully to see if bruising is listed. If it is listed as a side effect, then do not discontinue taking the medication, but consult with your doctor about it. There may be alternative medications or ways to prevent the bruising from happening as much.

Grape seed extract can be a consideration if you are interested in preventing bruises from happening. The extract is supposed to strengthen capillaries, which helps vessels from breaking easily during an injury. But grape seed extract also sometimes can cause interactions with medication and even cause internal bleeding if you have used too much, so you should use it with caution.

Try applying arnica cream once or twice a day to any bruises that you may already have. The earlier you apply it in the bruise, the quicker the bruise itself will heal. You will also notice that there is less of a deep coloring in your bruises and they may hurt a little less than before.

Take supplements every day to aid in the prevention of bruises. You should take 1000 milligrams of citrus bioflavonoids and vitamin C every day. This has been proven to reduce bruises and is an aid in helping bruises you may already have heal quickly. The results are not instant and you will likely have to take the supplements for a few months before you notice any changes in your body in relation to bruising.

In addition to the previous mention of bioflavonoids, it brings up the topic of fruits and vegetables. Try to bring as many fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible. These are full of bioflavonoids which are important to reduce and prevent bruising. If you are not taking supplements to do this, then eating a reasonable amount of fruits and vegetables can bring the bioflavonoids into your body instead.

How you treat a bruise is also something you should consider. If the bruise is swelling, you should put ice on it and try to rest the affected area as much as possible. If the swelling is persistent, you can consider elevating the area by laying down. If the bruise is particularly large, consider wrapping it up, or even applying a compress to it.

There are a lot of options for to help reduce bruising. Some of them are preventative measures and some of them are just proper treatment after a bruise has occurred. If you feel that you are experiencing bruises more often than you should be, consider talking with your doctor. - 17273

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Use Focus Factor Supplements in Order to Improve Your Memory

By Shawne J. Patrick

The typical person leads a very fast moving lifestyle. There is work and all of the stress that goes along with it, not to mention the time that is taken up every week. There's family and friends, and there's also something that many folks cut out called free time. With all of the turmoil that a day brings, it's no wonder that people struggle to recollect even the smallest things that need to get done in a day, or that they struggle to recall those facts and details they need for their display at work. There is a solution that will help raise memory thru a protected blend of nutrient elements. That solution is named Focus Factor. This is a pill, similar to a vitamin, that's taken once per day to improve memory and focus.

Some of the ingredients that you will discover in Focus Factor include: beta carotene, vitamin e, and many neuro boosters. The beta carotene is the same ingredient that's found in raw fruit and vegetables and it can help with focus and concentration. The vitamin e that is present in the product is the natural vitamin found in soybeans, instead of the synthetic blend that is found in plenty of other vitamin tablets. These two ingredients are part of a healthy diet that many folk dont' get enough of each day.

There are 6 differing types of vitamin c found in Focus Factor and there are patented neuro boosters that truly give the brain the boost it has to focus, concentrate and improve memory. These boosters include things like DHA, and botanical extracts.

There are other things that folk can do in combination with taking supplements to help improve memory and brain function. Eating a diet that's rich in fruit and veg is the first step to truly making this product work at its highest level.

Getting plenty of exercise is also a good way to stimulate the brain. Exercise increases blood flow across the body and this helps with focus and concentration. Exercising your cortex is an alternate way to improve memory. Doing things like crossword puzzles or reading are great methods to keep your brain stimulated. - 17273

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Bodybuilding Supplements, Creatine Myths & Facts

By Ricardo d Argence

1. The more creatine you ingest, the great the results will be. If you have ever seen ill bodybuilders ingesting more and more creating, you will probably wonder if it is really worth the effort. According to knowledgeable scientists, test subjects ingesting.1 grams per kg of bodyweight ended up excreting nearly 50% of what they took. Lower doses of creatine will be much more effective than a great deal of kilograms.

2. Creatine has the potential to harm the kidneys and liver. Those with a pre-existing medical condition might wish to avoid using creatine since may lead to a number of problems. The hype centering on healthy people suffering problems has generally been the result of anecdotal reports. One study tracked healthy athletes throughout a five-year period, athletes that used creatine at about 15.75g of creatine per day and displayed no effect related to renal problems or kidney stress.

3. Creatine causes excessive water retention. A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that, after three months of creatine use, test subjects showed no significant increase in body water. In fact, the creatine group showed greater gains in total body mass and fat-free mass.

The possibility that inferior-grade creatine may yield the promotion of water gain that can end up with a soft, puffy look. However, there are several reasons why this can be the case. First, it may not be due to the ingestion of creatine, but it can be due to excess sodium. When supplements are cheaply manufactured, excess sodium might be present in the actual finished product.

4. Creatine can cause cramping. The notion that creatine is known to cause muscle cramping is anecdotal evidence at best and absent clinical evidence to support such a claim. Rather, clinical studies have displayed the fact that creatine use is not connected to cramping.

5. Creatine must always be taken with grape juice. The notion behind taking creatine with sugary drinks along the lines of grape juice is a sound one. The key to the process is not the grape juice but the serving. The key really is insulin's function in the body. Insulin serves the function of a creatine pump, it would be pushed it into muscles. Those opting to stay with creatine and juice, use 100g of juice for every 5g of creatine.

6. Creatine works better in a liquid form. In fact, in liquid form, you may not even be getting creatine, but creatinine, a by-product of creatine breakdown. Creatine, in powder form, is extremely stable.

7. All creatine products are the identical. Just as there is a major difference between $100 caviar and $15 caviar, there is a major difference between high grade creatine and the lower quality inferior creatine. Those that have followed the history of creatine will know Chinese creatine is the lowest quality product available. Other weak products are those containing contaminants such as creatinine, sodium, dicyandiamide, and dihydrotriazine. German creatine, from companies such as SKW, can be considered some of the best products on the market.

8. Creatine use is always 100% safe. While creatine is a non-toxic compound, creatine use should never be considered risk-free. As with all other nutritional supplements, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions are advised to avoid taking creatine or other sport nutritional supplements. So before you begin taking any supplements, it is best to look toward your physician for advice.

9. Creatine must be taken at a specific time. While it has been proven that you can maximize creatine uptake by taking it with a 1:1 ratio of protein to carbs, no real evidence suggests that there's a best time to take creatine. Whether you take it in the morning, afternoon, or evening probably won't make a significant difference. For convenience sake, you might take it with your post-training protein/carb shake.

10. It is possible to get enough creatine from a diet. The average person will only gain 1g of creatine per day from a traditional diet. When you cook food, a great deal of the creatine found in foods such as beef, cod, salmon, and herring will be destroyed. - 17273

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