Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Friday, April 24, 2009

Fastest Way to Shed 7lbs of Fat Fast!

By Lyle Currie

Most trainers are getting more ingenious these days in coming up with intense exercises that break down large amounts of calories and truly give the metabolism a jump. This can support and increase the fat burned inside an established amount of time.

As ouy commence to employ high-level intensity workouts, you have to be on watch for overtraining and overuse, which may cause injuries. So, strict nutrition and an aggressive calorie insufficiency will have to be a huge part of any fast fat loss program.

Extremely low calorie dieting has its own dangers in the way of lean tissue loss, slower metabolism, extreme appetite, and increased chance of fat re-gain.

Weight control is to lose weight slowly with patients and follow a nutrition plan that is evenly balanced between light protein, healthy fats and natural carbs, that doesnt destroy any of the food groups. To burn fat, you simply create a caloric shortage by burning more weight and consuming less.

The fluctuating nature of the diet means after 3 - 6 days of an assertive caloric insufficiency and direct diet plan, you should create a high calorie and high carbohydrates day to replenish the body and increase the activity of the metabolism. Eventually, this assist in lessening the starvation signals your body is getting. Its also a mental break from the deprivation which helps improve compliance and prevent regression.

Increased protein intake can hault lean cell loss and curb the hunger. In addition to that, a high protein diet plan also helps by standing against dietary thermogenesis.

Plenty of greens, fibrous veggies and low caloric fruits can assist the energy scale equation in your favor as fibrous veggies are extremely low in calorie compactnes and most of the calories in fiber are not metabolizable. Good fats are added in adequate sums. - 17273

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The Importance of Omega 3 during Pregnancy and Nursing

By Michael Byrd

It has recently been recommended by the EU (European Union) that women who are pregnant and nursing should take daily omega 3 DHA fatty acid supplements.

For those of you who don't know, the EU committee is comprised of more than 50 nutritional experts from the Perinatal Lipid Nutrition Group (PeriLip) and Early Nutrition Programming (EARNEST); they have unanimously agreed pregnant and nursing mothers should supplement their diets with 200 mgs/day of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) - a long chain omega 3 fatty acid found primarily in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines and tongol tuna/

The committee, with the support of seven international scientific organizations, made its recommendation based on two major points:

One - The committee revealed that pregnant and nursing women in western cultures don't eat sufficient amounts of fatty fish; it is generally recommended that we consume two servings omega 3 DHA for a healthy pregnancy. The committee also discovered the average DHA intake of pregnant and lactating women in the U.S was less than 18 % of the recommended daily amount and only 2 % of these women meet their daily needs of DHA. Since your baby gets its nutrition from its mother, if the mother is not getting enough of the fish oil then is the developing baby in the womb or the nursing baby is not getting enough either.

Two - Studies also uncovered that pregnant women who ingested the recommended daily dosage of omega 3 DHA have much healthier pregnancies as well as deliver babies that are full term and have higher birth weight then mothers who did not take the recommended daily dosage. In addition, additional studies revealed that the benefits of the omega 3 DHA extend beyond birth as well. When babies received the recommended amount of omega 3 fish oil, especially DHA before birth have optimal brain and eye development and motor, thinking and language skills. In addition, the study revealed a decrease risk of developing problems later on such as asthma, juvenile diabetes and ADD/ADHD.

Speaking for the committee, Professor Berthold Koletxco, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Munich, stated, "We reviewed a wealth of evidence on the benefits of DHA omega 3 and hope our findings will offer guidance for healthcare professionals on the optimum DHA omega 3 intake during pregnancy and nursing."

Additionally, professor Koletzco also stated, "We also hope that new and expectant mothers will be able to use this specific information to ensure that they are getting enough DHA omega 3 to gain the nutritional benefits throughout their pregnancy and during nursing."

The EU committee recommended salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel and tuna as the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids. The committee also pointed out that even though they recommend 200 mgs/day of omega 3 DHA, studies have shown that as much as one gram/day of DHA can be taken without any adverse affect.

As far as fish toxicity is concerned, most experts agree that as long as pregnant and nursing women (and everyone else as well) avoid eating large predator fish such as shark and swordfish, two or three servings a week of one of the above fatty fish is perfectly safe. In fact, a recent Harvard University School of Public Health study concluded that fish oil health benefits far outweigh any threat of toxicity by as much as 500 to one. In other words, toxicity is not a threat.

Consequently, if you are pregnant, nursing or even considering getting pregnant and want a healthy pregnancy and baby you owe it to yourself to start eating more fatty fish and taking omega 3 fish oil supplements ASAP. You will be glad you did and your baby will thank you. - 17273

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Don't Be A Pathetic Loser Your Whole Life - Learn How To Gain Muscle Here

By The Buff Jerk

What's Up Loser! I know you're reading this article now because you're bored of being a skinny twiglet and want to do something about it. Am I right? Of course I'm right! You've ended up on this webpage, haven't you?!

You've probably been searching the net for a while now, trying to find a special, little known 'secret' to gain muscle. Or a get big quick pill or powder. Well, let me tell you now - you need to quit being so pathetic and lazy and take some initiative. There are only two 'secrets' to building muscle and I'll tell you now as long as you promise not to tell anyone else.... Promise....? Okay then.... Are you ready....?? Eat right... and lift weights. THAT'S IT!

Now, let's get a few things straight. If you met me, you wouldn't like me. I'm rude. I'm obnoxious. And I'm a Jerk! But hey... Guess what I don't care! I can get chicks in my sleep with a body like this. So if you think I actually value your opinion then think again!

I do have vast knowledge on gaining muscle. It's part of my job. And after all, that's why my body's so beautiful! So I might as well point a few scrawny twerps like you in the right direction while I've got nothing to do.

When I first began gaining muscle myself, I searched through and read information on the internet a heck of a lot, and now, I can tell you from my first hand experience, that there is so much B.S. on the internet nowadays on how to gain muscle. So many companies trying to sell you lots of useless, powders, pills and supplements. And 'body builders' trying to give you their amazing workout programs that helped them gain X amount of lbs for the summer (which they probably just copied from some online magazine or something).

Let me fill you in on the so called 'secret' you've been waiting to hear. If you want to REALLY learn how to gain muscle, then you're going to have to fork out a few dollars on... not supplements... not a personal trainer... but a proper self tailored muscle gain program. Now I'm not talking about breaking the bank here. You can get top quality gain muscle programs online for about the price of a tub of protein or less.

Now, bear in mind that some of the programs out there are pretty lame and don't give you quite enough information that you'd need to properly and quickly gain muscle. So do some research and don't get scammed!

A top quality program will tell you things you NEED to know, including:-

* How to eat

* How often you need to eat

* The foods you should eat and why

* What foods to avoid

* How to train in the gym

* How many times you'll need to train per week

* How long each session in the gym should last

* The correct exercises and form to perform them in

* What you shouldn't do in the gym

* Important roles of hormones that help you gain muscle

* How to manipulate hormones to help you gain muscle quicker (such as testosterone and growth hormone)

* The best times and ways to rest when bulking up

I could sit here all night as the list really does go on and on...

Anyway, as I was saying... Instead of going down to the gym and busting you're *ss trying to build your muscles, (which I can guarantee won't work unless you know exactly how to go about it) download a well reccommended, quality body building program from the net.

How many weird supplements, tubs of protein and monthly gym memberships have you paid for so far? And how much success have you had? I'm gonna guess little or none! So quit being a whiney loser and tackle the problem from the source. Get yourself a proper 1 2 3 guide on what to do to gain muscle. Or you can just stay a skinny twerp forever - it really doesn't bother me!

Take care loser! - 17273

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Market with organic food

By Karol Wariala

More at: Honey Dressing. The expansion of the organic food market has surprised even the most pessimistic of consumers, and the prospects seem to be even greater for the years to come. Thus, market studies indicate a potential doubling of the sales by 2011. Such statistics have imprinted a new direction to the development of the organic food market as more and more food farmers choose to adapt to the new requirements in order to generate more revenue. Consumers, on the other hand, are determined to read ORGANIC on labels and thus stay away from the pesticides, the genetically modified organisms, the hormones and the antibiotics in conventional food.

The development of the organic food market results from consumers learning that regular non-organic food is dangerous to health by the chemicals it contains. The more we learn about the additives and chemical substances in non-organic products, the higher the eagerness to buy something organic. In time, the exposure of the processed food risks will determine a whole new evolution direction of the organic food market.

And people shop at supermarkets, which is why, retailers have to offer attractive products that are considered organic commodities at a very affordable price. Consequently, when you shop at Wal-Mart you expect to get organic foods at a rather good price.

The organic food market is presently serviced by a huge number of producers worldwide. Although favored by some producers, exports of organic products is more difficult due to the perishable nature of the foods. The responsibility and the emphasis at the same time falls on local producers, farmers or farming groups that primarily target the local market sector.

Efforts are presently being made to extend the organic food market by an increase of the production. This growth can only be achieved if more and more manufacturers get caught in the system. Risks do come with the rapid development.

With the higher demand for organic foods, the sales of conventional products will drop. The problem here is that even the regular items on the organic food market can become subject to the production haste that will involve some form of automated processing or food treatment, thus, pushing the all organic principles a bit further, making them rather loose in fact.

Therefore, we could be assisting right now to a softening of the standards that keep organic foods so desirable to the health-concerned consumers. Regulations therefore have to remain strict and their implementation by control organs has to be impeccable. - 17273

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What Is The Nutritional Value of Acai Berry?

By Carter Sinclair

Acai has been taking the health and food industry by storm lately. Its become very popular now that it has been researched and proven to provide nutritional benefits to eat/drink. The pulp and skin provide the most nutritional value and the seeds are used for other things such as livestock feed and harvesting. The nutritional values of Acai are being used for many different reasons.

With a unique taste like that of chocolate berries many people really enjoy Acais great flavor. Its a taste that is unique so at first it takes some getting used to. After a while you will crave its one of kind flavors.

Acai berry is normally a purple berry although sometimes it can be green too. The purple berries provide the most nutrients because they have the highest antioxidant levels as well as amino acids and essential fatty acids. Acai contains almost 10 times as much antioxidants as other fruits and vegetables and about 30 times as much anthocyanin which is the concentration in red wine to prevent heart disease. Antioxidants help to fight off cancer cells, prevent damage to cells, and slow the aging process.

These fruits are also high in dietary fiber, which helps maintain good digestive health. In addition, they contain mono unsaturated fats and phytosterols, which contribute to good heart health, too. Oleic acid, one of the major amino acids found in the acai berry, is known for helping omega-3 fats penetrate cell membranes. This increases the suppleness of that membrane and helps important chemicals, such as neurotransmitters and hormones, operate correctly. It also contributes to the correct functioning of insulin receptors.

Neurological disorders, diabetes and a number of cardiovascular conditions may be prevented by consumption of these substances. Acai berries have been said to help improve energy levels, reduce blood cholesterol and increase the metabolisms of people who take them. These effects may be due to the fact that they contain both high levels of anti-oxidants as well as theobromine, a stimulant and the chemical in chocolate that causes mood improvement.

This fascinating and delicious fruit could have a lot to offer. It is full of minerals and vitamins and helps to improve your metabolism. Acai berry is a high quality product that should not be overlooked. - 17273

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How Old Do You Have To Be So You Can Drink Acai?

By Carter Sinclair

How old do you have to be to eat vegetables? There is no specific age requirement to answer that question. Acai berry isn't a medication that is measured by age or body mass. It is an all natural fruit. It is vital that children and adults get the necessary vitamins and minerals they need to function at their best throughout the day. Acai berry isn't harmful now mater what age the person ingesting it is.

Amazonians from Brazil have been adding acai berries to their diets for many year snow. This is because the Acai berry contains so many healthy properties for a healthy diet. This is true in that it is even used for medicinal uses. The acai berry is drank as a juice to get all the benefits in one delicious glass of acai berry.

There are no side effects to Acai berry. The reason some have reported side effects from Acai is because they are not getting the organic natural version of Acai they are experiencing these side effects from pills and supplements with additional additives. Many are adding acai to the ingredient list of weight loss and health products just because Acai is so beneficial and they just want the name on the label.

Acai berry is very save and healthy for all types of ages. There are some pills in the diet market that mix acai berry with gurana and this isn't suggested for youngsters. Gurana is a supplement that is a stimulant and suppressant. All natural and pure acai does not have the negative side effects like thses for your teenagers(s). Acai has been proven to improve your health and fitness.

Acai has many benefits including: improvement to mental focus, healthier immune system, and better body functions. Acai also contains many antioxidants that help to fight off free radicals that cause problems to your immune system.

The only disadvantage is that acai only grows naturally in the Amazon and Brazil and it would take more than a day before the crates reach us. Acai fruit loses most of its goodness in 24 hours, this is why it is essential that they are already processed fresh after picking. This process - called freeze drying - is the only way to keep the healthy substances of the acai intact. - 17273

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