Rapid Fat Loss Diets

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Intermittent Fasting Experiences for Dropping Weight and Feeling Great

By John D. Harris Samuel M. Lund William R. Brinker Michael Slots Stetson Hazzlitt Mary Stintson

Intermittent is a weight maintenance method that has been in use since the beginning of time.

In our present time it is not unknown for modern health professionals to perceive that the process of fasting for weight management as being unwise and not healthy for your body. There are some common arguments against fasting but these arguments do not carry much weight with the most up to date weight loss methods. A few of the beliefs against fasting are as follows:

1. Fasting slows down your metabolism so you will not lose weight.

2. Fasting only causes you to lose muscular weight.

3. People always just gain the weight right back after fasting.

Statements like these, along with additional statements have been used for at least the last 150 years. Like many other statements that have been around as long as that, there is more recent scientific knowledge that tends to contradict them. Let me show you three simple examples on the reasons why the statements above are not correct.

1. When fasting you decrease your body metabolism so much that you will not be able to lose any weight.

It is crazy that people agree with things like this. Were a belief like this true then whenever a person stopped eating their body would slow down the metabolism and stop all weight loss. If this really happened it would make it impossible for a person to starve to death! Of course our bodies lose weight while fasting and the truth of the matter is that our bodies need a certain amount of energy each day just to function regularly.

When a person is not eating enough calories to sustain this requirement of their body then the body begins to take energy that is stored in body fat. Each pound of body fat stores 3500 calories. This is the same as saying that if a person wants to lose 1 pound of body fat they must consume 3500 calories less then their body requires just to function.

Fasting works like this. 2000-3000 calories is what the normal person eats in a day. If a normal person went without food for just a single day a week that person would reduce their weekly caloric intake by almost an entire pound of fat.

While it may act to reduce metabolism at first, that very small reduction of metabolism will not have much of an impact at all on slowing down fasting weight loss.

2. Fasting only causes you to lose muscle weight.

Another funny statement if you actually look at the science. While initially the energy is pulled from muscles, it is typically a loss of muscle mass, not actual muscle. This means that your individual muscles will decrease slightly in size as your body pulls energy out of them but that following the breaking of the fast your muscles will very quickly revert to their regular size. Therefore there is no real muscle loss, just a very temporary and very slight loss of muscle mass.

A long, long time ago, back when our ancestors survived by hunting and gathering they were not able to eat everyday. Food did not store very well and it was not readily available. Some days they would find food and some days they would not and the bodies of our ancestors adapted just fine to this lifestyle.

Because of this, when the opportunity to eat presented itself it was natural for our ancestors to eat a very large amount. This would in effect allow the eater to store unused energy in their body fat. Then, when the time came that food was not readily available the body could pull its energy directly from energy storage in fat. Our bodies are truly amazing machines!

It just does not make any sense to think that our bodies would pull body fat from muscle before they would pull the extra needed calories from body fat. We need our muscle to function, while the main purpose of fat is simply to store energy for our bodies. This is what Intermittent fasting teaches and does.

Our early ancestors were able to function just fine on days when they had not had the opportunity to find nourishment because human bodies used calories from fat before they turned to using muscle. It was only after all their body fat, or in other words stored energy were depleted that their bodies would begin to consume their muscle for nourishment. On a normal person today that would take over 50 days of not eating!

3. People that fast to lose weight just gain all the weight back when they finish their fast.

Once again, the best way to consider this statement is to do a simple calculation of calories in, calories out. If an individual does not eat more calories then their body requires, then they simply will not gain the weight back. But, if they eat to much after loosing weight then yes, they will gain weight again, but that is no different then any other weight loss method. - 17273

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